The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 1 April 1911

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 18 1 Singapore Free Press AN D MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. I ten c rrs SINGAPORF, SATURDAY, APRIL 1, ltfll. i I
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  • 173 1 f The King's asseiit for reform bill of the House of Lords— Page 7 .-.slative Councl met yesterday and carried number of b lie so a further stage Page 7 1 hr \i School prize giving and list of winners is on page The Municipal Commission yesterday
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  • 1149 1 I pm i sudden flan stance B to windward riveted the attention of all on M boar manenr which H —bled u< to (i H par* ed toe. H H a fireship Mot m by the enemy which |1 on to one Hj >ur frigates. 9 As
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 I ■v':f*sOii w!■L*i it ft-. 7 «^£s' i*vV* "3 flfln^nV^f^^ZnQ^^bv^^^^9is^r^h fIHKi E^SLsTKHni 9Gla^^39^l^Bf9B >I^Ht i^^^"^^^ti > 3*' JjnwC'BPnTr HCsblu •y BTnnSSgssßa.^Krjwv ta ""^i^ji S^ 9~^s^s^ftjtef'^n39rm f jlv £?tJ ASa^^H^^^SnHHn^nnßsl^^H Qbepw^*- if^-Mj^jjjMyr^«9ff BntflßßLVil* *^im*^ *3^s^ I ON ~<K^ !tn^i a^Bs^sin^n9 n^sHnntf9K 9s^Bn^B^s^BF^MKi^E3 s^nw^^^^ V 9 n^HnV
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    • 99 1 LATEST AOVERTISEMCNTS John Little Co. make an interesting announcement that speaks for itself on this p*«e 1. Marlborough speciality Page 2. imbra Grand Show to night— Page 8. Robinson Co. with a new safety ra Patre British IndU Steamers Thongwa and Ban£ala sailing P^ge 8. Special dinner at the H
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 380 1 MAIL TABLE. The M M Joavea Apl 3. 4u» London Apl 27 I The N. DL. leaves to-day, due Hongkong Apl 6. Shanghai Apl 10, Tokoh&ma Apl 18. H anu lo ai mails will b« fcun' I :i»t below:— J. TO-DAT. I Psnang, Malacca, Federated Malay Stats* jj£ A Johore
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  • 243 2 Mr Thai Seng Yin, the acting Chinese Consul Genera), and a ltrge number of Chinese merchants and others were present at the opening of the School for teaching Chinese ese girls at 1 Tank R >ad on Thursday morning. It was gratifying to see so many
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  • 158 2 St. Andrew's Cathedral. < Fifth Sunday m Lent. 7 an Matins 7.45 am Holy Communion (Choral, Hymns 9.15 am Holy Communion (Pl» 4 pm Sunday School <& Bible Clatter 5.30 pm Evensong and Sermon, Hymn* i Vesper Hymn, Lord keep as safe this night. St. Matth«w's, Sbpot
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 370 2 fo-Night! To-Night!! AT riarima Hall GRAND Oala Programme 2nd Show 9-30 to 11 p m. lew Films! NewPicfues! rHE LESSON .1000 ft. Biograph America SETTLED OUT OF COURT Gaumont CHE AMATEUR SNAKECHARMER OF FOOLS HEAD Italia Fib: norwegian water falls :hieves as quick change ARTISTS fEW KIND OF ARM CHAIR
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    • 552 2 Epsom Spring Meeting METROPOLITAN STAKES I MILES Tuesday, 18th Apl., 1911 CITY AND SUBURBAN II MILES Run Wednesday ,l9th Apl 1911 5000/100 D 0° R UB A L N E V E p V A E R N T T 5000 100 For acceptances, and Prices Win and 1.
