The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 24 March 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 Si ngapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TEN CENTS SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 24. 1911. NO. 7,172
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  • 150 1 Results of yesterday's tennis ties will be found on page 8. There have been two deaths from cholera at Pulau Brani Page 5. Two coolies have been killed during a thunderstorm at Ipoh Pag* There was a email outbreak of fire at Anson Road yesterday Page 5.
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  • 921 1 YOURS TRULY." A prcptsitioD was laid down at H(mjlo> little while ago by several papers as to whether the time bad not arrived when because of the rush of modern business, the title Messrs might not well be left out of addresses and merely the name of the firm inserted.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 394 1 IHE ALHAMBRA 5,000 FEET OF FILMS~ of the Finest Quality m the World figure m our CHANGE OF PROGRAMME TO-NIGHT. >-to*dat PRODUCTIONS. Direct from the World's Best Mates. II ook out for the latest rail Hews m Pathe's Animated Gazette 27th Edition Late Dnke of DevoiwhJr International Courtesies. Lord Lacdsdowne
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    • 299 1 THE STAR OPERA Co. THE DUTCH AND MALAY VARIETY ENTEBTAINERB AT THE THEATRE ROYAL, NOIMJi KKIIX.E ROAD. JUST ARRIVED' JUST ARRIVED FROM BATAVIA. A new and charming actress and violinist will appear m to-night's grand k popular Fairy pi ay entitled "CHATRA HAWAI E MAJLIS" THE BEAUTIFUL \S ILL BE
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    • 144 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. To let furnished, 8 Nassim road Page 2. Bankruptcy notice re G. J. Vickery I 2 Shorthand writer and typist wanted Page 3. Ocean Steamship Company latest sailings Page 6. Woodworking plant and machinery for sale Page 7. Notice re closing of books of Taluk Anson •state Page
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 374 1 THE WEEK Friday, 24th i High Water.— 3 I N p P A O Mail Outward due S.C.C. Tennis Tournament. Legislative Council, 2.30 p Singapore k Johore Rubber Co. Meeting. The Dollar Princess. Victoria Theatre, 9 p SATURDAY, -23th Hi^h Water.— 4 30 a., 8.35 p Annunciation Lady Day. Ermin
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  • 747 2 s V lilnguuu) KLIAMEN LoLdon, March Following Lord Morley's reply to Lord Salborne the House of Lords proceeded to a debate on the Declaration of London, which Lord Desborough denounced. He moved a resolution that a royal commission be appoint ed to report on the advisability of Great
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 36 2 Answer to the Question. How to core a cold is a question in which ■MyyNwiil^JMtaow. Ch«aberwS Remedy has won its great reont and immense sale by its remarkable cnre of •»i« by all Dealers and Dispensarifts/
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    • 698 2 I NO r/GES. ion Insurance Society of Canton Limited. NOTICE. The Annual General Meeting of Share holders will be held at the Office-* of the Society, Hongkong, on the 26th April, 1911 when the Board of Directors will reconimenc the following payments A final dividend of 920 per share on
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    • 740 2 NOTICES. Teiuk Anson Rubber Estate Ld NOTICE OF CLOSING OF TRANSFER BOOKS. Notice is hereby given that the transfer bookof this Company will be closed on the Ist. March and Ist April for preparation of Dividend Warrants. By Order of the Board. H. ROLAND LLEWK! Chart' r«d Accountant Secretary Mar
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    • 533 2 TO LET. TO BE LET FURNISHED. The comfortable an 1 residence known as No 8, NASSIM R JAI Tan^ m. Entry CrOB pril For particulars, apply to POWELL Co., Auctioneer: Mar 24 TO BE LET. VILLA MASCOT, No. 33-2, Cavanagh Roac from 15tb April, 1911. Apply to same fo particulars.
