The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 28 December 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 110 1 Sporting rot-^s appt-ar on Page 5. Notes from Kelantan will be found on Page 4 The Indian National C ngrets has opened at Allahabad P*^e The Scotch x press accident has bean responsible for niue dea'hs Page r Fighting between a force from HMS Havcinth and Arabs
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  • 629 1 ln another spelling and rhn Mirket Cross Th» the mi dern eipi'al 1 am liD|* on the I >ffi kiij. p rbe building, or hen*-i» of buil<Hn. »ccup'ed bv the famil. rhemie Ou tht- Impel for the Kuigh's in fresti crenm Coloured f now oearlv finished, erec*e*d
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 377 1 n YULE TIDE. A PROGRAMME, t o i a a* a TC-NIGHT. NfcW ISSUE H N 2nd <hcw 930 to II p.m. 0F j PATHL'S ANIMAIED GAZETTE E- Hunting the H:p f opotomus on f*i 15th edition. N upper Bile.'' "J mei ican Fleet visits London n m mx Arrival
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    • 183 1 ENTERTAINING PICTURES AT THE MARLBOROUGH; CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT CHOICE PROGRAMME FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON. Humorous, Sentimental 9c Interesting. .'nd Shoir. 9-90 to 11 p st. 1. Black Sheep but Kind Hearts (X'mas series). 1. How Aunt Amelia pot Married (Comic). < 8. The Night Round (X'mas Series). Aladdin and
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    • 246 1 rHE STAR OPERA Co. The Dutch and Malay Variety Entertainers VT THE THEATRE ROYAL, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. ro- Night I To-Night 11 Grand Presentation of a gold medal to Mr. Koon Seng by the Bugis Peranakan Clnb. LN ENTIRELY NEW AND LAUGHABLE PLAY BY ABUBAKAR. J AFAR A LAM, WILL
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    • 141 1 tATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Sailir-,' < f Lai S»ng Page 6 New Year Holiday closing Pag Rnbber Exchange BuildingsWanted dresser in KeLntan Pa;-' Alhambra holiday progra me Page 1. m tiims at the Marlborough P^ge 1. Change of address, Tomison and Lermit Page 2 Dutchman in Sumatra seeks situation Page 3. iLtere&ti*
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 339 1 THE WEEK Wbdnbsday. 28th High Water. 754 <-„ 9.18 p Innoce ts' Day. Thursday, 29th High Water- 8.3 10 7 p P O Mail Homeward due Children's Play. Victoria Theatre. Friday, SOth High Water.—^. B a., 1« 45 p P k O Mail Outward due Ponti-tn Kokub Meeting. CAIwRDAY. 31th
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  • 348 2 fourth gi uited) in Dow in burgh. ved the -ants, whk h the r the year, after for depreciation of nery, ol talis to be a toce I from the year, this sum t: pose to the pteliminary mce tfee was an unusually h- s to
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  • 149 2 i as onies .1 ight, Mr John Ferguson oa tne natives were nt and unthrifty, bnt the Dutch planters were second to none in intel od in their and in thoroughness in fact, th* letter D3 be dt and iiment was careful to y by many
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 231 2 Q. What is good for my cough? A. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Q. How long has it been used? A. Seventy years. Q. Do doctors endorse it? A. If not, we would not make it. Q. Do you publish the formula? A. Yes. On every bottle. Q. Any alcohol in it?
