The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 18 March 1911

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 100 1 Topics of v he Week app» Page 7. A terrific storm burst over Ipob Page 7. -'etday's S. C C tennis results ate on page 14. A bul fL'hr m K/untan is described on —Page 7. Tto Assizes were coDtioced yeeterdav Pdpe 7 Yesterday's aviation results are
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  • 785 1 We English Lave cultivated habit of regarding cur cation as rasilv top dog m ninety Dine per cent of ibe fields of comi petition or action. But m tv very justifiable self assurance are ye not liable Ito claim credit for rather more than our due and,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 953 1 ALL DEM KIPTIONS OF Australian Frozen Meats Produce Can be obtained at the COLD STORAGE DEPOT, IU2. 25, Orchard Road. J VICTORIA THEATRE Good Music X is as inapcrtf tt a factor m a Cinematograph FOR 6 NIGHTS ONLY fcilrtlhawl coi s i Gcod Pictures SATURDAY, 18th MARCH, L9IL v
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    • 90 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Robinson's specialities Page 7. Interesting books for sale Pa?e 1. Municipal notices re- tenders Page 2. W v,- ,i, clerk, typist, and cashier P«*ge 1. Beet«ton Huuiber Motcr Car for sale Page 5 Auction sale of valuable teak furniture Page 5 Sailing dates of the Dunera and Teesta
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 389 1 THE WEEK tAr^KDAY, Wb Water.— 0.17 a., 0 32 p B. I y. I ;rd due. I I) L Mai! Outward due •n Princess, Victoria Theatre, 9 p A ...ttion, 4 30 to 63' j Sunday, j 9th BDfl .1 5 p 3rd m Lent. Sw Club launches 9, 10,
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  • 280 2 A ease of murder or suieida is occupying the attention of the Kvauktada police. The victim is P 4 rv. a preventive officer of tbe Rangoon Customs, who lived at No. S3, 3" There are several statist isrti as to how the deceased was found- According
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  • 143 2 Health Officer's Wabjuwq. Bjmb > Dr. Turner. Exsv 0 Bombay, has addressed a letter to the Press eallin* attention to the increase of pla_this c h#»reis eve-y mdi cation that the pUgne epidemic m Bombay »k^ Bmnn will he asore severe than iv tbe past
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  • 127 2 U. S A S7EELTRUSTS INVASION OF INDIA. An important eTent m business circlet m India, My* the Advooite i, is the recent arrival m India of a direct repiesen tative of the Urge- >rporation m the world, namely, the United States Corporation. This Syndicate has selected and sent ou\ as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 711 2 IT IS A FINE THING TO FEEL PERFECTLY WELL." res Thanks m hmsHObV Eight Sum From 1 1 K\ I AND STO > II I Dr. William's Pink Pills. Herself formerly a hoso'tal nur-e, Mrs. Ruth Niedermeyer his B*en much of sickaes* and sutit ng; it it t. we uou-
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    • 600 2 NO TIQES. THE SWIMMING CLUB. Notice is hereby gfott that the Annual General Meeting ot M» ushers will be held on lay, the 27th instant by kind permistot' the Commandant of the Sin^u iteer Cor f •>• Drill Hall, at 9 pm. IN ESS. receive the Annual Report Accounts, ect
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    • 601 2 NOTICE. Mr David Dramtuond is jnUmil 'gn oar tirai per procuration as from tl BOU STEAD Co. Singapore lit): March, I^ll. The Singapore and Johore Notice ii hereby given that the Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from jt»th day of March both days inclnswe for the purpose
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    • 496 2 International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000. Head Office .—6O Wall Street, New Yoke. London Office Threadneedle House* Londoh Bankers National Proviacia. Bank of England Ltd. General Foreign Butineti Transacted DKPOSITB. Cubbknt Deposit Accounts opened and Interest allowed on the dailf Wantw at the rate of 2 per annum.
