The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 February 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 89 1 The German Crown Prince has arrived at Calcutta— Page 5. Tbe Selangor v P«rak hckev match ended m a draw— Page 4. Tbe Persian Minister of Fmacce has been shot by an assaesic— Pa^ Sir J. M. F Fuller hj»s been appointed Governori! Tbe Welsh members are
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  • 687 1  -  Free Lance Hdi 01 must seek my aid Ere \\<e t-pent gear m he ports bttr. 1 The wcard doorway of the wide world's It mice to loose or h Although i. anoe has abolisled the keepr all we wLo are gaining a livelir hood m Singapore,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 397 1 Harima Hall CINEMATOGRAPH, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. 5 To-Night To-Night COMPLETE Change of Programme. The only entertainment always producing fresh subjects. The only beautiful flower garden comfortable Hall m Town. STRING ORCHESTRA ELECTRIC FANS K. HARIMA, Sole Proprietor. H. BOLTER. Just Landed a small shipment of MESSINA LEMONS SSLYRNA FIGS. SAM
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    • 270 1 VICTORIA THEATRE TO FEBRUARY JOth. Mr. HENRY DALLAS WILL PRESENT "The Follies** By arrangement with H. G. PELISSIER from the APOLLO THEATRE. LONDON Constant Change of Programme from 'The Follies 1 Ixtensive repertoire. BOOKING PLANS NOW OI'EN AT FOBINSCN PIANO Co. Btseived Seats «3. Unreserved §2 and |1. Business Manager
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    • 110 1 UHEST ADVERTiSEMINTS Forthcoming Furniture sales Page 3. can Steamship Co. sailings Page 6. indard Life Assurance Co, Page 4. Chancery House to be let Page 3. Tin Mine Manager wanted Page 3. Shorthand and Typewriter wanted— Page 3. Clerk wanted for Rubber Estate Pag» 3 New books at Kel!. >h't—
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 349 1 THE WEEE Monday. 6t High Water.— 2 44 3.14 p Anniversary of the Settlement of Singapore. Sing Nursing Aesocn., Municipal Office, l 3t Andrews' Congreg. Meeting, Vie. Mem. Hall 5 30 p M. M. Mail Outward due. M M. Mail Homeward due. Follies, Victoria Theatre TuibDAY, 7th Hij?h Water.— 3
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  • 758 2 Sir Hugh Clifford, k with Lady Clifford returned to Ceylon by the P. O. The German Ojwq IVince will attend dirine aerTice at the Scotch Church on Sunday, 12 h 7. m Calcutta. A number of Siamese naval men are proceeding to Jxpan to trayeUo B mgkok on tbe torpedo
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 240 2 Wilßi If About Afs That Pendrufl?!!^ There is just this much about it Dl > i germ disease, is ly 9 im w\..\. and leads to baldness. hen chroni, is very stubborn, but surely yields to thorough and energc treatment. All germs must be destroyed, the scalp mv t be
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    • 540 2 NOTieES. An WHJMh r*rl I Insurance Cuinpariv desires to appoint a representative m Singa pore and iu\it*-s applications from wltbHlhftd t good standing. Ai In s in tirst instance bOTm v W J. Southcombe Advertising Agency, 167, Strand, London, England. Feb 6 mwf 11.2 Mr. 11. A. Crane with over
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    • 536 2 MOTIQES. NOTICE. Being about to proceed to India for a short time, I do hereby notify t t Tana Ahna Roona Scrna Tana v I naram Cliitty of N r > B Mark' I S:r- t is authorised to collect all debts due to, and to pay all claims due
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    • 533 2 Chartered Ban* of India Australia and China kPOBATMI, BY 2 JAL dAJL'SR Paid up Capital ir 8( 000 «hare»of £20 each f!.2Oo,f>Of Reserve F.; £1.600.000 Reserve Liability of Propri•t o £1,200,001 Court of Dirsstors. *tru Cornish Turner (Chairman) Sir Henry Stewart Cunningham, K.CXS.' Thomas Cuthbertson, I Bir Alfred Dent, K.C.M.G.
