The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 15 November 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 93 1 The entries for the Gymkhana are ou Page 8. The Hippodrone Circus has arrived Pdice 5. The S. C.C. beat the Garrison at Soccer" yesterday Page Singapore has won the Interport Shooting Mateh Pag Special telegrams from Penang and Kuala Lumpur appear on Page 4 Mr R
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  • 700 1 la the golden days d;§corerv of new stars m ti<» ment of lirerature wag fair to coutess that the pUi repelled than attracted. It was from no lack Scotland The fascine Stewart line held v Attoun's hays of the often read, hours spent ol A
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 383 1 The HIPPODROME CIX( Pd AND MENAGERIE. FOR A BHORT SEASON ONLY. GRAND OPEXIXG NIGHT Wednesday, November 16. n pel p.m. Location Beach Road. Overtare 9-15 pm KARL KRAMER Heavy Weight Lifter and Wrestler. ;es any man m Singapore, European or Indian, to wrestle for a purae of money Graeco Reman
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    • 365 1 Harima Hall CINEMATOGRAPH NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. THE OKLYARG LAKP IN NCRTH BRIDGE RD TO-NIGHT SECOND SHOU 9-30 P.M. 1 Bootmakers ilO Note 2 The Girl of Dixons. 3 Matra Rapids. Finlatd. 4 All on account of the Milk. 5 Adv. of the Golden Valley 6 At the Farm 7 Foolehead
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    • 141 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. The cute for sleeplessness Page 2. Country house m England to be let Page 3. Auction sale of shares at Powell's to day Page 3. Little's Xmas bazaar was opened yesterday Page 4 Opening night of the Hippodrome Circus —Page 1. Statutory meeting of Kempas Ltd. ut Malacca
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 356 1 THE WEEK TuiSDAY, loth High Water.— S 46 a tf 20 p New Hall Construction Sub. Com Bridge, Tanglin Cub. 9 p Wmdnisday. ]»;tb High Water.- 9 17 k, 1" p Thursday, 17th: High Water— 9.4S a., 10.54 p Full Moon, 7.25 a P O Mail Homeward due Fkiday, 18th
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  • 469 2 Men ei. ik i Law Si ES. The business acumen of Menelik, Emperor a, was brought to the notice of Mr Darling and a special jury m the lich D. vision recently, when an tor alleged wrongful dismissal was brc sib Ydlibi, a Syrian, against .n
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  • 178 2 TRAINING CRUISE ROUND THE WORLD re a pr w. -r,ip, one hundred students be Tokyo M Marine School are sent on a cruise round the world on aiaru," a training ship of '2 belonging to the school. The vessel sail from Shinagawa towards the end of this month, pi rthward
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  • 871 2 An Eis? Method of OvEacDMiso it. Of all the subtle and depressing eff ids of beat, none is more trying to the resident m the tropics than the way it disturbs sleep. Even those who have never known what it is to He with unclosed eyes,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 English Eggs Fresh Eggs FOR HATCHING PURPOSES. From our Pure imported strains of the following breeds: Black Minorcas, Silver and Partridge Wyan- i dottes, White Leghorns, Houdons, Light Brahmas, Black and White Orpingtons, < Barred Rocks, and Bine Andalusians etc, < etc. 1 Jettine of 12 eggs 8 8 per
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    • 817 2 NOTWES. Straits Settlements (Bertam) Rubber Co., LIMITED. We have this day received from our clienti the above-named Company m London a cable gram stating tuey have received forged trans fer receipts m respect of shares m the Com pany, the torgeries being on paper bearing the water-mark Union Times Press
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    • 765 2 NOTtGES. ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS. The Monthly General Meeting of the Association will be held m the Rooms, 43 B, Raffles Place, on the evening of Thursday, 17th Nov., 1910 at 8 45 p.m. Business General. GEO. B. HARLEV, Hon. Secretary. Tenders are invited for the supply of Engineering materials required
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    • 591 2 Chartered Bank of India Australia and China* INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CMARTEI Paid up Capital m 60,000 shares of 220 each *1,SOO,OA( iteterve Fund £1,600,0(X Beterve Liability of Propri" •to™ «U00,0(K Court of Directors. Sir Montagu Cornish Turner (Chairman). Sir Henry Stewart Cunningham, K.CL«T Thomaa Cuthberteon, Eaq Sir Alfred Dent, K.C.M.G
