The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 9 March 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 156 1 The pligue is decreasing m Manchuria Page 5. -dort life is predicted for the French Cabinet Page 5. The aviation meeting has been fixed fir next week Ptge 5. Litett iubber prices and crop returns will be t\ uad on page 4. Serious trouble appears to be
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  • 867 1 March 9. 1862 was a fa trout day m the annals of na7al warfare, for it whs on that day that theie occurred the great trial of strength between the and the •'Monitor." B^th the contestants m this •truggle of the ugly giants *s this
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 675 1 T NEW UP-TC DATE PRODUCTIONS. T |_j n humourous pictures A Wto's Animated Gazette 25th Edition MAX LINDER f\ (Tbe King of LaugbHri. MES DREADNOCGI f Launch of H.M.S. "Thunder.: »> (The Prince of Mini L- at Canning Town. H L FOOTBALL W TO-NIGHT* f y France defeated by England
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    • 125 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice re Fraser and Neave dividends Page 2. Last few nights of the Apollo Circus Page 1. Miss Eva Gauthier's concert next week Pape 1. "T" beer the popular brand, sold by Guthrie and Co. Page 4 Bankruptcy notices re J. L. Nonis and Yeo Kian Guan Page
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 347 1 THE WEEK. Thursday, 9th i High Water— 3 .2!* *,6 25 p P 40 Mail Homeward due S.C.C. Tennis Tournament. Friday, 10th High Water. i 42 a., 8.34 p P O Mail Outward due Municipal Commission, 2.30 p S.C.C. Tennis Tournament. CAIuRDAY. 11th Hirfh Water.— 1.18 a., 9.22 p Cricket
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  • 471 2 Its Pboductio* and 1 Coca leaves (says the Bulletin of the lin penal Institute) are derived from a pUnt, fetkroiylon Coca, which occ h m the countries aloug the western coast of South America, and especially m Peru and Bolivia In recent years coca plantations hare been
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  • 248 2 THE GERMAN CROWN PR INCE. Calcutta, February Before the Crown Prince left India a representative of Reuter's Ag>ncr was accords an interview -el'.encv Her er, a member of tl who was abta to convey the impressions of the Crown Prince of his tour m India. His Excellency m the c
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  • 83 2 There is S)O reason why a cold should hang on for weeks, or until some chronic throat or long trouble is developed, and it willl not il you take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. By its remarkable cares of colds that remedy has from a small beginning acquired a worldwide
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 367 2 Charles Robinson, Turf Commission A&en\ No. 4, The Arcade s:ngipore. I SBl. I ;OBBIE ENGLISH TURF. Lincolnshire Handicap run 21st March. Grand Nations run 24th March. DOUBLE EVENT Doubles from 5,000 100 so 5.000 53 or any part thereof. All m run or not. Starting Price, Win and 1 2,
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    • 628 2 NOTI&ES. NOTICE. MB. C. E. JOHN 94 >N" fa no longer m our Employ. -x I BELLAMY a CHRISTIE. (Signed)j jA> v [<nE Mar 9 U FRASER NEAVE, Ltd. Notice is hereby given that the Coupon Serial No. 18 on Shirt- Warrants to Beassfl ot this Company for the Dividend
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    • 712 2 NOTWES. CENSUS NOTICE- y householder who has not reOl ived a Census Schedule or who may have mislaid the same will be snsplied with one on application at Hrn M'inicipai Health Office. \v. EL a HTDDUn Mar 9 C> -n- < THE CENSUS ORDINANCE 1880 It is hereby notified for
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    • 513 2 International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000 Urad Ofpicb ,-«o Wall stree*, Nbw Yobe. U»-; iob Threadneedie House, Bishopagate Street Within, Lchdob 80. )os Bankbbb National ProTißdal Bank of Bn^land Ltd. General Foreign Business Transacted. DBPOSITB. Curbbht Dbpobit Aoooonte opened and ißterest allowed on tin iajy baiacoee at the
