The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 3 March 1911

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 156 1 Litest rubbtr ai_d tin news will be found m page 4. Another big coconut company is being nd Pdg* An aviation corps is to be formed for the >ntioh Army Page 5. The Apollo Circus gave a good entertainoent last uigbt Page 5. Fraser'a share circular note*
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  • 793 1 It stands set back m the wall at the entrance to a small street one of those narrow lanes typical of an Eastemeity, which are likely to become a thing of »ao pest as modern ideas creep id, and our cit y fathers look to it that
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 241 1 LOCATION BEACH ROAD J r o W/ghf af 9 p.m. Fvery Evening. THK APOLL© MAMMOTH EUROPEAN CIRCUS, CONCERT PARTY, HIPPODROME AND MENAGERIE. Success Success Success TRIUMPH COMPLETE AND ABSOLUTE. rhe Favourable Opinion of India Bui man Thoroughly Endorsed by Last Night's Auiience. THE APOLLO CIRCUS The 4,000 people who bad
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    • 208 1 iATES? ADffcRTISIMtNTS. Sanatogen, for brain fdg Page Rikh wanted as ticket examiner for North Borneo Page 2. The Apollo Circus has a fine list of attrac :ive turns Page 1. Note to Christians under the Cwmm Ordinance Page At the Toeatre Royal to night Maharajah Harchandra Page 1. Little and
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 321 1 THE "WEEK Friday, 3rd i High Water.— o 0 a., 11.4* p S.C C. Tennis Tournament. Sirgapore Art Club, Tanglin Clab. Apollo Circus. CAtv&DkY. 4tb Ui«rh Water- I M -7 p B I. Mail Outward due. S D. L Mail Ontward due M !.y Football Final, Beach Road. Singapore Art
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  • 371 2 Romantic History of Famous Jewel. According to a Renter's Washington telegram, the Hope diamond has been purchased by Mr Edwaid McLean for £60,000 The diamoad is for Mrs McLean, who was formerly Evelyn Walsh, daughter of the Lite Thomas F. Walsh, a mining millionaire Considerable superstition attaches
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  • 285 2 Thost) Radicals who are congratulating Ihsm swims that the Reciprocity Agreement means a weakening of the bonds of Empire, and a closer connection between Canada and the United States, would perhaps do wel. pause a little before prostrating themselves anew to the gods of Cobdenism and
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  • 150 2 The India Office has just concluded a contract with Mirconi'a Wireless Tele praph Company (Limited) for the erect of wireless telegraph stations on the M coni system at Calcutta, Dalbi. Allahabad, and Simla. These ttations will be used primarily for military and otl m ment purposes,
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  • 273 2 Kw N m Confession. To feel that one's brain is t ivi, that one's grip and power of concentration are no longer what they were is a tragedy ninch only those who have gone fthfWgk i f r wll <lread the possibilit re they have ma
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 87 2 1 Persistent Colds. There is no reason why a cold should hang on for weeks, or until some chronic throat or lung trouble is developed, and it willl not a if you take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. By its remarkable cares of colds that remedy r. has from a small beginning
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    • 329 2 W7LNTED. WANT 4D for BRITISH NO&Td BORNEO Reliable Sikh as Ticket Examiner must be able to read and write English. Apply to A C.S. co Free Press. Mar»l m»f 183 ANGLO-C-iiNESE F *ll SCHOOL Lady Teachers reqnired for the Primary rilssnno Apply by letter to the Principal. Mara 9-3 WANTED
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    • 618 2 NOTieES. THE CENSUS ORDINANCE 1880. i-. i| -rt'by notified for public information t! at m the column beaded Religion m the bedule prepared under Section 8 ol The Census Ordinance 1860 it will Huftiee m the etee of persons professing the Christian gion to enter OhlM**! only, without specifying any