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    • 338 2 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE Co. OF CANADA ESTAHLIHHBD 1887. Policies are "WORLD WIDB "rrw i'UTART.g.. 9 FORFEITABLL w promptly settleo by the Qesural Amid.** 1 Singbpore without the delay of rtdl Head Offioe It The Pa— Mm for protection at »«m. holders we over 120,000,000 (SAO) The Accounts are supervised by
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 180 2 SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES. St. Andrew's Cathidral. Third Sunday m Lent. 7 m Matins. Hymn B 7.45 am Holy Communion (Choral Hymns 9.15 am Holy Communion (Plain Hjmns 31 4 pm Sunday School Bible Classes. 5.30 pm Evensong and Sermon, Hymns Vesper Hymn, Lord keep as safe this night. St. MatthmWs,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 333 3 1 /yVj ■> j ~^SnsS^ ,^^vB^bW jbh offlMM. p^-- _JL- --rmr r r m_iaaafcjjk PERMANENT Cheaper than Attaps. No Renewal being Required. «i. ■■ifflrrmio Specially Suitable for Estate Buildings f'.■ W" T m the Tropics. 2 ply $10 per 216 square reel 3 ply $12 per 216 spuare feet. Full
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  • 901 4 ■vbody knows that X !u is the great mountain of B >rneo, but few could tell how it received is name or the meaning thereof. Wnile travelling t«r<ntlv m its neighbourhood I was told by <»ld KthtnaD, the son of a Brunei woman and
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  • 129 4 Few Stokkks and wo Messrs Birclrty, Curie, Mid Co, the Clyde shipbuilderg, the "L verpool Courier" *anaouDces, are constructing for a Continental line a vessel which, it is asserted, will revolutionise shipping. The vessel is to have a speed of twelve knots and will be
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  • 255 4 It is mentioned m the report of the BriBorneo and Birma P^troleu n S?ndicite covering the period frjm Jalr 1. 1909 to D.-cember 31 last, as the result, of drilling by one of the prospecting pliuts an anticlinal formation of an extre nely favourable nature has
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  • 268 4 Outlaw Gang Crushed. Calcutta, Marci The following communique has been issued: Oa the afternoon of the 20th February information having been received that a strong band of transborder raiders under the leadership of a notorious outlaw named Hakim, who has been for twelve years the terror of
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  • 211 4 An Australian ensign, a set of ships fligs, and frame for an addrets have been prepared for H. M A. S. Parramatta." Tois ni meet was oiiginated twelve months ago the Mayoress of Parramatta, when the name of the ship was decided upon, and the assistance of the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 477 4 Pain arising XV, V S. throat i /r#w Lw(<i /'.j. s »< lie, Coldattkt A^^X from Cold. Soreness of t\ the Limbs after exercise, > is best treated ky using ..cording to the information given m the j V \.^v. •..let 96 pair*, (ill .Nrratcd)«hichis placed inside cartons with -x«H^
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    • 50 4 More "Beef m L°mro I 1 P|| than m any other beef f|W essence. -">i tau Ml ennii; t -s g— several v :ies. kv^j A usff writ-s trsp I^9 it "a fcj3i B I SB Lemco is simply p-ire fresh beef highly (j^; concentrated. < y-s. s. Av«jue, Loduoii,
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    • 417 4 A City ble y/,/f WkJO*\\ ■sn f Nervous Depression, Lassitude, Rheumatism From all lands, deputations come to study the mci adeti^ London Constable superior to all others. "The m rqual U my work, akiaj osferine at intervals, as m I v and physically." Since takin remdn on pom m all
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  • 549 5 h Ftbrua the auctions just pci 3 tons JL _i.iilMrari and practically all soli. k ir iua- o i and i r pri.-^ #or a'l sots »a^M»c«d from er lb. ic W «U vat sr "f«T U^ btIUT paid for irime q Fbh» Hit" Par*
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 472 5 FOR S'AIM. FOR SALE. 30 H. P. 4 Cylind. iter BEESTON iber Car m splendid running condition, Owner goiDg on leave. For further particulars apply to S. B. Archdeacon, Radin Mas, T Blangah. Mar 18 mwg nc FOR. SALE. Studies of Bir jlife m Uganda (Illustrated) by R. A. L.