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    • 296 2 Policies are TRI FORrEITAbI Claims, loans, promptly settleo by tL «t The Reserves for pt oi^ holders are ov. The Account* t anoeDepa- u > Hji cuthwe General Agerr. SOUTH BRITISH nrsußAxa: cr FIEE Insurances effected on Btflik. and M< EAETHQI Isi Offices.-2 1 Royal Insurance Co Fire li l^*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 335 3 FOR SALE. LFOX TERRIERS FOR SALE I iuthrie a few very oughbred, Fox terriers. N 4 The best of com- Koek Read, a.c f? MORTON, Horse Reoository k»d Rd. Telephone 880. F££SH HORSES by every boat from AuaVICTORIA ft GHARRY turnouts for private hire a specialty. HORSS FODDER of best
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    • 759 3 GRIMAULTS SYRUP I of Hypophosphite of Lime ■I FOR FOR P BRONCHITIS, I 'ijSSjgW CATARRH, 1 STUBBORN WEAK LUNGS, L COUCHSI J^^Sk CONSUiyIPTION J Paris,B,r.Vivienne [•fi^^Jj BEWARE and at all Chemists Kl^agPOF IMITATIONS RII I lADT\Q t l ram 1/H^L/lajLlXJ^We BiUiardt. Bombay We Undertake to Supply a First-class fall sized
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    • 360 3 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF Freehold Properties Situate at Kramat Road and Spottiswoode Park Road, Singapore. Tuesday, 15th November, at 2-30 p. m. 1. Freehold land area 1.548 square part of Grant 67. Together with the dwelling house erected thereon and known as No. 18, Kramat Road, otf Orchard Road. Singa pore.
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    • 324 3 TO LET. EDDINGTON MILL HOUSE TO LET To let for Summer moc; L re, Eddington Mill Ho:, delightfully situated on minutes from Post, Telephone and fcta One and a half hours from Londor fashioned garden fishing near. Two rooms. Bath (h. and c>. usual offices guineas per week. Apj mat.
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  • 25 4 Domestic Occurrences. Marriage. On tbe 12th inst., at the Presbyterian Church by the Rev. W. Ranciman, Fredebick Weatherstone Lvall to Jane AllisonFleming, both of Didsbnry.
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  • 1627 4 The Singapore Free Press. Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1910. P*» TV maintain. |l m; Tnitb h«r .r*w. Plcdge<l U v a:id Ijiw. As we said about the time the Constitu. tional Conference began its meetings i would be impossible for the future status of the House of Lords to ba discussed
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  • 362 4 Capt. F S. Randall, of the U. S. transport "Warren,' has been suspended from the command. H. M torpedo- boat- destroyers "Em "Handy,; «Otfar N and "Janus" arrived m >>aanghai on October A bulk oil installation ha« been put ud for the Standard Oil Co. at Tourane situ^t ed m
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    • 40 4 A billiard m Club between i ttijeJj^, tralian lady p. ,M Brown The lad, Mr Brown n At the K. an i played a CW a game of o» who had baen when were 1 1 h**
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    • 36 4 Tb on the •ays that on names of those prethat the me- bly of landlo If the Associii tion of landlor.i purpose but sho 4 the Prop the Lindlorde' would more tion and objects.
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    • 24 4 J P. Dibo*.up the race 1 Chec •Januiry races. UPf Club p nTAiii«mee 1 amendment thereof only two vote* the 11th inn.
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    • 5 4 months bs. >
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    • 113 4 Jhe S. I. at, at the ait? morning b\ ntnandiL. !4ID H alion moveuie; successfully and separate on tnenf was *i 000 hill. The int| <ad with the work d r^ h.« approval of the ba: ays, Chinese **k. Tan Chonp «t charges a C napping J*** and
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    • 20 4 Kuala Lumj A notice io announces I ber, Aberdeen* tant Resident at The deepest re^rr death of this mo>
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 286 4 BOLLINGER CHAMPAGNE {190U VENTAGE) EXTRA QUALITY VERY DRY. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co., SOLE AGENTS. LITTLE'S BAZAAR AND TOY FAIR NOW OPEN! An Unrivalled Display of Novelties. THE YOKOHAMA DOCK Ca, LIMITED. Telegraphic Address DOCK," Yokohama. Codes used :-A. B C. 4th, sth Edition, Lieber's, Scott's, A. 1, and Watkin's DRY DOCK
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  • 20 5 PRINCE HENRY 3 SKILL. -^raph. Reuter Re< m. H. Prince I -v made •s for a :.t.
