The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 11 July 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TEN CENTS SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 11, 1910. NO. 6,9410
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  • 182 1 The situation m Crete is more serious Page 5. An interesting letter from Mr Buckley appears on page 5. 1 There is a great shortage m the American < wheat crop this year Page 5. i The results of several of the Bisley competitions are given on
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  • 739 1 Maeterlink discourses m philosophical Grerman habit on the relations existing between mankind and animals, and be points 3Ut that the only an.'mal on really good terms with man is the dog. Tim or Tray is lost without the company of his master He follows him aabut,c ut, greets
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 122 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Overhead runway for sale Page 3. The Standard short period life assurance Page 1. Dunlop solid band tyres for long wear Page 8. Dutchman requires lessons m English Page 1. Spcial dinner at Raffles hotel next Saturday page 4. Kelly and Walsh's latest list of books etc page
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 284 1 THE WEEK Monday, 11th: High Water.- 0.29 a., 2 0 p MM. Mail Homeward due. Harmston's Circus. Tuesday, 12th High Water.— l.l 7 a., 2.57 p Hockey Ist XIS.C.C. v. R.G. A. A RE. Cup Football. S.R.C. vs. Mids. 11. Harmston's Circus. Wednesday, 13th High Water.— 2 8 a., 3.16
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  • 453 2 (Air: The Lowthkr Arcade) As I was strolling dowu tbe Alkiff, That place for Socks and Siares, I re illy felt just a little afraid I >l all the Bulls and Bears. Aad as I walked with wary eye Said a Chinese v nee to me,
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  • 314 2 We might call the attention of the Muaicpal Conservancy Department to the perfunctory way the cleaning of the drains m Middle Road is carried out. What is wanted is more efficient and more continuous supervision over the coolies. The At Home to the Bishop of Singapore, held at the Residency,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 32 2 A Straight Tip. A glass or two of water taken half and hour before breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular. Harsh cathartics should be avoided When a nureative ia needed. t*k«^ei*«,»,i
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    • 338 2 kfj -|^L. medicine Ayer's SarsapaKk^^f rilla is! Good for the mt _^_f child, good for the parK^ *JIL ent, good for the grand--s__f of it m the house. Sometime ~^-W during the year some member of the family will certainly need it. Youcan surely trust ameditine that has been used
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    • 817 2 NOTI&BS. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon on the 28rd July, 1910 for making clothing for the Police Force, Singapore, from Ist August to 31st December, 1910. Full particulars as to requirements may be obtained on application to the Chief Police Officer,
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    • 695 2 NOTI&BS. NOTICS OF RBMOVAL. We have removed from No. 11, Raffles Place to No. 52, Malacca Street. SARKIES MOSES. July 4 48 NOTICE. The undersigned M. S. Hosensah Marican hitherto carrying on business as Dubash Ship Chandler &c at No. 8, Raffles Place, Singapore under the style or firm of
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    • 559 2 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital m 80.000 shares of £20 each 11.200.00 C Reserve Fond £1,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 11,200, OOf Court of Diractora. Sir Montagu Cornish Turner (Chairman). Sir Henry Stewart Cunningham, E.C.LE. Thomas Cuthbertson, Esq Sir Alfred Dent,
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    • 482 2 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE Co. OF CANADA. Established 16ST. Policies are "WORLD WID_" TRICTED," "INDISPUTABLE' FORFEITABLE.' and N °N. Claims, loans, cash-surrenders ote promptly aettleo by the Genial' a p (n^ Singapore without the delay of r, f V M Head Office r^erenoe to The Reserves for protectioc 0 f P.i;
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  • 1263 3 bV.I'ER-VTED (SBLABGOm) RI'BBEE The report of the Federated (Selangor :>1 >er Company, Ltd, for the year ended March last, to be submitted at the meeting on 2Jrd July, states that the amount of rubber harvested was 10 1 44 1 lbs, as compared :',oi»4 lbs the previous year,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 482 3 WANTED. Planter with many years experience accusiomed to working Chinese, Tamil, Javanese labour wiehes to obtain position as manager ll an Estate. Apply to No. 4 c o Free Press. July 11 14.7 WANTED European or Chinese brokers for Life insu ranee. High Commisaions. Apply to P.M. co Free Press
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    • 429 3 Gives Radiant Beauty to the Skin /"'HAZELINE'\ i (tbaob mark) \V SNOW" H I An ideal remedy for dull or \A M aFtL greasy complexions. _rvß tS^r* A wholesome tonic which stimu- fr^ \lates the skin to healthy action, jl j restores its natural transparency, J j and produces the
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    • 68 3 Singapore Cold Storage Co, Ltd. Near Entrance to Borneo Wharf. Telephone 1026. Sea stocks of all kinds of Frozen Meats etc., can be delivered to shipping at the Wharves, or m the Singapore Roads on short notice. OFFICE HOURS. Weekdays 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.
