The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 11 March 1911

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 92 1 A serious fire has occurred at Pulu Übin 7. Some bankruptcy cases are reported on P,, The Circus close their season here to night Pige 7. A big fight took place over a stand pipe I Q j«*mi Street I itje 7. Mr G. A. Derrick
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  • 79 1 Flat to be let— Page 13 Auction sale of milk Page 5. Singapore Aviation meeting Page 1. Continental motor tyres Page 14. Grand gala night at the Theatre Royal Page 1. For B<tle, horse and carriage and motor cycle Page 8. The Pulau Bulang Rubber and Produce Co..
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  • 120 1 tArURDAT, lltll Hi«fh Water.— 18 a., 9.22 p S.C.C. Cricket Tournament. Sunday, 12th High Water.— 7 '.6 a., 10.6 p 2nd m Lent. N. D. L. Mail Homeward due Monday, 13th:— Hi^h Water.— 9 9 10 40 p S C.C. Tennis Tournament. Keswick Prayer Meeting, 6.30 a Philharmonic
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  • 345 1 Proa Europe.—P.. X. D. L. Kleist, on y next, with mails of FY From China.—Per N. D. L. Yorck, on Sunday next. The N D L. leaves Mar 13, doe London 5. The P. 0. leaves to day, due Hongkong Mar 1 7, Shanghai Mar 22, Yokohama Mar
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  • 1037 1 By the time thtse lines are read id print our local world will hare gone through a period of struggle and ><>n t and let us hope lot v on the whole, it will have eirerged successfully. Thote householders who. With ttern won of duty, sat up
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 644 1 Combined Animated Picture and Musical Entertainment AT Th^. MARLBOROUGH CINEMATOGRAPH B E A H BOAO. TO-NIGHT. Pictures to interest to amuse and to delight and good, pleasant music to Harmonise with the subjects. 2nd SHOW 9-30 TO 11 P. M. 1. Manners and Customs m Malaysia. 2. Latude s. c.
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    • 225 1 Location Beach Road. THE APOLLO CIRCUS. LAST TWO PERFORMANCES To-day at 4-30 To-ni^ht at 9 p.m. Childrens Matine Childrena Matine Special Programme for the Little ones To-day (Saturday) at 4-30 p.m. Children Admitted to all Parts for 30cts THE APOLLO CIRCUS To-night at 9 To-night Absolutely the last Perfoimance m
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    • 23 1 Grimault Co's Sarsaparilla cleanses 1 the blood from all s arising from Scrofula, Eczema, Bad Legs, Skin Diseases, P. m pies ard Sores.
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  • 493 2 Peking, Fet Kwang fix, Tirtar General cf 111, m answer to an enquiry by the Waiwupu, states that Bnom is still increasing her tro Soak Yin to, Minist-r at reports to the Grand Council that Russian activity m the construction of conveyances for troops and aims is most
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  • 177 2 Ajjdriw's Cathekkal. Second Sunday m hemL 7 am Matins, Hymn I 7.45 am Holy Communion (Choral Hymns 353,31 4 pm Sunday School A Bible Chiiw. 5.50 pm Eveßtoag and Sermon, Hymns 8 Taper Hymn, L >rd keep as safe this night. St. Matthbw's, Sipot Linis. 7.30 am
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  • 662 2 An Octogenarian's Record: Cured of Rheumatism and Debility of Advanced Aged by Dr Williams Pink PUlf, «^uite an interest ingcharacter is Mr. Tohn Barton, who lives m the hamlet of Wesson Colviile, Cambridgesbirr. Kngland. Such an address at to dad him, because h so well-known.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 288 2 Dr. Williams' Pink PillS. TL 1 DA;«nn« APARTMENTS. Charles Kobinson, Comfortable double and single rooms with Tllff CCmmiSSiOn A£6Hl board at "Ml .hIKA T.Oxleyßise. Tonnia. Stiblefi. Terms moderate. No. 4, The Arcade. Singipore. Fei DC 531. l. "ROBBIE ENGLISH TURF. Popular Wants. LIPCOIRShirt Handicap mn 2ISt MaiCh, ig to Australia
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    • 654 2 NOTieES. The Pulau Bulang Rubberand Produce Co., Ltd. N' riOl is hereby gtaa that a call of 50 cent- pel kharc payable oa or before M B Ist, 1911 has best nads by the Board on all Contribatory Shan Traasfei of Contribntory Shares will b>; ragiasi si aftsi ttn 15Hi
