The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 23 June 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 138 1 Entries for the Sjlangor Races appear on page 8 Fraser and Company's share circular is given on page 5. The rikisha coolies of^ Honkong have gone on strike Page ■>. Germany has agreed to Russia's suggestions regarding Crete— Page r >. DrSkte has had a norrow escipe
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  • 1345 1 Cataracts of rain were seething down of a mercury hmd sky upon Maidauuv;, ar.«l the few trees in sight drooped bedraggled under the sullen downpour. Amid roundiDgs so depressing, an.l in the chastened mood eugendeied by such a dismal evening, a man will find a more than languid interest
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 511 1 Harms ton s Grand Circus AND ROYAL MENAGERIE I ERFORMING W1 LD ANIM A L S. The Largest and Best Circus Combination Travelling the East. Grand Opening Night, Saturday, June 25th, AT 9-15 P. M. LOCATION OF TENTS: BEACH ROAD. LARGER AND BETTER THAN EVER. OUR NEW ALL STAR LONDON
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    • 210 1 Victoria Theatre, PLYING VISIT <>K THK NEW NO. I. Bandmann Opera Coy. 3 SPECIAL PCBfOBMmiCES 3 MONDAY The <irtat Bbaftoabmj Theatre Success July 4th "THE ARCADIANS." TUESDAY Tbe Grcat Gaiety Theatre Success July slh OUR MISS GIBBS. WEDNESDAY ODert Courtneidge's Phenomenal Success July 6th "THE DAIRYMAIDS. 1 Prices $3, 2
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    • 171 1 LATEST ADVERTISCHEWTS. 11 St. James" to let for a few months Page 1. Notice re tenders for mail contract for 1911 Page 2. Notice re change of ownership of Chop Kitu Watt Page 2. Situatious open for shorthand and typist clerks Page 2. Gosling and Co. have a tine selection
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 344 1 THE WEEK. Thursday, 23rd: High Water* 11.21 a.. 10.28 p Full "Moon. 3.11 a. Bank Holiday Cricket— S.C C. vs. Ceylon XI Swimming Club launches, 2 :>0 3.30 p B I. Mail Homeward closes 3 p N. D. L Mail Outward due. Lodge St Gfoorg* Regular. 9 p Friday. 24th
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  • 456 2 Says a Hongkong' paragraph —Those interested in rubber and their name is legion will be pleased to learn that this material is now being utilised for fl >oring. correspondent writes me from London that several binks and insurance offices in the city have their floors laid with rubber, and several
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 608 2 WANTED. REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY. An expert Shorthand Typist for English correspondence in Saigon. Address A. B. c o Free Press. Jane 28 c TYPISTWasted immediately a smart Typist and Shorthand Clerk must have had previoupericnct. Apply 1910, co S. F. Press. June 23 26 6 20th CENTURY IMPRESSIONS. Wanted to purchase
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    • 711 2 NOT/GES. CHOP KIM WATT Ho. 4, TEO CHEW STREET, SINGAPORE. Not ce is hereby given that KHO CHECK SENG, proprietor of the above chop, has sold all his interest in the Hame to TAN BC K TEOW, of No. 00, Amoy-Bt, Trader. The said TAN BUCK TEOW will in future
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    • 644 2 NOT/GES. FRASER NEAVE LTD. Notice is hereby given that the Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from the Ist July until the 31st July, 1910, both days inclusive, and that the registration of Transfers will be suspended during that period. By order of the Board. ALEXR. PROCTOR, Secretary.
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    • 571 2 Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60,000 share* of £20 each «l,2oo.rt<v Reserve Fund £1,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,00f Court of Director*. Sir Montagu Cornish Turner (Chairman). Sir Henry Stewart Cunningham, K.C.I E. Thomas Cuthbertson, Esq Sir Alfred Dent, K.C.M.G.