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    • 735 2 NOTIGES. The Bankruptcy Ordinance 1888. In the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements Settlement o 8n ib. iN BANKRUPTCY. No. 120 of 1908. RE Lim Hick Phang. Notice is hereby given that a first and final dividend is intended to be declared m the above matter. The claims of any
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    • 534 2 International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000. Head Oppior {—60 Wall Street, New Yqbk. LOSDOH Office Threadneedie Home, Biafaopagate Street Within, Lohdoh BC Lohdoh Bankkbb National Proriaeia Bank of England Ltd. General Foreign Bosiness Trantaettm. DEPOSITS. Oubbknt Depoot Aoooonts opened and Interest allowed on the daiJf balanoee at tb<
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    • 446 2 wanufacturerTS j W6URANCE Co. OF CaNADi. j ■(STaBLIgSJBD 1887. Policies are "WORLD WIDE •iICTBD," ABLI" J?SM FORFEITABLB." &ca v s Claims, loans, caah-ssnonaW* promptly tettleo by the tltnm'' i— Hings pore without the delay el i-iZ? 1 I Head Offioe. Tbe Reserves for protection of i^ holders are over 120,000,000
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 404 3 4O 1 k SJ yJ M N^^S r~)q^ x. >^ JL iJ X\» JLf-L -£3- j-^l JJj Jbl JL I Cheaper than Attaps. No Renewal being Re uired. I Specially Suitable for Estate Buildings T JW m the Tropics. 2 ply $10 per 218 square feet, f 3 ply $12
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  • 397 4 Bride Has To Cra i Jut. Mr Walter Goodfellow, th* leader of the British expedition to the snow r Dutch New Guinea, h*s rt»'u-ned h >me owing to ill-health. His erudition now shows improvement, but wheu he left he was paralysed from the waist downwards as
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  • 379 4 Wisconsin Professor m Lbcturc Says Her Rejuvenation Is a Myth. Chicago, February 14. The awakening of China is a myth, according to Professor Edward A. Bom of the University of 1 cousin, who spoke before the City Club yes* terday at a luncheon. "China,
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  • 157 4 Although the history of the Colony of HongkoDg has been uiie of solid general progress, the fact cannot be gainsaid that m quite a number of important respects we lag conspicuously m the rear of many anHher British outpost. Id no matter is this btkof advancement more sharply
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  • 287 4 VISCOUNT HALDANE AND INDIA. Even before Mr Haldane was announc ed as promoted to be a Peer of the Kdaln the Calcutta Statesman discuses thus th< prospects of his relieving Lord Crewe fron the charge of the India OfficIt is too much to hope that Lord Morley'i return to the
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  • 130 4 Sensational Story from a Stranded VRBBEL at Dover. A sensation**! story is telegraphed from Dover, where the Burn Hue steamer Baanockhurn was stranded last night (March i, after collision m the Channel. Some trouble, the message fays, has broken out on board the Binnockburn,** Two shots
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  • 452 4 S« OF WAT«E T4PPED Awi» Mrs. Ellen J.Porritt, of *>, Ki| a Ro^ began h -uei pains m the region of the kiAme*?** many a time after an attack of alnH* 1 I l«durable backache 1 hare thrown a j the bed thoroughly ■■lmnt >l l
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 628 4 POISON BY A SNAKE BITE After M )Nths m Hospit riARGED plb IEB. **I Would Nevkb Havb Been Wel But For Dr. Williams Pink Pills' The pUin convincing facts of the case of Jacobus Genrit Pelk demonstrate more completely and clearly than any amount of theoreti<*al explanation onnld do the