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    • 537 2 International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500, 000 Hbad Office 6O Wall Street, Niw Yoai. London Office Threadneedle House, Bisbopsgate Street Within, Londob BC Lohdoh Bankkbb National ProriaolaJ Bank of England Ltd. General Foreign Batineu Transacted DEPOSITS. Current Deposit Aoooonts opened and Interest allowed on the daily baianoei at
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    • 374 2 MANUFACTURER^ INSURANCE Co. OF CAN4 D ■wablibhbd 1887, Policies are "WORLD WUbS- m^_ TRICTED," "INDISPUTABIS- J I*-.1 FORFKITABLB." *Z Claims, loans, c&gh^ajn«ajsWa promptly settiet: by the Gtm 3* a** Sing* pore without the dale* lv Head Offioe, m "■■■Us The Heserres for Mbbbbbbb «j holders are over |20.000^ i ySo^
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 363 3 VvW" "T^^^B y PERMANENT READY ROOFING. Cheaper than Attaps. No Rene^£ bemg Required. ,>^^r§s^ *&r^ Specially Suitable for Estate Buildings t,- 4|TP^ ,<- -ijtfi^K > Z?T* j*-*"* '--N. s. -.^»ii^C»-L\"- A «?^^bbßßß war S< ■•^\<'^ffl| r i» i 2 DiV 510 DGr 21b SQUSrG T66t. mW,M:V M A6ttfa f-w// Particulars
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  • 565 4 Obsek est of Aberdeen I IVERBITY. Toere is a very interesting appreciation of Scotsmen by a Chinaman m the World's Chinese Students' Journal." riVM the Impression* of Aberdeen of Siow Thye Lee, who was a stndent at Aberdeen University. Aberdeen, like Oxford or Cambridge, is
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  • 475 4 Tbe Lieu ten ant- Governor of Papa a. Colonel T. H. Murray, when lately m London, made tome statements on afftirs m that tie pondancjtr i r~pn»nntiti of the Morning Pot 4. He declared that the developments country was progressing satiafacto: the "rubber boom" was making its
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1067 4 The World's Wine-Tonic. g I :^4 Thegiorioasb ol ting robust health is digestive and assimilat I n- -i all m th< nous va nee it it n; 1 |a rk »nd avour; and n\\O can with fl I I T rd to follow a of plea I I glowii ing
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    • 371 4 HONGKONG WHAMPOA DOCK CO., LTD., HONGKONG. legraphicAddroat: MANIFESTO HONGKONG Dock Owners, Ship Builders. Marine and Land Engineers, E oiler Makers, Iron and Brass Founders. Forge Masters, Electricians. All claasefl of CONSTRUCTI< \'GINEERING WORK undertaken, also LOCOMO. KAILWAY ROLLING STOCK and PLAHT. BRIDGES &c. COAST and KIVKR STE.\ rS and LAUNCHES,
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    • 145 4 assists nature It i used mixed new mi de assimilak j when ot rough and which produce (irritation m delicate S Motlirn. M quc ml t> write i.< i j UIAIII-, «i'"l I".i^ I HMv^-lUitlo,. t care of li.\. Im 1 is 2 Mt^grr'f Food v wtm m umt if
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  • 352 5 'EL PRo.iE man Am thai Kyrle B-llew has agemen 1 of the world tl 1 seem to be b»t*>. ■•etrsg thsatrw omW M.*« i >n 1 ttkm M ddle W s riveis Mr Bellew's pi travr i tsj a Urge ocean s earner acd n. suffi.e warm
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  • 165 5 Mb Wickham m Colombo. The -Times of CeyloL 28) s» y i Mr Wickham, who may be described a* the father of the Etatern pltnta !u> irriveil "Milwa" oa his way back to England from New Guinea. The romantic story of how Mr Wukham
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  • 845 5 a« I m Method op OvERtOMrNo it. •f all Urn subtle a: o f hea inu to tht- r -lient m the way rba sleep. ■se who have n« r what it is to lie with unclosed eye*, or to toss r mealy through the long
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 140 5 WANTED. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. WANTED. Applications will be received at tbe Colonial Bee retary's Office up to the 18th March, 1911 far tbe peat of Chief Engineer, Colonial Steamer "Sea Mew," For particulars as to qualifications, etc, apply to the Inspector of Marine Surveys 188 Doctor wanted for Tin Mine, F.
