The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 14 March 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 90 1 K^lantan News appears on Page 5. A minature w*r is proceeding m Mexico Page 5. Eighteen Chinese doctors have died of plague Page 5. Two shipping accidents are reported from Penang P<i^ The Ridicals are annoyed about the navy estimate increases Page 5 The new Pahang R-^ident
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  • 64 1 Freehold Property sale Pa^European Engineer wanted Pag«3 3. Auction sale of oil paintings Page 3. Programme at Harima Hail Page 1. Tenders for Cart Shed Jalan Besar Page 2. Singapore Golf Club annual meeting Pagf 'ion sale of four Biitish steamers Page 3. Tenders for quarters at Alexandra
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  • 122 1 TUISDA.Y, 14th Bigh Water.— l«'.3 a., 11.8 p Purim (Jewish Festival). S.C C. Tennis Tournament. WBDNSBDAY, 15th High Water.— lo 46 a 11.33 p Full Moon. S.C.C. Tennis Tournament. Thursday, lrith-.— High Water— ll. '24 11 56 p Mail Homeward closes 3 p S.C.C Tennis Tournament Friday, 17th
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  • 293 1 The 8 I low* Mar It. dn» London Apl 7. The N. D. L. leaves Mar 1 7, due Hongkong Mar 22, Shanghai Mar 26, Yokohama Apl 2 Intermediate ana locai mails mi! b« found < a liit below i TO-DAY. Penang, Malacca, Federated Malay States Jobore (O
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  • 1016 1 Tbe c< ugh m all conscience, and -ss tbe reader will ■ay ditto to the whole article before the end of the chapter it nschrd, t ut w these day B when ore sits m that Mic; spirit, waiting for hhi the little thirds that oount. Not
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 716 1 Combined Animated Picture and Musical Entertainment AT THE MARLBORQUCH CINEMATOGRAPH BFJCH ROAII. TO-NIGHT. Pictures to interest to amuse and to delight and good, pleasant music to Harmonise with the subjects. 2nd SHOW 9-30 TO 11 P. M. 1. Manners and Customs m Malaysia. 2. Latude s. c. a. o. l.
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    • 238 1 Under the Patronage Immediate Presence of H. E. THE GOVERNOR. TEUTONIA CLUB. TUESDAY NEXT, THE 14th instant. SONG RECITAL BY MLLE. EVA CAUTHiER Canadian Mezzo-Soprano (Royal Opera, Covent Garden, London) SEATS $2. ROBiNSON PIANO Coy., Ltd. THE STAR OPERA Co, THE DUTCH AND MALAY VARIETY ENTERTAINERS AT THE THEATRE ROYAL,
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  • 337 2 Tb« report of the United Serdaag (Snma tra) Bobber Plantations Ltd.. for the year ended SI at August, 1910, to be present*the meeting on the 2 let states that the crop of Rubber harvested for the year amounted to 67.80 lbs and realised a net
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  • 149 2 The following notificitum is published m the current issue of the Hongkong Govern ment Gaaette The attention of a'l persons who consume white rice and also of all l*rg-» employers of coolie labour is directed to the fact that it is generally believed that the disease beri
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  • 131 2 A curious case of a species of mosquito fed regularly by a species of ant is recorded by Mr E. J^oobson. The mosquito, ft m ■feme occurnr. i, accord. uc to the "JdVA T.nies," frrqueatf trees where 1 pass to and fa pi an act and strokes
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  • 87 2 Slight accidents and injuries are a frequent ©eenrrence on the farm and m the work shop. A cut or broise which is often the oanee of much annoyance and loss of time, may be cured m about one-third the time usually required by applying Chamberlain's F. «alm as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 384 2 Selangor United Rubbsr Es alas, Ld CAPITAL £90.000. Present issue SO ),000 shares of which 565,000 shares are offered for suo^crip tion, payable 6d per shire on application. 9d per share on allotment. The Company has been formed to acquire: (1) Brown Willie a' M Comot Mi tate9, si'-uite abjut
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    • 705 2 NOTIGES. SINGAPORE GOLF CLUB. THE rWBNTIBTfI ANNUAL GBNBBIL WILL BE HELD AT THE OLUB HOC JE, On Moaiay, 20th March at 5 15 p. 'm. BOTTOM 1. To rtveive the Report of the Committee, and the Accounts submitted by the Honorary l'rt i-:irer. ami. If approved, to pass the BMBI
