The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 27 March 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TEN CENTS SINGAPORE, MONDAY. MARCH 27, 1911 NO. 7.1 7 1
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  • 96 1 Our Scottish Latter is on Page The Mexican CdbiLet has resigned Page 5. Shelford and Suogei way dividends Page 4. SCO. and L.L.T.C. tennis results aie on Page The Port Dickson Rubber Company shortage Page S. A bretzy meeting at Hongkong is reported by cable Page 4
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  • 1126 1 I am suffering from a surtat of flats All tuv friends aie living m M «fe some of them commodious, luxurious, and up-to-da'e flits, and othsrs, well just flats. aid furnish a complete guide to flats by now. The same description would answer for them all. Bright red paper
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 436 1 THE STAR OPERA Co dutch AH) I hLAI VARIETY ENTERTAINERS AT THE THEATRE ROYAL, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. To-NiQht! To-Nishtt! A very interesting Parsee Drama "SITAM-E-HAMAM" WILL BE STAGED. COME SEE Charming Actresses. Clever Actors. Comical Clowns. Costly2CoBtunies. Comfortable Theatre. Harima Hall CINEMATOGRAPH, NOKTH BRINI KOAD. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! SPECIAL CHANGE OF
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    • 321 1 LATEST ADVERT SEMINTS. Lost a cigarette case Page 1 Epsom Spring Meeting Page 1 Eurasian as junior clerk Page 7. Estate furnature at Frankel's Page 8. vv films at the Haiima Hall Page 1. Sitame Hamam at the Theatre Royal P'gel John Little's annual cash clearmnoe wit Page 4 SailiDg
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  • 146 2 Among those who took pssesge by the ppoalfaru" which arrived at Yokohama on the 25: a iosttnt there was a Teshima. who had spent several years m America educating himself with the proceeds of manual labour. He broke down under the strees of heavy work, and was
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  • 89 2 A OnHKBAL WOBKMtS UsiOS. The Times announces that a movement is on foot m Great B promote an organisation of industrial workers m India. A meeting of Trade Union officials will be hold m London to cjnsider the question. is proposed to form a General Workers
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  • 387 2 «o> The Peking First Lord of the Admiralty has decided to abandon the northern e%i ron for the present, and to leorganize the southern aquidron, ou account of the dif ficulty of raiting funds. The Superintendent of Indian I muni greats wired from Penang to Kuala Lumpur ob Mar to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 694 2 Tonic Free from Alcohol Are you pale, weak, easily tired, Mid do you lack man power? Ask your doctor if Ayer's > arsaparilla would not be good for you. He knows, and will advise you wisely. Not a drop of alcohol m this medicine. It puts red corpuscles into the
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    • 579 2 NOTIGES. Teluk Anson Rubber Estate Ld. NOTICE OF CLOSING OF TRANSFER BOOKS. Hoe is hereby given that Lli> transfer bookof this Company will be closed on the list March and Ist April for preparation of Divid end Warrants. By Order of tin Board. H. RO] aUD LLIWILLYH, 'h irt- M
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    • 585 2 TO LET. TO BE LET FURNISHED. The comfortable and pleaßftntl residence known v No 8, NASSIM ROAD. Tanglin. Entry from lot 1 April. For particulars apply to POWELL Co., Auctioneers. Mm i I TO BE LET. VILLA MASCOT. No. 33-2, Cavanagh Roa3, from loth April, 1911. App'y to s*m3 for
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    • 547 2 International 'Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000. Head Offic* t 6o Wall Street, Niw Yobk. London Office Threadneedle House, Biahop*gate Street Within, r -ftMfff)sj B Losdob Bankbbb National Provincial Bank cf ficg.and Ltd. General Foreign Butuneu Transacted. on Cubrbnt i kiu.-;? Accooct^ opened and Interest allowed on tbe da.
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    • 339 2 MANUFACTURERS LIFE IWUl A«01 Co. OF CANADA. ■tTABLIBMD 188 T. Head Offlee. ho l a et> istofilostSaoi*"* The Accounts are supervised air liW ance Departm^^^^ iiiTlm CUTHRIE (ft Co., uJ^ SOUTH BRITISH" IKBURAKCE CO LTD "ME I near anoet am ftntklnninn yA r. S •**ijc3|s ttCC4>Dsj{Hj w n sn^sßsW .a
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  • 402 3 It has been asserted that Eogland i»«ver bare got potter Dutch bad not created a corner in pep; r 1 the assertion is not without Ct» ba> histor ,<ijt the writer of a sir article on •Our Right to Ik East ao'l the West." lonists in raiawd the price
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 161 3 Woods' Great Peppermint Care for ail intrt ■al mm dainte dy sentry coughs colds Ac. TASTELESS. ODOURLESS. /U^L. c l*teet scientific preparation "iiJMlJyjft o< COD LIVER OIL. Does all i I that is claimed for it and super I tedet the old fashioned emul ■CM which upset the stomach. HP!
