The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 14 February 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 177 1 Our special Sporting letter will be found on page 8. An article on dairying m hot countries appears on page 4. Results of Siturdny's and Sunday* golf will be found on pa^'> H E. the Gavernor returned from Port Swettenham yesterday Page 4 Notes from cur Malacca
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  • 1220 1 Tis a si at what Lervous time m a man's 1 if e when he is earnestly idv^ed, for the peace of his soul and the comf >rr of hit body, to consult a specialist and the crisis comes when, preliminaries arranged and an app>intmu)t mide. Mr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 502 1 THE FIRST ON THE FIELD t H i E COMiCA COS FILMS TtTe Latest Best Liked NIZZA CO. Picture Periodical v [m the World. N Palhe's Celebrated Movins L PATHhS ANIMATED GAZETTE I A PiCtUreS. yj Edition. J™ T GO TO HAKE UP M &£%£s*'* The Honndsditch Affray dß7il\m CiHTlVf^f?
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    • 357 1 IST. MATHEW'S CHURCH, SEPOY LINES. I I jncert and Entertainment will be given m aid of tli< NpaJnta the above Church on Thursday, F< bn ary 16th at 880 p.m. at the Outram Road School Room. The admission is only 25 cents. VICTORIA THEATRE TO-NIGHT WEDNESDAY. I nder the Patronage
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    • 228 1 MARLBOROUGH CINEMATOGRAPH, BEACH ROAD THE HALL THAT WILL PLEASE AND AMUSE YOU WITH ROCK-STEADY PICTURIS WHICH COMEDY. ART AND ROMANCE < OMIJINE TO FURNISH Excellent Entertainment AT POPULAR PRICES. 2nd Show 9=30 to 11 pm. 1. Customs of Hindu Castes (Beliefs and Sacrifice). 2. Fear of Burglars. (Comic). 3. VIEWS
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    • 137 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Horses and turnouts for sale Pafte 3 Concert at Outiam Rd School— Pajre 1. To let furnished 11, St. Thomas Walk— Page 3. Notice re various Government tenders Pap. nted 30,000 coconuts for plantingPage 3. Davies weekly share auction to morrow Page 7. At Theatre Royal to night
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 310 1 THE WEEK Tuesday, 14th i High Water.— lo 48 a., Anti opium Society. S p Musical Kennedys, Victoria Theatre. Wbdmbsday, loth High Water.— o.3 a, 11.31 p Presbyterian Church Annual, 8.45 p Musical Kennedys, Victoria Theatre. Thursday, 1 oth i High Water- 0.31 a.. 0.12 p B. I. Mail Homeward
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  • 226 2 \fro»ft OMr i/u'H Cot J U/MMMMf.) Kotaßihru. Febru MrM D. Fraser who came here from Negri B*mbilao, proceeded up the river to the Kelanun border to start surv tk« out tmotlna of the Anglo- Si* mess R*ilw Uagku Bint, the first Mfu ■ned owing to ill-health, and Mr
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  • 204 2 {From mar #w» CorrtspondnU^ Proposed Yoluhtbkb Corps. As Governmeet were not willing to assist the proposed X and suggested the luislislinn "nf a Volunteer Corps which would be prepared to assist, a further meet, ing was called by Mr Foley Inkson to con BKwr the advisability of forming
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  • 832 2 H 0 Rbmo With the banishment of Malaria a new ara will dawn m history. Those words, which cast a lurid glow on the importance of the disease directly aponsible for more invalidity an 1 death t any other cause m the tropics, we -6 spoi.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 69 2 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In Afiica. Mr. Piet A. lys, of Lelievlei, Orange River Colony, tortiflei to the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He says We hive need several times for our children and onrselv and expect to continue with it as we have found it 1 1 1 inHlil
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    • 129 2 RUBBER STUMPS. 2,500,000 FOR lAXI NUBSERY 25 A( RES X ANTED All guaranteed fresh and m first-class i Book your orders now for immediate or ior i deliveries of 9, 11 and 15, months old Stump s RUBBER SEEDS All seeds guaranteed fresh from old 1 and well known Estates,
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    • 864 2 NO TI(BE S. I GOVERNMENT NOTICE. Tenders will be received a*, the Colonial Office, up to noon of tl. i.ruary. l«ll, forth.- supply of 2;> inches laterite on the foil ids (I) 95 cub— m AfV Bfjftfc Boni between milestone an! B lonMlttf R *d j v) 255 cubes on
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    • 639 2 no Ties s. -< j 'ER XMEXT NO TICK. nders will be received a Secretary's Office, up tj nooa of ihe I iary, 1911, for the fo lowing works: 1. External painting, etc., to A. D. C's Bungalow 2. Exit mil painting, etc, to the Colonial j Secretary's Bungalow 8.