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    • 511 2 NOTIGES. The Pulau Bulang Rubber and Produce Co., Ltd. NOTICE is hereby given that a call of cents per share payable on or before May 31st, 1911, has been made by the Board on all Contribatory Shi' No Transfer of Contribatory Shires will be registered after the 16th instant, until
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    • 508 2 International i Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000. Hbad Opfiob Wail Street, Nbw Yobk. > London Offick Threadneedle House, Bishopsgate Street Within, Losdob B I London Bankbbb j— National Prorineial Bank of England Ltd. eneral Fore Bu«. *v". DKPOSITB. Cdbbbnt Deposit Aoooonts opened and Int. allowed on the
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    • 383 2 MANUFACTURERS LIFF fe OF C4M484. ■wablishpd 1987, nuciK. MB«j rOKFBITAB No|. Claims, loans, caab-enoßja^lan. promptly settieo by *h»%m!aa a^** B>»g*pore without the a> Ag ;Dt? M H,. H i office mmm W m ißfamßjai a) me Reserves (or proteotfoe ntf ew*_ holders are over t2O,OOO.oS«jSj^ ll t Ihe Accounts
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  • 83 3 WHAT DOES IT MEAN (By Submarine Telegraph.— Reuters.) K-uter's New York correspondent says that the Mexican Government has decided to suspend constitutional guarantees throughout the Rapsjb Faur American warships have been ordered to visit MerJoan ports and will virtually patrol the coast. M. Limaatonr, the Mexican Minister of
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  • 43 3 A telegram from D that a bait la took place at Aqoaprieta on Sunday, when 500 insurgents emerged with ;innon. Three hundred of the federal troops ittacked the rebels who finally withdrew, being killed. Thousands of spectators watched the Mttle.
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  • 15 3 the French blocks will on F.iday night altered to Greenwich time.
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  • 17 3 The French papers traverse M. Dalcasse's ptimistie comparison of the French and rerman navies. > <
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  • 110 3 Grand Vizier' 8 Statbmewt. Berlin. Mat Toe Grand Vizier of Turkey. Hakki Pasha. baa repudiated the severe attacks made by the Chamber with regard to the Baghdad Railway. He declared that the railway was a oecea»ity. and would mean considerable advantages being gives to Turkey. The advent
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  • 62 3 The death is announced «< LieutenantColonel 8. D. Turnbull of the retired list, Indian Staff C rps, who has succumbed to njuries he received m an encounter with a wounded leopaH Mar I*lainabid, Kashmir. The deeeaard ofiicer who came ot: 1845, took part m the Afghan V 1879 80 and
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  • 67 3 THE C3LONIE3 AND THE MOTHERLAND. (By Submarine Telegraph.— Reuter'g) Rw. Mircb 1 pm. Ti Hoa. Sr JjjephGj^rgaWard Premier of Xjw Z«ihnl, spe iking at a bacqnet, says Rsuter's Sydney correspondent emphasised the nacessity for a closer and more orgiinsed c 3 op9ntion between the Colonies and the Motherland. Ha
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  • 48 3 Alarm the Radicals. Mir 18, 10:53 a.m. The lobbyist of the Daily Chronicle says that he ha 9 never known more intense irri>n amongst the RidieiJs tbar. has been caused by the navy estioiites. Oaly the Constitutional crisi9 prevents serious de>ns from the Government ranks.
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  • 35 3 N Mir 13, 437 pm. Fiom Petersburg it is reported thut eighteen out of nineteen Chinese doctor hospital at Kivang Chingtse have died of plague m the hospital and will be burne 1.
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  • 18 3 The "Novvevreniya" dechres that further discussions with Chini are useless and the ultimatum must be presented. > <
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  • 525 3 (From our own Correspondent.) i B thru 9th March. The oil mill here started working four or five weeks ago, the mill is situated on the Kelantan River, two and hilf miles from Koto Bihru, and is manufacturing sago ims out a good white article. Owing to the
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  • 49 3 It is understood that some fifteen Kowv Kehs have been arrested by the Milacca police m connection with the recent gang robbery at Gemas. Japanese silk and )us large sums of money were found m their possession. The were armed with Winchester rifles and Browning pistols.
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  • 13 3 Inspector Nicol of the Malacca police has arrived here on a short holiday.