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    • 558 2 NOTIGES. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Messrs. Tomlinson anl Lermit, have re moved to Rubber Exchange Buildings, 100, Robinson Road, at junction with Telegraph St Dec 243 HI 44 New Year Holiday/' The undermentioned firms will be closed on Monday, January 2nd, 1911. Messrs. JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. Messrs. KATZ mOS.Messrs. ROBINSON
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    • 655 2 NOTieES. Union J-ssurance Society Ltd. The undersigned having been appointed Agents of the above Company in Singapore are prepared to accept Fire and Accident rir-ks at the current rates. H. WOLSKEL k CO 4, D'Almeida Street. Dec 24 24.1 BICYCLE REPAIRING. We are now opening business at No. 50-2, Victoria
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    • 528 2 Chartered Bark of India Australia ana China. INCORPORATED BT EOT A L CEAETER Paid up Capital in 60,000 sharea of £20 each £1.900.'VU Reaerre Fund £1.600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor! wmmmm 41,200,004 Court of Dirootoro. Sir Montagu Cornish Turner (Chairman). Sir Henry Stewart Cunningham, K.C.I.E. Thomas Cuthbertson, Esq Sir Alfred
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    • 334 2 MANUFACTURERS^ iANCE Canada Polio***; are Tl: JaoooNi CITABLE." aCG N( JI Claims, loans, promptly settlec b> .-j,^ r£\ gapore without Lt Head Offioe I The Reserres I holders are over The Accounts aan ce Depart Ladian Govs-*--*-!? GUTHRIE fe Co Ut SOUTH BRITISH IKSURAN :,TD FIRE InFnrances* BuikhWa^ and MARINE
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  • 53 3 1 ue racios sesson caine to a cloae or. i interesting to glance at th. ha P tower o •ijardo an. ero> *°j m bave been Slv T Q d »P»" him at the bead o te ol ■Mia e. He won thirtv-nine Bar. the e rieS A
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  • 14 3 K proposal of ..nd y deben* nt no Ltd, rss on tbe j.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 152 3 40 YEARS OF RHEUMATISM. ■■.an a gr W P an attack wo r :iree months at pain was maddening. I myto my I ead. lam glad aey red me. and what is more, I have BBS a box Backac: ris obooi tnd trying Signed' Mrs. S. Coward v Pills are
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    • 398 3 A<UdU I. E L) KEPLER' SOLUTION (OF COD LIVER OIL IN MALT EXTRACT) This delicious, digestive body builder exerts its influence upon the very source of nutrition- the blood. It fills the veins with rich, vitalising blood, and rapid improvement takes place. The cheeks fill out, the limbs become covered
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    • 322 3 TO LET. M BALMORAL H Stevens Road to be let Dished from Middle of March. Apply to H. ROLAND LLEWELLYN, Gresharn House, uc TO LET. Immediate entry No. 74, Anson Road. Apply to Stephen--, Paul k Co. 10 uc TO LET Terrace Houses in Wilkie Road. Rent $25. Immediate entry.
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    • 509 3 ff****-~-*****L £k^^3A aj^BBBT *t^*bs***i Under the Most Distinguished Patronage of m &f mm W^^^§' H. P. H. Ihe Duke [of Connajght. FOR X'MAS PRESENTS. V Finds Jewels Plate and Novel MM/M And most reliable to buy for the HHB Ornaments so pleasant to II reason Think Diamonds Rubies Emeralds I
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    • 594 3 01wl^lAKjyi# "^rda, Bombay M A .W^ Fft der take c- t0 S "PP-> a Firot-clao. foil sized Billiard Table, design oln.lV to < ollowin Jt? Specification, viz Eight Massive turned Lego VTiocd Welsh sLeB. C J^,f rV K d Brack Scimd Mouldings, double bolted, best Welsh blate Bed, extra heavy
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  • 1238 4 The Singapore Free Press Wednesday Dec. 28, 1910. I aw. All the signs of the times point to the practical certainty that by the time Parliament meets all prepiritions will have been made by the Q >vernm mt for an open assault upon the Constitution via the Par. liament Bill
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  • 455 4 The new Church at lpoh will cost 1 and take a year to complete. Mr W. Pjicock s*t as sec jnd magistrate yesterday aud dealt with several OM We- hear that Mr H rrne, of tbe P W. D. is to be transferred to Johore. (M II lir F»i has
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  • 194 4 i IWhru, 21ft Deoember. Mr .1 W W. Hughes hoi arrived and Mr H. E Pennington who has been transferred to Kuala Pilah. Mr Pennington is the last of the European who were hery during the administr Mr Graham Mrs F. V. Guy visited Tiingganu last week with
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  • 119 4 ien werHo< iay. caped. The Houndsdr greatest oenoation. Tw m a and three men and foreigners, are wanted, been At ditch affair 1 A 1 w has beer ho ise r. Browning r believed A t *q, five men ai < ln< wounds. Thi the wit cept MM
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  • 25 4 Owii with the spre*. propriation i was reduced even propose .ether. In came nec«*sGeneral 8 S P** purposes. Tl all those wi.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 218 4 "EMBASSY." W. D. H. 0. WILLS'S Latest Smoking Mixture. Patent Air-tight ti Trice 75 cents per tin. Obtainable «t John Utile ft Co., Ltd. Robinson Co. JOHN LITTLE CO,Tm i HIGH CLASS TAILORING IN ALL ITS BLANCHES. L »y jjQHN UTILE CO, LTD. 1 OUR SUPPLIES OF I ATI AQ
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    • 94 4 S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD. THE PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE. THE ARCADE. MOUTRIE IS A Synonym of Good Faith. Moutrie's Guarantee Satisfaction. Moutrie's Sell the Best Quality Goods only at the Lowest Prices. LEE BROTHERS. 58*4, Hill Street, (off Stamford Road.) HIGH GLASS PHOTOGRAPHY. Enlargements a Speciality PRICE LIST 05
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  • 26 5 HOW PORTUGAL TREATS IT. marine ph.-R^ Rec Dae -j tn •a. ''he arree, cf the prem,e r 1 for ten ikmnmmh i eminent
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  • 18 5 ae Killed. press i *king the two m ::1 'B a hundred were teles
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  • 13 5 s never seen or hea -view ench paper Huk > *o> <
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  • 15 5 beautiful b little 'esses enj >yed thooi3elv. ae you nos would ••sible.