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    • 1172 3 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, WBLL'GROWN PLANTS &c. TO BE HELL AT GOVERNMENT BUNGALOW No 1, NASSIM BOAT, TANGIIN ON SATURDAY, 16th JULY, AT 2 P. M. Spring-seated and upholstered teak drawing rocm suite polished teak brie a brae what tot lady 'B polished cLerghei davenj oxt carved
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  • 44 4 Haioh-Ball— On 23rd June, at St. Philip's Church, Kensington, Engineer Lieutenant F. E. Percy Hatch, m third son of the late Edward M. Haigh, of Halifax and Bath, to B&ABHL Dora, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George William Ball, of Parklauds, Cowes.
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  • 35 4 Mere shall the Pns< the People's right maintain, 1 twed ii. and unbribed by gain p .t. i ,t Troth her >• i n precepts draw. Pledged to Religion, Loyalty and I*w«
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  • 858 4 >ue feature of most of the departmental reports prepared for the Faited St ites Government ia that of statistical fulness and accuracy. Perhaps no official report is waited for with such eagerness as the annual estimate of the aggregite wheit crop, which is compiled from careful
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  • 330 4 After a long absence from Loudon, tho famous Chinese conjuror, Chung Ling Soo, is working wonders at the Hippodrome. One of his most i-eusational illusions culminates m the production of his lady. assistant from a cauldron full of boiling water, while the same lady also unexpectedly appears from a glass
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  • 900 4 It was with great surprise and the deepest regret that we saw by the mtil th it the former Chairmin of the Overseas members of theltnperiil P. ess Conference, Sir B >bert KvflinThonias, of Adelaide, S -uth Australia, had died there on Monday, June
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  • 58 4 Ihe ladies of the Presbyterian Church sewing party will meet at 4 30 pm on Tu~sday IlMi mat, at the Manse, Cavanagh Road, the residence of Mrs Ruucimui. Hongkocg papers announce the death of Mr A. b. J. Soaree, head of the firm of Soares and Co, DuddeU Street, which
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  • 243 4 HEAVIER (JO K,,:iU I ..pur. J U The following eoreoi mm night for to-day's r» OQA p V Lid j Goya and S jafoam. R ice v and Second Start, ft*. Race Four, Trouble, Djbom t U& Dulcie.ProuKou.^iorr.,.. Bear. But "five. ASQ1 j g!i; nald, Rice lit, 1.--;,
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  • 283 4 ■fdsffsfsdf Asc <• ra< c meeting this week m brilliant wrcothor, rounding*. It was the blackest |eW has beea heU ia auMaory eye beoeeae aeeaatneeed to the j ueebb and fl m of tail bU I ie of peoj etraageet of axpertaav chiefly blankneei m i -a.
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  • 55 4 There arrive I by th 'he regietored Baekn Chiffon. Thk ■Btaaa aumber of pri. ■atfa m lh m ham aad laddks, and ire 1 1 or 1 the BTeekaej V T ••J? We ea leretaad aha be i i for'lr 4bu pj The aaeei eat am tngsi hisg 1 would
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 325 4 KELLY WALSH Ltd. The Academy Pictures [n Lotu9 J?ZX lbert G t l/M/% Ponting F. R. G. S. with eight illusdnCl wCUlptUre 1910* trations m colour and ninety m Monochrome from Photographs by the author $18 50 g Badsworth on Auction Bridge latest ihe Co oma Office List dition 225
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    • 44 4 ASTOUNDING o sets5 cts OR $1.25 Double Faced $1.25. OUR PRICE FOR THE BEST RECORDS. THOUSANDS TO CHOOSE FROM. The Robinson Piano COMPANY, LIMITED. LEE BROTHERS. 58-4, Hill Street, (off Stamford Road.) HIGH GLASS PHOTOGRAPHY. Enlargements a Speciality PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. domestic Occurrences.