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    • 432 2 MANUFACTURERS LIFE I INSURANCE Co. OF CANADA. Established j. Policies are "WORLD WIDE "i- VDI TRICTED," "INDIBPUTABLE FORFEITABLE." IUtJ *O* Claims, loans, cash-surrender t promptly settlea by the General' a Jf; I 8 Singapore without the delay of r< f r at Head Office J f Tfcnc e to The
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  • 376 3 HOHG K' P»0 'Yl is tioin the "S. C. Morn«eriM the feeling at Hon^k >njr •ti- infringe—— < of treat v obligations 'niton ,nton Viceroy, l>y giving power to A me Vnen to levy a new imposition fee) n •w iy ball of opium, the Additional Article
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  • 1004 3 IT A Si I opium trade between H^rrj nton. H8 well us in oth^» pari ndatill owing to the eni i:y 7th) <«f an op'-nii monopolj monopoly tilted \,y ament <<> K rong v of dry ■^inn. dealer* Seven per »--ili of foreign raw paid to this
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 33 3 The Annoying Cough .ii annoys you. i\.ep on hacking delicate nu'iiibraiH'S oi n want to be annoyed But if you nt to be curt'd, tak»' Chataber .m< •!>• Fot mle by all wid Dealen
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    • 279 3 4 W A It I A V f\ INI f\ TONIC WINE Keeps the Blood cool in spite of the Heat 'Van a' Tonic Wine is an ideal invigorator for residents in the Tropics. One or two doses daily strengthen body, brain and nerves, and counteract the fatigue and depression
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    • 189 3 FOR SALE. TENTS FOR SALE. Suitable for Planter?. Surveyors, or Exhibitors at the forthcoming Horticultural Show. About '22 ttnts in good conditiou various sizes. Can bt snu at No. N, Hifch Street (Hotel de 1' Europe Buildings). POWELL Co. Auctioneers. June 21 TO RUBBER PLASTERS For sale, rubber stuujps and
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    • 686 3 mjQTIONS. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Tuesday, 28th June, at f-30 p m. The dwelling house and out-houses known as No. 15, Cantonment Road, adjacent to Neil Koad. Singapore. (The land on which those premises stand is not included in the sale) POWELL Co., Auctioneers. June 23 29 6 MORTGAGEES SALE OF Printing
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    • 981 3 AUCTION SALE CF HIGH CLASS TEAK FURNITURE, PLANTS &c, THE PROPERTY OF CAPTAIN HINSCH. AT No. I, STEVENS ROAD. On Saturday, 2nd July, at 2 p.m. Comprising:— Carved Teak Cabinets, teak upholstered chairs, teak Display Cabinet, eight day clock in carved teak case, carved Japanese tables, teak sideboards, dinner waggons,
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  • 1200 4 The Singapore Free Press Thursday, June 23, 1910. .;i:itain, Here patriot Troth „w. 1 1 mt. In an interesting comtnunicition from a mercantile correspondent, appearing in another column, entitled Nothing 1 > -ru attention is once more invited to the need of what would be a great improvement to the
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  • 445 4 Is anything going to be done When -arlv five years ago— on 27th -the Govern,, representation made to it uri?m between the Horrimrgh L'ghthonw Singapore. Mr John Anderson then s P Legislative Council said b e "In the report of the Spe on these hatimates. there introduced at
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  • 99 4 Honduras, in spite of its proximity to the I'nited States and its early Spaniards, is one of countries in the world. T: t ions are extremely primitive. Puerto Cortes, on the northern coast, is >nly three or four days l>y steamer fi Orleans flyintr the n fl
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  • 57 4 Milliohs Mai-k Thi Through the sudden an and Vice President of tl 1 Wirele^ Company of A-OMrica, Rreal been created in financial circl< and elsewhere. The charge filed against them l»j cuting attorney is that of I large sums. It is alleged that the tv tion have
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  • 35 4 During the past week I deitlts m Singapore girii of 45 17. <>: these nini cholera deaths and fiftyi of one kind or another. plague or small p I iree peans died ,iu i 1- 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 220 4 W ABB mm Ita tZstiß&ta CALDBECK, MAOGREGOR Go. 44 4 |_f I IX'C JSSS* k A m B M a- J s*^ X PPVIVPI I T Jm JAPANESE WATER. Pints per case of 4 doz. U.25 Splits per case of 8 doz. 0.00 SOLE AGENTS, JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. RAFFLES
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    • 68 4 ASTOUNDING o scts5 cts OR $1.25 Double Faced $1.25. OUR PRICE FOR THE BEST RECORDS. THOUSANDS TO CHOOSE FROM. The Robinson Piano COMPANY, LIMITED. TO THOSE HOMEWARD BOUND J. Campbell Latham Co., Court, Naval Military Tailors 69, Conduit Street. LONDON, W, MR. H. G. CISS. Mar 30 ws p4 u.c.