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    • 151 5 American Dentistry Is now procurab'e at 2*-8 Coleman St. off Hote De La Paix frcm Dr. Lamb who ii deavourirg to build up a r^rmanent practice here by means of giving tin advantages of the highest class of aodern d istry »fcnnosuaUy low eh > Although ■Mtcribed period for procnring
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    • 806 5 nuenoNs. AUCTION SALE >om Wednesday. 15th March, at 11 a. m. Forty cases Bttrittatd Milk. "Flag" and Clover Brand. (iOOD CONDITI' POWELL Co., Auctioneers Mar 11 16-3 AUCTION SALE OF Manila Cigars 41 Powell and Co's Salerooms. On Wodnesday, 15th March, at 11 a.m. Comprising Legitimes, Londres, Esquisitos, Especiales, Flor
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    • 711 5 AUGTIQNS AUCTION SALE At P< i ell Co's Saleroom Cn Tuesday. 15ih March, at 11 a. m. BSTPBB I'l-rt .u> -a :wo sets single JiarneßH one leather and canvas waterproof Kit ba^. New and m excellent condition. No\\ on Virw. POWELL Co., Auctioneers Mar 10 i r r H. L
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    • 889 5 AUC lON BAI~E OF Valuable Teak Hcusehold Furniture and Effects, Motor Car. Horses and Carriages, Plants &c. &c, (THE PROPEi < R. M. EZEKIEL Esq. At Sheen" 98-2, Martin Lane off, River Valley Rd. On Saturday, March 18th, at 2 p.m. Comprising Teak occasional tables, teak dining table. PO\RD, Turkey
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  • 1078 6 ore has been an allni^ht sitting m the House of Commons with the inevitable accompaniment of sharpened ternpr and general combitiveness over the aue Bill, including the r of the reserved part of last year's Budget. All ia a small thing, although
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  • 181 6 NOT AX AiTER DINNER JOKE. AMERICAN FLAG TO THE NORTH POLE It will be rememb^rel thi f Mr Champ Clarke's speech m the Americin Congrats stating that he looked [to see the day when the A— rkmu fl ig would floit over all North America was put
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  • 595 6 Df MicDougall ia leaving to-day foi TrnifcTgacu and will be away for aome little while. The Keswick Prayer meeting will be held oo Monday next at 630 am. m the Chinese -vhool, Government Hill Laa D Pnogle. Requeat* I'r i; s e or I'rayer m%y be aent to tba leader,
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  • 49 6 IMPORTANT VISITORS. P6Ow M*r 10 I hoe. Hutch inson, the Ttiriaj t%i. Justice of Ceylon, and Lidy Em^mm"^ rived here yesterday and were net by ur Young, the CWrf B«wU*y,wW«J: tamed them at luncheon at the milts* fc, They then proceeded to Prve and mat*. Kuala Kaagstr.
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  • 51 6 The local On— fttsi of the Kmg Edwmrf Memorial fund hat ootidtwd the iw>ort rf t the sub Committee on the Maternity lof ant's hospital scheme and ha« decided ft ask the Municipality and the "nin Mlv to share the oost of the to Government to grant a
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  • 35 6 Lwpv, Mtt 10. I In oßßaeUon with the serious gaag robt bery at Oaaaaa on M*r 4, twelve anajta t have been ma^e here, four at J asid aajd tv« at Malacca.
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  • 32 6 P i Agents Guthrie Co. StSDATAK 992 lbs Total fiff« BMatla a^o2 lbs. Rom our <r«m rr/iHUMJT) Kuala Lumpur, Mar 10. r Sembilaw: •STLBFIBLD: Rast au Pax j akg
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  • 47 6 The advance figures of the tin exports from the three Sutea show the foliavmf .juantitiea for two months Perak:- 03.326 pkls. Against 71M pkla. Saltßcor:-39.018pk1a. Agaiaat 46.5 M pki«. Nefri Bambilt4i:-5.2<*5 pHs. Afaaat c value shows an increase of S67SjMI and the duy of $58,000.