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  • 60 5 py °f xk with out word of ipp*-ar in. fjrds the work i tbe r been ace* member- ruble l 1 be his om the i with .q all .aoourinj^ nd. by his uer in every u the 9 t imders dition of the ►eing. ink
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  • 45 5 THE NATIONAL CONGRESS. (Bv Submarine Telegraph.-Reuter's) T T R«. f Dec. 27. ne Indian National Congress has opened vnoteoftheprooeedings Wedderburn's presidential S P«*<* nciliation leading towards work. «*do of the Hmdus he was convinced these would eventuallv rec identity of their inter,-
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  • 48 5 British Seamen Killed. •1 from Buihire that H.MS M Hj landed a force at Debii near LIU im» in connection with the suppression of the traffic in arms. 1, losing about foi Bi were three bluest of Marines killed. one »d live bluejackets an< unded.
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  • 46 5 Formation of Responsible Cabinet. Re. 85 pm. -pondent telegraphs that as pressure for an Iu H orders have been given for the preparation of a constitutional pro *ng the formation of a re sponsible cabinet. The bly i 9 satisfied, and a crisis > -o> <
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  • 89 5 Oo Christmas Diy, two Chinpse pick oue at Woodlands 1 the other at Tank R >ad railway station. Th- ir red on the railwayferry s sum of $115 being taken from the pocket of an aged Chinaman when the usual rush at the landing place urred. The th.
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  • 134 5 SILVESTER-ABEND AT THE TEUTONIA CLUB. annual entertainNew Years K *e (Silvesteraben-i the Teutonia Club will include two pleasing The ri-st of these is to be t. '.lumenthal, the charwill be taken by Mrs Diehn ■ss Mr S.'hroetterCThe Marquis, aier (The Biron). in the L)uis Q latoze aud is prettily dressed
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  • 196 5 »n appointed by the Governorm^nts has recommend ion of the representative system ument at Singapore in ruption and ineffiwhich a r» revealed. fjje anticipates rhat this w jH be *be Colonial I a Possibly, bat it is to be a- i mental consideration WI H to prevent the
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  • 1325 5 The unexpected win of Fizz as our Calcutta correspondent wired, came as a considerable surprise. The Asian noted several weeks ago that despite this race not being his distance Mr Whittingham's horse might go for it and had a very tine chance. After that very prophetic remark F
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  • 347 5 Blair Lloyd. Iu the Church of the Assumption at 430 pm. Dec 21, the marriage was solemnized of Miss Catherine Miry Lloyd, di.u^hter of Mr and Mrs John T. Llo'vd of Cairo Hill Cottage, Singapore, with Mr Frank Younger Blair, of Messrs Boustead and Co, Singapore, and
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  • 99 5 Kellar Gillies. Tha Presbyterian Church, Penang, was on Wednesday afternoon, tbe scene of a quiet wedding at which the Rev. Ernest Lawson, M a., Presbyterian Minister, officiated. The bride was Mrs Lucy Baker Gillies (ir* Macfarlane), only daughter of Mr D. M icfarlaue, of Dunblane, Scotland. She woie a gown
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  • 76 5 The children's performance on Monday was a very happy idea, the show being extensively patronised by the little ones, who enjoyed the pictures immensely. A fresh programme is being put on this evening including a number of very good gazette films such as the arrival of the American
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  • 47 5 The Perak Lidies' Rifle Club held their annual general meetiug on Friday when the following were elected office bearers for 1911 Mrs Tate, President; M*s Anderson, Vice-President; Mrs Harper, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer j Mrs Basil Bernard and Mrs Pinkney, members of Committee.