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    • 860 5 mjenoNs. POSTPONEMENT. The sale of Mr. -I. f> M. Beanie*! furniture at Raeburn h ay the 1 inst is now postponed. POWELL Co., Auctioneers. -16 193 MAISONETTE. TANGLIN. AUCTION SALE OF THE Valuable Freehold Residential Property I-ONETTE, TANGLIN. To be held at Powell k Go's Saleroom On Tuesday. 28th March,
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    • 691 5 7WQTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF lable Teak Office Furniture, Iron Fates. Electric Fittings &c. BE HELD AT NO. 1. MALACCA St: (off D'Alnieida Street) On Friday, 24th March, at 11 a.m. YIKW FBOM I HTRSDAY, 23RD INST. CATALOGUES ISSUED. POWELL Co., Auctioneers. ir 18 25.3 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF H)IP "FISIGAI WILCH
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    • 658 5 WAATBD. inted for British North Borneo Telegraph ..or. AppIy— GUTHRIE A Co., Ltd Mar 18 Government of Selangor, pplications will be received at the office of the neer up to 1 .1 1911 for the post of Assistant on Water Works Construction. Applicatts shouid give full pi culars as to
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    • 319 5 TO LET. TO Furnished House To Let, Tang! ct, bedrootiio. Tennis Court and Mab. Entry Ist May. Reut 1115. Apply H. L COGHUN A Co. TO B£ I 67, Telck Elangah from Elect $40. Apply RODYK AND DAVIDSON, r 15 nr T TO LET. A fir^t ciafcs ti*t to let
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  • 409 6 The Singapore Free Press. Saturday, Mar. IS, 1911 Hrre shall th» Pre«;« namt*in. L'nawed by influence and unbribed by Here pat-iot Tnitb her g oriom precepts draw* Pledged to X elision. Loyalty and I aw. Those who are uv -illy certaii regarding the real difficulties between Chins and Russia are
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  • 115 6 The man to go to to back your bills is the man whose mind is failing (Mr Braddel m court.) Houtsma is now full agent of the »>rlands Trading Society here, Mr I M Soetera succeeds Mr J. U. .lurrvens as Accountant. :e mile of new and interesting films s
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  • 367 6 A rather curious and intere- otrtai can now be seen m Winchester H .use buildings where the new lift has just t»een put m by Bikf Ilargreaves and Company tor the Asiatic Potroleum C inp Along side the new lift is the first one ever pu
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  • 387 6 Wkkk End Man<euyr«s. During Saturday night and Sunda? the troops m the Girrisun and the Singapore Volunteer Corps will be engaged m a night tck on the island of Singapore. The eking force will consist of half a battal ion of tha Buffi who will land at
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  • 140 6 No Track of Aikshij\ Says a Japan paper Snapping the guide rope which hehi il last Mi > ,imada's airship which mi.i' ;tn t xper mental ascent was carried fcwaj to parts unknown bj I strong win. i which u-isi blowing at the 1 ■■4— trace
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  • 566 6 A friend has sect us a programme of the recent GoDcert of the Shtnghai Philharmonic Society, which has just reappeared after manj years suspended animation. The gramme does credit to the labours of the moten», who have, it should be said, ith of material denied to comparatively
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  • 295 6 The shipping community of Singapore M well at the travelling public will no doubt be interested to learn that we have had among our visitors during the past few S Mr M. Shinishi, Managing Director of the 1 eta. ship Company), accompanied by Mr B. A,
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  • 65 6 DuriDg the recent Wesley Conference I tl tablets were unveiled m the Wesley Church to the memory of two departed missionaries one erected by his former pupils of the Anglo Chinese School to Merrill <J Miller, of whose gracious spirit Mr Dm Tiang Yew spoke fittingly; the other by his
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  • 571 6 two y«ars we sbaU tttm*LT lhlQ the otic w. Sj «a*s M l Of boUnrs." director of Mee«shipbuilders, of bat-kens an immediate tuooess of the «SL2L J I < What ig more, this <»— g^Lr** 1 l*sr. bsaed upon an E* l- L lil -m hand tht
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  • 106 6 Ah mat, a Malay who had been plnyd as uu enumerate >n— BtlM with tat taking of i he oenitua. visited the Kiel** Mim m tbe course of hit travels on d«ty. and whilst there, itole, from a CUhH kongsi, some b*rtng, two gjld nngtaad* $5 note.
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  • 142 6 The development of aerial ntvisati«i hi led to the jueetion of esUblwfciog international code cf laws of the air beat nsidered Another the problem is raided by ike Re*. Chid* Ds Havilland. Rector i i Hampshire, who advaaoM tbt sugg**°J that the Church of Eaf \»md Lita«f •mm be so
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 114 6 MACGREGOR'S V.O.S. I finest Ciqucur seotefi oibtskv. Macgregor Oaidbeck Go, LONDON ft GLASGOW. ESTABLISHED 1864 ED TO THE HOUSE OF LORDS, THI HOUSE OF COMMONS, AMD TO THB HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, CANADA. Caldbeck Macgregor Co, Sole Agents. FOR PROVEN BY 38 YEAR; EXPERIENCE. GUARANTEED FO< 5 YEaRS. Over 1,200 distributed
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    • 60 6 LEE BROTHERS. 58-4, Hill Street. ioff Stamford Road.) HIGH GLASS PHOTOGRAPHY. Enlargements a Speciality PRICK LIST ON APPLICATION. BILLIARDS. The Anglo -Australian Cushion. (Alcock's Patent with Imihovhmhnts by John Roberts, RetireuWorld's Champion) iIIOIiUTILT THE BEST CUSHION TO DATE FOR ANY CLIMATK. JOHN ROBERTS, 1910. ONLY OBTAINABLE FROM John Roberts, London.