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  • 419 6 > «a» Mr Gre*s >n, a partner of Maters Jirdiaa, 3 ward bound by the Fjok Ba*g. H •0 waa the price ptid b? Mr I. Schimmiug -»t Mtu.,. fjrO*p'a.n NM Red Davil biplane. '.ud Man mad* hit f .travail flight am the 28th ult at the Manila Caraival tnmi
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 136 6 NOTICE. Messrs. DOWN COMPANY, ACCOUNTANTS SECRETARIES, have removed their office from Raffles Place to No. 25, WINCHESTER HOUSE, COLLYER QUAY. Singapore, March 6th, 1911. Mar 6 19.3 Mr. C J. Kleingrothe's MALAY PBMiNSULA A few copies left of this splendid book, containing about 150 photogravures m Singapore, Penang and the
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    • 99 7 OVER TH REE MILLION INCREASE. The New Programme. (By Submarine Telegraph.— Reuters.) March lOtb, 10.25 am. The N*Tal Estimates amount tj ♦2,500, being an increase of uu—U action will cost £15,06: beiag an increase of 17. This new construction programme will iecfale five large armoured ships, and the personnel is
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    • 61 7 To be Discussed at Conference. March lOtb, 10 .35 am. According to the R ght Hon Mr McKenu'j statesaemt aooompaajing the X*val Siti—stas. certain questions affecting the kdministraUon and organisation of the Lbsuaioa aaral f orcas had been discussed nth the Dominion Governments m the hope Jiat miaj
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    • 64 7 American Action. Bee Mar 10, 3 40 pm. Ranter's Washington correspondent anaounees that the Navy department has ordered the scout cruiser Chester to inuussfl to Tampico, and the War Department has ordered three seroplsnes to be Hnt to Tans to be used m Mooting. The Liuiasji Tenessat,- M
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    • 303 7 FIMMAH AMD ESGIXKR FALL Ou r. Before Mr Acton yesterday morning, a ihsif of using criminal force was brought agsiast Thomas Simons, second engineer £>nthe**CambyBas. n bj Frederieo Bienes, a MrCrabb Watt appeared for the defence. Comte de Bondy. French Consul, was sworn m a§ interpreter m Spanish.
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    • 77 7 Toe last two performances of the Circus will be given to-day. A matinee for the lim lun.'.iuivi it'^r:. ■l n will be admitted for thirty cents to any part of the house. A •pccial pn gramme has been arrange the little one*. To-night at 9 a farewell performance
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    • 65 7 Major O. A. Derrick has been promoted to Lieut Col. and uuiicedi Mr Broad rick m tWwMtidof the SVC. Captain iatna of the Penac* Yofcnteers promoted to the rank of Mr D. Milton Figart is provisiona Ogsieai as m charge of the Consulate eemwl for the U. S.
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    • 54 7 The Opposition Defiant. (By Submarine Telegraph.— Reutar's) March 10tl pin. In the House of Commons, there was an all night sitting over the Revenue Bill embodying the portion of the Budget reserved from last year. The sitting was of tha most heated charac^r, the Opposition resenting
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    • 263 7 Mr Aoquith has announced to the H of Cjmnuns that His Mije^ty the King would be absent on a visit to ladia prob fromth^ middle of Xjvember to the end of January. ough no definite decision has yet been reached, it is probable, according to Reuter's Agency,
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    • 20 7 Admiral Sir Arthur Moore has bee pointed to succeed the late Admiral Hon Sir Assheton Cir/m-Howe, at Portsmouth.
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    • 416 7 FIBI AT PULO Ul One effect the protracted spell of dry weather is having is a frequency of quarrels around the water standpipes, which being turned off for part of the day are \ery much m demand when the water does H >w. Thursday night some
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  • 944 7 Quicjuid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli. Juvenal It is a wonder to the Topioisi md ivy others, ■>' i diem, why Brit;>i, Governments and the British public tolerate perpetual and infernal nuisanca of iti kes, with their o ut dislocation of le. The so-called strike
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  • 556 7 Before Mr Justice Fisher yesterday m the Supreme Court. Re Ten Kihu Ghna. Mr Gaunt appeared for bankrupt. This was the case iti which luckrupt hti h- ,'n ijjudicated many years ago and an application for discharge refused. His Lordship had given his consent to the Cisc being reviewed
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  • 121 7 KING EDWARD VII MEMORIAL FUND. The following subscriptions have been received up to date s Amount previously acknowledged 323,139 Towkay Eu Tong Sen, X im; 5,000 Messrs Behn Meyer A Co. Ld. 1,000 Messrs British American Tobacco Co. Ld. Hon. C. J. Saunders Singapore Slipway and Engineering Co. M 100