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    • 1052 4 A City Constable Nervous Depression, Lassitude, Rheumatism From all lands, deputations come to Study th« is made the London Constable superior to all others. "The method by which 1 make myself tfM#J to my wri ible Lawrence, "conNist-, of taking Phosferine at intervals, as m this way I keep myself
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    • 555 4 A NEW SPECIAL PERFUME. I JUST ARRIVED! JUST ARRIVED!' ESSENCE OF BUNGA PEKAN. I PRICE Si -25 per bottle nicely got up each m a fancy box jost intsaMn far Pretest KOH COMPANY, 90, BRAS BASAH ROAD. BOLK AOBNTB k Isfl SfNCAPORE GOVERNMENT RAILWAY. From Ist February, 19 H, and
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  • 948 5 Parreau cumber, Wong Tan Chee Eog Hah, Dolly Pattison j recitation, Rubj Cooper At U kindergarten. EatAngus drawing, Walter Lngard needU work, Wong Kwai Keig. I B— Scripture, E'sie Durham reading, Cecilia Linge. writing, Clara Sanderson numbers, Madge A opvs figures, Grace Fmck English, George rtcitatjon, San
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 406 5 FOR SALE. MOTOR LE OR SALE. p. shaft driven 2 speed gear light weight F. N. m perfect running order plenty of spare parts and has not gone 750 miles. Offers Ac. to Motor Cycle c 0 Free Press. Mar 81 nc_ FOR BALE. Calcutta built two-sea' ed VICTORIA, fast
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    • 600 5 WANTED. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Chinese Clerk who is a capable typist and accurate at figures must also be able to write a good long-hand. Salary $60 Apply k OLIVER c o Free Press. Apl 1 4.4 WANTED. Qualified dresser for a Rubber Estate m Johore. Apply to Johore c/o this paper.
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    • 657 5 AUCTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF Freehold Residential Property At SiraEgoon Hd. Siug-gpore. Tuesday. 4th Apiil, at 2.30 pm. All that valuable piece of freehold lane ■isaafe at Sirangoon Road, near the stone, SiD^apore, area 71,389 square feet be in^ part of Grant 10. Together with th< brick and ti e-roof residenco
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    • 715 5 1 A. Frankel Company, 375 376, VICTORIA S7RELT. I TO WISI SHOWROOMS 3, RAFFLES SQUARE. I ESTA 1 1 PUBNI I RE I ESTATE BUNGALOWS FURNISHED COMPLETE FOR $100 ONLY. Our Latest Extract Dated 6 h March. 1911. Highlands and Lowlands F. Robbt I am pleased with the quality of
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  • 1355 6 *hatt tbe Pres*. tne People s right .naintau, and unbribed by t p-V'tot Truth I precepts draw* Pledged to Religion. Loyalty and law. Saturday, April 1, 1911 Iu regard to that voluntary principle of national servi •< upon which it has been tbe practice of all
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  • 566 6 A REPORT AND A SYSTEM. Pt M usT Pay for Pi At the meeting of the Municipal Commission yesterday the Chairman liid on the table Dr Glennie's report on a model milk supply and in doing so said the report was a very valuable and able one
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  • 361 6 I Amongt visitors to Riffl* by the Sea, m^, recant ly have been the Hon r Pigott, Lidy Lturence, Miss Taurence, and Miss Percival. The first aviation meeting of Hongkong has proved a very great disappointment, only h short flight being found possible bj the aviator, Van den H jrn.