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    • 12 6 jdB 1 Great Peppermmt Core for alii** tukl onmciainte djiectry coofbs oclds
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    • 103 7 Make the Best of it (By Submarine Telegraph.— Reuters.) Msfcfa 17th, 11.48 tin. Tae Times urges China promptly to accept uiequiToealij thoas Russian demands which China does not mean seriously to contest and to negotiate earnestly regarding th« others. The Tisses points oat the grave consequence* of
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    • 45 7 AUSTRALIA'S D I PENCE. March, 17th 11 53 a. m. At Perth, West Australia, the Common wealth Minister of Defence, the Hon. G. F Paatse, said that whe Government had no doubt regarding its duties, and it was fully prepared to carry oat Admiral Henderson's
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    • 39 7 Favours Conscription. Speaking on the Navy E-ti mates, Mr tcKenna incidentally mentioned that be raf strongly m favour of conscription. He added that Rosyth, the naval base m his Firth of Farth, would be ready m
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    • 35 7 (From onr mm Correspondent Ipoh. Mar. 17. A terrific •term burst over Ipoh yesterday itornoon with incessant lightning and tt—Jsr. Some rikiaha coolies were struck by lightning tat were not seriously hurt.
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  • 9 7 Ltents Derrick and Co. B*casg pkla.
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  • 322 7 KoU Bihru. 13th Mireh. A bull fight took place here on th umi. between H H. the RijVs bUck I and Uo*ku Merah's red bull. The stake t» $200 and the favourite was the ball The court© was a spacious one, nod outsid 'it wan crowded with natives.
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  • 108 7 m m A Chines clerk m the employ of Messrs Powell and Co. has reported to the police *Wt whilst walking up et on Thursday afternoon, with $373 80 of the arat's MOBty m bis onat pocket, another Cbiaaman snatched $90 from him and soited. Chase was given but the
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  • 354 7 THE AVIATION MEETING. YESTERDAY'S FLIGHTS. ion of the series of flights was made at the Rice Course yesterday, and although much better results were obtained they still left much to be desired from a spectacular point of view. There was a y good attendance, and soon after the hour fixed
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  • 330 7 On Saturday last, the 11th inst. at St Andrew's Cathedral, a charming little wed--5 was carried out between Mr H. H. Ellis of Messrs Fraser and Cumining and Miss Janet Spittal Robb of Chelsea, London, the Yen Archdeacon Iztrd offi Mr EL Collins performed the duties of
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  • 119 7 Sir A. F. Law is to act as Chief Justice m the Straits. Mr R. E X zbevar is to be a member of the pilot board m place of H.W I", ickland. ll r E. Anderson taken the place of Mr Pdchitt on the Taojong P >
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  • 47 7 The new programme at the Marlborough cinematograph show m Beach R >ad is a very attractive one and is quite up to the high standard maintained at that enterprising place of amusement. The new films are well worth seeing. The orchestra is an excellent one-
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  • 1076 7 Quicjuidagunt homines nostri est farrago tiki X N Lsth 11. M.S. "Collingwood" and HM s \tjamemnon" grazed an "uucharted rock" while entering the hart) »ur of Ferrol. Same old "uncharted rock on which a British cruiser or ha'Meship grounds annually, if not oftener. It was m
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  • 123 7 For some time past Pilot Grey has been missing from his larder a quantity of ■im-.tihles, including tinned meate, butter, jams lad ui:ik. An elimination of the boy 'B quarters on Thursday afternoon tltd the missing provisions secreted m one of Capt Grey's big sea boots, the
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  • 95 7 B t >re the Chief Justice, Sir W H Hyndman Jones, yesterday. T^e case of Koh Eng Hoe, clerk to Messrs Sbarpe Rjss who was charged with cheating m respect of il copra deals was deth with. Mr a berg was for the defence and M i Edmonds
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  • 156 7 Gradually our roads are undergoing a transformation. If they are no longer bo white they are certainly less dusty. The exparinent of Mr 1. M. Bell, the Municipal Engineer, to paint the roads over with a coating of tar promises to be very successful. So far the
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  • 105 7 The following changes m the Penaßg Police Force will take place shortly Inspector Bartels, who arrived from Sinre by the s.s. Ipob yesterday, will be bationed ai Relaa, relieving Inspector It, who comes to the Central Station to tnkes the place of Inspector Conner, under orders to
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  • 244 7 It has been estimated that a hundred million sterliDg are spent annually on various forma of advertising m this country. This startling statement was made at Sheffield by Mr Thomas Russell, president of the Incorporated Society of Advertisement Consultants, m the first of a series