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  • 175 7 The Japanese Dewepaper published m English at Seoul says.— It is hvpocrif-y to claim that Japan has annexed Korea trom a purely altruistic motive, but m view of the many good things that have been given to Korea by Japan one after another m quick succession, even the severest of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 "I have been prescribing Morrhuol Creosote capsules very extensively during the past two years m Bronchial and Tubercular disorders, and m several of my severest cases, I have been astonished how rapidly repair has taken place. In pulmonary tuberculosis, they check the formation of purulent expectoration m from one to
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    • 13 7 For all internal complaint- lynentry oejOgh colds Ac, take Woods' Greu: Pepptrmiut Cure
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    • 13 7 Woods' Great Peppermint Care for all int**r ual noraDlainte dysentry coughs ccide &c
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    • 269 7 Cbc Heu 1 Coal Swcaicr. ■■■'-"i- These Strofttare are now fwy popular. Being made m coat-form they are easy to put \,V on. We have them m plain white, or white with plain y- oolouied factngs, Viz Dark H ivy, Dark -t BrowD, these latter are m tke I bait
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 585 8 FOR S7\LE. FOR SALE. Comfortable Rabin alcutta ma^. of harness, all m good condition, the property of P. R. Warren, I ply VICTORIA c o Fret Mar 11 18.3 FOR SALE Motor Cycle 6 H.P. t^in cylinders matchJess, free* engine, two speed with castor wheel, aide ear from wbich machine
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    • 589 8 BRITISH INDIA S. N, Co., Ltd. FOB PENANG. MADRAS AND NEGAPATAM Th: O WHM\ 1 E :eamer TliON'./.A." 6,208t0n?. F Herrincton, i ran r 9be r for the al aTlMnd c has excellent aco mmodation for first pai rs. -r i assage apply to BOUSTEAD Co., Agents. Marl! 17-3 BRITISH
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    • 604 8 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG AND Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts Ges. n Hansa tr Bremen. CO Mi: IN ED BEWICK Tht steamer;- ot thtse Companies maintain a regular servict betweon Hambor^i Bremen. Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan, Homeward!-, they are despatched fortnight ly for Havro and Hamburg and once
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    • 735 8 OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD. AND i China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The C V steamers are despatched from Liverpool ontwardw for the Straits, China and Japau every week, and from Japan homewanln for London Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; lot 'ii.noa, Marseilles acd Liverpool and for Hsfli Havre
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    • 585 8 N.D.L. Norddeutschcr Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LIKE The fafct and well-known mail steanx-r--y sail fortnightly from Bremen. Hamburg terdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connect)/* s, Naples, Alexandria and vice WSH Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penan^. i Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau, Nagasaki and Kobe to Yokohama and back. Through
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    • 462 8 p. sToT STEAM NAVKja; mp Foi China, Japan, P enanß Australia, India, Aden P^ Mediterranean Ports Pu ?ypt •nd Undon. ymOilk j Through Bills of Lading imo*A STp^"*" Gulf c -T^J Steamers will leave g ingspot Outward (for O,<nu) Devanha Marc i^ MM March '24 Atoadia y ©Jjte April 21
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  • 409 9 BACK-TO- BACK HOUSES. IIOOAI I- AN!- OWfdl ACHIEVEMENT. Statistics carefully collected have unmis■kablj shown of what extreme value ventilation is m the healthiness, or otherwise, of a dwelling The kkroagh house is the healthiest house, built back to back m groups of four stand next m healthiness, houses built back
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  • 277 9 Can any rule b 9 laid down, asks the Sani- try Record," as to the systematic lopping and pollarding of tree 3 m public thoroughfares This qaestion has been recently sab mitted to the Metropolitan Public Gar-1-ns Association by the Kensington Borough Council. The Association, whose
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  • 181 9 As to the report suggesting that a messI age had recently been sent by wireless teledirect from Punta Arenas, South Amtri'i. to Liverpool, a distance of 7,300 in.'- the true facts of the case are as folw~ A merchant from Punta Arenas, who was on board