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    • 714 2 NOTIQES. The Bekoh Rubbar Estates, Limited. CAPITAL £150,000. Purrfme Prirß i £4O|OO cash Purchase rnce 40,000 shares p n nn D 1 15.000 2 years 2^ Option Rights 15i 0003 B ars- %A Working Capital 30,000 51 1 Estimated Expenses 10,000 £150,000 The Company is now being floated m London,
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    • 532 2 International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000 Head Office 60 Wall Street, New Yob London Officb :-Thma«tneedle Honse Bißbopbgata Street Within, Lomdoh 10. Londos Baskbbb ProTinoia. Bank of England Ltd. General Forei^ Bmineu Ttuisttted. DBPOSITB. Cdbbent Dbpomt Aoooonts opened and lutereet allowed on the dailj balanoee at tl rate
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    • 325 2 MANUFACTURERS LIFE "6URANCB Co. OP CANADA. ■nTAHLISHED 18t|, FORFEIT ABLE." IOrUTABL «d N0« Claims, loana, ihsml— promptly settle; by «W ql^T oingnpore without the f«<«tß 4, ■»»d Offioe. y f ref erence tc GUTHRIE (A Co. t uT^ neral Agents, Singapore and p,^,^. SOUTH BRITISH^ nrsirßAjrcE co., ltd. VOaE Insurances
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 804 3 THE FOOD QUESTION. In an article on the <iuestion of pore food ta tbe Medicol Time*," Dr. Elmer Lee, of New Tork, the chairman of tbe Section on Pbwioloiry and Dietetics of the American uaa) Mi which oUaina almoat nni versa Hy i«civil*a4e<mntrieeattl*iMresenttiiee. He the plan*, vegetable, m\ •Uix-e cf
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    • 613 3 MORTGAGEES S*LE W Company, Ltd. Monday. 6th Maich, tt I- noon. POWELL Co., Anction««r NOTICEAUCTION SALE O» Unredeemed pledges From the following PawWBK On Tuesday, the 7th March, 1911. AT THB ion Mart, at 10 t Chops Eng Hiii, Seng Joo, Chee Hin, and Ban Hong. The pledges will be
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    • 692 3 RUQTIONS 1 MORTGAGEES SALE. Tuesday 7th March at 230 p.m. Least-hold land togtth. I 'with the two j houses erecttd thereon an<l known as Nos. >* and 481 Minto Koad, Dwgipotl Town, I area H4Q square fret comprised m East India j I Coy's Lease No 590 for 99 fmn
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    • 792 3 THE IDEAL INVIGOR ATOR FOR BODY NERVE AND DRAIN The vitalising effect of its bloodenriching constituents becomes evident after the first few dosesAppetite is restored, digestion is aided, strength and energy return and the colour of health is restored to the cheeks, j OF ALL CHEMISTS See you get I
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    • 477 3 APART MB A T£. BOARD AND FEM] N 1 A nice room for bB or married couple available from Dear town, terms moderate. Apply 0 Free Proas." 32 Comfortable double and single rooms with board at "MILDURA 7, Oxiey Rise. Teaak. s. Terms moderate. FOR SALE FOR SALE. Calcutta bui!t
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  • 1286 4 The Singapore Free Press. Friday, Mar 3, 1911. Here shall the 1W People ri R ht mamt^ >flu«nce an.! nnbribed by gain H^ Pa»-K* Truth h« g'onoos pnecpts draw. r««ed to Relisioo. Loyalty and lav. From the last mails from Hongkong it is apparent that that Crown Colony is tioding
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  • 733 4 Mr H. t>, CoghUo has been nominated a U "Watklnk^ mmiBBl Ocr in P>aoeof M>A Mr ChaiL Tse Cheung o t the Bjard of Justice m (Peking, ig Tiiiti Ho k°* and Macio *> inquire into the prison svs terns m vog\ue. J If the {committee at Semiran*? oaa collect
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  • 27 4 TIN STATISTICS. February Consumption. The following we* tkm Urn I* sumption for Ftbruwy. ioltl ««o^ Waited Kingdom I^. Contiaent tZ?*"' UaiUKi SU^ V^ble BUpply J-
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  • 39 4 {From mr mm Cerre&m+nt The output of the Tw** mSmm^i^ February w u at follow* Tributes fz Total value tmMi. Estimated profit 186^? Karang treated fro. *tfti 10,765 cubic I jardi. From open east 7,681 cubic yard*.