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    • 640 2 NO TIGES. Glenealy Plantations, Ltd. Not. M of Closing of Transfer Books. Notice is hereby given that the Tran Books of this Company will be clo»ed the 15tb to the 7th February (both days inclusive) for the preparation of Dividend Warrants. By Order r f the Board, DERRICK k Co.,
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    • 456 2 Chartered Bank of lady Australia and China. ■ht- RATIO BY BOYAL Psjc .p Capital In 80,000 •h&rei of £20 e*eh «1 iTkiae. Re^rve Fand ReaerT, tyofPropr: •tort UJH^ Cowrt of PiiaHim. Sir Montagii Cornish Turner (Cfcui^^i Sir Heary Stewart Cunninrhaa Kcia Umbbbi tali Wm > fred Dent, K.CJI.O. London Mmwn,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 390 3 MANUFACTURERS LIFE IN MM Co. OF CANADA Wit i iii win 1887. Poticieaare "WORLD WIDB," "UNRBi TBICTBD," "IX DISPUTABLE ai. N U FOBFEITABLr Qnisai> loans, caab-svnrenojeni etc., ai promptly settleo by the General Agents a Singapore without the delay of reference t< The Besenres for protection of Polio? boiden are
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    • 550 3 TO LET. TO LET FURNISHED. J'°-";. St Thomas' Wa- nnis Court an d Stabling. Furniture to be taken over at a valuation. Apply at premises.: Feb 14 2l 2 TO LET FURNISHED. Oxley Road sitting and dining rooms, 4 bed and 2 bath rooms, verandah Ac. Entry April Ist. J
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    • 727 3 WANTED FOR PLANTING. £0,000 Coconnts. They must be fully matuie, (not plucked green", dry, round, from healthy and old tr. 1 1, and rf a good size. Apply to B. M. A. Cornelius, 8 Prince Street. NTED experienced Typist and Steno gr aiher, cne capable of taking Chief Clerk sh
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    • 860 3 IMPORTANT SALE OF ALTAI J I HOrsEHOLD PREMISES. AT IKNKNG. Vitiet iv ,by given that the undersigned has received inf-tructions from the Govern ment of Selari^or m exercise of their power as Mortgagees, to sell by Public Auction on W < dnt^day, the Ist day of March, 1911 and following
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    • 355 3 7W(BTIO\S. Rubber Exchange Buildings Saleroom may now be engaged. Auction Sales may be i uadattliil by an\ person licensed to conduct such sales i& Singa pore. Motor Cars received for Garage or for inspection. Godown accommodation for bulky goods. For terms apply to i NSON, Manager. Jan 26 1.3 Rubber
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    • 673 3 AUCTION bAiJt OF Household Furniture -ON POAD On Saturday. ruary, at 11 a.m. Comprising an excellent toned cottage piano and pianola by the Kobinson Piano Company iron ring td& showcases with s door, i olished dressing table with mirrors attached Ac. On view from 17th inst. POWELL Co., Auctioneers, 14
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  • 27 4 C. De Leeuw.— 4B yearn of age at Bilit, Sandakan on 28rd January 1911 of fever 1 following heart disease, deeply regretted. (Antwerp papers please copy).
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  • 1916 4 She Singapore free press. Tuesday, Feb. 11. 1911. Here shall the Pres« the People's richt maintain, Unawed by influence an<l unbribed by gain Here p.viot Truth ht-r glorious precepts draw* Pledged to Religion. Loyally and l-aw. It is possible I ffd IfOBLBT, the late Secretary of State for India has
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  • 954 4 Having had previous experience somewhat lengthy period m d* Hongkong, Africa and Australia v like to place certain facts befot* tlm"^^ concerning the importajMe ofestahEfij 1 the industry here, the- Jj issue of fresh milk an Jj mg to the banking accounts of thtiJl ones who
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 392 4 Messrs. Bollinger (a hose Champagne is so well 1 krcun en the lecal market) have received al warrant of appointment as purveyors of Cham- I pagne to His Majesty King George V. The firm 1 previously held similar warrants to Her late I Majesty Queen Victoria and His late Majesty
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    • 95 4 CALL AT "Moutrie's" I FOR THE PIANO PROVEN BY 38 YEARS EXPERIENCE. GUARANTEED FOR 5 YEARS OVER /,200 Distributed m all Parts of China and the Straits. S. MOUTRiE AND CO., LTD. THE ARCADE. LEE BROTHERS. 58-4, Hill Street, >off Stamford Road.) HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY. Enlargements a Speciality PRICE LIST
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  • 41 5 SUPPORT FROM THE TIMES. <By Mhßßftno* Telegraph.— Renter's) IS pm. The Timei prinU a leading article m which it strongly rapports the Declaration of London, as it onntench Uut it improves Gtreat Britain's position whether she belligerent or neutral.