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    • 374 2 MANUFACTURERS Ll^ nreuRANCB co. ok can aiu B6TABLIBHED 188? Policies are "WORLD wins rHICTED," ."J";, TABLE." 1 Claims, loans, oash^nri^ML^ promptly setUec by tissaZZs? f** Singapore without the sTeksT^Lf? 1^ Bead O!lice "■■•si k The Reserres for ptrossstfaa n# holders are over f20.000.05(5an The Accounts are wmmiiullff} ance Depart tv
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  • 863 3 Imperial Preferrx, c. London, January 12th. lUplyirg to a correspondent, M BaMour atates that the development of ti '"T'* 1 treaty »J 8t «nj throughout ti world has strengthened his conviction th Imperial tariff preference is a necessity. tuD i, Ottawa. January 13th. „1 T* B> 8 !i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 343 3 A ;r< VANA' L S Tonic Wine ida °r^ 000 nd j re .~=U A^° Isv n <*■ tt o o One or two doses daily, strengthen body, brain and nerves, and counteract th^ U O Q fatigue and depression \j of j j i produced by extreme heat. hj
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    • 551 3 TO LET. To BK LET Chancery^House, Mount Kosie. Ci .acctry Lace. K'ntr. end cf February. Apply to H. SCH 1 FER Go. _Feb 6 122 TO LET. > I Dublin Road, a comfortable compound 1 DM ru-ar towu. Qai and Water laid on. }ir>u, ilwi.iv Kntry. Apply to E. R.
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    • 650 3 mjGTIONS. FORTHCOMING FURNITURE SALES. Feb. 25th— At No. 5-- I hire Road. Th< property of A. Haged Mar Mb— Al "Daivey House," Dalvey Road. At property of S. Gad, h Mar. lltL At >tim:: „r< No. 45, Grange ßd. The property of Q Schudel, E Mar. 2sth At Fort Canning
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    • 554 3 WAAITHD. C WANTED. Capable Shorthand and Typewiu Apply ItMcALISTERI Ltd 1 Ffebg nc WABTED A competent Manager for a -mail Hydraulic Tin Mine, conversant with the running of a Gas Producer Plant. Apply to DERRICK k Co. uc WANTED FOE RUBBER EBTATJB NEAR >JGAPORB Clerk with knowledge of Estate Bookkeeping.
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 17 4 PATON.— On the 4th instant at Robinhood Cottage" to Mr. and Mrs. S. Collins-Paton, a ion.
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    • 43 4 Thompson Bowhill.— On Jan. 2nd, 1911, at St. Augustine's Church.. Kilburn. by Revd. Philip Leary, Peter Anthony, son of the late George Carslake Thompson and Mrs. Thompson, of Penar;h, to ,EE, youngest daughter of Lt -Col. J. H. Bowhill, late Wiltshire Regt.
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    • 16 4 At Liverpool, on January 11th, Wilfred Landstein, formerly Chief Engineer, s.s. iebe," of Singapore. i
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  • 1567 4 The Singapore Free Press. Monday Feb. 6, 1911. Here <ihall the Preiw the People's ricbt ■naint'ui^ Unawed by influence and unbribed by gain Here paf-iot Truth hrr glorious precept* draw. Pledged to Religion. Loyalty and I Jtw. It was only recently that an American naval officer, responding perhaps naturally to
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  • 356 4 Major G. W. Priestley, second m command of the 99th Daocan Infantry, has been promoted lieutenant-colonel, and at the same time has gone on retired pay. joined the East Yorkshire Rsgiment m September, 1882. Members of the congregation and choir t of St Andrew's Cathedral are reminded of the meeting
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  • 48 4 STATES AND STRAITS NEWS. HJCKEY MATCH. {From our —rrrp*m*n(\ hJtaS. The hockey ma*h, fitok^ w p^ played yesterday resulte rMr goals all. Evans and Warden .cored f Selangor and Birry Kric game was fast and open and ver? cv A "smoker" was held m rh« the Ipoh Club.
