The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 2 March 1911

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 77 1 A sharp rise m rubber is reporUd Page 4 Senator Monis is forming the new French Cabinet Page 5. Wsles beat Fiance at Rugby 15 points to nil Page 5. Captain Buller has been missing from Hongkong siLce Feb 19th. A meet it g held at Penang
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  • 903 1 As a hoy I longed to s< c him to ace tbe sa y; ,^e chief tune undid by administering injuetioe, met in* out reward ard punishment, sternly ordering the white interloper to barb.rous txecution, or (pesferal.h receiving him with regal courtesy, and handing over
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 351 1 For a Short Season Only, LOCATION-BEACH ROAD. Opening Night THURSDAY, 2nd March T r.K_:_Ei APOLLO MASV.MOTH EUROPEAN CIRCUS, CONCERT PARTY, HIPPODROME AND MENAGERIE. Elephants, Horses, Ponies, &c Famous English and Continental Celebrities. The first appearance m the Straits Settlements of The only Scotch Hercules. The King of ail Strong Men.
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    • 148 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Government Notices Page 2. ICacgiegors V.O S. Whisk? Page 4. -ale Smith Premier typewriter Page 2 Position wanted by European clerk Page 2 Little's stock of travelling trunks Page. 4Book keeper wanted for evening work Page I. Notice re discontinance stockbroking firm —Page 2. Special show of white
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 341 1 THE WEEK Thursday, 2nd High Water- 11. 13 B. I. Mail Homeward closes 3 p Philharmonic Orchestra, 8 30 p S CC. Tennia Tournament. Apollo Circus. Friday, 3rd Hieh Water.— o 0 a., 11.49 p S.C C. Tennis Tournament. Singapore Art Club, Tang m Ciub Apollo Circus. .-AToRDAY, 4th Huh
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  • 737 2 A MA< \TE MURDER: HEROIC NATIVE WOMEN. Graphic details of the recent native revolt m tbe Caroline Islands, m which, as already briefly reported by cable a number of Europeans and friendles lost their lives, have been received by tbe Central News. trouble atarted m the Fermoy
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 53 2 Persistent Colda. i, >* OWMOawh y cold should hang on for week-, or until some chronic throat or lung trouble is developed, and it willl 2J Mien take Chamberlains Cough Remed? By .to remarkable cures of colds that rem^ r a small beginning acquired a world■••a may know that a
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    • 410 2 WANTED. INGLO-CHiNESE F3EE SCHOOL Ily Teachers required for the Piimar s. Apply by letter to the Prinoipa 9-8 WANTED. ompetent bookkeeper for evening worl Apply L.M. o o Free Pree Offic* rj| 93 WANTED. a Rubber Estate m Dutch Borneo a lanced Manager. particulars apply to M i 28 uc
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    • 775 2 NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY (ll Ibe business oi y STOCK AND MURE BROKEM I carried on l> adsrsigned un ier tl; name or style of SENG COMPANY at 14, Tin Arcade, Singapore will be discontinue! from the 4th day of March, lull. All business communications m count with the said
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    • 576 2 NOTIQES. The Bekoh Rubbsr Es'atas, Limited. i CAPITAL £150,000. i Too. sj c i Working Capital 30,000 sj|j Estimated txpenses 10.000 £150,000 1 The Company is now being float* I Ka London, Shares. 2 each 6d per share on application 6d on allotment Od a month alter allotment and 6d
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    • 539 2 International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000 Head Office 6O Wall Btreet, Nnw Yosm. London Office ThreadneesHe House, Bishopegate Street Wiabxn, Londob 80. Lohdob Bankers National nh^il Bank of England Ltd. General Foreign Business Trans-.. DBPOSi Current Dbpobit Accounts opened and Internet allowed on the daily balanoes tt tbe