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    • 511 3 FOR SALE. FOR SALE. 80 H. I Qylind. ESTO! H II m splendid runuing cond;:. I on leave. For further particular I B. Archdeacon, Radin Mas, IViu Mk 18 mws oc HOUSE FOR SALE. Woodthorpe Gallop Road Tyeraall an two acres FREKHOLD land. Houfamished and all plants etc. Let at
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    • 750 3 RUQTIONS. Valuable Curios Antiques A Remarkably Fine Collection is Now on Viev Messrs. H. 1. Coghlai ami Co*s Salero--Tbk Whole will n offered at AUCTION On Friday, 31st and following days ai collection comprises some famouf ■>r uLi. Pottery and Porcelain. Beautiful ivories, tine inlaid brasses, quaint incense j burners,
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    • 699 3 AUGTIONS* PRELIMINARY NOTICE IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable TownlJPro per ties Comprising 13 Godowns A 4 Shop-bouses, ITo be held at Powel! and Co's Saleroom j Ou Tuesday, 18th April, at 230p m. TEN QODOWNfI known as Nos. 1. 3, 5, 7 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19, Ho
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    • 200 3 i 'VA N A k J|> TONIC WINE OOP pop A? O O I o One or two doses daily, o strengthen body, brain and M n U nerves, and counteract the o o V^ fatigue and depression produced by extreme heat Kr c => Fortifies against Malaria Of all
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  • 2255 4 The Singapore Free Press. Monday Mar. 27, 1911. Her* ".hall the Pres« thr People rinht imißtM^ Unawed Hy influence and unbribed by fain; io» Truth brt f lo«i«im precepts draw. Pledged to Religion. Loyatar and law. Mr Haldan«'s translation to tbe B of Lords with the raDk of Viecount, which
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    • 37 4 A Noisy Meeting. Hoiigkong, March 25th. I 15 nm. The annual meeting of the Green I«Wj Cement Company was a noit v one Mr Shewan'g optimistic fmwaia *t sjn> nous meetings were severe!? oondssmned
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    • 43 4 Mr Upborne called upoo Mr Shewan t* ohm these honeyed words and optimietie phrases which all pointed to the injury soen optimism caused to the Colony and shook the confidence of investors, thereby keeping capital from being invested m the Colony.
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    • 33 4 A Dumber of jtiestions were asked and it was decided to appoint a committee of two to investigate the affurs tad bx,k« of the Company and to report thereon.
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  • 35 4 (From our own Corretpomdeut.) Malacca, March 15 p At the last Rubber sale the following Fine Sheet Sheet ►pe k Crept Scrap 1 N v Altogether two pikult were sold. m m
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  • 27 4 >m our Own Corr**: h,d.) Panang. Mar Special London cables state that Sbelfonl pays a ten per cent dividend and Siinfti Way V\ final dividend.
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  • 8 4 Afsntß Derrick tad Co. Baxgowmib
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  • correspondence.
    • 169 4 TO THK El»ITO«, D. MacGillivary (113 Njrth Szachuen Road, Shanghai writes to correct the impreeeion that the present famine it Bet co had or to widespread m thit of 1906 7. Without counting Kiaafii, the apimate area of distress is !*.OOO §qmm miles, with a
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  • 308 4 THE LOST PAPUA EXPEDITION. Yesterday thess "lUurtm" c line into *y via Port M xmbj Thursday Island." Port Diririn and Jata ports. It brought new! that H expedition w|iicfa left Part Moresby m Sow ws monthf provisions and wm doe back the?e oa Jam 7th wm still nM|> Officially hope
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 241 4 KELLY WALSH, LTD. RECENT BOOKS ON THE FAR EAST. jamea v^an.c Tfae j apanege Empire and its economic Bttt D*f m Japan by G. Trombnll condiiions by Joseph D'Antremer, Ladd —16 50 w ith a Map and 20 illastrations $6 50 Peace or War East of Baikal by E. J.