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  • 25 5 A sprained ankle will usually disable the injured person for three or four weeks. This is due to lack of propei treatment. When
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 16 5 rrow thy young days sha i ast thou a cold in thy bead Ant nf nrdt
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    • 297 5 BX MAS GIFTS ROBINSON'S. One case containing one sil mounted pomade box nail poliolv THERE IS A WIDE CHOICE OF er, n-vil hie and nail trimmer. -oaav-vw-w v---Price $9 00. A^ TH T IS NEWEST AND BEST IN Solid Silver Photo frames. Solid Silver Candlesticks. Solid Silver Prait Dishes. Gent's
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 541 6 INDO-CHINA S. N. CO., LTD. S FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. The Compa teamer IG, M E J. Tadd, Commander is due here on Friday the -»nt. and sails on Saturday, mt for above ports at 4 p.m. .ellent accommodation for fii class passengers, am a qua'". fitted through- j ht
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    • 538 6 STOOMVAART (HAATSGHAPPIJ NtDERLANO. Steamship Company NEDEBLAND." Royal Dutch Mail Service. The Company's Mail Steamer •'REMBRANDT'' will leave Batavia on the 29th inst., at 6 p.m. and is expected to ariive here on the 31st inst at S a.m. She w.ll tail for Sabang, Colombo, Suez, Port Said, Genoa, Algiers, Tangier,
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    • 641 6 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG The steamers of the Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, Cbina and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking carge at through
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    • 703 6 N.D.L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers ol this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connectiv»*r Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penan**, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau, Nagasaki and Kobe to
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    • 512 6 pk OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. 'LTD AND China Mutual Steam Nav. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, Chins and Japan every week, and from Japan bo wards for London Amsterdam and Antwern every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 144 6 P. O. STEAM NAVIGA Foi China, Japan, Pen ing, C« Australia, India, A Mediterranean Ports, PI- nc a. and London Through Bills o Coast, Persian 6 can Porto. Steamers will leave MAIL I Outxnor Jai. Area iya -ua lift Mar MARMORA M/R evanha Apl May 5 oo > (and fortnig
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  • 39 7 Not Jan— Nov. 2,103 2.C2.") Heawood an ing lla kanaboi IB Association Hulai Koantan J 45 i ba Lode ,ng I amban ingCoMoUdated 1,462 7^ Bah ru fiADi in Hyd. outan ath an 19 age, uaa ,000
    39 words
  • 426 7 AJlagar Xov Jan-Nov AlorPon^o B'Bso8 850 32,877 Alma 88 1,284 Anglo Malav Mo 7 350 Ayer Panai f 8 18 898 8a.,0^e 8 gf Q 2 10 7.705 I i,| ltoTi M 11,252" Bortam iVISS 2 6 Bikam 11,300 M Brieh J*t 21 24 4 28 Baku
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  • 1304 7 December 24. Cap. Issui. Paid. Last Drv. Buywrb. Sellers 85.000 2/ 2/ AUagar Rubber Estatea Ltd 4 8 5 3 150,000 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 25% int. 12 3 13 6 50,000 2/- 2'- BatangMalaka 210 3 1 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 35%int.16 10 0 17 10 0 80,000
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  • 55 7 (COROBCrBO UP TO Doe 21) Bank 4ms demand Private credits 3m a Z credits 6m a M France, demand Bank. M German t, demand India, T.T Honokono, demand Yokohama, demand Z lU| Java, demand j^,* Bangkok, demand Sovereigns, Bank Buvig I Bank of England Rate... Discount 3 months bill.*,
    55 words
  • 109 7 D Tit* Gambier Cube No 1 14 65 Gambier Onoo No. 8 noc Pepper S^k vCri a J for-) n Pepper, Wh*to fair) Nntmoga (110 to tho !b.)_ Sutuxeg. (80 lo tav !o.i Maoa (Bono's Olovoo (Ambotmo. 3 Bally Coffee (10% Black) Z 27 50 Libtorua Oofoo -.apioea, *mAil
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 279 7 APARTMENTS. -table doable and single rooms with Oxley Rise. Tennis. Terms moderate. u.c FOR SALE. THE BELLE VUE NURSERY Kim Keat Road, ort Ba oad. Tempi- sale all Rare and Beautifal Plants. Specirted from Yok awarded at aga August, 191 TL ws 17 1 FOR SALE Id and I shaped