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  • 43 4 *wn our oun >• y nmm^ Ku*k Lumpur, Umx The prices on which rubber e xport duty w bmble between Mat. 3 to 1(> are. fflwat biscuit j jq Be§t tcr *p nt Bark scrap VHtl(j I J-h scrap tm $m
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  • 42 4 <Frmn "'sfrmfemj KuaU Lumpur, M*n* 2. SIAFfILD:- mik KCBBER GEOVEK6 Ahsn 4 PAJAM:— ibfc Kipoko (for Jabuu-t) 6 500 lbt. A^ntt B JustMd A Co, MaHKOKK AfBBU Guthrie A Co, Changkat Salak fft7 lb« XoUl twa montiii 4.431 lbt.
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  • 77 4 Kn»m our om* Corrmpomient Kuala Lumpur March 2. Tambun Coconut Piaatationa will 9 floated m London with a capiul X) of this je60,000 will be iMutd. jpertj it m the 1 Voriooe mur tW Pertk border and coniisti of 1,709 tcrtt ef which neftrlj 800 are planted
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  • 79 4 Storms and robberies. mm our mm Correspondent.) Ipob, M ir A gnat atom blew at Bitu dtjth latt the Bitu Qi]ih Club, two motori hinf Mrioutlj duu^sd. A tree wu &Uo itniflk br lightning and burned furu A gang robbery it notified fro« T^ojjßg R imbutan at a
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  • 44 4 MR BA RNES'S SUCCESSOR. m Our Och Corr&pondeut.) Ku t U Lumpur, Mar. Mr E J. Brewster. the di»trict offioer of Kmu, haa been p »inted to tbe actiag Kesidentship of Pdhanf. vwe Mr B*ratf. Local opinion i| that tbe promotion it well merited.
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  • 21 4 Ipok.H*rcL The T<Mf Bkm Koagai of Btntoog contributing $2,000 to the P»k faad fir to King Edward memorial.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 140 4 "STRAITS" SPECIALI LOW CUTTING "*sr mower. I AS USED BY THE I »^W I II W« always have a large slock of Spare Parts to replace those that wear out, and *c I axeeote repairs to Lawn Mowers, sharpening A adjusting them at reasonable charges. I AT LITTLE'S. Planters' Labour
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    • 92 4 S. MOUTRIE I AND CO., LTD. THE PIANOFORTE AND) MUSIC WAREHOUSE. I THE ARCADE. MOUTRIE jSynonmy of Good Faith.) jMoutrie's Guarantee Satisfaction. \Moutries Sell the Best Quality Goods only at the Lowest Prices. '[LEE BROTHERS. 58-4, Hill Street, off Stamford Road) HIGH GLASS PHOTOGRAPHY. Enlargements a Speciality PRICE LIST ON
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    • 12 4 Woods' Great PuppCTMt Core lor all inter *«J tvtmolaoili 4fHßlrf oomjbi ooiii
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  • 103 5 BRITISH MILITARY SCHEME. A Training School. oniarine Telegraph. Router's.) A British Army Order provides for the organisation of an air battalion li*O strong. Kec Mar 9.50 am. The Army Order instituting an air baua Son takes effect from April the first and ie&nes the duties as including the
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  • 100 5 Hew Cabinet's Aims. Rec Mar 2, 9 39 a.m. Ranter's Paris correspondent says that M. Moms represents M. Brand's policy ac oentuated sosntwW m a Radical sense. He hopes to bring m the advanced groups which withdrew their support from M. ■mad. It is announced that the Cabinet
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  • 64 5 R* March pm. The French Cabinet is now complete with the exception of the portfolios of Commerce and Justice. The composition of the Cabi Ml k largely RuUcal and SjeUliat, half the number having voted against M Briand m the division which cuised his resignation. It is
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  • 467 5 The general trend of opinion m the Native States is not to say ditto to Singapore pro posals, aa for instance this from the Perak Pioneer is reference to the suggest ion that the Native States should adopt the Singapore King Edward Memorial Scheme preference to any of
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  • 137 5 THE YEAR'S ENORMOUS REVENUE. (By BubmariD* Telegraph.— Reuters) Ileuter's Calcutta correspondent wires that Sir Fleetwood Wilson m making bis financial statement announced that the opium receipts for the financial year IMIO--I**ll were nearly three millions sterling over the original estimate due to the unprecedented prices realised at the