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  • 22 4 Kinta Ltd have declared fur he: dend of one shilling. It is reported ning Bikra will shortly declare another d
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  • 35 4 JANUARY RUBBER AND TIN RETURNS. Mmmj Pen«g.F«b4 MM it* Mkrtatam ■081 KfilAN I.SIHt )S IM lbs lbs. Total seven months 72.2'> lbs, MOI .08; Against AfßVta East Asiatic Co. Mount A ustik Ittt fc 23,<001b8.
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  • 16 4 Agtjnts Huttenbtch ami Co. m pkii. Agents Guthrie and Seven months $34,156. Rahman Tin <
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  • 409 4 AN AHMII I •18CEETIOS. A .Japanese tqaadron under Adrairal Tav biro has been at Panama daring tbe pMt week. The chief ■piiir, Colonel Goetesk, personally conducted tbe officer* over to* canal works. He supplied charts sad asps and pave detailed explanations. Adsunl Yaahiro was im pressed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 377 4 Kelly <&> Walsh, Limited. NEW N "TIT NEW BOOKS. n AAtrt run ATUfn re Qaeer about Japan by Douglas Sc. T A\ 1 1 «1r 111 11 i X Norma Lorimer 460 JLLI aiil/ I*!L umilia v 19.1 ...200 PY Japanese Empire by Joseph Dautremer 6-50 VICTORIA CROSS Shans at
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    • 83 4 No Home i is Complete Without A Gramophone THE BEST CHEAPEST MEANS OF PURE ENJOYMENT. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. AND CO., LTD I THE ARCADE. mth LEE BROTHERS. 58-4, Hill Street, (off Stamford Road.) HIGH GLASS PHOTOGRAPHY. Enlargements a Speciality PRICE LIST OK APPLICATION. BILLIARDS. The Anglo Australian Cushion. (Alcock's
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    • 43 4 Absolutely Safe. When you have a cold git *2^ Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. tix you up all right and will jj tendency toward pneumom. contains no opium or other narcotic be given as confidently to a bakf f* adult. For sale by all Dk*——***
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  • 46 5 tHT ARRESTS AT NE .V JERSEY. (Bf febm%nn* Telesrraph.— Reuters) pm. A 1 elegram states that eight irrests have been made m connection with he fatal and destructive explosion of u.te at New Jersey. Tk* charge :Qte oMetf m muj laughter or criminal carelessness
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  • 62 5 Serious Allegations against Buss an Ministers. Rater's eorn»p.>nden Patersbure rass that the Dama Committee on nation il W drawn up a formidable md meat against the Ministry of Marine charg og it with misapplication of credits voted for torpedo boats and submarines for the Black Sea fleet.
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  • 37 5 9.38 a.ra. A Teheran telegram annonnoes that the »«r«a« Minister of Finance. Stnied Dawleb, »as been shot, while returning from a meet ng of the MejUss, by two Armenians. TWe assassUas an being pursued.
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  • 27 5 The Liberal V M :ler baa been appointed Governor of Victoria replacing Mr C. D. J. C^rmichael who has been appointed Governor of Madras. m
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  • 31 5 THE VETO -AND AFTER. The convention of Wekh members of Parliament at Cardiff has pissed a resolution calling on the Government to tike Welsh Disestablishment after the Vjto and Financ* Bills.