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    • 39 7 VATERBURY'S ~mm^^E i *-*-^-**^l PSr letabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound* ASTELESS. OEOURLESS. ids digestion. Does not upset ie stomach and is unrivalled for DUghs,, colds, bronchitis and all ulmonary troubles, and is a 1* L. 1 J ..w 4-L
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    • 120 7 De KOXrNKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Ac U ND r EB C °-N T BA(3T WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT Agents at Singapore, The Shipsagrency, Limited, 2 TcXer Qusv THE UNDBR-SBNTIONBD DATBS OK DBPARTURB ARB ONLT oPTOUIIin Bro avuj ara Saba, .-iinpang and D;omb: Kal.ioa Batavia, Semarang and Soerabaia iS* van .vort
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1016 7 VKBBEIm> IN PUK I l™**** and Tons fnmmiDden Arrfvod From For Wkn Newcastle Brit cruis. 4 Hunt Nov 20 Colombo 'ion Kuantan F.M.S. dredger 500 Cobb Nov 13 Kuantan .in steamera Flat? A Tons Master Arrived From Gonsurnee Anghin Ger 1001 Minkiertz Dec 13 Hoihow Behn Meyer Bangkok Ban Poh
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    • 81 7 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAE AND KEPPEL HARBOUR. Wharvea and Decks at iiferent •esaels %eere berthed < j,y. East Wharf (Basic Sec I— Sheere Wbarf— Nil. Main Wharf Sec 2— Nil. 3-Nil. 4 Nam Sang. s—Guth5 Guth I Lagoon Dock Ser 7— (Under a»c*oiraetaoa West Wharf Sec- Den of GJemis.
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  • 1224 8 In i with ni aaturalhava may ons with regard to pir owling. and while certain types are always welc >me, there are others which are equally unwelcome. And this, so far as I om ed. applies when I am in r the w vud also when
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  • 85 8 The following- appears iu the F.M.S. Gabe powers conferred n "\m > the Freight and tment, 1910 His Kxcellency the High Commissioner exempts from ,Q ot the etment the pri Sembilan an,i exemption is subject to tbe provision contained in the section above refe empowering H.s Kxcellencv
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  • 253 8 A successful meeting terminated yester day afternoon, due, in great measure, to the excellent weather which prevailed during the Xmas holidays. A large number of members entered for tbe various competitions with the following results. Match Play 9 Hole Handicap. Two prizes presented by the Club. There
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  • 411 8 J he following giving the results of the amber I the Calcutta isoo-nd extra aud the Flying handicap at Warwick Farm races Australia will be of local interest Tmk Dbcbmbbb Pla: Winnero, Ra leoond, EU third, B Diotancfurlongs. 3oultUne, 9 7, A H 1 Lumination, 7, Wbslll Punt,
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  • 109 8 >!r Melville >rdo C Geddeo, planter, of Taunton coconut estate, Pallai, has obtained a divorce in the L >ndon Courts, with damages for £2,006 sterling against the corespondent. Urevet Colonel J. MocN. Walter, I) S. I late Devonshire Regiment, has been appoint*' ed Aisiotont Adjutant General in India Col. Walter
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  • 467 8 By far the most important freight arrangement of the last few years would be the SingHp-re Freight Bill if it were onlymeant and would p s-j. The Bill, however, it is cor fidently asserted, will not p. some meats will be found to prevent it receiving in its
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 15 8 Famous Everywhere. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has become liamous for its cures of mnoha »*]A a
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    • 237 8 JfffiMS&BAeON. "PINEAPPLE** BRAND. i j Singapore Cold Storage Co.. Ltd. i SOLE AGENTS FOR STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. 1 1 immmmmuuuuuuuuuuummmuum mmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmu l mmm m^ mm^ m^ mmmmmmmwmmmum *mmmmm INetherlands Gutta Perchai COMPANY LIMITED. Singapore Rubber Works. Matting and Floor-"" iles Specially Suitable for Shipboard, Banks, Insurance-Offices, Churches, Hospitals. a r
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 338 8 shipping notes. A full c*rgo of Japanese coal is beir*. put ashore at Taujoug Pag-ir by the Dei of Gamis." From China, the "N-m Sang" landi 1.4 0 tons of geneial cargo. She loads foi Penang and Calcutta. The P. and O homeward mail s s "Himalaya" left Hongkong at
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