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  • 96 5 Diverted from Singapore. Rec. C. 30 pm. He added that the imports of opium into China were not falling m the same ratio as the reduction m exports from lodii, mainly because the high pricts the Chinese smokers were prepared to piy, was attracting supplies which
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  • 11 5 The death has occurred of Admiral Cur-zon-Howe. > <
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  • 178 5 A Chinaman wm assaulted by two others m China Street on Wednesday night. He was removed to the Central Police Station m an unconscious condition and died on admission to the General Hospital. A Chinaman liviog at H-ivelock R)ad has told the police that on Wednesday he went
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  • 90 5 The string band of the Singapore Volunteer Corps will pldy m the K»ffl3s School grounds on Siturday evening the 4- h instant, from 9 o'clock. Programme tickets of admission can be obtained at the gate on the night of the performance. The following is the programme. [March
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  • 109 5 M. Klobukowski, the Governor- General of Indo- China, has been decorated with the Order of the D >üble Dragon. M Simoni, the superior resident of Tonkin, M. Pavel- i If 9, the French consul at Mongtseu, M. Dupont, the French vice consul at Hinkow, have also received the distinction. The
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  • 86 5 Slight accidents and injuries are a frequent occurrence on the farm and m the work shop. A cut or braise which is often the cause of much annoyance and loss of time, may be cured m about one-third the time usually required by applying Chamberlain's Pain Bairn as
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  • 429 5 SUBORDINATE CIVIL SERVICE ASSOCIATION. A» the last annual general meeting of the SobOfdUMtt Civil Service Association at their Club House at. 164 M --idle X >ad the following office bearers and Committee for the ensuing year were elected. President. Mr J. N \'±n der B«k 1. S. 0., Vim President,
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  • 235 5 The slight activity to which we alludsd m our last circular has developed into an exceedingly strong market all round. Plantation Rubber has advanced sharply, and rubber shares have seen substantial rises, especially among the Sterling stocks, and though at the close they are easier, owiDg doubtless,
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  • 30 5 The new Goanese orchestra at the Marlborough cinematograph has been much appreciated by visitors to that place of entertainment. Some really excellent films are beiokj shown this week.
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  • 234 5 Before wireless telegraphy was thought of, and the patient could communicate with the shore doctor, the captain was the ship's doctor. He had a medicine chest with num bered bottles, and a book of instructions. There is a ship's carpenter still living who owes his life to the captain's treatment.
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  • 466 5 The day of the circus is still U* from being on the wane, so far as the Eist is concerned at any rate, and at no place does a really good show tind more favour than it does at Singapore where the native element is as keen on
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  • 348 5 i Mr Lowther bag now, within less than six years, l*jen elected four times to the Chair. This has no parallel, though the venerable fi Peel had an almost similar experience when he underwent election three years running m 1334, 188."., and 1886. The late count Selby as
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  • 173 5 The Xorth Borneo Chamber of Commerce has been discussing the question of a coolie recruiting organizition, but it was decided that, m view of the expected early arrival of Mr Young Riddell from Home, the matter had better be left over for the present. The £7,000,000 which the United States
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 "la the Court," said Constable A.8.C., very nearly croaks Though the draughts are nearly killing me. I mast laugh at the Judge's jokes For the colds, well Woods' Great Peppermint Cure Wil do Bat the jadge's wit Is a thing that we all of as endure, (ham feM UM I
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    • 11 5 There will be new tilms shown at the Mdrlborough this evening.