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  • 107 6 SUGGESTIONS OF TEE CHUCfiJt Up to Date Company Law. ila Lumpor. The SeUngor Chamber of Oommerot ssl4 its annual meeting Mr H m the Chair. la the course of his speech th* Cbairn^ reviewed the work of the year. H^.,^ ed tha* lestion of rubber aucusm, Kuala Lumpor
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  • 36 6 om out *rw*i tuunz) Kuaia Lumpur, 4 pa. The Punters S vores are ia reoeipt of I London cable stating a« prios a nUtion sheet and biscuit wa« U 41 ta| of 1
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  • 258 6 UTILISAT IKISHI. tterda? af*noon at 5 pm. %A gave an interesting demomtration vjf 4 fnod he hat dsvissd lor the utilising* of rikisha wheels and axlet m MtocutMi with tlie ordinary universal pattern of &wj sUwteknr. Those present nMnwitc A. Burnt, ram C Inspects Poiiee. k, Commandatt
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  • 48 6 MR CUSCADEN'S ME DAL. oelleocy the Governor will prmt the Kin* a Medal awarded to Mr W. uaoadfla. Inspector General of Vi\m, at a Parade of the Police Force to be bsM on the Esplanade on Tuesday morning tt Government officers are reqnnUsi attend. Uniform will be worn.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 104 6 MACGREGOR'S V.O.S. jlTines! Liqueur Maogregor C-aldbeck Go, LONDON GLASGOW. ESTABLISHED 1864--i PI.IKH TO THE HOUSE OF LORDS. THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, AND TO THB HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. CANAD*. Gaidbeck Macgregor Co, Sole Agents FOR PROVEN BY 38 YEARS EXPERIENCE. GUARANTEED FOI 5 YEARS. Over 1,200 distributed m all parts of
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    • 112 6 LEE BROTHERS. 58-4, Hill Street, .off Stamford Road. HIGH GLASS PHOTOGRAPHY. Enlargements a Speciality PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION FOR SALE. The British Steam Laanch BUSOO Bailt m 1906. Length 60 feet. Breadth 15.5 h 5."». Gross tonnage 10 85. The vessel oellent condition. She goes 9 Knots easily. For further
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    • 51 6 When your cough is irritating, And your throat is dry and son, "A' hen yoa have the influenza, An 1 don t want it any more If you wish to ease ynar throttle Take the remedy that's pare Go at once and buy a bottle Of Woods' Great Poppet mint
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 193 6 THE WEEK OtrvftDiY, April Ist Hitfh Water.— l .V. D. L Mail Oatward due 6 a B. I. Mail Outward due. Musical Farewell, Victoria Theatre, 9 p Harmatoa's OtaON, 9 p 8 High Water.— o.l6 a., sth m Lent. Monday, 3ri Eifth Water Op M. M. Mail Homeward das. !f
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    • 93 7 (Ft 8»bmanD« Telegraph.— Reuter's) Bee M tm Reuter's Barlin correspondent says that a the B iichstag in the debate on the estinates the Imperial Chancellor pointed out :oat since diaarruiuieat hid been suggested il thft fint Hague Conference no one had produced a practicable scheme. Great Britain, despite
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    • 51 7 Mail Boat Ashore. The night boat from Djver to Calais ran >n the baadt between Suigatte and Calais n fog and darkness. Tnere were eighty one passengers on board »ho were much alarmed. They wen safely landed and conveyed with the mails m e*rt* to Calais escorted
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    • 42 7 THE LATEST "DREADNOUGHT." 10 p.m. The Dreadnought Monarch has baen Auached at Elswick. She is 22,680 tons Durden and the feature of the launch is that ier boilers funnels and other equipment tare already m place when the vessel was amWhsji. fc-._#-
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    • 52 7 Received at 6.50 p m. Lord Lansdowne moved that an address bt presented to Hie Majesty the King asking lor his sanction to the introduction fa Bill to Reform the House of Lord Morlsy said that the Government would advise the King to give
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    • 155 7 Successful Pirformancb bt Ban dm arms. Last night the Bind man Opera Company gave a wsleome repetition of The iians to a large and appreciative audience The piece was onlj altered m so far as the -hsngßS m the company necessitated, the mantle of Simplicissos falling on Mr
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    • 40 7 The Oxford-Cambridge boat race will be ed cfif to-day. By latest advices Cam oridge were strong favourites but supporters of Ox ford have been found hardy enough to follow their favourites locally with Mr. C. T. Robinson.