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    • 381 2 MANUFACTURERS LIFE ÜBCIUNCB Co. OP CANAD*. BBTABLIBHBD 1867. eitable; k *<>». Claims, loans, rsnheßnusH.l promptly settle: fry ttsT^S 5* /j^l Sißfkpore witboot th« 1' f >:> CVw Head Oflaoe. ■■■■•i It The ReeerrM f holders are qsu, tto'oOQmtSuw***' Ihe Accounts are anperrised iH t ance Department of the Canadiac^GotlsßsS GUTHRIE
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 376 3 I W 71 XT ED. GOVERN 1 TICK. WANTED Applications will be received at the G St«i«Ury-sOmoenptotLel^: lor »«6 of Chief Engineer, Colonial Steamer "S*a Mew," particulars as to app!, I v n Inspector a| HanM >ur%»>~. 38 Doct r wkLttd for Tin Mine, f M. App Prt-e Press. WANTED
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    • 660 3 I FOR SALE. I l mi FOR SALE. Calcutta built two-sca*»«i VK i IBIA, fast A ostral I n ess. Als RY, Außtralian Pony Harness. I D. T. BOYD, (Boustead A Co). Mar 1 FOR SALE. 9 by 12 Folding, plate, band or Stand Camera, Goer/, lens. 1 dozen metal
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    • 777 3 AUCTIONS FORTHCOMING FURNITURE j SALES. Mar. 11th— At Castor, Oxley Road. The property of J C Jurrjens EMar. 11th— At "Stanmore," No. 45, Grange Rd. The property of G. Sri, tick -1. H Mar.26tb— At Fort Canning Road. The property of W. C. Suter, Eeq. April Bth— At Pluscarden," No
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    • 832 3 HONGK9?£O WKJiMPOA OCGK GS., LTD HONGKONC. graphic Addresa MANIFESTO HONGKONG Dock Owners, Ship Builders, Marine and Land Engineers, Bcilci Maker?. Iron and Brass Founders. Forge Masters. Electricians. All classes of CO: \L and EtAL KNGINEERING WORE undertaken, also LOCOMOTIVES, RAILWAY KILLING STOCK and PLANT, BRJDGBB Ac. I < )AST and
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    • 585 3 THE Singapore Free Press. r Morning Daily. To Our Readers. Singapore Free Press is now t Morning and is on sale at depots, from an early hour each morning (Sunday§ excepted). Cash price Ten i copj. s' copies will be delivered at private residences, (or town offices or godowns if
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  • 1001 4 The Singapore Free Press. Thursday, Mar. 9, 1911. lull the Pre*« the People's right nuuatuQ, Unawrd by influence and unbribed by gain i Truth h*r gionom precepts draw. Pledged to ..tid law. There has been of late a very large amouut of comment upon the grandiose scheme of the Blf
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  • 62 4 The agents of the Austrian Lloyd call attention to an unfortunate mistake made through a telegraph line error. A fireman on the ship "Koerber" was fined at Bombay for importing cocaiue. 11;* name w,t> f >to," this on being sent over the wires was translated into Captain making it appear
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  • 625 4 THE PIRATES OF RESEARCH. To thk Editor. .—ln a ptmpblet, which you were good enough the oiher diy to distribute for me, I charged two of my colleagues with the appropriation— the piracy— ot the results of a reseirch into the cause of beriberi. A correspandent of your cjntemporary,
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  • 261 4 Several small thefts by Chinese "boys" were reported to the Chief Police Offioer yesterday. Lieut. Halliday, 520 d Company, Royal Garrison Artillery, it appointed to No. 2 1 Company. Hongkong- Singapore Battalion, al Garrison Artillery, and is posted to Mauritius. Mr J. M. Sinclair, Commercial Agent for 1 the Government
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  • 17 4 THE LATEST PRICES. K«*k Lumpur. U u a lon cOm, g,, lO g rubw m
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  • 18 4 (From ear Omm Corrupondmd.) Paatag. Mar R Io the Walker Trophy tbe P«u~ aave scored 17?
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  • 68 4 **«fc«BBHa Bbrtab Chbmboe Uwitki. 2 2 Rubber Estatbhof Krian 450ft S OulaKalumpob,; iFrom our <ncm i onapondent.) Kutla Lumpur Mar Jeram:- 2.366 bm Sbbbmbab BuBOBiBaLAB._ BtXBQEI Choh -a Agents Guthrie Co. Unite* Temi an I*4l Apento Peterson Smoas and Co. Trafalgar be Coconuts Urn Agent* Derrick and
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  • 32 4 At the weekly auction yesterday at u» Rubber Ecchan«e the bidding was quiet aid ranged from to $340, per p.kul f« •beet, and *15<.', to $170, per ptkul for scrap.