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    • 174 5 ROBIN SON Co. SElE*^^! A I Swiss Muslins. mT EZt V/ Im\ L* Persian Lawns. Piques. Drills. Calicoes. SHOW Brilliants Nainsook. Embroideries. Sheets. Laces. Sheetings. Underclothing. Table Linens. &c &c. Towels U/U|Tr j Pillow Slips. If 111 g C Lace Curtains. goods. A NEW HIGH CLASS ECYPTIAN CICURETTE. 'SPECIALS' Maspero
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 341 6 CHINGKENGLEE&CO, 3, RAFFLES PLACE. Auctioneers, Estate and Commission Agents nnd C?ontr,ictf*rs. Mortgages Loans arranged A Labour of any description lied TERMS MODERATE Hbphone No. 229. Tel. Ad. Auction Codes used ABC. sth Edition and Priv f KONG HiNG CHEONG AHD COMPANY. NO. 104, NORTH BBIDGE BOAD. Camera*, of the various
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    • 507 6 [NDU-CHINA S. N. CO., LTD-' FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA The Company's Stkamer Capta ikf will be despatched for I lb rti Mondaj the 6th instant 1 I St. \eellent accommodation for saasj an s. carrying a qu; uropeai roog d Fai fn ight or passage apply to BOUSTEAD a Agents.
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    • 684 6 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG AND Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts Ges. M Hansa Bremen. COM I. I NED SKRVICE. I sU.amerH of thtse Companies maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen. Antvrp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits China and Japan. Hoiuewardf", they are despatched fortnight ly for Havre and Hamburg and once a
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    • 739 6 i^Ssnksnßfeso-^-^^® r OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool ontwardn tor the Straits, China and Japan every week, ami from Japan home wards for London Aruaterda::. and Antwerp cvf ry fortnight; for trnoa. Marseille Hard Liverpool au 1
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    • 1151 6 P- O. STEAM NAVIUA Aui r.IU, India, Aden Egypt H«dlterr.nean Ports, PlyS and London. •hJamers will leave Singapor or aaaai MAIL Outward for China) £~ha lUrdfVo Delhi BnW March 24 Arcadia Jjjy AprU 7D^ June 1 J*a April M a,,^, Devanha May 6 Shi j^ JJ Homeward (for Europe, *V»at
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 397 7 PjtSj^Mß ?&E^BO3E .sssHssV ssssßP^^^^^^^^^^^^bsß ssssssssssm ssssssssssW. .ssssssssssssV sssssssßt sssssssP' -|V\jß^ 1 sssUssssSMV £9sss^9sßsS .ssss^HsssT «fim sssssßF SsstsMEß^V sslsssssssW. fcssttr ifllssst M. *I^(NB( > 1 vni^bK jßra» x91i^.1..v iWtSi sssKHlv Hi sKIIA .Hv HHBik ~^m^^^E H^. .^...19 BB^ j N 4 —^4ssssssssssssss~^ •^^^^^^^^^^^■^l^^c^^^^^^^^^^^^ DP p T\/r A TVf IT 1 "M
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 231 8 I^BBWBMMIK^ BBBBHogS B ,^BBBkB HHHBHiBi ■^^^^■^m^k Bfla Sv dBR jßj Mm^w hIH fl B BBflHßk I^^^^^^^^^^" I^^^^ IKmHbsß! HBi Smmm BbBI Blßsß^Bb BttHsaßl JH Bm. 'a. **^^B«« BBBBBf m 9B| mw ~S^"k A mv I^BMBbE^BhBbHI Mi^^^Sft v^BnWw\ i #>jtmEiM t&^ B^^ jJ ■^■1 Lft_- Si» NhE^ v^B -Jz^ BBk/^HBJ^ B^U
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  • 140 9 Dec. 1910 Jan. Belat 546 8,984 647 Brnang 133 2,263 181 ■tan! M2i Cheederiaee 469 2,793 Gopeng 560 8,915 600 Heawood 1,3 IT Kamuning $5,775 52,488 17,862 Kanaboi 8,812 Kinu 460 6,818 455 Kinta Aaeociation ■hie**; 140 121 80 Kramat Pulai 650 4,886 Kuantan 4 Ml UW 350