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  • 80 5 THE KOLAPORE CUP. Ry Submarine Telegraph.-Reuters.) t Bisley m the Competition for tae ipore Cup (teeau of eight from the purey3oo; Ojde the following were scores. I ireat P>ritain 7<»^ Canada yog A istralia i i •Guernsey 7-Q M day States Guides 763 9 u r h Africa 75
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  • 113 5 HE RUSSO-JAPANESE AGREEMENT. .ne German views. eVaetriaa prceo ooeariaaaa theßuseo*reaty creates a situ ition meriting :areful watching as Raaeia, relieved from fof a with J ipan. can withdraw Bl pi i- ea the Ear Btal and recover .er prominence ia European politics. srgaaa ol the German Press comply opoa the
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  • 76 5 (1 hi: at Britain. aajnual from SbaagbaJ has been btiahed m Ratlin calling attention to the I ra ta agitati m m China fed by the teata h do SbaatQag abo Biaetodyiag ■eknag re is even talk of B German boycott. alia papers prominence to the hove
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  • 47 5 Heavy Shortage Expected, v ii, 2tl p ra. re t'r.m Xew fori atatea that the Crop Report states that il :>p for 1910 is estimated at 620 labele, ooaeaared with a crop ol ehj leal year. I the wo: st report .>;nce 190<
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  • 23 5 I The Baroaeea d. L.i Roche whilst aero- tning at Kbeinas feD a distance of 150 I bet BTBM and legs.
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  • 136 5 amdereto I thai the .bate of tbe I tbe i Middleeei from Sicga tie pei ia N »vembef b. In t; iry way the '■'> d B ifti would as II NBgkoaaj lo Singapore, but a .1 slight uncertainty over this, I B ate are rather aaore of
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  • 17 5 Po Ah Leo. el 19, Middle B < ob baa been I two braceieU and heirpaaa valued i
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  • 98 5 EAST COAST PROVISION. Liverpool's Enterprise. (By Submarine Telegraph.-Reuters) Replying to a deputation of the Associated Chambers of Commerce with referencs to dock accommodation on the East coast, MrMcKenna said that two fbating docks were being constructed to take the largest vessels. The dry dock at Rosyth would be
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  • 53 5 Military Occupaion Imminent. Renter's correspondent at Canea states that the Consuls have announced to theCretan Government that unless the decision of the Powers regarding the admission of the Mussulman deputies into the Cretan Assembly be carried out by Monday, troops will land and will occupy the
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  • 664 5 It is an old experience that with tbe transi tion from absolutism to constitutional liberty nationalistic tendencies come to the foreground Despite all cosmopolitan deolama tions the French nation m the days of the First Republic became at oncemoreehauTinetie than it ever had been under the absolutist^ sway
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  • 369 5 In an interesting letter Mr Bickley mentions that he spent a fortnight at Cyprus on the way home. v The officials there, where they are poorly paid, look to Singapore as a possible Elysium. Bovill, Pellereau, Collver, Sir Arthur Young, Sir Wm Taylor, and -others having
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  • 349 5 THE LATE Mr W. H. READ C.M.G., K.N.L. Mr C. P>. Buckley, writing from London by the mail, end >8es a photograph of a brass plate and inscription that was despatched to Singapore a fortnight previously to be put up in St. Andrew's Cathedral in memory of the late Mr
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  • 154 5 The programme presenled at the iM trlborough on Saturday night was quite up to tho usual high standard, the animated picture* c >ru prising subjects of deep interest, as well as others of a particularly laughable nature. Both the shows were well attended and BOrne twenty excellent pictures
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  • 22 5 Agents Evatt Co. Ull Pan d ax HO lbs. Agents Derrick 00. Teluk Anson 535 lbs. Agents Barlow Co.
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  • 813 5 Oat> matter that is of importance is that Penang opinioD, frequently divided m public aft'tirs, appears to be m the main united as to the situation underlying the protest of tbe Kedah Government against the attitude of the Straits Government as exemplified by the action of the
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  • 116 5 TLii-i week sees the last of the visit of this famous circu3 as the Company gives its final performance on Siturday. A new programme has beeu arranged for this evening m which the sisters L luise and Angelina Vasca wiil appear m a clever shirpshootint? act with lifle
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 465 6 TEA If you know our tea, it wil not surprise you to hear thai over Thirty Thousand Agents sell it m Great Britain alone. There are many more m othei parts of the world. RETAIL AGENTS I t3oan Chin Hong A Co. Chin Keat A Co. TTiang Joo A Co.