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 445 9 CROSSE W% CELEBRATED Riiinni'rn I^ K oilmen's DLAthVVtLLJ^ i# 4 1 \n! iPi f vV MALI VnriilK, P j ~^—'s2£p%**^ Agents for Lra Perrins' V^ ft X* tra WORCESTERSHIRE SALCF.. i SCIENTIFIC* CERTAINTIES I :n:H: 'he 'Allcnburys' Foods are based on scientific certainties. Used as directed, they are exactly what
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    • 87 9 Best Liciment. Slight accidents and injuries are a frequent occurrence on the farm and m the work shop A cut or bruise which is often the cause of much annoyance and loss of time, may be cured m about one-third the time usually required by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm as
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    • 580 9 A City '\4 'It k* ji t J •I 1 7 fI I M: Nervous Depression, Lassitude. Rheumatism From all lands, deputations come to study the method which has made thai London Constable superior to all others. "The method by m bich I mak«i myself equal U Constable Lav. -ists
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 161 10 BUCHANAN. SCOTCH .'y Black v. h<te CjTT^HiTaTiI f mm wl ai f~TI M ITOQi^A IWfC A IVT Icffrcv s 6dinblir9h f 1 UL/PHtRS 1 AINo An. Air L T J M l\ ii I I I l^»^_ LJUI 111 IIWMI 111 111 I 11l IMI IMMrniM HIM I lII— TI
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  • 517 11 itc— ily delirered before a ia London, Mr Rober *!»lU*der m Optitbalmologj ,f Oxford. discu>B*»d 5 Stilt** t whict \J *mctg funnier* »cd .pert.. mii t mm k« Mid, its use H'btn wttpttk of the"ey.' we «h j'» mtan tk« two portions I tae j J-TiporU** *o
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  • 294 11 f I vaa m London m I doiused m hear fioyii insisting on the necessity Kißf a yearly trip to the country or sea■or change cf air. Many thousand- fellow countrymen m the tropics work Ln without such so called "change of Bruj otWr holiday than the weekly
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  • 32 11 The Spring Race Meeting (Under S. R. I. Rules of Racing W 11. 1. BEl.I) ON Tuesday, the 9th, Thursday, the 11th and Saturday, the 13th May, 1911. PROGRAMME
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  • 232 11 Tuesday, 9th May, 1911. 1 The Opening Stakes. Value $600. A Handicap for Horses that '.a\e n-ver won a Stake of more than }500. Entrance, £2u. Distance. Race Course. 2. The Lawn Stakes. Value i 0. A Handicap for all Ex-Griffins. Entrance, $15. Distance, IJ Mile. 3 The
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  • 253 11 Thursday, 11th May, 1911. 1. The First Gnffin Handicap ;e MOOaadUO to the Second Horse. A Handicap for Griffins that have been entered for the Kr-i <,riffin Race (No. 7) on the Pint l>;t. V A men excluded. Distance, md (iistanc*. 2 The Ladies' Purse. \i. m 110
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  • 315 11 Saturday, 13th May, 1911. 1 7. The Divided Griffin Fandicap. Va'ue each ?400 and £50 to the second horses. Two Handicaps divided into two and constitutor^ two Races for all na that have run at the meeting. All EfofMi entered to be divided by the Handicapper into |o
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  • 313 11 t -rt of departure, and 'whtrt Irnnin*. i;t" §m hert an-i MMM of Aj u't H 1 K.\ H Kh Jian, Marseilles, Apl 3 M M n. H m.- ujg, A Behn h\ p] 18 B*hn M*»y»r Caleb 'eld China, T «te Delhi, Coloui P A (> Deifflmger,
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  • 698 11 Per P A O Ddvanba, M*r 1 —Iff and Mrs H. G. Jackson and child, Mr J son, Mr McKay, Mr J. B. Parington, Mr and Mrs F X Mundell, Mrs J. W. Cameron, Mr and Mrs W W. Nutt ard children, Mr A. C. Pott?,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 82 11 Persistent Colds, anim reaaoa why a cold should hang _r ;a::l HM chronic threat •g troaWe is developed, aod it will! not o take Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. rtmstHys cores of colds that remedy rom a small beginning acquired a worldsale and use You may know that a <Jy lost
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    • 344 11 INTERNATIONAL Opens rubber €loses 3UnC24fl) 'ALLIED AN TRADES 3UIVII^ EXHIBITION, Wl LONDON. The Planters' Association of Malaya. invites all estates m the Malay Peninsula to forward samples of rubber of 25 lbs- each to the Director of Agriculture, to reach bim not later than the 31st March. If passed by
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    • 670 11 8 The Consolation tmle Value I4TO ac'd X I Horse. A Handicap tor ail Horses that have run I Meeting nnd not won. The Winner to I up for au tion under Ru Entrance $15. Distance, Scurry Course. Ent! Lm close at noon on Saturday the 29;h ■April, except for
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  • 415 12 CEYLON ESTATES. How Some of Them are Managed. An old Ceylon planter Mr Dewar, who has revisited the Island after several years absence finds a change a9 to the character of plantation management. This has struck him most forcibly as he has described to a representative of a Colombo journal.