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    • 363 2 ■«TABUBH«D 1887. HSH 1 FORFEITABLE." ABLE *-d NO* Claims, loans, "nnbam-n sss? w^ l tfes*srs^^ The Reeervea for holders are over «20,00 P o!o^ fi The Accou_n*i_eesnerei___ *nee Department rftUOs.^?!** i -e_Guthrie <* Cs.. uT* SOUTH BRITISH UrsUEAMCE CO., LTD FIEE laasssjsesssihossdoßß W MARIN* j 1 1 rf -^M"* StAHINE
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  • 286 3 Patuakhali, Frbrua-v 20 The Crown Prince core'uded a very suceeset Bengal by shooting a finely marked tigrvee which had cans gooi f mischief to the cvi cattle. There were no less than three be beforH the animal was despatchp eaaae straight for the Oteern Prii aseefcan,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 345 3 Best Liniment. Slight accidents and m j juries are a frequent oecarrenoe on the farm aad m the work shop A cot or bruise which is often the cause of much annoyance and lose of time, may be cored m about one-third the time usually ■Ofnii nd by applying Chamberlain's
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    • 619 3 AL'GTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Freehold Residential Property LIM (Owner leaving for Europe) At Messrs. 11. Coghlan Co's Salerooms. Wednesday, Bih March, at 2-30 p m. All that Valuable Freehold land comprised m Government Grant No. 15 estimated to contain according to Government re-survey an area of 156,076 square feet,
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    • 852 3 AUCTIONS FORTHCOMING FURNITURE SALES. Mar. 4tb At "Dalvey House," Dalvey Road. The property of S. Gad, Esq Mar. 11th At Castor, Oxley Road. The property of J C Jurrjens E-<_. Mar. 11th— At "Stanmore," No. 45, Grargeßd. The property of G. Schudel, Et-q. Mar. 25th— At Fort Canning Road. The
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    • 1138 3 SUE OF I VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE fee. THE PBOPSRT. <>F J. C. JUBI IBMfl AT "CASTOR". OXLEY ROAD On Saturday, Uth March, at 3*30 p.m. An excellert tered Cottage Piano by Ramsperger, Stuttgart, m good condition; band seme rattan and straw string woven drawing room furniture a set of
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    • 512 3 XUOTIOXS. MORIGaGEE'S B ALE. Tuesday. 7th March at 2 30 p.m. Leasehold land together witb tbe two loneee erected therecn nod ki LS aud 48 1 Minto >mgap. irea 2 40 squa i Ist February 1 84 1 subject to a >f S2. POWELL A Co., Auctionesra. tnsot A Dela
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  • 904 4 The Singapore Free Press Thursday, Mar. 2, 1911. Im Pre- the Peopled right ■anit-ia, <! by influence and unbribed by gain Here pat— tot Troth her ftorioo* practpU draw. Pledged to Religion. Loyalty and law. Already we know that the Arm? Est i-_r ates. tally, are to be reduced by
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  • 287 4 Mohamed t i .lembang Bond haa informed the police that a man named [asas Hussein haa absconded with i and sarongs valued at $400. i a the summons court yesterday, a Ohiasss trader Imd had to pay ns. of for using a false iiingaud for tampenug with it. i. hinatnan
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  • 936 4 Boat's Crew Blown to Death WORKMAN LOSEB GRIP ON A CASE New York, Feb. 1 What seemed to all the world like an earthqaake hit the city at no v. A dynamite boat blew up on one cf the piers of the New Jersey
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  • 97 4 riNANG CONSIDERS ITS CELEBRATION ""Trniiiuj Pco *H.Mar. I A preliminary meeting haa fc th. Ooveroor". Lvans, m tbe chair to -irsiiiln il _-_V_i tion of the Coronation. v '«hr_. There was a large attendance and it decided ta appoint Mr p* General Purpo*. Com.!*..^ !V* •astrtsubCoßi m i
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  • 37 4 A Sharp Rise, (From. '«_se»deal.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 1 The Planters Storaa snd Aeency has a Loadoa cable to day giring the folbwis, ss ths prices at the rubbar auction.. Sheet biacuit llimbong uitreated FmehardPara
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  • 22 4 Agents Guthrie and I Labi -.-1 < lg mm^ i9Mt 9Ui Tft-J two months ibi, .Waaat mmmmm '25 Ibe. r...aliwo-Bsatha