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 78 7 Best Liniment. »%N accidents and injories are a frequent **f*Sßos OS) the farm and m the work shop. or braise which is often the cause of annoyance and loss of time, may be is about one-third the time usually Jjfctd by applying Chamberlain's Pain ■msb as soon as the injury
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    • 43 7 .V.^vt to the Question. How to care a cold is a question m which many are interested just now. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won its great reputation and immense Bale by its remarkable cure of colds- It can always be depended upon. F
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    • 69 7 "I have been prescribing Morrhuol Creo sote capsules very extensively during the past two years m Bronchial and Tubercular disorders, and m several of my severest cases, I have been astonished how rapidly repair has taken place. In pulmonary tuberculosis, they check the formation of purulent expectoration m from one
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    • 207 7 Gentlemens tailors F-- '"f^Jf We are Specially fitted to advice i 7 on Outfits lor all parts of the > World, acd every requisite is ■•jjL Sw pplied by us. mSm^ Our Spccialiic J Lounge Jacket Suit £.7.5 tat^V" pHB** 1 In all the newest and latest der WBm signs
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 611 8 BRITISH INDIA S. N- CO. LTD. FOR PENANG. RANGOON AID CALCUTTA The Company's Steamer ■•D N tons, D. L. Neilson. R n.r Commander, oe despatched for the above ports on Thursday, the 2:<rd instant, at 5 p.m. She has excellent accommodation for first and second class passengers. f For freight
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    • 615 8 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG Deutsche Dampfschiffiahrts Ges, M Hansa ft Bremen. COMBINED SKKVICE. The Pteainers of tht si Companies maintain, a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen. Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, Cbina and Japan. Humewardp, tlu y arc despatched f jrtnight ly for Havre and Hamburg and once a
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    • 722 8 itZiJ^nnnh OCKAH STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched KM Liverpool outw,- :he Straits, China l i \pau every week, and from Japan homewards for Londoa AiD^-terdam and Antwerp ,ry fortnight; for Genoa, Marseille Liverpool and fur .Marseilles, Havre and Liverpool
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    • 542 8 r d.i Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GEEMAN MAIL LDTE. The fast and well-known mail steamer* of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton. Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (conneecW Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice veraaj Port BaM, >uez, Aden, Colombo, Penasg, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau. Nagasaki and Kobe
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    • 469 8 P. O. STEAM NAY Foi China, Japan, Penang, C^W Australia, India, Aden E^ST ■Uilterrafican Ports, PlymJuti •nd London. Through Bills of T^jtfaj i-g,,^ Coast, Persian O can Ports. aL AliJtr orafct^ Outward for China) lvm tar s:j t5 D fes j Homeward (/or Europe) Frnn Singapore, connect n,g r, 11
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 937 8 VESSJ 9 K\PK( IKU. Giving port of departure, and {where \ntmn p date due here, and name of Agent: STEAD Agamemnon, Liverpool, M Mansfield -Id Ambrla. Songkon. I Bebn Meyer Assay e, Colombo. i\ P O Austria, Hongkong, May 5 R. Schmidt a AuatrAlian. Marseilles, Api 3 M M Bayern,
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  • 1234 9 k. notice m the Globe of Seventeen, Years amonj? the Sea Djaks of Borneo, by Edwin jmes (Seeley and Co., Ids. net), which appears to be a well written book, gives a loadable estimate of the scope and object of that work. It is quoted below j
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 309 9 II The New Peg WOLFE'S AROMATIC SCHIEDAM Schnapps r^^^ The purest spirit distil 1 Lr^^— for h >nsumption. [Fj mirable ick-me-up, tonic and digestive. Prl§jlß Useful as a preventive of And, m addition, Woli 45—: Schnapps has well-known L 1 j\ Medicinal virtues, notably m I case of del ♦*r
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    • 256 9 INTERNATIONAL Opens rubber Closes 3unc24tb, ALL|ED^ RADES juiy tub, E A i i i 'Ji I k S U LONDON. The Planters' Association of Malaya. invites all estates m the Malay Peninsula to forward samples of rubber of 25 lbs- each to the Director of Agriculture, to reach him not
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    • 679 9 r f% Sozodoixt I r > Everyone uses a toothwash or powder. WfliSSßs^BQfl Most are not satisfied and try one after another. ly^^irx^^l^JU And stiU the teeth are not as white and hygienic M/W|W||Jl|T>w>jn ally clean as they should be. Let them try SOZODONT. ij— It does what is wanted
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 166 10 PER CASE ||f m- k: M PER CASE I icest of aIJ Choice Waters.) The Clifford Wilkinson Tansan Mineral Water Co .Ltd., X I Agents, I THE BORNE Co Ltd I SINGAPORE. I 4rB P//rts 00 BULMERS $16 Per case of 6 Doz. Pints l^ll/IL-lv. The Only Champagne 1 ri^-^!