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  • 187 12 Important Agreement to bb Made. the vubBtioh of frbi«htB. Tientsin, Fab. 22. important movement m shipp circles is reported here, which will advemeT ect leading shipping line*. The China Navigation Company, Menu Jar dine, Matheson and Company, and the China Merchants Company recently increased their freight charges and
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  • 261 12 In a recent isene of the Icdian Trade! Journal some particulars were given of Mr I Kichuiond's views on the utilisation of bamboo for the manufacture of paper pulp. It may now be added, says the latest issue of the pajer, that bis experiments show that
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  • 64 12 Sir Wilfrid Laurier has stated that it was not proposed to remove the bead-tax on Cnineee, but he had discussed with various people the advisability of eubstr iafl for the t- g legislation an arrangement similar to 'hi 1 ;r. |mm .h Jdpan«M entering Canada aunualy.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 718 12 m >__ ■'s KEPLER' SOLUTION I NURSING MO 1:■: -"TJ 1 r f L Kepler Solutioi W*J derive great beneht from, this v '".,,!l' **'A. delicious tonic food. F Kepler bolution sustains the \iK\C fJ strength and builds up the It increases and enriches the j "»iV -j!l It is
      718 words
    • 489 12 HOW TO GET WELL. If there i- not a motion of the bowels once or twice a day, you will soon grow heavy, drowsy and dull: the head will HlVOk and ache, there will be an unpleasant tast< m the mouth, the tongut will be MMtod and the si^ht sjMtty
      489 words
    • 240 12 u^ Sozodoi\t I Is a delicately flagrant mmL j 5^ the toe*. CZi o ffllllTrfVfl lheleeltl MTgEAREn FROM A J| j For Power Heating. 1 I SOLE AGENTS FOR S.S. F.H < (CENTRAL enc s !H ew H THE~STANDAR LI! l AN .IPAW. ASSURANCE WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINATI The Standard issues
      240 words

  • 44 13 Jan. Feb. Total Ml JJJ 2 8,590 I l ~m Kr»m*kPulai l^aglenbo Lode |bv6*M| HOW Twobu n S£SHyd. 400 1,000 rUiubutan 1-0 [> vi i Man 42 150 Sp\ak Sooth 635 Society dee »w» TYkka g TiMgfcih from b 8»*49 8,250 6,999 [ThiiHah
    44 words
  • 417 13 Jan Feb Total Ailagar 4,000 4,'J 8,225 Alor PongßO 8,808 Alor Gajah 611 1,353 Alma iO v iy 61.978 :ung 601 B,F 1,995 5,322 Ayer Panaa 07 Bakap 2,399 Ba 35 Batak X 2,479 4,959 taQfl 3.340 Batu Caves 18,898 i Tiga .18 Bernam 1,800 im 16,650
    417 words
    • 641 13 Cap Jsiub. Paid. Last Div. Butbrs. Bbklh 85,000 2/ Alhgar Rubber Estates LM 4 9 56£ 1--.M.000 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 75% int. 13 6 1 54\ 50,000 2/- I ing M d*ka 2 6 30" 30,000 11 a O^H 35% int 15 10 0 16 10 0
      641 words
    • 220 13 .000 5 5 Ayer Panaa 660 .000 1 Alor Gajah Rubber Ettaie 1 80 190 150,000 1 1 Ayet Kuning .60 .60 500,000 10 10 Bukit Timah Rubber Estates 00 12.50 200.000 1 Balgownie int 12 00 12.50 750,000 10 10 Changkat Serdang Estate Ltd... 200.000 10
      220 words
    • 246 13 $300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Minim? Co Ltd 10% int 5.30 540 $300,000 10 10 Bruang Limited 5.00 550 $(500,000 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Co Ltd 500 $400,000 10 10 Ltd 1.50 10.000 1 1 Kinta Tin Mines 35% 17.00 18 00 $150,000 10 10 Kuantan Tin
      246 words
    • 184 13 aaa 10 10 Eastern Smelting Co Ltd 10.00 norn 1 $1,500,000 j lO 7 Contrib. 6.75 700 |360 000 10 10 Fraser and Neave Ltd 10% 38.00 40.00 (100 100 H '.rskine Lid r ,4 00 H)0.000 100 m m 7 pref. 100 100 Kate Brothers Li i Deferred
      184 words
  • 53 13 (Corrected xrp to Mar. 1 Btmk 4ms demand Private credits 3m credits 6m s France, demand Bank.., 296 Germany, demand 240 [ndia,T. T, 174* Hongkong, demand *;«S Yokohama, demand H4J Java, demand Bajjokok, demand 66 Sovereigns, Bank Buying $8.54 Bank of England Rate... 3% Discount 3 months bi11... 6
    53 words
  • 116 13 March 10. M tmjw»|9l7S Gambier Gambler Cube No 1 14.50 }*rabierOuWKo. m Pepper Black (oHUm. B*f«# Pepper, White (fair) buyers 26 50 Bfatnegs (1 10 to tkt l» norn ST«tm^« (80 to fckt M norn Chvh (AmWiM) Bally Coffee (10% Black) MH Liberia* Oofltt M M oaa, imal] pearl
    116 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 389 13 TO LET. FLAT TO LET. A first class flat to let with furniture at a valuation. Apply 19 LUDLAW S FLA'I Stamford Road. Mar 11 nc_ BISHOP S LCDOE To let tarnished frcm April 21st for 6 aonths. Tennis and Badminton Courts with Hone and Csiiiagp Rent 180 a month.