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    • 24 4 The Best Physic Vhen you wants a physi< I geatle, easy to take and i "haniberlainV S lets. For sale by all Di»] I
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  • 46 5 WHAT CAN THEY DO? Bjf Submarine T.«l. ♦graph.— ltauterV A meeting ol the L boar Members of the mmoDi has been held and it Ired th it tlj .lutious were 'ion, ;ind they t e Croat bei Dg inthority to go behio.l the 'lecision
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  • 42 5 Remarkable Pageant. :eived lane J2nd, 10 am. •s hfti opened the Aruiv I.' iu Kulham I'aliCH Grouods. lepicts f he development of tho Army f.irliest times t<> the pr sent and *1 m the Continental D which s were en
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  • 42 5 erj of ComTuerce Congress. Bee i im 22, 5 n pm irth international oongreei amerce t-f the K:npn«'. Mr in irelc ming the delegates tiid cleared away misun- IB pe<l that p>>s;i! rates would be when the national finanfes were >^*— <
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  • 60 5 PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA thai f he first .f the the ensuing Children*! C place on ftemoon of as another important n Thar* h. be taken at each prae ibmit one. it not more, <iuite new M to give practice in iiug. n t the orchestra are asked to ilarity and punctuality
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  • 168 5 r new seriet- llent films was •he Alhanibra cinematograph B i i B -ad last night and was- received by a .idience i till views of the famous boas .it Btlite ere shown. k! views of i deer park, the ence t the Governor General of the dtherl&adi
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  • 199 5 I poh Correspondent wires that a jn^d by a buffalo at Chemor Ipob, yesterday. The unfortunate i m wounded in the abdomen and his D us. tourth magistrate, yesterday ii. Mr Firmstonc tiaed a KliDg tram 15 auil costs for disobeying a Sikh B at the Stamford \l >a<l crossing.
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  • 58 5 AN AMERICAN IDEAL. (By Submarine. Telegraph.— Reuter's) A telegram from Washington states that tkeHouieof K^presentatives has passed a resolution providing for Pretident Ttft appointing rive dittinguithed Americans to confer with foreign governments for s* kig a world- wide peace. It is suggested that Mr B I m "It
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  • 51 5 No Objecti ns. A mi from Bl Petenborg states •iermauy has informed B t her entire approval of M. [STollki'i propotilt, which ibe In- leirnt through the newspapern, the protecting Powers onlj hiring received *he oflia] N ,te, to which there has not yet bseu tima to
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  • 56 5 Be sired at 31 6 pm, A telegram from St Petersburg states that the Council of the Empire have been discussing the Government of Finland 15.11 M. StoJjpio contended that Russia's sovereignty over Finland was mlimited and tint there was no necessity to submit the BUI to
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  • 106 5 Five Cent Fare Objec'ed To. HoDgkong, June JJud, 11 40 am. The rikisha coolies at Hongkong hwe struck in a body in const «iuence of the < I >- vernment fixing tariff boards to their vehicles. The main objection of the rikieha coolies in Hort,'kon_' il
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  • 36 5 Ft nd( nt) Ipuh, June 11. Dr. Skae whilst visiting Ulu Pidh mine near Tambun was charged and chased by a large elephant and only escaped by runniDg into the scrub and hiding. > <
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  • 230 5 nshine consists of a me'allic shower, which bathes i's with elementary iron, sodium, magnesium, calcium, copper, /.inc. nickel, and hydrogen, the whole surface of the sun being an unbroken ocean of fiery tin id matter, containing ;i t\ tme atmosphere of vaporised ■A an«l such as oxygen
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  • 104 5 The Cawnpore Woollen Mills have decided to open a l>raucb 10 Baghdad, Mr. Arathoon, lately of Cooper Allen, bein^ selected their representative. Four E»st Coast tisli»»rnipn trorn the North Sea fishing industry, North Shields, have arrived at Rangoon and taken over charge of the trawlers (I olden Crown and M
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  • 199 5 There has been little change in the mar. during the past week the same dull, ness, to which we referred in our last circular, having continued. At the close, however, there is a fi mer tone apparent, more assuring news of sterling rubW shares being