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    • 68 7 Hanaatoa's Circus arrived bj the EUt> an*'* yesterday morning from Bangkok the menagerie was safely landed at the wharf. A his; staff of men were busy erect.Dk» the tent yesterday, and the show positively open to-night with a very stroasj programme. It may be mentioned that the whole
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    • 74 7 The report that th*re has occurred a big are at Tebing Tinggi, Deli, m Sumatra, has been confirmed. A large block of buildings and a market .n the centre of the block have been totally destroyed b? ire, this taking place on the 2l»t Mar, The
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  • 377 7 KING EDWARD MEMORIAL FUND. At a meeting of the Committee of tb< King EJwarJ Memorial Fund on Thursday evening, the Hon. E. C. Ellis m the Chair, reports were received as to the progress ol the Fund. Those showed that cash actually paid into the bank and definite promisee received
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  • 334 7 Mr F. E. Jago who has been a prominent figure in business in the Straits for over'a quarter of a century leaves, with Mrs Jago, I by the German mail steamer Pnnz Ludi wig tor Hongkong Japan and America en route to England this afternoon. It
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  • 164 7 Who *'Stbay Beyond Their Repertoire. i Amusing examples of "Indian English, at revealed m recent matriculation papers," are contained m Modern Education, a journal publis! mbay. Some of the following valuable hints and statements, says the editor, are given free by essayists straying beyond their repertoire "A polite
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  • 948 7 :> worf as anxious for the health o their coolies as the Government of cours must be, and under those circumstances th best results could only be obtained if th< government and planters could work togethe and come to some understanding v to wha was the best thing
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  • 378 7 A meeting of this Board was held m the officas yesterday Mr F. J. Hillifax presiding:, supported by Dr. Murray Robertson, J. Carapiet, H. L. Coghlan, Chia Keng Chin, W. Peacock, A. M. S. Angullia,Tan Kbeam Hock. The minutes of the past meeting were confirmed. Reports and Bills.
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  • 327 7 DEFER VISIT r ngkong is on its hind lags m a pros pective welcome to the fair ones of th< Bandmanu Opera Company. The ecstafj exhibited m this, from the South I Morning Post," seems to be almost tot exuberant. But, of course, the ladies hay( basil at
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 66 7 Children Like It When a medicine most b* given to yoaog children it should be pleasant to take. Cham herlain's Cough Remedy is made from loaf sogar. and the roots need m its preparation gnre it a flavor similar to maple syrup, sna Mag it plosssnt to take, it bas
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    • 39 7 Better than a Plaster. For pains m the side or chest dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and on over the seat of pain. There ig nothing better. For sale by all Dispen--1 sariee and Dealers*
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    • 56 7 Dangei Avoided. Then is little danger from a cold except when follou. hy pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. This remedy lias won its great reputation and extensive hale by it- remarkable cures of colds and can by relied upon with implicit confidence. Fur aale
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    • 305 7 ROBINSON Co. I THE DURHAM-DUPLEX I SAFETY RAZOR. I .^gfe Silver Plated set wi 1 *fe*sm 6 double-edged Blades i v ''W^SPp^^fj handsome Pigskin leather |fIX case --iv $10. 50 i Extra Blades Packet of six m ***** My* $1.25. 1 AND COMPANY. I N THE ALHAMBRA I I 0
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 883 8 To OUP SUBSCRIBERS. CASH IN ADVANCE Secures ten per cent discount. But not if bills have to be issued and collectors sent. Send to this office, any time b m April 10th $6.75 for three months subscription $25 tor j year. ANY TIME BEFORE APRIL 10TH. [POST PB A MONTH
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    • 658 8 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG A N i Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts Ges. M Hansa Bremen. COMBINED SKRVICE. T Htcamera of thes*. Compana- maintain B regular service between Hamburg. Bremt-n Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homeward? they arc despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for
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    • 737 8 OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles aDd Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre and Liverpool
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    • 902 8 N.D.L. P. O. Noradeutscher Lloyd, Bremen STEAM NAVIO ATTOB IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Foi China, Japan, Penang, Ceifc* Tbe fast and well-known mail steamers ol Australia, India, Aden F^ this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen. M^4t»» M P« 4 Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamp Mediterranean Ports, Plfmtm^ ton, Gibraltar, Genoa,