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  • 333 4 Toe most distinguishing characteristic of Australia," Mid the Be*. Adam W. ¥mgusson, id the course of his oermon at Soots' Church, Melbourne, states The Argm, "is ita wonderful sunshine Bat I tiraiti— wonder whether it it not the people's wont enem y. They do not strike me as
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  • 216 4 An amazing story of the doloross ptrkmnn of Chinese deitie- comee from m r z%b, which it twenty eight win • of Seochew, to the Sungkissf Prefecture. Inere it m Chirzib Mjjj illy Urge temple, tiered U> pews** god and goddecs. The daughter of a wealth Bangkiang
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 108 4 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE JTELEPHONE Co'y| I NUMERICALLY ARRANGED. I PRESEHTED ON APPLICATION TO X I C ALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co j I WHOLESALE RETAIL I WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. I FRESH j I Jonathans, Pippins, I I Cleopatra, Emperor. I and several other varieties finest! i selection ever landed by 3
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    • 119 4 No Home is Complete Without A Gramophone THE BEST CHEAPEST MEANS OF POR^ ENJOYMENT, TERMS TO SUIT ALL. S. MOUTRIE AND CO.. LTD. THE ARCADE mth NOTICE. Messrs. DOWN COMPANY ACCOUNTANTS SECRETARIES have removed their office Iron Raffles Place to No 25 WINCHESTER HOUSE COI.LYER QUAY Singapore, March 6th, 1911.
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    • 10 4 Woods 1 Ores* Pmmurmmt Om» cal rornoliißti dj—4rf ejsjoH ooWl
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    • 51 5 (By Submarine Telegraph. —Reuter's.) Rec. Mar. 8 6.47 pm. Beater's Ottawa correspondent wires that •awaking on the resumption of the debate on the Rsaprocity Bill, the Dominion Premier said that the Government adhered to its attitude towards preference which will be its policy at the next Imperial
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    • 56 5 Final m New Zealand. Beater's Sydney correspondent innounces that m the draw for the Davis lawn tenni9 trophy America plays against South Africa, and the winner plays Eagland. These ties mnst be pUyed off is) sufficient time to allow ta« challenge round against Australasia to b*
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    • 29 5 Prince L*>pold of Bit ten berg, who has been ill m Sydney with sciatica and compli cations, is now convalescent, and will proceed shortly to Japan.
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    • 14 5 The increase m imports has been £4,918.448 and m exports £3.961 > «e> <
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    • 171 5 iy arrivals m the Square yesterday jQorning mnst hare boon sure than surprised to see the crowd collected outside the Eoeinson Piano Company. The first arrivals were there a long time before eight o'clock ■ml as time went on the crowd grew so that it rwnindod one
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    • 108 5 We are plsssdii to be able to announce that this can now be looked forward to as a fact certain to be accomplished. The Government have kindly given their support and the assistance of the Police and Municipality has also been obtained, whilst the ay authorities are
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    • 88 5 Two performances of the circus were given yesterday, both being largely attended. Owing to many engagements made m the Far Bant, the management have to announce the last three performances m Singapore. Saturday night will be the final of the siis son, and a special farewell programme will
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    • 69 5 Attention is called m our advertising columns to lliss Eva Gaut bier's concert. Miss Gauthier arrives here at a time when public and social engagements are rather numenM. which is a great pit y, as thii lady is an artist of unusual skill and ability, and her
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    • 36 5 On the nigbt of the 10th inst the census of the Colony will be taken. Those householders who bar© not jet reemved papers should apply to Dr W -ton at the Municipal Health Office.