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  • 18 5 Kec Feb 4, 9.54 am. The Crown Prince of Germany has arrived m Calcutta. > <
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  • 91 5 His Excellency the Governor has kindly co— »nted to opea the new head quarter > the V.M.C.A. on Thursday, the ltJch is* at 5.15 pm. The Van. the Archdeacon of Singapore, assisted by the Rot, W. Murray. 1 xjk will conduct the Samoa of
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  • 174 5 Proposal by Chamber or Commerce. The Hongkong General Chamber of Commen* has circulated a proposal with a view to hwaowg the trade of the Colony. The Chamber points out that it is annually m receipt of many enquiries from firms m Europe and America desirous of opening up
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  • 79 5 A. 9sw Flotatu The Malay Cooocat Iriatado, hat been mirtwui with a capital of £150,000. m shares, to car j on m the F. M. 8. or else where the basinets of giowtrt and producers of oocintnttt and other natural produoa, <tc., and to adopt an agreement with
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  • 1528 5 B Januai Several interesting and important articl j£e been published m the columns of i^^J" 1 o«r leading Unionist, ne Wer. At the close of the General Electi Htfc e(1 a c:)nti iential l^ter an tne candidates who stood m the I interest, and the replies received from
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  • 202 5 WHERE IS MALAYA Visual The Colonial < Jffijer has issued the follow The Visual Instruction Cammitteeappointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies has issued the first book of a series of lantern lectures on the Colonies and ladia for which a special fund was raised by a committee
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  • 74 5 THE GOVERNMENT OF CHOSEN. Warm Debate m Japanese Diet. Tokyo, January I Viscount Terauchi, Governor of Chosen, I yesterday addressed the Imperial Diet. He explained the details of the annexation of Korea and the necessity for maintaining the present ivgime. Mr Oishi, m. p. questioned Viscount Terauchi very closely. A
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  • 344 5 The Times of Ceylon, under the above heading has the following: To-day's telegrams spea k of two mass meetings- and theother m Singapore. Bjth are due to the ignoring of public opinion but our chief sympathy is with the Scraits, whose financial affairs have been thrown into
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  • 291 5 A mail paper has this brief but interesting reference to the achievements of the late Sir John Aird, who was the contractor for the Tanjong Pagar Lagoon Djck at Singapore. Sir John Aird, the patriarch of engineers, died at Wilton Park, Beaconsfield, last night, (Jan,
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  • 66 5 From Chinese sources the S CM. Pos< hears that an agreement has been enterel into and signed with an Englishman for the disposal of the whole of the products of the Hanyang Iron and Seel Works at a fixed price for the next fifteen years,
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  • 162 5 Another crowded house greeted the "Follies on Saturday night, when an entirely fresh programme was given. There was no satisfying the audience m the number of enccras that were given, which was proof positive of the merit of the performance. Oae goes to the Follies "to laugh, and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 49 5 P How to Prevent Croap. I When given at toon as the cronpy cough t] appeam Ghnmberlain's Coa^b Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all b danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of Bmothers use it successfully. For sale by all p DitMNaries and Dealers.
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    • 73 5 A Reliable Remedy. You are not experimenting on yourself when you take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a cold as that preparation has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds, and can always be depended upon. It is equally valuable for adults and children and
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    • 55 5 Colds May be Avoided. When your feet are wet and cold, and your body chilled through and through from posure, take a big dose of Chamberlai Cough Remedy, bathe your feet m hot wabefore going to bed, and you are almost c lam to ward off a severe cold. Forsa'ebyi
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    • 293 5 .Tor«os f H OMEWARD BOUND i rr-~- t> 3 m 1 STRONG CANVAS TRUNK S ILLUSTRATION) With wood Battens at the top, capped all round with prime hide leather, Saddlery sewn, light m weight yet very durable 825.00 Also a cheaper quality $17.50 "KIT BAGS" (Many qualities) SUIT CASES from