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  • 13 4 At the Rubber Exchange weekly aaetiaa yesterday. *5«-per pikul. per pikuL
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  • 114 4 will have bien seen from onr advertising oolnmna that the Apollo circus spam this evening oa tho Beach Road reclaamtion. The Circaa which carries a more than anally strong programme of variety turns haa amongst its principal attractions tha atom man act of Apollo, Miss Elmore's wonderful
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  • 372 4 The firm of Sir John Jackson (Limited), contractors and engineers, Westminster, have eecuredthe contract for the emotion at a great dam st ths heed of tbe Hindia branck of the Euphrates ac part of the irrigation of MeeopoUmia. Sir John Jackaon, if, telegraphed from Baghdad tbat the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 88 4 No Home is Complete Without A Gramophone (THE BEST CHEAPEST MEANS OF PURE ENJOYMENT. TERMS TO SuTTALL. S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD. THE ARCADE. mth LEE BROTHERS. 58-4. Hill Street, (off Stamford Roai HIGH GLASS PHOTOGRAPHY. Enlargements a Speciality PRICK LIST ON APPLICATION BILLIARDS. The Anglo Australian Cushion. ock'b Patent
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    • 12 4 For all inter oal complain* drssstoMselto colds ac., take Woods' Otaat wppatrnmi
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    • 58 5 UNIONIS SATISE FIED WITH LANSDONE 'S SCHEME. (By Submarine Telegraph.— Reuter pm. I understood that the advanced Conaarvativee nt yesterday's meeting are satiated with the assurance that L>rd L ins downe's Bill for the reform of the House of -Loads will be bold and sweeping. The papers says that the
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    • 38 5 Aa official account hae been issued of the In ion ist meesiag which states there waa a general discussion oa reform of the House rds showing throughout the utmost loyalty to the party leaders.
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  • 109 5 Wales Beats Fiance. Bee. Marl m. Renter's Paris correspondent wires that ia the Rugby match there between France and Wales the Welsh team won by fifteen points to nil after a strenuous game. The score at half time stood st nil. des had seat over a strong team. •c
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  • 17 5 A wire from Sydney states that Eagland bee challenged Australasia for the Davis Cup. > 9> <
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  • 54 5 PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA. Membera are reminded that tbe first retares] at tbe low pitch will take plac. this evening at tbe lower Victoria Memorial Hall at 8.30 pm. Tbe first concert ia fixe) for March at tbe Tautoaia Club, by kind permiaaioa, there being at preaent no suitable hall m Siagapore
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  • 149 5 In connection with the aviation mocitinga hara wa understand that the Far East Aviation Society which waa trying to arrange a meeting here haa j ined forces witb the rep resen tat irea of the well-known British and Colonial Aeroplane Company, tbe maker, of tbe famous Bristol
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  • 151 5 There waa a large attendance at this popular place of entertainment last night when Another good aeries of pictures were thrown oa tbe screen. There waa aomething to iatareat and amuse everyone. Aa usu^l, tbe Gazette pictures were well received. Both tbe genial Max Llnder ar.d M Prince
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  • 96 5 It ia elated by ths Tokyo preea that the squadron eoaaaatißg of the Kurama and tha Toae will start from Yokosuka on the firat of April aad, seaming at the average rate of IC knots, will pn ceed to England via tbeSu. a Canal The voyage will two
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    • 69 5 (By Submarine Telegraph.— Reuters) c H trch 1. pm. 'iris telegram says that M. Delcaste has accepted the portfolio of the Marine rtment. M. Birteaux has accepted that of War Minister. M. Monis has offered the portfolio of Foreign Affairs to M. Ribot or, failing him to M.