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  • 598 9 Dec 1910 Jan Ailagar 8,900 36,777 1 000 Alor Pongsu 4,385 22,913 3,808 AlorGajah 555 1,889 742 Alma UOO 8,650 1.450 Anglo Malay 66,182 656,755 61.978 Ayer Kuning 500 8,526 601 Ayer Molek 2,74 8 24,032 8,827 Ayer Panas 2,400 10,105 1,967 Bakap 7,1 2,399 Balgownie 10,325
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  • 1385 9 Oaf. Issu*. Paid. Last Div. Bureau. S*ller? 85,000 2/ 2/ Allagar Rubber Estates Ltd 5 3 6 0 150,000 21- 21- aJ*M> Malav 75% int. 150 166 50,000 21- 2'- BatangMalaka 3 0 3 9 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 35% int.15 0 0 15 15 0 80,000 1
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  • 60 9 (Cokebctbd up to Mar. 2 Bank 4ms demand 2/4^ Private credits 3m M credits 6m Francb, demand Bank... 205 Germany, demand 240 India, T. T, 174* Hongkong, demand M MU Yokohama, demand IH| Java, demand mm 14O{ Bangkok, demand 66 SovbmignB, Bank Buying $8.54 Bank of England Rate... Discount
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  • 103 9 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR AND KEPPEL HARBOUR. Wnarves and Dock* M wkten dtgtrett waseh %cere berthei y<>*t *<f *f. E Wharf (Basin)— Pob Ann* Kuantan. E Wharf Sec I— Ban Hong Liong, a Apcar, umorag. Sheers Wharf— N Mam Wharf Sec 2— Tara, Teesta. m 3 C. de Etzaguirre. 4
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  • 120 9 March 2. $92 30 Gambier m buyers 8 374 Gambier Cube No 1 14.50 GainUsr Onbt Mo. 2 notr Pepper Biaok (oriD*. S'fort) Pepper, Wkifct rfaii) Nutmagi (110 to tU m Nutmejft (80 to Ike i¥.) nonMac* (Bin&ft) Olotm (Amlxua*) m Bally Coffee (10% Black) 30.0< LiberikM Co«M 31
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 370 9 TO LET^ T. X C. A. HOU3I. RcsidsßStal quarters for men. Each room is full y furnished, is lighted by electricity and has its own bathroom. Board is provided, if Apply The General Secretary. Mar 9 9.8 TO BE LET FURNISHED Villa Marina Tanjong Katong from Ist April, 1911. Apply
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    • 20 9 GRANT Co, AUCTIONEERS, ACCOUNTANTS ESTATE AGENTS AND SECRETARIES. Loans Mortgages Arranged Robber Exchange Buildings Telephone No. 444. De« 6 a.c
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    • 118 9 De K3NINKLIJKE PAKKiVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Undbb Contract with tbr Nethbblandb Isdia Govbbnmbnt. Agents at Singapore, The Shipsa^ency, Limited, 2-3. Collyer Quay. TUB UNDBBMBNTIONBD DATBS OF DBPA.BTUBB ABB ONLY *wtnfm*ti Valentys Anambas and Natoena Islands Ma 7 t Rumphius Batavia, Samarang and Soerabaia Mar RBAEL Penang, Sabang, OeleeLheae, West coast of Sumatra
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 814 9 V BBBJBLH m P()j( i' *nd Tone Commandert Arrl Te d j^ron, nyi^» n» i crnis 1800 .sannova Feb 15 Saigon Gneisenau Ger cruis ***** Unslar Feb 23 CalcutU Hongiong :'g Ger crais 36) Schroeier Feb 23 Calcutta Hongkon Kuantan F. M.S. dredger 500 Nov 13 Kuantan JnoerUin Sea Mew
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    • 75 9 WEATHER REPORT Date Bar Wind Temp Ham Sky Rain H'kong 10a 30.13 BBS 66 b i H'koßg 4p 3008 E2 65 Manila 4p 75» SSWI 27 23 o Kandang Kerbau Hospital, Mar 1. 1911. 9am. 3pm. 9pm Baton i. 32 Fah. S9.ftS 2».9tt Temp. Wet Bulb Ther. 73 Dir. of
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  • 126 10 WEIGHTS FOR TO-DAY (fVoM our mm Cwnrupomdeni.) The following are tbe weights for to-day. I Ci r. (5 Furlongs), St Brendan 1 iy J*u» 10 V». Trjpanosomiaais 10.9. Hugenot 9 5. Mockfield 8.1 I M !e). Yabba 11, Oeba 11 kal 11. Chrysalis UU I Boy Sceut >ngp).