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    • 68 4 No Home is Complete Without A Gramophone THE BEST CHEAPEST MEANS OF PURE ENJOYMENT. TERMS TO SUIT^ALL. S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD, THE ARCADE mtb BILLIARDS. The Anglo Australian Cushion. (Alcock'b Patent with Improvbmihts by John Roberts, Retired World's Champion) ABSOLUTELY THE BEST CUSHION TO DATE FOB ANY CLIMATE. JOHN
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    • 38 5 Peremptory Ultimatum. Submarine Telegraph.— Reuter March 26th, 2 pm. St. Petersburg telegram states that a Russian ultimatum to China demands an exhaustive and satisfactory reply to the Rneian Government's last note, by M i >:h.
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    • 23 5 Oberwiae the Russian Government reeervea to itself freedom of action, and will Make the Chinese Gjvernment reponsible tot its obstinacy
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    • 35 5 In London, a considerable amount of war surance is being effected at Lloyds. Yesterday, the rate of insurance was from tesi to twenty guineas against a rate of :arce guineas last Monday.
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  • 18 5 Cabinet Resigns. March 25th, M rhe Meiicaß Cabinet has resigned. President Diaz has deferred action.
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  • 46 5 Prominent Members Suspended March 2*.. b, 10.7 am. Bt, Petersburg telegram states that a Imperial decree suspeEils from the sitting of the Council of the Empire until 1912 General Trepcff and Councillor Dumovc who were mainly responsible for the defea af M. Slolypin.
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  • 50 5 Bee Mar 25. 10.18 am. Renter's correspondent at K>me sayi that quite a sansaliuu has been caused bj King Emmanuel granting an audience tc :he Socialist Daputy Bissoluti, and dig cussing with him the Ministerial crisis. This is the first time a Socialist has enered the Palace.
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  • 107 5 The following was the result of the Grand National Steeplechase (Four miles and a half.) Mr F. Bibby's Glenside 103 1 MrO.H. Jones' Rathsai it 11 Mr P. Nelke's 5 The winner was trained b> Capt Collis. The race was won by twenty lengths with three between
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  • 237 5 A special general meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Eiehaage was heli on Friday for the purpose of nominating a representative on the Legislative Council as substitute for the Hon'b'e D. T. Boyd. the Chamber's lepresent who hat been granted leave of absence. M r
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  • 51 5 How to core a cold is a question m which aoaay are interested jos* no w > hamberlain's Cough Remedy has won its great repasatiea and iBMMSMf sale by its rrnnsrkaMe core of colds It can always be depended upon. F w sale by ali Dealers
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  • 942 5 The following was the report of the Directors to shareholders of the above Company at the meeting on Mir 10: The output of tapioca for the period to 30th September amounted to 12,099 piculs, or about 10 lbs., and realised an average price of about $7 per picul,
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  • 34 5 The most common cause of insomnia is disorders ot the stomach. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv^r Tablets correct these disorders and enable you to sleep. For sale by all Dealers and Dispensaries.
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  • 1256 5 (J'V respondent). Mirch-J About a month a^o, Mrs Cameron, wife of a lieutenant m the R »val Field Artillery, at !t stationed at I'lnrshill, reported to lice that she had been attacked by a 1 Shandwick PJace, Edinburgh, aDd 1 of a pearl necklace valued at Jfct.5,500. ited
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  • 683 5 Erminie." In producing this comic opera the Company skipped at one bound from the modern musical trifle to the light opera of -m era which saw Gilbert ana Sullivan's famed pieces and such old time favcu-ites as Djrotby, Haddon Hill and others. minie" d.ffers from the up-to-date
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  • 55 5 Owing to representations by Mr <i. F. Hohler, M. P. for Chatham, thn ir Office has granted Mr Ebeue/»-r Cheshire. (Jillingham, a long service and good conduct medal to which his deceased son, Sergeant F.Q. Cheshire, of the Bait, would have been entitled. Mr Cheshire also received a gratuitj of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 402 5 (icmlcmcn s tailors |p^7^f^| We arc Specially fitted to advise W D Outfits for all P arts of tfct L rai |X I^K v World, and every requisite is Jnmm Our Spcciahfc W* I aJI the neweBt and latest der^ Viv signs of Homespuns. Cheviots, O K« v eeds, and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 642 6 APARTMENTS. Comfortable doable and single rooms with Board at "MILDURA 7, Oxley Rise. Tennis. OUhlua. Terms moderate. is Febai T BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Ltd. For Port Swettenham and Penang. The Company KAPURTHALA. laW tons. G. W. Sinclair, Commander, will leave the Singapore Roads for the above ports every