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  • 1042 3 THE EVIDENCE OF ACCOMPLICES. In the Supreme Court yesterday Mr Justice Fisher delivered Judgement m .1 rather interesting case m which a polic e officer of good record had been convicted 0 demanding money from persons under arrest m connection with their obtaiuin^ bail. The judgment apart from upsetting the
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  • 473 3 The following circular has been issued by the North Borneo Chamber of Commerce to members of that Chamber, 1 y the Secretary "Sterday's Committee Meeting we were fivcured with the presence ot 3. Youug R-.ddell, the Commissioner sent out from Home to look into the question of
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  • 193 3 Details ok the New Treaty. the laboua dffvicuiat removed. Tokyo, March 3. i sterday Count Komura, Minister for Foreign AlT»irc>. gave an explanation m I r House of the Diet regarding the new treaty that has been concluded between Japan and the Tinted States. Hs said that
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  • 89 3 Closer Relations. The years have brought the Philippines closer to their China Coast neighbour. More intercourse has brought batter aojiaintance and more knowledge of the country and its people has begotten a better understanding and more courteous and considerate treatment. The change has been mutual. Tae p
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  • 118 3 ■i MaDy ex pupils of St. Xtvier's Institu tion will remember Brother Casimir, of the Christian Brotherhood, whose death m his h year the Rangoon papers announce. He was born m 1858 of Irish and Burmese ptrentage and taught the Vlth Standai St. Xavier's Institutiou when the late Rev. Bro.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 182 3 W^ 1 Cfc c ttw Coal Sweater. J^Ss'"'- •sSp?¥™- ft These Sweateis are now a I very popular. Being made m coat-form they are easy to pat on. We have them m plain white, or white with plain t i*'t t; ?*i^^H coloured factogs, V,. I>_rk I irk H I
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 394 3 THE WEATHER. List month must have constituted a record for Singapore from a meterol point of Tiew, for there has been nothing like so dry a February for many years. The mean average rainfall for this month is somewhere between seven and e'ght inches, but this year we had only
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 936 6 BRITISH INDIA S. N. Co., Ltd FOB PENANG. MADRAS AND NEGAPATAM Tin O any"s Steav THONGS Herringtor mmai r will be c abov< I 1 1 irstla :he 16th instant, at 5 p.m. She has mmodation for first it* i irs For freight or passage apply to BOUSTEAD Co.. AMU
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    • 609 6 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG AND Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts Ges. Hansa Bremen. COMBINED SERVICE. The steamers of tht^e Oompanie- maintain a regular MKfiM between Hamburg, Bremen. Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnight ly for Havre and Hamburg and MMI a month for Bremerhaven direct,
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    • 730 6 •Sw* .^BBi F OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. Tbe Companies' steamers are despatched fron. Liverpool outwards for tbe Straits China and Japan every wi k, and from Japan homewards for London Amsterdam and Autwiru every fortnight for (i noa, Marseille ard Liverpool and
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    • 586 6 N.D.L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAI] Nh The fast and well-known mail steamers 1 this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamp- ton. renoa, Naples, (connec* Marseilii N s, Alexandria and vice v» I Baid Aden, Colombo, Pen& Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau, Nagasaki and Kobe to
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    • 523 6 P. O. STEAM NAVIGa Foi China, Japan, Penang, Cevloa Australia, India, Aden E*yT Mediterranean Port*, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued tr» m»:Coast, Persian Gulf ConUnanST an? aZ?' san Ports. Uil; fltaaininn will leave Singapor- or aaoot MAIL Outward 1911 lfl|l D«vanha March 11 e lhi May <
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  • 229 3 Excitisg Melbourne Ixciden Soae nuit— snnt w as caused loth inside -d oQtsids the Opera House Melbourne on afternoon ol Feb I 2th by the escape of a w hieb performs under the direction of J\,sola. the illusionist. While tbe turn was m progress the
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  • 252 3 How to Recover it E\~.:.\. 13 a matter of contiderabY important when, for tome reason, known or unknowi an individual loifl .s8 of aj be y temp SM| ieverthless, be so pro c may Nai to a greater or les.< v\ t and a sensation of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 411 3 FOR SALE. SPECIAL SALES OF JAPANESE PLANTS Jast arrived m good condition conifers, flowering shrubs, dwarf trees m pots and etber ornamental plants. Inspection cordially invited at No. 1 5, Pnnsep Street. i I. MarlS 20JJ_ FOR SALE Offers will be received by the undersigned lor the following plant m