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  • 58 5 A Premature Declaration. FeblSt pm The Uoionist papers generally consider that tke announcement made by the Times, :o the effect that the Unionist leaders m the House of Lwds had decided not to proceed with the bill for the reform of that House, it premature. The
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  • 70 5 Recovering from Indisposition. The Kaiser is recovering from a feverish osU but hsa to be careful for some dajs. Toe Con rt BUI fixed for the 15 th inst ml tven ib.inJonfd. THE STATE OF PERSIA. Order Being Restored. A St. Petersburg telegram says that m go— <joenoa
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  • 24 5 Router's Paris correspondent wire, that :he Senate has passed the second reading of a bill making Greenwich the official time
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  • 24 5 The Countess of Orewe and her infant were wcwd to Lord Rosebery's townhouse yesterday morning and are progressing sitiafactonlv. m
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  • 27 5 Their Mijesries the King and Queen viaited ex-King Maaoel and his mother at their new residence at Richmond and took *ea with them.
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  • 25 5 The Times' Vienna correspondent estimates the personal fortune of Albert Bothechild, who died on Feb 11. at over df t »illio— sterling.
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  • 148 5 For riding a bicycle m a rash manner m > retard Road, a Javanese was fined a dollar at the police court yesterday. Two Teoonews have bean arrested for Jumping a human corpse m Lim Eog Bee ire. Ftve Chinese wore arrested on the X -pUaade on Sunday
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  • 114 5 Agents Eratt and Co. —Tapioca 376.47 Pikuls. Rubber 46 lbs. Mr W. N. WillU baa received word b Bangoon that his champion pony Autocrat bas won the Welter Plate, the star price 20 to 1 on. Tms makes the ifth race Autocrat has won m RaDgooD. and
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  • 53 5 RUM FOR FRKNCH TROOPS. (By Submarine Telegraph.-Reuters.) announced icon: P ins that M. Broquet of the P«teur Institute has left for nchuria and tikes numerous boxes of Hdffkine's serum which is destined for the French consulates m the Far Eist, for the protection of French soldiers and nationals
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  • 36 5 Russian Military Precautions. The Russian G >veruor-General of the Amur, m consequence of the plague m a-hurii, has ordered the troops to close the frontier. Peking is apparently at present free from plague.
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  • 62 5 Medical Aid for Japanese Poor. b IS. 10 am. Reuter's correspondent at Tokio says that the Emperor m a rescript dwells on tte importance of adapting the policy of the Government to the changed economic conditions. He ais given a donation of one and a half million
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  • 479 5 OPENING PERFORMANCE. unfortunate that the Musical Ken* nedjs should have followed so close after the recent visit of the Follies, and this fact will probably affect the attendances, although we hope it will not,— for the excellence of the performance is worth the best support the music
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  • 1438 5 *4 I inuary I: 1 is announced that, soon after the Coronation, the King and (^aeen will visit bcotland and hold a levee and Court m Holvrood Palace, Edinburgh. It is probable that some date m July will be chosen. Their Mijesties will, it is confidently ex pected,
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  • 117 5 The first Children's Concert of th« year will be given on Monday afternoon, Fdbruarv 20th, at 515 pm. As the Philharmonic estra will only have the last batch of its new low pitch instruments arriving by the P. and O. "Palawan" on Saturday, lsth inst., it has been