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    • 53 5 Rec. Mar 1, 10 a.m. M F_lfc-es, the French President, has summoned Senator Monis to form a Cabinet. M. Briand attributes bis downfall to personal hostility to himself, and decliues to continue m office amidst intrigues aud ambushes when his policy of appeasement kaaat secularisation is
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  • 69 5 Capt Buller lost at Chinwantao. {From our turn ndent^ Hongkong, pm. The "Oasang" which has arrived here reports that Ciptain Buller went on shoro from the ship on Feb ll' at Chinwantao to dine with some friends, and has not been heard of si ace. He waa last
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  • 98 5 Baya a correspondent i In the Singapore Chamber of Commerce market report the following repor appeared since beginning of February last. TONNAGK. Although Cargo is not plentiful, Ton is at present considerably less than for sometime past and is barely sufficient for requirements. This applies to tonnage
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  • 210 5 Tbe following new subscribers were added to the telephone list m Februnry. Boomkamp, I). I Leeuwen 3 Dublin Road. Boustead A Co Messrs, Collver Quay. 1177 Bun Bee a 1178 Crown Aerated Water Factory (J Branson), 89 Bencoolen Street. 999 Eastern Produce Co., Lrd 54 Robinson Road.
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  • 114 5 The Daily Colonist, of Victoria, B C, aces that the Grand Tniok Pacific, is going to take out five thousand Scotsmen to work upon its railway m British Columbia. This, comments our contemporar very good news. These men will ail, or nearly all, become settlers m the province when they
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  • 719 5 The following is the directors' thirteen! l; anuual report to th»- Shareholders to ba presented at the meeting on Wedu- next. "The Printing Department psrtieipsted m the general improvement m trade, and the output of work was greater than m pre vious years. Like all employers of
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  • 186 5 ir Cantonese were committed by Mr Acton, third magistrate, yesterday, for trial lbt next Assizes on a charge of gang robbery. The four accused have been arrested m connection with a very daring case of g ingrobbery which occurred m Middle Koad a few nights ago. Five
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  • 792 5 T.KK..Y AND BUIAAI A. Londor, February Reuter wires from Constantinople ti. provisional commercial agreement has been signed between Turkey and Bulgaria avertiDg a tariff war which had already begun stopping all trade. Thk Baghdad Railway. Constantinople, February 1 It is confirmed that pourparlers betwaaa Great Biituin and Turkey
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  • 85 5 Berlin, Feb 1 9. Buea, the capital of the German West African Cameroons, has been shocked by a tragedy committed by a lunatic. Herr Biernat/ki and Herr Griess, manager and secretary respectively of one of the leading trading companies, were shot and killed by Herr Erschossen,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 49 5 Answer to the Question. How to cure a cold is a question m which many are interested just now. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has waa its great reputation aad immense aale by its remarkable cure of colda- It can always be depended upon. For aale by all Dealers and Dispensaries.
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    • 35 5 Source of Sleeplessness. The most common canse of insomnia is disorders of the stomach. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets correct ilx -e disorders and enable you to sleep. For sale by all Dealers and Dispeabaries.
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    • 216 5 ROBINSON Co, SPECIAL «*a_^ I km*** v+mS 1 EsmsE Persian Lawns. Piques. Drills Calicoes. %Z Ll f J IA/ Brilliants. Nainsook. Embroideries. Sheets. Laces. Sheetings. OF Underclothing. Table Linens. &c. t &c. Towels. ytw ii f nr r. Pillow Slips. ll I 1 Cm Lace Curtains. Toilet Covers. gm^ c
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 813 6 BRITISH INDIA W W CO, LTD. i PENANG. RANGOON AND CALCUTTA. I KAMER ARA tons, T. P. Barb. Commander, will be despatched for the above ports on triday, th* 3rd March, at 5 p.m. us excellent accommodation for first and second class passengers. For freight or passage apply to BOUSTEAD
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    • 683 6 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG A N 1 1 Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts Ges. v Hansa Bremen. GOMBINKD Bl KVICE. The steamers of these Compani* maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen. Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homeward?, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a