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    • 249 3 WANTED WANTED Smart young European Ffllimi as Out toreman for work m Federated States. App c o Free Press. Mar TEACHER WANTED. Lady assistant for Infant Department Salary $900—***** p*»r annum, with quar Apply to The Headmaster, Anderson School, Ipoti. 19-3 GOVERNMENT^NOTICE. WANTED Application* will be received at the Colonial
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    • 760 3 RUCTIONS. PICTURES. PICTURES. AUCTION SALE OF p Very Valuable Oil Paintings AT TIIK tllSl EXCHANi.K SALEROOM, 100, EsBBOMOH Koad. Tc-Morrow, Wednesday, the 15th instant, at 2-30 p.m. The Collection includes a large painting of the late Kin? Edward the Seventh and one of Queen Alexandra. On view frcrn the 14th
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    • 815 3 AUGTIONS. AUCTION SALE At Poirell A- o's On Tuesdny, 15th March, at 11 a. m. \t-n genth DM I saddles two si is single harness one leather and canvas waterproof Kit ba^ V w and m excellent condition. Now ON View POWELL Co., Auctioneers. Mar 10 16 3 MORTGAGEE S
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    • 1087 3 "izeline Snow t zeline Snow ow -azeline' Snow" Hazeline' Snow" Snow" 1 Hazeline' Snow" bnow zeline' Snow" Hazeline' Snow hazeline' Snow" Hazeline Snow" >now Hazeline Snc- Hazeline Snow "now" Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow mow" Hazeline Snow Ha. ow Hazeline' Snow" zeline' Snow" Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow H .zeline Snow •W
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  • 26 4 the Pr«« the Pc tin, I influ-nce and unbribed by >: I nith her g'onous pretept* dia**« Pledged to Religion. Loyalty and taw.
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  • 1336 4 Just now and until il B 'lie 'Jovernor shall have arrived m England to discuss the details of the 8.1 l that is to regulate shipping and freights so far as to free these from certain evils arising out of a monopoly, there is no reason
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  • 598 4 The polios do* has arrived from England and was to have bsen taken out on Tanghn rounds last night. small elephant belonging to the Circus fell into the river yesterday mornintr as he was being put into a t >ngkang. The "baby" was not much the worse for his bath.
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  • 111 4 > COLLISION AND A STRIDING. Rom our own drr-pm***.) -"Ml. Mar. v Toe kapurtbak," which went ashon <* •ulo An»r, «m got off at two o'ck** Idturday afternoon. Mn K«i*htlet Be*h clock on board the sh lp fro. heart 4k Her body w M brought on to Penan*
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  • 110 4 Presentations to Mr Brewster. {From out u,upu.i Ipoh, Mar 13, 3.26 pa. Mr -ewsuir, the new R^ideftt o| P «fc— t *reat send-off, addresses beia* presented at Ipoh and Bitu Ga jah eulog*. ing his good work. In reply Mr B^wster thanked the dm*. ings said he
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  • 57 4 Authority To Sell. The E istern Smelting Cam pan? it ciliisf ■peaal meeting for Mir 20 to «ir.hoMi Mr JeMen to sell the undertaking «übj«et bilitiM to a ait Eajrlish Cmjmj with nominal capital of x Tai purchase prioe it fiiel at be satisfied by allotment of
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  • 13 4 J'enaag has been awarded the Sweueahaei Cricket Trophy for 1 fc
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  • 32 4 Xi mac Kanmsar:— 7.413 Ibi. Cjo-Urke-aadCo. Laxai»k..x -j !h, icemct ,1 two montas of: ag&iMt Agenta Derrick and Co. <!bs. Aeents Eratt and C Ihde4oiri lbs. rubber lot. guttapsnbm
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  • 194 4 Tbkka MBCTA.N: 350 Mengiemba Lode 307 pikuls, nisi The sumps wer* ruoniDg M w Tambck The workcoMMOtad with tbe S KnAJ Reereatioei Hall IVnang •t*rt«d I**' and it is ipected to be ompieted id tton months' tine. (S Tke Kuala Ktßfear convpoD tent of tfcl Esho say*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 146 4 MACGREGOR'S V.O.S. I finest Liqueur keotefi uifiTsKV. I Macgregor Haidbeck Co, I LONDON GLASGOW. I ESTABLISHED 1864PLIED TO THE HOUSE OF LORDS, THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, -D TO THB HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, CANADA. Caldbeck Macgregor Co, Sole Agents. i *> is I jIL 1 choice V f TRAVELLING if' 1
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    • 120 4 CALL AT "Moutrie' s" FOR THE PIANO PROVEN BY 38 YEARS EXPERIENCE. GUARANTEED FOR 5 YEARS OVER f,200 Distributed m all Parts of China and the Straits. S. MOUTRIE AND CO.. LTD. THE ARCADE. t NOTICE. Messrs. DOWN COMPANY, ACCOUNTANTS SECRETARIES, have removed their office from Rallies Place to No.