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  • 294 5 no Macdonald. At the Presbyterian Church, on Thursday, the marriage of Miss Grace Eileen Dora Young, daughter of Mrs Pykett, to Mr William Elder Mac Donald, cf the Penang Free School, son of the Rev Duff Mac Donald, M A., b d., was solemni/.-d hy Bishop Oldbam,
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  • 76 5 Fire broke cut on Calle Carlos at Iloilo on the 2*d inst., sweeping that section cf the city m a westward direction, destroviuj 200 residences, and causing a logs roughly estimated at P70.0C0. The origin is believed iv be incendiary, being the second attempt within a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 20 5 Grlmault Co's Sarsaparilla cleaMM tU blood from all impurities arising from Iwtlffili.miHMi. Bad Leg*, Skbi Dkeuea, fiwipUi and Sore*. 14
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    • 13 5 Woods' Great Peppermint Cure for all inter bal i-.oraplainte dyaentry coughs colds Ac
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    • 225 5 ROBINSON Co, SPECIAL SHOW OF FO R DAY AND NIGHT WEAR DOES HOC SHRINK. ROBINSON Co] Plover's navy mixture, i In i lb. Patent Air Tight Tins. Price 55 cts. __L^__ Robinson Co. 1 THE New State Carriage I HIS MAJESTY THE KING! I IS FITTED WITH I ["Sirdar" Rubber
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 415 6 MUNICIPAL NOTICE THE PETK I 1908 The attention of Fe rsons osin 8 bunsisM naphtha or any other form of dangerous pet rofaam is invited to the provisions of th< Petroleum Ordinance 1906 and the Petroleun 9mb Roles 1910 made thereunder. Dangerous petroltuin may not be kep without a licence.
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    • 558 6 SHIBS LINE OF STEAMERS Ltd. COLOMBO AND LONDON .mer PEMBROKESHIRE is due here on the 17th instant, and will havt prompt despatch for the above ports. has excellent accommodation for saloon passengers, mi m, smoke roorr etc., large promenade deck- sj nns m cabins, is lighted throughout ectricitj and fitted
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    • 543 6 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG AND Deutsche Damptschiff-fahrts Ges. Hansa Bremen, COMBINED SIKVICK The steamers of these Companu s maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen. Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Strait China and Japan, Homewards they art despatched fortnightI ly for Havru and Hamburg and once a month I for
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    • 739 6 SSBSdF^vCSSi^^^B I 3CEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched [roil* Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China ia)d 'ap&n every week, and from Japan homewar. ls for London Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles aud -pool and for Marseilles,
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    • 661 6 N.D.L. Norddcutscher Lloyd Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers ol this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soutbamp- 1 ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connec Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice verm) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penan*, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, T^ing: Nagasaki and
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    • 509 6 STEAM NAVIGa Foi China, Japan, Pcnang, Ceyl©. Australia, India, Aden. Egypt Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading iatned for Chit* 3oast, Persian Gulf, Cuutuaental tad Am san Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore ob or aboaft MAIL LIN (hitwm lia 1911 mi Feb. 11 Asaaye 4 P lerannm
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  • 77 7 Dec. 1910 Jan. r-w* i<s 3,9*4 647 Bxmat y its* uoning t5,775 .852 jjaboi Ml 2 |T. k 450 5,818 jate AaMhAion 8,946 jSSm 14 Ml ITnii Pulai 650 4,886 850 9021 1 bn Lode SewTambun Stai 490 Z Mi 1.048 9,580 I, I;an 488 7,630 888 R^bman Hyd.