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  • 402 10 SINGLES HANDICAP. A Class, Cox, owe 40 Howe, owe 30 Kane ford owe I Threlfall, scratch Leggatt, Upcott, aad Treadgold. pins 1 Robertson, pluDarbishire, Moding, Rachwaldy, plus 4 Terrell, Wilson, and Win field plus 5 Steyn Part*', aad Tyler, plus 1 B. Class. Dunn,
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  • 1330 10 How n Originated; Why it Spread. C G Dr. W EL Graham Aspland, who has liscovered that the bacillus of the pneumonic plague is the same as that which cause* ths jubonic variety, writiitj to the China Mcdi« .1 rournal from H irbin under date
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  • 350 10 Help kor Java- An- 1 v- i i I In the last few years an important change has occurred m the policy of the Dutch Government regardmgsubsidies to steamship Companies. Formerly it was regarded as an inherent part of the Du' m Trade policy to grant no
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  • 276 10 THE IRRIGATION OF MESOPOTAMIA. Particulars are published of the scheme for erecting the great dam sj the head of the H dia branch of the Euphrates and part of the ition of Mesopotamia, the contract for which has been secured by Sir John Jackson The schemes of the Turkish Government
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  • 132 10 Wellington, Dec 23. Whistling girls and crowing hens may come to a bad end m W shington, but they do not care if they do and society is whistling itself gaily into the holiday season. It's the BW ti 1 It you cannot whistle or are cot learning
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  • 438 10 (^Qiiran'ir b FirtiJQtinM against the port 3t Bitdvii m '»i!ui of cholera are withirawD. The Snni'^ fnehi "Thalang" and the Chiengni.u bunkered at Taijong Pd^ar yesterday The Tara lands 3,300 tons of rice from RiSgOM ll the wharves and loads for IVuang and Rangoon. She sails this evenThe
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  • 100 10 Serious Chae'.k Against Goyeehment. Tokio, Fet. The Kokuminto (Opposition Party) has presented a resolution m the Diet denouncing the Cabinet for negligence m allowing the recent anarchist plot to develop to each a serious extent as it did. The Minister of Education is also denounced by the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 788 10 NetherlandsGuttaPerch? COMPANY, LIMITED. Singapore Rubber Works. MOTOR TYRES retreaded at Moderate Prieat RIBBED MATS for Motor Cars. MATS (3ft. for Carriages and Rikishas. ALL KINDS OF BICYCLE TYRES. Works and Offices-PASIR PANJANC, Singapo bole Agents-HOOCLANDT and Co., Mngss£ THE STANDARD LIFE A- I WCE COMPANY. We can obtain for you
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 81 10 SWIMMING CLUB. The "Argo" will leave Johnston's Pier ■m Oi <' if Bsjsjfalsvi ssj Bsjsjdai si 1" f oi 1 330 P m at 30^1030^1215.3*530 pm. In connection with the suggestion m the 1 sporting column on Wednesday regarding a 1 lstaJ boxing entertainment, Mr Christu appears has a man
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    • 322 10 LATEST SHIPPING. Rbeinfels Germ 3525 Eello March 2, Ham burg Behn Meyer Hongkong ba Fo Soon I) 'dink M. 'mti,«nak Thong Ek Pontianak PASSENGERS ARRIVED Per Raree i Mr and Mrs H N Wille. Miss Aspinall, Mrs Otsaka, Mr A. M. Smith. Mr H >chrane. Per Lady Weld Mr B.
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