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    • 43 5 Tfco Rangoon Sunday Times" of the »th February net the following significant paragraph 1 here is prob ibiv no worse place than Rangoon for the man who has atoek m the mud. Work is nowhere more difficult to find than it is here/
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    • 78 5 Foreigners m Peril. (By Submarine Telegraph. —Reuter's) Rec Much 8. 6 pm. Renter* correspondent at Washington says that it is rumoured that the forthcoming army manoeuvres m T:-xis will be connected with serious eventualitites m Mexico, where immense foreign interests are at stake. It appears
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    • 44 5 French Cabinet's Troubles. Kec Mar 8. 9.47 a.m. Renter's Paris correspondent mji that the programme of the new French Cabinet is too advanced for the Moderate groups and too moderate far the Extremists, and a short id predicted for it.
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    • 26 5 Ranter's Washington correspondent states that Mr KUhnger, the Minister of the Interior, has resigned and Mr Walter Fisher of Chicago will succeed him.
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    • 14 5 Keuter's Peking correspondent announces that the plagu9 m Minchuria is rapidly decreasing.
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    • 159 5 Municipality vs Tramway Co. Bifore the Chief Ju me Sir William H. Hyndman Jones, m the Supreme Court yesterday, a special case was stated by consent for the opinion of the Court to section i of the Civil Procedure Code of 1 This was an action brought
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    • 88 5 Mr FirmBtone, first magistrate had before him m the District Court yesterday morning, Eugenio Parabachia, master of the •Nippon,'* who was charged with carrying 89 passengers m excess of the number al lowed by license. Defendant admitted the offence, but said > he did not become aware
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    • 292 5 For many reasons foreign travel may, says the Builder, fail to help the architect and to raise the standard of his work that does not justify the contention that it 19 injurious m itself, bat only to the effect that it is not m it* proper
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    • 20 5 Grlmault Go's Sarsaparilla the blood from all impurities arising fronc Scrofula, Eczema, Bad Legs, Skin DiuoMW Pimples and Sores. 14
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  • 799 5 \NN! V PDffG The f jurteenth ordinary general meeting of llesars. Fr.i.ser ;iml Neave Ltd, was helt) I at the registered offi;es of the company ia the Arcade, yesterday morning, Mr A. Gentle presiding. The report and accounts, which have already been published, were taken as
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  • 157 5 On Tuesday H.H. Raji Abdul Rahman the ex- Sultan Lingga Rhio, with Tunki r, the Tunku Besar of Rhio, called or HE. the Governor. There are some curious features about tin statistics of the Victo norial at Cal sutta, which has got no further than th< foundations there being very
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  • 848 5 Pti RangI I POLI 1 The petition against the election at End m JlBBSrj has been withdrawn. Mr McKinnon Wood speaking at the Na tional Liberal Club said that refusal to ratify the Declaration of London would be a most seriou- international blunder. The by election for the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 33 5 Hi olmosM to common sense I do foolish notion We need a system of defence Osi land as well as ocean The Peppermint Cure of Woods and Co. May save us many dangers.
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    • 33 5 Source of Sleeplessness. The most common cause of insomnia disorders cf the stomach. Chamberlair Stomach and Liv^r Tablets correct the disorders and enable you to sleep. For sa by &'A Dealers and Dispensaries.
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    • 299 5 ROBINSON CoJ Sf"^ W mm f A f Swiss Muslins. JLmm \twS m JT\ fimsi Persian Lawns. Piques. Drills r^k I 1 \i\i Bril^ants. Nainsook. Embroideries. Sheets. Laces. Sheetings. Underclothing. Table Linens. &c. t &c. Towels IA/UITC Pillow Slips. if I II I JUtf Lace Curtains. Toilet Covers. £>*% f\