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  • 1340 11 HOW THE RAJAH TOOK THE CENSUS. The venerable Dr. Alfred Rmsell Wallace U tells an interesting story of the R*j*b of L Lombock and how he arrived at a true ceu- L us o nlB people. The chief r* venues of the i were derived from a h f ri<JJ
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  • 348 11 What becomes of the sovereigns that W imported into India? During the past three months over three millions of them have come to hand from Egypt alone, to say uothing of shipment* received from London and Australia; but it is not easy to trace the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 294 11 family jS£ Medicine Sarsaparilla is a tonic I fat ive,frcefromalcohol. WSlartsstreagthortone-.a SST that builds up, gives J«* or changes unhealthy acaction Avers Station. Ask your doc.mliy medicine, like ?Lf sSaisaprft, is not vastly Jge, without alcohol than with it Ayer's Sarsaparilla NOTICE. Iff JBMLE CLEARING COIPANY, LTD. AUTHORISED CAPITAL |200,000.
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    • 31 11 vARESSES C_ rpj "BR4^ED O OILMEN'S &E^&l-\ JELLIES, POTTED MEATS. i t-. r 'Sv^ t\ malt vinegar, I X ri^l^J-Jx^ c J\ SAL\D OIL. J.l J DrililtA^lrjO. Agents for L« Pcrrin.' <
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    • 562 11 I BfAWE> TODD r CC i /S 1 1 if". MB 11 The Basier you are the more timel I a neC esBity— more especial y m a 4 SWAN will save you, and thel I climates, because ink evapo Mf-jUT ™!£Jg™ m ap?reciate its B P lendid I tes
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    • 559 11 THE Singapore Free Press. Morning Daily. To Our Re*den. The Singapore Free Pres* w their private residences, (or town omoeaor godowns if preferred) by .even ck **T* morning. Full addressee at which copies are to be delivered should be given. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. One month $2.50 Three months $7. 50
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  • 1140 12 Of a'l the holidays ilia! i have hp^nt m I the piisui! of big HUM sluktr iv the E*sl 110 k 1 i. -k ipoa niv Chn-'m «s ifl IfMflJl oan of my bappieel Upvi6oMß. To Ittd up bo uh»! I ,un about to IlltJ I oi'u'h*.
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  • 263 12 STONE IN THE KIDNEY Agonising Bladder Disorders. Mr. Jaoes Moss resides at eff, Brace Street, WaJsall, England, and is highly r^p^,,,] I SpeakiDg of bis terribie suffering from stone m the kidney— one of the most agonising of all diseases— he says I Lave passed three atone- as large as
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 365 12 •SEES :3:*=: SS Sg S£ Hazeline' Snow "Hazeline' Snow *w w Hazeline 1 Snow "Hazeline' Snow" M ~1 "<"<>-» Bi Hazeline' Snc. O H. 7 ft I 1 tl I 1 H Ah h mltai snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline 1 Snow" Hazeline Sn ••Hazeline'
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    • 171 12 r -> tv U wl ver ymm fin i r I I "^r wmir Mail for I the latest and most I up'tO'date Catalogue of I bed British G.->ois I at keen pr Free! Patterns and Mcasu Forms. I Frederick Guthriz, 19, Wateiioo St., CLASCOW, ScotlrjNL I Iff t^+Mt^