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  • 7 5 -^enstown to Dubim •nite
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  • 10 5 ri x>d:he led Re< m. pparent.
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  • 8 5 :i m Crowe Q.
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  • 60 5 am. Imjs for a Par- 'rate public opi tddressed a num- eroy designate at i is one ze speedy il parliament. nbly a very important me be adopted to rom it* present dangerous n m X on same as that of a aeref ore pray 5 c the
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  • 11 5 A NOBEL PRIZE FOR GERMANY. bai been ofesser b of Goe*
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  • 17 5 1 p m. i Teheran that it his tneb, tn i ->veremploy .as recommended the
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  • 30 5 :ese wer- g i bewith 'foot •he Sikh .peered that the imrived here on ~^^<l into a h He wa> pon in^ •hat he him on turn.
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  • 37 5 :11 be one of m that c pose an ix. es» importance will he Do It How. .ae to get rid of your "v cases oat of ter. uzuatisn: muscles or danif rheumatism,
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  • 308 5 The medical report on the Colony for a decrease com oared with the previous year both on the birth rate and b rate. Malacca has the highest b rate and the D.ndings the highest d**' The Singapore mortality rate was compared with a 1908. mechanically estimated
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  • 66 5 I H. L. Coflrhlan Co's salerooms yesterday the following properties were 11. 12 and 13, Race Course Road, Are, Freehold. Rant 5 Buyer j Freehold Land Bukit Timah Road. Area roods 16 poles., together with dwelling Kennie Cottage," Buyer, J. H Leasehold Land, ed A\wm Abdul Cdood Freehold
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  • 106 5 D. tte) are authoritatively informed that an agreement was concluded between the Siamese Government and the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co where>vernment releases the company of its obligation to excavate a dock and channel at Tongkah m consideration of the payment of an amount, mutually agreed
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  • 214 5 The annual meeting of the Burma Society, which has recently been reconstitu on an extended basis, primarily for the benefit of young Burniins studying m this coun held m London on Oct 18. Sir Frederic Fryer, the president, was m the chair. The annuil report., adopted
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  • 38 5 been given of the forthcoming < marriage of Mr Thos. More, a Straits planter, to Miss Vgnes Gillett, >bert Howard Giilett, > Gillett was due to arrive >bo by the mail boat on the Tirh
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  • 710 5 I he Editor of the Free Press, Sir, It is the castom of the Xivy L%gue to issue, on each recurring Trafalgar Diy, a manifesto explanatory of its policy. While Nelson and his comrades are honoured, the lessons of tbeir lives and services must not be forgotten. They
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  • 65 5 The above circus arrived m Singapore yesterday morning on the Tangu Maru." This circus apens on Wednesday next at 9 15 and will only play a short season on the Beach Road ground. Mr By sack informs us that the season up North has been most successful. Matinees
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  • 146 5 London, November 4. The deith i 3 announced ot Admiral Sir Harry Rawson. .h at the age Admiral Sir Harry lUwson entered the Navy m 1b57. He served with distinction m the China War of 1858 61, being wounded, mentioned m despatches several times, md
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  • 662 5 A Large Claim for Commission-. Counsel m the action Grant v. Lintner and Another— a case concerning a claim for commission, involving a large sum of money, m connection with rubber properties— applied before Mr Justice Ridley, m the King's Bench Division that the matter should stand out
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  • 289 5 In re Shkageb Brothers— Ex Parte I>a\. Shra«;kr. diBchabgl buBpbhdbd. This was an application for an order of discharge by Mr Isiac Shrager, a pirtner m the firm of Shrager Brothers, merchants, 4, Lloyd's avenue, London, and of Calcutta, Colombo, Singapore, Alexandria, and Broome, Western Australia,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 139 5 ROBINSON Co SPECIAL DISPLAY OF Evening Dress Materials Opera Cloaks and Shoes. ROBINSON Co I i Player's navy mixture. 5 In lb. Patent Air-Tight Tins. Price 55 cts. obtainable at 1 pCT T Robinson Co. Devoe's Imperial Brilliant $2.50 per case including duty. Sylvan Arrow $2,20 per case including duty.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 440 6 APARTMENTS. Comfortable double and single rooms with board at "MILDURA 7, Oxley Rise. Tennis. Slables. Terms moderate. Feb2l THIS IS IT. TASTELESS. ODOURLESS. X* The latest scientific preparation HI of COD LIVER OIL DoeB I S.rzr± that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the
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    • 538 6 BE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. For Copenhagen snd Baltic ports. The Danish s.s. BINTANG s expected to arrive on the 20th instant and fill receive a prompt despatch for the abt>ve orts. For freight and particulars apply to THE EAST ASIATIC Co., Ltd.. Agents. Nov 20.11 BRITISH INDIA S. N.