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    • 726 6 OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; for Genoa, Marseilles ard Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre and Liverpool
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    • 1127 6 P. O. STEAM KAVIO. Foi Chin., Jap.„ p. n j Au-tr aIU, VSJ XJ*»«. Ceylon Through BilU of Lad__» Coast, Persian Gulf Co 2 cr Chic can Ports. ""neutal and a men •saamera will leave Siaganor INEi. Otsmmri 1911 JjA^anha March 10 Da_bi J 9ll March 14 Sis SLZ tmssm
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 385 7 X^^\ w%"^ T A h _^"H i %i, ,f v I |___i 1 1 m\\\m a 11 I <^Z>^om> I B^ X-F J__# I .mL OW/ v/ iF^ Wfc^ rj®)) a__a mm mEm 9mmmW -a^^r^ N^^^^^ PERMANENT READY ROOFING. I Cheaper than Attaps. No Renewal being Required. mm i\*** *■**"<
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 158 8 BUCHANAN. RI Ai 1\ iA ijH KIIJ I lP^^^B____ jrteSS-BcCa_l-ag-B^-y^ aj| SD AmmmT^ L _f 'aW^fIUW Hi* fl^ tLm&mmmm7Sfi&ftm& B_— _M_i______________._________M_iMaM_^_M_«_»«-M»»M_M_^ Sfl_^ _B_B_^_^-^ $16 ~W ALL sjril Per case of 6 Doz. Pints fo STOUT Wm IJlJniv'k -< t~*%mt VuNw SmMMMMmWsi- V^ i-.'^*a7^^^^_-lnli l !rt_l !._ni"l--^^<)ir^ The Clifford Wilkins .nsan
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  • 119 9 Dee. 1910 Jan. Belat Bniang ISS 2,263 469 2,793 Goj v/ 660 8,915 600 Heawood Kamoning *5,7 -852 3,812 Kinta 450 5,818 455 :ita Association 8,946 KMOM 140 Ml 80 KnMaiPulai 8M MM i wi .n 4 565 850 9 021 SlO tfoßflemba Lode 3,151 HswOtfi^ l4 *o
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  • 580 9 Dec lylO Jan Ailagar 8,900 4,000 Alor Pongsu 4. «.«J 8,808 AlorGajah U J.« A^loM^ay tli™ 61 AjwKuning 500 8.51J I *1 AyerMolek 2,748 84,032 8,827 AyerPanaa IM 310,105 1,967 Baka P 7J n^ 12 X? Balgownie 10,225 1p5,042 11*8* Batak Rabit MM 9,948 48--i: i: -,n..
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  • 1318 9 S H A R E S RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. RUBBER DOTLAR COMPANIES. MINES. INDUSTRIALS. Oaf. Issue. Paid. Last Div. Butbrs. Simkk--85,000 2/ 2/ Allagar Rubber Estate* Ltd 54* 6 0 150jhhi 2/- 2/- Anglo- Malay 75% int. 16 0 17 6 50,000 2/- 2'- Batang Ifekki 3 0 3 9
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 338 9 TO t.HT Y. M. C A. HOUSE. Residential quarters for men. Each room I is fully furnished, ie lighted by electricity and has its own bathroom Board is provided, if Apply Tbe General Secretary. I Marl TO BB LET FURBISHED. I Villa Marina Tanjong Katong from Ist April, I 1911.
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    • 24 9 GRANT Co. AUCTIONEERACCOUNTANTS, ESTATE AGENTS AND U RET ARIES. 1 Loans Mortgages Arranged i. Rubber Exchange Building* Telephone No. 4 44. Dec 6 U.C
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    • 430 9 De X )NFNKLI.IKK PAKETVAART M -CHAPIM.I Under Contract with thb Nbthbblands India Govehnmbnt. _Nts at Singapore, The Shipsagency, Limited, 2 /er Quay. "HS nVOBRM-WTIOHBD OATHS OP OBPABTDBB ARH OHLT 4P-ROXI«4*H Rumi Batavia, Samarang and Beetaba_a I Mar. ~8 Valentin Anambas and Natoena Islands Reael Penang, Sabang, Oelee Lheoe, West coast
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    • 260 9 EXCHANGE. (Cobbbctbd up to Feb. 28.) Bank 4ms 2/4| demand v^ Private credits 3m a 24^ credits 6m a France, demand Bank... WE Gbbmant, demand 240 India, T. T -44 Hongkong, demand Yokohama, demand Java, demand 140f Bangkok, demand KEHiGNs, Bank Buying Baak of England Rata^. Discount 3 months bill
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 487 9 V E6BB BLH IN KOK I Flar and Tons Gommaoders Arrived Prom Wbw Calabria cruis 1 Casannova Feb 18 Saigon Gneisenau r cruis ***** UssL Fel tv oong Leipzig Ger cruis 3' Schroeier Fe: Jcutta Kuantan M.S. dredger 500 Nov 13 Kuantan -ertain Sea Mew Col. yacht 500 Murphy Jan
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  • 1436 10 THE DIVERTING ADVERTISER (Copyrighted to "Singapore Free Frees I was going into the country with a few friends the other day. We caught an early train just as it was on the point of moving out of the station. Only one amongst us aaassaasd a morning paper and there was
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  • 239 10 A Romantic Cab ebb. Miae Marie Hall, the popular lady violinist, was married 01 lay (Jan to her busineas manager, Mr Edward The ceremony, took place very quietly at Maryleb- I -h Church, Miss ne Basche, Miss Marie Hall's accomp i Bg the only bridesmaid.