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 846 6 BRITISH INDIA S. N. Co. Ltd.! FOR PENANG. RANGOON AND CALCUTTA The Company*! stbamee "DU W \KA I tons, C B, Hodprson, Commander. I be despatched (or the above ports on instant, at B Ml has excels Dt arc(.mm*xlation for saloon passengers amnishif-, music room, room &c and lar. tjhted
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    • 549 6 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG The steamers of the Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking carge at through
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    • 689 6 OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steaujers are despatched froru Liverpool outwards for tbe Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homeward- for London Amsterdam and Ant tvt ry fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles &yd Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre and
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    • 1140 6 P. O. STEAM NAVIoa NT Foi China, Japan, Pcnang, Cevlor Australia, India, Aden E^Z Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London, Through Bills of Lading issued for Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental oan Ports. tr Steamers will leave Singapore on or abas* MAIL Outward na) 1911 9 Aaanpi Feb. 10 Assaye AnL Marmora
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  • 131 7 Belat 54« 3,994 Brn&ng 133 B*w»h 3TO 1,825 c r Z 9O 2,793 hmm "-0 560 Heawood Xamuning Kanaboi Ml 3,812 Kinta Ml 450 5,818 lUbI 140 989 Kramat Pulai 10J 650 I :-in:an 6 4 565 ftlMtf m 91 Menglemba Lode Sew Gopeng 1 40 New Tambac
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  • 516 7 v Dec Jan Dec. &JhgH 8,850 8,900 36,777 Alor Pongsn 3, 4,885 22,913 Alor Qajah 880 555 1,839 A1 m» 1,300 1,800 8,650 Anglo Malay 65,0d6 66,182 656,755 Kuning 440 500 8,526 Ayer Molek sB6 21 Panas 2,100 2,400 10,105 Balgownie 9,069 10,225 105,042 Batak Habit HO
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  • 1319 7 RUBBER STERLING C0MPANIE8. Cap. Issub. Paid. LastDiv. Butsrs. aai 85,000 2/ 2/ Allagar Rubber Estates Ltd 1 J 5 1 150.000 2/- 2/- Anglo 7S% iat 113 12 9 50,000 2/- 2 Batang Mai 28 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 35%int.l3 17 6 14 10 0 80.000 1 1
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  • 59 7 (COEiBCTBD UP TO Bank 4ms j. 4, demand Private credits 3m •redita 6mi M Francb, demand Bank. M M Germany, demand 240 India, T. T, 1744 Honokonq, demand |H Yokohama, demand M 11 4-1 Java, demand Bangkok, demand 66 Sovereigns, Bank Baying $8.54 Bank of England Bate 4% Discount
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  • 127 7 Fel Til* Gambier bujera 8 50 Gam bier Cube No 1 14 5o QimbiarOube No. 2 M bob Pepper Black foreU*. B'fon) P«FP«r, White kM 27 J'» Nutmeg. (110 to tkj Ik.)- n«n, Nntmegi (80 to tk« ib.) M n I&MM (Bftßii, «i norn Otoiw (Jjcboia*. hb i Bally
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 390 7 FOR SALE. TOR SALE A Beeston-Hauiber Bicycle, three speed gear, practically Dew— cost 1140 accept 8 Aim a Robber tyred Palanqcin, price $100. Apply B. D. c o Free Press. Foal 10.2 FOR SALE. ON ACCOUNT OF A. NERVES. Horses, polo ponies, trappers and hackneys. Also ten Australian Milch Cows,
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    • 43 7 THISJS IT. TASTELESS. ODOURLESS. y)f* The latest scientific preparation iaa»*L^ of COD LIVER OIL. Does all •.*,'.'^7,ii I) that is claimed for it and super* sedee the old fashioned emuia sions which upset the stomach. L J OFFALL CHBMIBTB \JPE£F 25 and 92.00
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 920 7 V EBBE Lti IN i J o Hi. Kl*«*Ddlons nnmandert Arrived Kroro 'A H. lospecteu: a gun loat 14? Zaema* J*n 29 Belawan utin Kuantan M dredger 500 Nov 13 Kuant*n rtam 001. yacht 500 Murphy Jan 31 Penan* -ertain nmers Pkfl 1:• M-.«'p- r :r tl Oaamwn— Ban Liong
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    • 97 7 WEATHER REPORT. Date Bar Wind Temp Ham Skr Rftfe. Feb 4. H'kongK \EI 58 b H'kong Q 30.19 El 59 b Manila Q 759 Calm 30 25 o Fe H'kong 10a 30.32 E2 M b Manila tS 23 d H'kong 4p 30 20 Calm b Manila 4p 761 Calm 25
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  • 839 8 THE TIME 9) Generally sp?akiDg, the year l'.'lu bets been one of remarkable prosperity id the Malay Peninsula. The Governments ot Peoicsu'a draw revenue m the shape of fees, and ret be land devoted to plat tioes, and all classes of community bet. by the expenditure
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  • 36 8 Iq the Cricks Tournament on Saturday, the Merchants XI met the Telegraph Co on the Esplanade, bat owing to the r Match had to be abandoned before the Mer chant* had cooclirl d their inniagt.