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  • 1544 9 brown, chocolate, yellow, and almost white, move about among a womankind degraded to the lowest forms of labour, and debased out of the likeness of humanity. The turbans and loin i-lotbs of the men are different the fashion of wearing the hair is different; they eat different foods,
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  • 410 9 "Penning Germany In." In discussing the Bagdad question m the Fortnightly Keview," Mr H. F. B. Lynch says However favourable may seem the present political atmosphere for arriving at a settlement with Germany and Turkey upon the Bagdad jnestion, it is necessary that our German friends, who
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 304 9 <G;;. > ZC loiVt ant mouth at odoriser ard 1 I, »0O!c for the teeth. Its I "tlfil [fr^t^l tC€t^ an^ prevents la; "^Mlfl It makes the teeth white and strengthens the B un And it doe* not impair the taste. eit to-day and everyday- it makes for ~*p T
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    • 83 9 Pirsist3nt Cjlis. There is no reason why a cold should hang on for weeks, or until some chronic throat or lung trouble is developed, and it willl not if you take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. By its remarkable cures of colds that remedy has from a small beginning acquired a worldwide
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    • 567 9 J|| > 4 m>~ V. m*W Atf«B si* y 'Cf' f I', I 1 TCtiit p|2;'J] I a: me X Chest. M i H I i m y H m H J iand for 1 H c«; H <{ Ailmcnl* may m many m- 3| icved or cured m M
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 210 10 miM nMjaMM^ M M ,,^M»MM«^M^MMBaBWtMIttttM*B»B»B»BWBMB^ '^BBB*' bHbBbKbBbBSBBB"*-^^^ ■'f *H 3^*^ i^f^^ls I.' r± nBB 1 if r -1»|"1 S[V Bft fW H IMbA 2^HB« flB Wt 3t* Zbl S^LB sb? 3^^' t^ fl t j vi j.^,*^ >" *i VS^^^t > '^b^r 3w 4«y 42 Jw j~^- W^P% -L-^^^^^ y^aV*W*«Bfl^B^BV^B^ffS
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  • 520 11 ITY FOR lA. ihi, Mar 1. The H( Mi H J. Reason, presidu tbe Hntual meetirg of the Karachi Chamber of Ccmmeice y»steiday, referred to the past rasa year of record of large trade. As regards currency matters he was glad to see there had been a
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  • 338 11 A Million Bukibd Neak the Zuydib Zbb. The Lutine treasure ship, which was lo^t between the Islands of Vlieland and Terschelling, off one of the entrances to the Zuyder Zee on the night of October 9 1 790, or on the following momiog, has been located, and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 298 11 7^ 1 I WJ- sf*jP Fountain P buy i^^\^' would have sati The first and moneys worth. <^£$' costtoyouof nearly all fonnj^ *y&^' tai peDS is aboot '^f^jfer same. After a few '&IsS^ weeks the ordinary Pen is -'Sr'^ constantly out of order, while j/^^&/* y&^ c SWAN keeps on
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    • 48 11 n.,g M I II Til I Concentrated Goodness. 2 at*, of Lemco makes \b cups fQSBUSSS of strengthening bouillon. Splendid m fever when the system is low J*^L LEMCO GRANT Co, AUCTIONEERS. ACCOUNTANTS. ESTATE AGENTS ANI SECRETARIES Loans Mortgages Arranged Robber Exchange Building* Telephone No. 4-44. P*cB o.c
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    • 615 11 CROSSF 4% M CELEBRATED m.^L, H tl OILMEN'S BLACK \WIIJr V D stores. naaxs. soups, jams. 9 1 TABLE J^^^^!lfm MALT VINEGAR I Agents for Lea Perriiiß* e c/ a/r h E* if WORCESTERSHIRE SAL CR. K 1 iKK X r 1 1 1 1 I H I r X
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  • 318 12 Bipdui Ifi B I 9 to Trim. Another stage m the long drawn out Oaborne litigation was reached when the Court of Appeal, consisting of the Master of the Rolls and Lords Justices F. etcher Moul ton and Buckley, allowed the appeal of Jir >r
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  • 343 12 A J VPANIBE VlEw Mr Nezu, Chairman of the Common Script Society m Shanghai, is quoted as saying that Englishmen who deny the utility of the Anglo Japanese Alliance are superficial and Japanese who deny it are silly. England learned the value of the Alliance prospectively at
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  • 228 12 A report from Springfield, Mass, says Expert machinists are at work m the United States Government shops m this city perfect ing inprovements on a French gun that can be carried by every soldier, and is said to be almost as destructive as the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 265 12 Q. What is good for my cough? A. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Q. How long has it been used? A. Seventy ye^rs. Q. Do doctors endorse it A. If not.we would not make it. Q. Do you publish the formula? A. Yes. On every bottle. Q. Any alcohol m A. Not
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    • 36 12 fuMCDDl^oi This Cookery Book Free l^^^' a m exchange for signed L.emco iKjHBMB wrappers. Crammed with useful IKjnß recipes, it tells how to use I^V^JBHH Leznco advantagecualy. lW LEMCO jT f 1-1 i ue, London, E.C.