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    • 517 2 International -Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000 Hbad Office :-«0 Wall Street, Niw Yom. London Office Threadneedle Houae, Bxbhopßgate Street Within, LOHDOfI BC Lohdoh Bankbbb National Provincial Bank of England Ltd. lt General Foreign Business TniMrtii. I ITS. Ccbbbnt Dbpobit Aoooonfts opened and Intereet allowed on the daiit balance*
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    • 169 2 WANUFACTuSi^ t aims, ioaaa, *nhMiii,. promptly aetUeo to ik. i! 6o^- e|* Head Office >*Z The tim, fr General Agent*. mn« -^**"*m tad SOUTH BRITISH FEDERAL LlFp^ Aisvflßoe Con^iv <%#^ Established issi, »1? SURPLUS l a^°SL2f?| ll| J» and all ootetaading *u^, 7 •■*> Thi BcmwoCo., Ltd. B Fal r^re
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  • 935 3 |Tliw) on January 20 at to tbe possibilit a further considerable rise m the price of joetel have been justified by subsequent events. At that tine, when tbe strong factors underlying th* situation were briefly discip rß es bud sdvaaosd lo onsMidarably over j£ «er tor. aud
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 76 3 Persistent Colds. Theae is BO rwunn why a cold should hang on lor week*, or until some chronic throat or hag trnntli is dwlofd, and it willl not X joo takt Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. By ill remarkable cures of colds that remedy has from a small beginning acquired a worldvide
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    • 606 3 3RTHAND Wlflßß AND TYPIST Wanted immediately. Speed essential. Apply by letter stating speed to EVATT A Co., Singapore. Mar WANTED IMMEDIATELY A yonng European as Assistant Accountant for a group of Estates. Kajang District. I ference given to one with some previouß ex perience of Estate a ce. Free Quarters
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    • 746 3 REMINDER. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Teak Office Furniture, Iron Safe? Electric Fittings &c. TO BE HELD AT No. 1. MaLA.CA STRKE 1 (off D'Almeida Street) To-Lay Friday. 24th March, at 11 a.m. NOW ON VIEW. CATALOGUES ISSUED. POWELL Co., Auctioneers Mar 18 25.8 AUCIION S4LE OF FREEHOLD LANC SITUATE AT
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    • 667 3 AUCTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF Household and School Furniture, Pianoforte &c. AT No. 15-C, MACKENZIE RO On Friday. March 24th, at 3 p.m. Comprising: School desks and forms, dining table, rattan lounges, bentwood and rattan chairs. bedliMdi and bedding, almeirahs. wR<-li-t«nds, dressing tables, kitchen sundries; China, Glass and Lamp Ware Ac,
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    • 573 3 c |/rn] m rV IT. ft. fe H. Solution MaKes Fat, Flesh, Bone and Muscle w/^ 'Kepler' Solution is a food— not fr WVC a mcdiv z* Pi The food that strengthen H > weak and fatt wasted. .r*l The food that enrich* and fortifies the constitution. The food that
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  • 21 4 Domestic Occurrences. Birth. At the European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur on the 19th inst., the wife of Geo. Fkaser of a daughter.
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  • 1450 4 The Singapore Free Press. Friday, Mar. 24, 1911. the Pr»-s« ih~ Peoples rvnt tnainKua, Dimptd l>v influence and wnbribeit l»y g^in Hart pat'ioi Tnith hi-r c'< 'io»> precepts draw. Pledged t.-> Ri-^u'Jnr,. I^iva'tv .itiJ l-»«* Though the Uaited S ites is very bier, very populous, and very prosperous, and although
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  • 549 4 A hippopotamus in the Calcutta Zoological Gardens Attacked a native keeper, killing him. Seve-al thousand coolies are leaving Hoihow for Singapore owing to the drought and consequent hard times there. Police Inspector Connor has arrived from Penang and has taken over charge of the Fanghn division, vice Inspector Frayne transferred
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  • 13 4 AN ACCIDEHT. mach.oecrMbad into the <id!j '-!>«*■« w« pn«ot. rendered
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  • Correspondence.