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  • 72 7 Woods' Great Peppermint Care for all inter oai tvmmlamsi djsosisij ooacbs colds Ac. Jan. Feb. Total Cfcw lining f,»nr |T 852 ».590 I Kgpaboi Mil 455 Übat 910 MaMtesko Lode N«w Oopen^ SewTambnn Hi I^B hdH 476 Kahman M iauiuan Hyd. 400 1,000 }Umbatan 120 R»ak(Gold) ox.
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  • 448 7 1 To the Woods sang the bard. x the Woods let me flee, For this cold seems as hard And as tough as can be To the Woods I'll away, the call doth allure, And will purchase this day Biz Great Peppermint Cure." Jan Total Ailagar 4
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  • 593 7 SH ARES. RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. Cap. {B,ui. Paid. LastDjv. Buyers. Sb: 85,000 2/ 2/ Allasir Rubber Estate Ltd 4<* 150,000 2- 2/- An^lo-Malay 75% int. 1 3 3 14 1' 50,000 21- tag M daka 2 6 30.000 1 1 mt 35% int. ls 10 0 M]o 0 80.000 1
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  • 637 7 1 50,000 5 5 Ayer Panaa 650 660 XX) 11 Alor Gajah Rubber Eitate 180 190 150.000 1 1 .^r Kuning 50 60 500,000 10 10 Bukit Timah Rubber Estates 1' UO 1•• 50 XX) 11 Baigownie imt 00 !50 XX) 10 10 Changkat Serdang K^.,> Ltd...
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  • 98 7 UNDBB CONTRACT WITH THB NKTHEBLANDB INDIA W H Batavia GALA Prigi-Radja and Rengti Merkus Bengkalis, Paneh, Asahan, Baloe Bara 4 Belawan-Drfl de Kock Moeara-Saba, Simpang and Djambi v I* Rumi-hiub Batavia, Sainarang and Soerabaia Valbntyn Rioaw. Anambas and Natoena IslaD 2?! Reyniers/. Bandjermasin, Poeloe-Laut, Balik-Papan, SamarindA,
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  • 238 7 CLEARA N CES March 11. Solva, Nor str, Ommundsen, for Bangkok. Goslar. Ger str, Schroder, for Hamburg via ports. Ban Fo Soon, Dut str Odink, for Pontianak. Willem 111. Dut str, Stobbe, for Amsterdnm via ports. March c Borneo, Dut str, Kockx, for Cotie via ports. Ban Hong Liong, Brit
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  • 63 7 (Coekkotid up to M^r. 13 Bank 4 m s i T" demand Private credit« 3m M credits 6ms France, demand Bank... 295 Germany, demand 240 India, T. T, 174f Hongkong, demand Yokohama, demand 114* Java, demand 140* Bangkok, demand 66 Soveksi -iNti, Bank Buying $8.54 Hunk of England Rate...