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  • 76 8 < H. H theSttltin of Perak.has dtfi inwrted to leave for Eofrland on Mtv 1 bj the intermediate P. .V be proaent at the Coronation. that the -Delr, which boat originally intended going, could not provide the neeeeaary aeeommod.ition. The Sultan's party Bomber 18 m all, Mr Velge. who accompanied
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  • 601 8 Chersonese (FMS.) Esi The first annual meeting was held oc Jan. 9th at the London Chamber of Commerce. Mr Noel Trotter, who presided, stated that at tbe close of their first financial year 8 per cent, of the rubber trees on the estate were being tapped, but, ad
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  • 327 8 Trans Siberian Passengers Held Up.*' dr. Jackson dead. TientsiD, Jan 26. There is do satisfactory news to sou 1 you about the plague on the contrary no change whatever has tikeo place m the ten ditions prevailing. ws wan received from this morning stating that Dr J <
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  • 617 8 Touching upon the prospect of tbe extinction of opium reveoue, ihe question of further taxdtion, the need for compensation, and the better adjustment of the military contribution both iv Hongkong and the Straits Settlements, the Hongkong Daily Express makes these observations m the course of an article
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  • 215 8 The price of opium has m IMO experienced a considerable reduction, m spite of the efforts of producers to maintain prices. The price ned at Hamburg from m'-U per kilogram m January to 8)27J m May some disf *o bnj then brought a slight recovery to m3l.
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  • 126 8 Pawnbrokers are goiog down."— Lord Guthrie where hang three golden balls, And grieves to find too few fchfl A)s To leave shirts, dresses, sheets and shawls- My uncle. YV'hcse hopes 1 1 pn fit know declension Who uses terms I mustn't mention, To curse each pauper old age
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  • 524 8 Tbe Mail despatched from Singapore to f. >L<l"i i B i d si, on the 18th ultimo, is expected to hu d iivr)rn.l uu Siturday. I! MS. 44 N^w<a8'lH" win to have proceeded from Hongkong with hjh trships to Singapore *>n the 7ih February, for toe pur pose
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  • 284 8 SHIPPING IN THE PHILIPPINES. Commenting recent transfer of China and Manila steamship company fleet from British to American regi3. Consul Genera) Anderson s<*ys was made m order to enj>v the Thtlippine trade, which offers special m tnents. > her Eastern companies, however, are operating at as great loss, according the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 13 8 Woods' Great Peppermint Core for all inter cai unroDlaints dysentry coughs colds I
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    • 70 8 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In Africa. Mr. Piet A. Uys, of Lelievlei, Orange River Colony, testifies to the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He says 11 We have used several for our children and ourselves and expect to continue with it as we have found it excellent. We can
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    • 706 8 Planters' Labour Bureau. HGKAMS: "REEFI ESTATE LABOUR AGENTS Chinese sinkeh3 carefully selected, medically examined and cooducted to any estate, thus avoiding the trouble of estate em' ployees coming to Singapore. Shipment within three days of order. mwf Apply to Manager 5?, The Arcade IKATZ BROS., LTIX THE PERRO. The World's
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