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    • 572 6 BRITISH INDIA S. N. Co. Ltd. FOR Port Swettenham, Penang, Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore, Karikal and Negapatam. The Company's Steamer "TEESTA," 6,29s tons, C. Willis, Commander, will be despatched for the above ports on Monday, the 1 lth instant, at 5 p.m. She has excellent accommodation for first and second
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    • 1080 6 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG The steamers of the Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo at through
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    • 665 6 P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Foi China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon Auatralia, India, Aden Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward [for China) Assaye July 15 Delhi Sept.
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    • 700 6 N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail atean 1 1 this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam. Antwerp. Sootbatni] ton, Gibraltar. Genoa. Naples (com Marseilles. Naples. Alexandria and rk Port Said, Suez. Aden. Colomb. )<•,.,■ J Singapore, Hongkong. Shanghai Na....V,''
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  • 147 7 May Jane Total. Piknls. Belat 296 1,200 Brnang 264 1,198 Bruseh 200 895 Cbenderiang 238 949 Gopeng 630 650 4,095 Kamaning 13,370 $4,283 $27,154 Kanaboi 360 194 1,792 Kinta 531 377 8,083 Kinta Association 1,461 1,002 4,842 Kledang Kramat Pulai 688 1,772 Kuantan 74 304 Lahat 580 5,558
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  • 423 7 All totals are calculated for tbe calendar year instead of the financial year, which differs with many companies. Managers of Estates, returns for which m above list are incomplete, wiil help to make the list more useful if they will kindly fill m the gaps] May Jane
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  • 1298 7 July 9. Cap. Issuv. Paid. LastDiy. Bjtbrs. Sellers 85,000 2/ 2/ Allagar Rubber Estates Ltd 6 9 7 6 150,000 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 80% 18 6 110 0 50,000 2'- 1/6 BatangMalaka 10 20 pr 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 50% 17 10 0 18 2 6 80,000 1
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  • 66 7 (Corrected up to July 9 Bank 4 na s 2/4, demand 2/4 Private credits 3ms 2/4- credits 6ms 2 4 France, demand Bank... 294* Germany, demand 23H| India, T. T 1751 Hongkong, demand 22£%dia. Yokohama, demand 114^ Java, demand 140J Bangkok, demand 66 f Sovereigns, Bank Buying $8.54 Bank
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  • 157 7 July 9. Tm* P44S Gambier buyers 11 35 Gambier Cube No 1 14 7t) Gambier Onbe No. 3 mm norn Pepper Black (ord!». B'pcre) ayeca 1 1 I Pepi bt, White (fail) buyers 25 <t> Nutmeg* (110 to tk* la.).* m 1 8.0(1 Nutmegt (80 to ike Ik) 22.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 475 7 TO LET. TO LET. Furnished House suitable for Mess of foir ientlemen. Tennis Court $75. Apply N. N. c o Free Press. July 7 v c DUN ROB IN, Barker Road to be let unfurnished from Ist August, rent $50. BURNBRAE, Orange Grove Road to be let :rom Ist August,
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    • 23 7 CDirtp first Annual Pufclicatioi, THE SINGAPORE and STRAITS DIRECTORY for 1910. 1,003 pp. Royal Bvo. Cloth; Price sB-50 per copy; $9 Post Free.