      389 words
    • 24 13 GODOWNS TO LET. ,14 350 Havelock Road. T Are t 12.500 square feet River anc i Road Frontage. Apply I -n^apore Oil Mills Ltd
      24 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 977 13 VESSELS IN POK'I Flas and Tone Commander* Arr:v«d Krom For Wb«» tttan 1.;... ianUo certain Nlf>w Col. ya Murpby Jan 31 Penang eruin Dot Wink Mar 1 Khio 1 ertain ver Dut 450 Eeerde Mar 6 Pontianak Ball Siam gun boat 550 Dery Mar 8 Penang *11 -•^araers Klae A
      977 words
    • 78 13 WEATHER REPORT. Date Bar Wind Temp Ham Sky Rain. Mar H'kong 1"a 29.08 88 o j Manila 10a 26 21 b H'long 4p 29 83 El of Manila 4r 756 23 c Kandang Kerbaa Hospital, Mar 9. 1911. 9 am. 3 pm. 9pm Barom. 32 Fah. 29.933 24.813 29 900
      78 words

  • 574 14 The mini meeting of this B->ard was held Testerday afternoon m the t trices, Mr F. J. Hallifax presiding, the other members present being M irray Robertson J. C»rapiet. gullia. Tan Keam Hock and ChU Cheog Kee. The minutes having been col firmed, The President stated that the
    574 words
  • 333 14 The following circular has been issued to Shareholders m the aboTe and will be considered at a special meeting called for March 18. at noon. I bet? to enclose herewith formal notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting of the abjte Company when you will note that an option
    333 words
  • 44 14 How to cnre a cold is a question m which miny are lltwHa jast now. Chamberlain's Cybßemedy b%s won its great tepntation f*ii. M y M> b y ite remarkable core of flSftkv alTrwi Wmyi JjJ l mjßd °Pon For
    44 words
  • 1053 14 (Front < ''Wres-poh unburgb, February r the past few ,ilieal calni has tiled m Scotland. the ie interest will awaken at the MJI logical moment, it may be that it is only the quiet before the storm but at present no one speaks, hi safe to say no
    1,053 words
  • 196 14 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. b Olass Bno] k. < adon beat UsTsh. 4 ii t> 4, B—4.8 4. Gordon beat L J Ulsl ri 1,6—3. C. Class Single. A. C. Smith beat F. A. Teale, s— 1 i-0. W. B. Cochran v E. S. Adler, unfinished. E.
    196 words
  • 106 14 KB! iBH B ''P. The following are the entries for the above 1 ND. Williams C R. (4) v Drap (0) Kilbv H \V (f) vOreentie M. (2) xA. D (5) v Hallawa; I (8) Michie W. B. (4) v Sims'W. A. j Cruttwell 0.0.(4 (6) Marsh
    106 words
  • 37 14 The same team as played m a previous tie will represent the C. S. and Law this after- < 0.8. Cooper, H i'.u- li I> MunAell, P. J. Pin I cieSmith, E. N. Talma. ELI dhnder.
    37 words
  • 102 14 The outward DOU vh mail "Orange" called yesterday morning, Unding at 500 tons of general cargo and sailing foi Bita\ rtften Ti. from Cakntta tai a general cargo wharves jester and sailed for China Inesff m the The"Patapi" and M BsMt N wefl 1 loading transhipment ci whatves
    102 words
  • 203 14 Pearl Fisheries Declining. According to a Consular report, not only are the pearl fisheries of Ceylon and India declining, but it is understood th;( the Per sian Gulf, the chief source of the W( r supply, is giving a much reduced yield The price of pearls, consequently, is
    203 words
  • 909 14 The follow mi» pns^r _rers are booked homeward O. Per Assaye, sailing Vfarch 11. Mr and Mr 8 D. V Perkins, Mi rT Patohitt, Mr H. Latham. Mr and Mrs A J W .tkins, Mr j and Mrs S Scott, Sir R. and Lady Paget. Mr Powers Potts,
    909 words