    • 54 4 To the Editor, D«arBir,— An old resident m S is anxious to know if there it a ThtZ***** m the placet* extract a c*t*r tt information f r *m friends will h. thankfully recaivei U1 Yjurs Gbediefttlr, lIODI, qxious would appear only to nead ti» Consult hi. medial
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  • 519 4 Pbstital of Tcah Ph Ko»«l owners m the F MS. perhaps does *v Chinas festival of Taah Pek bo much interest and f arnith occasion for m much rejoicing as it does m Ipoh The e»W bntkm this yw it befog observed on a «Z more
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  • 127 4 A zoological paradise, stys th« Jaamsl de§ Debate, is to be established on ths islands of Briooi, m the Adriel Herr Cirl Hagenbeck. tb« well known Hamburg wild beast proprietor, who is said to own more animals than at the world, is arranging to populate the Brioni
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 145 4 JOHN LITTLE GO'S ANNUAL CASH CLEARANCE COMMENCES Itionday, flpril LIMPET BOLTS WASHERS. Best Protection for Corrugated Iron. Hall's Sanitary Washable DISTEMPER. The cleanest form Jo[j^p Full particulars post of decoration. ree on application. SOLE AGENTS, GUTHRIE ®b Co., Ltd. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW YORK. DEVOES IMPERIAL BRILLIANT $2 SO
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    • 83 4 Mr. J. S. M. RENNIE. p.p.c. j S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD. THE PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE. THE ARCADE. IS A Synonym of Good Faith. Moutries Guarantee Satisfaction, Moutries Sell the Best Quality Goods only at the Lowest Prices. wf BILLIARDS. The Anglo Australian Cushion. (Alcock'b Patent with Improvements by
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    • 6 4 Woods 1 Great Peppermint Cure for
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  • 56 5 A CHAIN OF BONFIRES. (fly Submarine Telegraph.— Beater's.) RecMt I 24. pm. M for the Coronation boLtires are •f, Detonating rockets will be fired at night and the bonfires will be ed at ten o'clock on every prominent 4 ht. The nations! anthem will be sung the hills
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  • 36 5 Ipob, Mar I T*j coolies bare ben killed through ta fcig shelter during a storm under a tree Viich was ■track bj lightning. Thue have been beaTy thunderstorms but the beat continues. »-.-<
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  • 58 5 Lord Lansdowne's Health. Bee Mar 23. 10 25 a.m. Reports thai Mr Haldane ii to go to the Hesse of Lords are renewed. The disquieting reports regarding Lord >wne*s state of health continue. He has returned from Brighton unimproved. Id the House of Commons Mr At.juith ted that
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  • 178 5 At 12 5 pm. yeaterdav, the Fire Brigade wtre called oat to a coofligratioo at Anson 1. Oa arrival at the scene, it was found -hat an weninew if store at the ju action A mo* R>ad and W*llich Street was ibk .'.y Oil, rose and
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  • 82 5 CHOLERA AT PUL AU BRANI. Much sympathy will be felt for Mr tdgar Gttistaa. engineer of the Marine DsaartßMSit A few days ago, his father-la-law, Mr Miajoot, who had beta feeling anwell. west over to Pul»u Brani to stay with him for his health. While there. Mr Miajoot contracted cholera
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  • 47 5 ACCIDENT ON THE RECORDER." A fatal accident occurred yesterday nornim* on board the cable ateamer Resorder m the roads. A Malay seaman wae sent aloft to reaoove the Morse Umpe. He suddenly fell >ut of the rigging and dropped on to the iwning spreader. Death was instantaneous.
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  • 85 5 The Panang Irish entertained their friends ight royally on St Patrick's day, Mr \rmstroog presiding and the Resident ocillor and nun j others being invited md attending. A highly successful evenoff wae spent and the ladies of Penang had aeir own Irish dinner at the
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  • 66 5 tbe annuil meeting of the Union .oauranc* Boeietv of Canton at Hongkong dividends amounting to 50 per and b >ou* cf 20 per cent on contnbu M will be proposed. There will be a special service and sermon Sunday at the Presbyterian Church m )nnection with the Tercentenary of the
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  • 60 5 Tis sweet to bear the watchdog's hones bar Bay deep-mouthed welcome as we draw Tie sweet to see the giddy little shark Disporting graoef ully amid the foam I Tit sweet to know our wives with angry frown, Wait oar return with resolution sure Bat best of all to know
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  • 102 5 FOOLISH AMERICAN RUMOURS Mr Taft's Earnest Disclaimer. (By BubmariD« Telegraph. Reuter's) March 23rd, 4 16 pm. A telegram from Washington states that the Japanese Ambassador, the Hon. J. lida, responding to an invitation on the part of President Taf t, called at the White House. Mr
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  • 90 5 Lord Morley's Statement. Offer of Good Offices. In a debate m the House of Lords, Lord lev, who is at present acting as Secretary of State for India during Lord Crewe's indisposition, stated that if the Government could look forward to a settlement of the ..■hdad Railway
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  • 39 5 Rec 10.55 a.m. Reuter's Sicramento correspondent says that the Californian State Senate has passed a bill prohibiting aliens from holding land. Thi» is similar to bills which have been periodically introduced but have never been tiuallj enacted.