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    • 17 7 Telephone 119. Established 1840 "XrV^TVTa^ TUm^T^Tf** M. SALOMON a son. xUJNU JJOJNtx, I ru i li i.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1244 7 VESSELS J_N PORT. Fla* and Tona Commandere ArHved From For When Sea Mew Col. yacht 500 Coleman June 9 Penang Uncertain Steamera Fla« Tona Master Arrived From Consignee For Wnei Abana Brit 3678 Bowden June B 8 Calcutta McAliater Batavia Batavier Brit 215 Simpson July 8 Natunas T. Hoe Lye
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  • 1072 8 Annual Sports Gymkhana Favoured with glorious weather, and a cool bretze from tbe sea, the S C C. sports gymkhana on Saturday afternoon were a *rreat success. The events c> mmenced at 2 30 and the competition was very keen throughout. There was a very It rge
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  • 152 8 A match was played on the S .U.C. ground between the S.R.C. and a scratch team got up by Mr Nicol on Saturday. The S.R.C. won an interesting game. Mr Nicol's XI. Tyrell c Oorloff b Bartholomew/ 6 Goldfinch c Oiiveiro b Oorloff 0 Miller b Bartholomeusz 22 Sawtell
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  • 156 8 Cham PIOUSH 1 1 Tan Cheng Khee heat Sect Hock Seng, 6—o, B— 3. Song Ong Siang beat Chua Sim Ghi, 6 2, 6-4. Kiocg Chin Eng beat Tan Chew Kirn, 6— 3, w o. Tan Soo Bin beat Scow Poh Leng, wo. Chua Seng Hong beat Chee
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  • 301 8 The SC.C. meet the Police m the tove competition this evening on the S.C.C. ground. A bad case of cruelty to a pony was brought into Court before Mr Green on Saturday, a Malay palarquin driver named Abmat being fined Sl"> for the offence. The pony, it was
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  • 640 8 Chinaman to Shoot at Bisley. For tbe fust time m history a Chinaman will shoot at Bisley this year. And the Chinaman is a good shot. Otherwise he would not have been selected by the Singapore Volunteers, of which he is a member, to travel the
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  • 220 8 Mn Daubeny Held up At Kuan<; An attempt was made on July 2 to hold up Mr P. M. Daubany, of Kuang Estate, on his way back from Kuang railway station to the estate. Mr Daubeny, who has a large number of Chinese coolies on Kuang Estate,
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  • 50 8 The exports of phosphate of lime by tbe company working at Christmas Island amounted m 1909 to 105,481 tons, a decrease of 3,616 tons, as compared with the previous year. The phosphate went to Japan, the Continent of Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, none being sent to tbe United Kingdom.
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  • 194 8 The large oil steamer "Cistor" running between China por'p, Ltnpkat and Bangkok, put m on SiUudtiy t >r 200 tons of coal. The only newcomer at Tanjong Pagar on Saturday was the Lennox with a small general cargo from Europe. A Chinese passenger on the" Hong Bee died
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  • 95 8 The Secretary of Stat 3 for the Colonies has signified his approval of the proposal submitted by the Federal Council of the Federal Malay States for the creation of an official agency m London, and it appears that Sir William Taylor, the Resident General, will retire
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  • 234 8 Lieutenant J. A. Chamier, 33rd Punjabis, has been appointed for duty to the Malay States Guides. The following appointment is ofticiilly announced Capt. P. W. Lumsdtn, R M.A appointed general Staff officer, second grade, Straits Settlements command, to daie 4;h June. At the inquest on Tan Bak, whose death was
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  • 85 8 Il addition to that on page 7. Triumph, Ger 769, Jacobsen, July 9> Bangkok, Ban Seng, Bangkok Haiphong, Fr 874-, Goubalt, July 9, Batavia, M M. Batavia 12. Unda, Brit 879 Mcßain, July 9, Shanghai, Katz, Langkat Hong Bee, Brit 2(56, Home, July 9, Swatow, Wee Bin, Penang
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 21 8 Why Suffer From Rheumatism? It is a mistake to allow anyone to suffer frr\m rVionmnfiam nc f.Vio oi— r>ar> a\rrratra Y%r\
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    • 23 8 W. J. GARCIA, 219, ORCHARD ROAD. iano, Organ Musical Instrument dealer. Pianos bought sold or exchanged. Good prices allowed f or, old instruments.
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    • 190 8 m DUNLOP SOLID BAND TYR.ES FOR COMMERCIAL AND HEAVY VEHICLES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. PARTICULARS ESTIMATES OF 1 The Dunlop Rubber Co. (Far East) Ltd. 43, ROBINSON ROAD. Where Tyres may be seen that have run over 30, 000 MUeS, on London Motor Omnibuses. Netherlands Gutta Percha QOMPANY LIMITED. SINGAPORE RUBBER
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 96 8 PASSENGERS. Per Haiphong Messrs J. P. Janszen, M. H. Williams. Per Kalmoa Mr Binder. WEATHER REPORT. Date Bar Wind Temp Hum Sky Rain July 10. H'kong 4p 29.69 SSW2 84 o Manila 4p 759 WSW3 29 25 c Kandang Kerbau Hospital July 8. 1910. 9am. 3pm. 9pm Barom. 32 Fah.
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