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    • 685 6 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG The steamers of the Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking carge at through
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    • 710 6 N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GEKMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers ol this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connecting f Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) f Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau,
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    • 641 6 P-&6T STI Foi China, Japan, P f Australia, Iniia Adc v Medtterrar, and L Through Bills o\ Coast, Persian Ban Ports. Steamere will le: MA ss Arcadia uialaya ss Devan ss Arcadia and fort INTERMEDIA Egfypt, Ma Accommodu rs la s an Jan. 4 (and for A pasbtt above datbh
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  • 89 7 will be received by the underat for the supply of a jr this i ng as follows yiz ii k orses Bto 6 years; must be maidens and m tha Australian ;d book. 1 U bred Galloways by tlioroughbred rsea out of well bred marthoroughbred well bred
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  • 44 7 Pin— 1 ,500 -145 43 Tambun J onsolidated .bra m Hyd. 450 700 i..ore 110 I- 51 8 347 40: s Etains \9,3Ai au 70 54c Surest Defence, the season when sickness stalk: eh the land m the form of pneumon ii
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  • 467 7 pt. Oct. Jan— Oct Allagar 8,600 8.5 C 5 29,027 Alor Pongsu 2,628 2,961 15,118 Alma 1,100 4,H50 Anglo Malay 162 464,218 Kuning 320 4"0 2,186 Ayer Molek 2,168 2 098 18,898 Ayer Panas 1,580 1,266 5,605 Balgownie 7,653 *81 84,848 Batak Rabit 1,300 3,835 Banteng 4,133
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  • 1329 7 November 14 Cap. Issui. Paid. Last Div. Buyers. Sellers 85,000 2/ 2/ AUagar Rubber Estates Ltd 4 9 5 6 150.000 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 25% int. 1 3 9 150 50,000 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka 2 9 3 9 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 35%int.15 10 0 16 10
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  • 132 7 n. 14. Til* I Gambier Gambier Cube No 1 m Grambier Ouae No. S n non Pepper Black (ortlm. B' pert) Pepper, Whifet (fair) buyers 2 Nutm«gt (110 to tke nom Nntmegt (80 to tkt J».) M 000 Maoe (Baaia) dou Olotm Amboima M noa Bkily Coffee (10% Black)
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  • 62 7 (CORESCTID UP TO Xov. 14 Bank 4ms 2/4 T S demand 2/4 Private credits 3m M credit* 6ms 2/4 France, demand Bank... 295 Germany, demand 240 India, T. T 174 i Hongkong, demand M 19% dft Yokohama, demand 114| Java, demand M 14 Bangkok, demand 66} Sovereigns, Bank Baring
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 208 7 WANTED. WANTED h Clerk for a mercantile firm. One handwriting and knowledge of og preferred. Apply Press. c r desires position as order or Stock n both Ladies and Gents. Holdyears. Part, etc., to MaITLAND, oeral P. Offi\ ist ral ia. jy exp salesman, knowry, Clothing. Able to if necessary.