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  • 15 5 A NEW GERMAN DREADNOUGHT. The new German Dreadnought "Der Kaiser has been launched at Kiel. > <
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  • 292 5 Gillman Rube. On February Bth. at St. John's Church Meads, E tat bourne, the marriage took place between Major Webb Gillman, d 8.0., Rojal Fiel ->ry, jounger son of the late Herbert Webb Gillman, the former Ceylon Civil servant, who retired m 1^75 as District Judge
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  • 63 5 Following is the comparative table of rubber reaeipts at Para ao r. o O 9 O —i r. July 1.840 1.370 1,300 I,4ih l.tlW 1.500 1.890 1,870 1 Sept 2 •0 3460 Decem J6lO 2,560 Im 5,340 5.800 4,670 5,790 March 5.830 4.240 4.140 \pril 41)0
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  • 268 5 THE M lIWLITY. At the meeting of the I M C. A. Parliament irv biting Society, held at the Y. M. C A., on Wednesday evening, about twenty-five men were m attendance, and took part m a very interesting discussion on the recommendations of
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  • 256 5 Oa Sunday, Mtrch 26th, the members of the lUndmtuu Opera Company will give as was done last Sunday, an al fresco concert at the Singapore Cricket Club Pavilion. The concert on this occasion will be under the patronage and m the presence of H. E. the
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  • 275 5 The following left yesterday morning by the P. and O. through mail steamer Marmora," which is to procaed via Bombay where she is to p ck up three hundred more passengers from ladia: Sir \V. H. Hyndman- J met, Chief Justice, and Lidy Hyndman Jones, .Mr H. de
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  • 118 5 It is stated that there is a water famine at Pomiarak. The Englishman who lost his life m the burning of the Kanagrawa lunatic as> lum on March 6th was Dr Willoughby, and from the Japan Gazette we gather that he was fifty years old and is said to be
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  • 514 5 ANOTHER SUCCESS BY BAND.v I don't suppose we shall see it again for moonths, and moontbs, and moonths," to borrow an idea from the topical song, which was probably the reason why so miiiv took the advantage of renewing an acqunutanee with the ever-popular Mary Gibbs," presented
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  • 437 5 The Malay Mail has the following. >qs H. Lemaire, a representative of tbe 1 'lgian Government now m Kuala Lumpur, informed us that two other gentlemen will follow him to the FM.S. M. Lemaire is, to give him his full style and title, Ingenieur Agricole,
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  • 25 5 The wedding of the fifth son of Prince Ching, and the daughter of the Governor of Shantung, will take place on the 24th of April.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 412 5 Gentlemen's Callers f» 4 We are Specially fitted to advise on Outfits for all parts of the ,W^ World, and every requisite is sfNaN Lounge Jacket Suit $35 I g n a^ the newest and latest de- in miw signs of Homespuns, Cheviots, Tweeds, and Worsteds. The cut, I W
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 422 6 THIS IS IT TASTELESS. ODOURLESi tThe latest scientific preparatii of COD LIVER OIL. Does i that is claimed for it and sup< sedes tbe old fashioned cmi sions which upset the etomac offali. chbmibtb 1.25 and $2.00 Singapore Cold Storage Co, Ltd Near Entrance to Borneo Wharf. Telephone 1026. Sea
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    • 652 6 COIWPANIA TRASATLAMICA OF BARCELONA FOR Colombo, Genoa, Barcelona, Lisbon am Liverpool. Q Thf Mail Steamer "CARLOS DE EIZA< ia expected to arrive here from Manila a on Saturday the 25th March. 1911, and will hay prompt despatch for above ports, ill For freight and passage, apply to BARLOW Coy., Agents
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    • 593 6 HAMBURG AMERIKA d LINE, HAMBURG AND Deutsche Dampfschititahrt Ges. M Hansa Bremen. COMBINED SERVICE. The steamers of tlit Companies maintai a regular ■fffiei between Hamburg, Brumei Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Strait China and Japan. Homewarde, they are despatched fortnigh ly for Havre and Hamburg and onco a mont for