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  • 236 10 Engineering Schools may bb Establish bd. [From Onr Correspondent Berlin, Sunday, In furtherance of the propaganda m favour of an increase of German interests m China a number of influential manufacturers have agreed to raise a sum of about i£ 100,(00 to establish a school of German
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  • 39 10 A Dii ision 125 i urdl and I son 40 M nthly Handicap Races for March It' l l will be swum oil at the Chinese Swimming Club on Sunday the sth instant at 1 pm.
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  • 25 10 The monthly m«dal Itt 1 abt If] was wmi by V 1 ho mas with a score of 7 1 7 Ml
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  • 78 10 S.C.C. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. YESTERDAYS PLAT D" Cla--- Bora ii Pat F. Lloyd beat L. D. Gosling 7—5,5—7, o—l. Dossett beat EL A. BcoM 6— l. 1. Puo. KS-.ION Pairs. Banks 11. Macphail and Kilby beat Press Day 's ,i i JsmsSsms B—o,8 0, —3. Tel 11. Mackay and Carr beat
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  • 702 10 In the early afternoon of a Saturday there was the usual struggle for the motor- bus going westwards from Piccadilly. Rather more than the usual struggle. And as I won my seat I found myself surrounded and faced by enthusiastic youths, half-a-dozan of them. The boy next
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  • 119 10 Projected New Pah y. Tbe Porte has opened negotiations with Great Uritain concerning the continuation of the Baghdad railway to Basra, to a town m Asiatic Turkey fifty-six miles from the mouth of the Euphrates m the Gult ol Persia. The river Euphrates is navigable up to Basra
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  • 226 10 The "Cithern is landing 1,200 packages of gel.*- I v Tanjong P. t'rom Ohm i She Uada for Pt-MBg and Calcutt A. tbe n barren, yesterday Eup lectela bnakared 100 tons of Miike coal. The "Glenlochv" bunke- tons of coal at Tanjong Pagar yestei. th Mtaad tons of
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  • 159 10 We are indebted to the Building News for the following item The new Russian naval base on the South Finish Coast is to be at Hermanso, an island situated to the noith east of Hango Peninsula, It is sur rounded by innumerable rocks and dangerous
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  • 310 10 By Msjor. G. A. Derrick, Acting CommanB V. C, Singapore elruary, 1911. S. V. I Et. A. shoot Short Range Handicap. March 11th at I 30 pm. S. V. A. Orderly Officer: 2nd Lieut W. < >. Hildred o.derly Sergeant Sergt E. Gill. Otderly Corporsl Bomi
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  • 32 10 The March Monthly Medal will be play- for Saturday and Sunday March and sth. Members are again reminded that entries for the Duffers Cup close to-day at 6 pm.
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  • 26 10 Hai Nam Brit 149 Phillips March 1, cca Soon Ke< k M il icca IVntianak Brit AT Russell March 1, Xatunas T H Tye
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 13 10 Woods' Great Peppermint Cure for all inter nal complaints dysentry coughs colds Ac.
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    • 338 10 VANA TJonic Wine THE IDEIL INVIGORATOR FOR BODY NERVE AND BRAIN ie vi Using effect of its bloodennl L Idling constituents becomes "lent after the first few doses. *^|etite is restored, digestion is v. strength and energy return j the colour of health is •red to the cheeks. I OF
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