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 684 6 A KEPLER' SOLUTION NURSING MOTHERS >Jj_ES| derive great benefit from t!» —^~TT. <v delicious tonic food. Kepler Solution sustains the wk 7v!ji^ strength and builds up the It increases and enriches the j I It is easily digested, and its rich, nutty malt flavour is most >' appetising. I Remember
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    • 676 6 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG 4MB Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts Ges. Hansa Bremen. COMBINED BERVICK, The steamer* of tin -< Companies maintaiD a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen. Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Tapan. HomewarJp. Ibtf arc despatchod forfcnigbtiy for Havrt and Hamburg and ouce a month for Breti., rhaven
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    • 708 6 jOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' Bteamers are despatched frcrn Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London Amnterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; for Genoa, Marseilles aDd Li\( rpool and for Marseilles. Havre and
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    • 1120 6 P. O. BTEAM B VI lon Foi China, Japan, Penang, CcyL Australia, India, Aden Egypt Mediterranean Ports, PlyrrfJS *nd London. Through Bills of Lading issued hrn n.Coast, Persian Gulf. (JoutieM si n i a can Ports. Asbbb". MAJL IJXEB. Outward for China) 1911 lO|l »w-ha March 10 Delhi Ma Homeward
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  • 77 7 Jan. Feb. Total IbM 6 *7 ■MB** 132 o*o*6 600 Heewood Kamnning ***** 8,590 Kaaaboi Kinta 456 Dbbbbc 66 KramasPulai bbbl Mengleoabn Lode Ness Gopeng 150 HewTambun 666 H^ang Coneolidated IbbbJWbbi Pomng Bahru 795 'Uliniin 166 Rahman Hyd. 600 400 1,000 *****8888 l 120 547 O*. Rowal Johore
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  • 414 7 Jan Feb Total Ailagar 4,000 4,225 8,225 Alor Pongßß 8,808 Alor Gajah 611 1,853 Alma "0 Anglo Malay 61.978 Ayer Knning 601 Ayer Molek 3,;^ 1,995 5,322 Ayer Panas 1,967 Bakap 2,399 Balgownie 12,585 Batak Rabit 79 4,959 Banteng 3,340 Batu Cave* -96 Batu Tig* 12 Bernam
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  • 1326 7 Cat is>r*«. Paid. Last Div. Bur***. BauUEM 85,000 2/ 2/ A Hagar Rubber Estates Ltd 411 5 9 150,000 2- 21- AiuMo-Malav 75% int. 136 1 50,000 21- tng Maiaka JlO 36" 30.000 1 1 Bat u Caves 35% 0 0 15 15 0 80,000 1 1 Bat
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  • 53 7 (CemMCTBD ttt to Mar. 8.) Bank 4ms demand Private credits 3m credits 6ms France, demand Bank... 295 German t, demand India, T. T, Hongkong, demand IS Yokohama, demand M 114* Java, demand 14<». Bangkok, demand 66 Sovkriions, Bank Buying $8.54 Bank of England Bate... Discount 3 months bi11... 6
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  • 137 7 March 8. Tin luyeralB9lO Gambier I »fM I r .o Gambier Cube No 1 M 14.50 Gambier Oube No. a M Pepper Black (orCa. B'ptw) Pepptr, White (fair) buyers 26 50 Nutmeg (110 to tk* Ik)- m nnm Nutmeg* (80 k> kkt Ik) M m m Maea (Banda) M
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 320 7 TO LET. 10 IS £X UNFURNISHED The exceedingly comfortable and pleasant:y situated residence known as CHANCERY HOUSE, off Chancery Lane. Three bedrooms. House newly done up and m excellent order. Tennis Court. POWELL Co., Auctioneers. MnrS I TO BE LET. Mo. I, Milafwa Street, now oocapied by Messrs. Behr 4
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    • 27 7 GODOWNS TO LET. 344 350 Havelock Road. Total Area 12. 500 square feet River and Ro^d Frontage. Apply The Singapore Oil Mills Ltd. ROAD. Jan IT nc
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    • 13 7 For all internal complaints dysentry coogb colds ±c, take Woods' Great Peppermint Osa«
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 914 7 V E B B E L IN O h Kl*4? *nd Tone tnmsn.ipn Arrived From ►> F.M Ig '»00 i: Kuantan M Mt w Cc; 500 Murphy Jan 31 Penang ertain Br k Dut Mar 1 Khio ver Dut "U 6 Pontianak ertain r'.ag Mh-er A rr Froa Coni«n«« roSoon
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    • 209 7 Passengers for the Straits. Per P. O. Borneo, due Mar 9 Insp. md Mrs Wilson and child, Mr J. Davidson, Mr H. R. A. Day, Mr S. Sawyer. Mr D Rob, Mr G. S. Edwards. Mr X E.<; reave, Mr Winter, Ternon, Mrs L A Toff. To Penang. Inspector Th