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    • 773 6 J OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTI 8. AND t- China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltc h d The Companies' steamers are despatche p, from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, Chin a, and Japan every week, and from Japan horm 2 wards for London Amsterdam and Antwer d every fortnight for
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    • 928 6 rpTsToT Mediterranean p'o^i. •nd Lond On Plrßlo^ Tlirough Bills of Ladin- z Coast, Persian Gulf, CoSTSt Ch >« can Ports. ■■■■1 and Aiaer Steamers wUI leave Sssganor MAIL LINES r 4b jZi O**"** {for China) r lyil Delhi March 24 Arcadia I9U J-Jf April 7 De^r UC Delhi May 19
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  • 95 7 Jan. Feb. Total. Mtf 529 Braaag Brueth eofeog M>< m urn -i^ -52 8,590 I Ti— M 110 iinta 45 900 Siate AMOdfttioo *>°2' *>j" IMai ►•o M m KnmatPalai 167 167 «M flO 505 1,815 -ti:ba Lcit- 307 MV N'ewGopeng r,r |f0 Ml Sew Tamban 449 •■
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  • 575 7 Jan Feb Total Ailagar 4,000 8,225 Alor Pongsti 8,808 AlorOajah 611 1,858 Alma 1,450 00 3,050 Anglo Malay 61.978 58,932 115,910 Ayer Koning 601 Ayer Molek 8,8 1,995 5,822 Ayer Panas 1,967 Bakap 2,399 Balgownie 12,585 Batak Rabit 2,479 4,959 Banteng 8,340 8,332 6,672 Batu Caves -93
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  • 1280 7 RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. Gap. Issui. Paid. Last Div. Burnt*. Sillbes 2/ 2/ Rubber Est,ate§ Ltd |10 56 1 150,000 2/- 2/- Anirlo- Malay int. 143 1 50,000 2/- 2'- RtMiiL' M 2 9 30* 30,000 1 1 BfttaCfevw 35%int.15 10 0 0 0 80,000 1 1 Batu Tiga
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  • 128 7 Undeb Contract with thb Nethbblands Inoia Govbbnmknt Agents at Singapore. The Shipsa^eacy, Limited, 2-3 Collver Qdm THI DNDIEMENTIONID DATMS OK DIPAETDEI AS! ONLY AFPEOIIMAtI van Riembdyk Billiton, Batavia, Java-coast, Samarang, Soerabaia. Boeletoog Ampenan, Macassar, Amboina Moluooos, New-Game*, with transhipment to Australia Celebes coast DB Eebbns Bawean,
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  • 105 7 Per Rof Sarawak Hon. Miss Talbot, Him Mackenzie, Mr Pugh, Mr and Mrs Harvey, Dr Merrilees. Per Ipoh Mr and Mrs Eyken, J. D. Kemp, J. S. Harris, Wong, G. Kicirhorn F. R. Giertta, Chew Huah. Hong Seng, H E. Davidson. E A Cooper, Mr and Mrs .1
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  • 56 7 (COBEECTID UP TO If AT. 2. B«ik 4ms Private credit* 3m i credits 6m a France, demand Bank... jj)s Germany, demand -^i Ihdia,T. T, 174 i kono, demand Yokohama, demand m \\\i Java, demand M 1401 Bangkok, demand 66 Sov«*«ioHt, Bank Baying $8.54 Bank of England Bate... 3% Discount
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  • 125 7 Tii. "J $9140 Garn::er 9m 8.75 Gam bier Cube No 1 M 14 GambwrOuVt No. 2 M norn Pepper Bi*ek 'or**. B*pmt bo jtra 15 50 Pepp«r,Wki» (fair) Nutmegi (HO 10 ikM lk) M M noai Nutmeg (8G tt Iki It. m mm Mm» (Btata) m «i «i MB
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 392 7 FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Complete Woodworking Plant, £c, 4c. Consisting of, 5 Caller Planing Machine, BoriDg and Mortising Machines, Moulding Machines, Universal Woodworker, Wheelwrighting Machine, Circular Saw, Panelling Machine, Wood Turning Lathes, Jointing Machine, Door and Sanh Clamping Machine. Tool Grinder Jkc., Ac. and one 60 B. H P. TA
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    • 13 7 For all internal complaints dysentry coogh colds Ac, take Woods' Great Peppermint Cur©.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 898 7 ?BBsBLti IJS PUKT. FUr and Tom Commanders Armed Ftob I Hai Shen Chin, crais. 2950 Yang Mar hi Penang Penang Crescent Brit cruis Streatfield Mar 22 Colombo Hongkonf 24 Kuantan F. M.S. dredger 500 Nov 13 Kuantan ertaia Sea Mew Col. yacht 500 Murphy Jan 31 Penang certain Brak Dat