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    • 61 12 Kiam Kiat q 0 Government Municipal Contractors. Tejjphooe No. 421 103 4 1J«. Mirket So* IK THE MALAY PENINSULA I ion Account of the posiUoe of Siam m the States of Kelaniar, Pataßi Legeh and Sat I Q «-C»rlated from the S«c r *port Prt, Prets." Price 50 cents £W££&j¥£AV£S.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 623 12 I Club.*™ m The Spring Race Meeting! (Under sR. h Rules of Racing j WILL BE HELD ON ;j Tuesday, the 9th, Thursday, the 11th and Saturday, the 13th i May, 19H. PROGRAMME FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 9th May, 1911. 1. The Op-ning Btakes. Value $600. A Handicap for Horses that
      623 words
    • 97 12 Entrance $15. inSSmfif* Starters the prSJSfr JjUS? Hote :-The attemiL* J™ 1 **JT Fint Day— Eaoe Ho 1 i First Tay-Eace 1 0 I Second T>ay— lUce Vn a Any owner wSErtTiflJ- I one Griffin Ha^HVl? 8^ fora^m^l on payment of Ho CS T^» <*t 4 iNOTE A penalty of
      97 words

  • 78 13 Jan. Feb. Total. 647 5J9 1,176 JJ*^"* 111 600 625 1,225 J3J -52 8,590 11.442 455 Ml a Assocfttioa v PlO 505 1 Loie 307 rt nc 150 130 Ml V T itD iW 3T)O p tfßttbra 7t5 Hi n Hyd. 4CO 1,000 p^aun 1-0 885 305 i:l
    78 words
  • 655 13 Ta% following pass sngsrs are booked home AO. Per Marmora, sailing March 23.— Mr H Z. L incaster, Mr P. M. Robinson, Mr and Mrs Arathoon, Mr* Reuben and the Mife" Reaben. MUs Robertson. Mr N. Rea mi and two Masters Reuben, Miss Cleaver, Mis 8. B. A
    655 words
  • 531 13 m Feb Total Ailagar <;0 8,225 Alor Pongsu 8,808 Alor Gajah 611 1 Alma iO 1.603 3,050 Anglo Malay 61.978 58,932 115,910 Ayer Kaning 601 Ayer Molek 8,8 1,995 5,322 t Panas 1,967 Bakap 2,399 Balgownie 12,585 Batak Rabit 2,4*9 4,959 Banteng 8,340 3,332 6,672 Batu Oaves
    531 words
  • 1245 13 SH ARES. Oaf. Paid. LastDiv. Buybr*. Seller? 2/ 2/ A ,r Rubber Estate* Ltd 4 9 5 5 150,000 2/- 2/- Antrlo- Malay 75% int. 1 1 441 2/- EUtaagKabfai 2 6 30 2 30,000 1 1 I'.i'u Caves 35%int.15 10 0 I. 10 0 1 1 B*ta Rga
    1,245 words
  • 187 13 Marca 1 Valentf jn, Dat str, Breyer, for Rhio, Anambis and Natunas la. Sene^ambia, (ier etr, Eekhorn, for Hongkong, iua and Japan. Euplectela, Brit str, Bramston, for Rangoon. Emilie, Dut str, Mahmoot, for Rliio. Lady Weld, Brit, str, Jones, for Malacca and Muar. Rumphius, Dut. str, Donck, for Batavia.
    187 words
  • 92 13 \V,arves and Vnckt at which diftrett ve*srls were berthei yegttd*y. East Wharf (Ba*m)East Wharf Sec 1 Goldmoutb, Perm, Tee«U. Sheers Wharf— > Main Wharf 1~-G Apcar, Maria Rickmere 3-Nii. N 4— s— Nil. 6 ldomeneus, Myrmidon. Lagoon Dock See 7 (Under coDstnxctioa.) West
    92 words
  • 57 13 •emctid up to Mar. 1 7 Bank 4 m demand Prirate credits 3ms cre<iiu 6m -z 4^ France, demand Bank.^ M Gbrmant. demand M 240 India, T. T i?4i Honokono, demand Yokohama, demand 114J Java, demand m 14O| Bangkok, demand 66 Sovkrbionb, Bauk Baying $8.54 Bank of England Ra
    57 words
  • 130 13 March 17. Tm buyer. |87 50 Gambier m bujere 8 0 Gambier Cube No 1 M 14.50 G*mfcierCkWl!o. M norn P«pperßia«k (oril*. S'peva) yers 1 5 50 Papper, Wkifc (fair) buyer b H H Nutma-* (110 to tk« Ik).* nom Nutmeg. (80 to kit norn (Band*, Olotm 'Ambob»\ norn
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 55 13 Tkl tap E«k loh Line of Steamers. Ibgapore to Batavia. Cheribon and Mann* tail twice a week. Tom. f* •^Gia^Seng 1 J. Craig. MGmg Ann Ml C. X •*Zweena IJOO James Sbeppard. Kdeadaie .oolop. l». ii- t- r freight or piiign and rorther mi ormalinc. Aoply to BA] ENO MOH,
      55 words
    • 14 13 For all internal complaints dyaentry cnogh colds 4c, take Wooda 1 Great Peppermint Cure.