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  • 140 5 B fore Mr Wolferstan, senior magistrate, yesterday, Mr George Srevenson appeared in answer toa summons issued bv Police In>r Lucas charging him with being in ■ssion of a double barrel breach Loading gun without a license. Defendant plea<led guilty. Inspector Lucas said that on Mn an
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  • 69 5 The following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Powell and Co.'s •ale- room on Tuesday afternoon: Freehold land at Seraogoon Road, area 59,154 "|uare feet, grant 906. Chia < >ag Tin at 5 cents per iquaifj foot 70, Freehold hind fronting a rt serve for r»->ad
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  • 206 5 < >oe of the <hief traits iu the character of King < irjorge V. is his thoroughness. Neither in personal matters, matters of State, nor matters of charity, is he inclined to accepthe position as it appears without investigation. As a simple illustration of this att tribute. th=i
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  • 140 5 The Engineer .states that work is now in full swing in the radium factory at IsliD^e. Lidingo, Sweden. A short time ago the large new smelting furnace w,;s started, and it is working very well. It is calculated to smelt a ton of ore per day, but, as a
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  • 134 5 The:e was a large attendance at the third (iovtrnment opium sale held at Charnock Place, Calcutta, on the lot instant. Altogether '4,^00 chests were sold, and the total amount lealised was Ms. 71,85,040. This gives an average price of Rs. 2,1 77 per chest, which is a considerable decrease on
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  • 250 5 Haroon, a smill Malay boy, pleaded gu.lry before Mr Green, second magistrate, yesterday, to criminal bre; c'i of tru--t in respect of two bicycles valued at $50 which he had hired from Chinese shops in town. Police loipeetor Lucas appeared for the prosecution and evideuci w*s given
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  • 103 5 Before Mr. <ire.«r, second magistrate, yesterday, Mr. G. A L> I) ux, manager of the Kota Tisggi Robber Estate, charj. .Javanese coolie with dishonestly retaining stolen property, twenty-seven sh.^e«s of Para rubber v ilued at $4.V < miplainant siid that the coolie had been discharged from the
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  • 119 5 An elderly Chiniiin*n was before Mr <Ji>*}n, second magistrate, yesterday, OB a chirge of disposing of stolen properly. Mrs E lith I'umpio of Tanjong Ptfg&r eaid the clock ;n court w«s her property and was worth |2 or $3. She lost it in the beginning ot
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  • 255 5 To The Editor <>k the Malay Mail. Dear Sir, Yon are probably aware that, in view of the opening up of estites and mercantile establishments, there is now great demand for clerks and book-keepers. Hitherto crimping has been confined to servants and coolies, but this evil
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  • 229 5 Mr O U Ri.hter of 8, Victoria Street, Westminster, sends ihe Time* sou e parti, oolan of d new marbine for aerial navigation which is a combination of aeroplane and airship In it planes, altogether 480 feet long stretch out on each side of a central tower, and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 58 5 How to Prevent Blood Poison. md neglect are tin chief canees Boning. A cut or bruise, be. oold have immediate attention. A ■1 liniment and one that not only gives liei from pain, bat being antiseptic. 1 without maturation, is rlain's i'ain lialm. When this reme ail danger from blood
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    • 75 5 Colds Are Dangerous. If more people would make an attempt to get rid of the colds from which they are suffering, as a result of this changeable weather, there would be a decidt d decrease in the number of cases of pneumonia. A few of Chamberlains Cough Remedy will cure
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1166 6 OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. FOR Broome. Derby, Port H*»dland, Cossack. A&hbuiton, Carnarvon. Geraldton. and Fremantle. The Company's Stea«; "CHAKON," 2,681 tons, Captain Bell, is intended to sa»l for t^e above ports on Sunday, the 96th June, 1910. For freight or passage, apply to W. MANSFIELD k CO., LTD., Agents,
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    • 1161 6 OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND China Mutual Steam Nav. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre and Liverpool
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    • 679 6 P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Foi China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Delhi July 1 Delta Aug.