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  • 922 8 Natt Expenditure Debate. London, March 13th. In the House of Commons H Murray Macdonald (Liberal Member for Falkirk Bargbs since 1906) enquirod whether the character of the foreign danger jollified a continuance of the enormous expenditure. He suggested that we should set th-i example of reducing oar armaments
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  • 156 8 S. C. C. LAWN TENNIS. I ra pla' ChAMPIONSHII'. C. M. Howe beat C. A. Leggatt 6—l, 6—2 A. Class Singles A. D. Cox t Upcott unfin. B. Class Singles. W. Kilby beat D. H. Kleinmann 6—l, ;|J C. Class Singles. E. R Thomas f Macphail unfin. J. Henderson beat
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  • 226 8 Says the editor of Capital The announcement of The Tiires that a moTement is afoot m Great Biitain to promote an organisation of industrial worken m India need not undulj mite employers m this country. It is m*r» )y a part of Mr Ramsay
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  • 240 8 The striking of ten o'clock aod eleven o clock on the "Big Ben" of the Victoria Tower is always a prominent incident m a Bindmann Opera performance. An event of a somewhat similar nature at Hmekone suggests a parallel from Japin over a quarter of a century
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  • 474 8 Thk Official J hi London, February 23rd.— The Court of Marine Inquiry, which investigated the loss of the Blue Anchor liner >' states m its judgment that it is unable to understand the maintenance of silence concerning the vessel's stability, and her behaviour at sea on
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  • 406 8 EAn Ancient Winters- Solace. c "Hongkong Daily Press m a n le on the ways of the East and the West this on the growth and use of the c tame political developments are to be m the East as m the hut m a lesser degree, and
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  • 70 8 Calcutta, March 1 The census provincial totals reported up to midday to-day are now issued. < Bd with the census of ten years ago Calcutta with its suburbs md Howrah reports a increase ot lfB total mh abitants aow numbering 1.2M000. The following ual Om arnB are
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  • 570 8 Transhipment cargo for Bangkok was being put ou bo* id the Nuentung yesterA Chinese passenger fell overboad from IV>ng Tung" uuriug the voyage from II ihow ami was drowned. The mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Naples, on the 27th ultimo, was delivered yesterday, The mail despatched
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  • 100 8 Per P. Sl O. Delhi, due Mar 24.— Mr Rogers, Mrs P. C. Taylor, Mr P. E. Palmer Mr A. E. Fowler, Mr G. L. Newman. Mr b! S. Geletone, Mr Crockwell, Mr Alexander, Mr I A. 0. Rainnie, Mr and Mrs J. Moleaworth Mr T.
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  • 30 8 k'aka. Brit. 223, Elli Malacca S.S.S. Omapere, Brit. 340, Lyons 23, Penane T. L. Gaan Peaang 25. Ban Hong Lion*, Brit 710 Rushton Bangkok, Low Sum. Bangkok 25.
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  • 48 8 Per Kaka Mr J. Mitchell, Mr Lee Hern? ■m 8 Per Ban Hong Liong .Mr G. H. Danes, ier L, Fouillat, Messrs. Tan Hee Soon' Low Meng Seng, Chua Tit Seng, Goh Ah Seng, Messrs. Ong Keng Tion»*. Mr>. Mina Misfces Low Siew Luan, Peck Luan Lim.
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  • 68 8 From Europe.— Per P. &O. Delhi, to-day, with mails of Mar 3. From China.— Per V. D. L. Princess Alice. MAILS ALREADY DESPATCHED FOE LONDON Left Due Arrived PAO F el Mar 18 Mar 18 N D L Feb 27 BI Ma Mar 25 M M Mar
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  • 34 8 The most common cause of insomnia is disorders of the stomach. Chamberlains stomach and Liver Tablets correct these disorders and enable you to sleep. For aal ay all Dealers and Dispensaries.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 416 8 NetherlandsGuttaPercha I COMPANY, LIMITED. Singapore .Rubber Works MOTOR TYRES retreadedlt~MoDEßATE P rieM RIBBED MATS for Motorcars MATiS (3ft. x 2ft.) for Carriages and Rikishas. All kinds of BICYCLE TYRES THE BERNESE ALPS MILK Co/3 Products were awarded the GRAND PRIX (The highest award obtainable) At the Universal and Colonial Exhibition
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