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    • 542 6 WMU TRASATLANTIDA OF BARCELONA. I FOR ILOILO AND MANILA Tin 18)81 Maii. Steamer DO poo E expected to arrive here from Europe on th March, 1911, and 11 ha itch for at«ve ports. For Freight and Passage, apply to KAK! 'W i Co., Agents. a Mar 27 31-3 aj JRITISH
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    • 581 6 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG ANI> )eutsche Dampfschifffahrts Ges. Hansa Bremen. COMBINED SKRVICE. The steamers of theße Companies maintain Q roguiax service between Hamburg, Bremen, ntwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, hina and Japan. p Homowardp, they are despatched fortnight- j for Havre and Hamburg and once a month i a
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    • 750 6 tl CEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD. and I hina Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. j The Companies' Bteaiuera are despatched A om Liverpool outwards for tht: StraitH China t ad Japan every week, and from Japan home- r ards for London Amsterdam and Antwerp yery fortnight; for Genoa. Marseilles acd
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    • 1036 6 P. &O. p BTEAM NAVIUATION COMPANY Foi China, Japan, Penan* Ccylotr Australta, India, Aden. Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London, Through Bills of Lading issued for Chin* toast, Persian Gulf, Continental and Am an Porte. SleaaMn will leave Singapor or about MAIL LINE* Outward 1911 1911 Lssayt April 7 Arcadia
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  • 115 7 Jan. Feb. it «I 7 529 Braasg 132 I p«m 600 625 1,22 Heawood Kamnning $7,852 8,590 I M Kanaboi 358 110 K:n:a 455 90( Kinta Association 525 52 Ekia^ I M 16< Kramat Pulai 167 16 Koantan Lahai MO 505 1,811 MtEhlemba Lode 307 30' New Oopeng
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  • 582 7 Jan Feb ll Ailagar 4,000 8,222 Alor Pongsu 3,808 Alor Gajah 1,858 Alma 50 1,600 3,050 Anglo Malay 61.978 IMH 115,910 Ayer Konicg 601 AyerMolek 8,827 1,995 5,822 Ayer Pan as 1,967 Bakap 2,899 *r 12,585 Batak Habit 2,479 4,959 Banteng 3,340 3,332 6,672 Batu Caves 18,893
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  • 1330 7 RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES Cap. tssui. Paid. Last Di*. Btjt«r«. SiLLBEe 85,000 2/ 2/ Allagar Rubber EstAtea Ltd 4 150,000 2/- 2'- Anglo-Malay 75% int. 187 15 4' 50,000 2/- 2'- Batang Malaka 2 9* 30,000 1 lUtu Caves 35%int.l5 10 0 10 0 0 80,000 1 1 Batu Tiga
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  • 79 7 Undeb Contract with the Nethiblands India Oovrbnment Agents at Singapore, The Shipsa*ency, Limited, 2-3. Cc liver Qmi THI DNDIBMBNTIONID DATIS OF IPAI El ABI ONLY APPBOUMiVI. v. Heeusiebk Batavia M Rumphijs Bela wan- Deli MBHGGAH I Riouw, Prigi-Radja and Rengat DE KLEiK Banka coast de Kock
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  • 59 7 Coemctid vr to Mar. Bank 4m i demand Private credits 3 m credit* 6 m Z. Feanci, demand Bank... 5?^ Okemast, demaud 240 India, T. T, m Hongkong, demand JJ* Yokohama, demand Z llij Java, demand 1401 Bangkok, demand 66 SovBmiiONi, Bank Buying $8.54 Bank of England Bate... 3%
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  • 90 7 ■anfc K. Hummer M( 8 76 Gambier Cube No 1 14 50 (HmbMrOaWKe.8 m m P«pp«rBk«k (art*. 8*fOTt) -F^ Wruu fur) 3«: SutmagtaiflUtktlk)., Vutm»|fi (80 to in M»ot (BuiAa) Bally Coffee (lu% B Liberia Ootat g 00 ThfitM, imall fMr! (fair fraiiij) n do. t&hi It. Ao. aaftHiftarl it.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 480 7 WANTED. GOVERNMENT OF SELANGOR. WANTED. Applications will be received up to the 10th April. 1911, at the ofiice of the Secretary to Resident, Kuala Lumpur, for the post of Chinese Clerk and Interpreter m the Prisons Oepartment, Kuala Lumpur, earring a salary of 95i3 per annum. Applicant must have a
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 907 7 VESSELS li\ POK'I Fl*r and Tona Commanderi Arrived From Kuantan M.S. dredger 500 N O v 13 Koantan erUm Sea Mew Col. yacht 500 Murphy Jan 31 Penang certain Zihoni Royal yat. 95 Landak Mar 25 X aching ok Flat- loot Abater Arnred From GoonciMt Anamba Brit <angster Mar 21
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    • 111 7 WEATHER REPORT Date Bar Wind Temp Hum Sk? Mar 25. ■g +p Bl 61 O p Manila 4p MarM. H'kong 10 a 30.26 E3 H o Manila 10 a 763 Calm 28 23 ob H'kong 4i i E4 62 Manila 4p ESEI 26 23 d Kaadang Kerbau Hospital, Mar 24.