      14 words
    • 144 13 De iv )\I\KLIJKE PAKKTVAiUT MA.VTS .1 LNDBB C)NTRAOT WITH TUB NKTHBBLANDB IWDIA GOV&RNMI Ag >ia-apore. ma shipsaarency, Limited, 2 Ujrar Quay THII^OMOBBtfMfIOOD DATSS Of D«PAJITDEI ARM OMLT APFaOXIMAtI Reynie > Bandjermasin, Poeloo-Laut, Balik Papan, tSaaiarmdd. Tarakan, BDelongan, Sauipit with transbipmaat ta Pasir Mar 18 RoCHUSi :n t Batavia, Java-coast, Semarang,
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 626 13 VESSELS IN PORI vr Flab and lon« ommhaden Arrived Pn m For W 1 -month Brit cm* 9800 Power Mar 11 Saigon I ang 16 Haibhen Chin, crais. 2M50 Yang Marl- ng Kuantan F.M.S. dredger 500 Nov 13 Kaant*a attain 1- Col. yacht r Murphy Jan 31 Penang am Sea
      626 words

  • 540 14 INT TRIPS. A New Development. Point-to point aeroplane trips are the latest 4emand of thc*e who a- y the new er»»s of the fashionable worli flying A year or two ago wealthy gentlemen anxious to experience the sensations of flight coald not satisfy their curiosity at any
    540 words
  • 150 14 KI NG EDWAR D VII. MEMORIAL FUND. Amount previously acknowledged $30,427.42 Tye Choon Yoon, Acting Consul General for China 2,000 Yau Tat Shin £sq iH) Missrs Kumpers and C G Mamoli I Young Eso 10 J. A Hamilton E g h Kuan Eiq 10 .ony moui 10 Chan Cheow Lye
    150 words
  • 138 14 Before Mr Ji sice Fisher yesterd* Boiand Braddell applied on 'behalf of Seng BcDg for the letter's discharge. This wis the case m which applicant whose discharge was refused some time ago now again applied as he was very ill and wished to nna to his home, and rai
    138 words
  • 396 14 REASONS FOR THE IMPROVED POOTIO* weakness m the rubber nmket no- vii 'be close of Usi year bfdaSlC more pronounced duriDg the opening weeks ftnr, and pr 4 I -inscriptions I tie open mai A the extent of 1 .mi B per lb., or to the
    396 words
  • 133 14 The receipts at Pir* for Jinuirv were 1180 tons, as against 5 4iM) for Jm. 1 10 and those from July I riu uin -uuted -ons as a^iiust >us», an tons m the corresponding p' It this comparison is a fair ludicition of the probable receipts for the
    133 words
  • 86 14 The Unit ed States. The rather sens-it ional advmce m the early months of 1910 was largely due to exceptional demand from the United States, just »s the subsequent fall m prises followed the cessation m great part of buying from that quarter owing to the depression m the motor-car
    86 words
  • 245 14 \ew Companies registered m Burma contains amongst others i Mergui Crown Rubber i Limited, Rs. 2,250,000 for the purpose of acquiring the property known as the Government rubber plantation m Mergui and for the cuY rubber. ober 10. ma Coal Company, Limited. for the purpose of acquiricg
    245 words
  • 291 14 YESTERDAY'S PLAY BC A. M -ler owe 1 5 bati T. E. Edraett scr Fnlcher bswl X D Oordon ♦> 4. S 6. 0 Li kM Bonn h. C. H. sfaoamj scr beat F. S. B. Jennings. owe 1. 6— 1, 4— b. 7—5. J.
    291 words
  • 414 14 I IS BIKEBFOKD. 1 Charles Beresf ord baa been adopted as Unionist cacdidate for the Rectorship of Glasgow University So J 3l NO. Lor. I M The South African House of Assembly has passed the second reading of the Post Office Bill which contains a clause debarring conclusion
    414 words
  • 34 14 The moat common cause of insomnia is disorders of the stomach. Chamberlain's >U>maeh and L\f r Tabitts cornet tlx disorders and tuable ycu to sleep. For saltby all Dealers and Dispensaries.
    34 words
  • 214 14 The North G^rmm Lk>yd Liner CobU-r which has btn^u C u*iug considerate ■peoolfction I f<> bei whereabouts, caiii^ into Mmilt H p it Corrrgidor <>n the afternoou it the 4 h Lnttanl a' 4 10, The vmm! oomes from A.nttralian poiti and her ragnlaf roue is via German
    214 words
  • 170 14 Considering the number of counter ations we have had lately aLd tbe comiDg ones, the little meeting arran^'l M Thurtd*j night by Mr Christie oomai v well for Grace. Kvjth Christie and his opponent were marked and considering the short time they had for getting ready, au<l fchji ii(\
    170 words
  • 385 14 TIN. Thege neral Sit uation. The fall m the price of tin from the giddy height ot >n Jtuuary M proceeded so rapidly that 1711. 10s. was touched to day, siys the Ironmonger of the 1 l'h iii'o the main reason being the publication of less favourable statistics than ha<l
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  • 18 14 Per Sea Belle Mr Justice Ebden, an Miss Birch, Mtssrs G. A. Hereford aiul IT. Day.
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  • 87 14 From Europe.— Pr X. D. L. Kleist. to day. with mails of Fel Per B. I. Teesta, to day, with mails of From China. Per M. M. Tonkin, on Mocday Dext. MAILS ALREADY DESPATCHED FOR LONDON. Left I)u* Arrived b 16 Mar 11 Mtr 11 M M
    87 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 273 14 I CONTINENTA!] /X MOTOR-TYRES M will be sold from this day with an- 1 other further reduction on our r I duced List of January 18th, 191 1.* The hi^h standard of Qualit\\ 1 is Maintained. I ASK FOR OUR NEW! I PRICE LIST. I I Through all Dealers Garages
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