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  • 473 7 Dec 1910 Jan Ailagar 8,900 36,777 4,000 Alor Pongeu 4,: 22,913 3,808 AlorGajah 555 1,889 Alma I,EOO Anglo Malay 66,182 656,755 6 500 26 601 Ayer Molek .48 24. t Ayer Panaa 00 10,105 1,961 Bakap uti iilgtwil 10,225 105,042 12 fcA* 2,300 9,943 Bant*:. 4.1 072
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  • 1242 7 RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. Oaf. Ib^ui. Paid. La3t D:v Buybrs. Sbllkr? 85,000 2/ 2/ A llagar Rubber Estates Ltd 150,000 2/- 2/- i^lo-Malay ~".%int. 109 123 50,000 2/- I Batang Malaka 2 6 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves int 13 17 6 14 10 0 80,000 1 1 Batu Tiga
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  • 61 7 (CoßticTiD up to Feb. 13.) Bank 4 m demand Private credits 3m credit* 6ms France, demand Bank.., IK Gkrm ant, demand urn 11l India, T. T Hongkong, demand MJ Yokohama, demand M 11 4j Java, demand 14O| Bangkok, demand 66 Sovsbmgns, Bank Buying $8.54 Bank of Englwd Rate... Discount
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  • 142 7 Feb. 13. Tin I Gambier m buyers 8 2* Gambler Cube No 1 m 14.50 Ghambier Oube No. 8 m Mi Pepper ßlaek (orCm. B'pjre) Pepper, White (fair) be^OJM 27 <o Sutmegs (110 to tie le.)~» m N'utmege (80 en U« Ik.) H M Him (Baada) m m Olo*m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 276 7 AbsriutelySafe. When you ha*o a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It will coon you ap all right and will wari off my piam or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult For sale by all Dispensaries and 7\P7\RTMEiXTS. Comfortable
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1126 7 VESSELS IN PORT. KUr and 1 ona ''nmmhi den \rrtv«j from > H laspe-teur i 4-6 Z*eman Belawaa ertain I ::':m M.S .dredger .'.<■■. tfov 13 Kuantaa oerUia S»a Mew Col. yacht 500 Murphy Jan 31 Penang ,<*rtai» fi Zeeroan Dot Stikkel Rhio «rtai« Luc i Dut 499 V. der
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  • 1730 8 m» Our Bpe<i«l Corrfpomde MATEUR PrOKESM London, Jan 20. one went into the subject thoroughly, it would be fcund that amateurs just about hold their own with professionals m the world of sport. Professional jockeys, billiard players, scullers, golfers, boxers, wrestlers, and tennis plavero are superior to
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  • 150 8 New Ordbr in-Couh( ii The following paragraphs are quoted from a new Order-in-Council published m the Hongkong Government Ga/ette Where a British subject is sen teneed to imprisonment for a term of not less than six months, the Court may, as part of the
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  • 94 8 The following were tho scores made m the Medal competitions of the above Club February Memm H. T. White 16 II i) Mundell 48 10 77 B. Y. Draper 10 IB Lfl L R. Macphrtil I 18 GR.K Mugliston 38 il plus 91 H. Tongue 16 18
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  • 73 8 The results of February monthly medals were as follows l.ulies: Mrs Hewan and Mrs Gaunt tied with a nett <*>. Scores Mrs Hewan 44 plus '1 I nut 58 1 Minn 5 51 Swabey 1 1 57 M I I! Gaunt 91 11 90 H \V. Firmstone
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  • 122 8 The following was the result of the Februiry handicap races swum oft" at the Chinese Swimming Club on Sunday. A. I>i\ MMi i |(il Yards. Chia Keng Chin (05 sees.) Cbia Teck Chye (18 sacs.) 2; Ch«ong Keng Liasees.) I Chia Cheng King (Scr.) 4. I. In
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  • 102 8 A dinner was given by the members ot the Moslem Association on Siturday nighf m their headquarter, Selegie Road, m honour of Mr A. M. Angullia's rl appointment as a Municipd Commissioner, by Government. The function was atten by most of the leading members of the Mohammedan Community
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  • 208 8 After passing through two good oil pays m Sarawak, oil has been struck m large quantities at a depth of 860 ft. by the bore masters operating on account of the AngloSaxon Petroleum Company (Ltd of London. It is reported here that the development of the territory
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  • 168 8 William Standish Itol-erts, on bail, was indicted for converting to bis own use and benefit i*")) 15s. and other sums received by him for and on account of the Merlimau Rubber Estates (Limited). Mr Muir and Mr Harold Morris prose en ted Mi- Huntly Jenkins appeared for
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  • 161 8 The following was the report to be submitted at the annutl meeting of the Company ob January I v The area of the Estate is now 1,321 acres, against an original area of 1 acres, the Directors having acquired on favourable terms another 90S acres adjoining.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 13 8 For all internal complaints dysentry cuogh colds Ac. take Wood*' Great Peppermint Cure
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    • 44 8 How to Prevent Croup. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of mothers nse it successfully. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 274 8 KEPLER m solution (OF COD LIVER OIL IN MALT EX T h This delicious, digestive body builder exerts its influence upon the source of nutrition the blood. It (ills the veins with rich, vitalising blood, and rapid improvement takes place. The cheeks fill out, the hmbs t become covered with
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 650 8 SHIPPING NOTES. At t l <<- wlitn-.K, psstsvißJ, the "Asia" was loa'lujj kSS for '*c north. The "Seang Bee" from Rangoon lands i) 0 bags of rice, ttu<i lesumes her voyage to China u> d i\ In the roads are the"Shints-u Mam, i\:.-. .ti "luaba Maru" ail with fa] cargoes
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