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  • 659 8 In connection with the meeting of March 'he following circular bave been sent Out: Sh< mii» Area. A survey of the planted area was commenced m October, li^O, by Mr XcOrvsral. On receipt of his survey m January, 1 the Directo*s at once instructed Messrs. Draper
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  • 122 8 Mr Joynson Hicks is the L'nionist candidate for Brt Mr Augustine R-vhe baa been returned unopposed for North Mr Roche is a Nationalist. The King held another Levee at St. James's Palace on 28tk uU. which was largely attended. Amongst members of the Diplomat Corps severally introduced by the Master
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  • 785 8 {Via Ceyl Sli; VMll l.'N iK INCISED. Sir R Polk Carkw's Atta lABTERN I. mdon, March I 5. In the discussion on tbe Army Estimates much criiiciun was directed against the otti cial publication of Sir Un Hamilton's memorandum on compulsory service. Sir K. Pole Carew, m making
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  • 98 8 Mr Arthur Edward Barlow, of Trinity House, Tower Hill, EC, formerly commander of the I'enicsuiar and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, lately elder bro f her of Trinity House, left estate valued at £11,868. Among the passengers leaving this afternoon by the German mail PriLz^s Alice" loi Genoa are Mr and
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  • 830 8 Clues Win h Bm ki The letter was written on an Oliver No. achine (old style) about f-igbt years old. Tbe carriage of the typewriter was running sluggishly. The letter 'O shows that the type bar was loose or bent. The letter *R' type bar was not
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  • 129 8 The I > lily Telegraph states that Captain Gardiner, master oJ the salvage steamer Lyons," has discovered the treasure ship tine," which has been buried m the sea at Terschelling, (one of a chain of islands to the north of Holland) for 112 years. A search for «i*l,( 00,000, said
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  • 204 8 The denial d for s^amers has notably increased of laic iv .1 p-tn, and m view of tbe rmiitL' Ulto for** ot the increased Customs tariff n»xt July, the purchase of foreign tt earners has been very active. Since the beginning of last month no fewer than six
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  • 154 8 SATURDAY'S PI A I Threlfall beat H. H. Wilson 7—"., 7 -V B E. W. P. Fulcher v Kilby, postponed. mehs' HaVDica*. P. F Eichenbeig beat T. A M Ruys 6 4_6, tf_4. A Class D«>i bles. PAL TIE. Gaunt and Howe beat Kerr and
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  • 87 8 TO DAYS TU Mrs. t.atty and Mrs. Cantrell v Mrs. Haskins and Miss Rae. Mrs. and Mis 9 Elcutn v Miss Abraius and Mrs. Webster. THIKSDAY'S v FRIDAY'S RE3ILTS. Mrs. (ratty and Mrs Cantrell beat Mrs May son and Mrs. Wreford. bjl Brooke acd Mrs. Braddell beat
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  • 180 8 The Rev. George Brown, l» l». who has spent many years of bis life m the South Saa Inlands endeavouring to stamp out polygamy and cannibalism among the yes, says m some parts of New un the natives bare a custom of placing young women m strict seclusion
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  • 157 8 Per Perak Mr and itlor, Mr and Mrs \V bit ton. Messrs A. B. Winter, Mrs A. E. Webster, P. G Simco. Mis Smire, Inspector Lavender, D I trden, G Dertiies (iill, Obu Chiang, Sect Keng Sech, Sect Hong Kee, Tan Kiong Ann, Loh Yeow Chye. Per Taroba:
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 187 8 Fresh Australian Pure Creamery BUTTER. Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LTD. A. FRANKEL& COMPANY. 375-376, VICTORIA STREET. TOWX SHOWROOMSZ3, RAFFLES SQUARE. ESTATE FURNITURE ESTATE BUNGALOWS FURNISHED COMPLETE FOR $100 ONLY. Our Latest Extract Dated 6th March, 1911. I am pleased with the quality of the goods and the prices, and more
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