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    • 375 12 I 'VAN A' k G TONIC WINE^ 000 TT n One or two doses daily, J* H strengthen body, brain and o M U U nerves, and counteract the Y\ fatigue and depression °a produced by extreme heat. Fortifies against Malaria Of alt Chemists Sec you get 'VANA' Burroughs Wellcome
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    • 862 12 Singapore Sporting Club. The Spring Race Meeting (Under S. R. A. Rues of Racing.) WILL HE HELD ON Tuesday, the 9th, Thursday, the 11th and Saturday, the 13th May, 1911. PROGRAMME FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 9th May, 1911. 1 The Opening Btakes. Value $600. A Handicap for Horses that have never
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    • 667 12 Entries close at noon on Sat*r*a* tW aa*t r ril. except for Race No SaiVl t* iust be made before Six oSZJ** on Thursday, 1 lth May, at the ttatCal** In all races the advertfca* ItaaaJßy^ will only be given when the» fttarters the property of different oir^l* Note: -The
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  • 1228 13 Quicquidaguui kominet noairi eti farrago Übelli. Jdvkn Ws unearthel the following exquisite gtm from the rubbish heap of a home weekly paper"CosfcB«d Thinkin.. An American ■eeiatific paper comments on the fact that is year fell on the first day of the first week of the first
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  • 1308 13 SHARES. RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. Gap. Istui. I'aid. Labi Div. Butirs. BfeiUM 2/ A Rubber Estatei Uti 4 6 150,000 2/- 2/- Anglo- M*iav 75% int. 13 6 15 1 50,000 2/- 2'- UM Malaka 2 8 30^ 30,000 1 1 BatuCa*Bi 165% 10 0 lo 0 0 80,000 1
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  • 61 13 (COEEECTBD VT TO Mar. 3] Bank 4m 24A demand Priyate credit* 3m i m m credit* 6m Feawce, demand Bank. M PC Germany, demand 2St India, T. T, if 4l Hongkong, demand Yokohama, demand 114| Jaya, demaaJ Ugf Bangkok, demand 66 Soveeeionb, Bank Buying $8.54 Bank of England Rat*
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 424 13 Keep it at Hand. Keep Chamberlain's Pain Balm at hand, become acquainted with its many uses and intrinsic merits and it will save much suffering as well as time and money. It promptly relieves the pain resulting from cuts, bruises, sprains or io juries from any cause and the wound
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    • 120 13 De X JNINKLIJKE PAKETVAA.BT MAA I il VPPIJ ONDEB CONTgAOT WITH THB NBTHIBL4NDB ISDIA OOVBBHIfRVT v. deb B y Batavia, Java-coast, Semarang, Soerabaia, Mn^q,^. BaUkFi^ pan, Donggala, Menado, Sangir-islands, Gorontalo, Tomu bay, Ternate with transhipment to Timor islands and Celbes coast iii v. Hogendorp Bengkalis, Siak, and Pakan-Baroe j van
      120 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 656 13 VESSELS IN POUT. r*l*« and Tone Commanden Arrived Fraa For When Knantea F.M.S. dredger 500 Nov 13 Kaant« N*fe Mew Col. yacht 500 Marpby Jan 31 Penang Zahora Sar Royal yat. 95 Landak Mar 25 KacbiM Cycloops DutGoTt36o ragverder Mar 30 T. Penang ,ceitai» steamers Flag Ton. Master Arrived Ktob