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    • 41 7 WATERBURY'S Metabolized Cod Liver Oil j Compound* 5 TASTELESS. ODOURLESS. 1 Aids digestion. Does not upset 2 the stomach and is unrivalled for 6 coughs,, colds, bronchitis and al pulmonary troubles, and is i 8 general tonic for building up the
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    • 117 7 D; i\O\[NKLIJKE PAKETVAAKT MAATSCHAPPI.I Unoer Contract with thb Nkthbblandb India Government. Agents at Singapore, TUe Shipsagency, Limited ollyer Quay. th» rTMn«»i**m*Tioiinin oat»<j ny niPARTntv A p« omi.v '^ooiiMtti van Beiawan Deli Nov. 14 v. dz« Haoen Batavia, Soerabaia, Maccassar, Balik-Papan, Donggal, Amoe- f rang, Manado, Sangir-islands, Gorontalo, Tomini bay,Tern&*
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 869 7 V KSSE Lp» liv puiti Flag and Tone Cotnmano>ra Arrived Prom Fo* Sea Mew Col. yacht 500 Chamberlain Oot 30 Penang .certain Steamen Flag Ton* Master Arrived From Adeh Sar l w Mat Nov 3 Kuching OngEweHai Kaching Anamba Brit 1159 Sangater Nov 12 Sourabaya Pet Co. Langkat Chiengmai Ger
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    • 158 7 VESSELS AT TANJONO PAGA& AND EEPPEL HARBOUR. Wkarves and Dneka at vmm difwnmi r**»e}s %c«re berthed yerteriay. East Wharf (Basing— Adeh. East Wharf Sec 1 < ir.saa. Sheers Wharf Tanpo Maru. Main Wharf Sec 2 DeL 3 Polyneeien. 4 Lai S. s—Anatnba.5 Anatnba. 6 Bombay Maru, Antilochus. Lagoon Dock Ser*
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  • 271 8 Thk Entr: The following are the entries for the aa on Saturday on the K«ce Course rry Major Have's Cyc lor Saunier's Sonia Mr G. E. V Thomas's Lady Jessica and Trilby Cap C. H Gay's Peter Pnn Mr G M. Sichel'i The Kechil M*re Mr n's Salome
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  • 193 8 BIKGAPOBI*B SKVEXTH U'|\ laformation was received yesterday morning that Shanghai had scored 962 m the interport shoot or just six below the tiae Singapore score. Siugapore thus wins again this year, the scores being Singapore Shanghai Hongkong Penang Previous scores Singapore seven, Shanghai four, Hongkong ten. '—Shanghai Sl!'
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  • 97 8 WARREN SHIELD FOOTBALL. hough "B"Coy. Middlesex Kegt. Ust Coi met for the third time m the semi rtoal <>f the above comp-ttion Friday at Pulo BraDi they ft-l. d to ie matters, the result being a draw of one goal each. The*p teams have p ved two drawn games at
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  • 48 8 The folloviDfc were tbe results o! the vember" mula^ uiies' (played on XovemKr 11th.) Mrs c md Allend, nett score 47. 4 cards were taken out. I Men's (played on November 12rh and r 13th. > C. Emerson, nett score 80,9 cards t were taken out.
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  • 114 8 I A Diving Competition will be held on Sunday next, the 20th inst., at the Swimming Club, on the arrival of the 10 o'clock launch. Entries will be received up to Friday night by either the Hon. Secretary f or the Captain. On completion of the Diving l
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  • 66 8 V I M APPBOTBB. 0 t Canton, November 5, C A telegram from Peking reached Canton g last night stating that the Prince Regent A has coDsciited to entertain the importunity t; of PriDce Tao and Yin Chang for the grant I of an Imperial decree eipresalv
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  • 561 8 At the Canterbury Park Me* hinat second uncle ndicap m jrocd company F. Jo; riehmaii. 71b J. B: ■i 1 4 lb. over (W. B H Page) Memeret Head) E Pir Bracks: anc j :>oughert. to 1 < ne and Oweene ped away first, and ,ck the order
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  • 962 8 Command of thb Sea. naval loan London, October 21st. Mr Winston Churchill, Secretary of State for the Home Office, writing to a correspondent, states "I am certainly not prepared to say that m no circumstances should Great Britain have recourse to a naval loan. The present high expense
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  • 579 8 The Lai Sang from HoDgkong has 1,2 0 tons of geDtral cargo to land. The Hippodrome Circus arrived by the "Tango Maru" vett j rday morning. The Antilochus for Europe is loading a cargo of wool and general at the wharves. The B I. Orissa called here yesterday
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  • 318 8 The X BciLLY. London. November oth The mail boat China." which has been searching D Marseilles and London reports tha' she saw no trace of the missing steamer Kurdistan." Stiami Lloyd's agent wires from Teneriffe that the German steamer Santa Orsula has landed there two saiiors. the only
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 144 8 fHas gained Public Confidence. P. deSILVA's Jewellery creations which are ai* artistic and often novel. SUCH AS Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls Emerald Sapphires, Topazes and Opal X'MAS JEWELS ECLIPSE ALL! A NOBLE PRESENT T Fine Gems of the Orient. 1 FROM ONE PAR PROM HOME NetherlandsGuttaPercha COMPANY, LIMITED. Singapore Rubber Works.
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