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  • 116 7 March 13. ba 7«» wwAM Gammer Cube No 1 14 5,> .OtmbiarOolMNo. 2 P«pp«a81*«k (orCa. 8*pei«) fa-yen 1 5 50 Pepper, White fa b^raWS* Nutmeg (110 to ike i. M _gf mi mm W Mm (nBu) mm t CHo-m (Author DO Coffee (10% Black) 00 Laberuui Ooffet m m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 334 7 TO LET. FLAT TO LET. A first class: flat to let with furniture at a valuation. Apply 19 LAIDLAITB FL4I Stamford Iload. Mar 11 nc TO BE LET TJNFURSI3HED. The exceedingly comfortable and pleasantly situated rasJieaßß known a BX HOUSE, off Chancery Lane. Three bedrooms. House newly done up and
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 821 7 VTESSELH IN Pm Ti I K at and Tonp rommanden -t'r:v©d From For v* Monmouth Brit cruis. 9800 Power Mar 11 Saigon Penang 16 H bnta F. M.S. dredger 500 Xov 13 Kuantan Mew Co .00 Murphy Jan 31 Penang Br k Dut.) :jk Marl Kh 7^ Uneerta* Sperwer D
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  • 1331 8 An ordinary person would hardly turn to the records of the Post Office for li^ht, humorous reading, and yet they are as enteras a volume of Punch." The Post* master has to be all things to all men, and it is surprising what a
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  • 293 8 The following are the results of tbe Competitions played recently on the Rice Course Links.— Clik Championship. Ist Round. Procter beat Tripp 6 and 4 Millar best 1 up. Campbell baat Miles wo. •eatMuglistcn 4 an 1 pc bea Jay son, Everitt and Watt byes. >d Bound.
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  • 149 8 The funeral of Father Pouget on Sunday afternoon was largely attended. In addition lon and Kjurdon and the whole of the French clergy residing m Singapore, there were also present the Vicar General and his brother of the Portuguese mission, the Brothers and boys from the
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  • 361 8 -TEHDAV'S PI A Doubles. Gaunt and Howe v Everitt and Millar, postponed. Miles and Crabb Watt v Cox and Treadgold unfin. B Doubles. Reutter and Moding beat Ruchvraldy and Scoular, 7 •">, ♦"> J Spiers and Chancy best E'avies and Jen« nings, 6 l, 6
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  • 149 8 The Government of British N >rth I'.orneo has written to the Chamber of Commerce at dakan stating the intention of the .men' shortly to extend the use iv its Hospitals and Prisons. The local price of this, rice is somewhat expensive and it is
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  • 99 8 The final for the Cup presented by Mr! A. Voungand Mr and Mrs de Rot.. was contested on Friday G. IS' Ii irejl and Lieut R, IV W,■ iin Humphreys winning *>v and l' The conditions were match play 18 h under handicap. There wort „,-en lor
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  • 83 8 Rubber is now the rage m IndoChina, •limitic conditions restrict Para to the Southern provinces. F.cus on the other hand, thrives both there and m the North. F'om Siigon to Quinhon, Para, grows admirably. North of Omnhon the climate is too ;old Ficus grows even near the frost line >n
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  • 463 8 The Snowdonien lands Australian coal at the wnsrves The "Gieni'trle" bunkered at the wharves before sailing for Chiua The outward boucd Blue funnel steamer 11 Liertes replenished her bunkers at Tanjong Pagar. General cargo, 1,200 tons, was landed at the wharves by Guadiana from Saigon That vessel loaded
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  • 102 8 Per Lai Sang i Miss Flett, T. C. Gaylord, Mr and Mrs Farman, Mrs J. Campbell, J I Milne, H. J. Falconer, H. Welham. Per Mahidol Mr Lang and child. Miss Dunt. T m Joo. Per Poh Ann Messrs Jaosen, Brown and Bishop. Per Kinta Mrs Maude, Mr
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  • 199 8 P«r N. D. L. Yorok Mr O. Von Stetten, Mr R. P. Wedd, Mr and Mrs H. Von Meins and son, Dr A. Von Sprecher, Mr U. Mecke, Ambrose B. Cross, Mr and Mrs Huttenbacb, Mr E. H F. Day, Dr Woltskel, Major V. Good .d Mrs LeongEng
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  • 98 8 Wharvet and Dncks at which different vessels were berthed yest rday. East Wharf (Basin) Nam Yong. Wharf Sec I— Thongwa. Sheers Wharf— Nil. Main Wharf Sec 2— Baron Fairlie. 3 Lai Sang. M 4 Stamboul. m s—Marudu.5 Marudu. n 6 Keemun, Deucalion. Lagoon
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 453 8 It^j THE ALHA .S7 j E Grand Change of Programme E |h to-night I a iVeu- Subjects! New Subjects!! s I 7 PATHE'S SCIENCE AND BE SEI i p> also Artistic and Hutuoroue Pictures, A American Kinema Comedy. Rassian Openair (Sew.) \~L j tl za Cor special Comic (New.) I
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