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  • 760 8 KRSAEY HH The annual general meeting of the local branch of the Young Men's Christian tociation was held last night m th I fcoildiog m Stan w aa a Arge attendance. The Rev W. Runci- f man, m presided and was supp •don the platform
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  • 182 8 Aery entertaining couple of hours earn be whi'e 1 away at the Alhambra, the new program me which was seree l> last evening containing a varied assortMen' erecting tilm*. Manners acd customs m Malaysia will be founi f pcd*l local interest, while anotfce I re is the one
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  • 427 8 fBSTB&DAI 8 PLAT. HIT. C. M. Howe beat C. Ransford, 6— 2, G— C. A. Leggatt beat C. W. Darbishire, w. o. M i Savi, w. o. H. H W !son beat D .1 Stryn Hk*% _5, (J— 3. T. G. Treadgold beat C. Reutter,
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  • 186 8 The following is the draw for the first and second rounds m the mix)l foursome competition for the President's* P Ist Bound Mrs Wilkinson and Cr>.cLerv Mrs WA\ and Tripp. B. Miss Morris and Woolloti.le v Mrs Middleton and 1 Irytlsfl C. Mrs Elcum and Marrio't
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  • 81 8 The Griffins for the Spring Rice Meeting of the SSC have arrived. They are imp< i by Mr Morton and are now standing m the stables of the Dylans' Horse Repository, Koek Rmd, and appear a veiy nice looking batch. They will m all probability b« drawn for
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  • 783 8 In I ewUW Summary of Bknefits. A correspondent write** < >vi Ki^lit to India is the title of an article l>y a well m ttr, Mr J a. Bsuwwfci In reply |q kns 'I'iestion, What V%M mWI u> India he says —Just as nvuh
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  • 231 8 Those who Hiffer from this malady will be interested, though perhaps not grut .tied, ;iear of the ijreat progress which is being made m A nay. This modern army of Chimi subject of great interest and no little concern to man I. We do not alluie to
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  • 144 8 The Sperwer bunkered at Tanjong l'at£Hr I Mtl»t4*V< The Bi ie)i ii b mi B*li arrived here last pvenu the For Some 900 tons of general cargo are beiDg pur atihort' the wharves by the "Nippon." j Krom L >ndon, the KJBJM M iru landed i general OBfgn
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  • 438 8 By Major. (>. A. Derrick, Acting Commandant, S. V. C. Singapore, Bth March. S. V. C. Members m possession of Short Rifles, are rpijnested to return them to the Drill Hall for Armourer's Inspection as soon as possible. S. Range Handicap March 11th at 2.90 pm.
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  • 58 8 H.SMS Bali i g. b. Dery Ma B, I'enang Bangkok 1 1 il of the Wisp B Morris SI .ni Wee Bros. Pfci Hai Nam Brit L 49 Phillips March 8, Malacca Soon Kml Mw Borneo Bri- Kail March 8, London P. and O. China Solva Nor 6
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 49 8 Answer to the Question. How to core a cold is a qneation m which many are interested jost now. Chamberlain's CoUjgh Kemedy his wonl its great reputation and immense sale by its remarkable cure of colds It can always be iefesidtd upon. For sale by all Dealers and Dispensaries.
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    • 66 8 jbeenpres. Morrhuol Creosote capsules very extensively fang the] two years m Bronchial and Tuberculin orders, and m several of my severest cases, I have been astonished bow rapidly repair has taken place. In pulmonary tuberculosis, they check the formation of purulent ex; tion m from one to four months, and
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    • 234 8 PATRONISED BY ROYALTY LADIES 7^^ @COLD WA r CHfS OF VARIOUS PATTiBUS AT LOWEST PRICES. I B. P. DE SUVA, Manufacturing Jeweller, High Street. Netherlands Gutta Perchai QOMPANY LIMITED. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets, Rings, Valves, Tubes, tndless Beits. Hose Suction, Steam, draulic, Armoured) etc.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 118 8 PASSENGERS Per Borneo Messrs Stark, Bowack, Low. Thrale, Wilson, Mrs Wilson, Taylor, Scottyer, R. A. Day, Bavidge, Church, E Jec kins, Toft, H Winter, H. Wick ham, Harvey, Mrs Chalmers. Best Liciment. Slight accidents and injuries are a frequent occurrence on the farm and m the work shop. A. cut
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