      656 words
    • 184 13 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR AND KEPPEL HARBOUR. Wkarx es and D*eks at which 1 ***e}s were berthed yedwdmg. Eatt Wharf (Basin)— Kuantan, Manila, Van Heemekerfc. ■Mt Wharf Sec 1— Nam Bug. Sheers Wharf Itsukusbima Mam. Main Wharf HmS— Nil. 3— Vladimir. Nil. •t Kalmoa. Lagoon Dock Ser 7— (Undsr ooa^raotkm
      184 words

  • 1320 14 Glenma's report meutioned m another Column U a long and carefully compiled doeum-: he end he makes the following suggestion*. BCCOMMEN I Are* required for the farm The information I hare been able to gather about Hub baa not been drtiuita, as paatur used m Europe m
    1,320 words
  • 368 14 TO BE SOLD TO I An extraordinary general meeting of the I >ickson Rubber Company was held at Oresham House yesterday for the purpose of (a) considering a shortage m the planted area as sscetained by surveys recently completed, and an offer of compensation therefor made without
    368 words
  • 152 14 The twenty fifth ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Singapore way and Engineering Coy, Ltd was held at the offices of the TanjoDg Pagar Dock Board yesterday, Mr S. A Lane, Managing 1 1 rector m the Chair The minutes of the 24th Meeting having
    152 words
  • 34 14 vksti-;i:dav6 PLAI Proms irB. Mer. Vli. Darlnshire and Howe Leat Law I. Gaunt and I'pcott 6 3, 6—B. 8 hip Paibs. Isbire and Cox beat Mugliaton and Howe 4—6, 6—4
    34 words
  • 1023 14 BANKRUPTCY Before Mr Justice Fisher. His Lordship gave judgment m the case of Cbia Kecg Beng, the old man stricken with loeomotor ataxy who wanted his discharge to go back to China and die. His Lordship after reviewing the circumstances granted the discharge. R9 Chop Bm Chuan. This
    1,023 words
  • 768 14 M'AL GENERAL MEETP The annual £Pner*l mm' ing of the members of Tan^liu Cub w*s h«ld last night Rowland Allen p M ►re were also present »M esfl. W, McLeod Craik, A. G. Harrington, E. D. Hewan, W. A. Sims, Lowther X mp, G-R.K. Mugliston, C. I. ry,
    768 words
  • 107 14 Tin HaftUa and M Van Heimskirk are under-going general repairs at Tanjong Pa gar. The Nam Sang lands general cargo from Calcutta and loads for China Japan. The B. I. Contract Packet Thongwa N with mails from London up to the of the 10th March, left IWang at
    107 words
  • 79 14 A telegraph cooly working on th»> Sin<lakan section Dear Boogei Bain reports that, he was attacked by two full ijrown orangM. He says that be only saved him B their clutches by throwing hiraeelf into the Tiver. Th* head maudore thinks that the bed the orang-utans with a Bg but
    79 words
  • 5 14 Xord MB Saigon
    5 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 324 14 MOT fi R l@l T V RP Q are obtainable through the leading dealers and garages as well as through our wholesale agents. The prices are universal throughout: Only fresh tyres stocked: Price Lists Free I on Application. CONTINENTAL TYRE RUBBER Co, Ld. 17, Collyer Quay, Singapore. Telegrams: CONTINENT*. Tel;
      324 words