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    • 644 6 N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremer IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail steal this Company sail fortnightly boo B Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Boutbam ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (com Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria aud Port Said, Sue/. Aden, Colombo. Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai. and Kobe to Yokohama and back.
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  • 234 7 Ca-k ok I >\v 10l I JATO, illy at 1 1 o'clock on Friday, Ma,y I numl>er of closed carriages were seen {.roach the District Magistrate's Court, lipur. As the c.i Triages were escorted ioe with fixed i>.iyonets it natural- niosity of all who happened 'ne.
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  • 261 7 y in the whol«i of King <ieoiv ,i naval officer, there is no period be now looks upon with greater pleasure, ,>r from which he derived m >re profit, than round the world in the corvette •ite," commanded bj Lord Charles h iM here for the
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  • 297 7 have always advocated the training ot boys in ride shooting, and we art- glad that a similar advocacy is being sup--1 by an influential journal like the lator." Lord Kitchener, in his reoeot iunication to the Australian (Government. d strongly for a sound and scienti raining
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  • 151 7 April May Total. Pikuls. Belat 221 296 1,200 Brnang 836 964 1,198 Brnseh 180 200 Chenderiang 125 711 Gopeng 725 630 3,445 Kaumning 14,541 3,370 $22,921 Kanaboi 267 360 1,598 Kinta 665 2,176 Kinta AsHOciation 729 1,461 3,840 Kledang Kramat Pulai 647 1,0*4 Kuantan 79 74 804 Rabat
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  • 400 7 All totals are calculated for the calendar year instead of the financial year, which differs with many companies. Managers of Estates, returns for which in above list are incomplete, will help to make the list more useful if they will kindly fill in the gaps April May
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  • 1245 7 Jun9 22 RUBBER STERLING COMPANIES. Cap. Issu». Paid. Last Div. Buybks. Sellers x5,000 2/ 2/ Allagar Rubber Estates Ltd 6 6 7 8 l-.o.OOO 2/- 2/- Anglo. Malay 80% 1 83 110 0 M',000 16 BatangMalaka 10 •> 0 pr 000 1 1 Batu Caves 50% 14 0 0
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  • 64 7 (Corrected up to June 22 Bank s 2/4| demand #> 2/4A Private credits 3 m g 2/4* credits 6ms 2/4; France, demand Bank 295 Germany, demand 240 India, T. T \U\ Hongkong, demand 22,^^8. Yokohama, demand 115 Java, demand 1404 Bangkok, demand t>: Sovereigns, Bank Buying %KSI Bank of
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  • 137 7 Jane 22. TiD $7415 Gambier U 5D <Jambier Cube No 1 14*;24 Gambier Oube No. 2 no m Pepper Black (or* B'jcre) 13 ;*"> Pepper, White (fau) bajen 25.(0 Sntmegt (110 to tk« 1».)^ 1 8.00 N T utmeg« (80 to tke ]h.) 22.00 Mace (Banda) wm mm mm
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 52 7 Sick Headache. T] ~in^ ailment results from a die* condition of the st.)ujach. All that is B» m a close or two of Stomach and Liver Tablets. iitack lua^r be warded oil, or tit in ■everity, by taking a lose h soon an the nrst nymptom •-tack appearh. Bold by
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    • 51 7 Woods' Great Peppermint Cure for all inttrna complaints dysentry coughs colds Ac. Chirtrfirst annual Publication, THE SINGAPORE and STRAITS DIRECTORY FOR 1910. 1,003 pp. Royal Bvo. Cloth; Price sB-50 per copy $9 Post Free. Publishers i FRASER NEAVE, LIMITED. To be had from all Booksellers in Straits Settlements and F
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    • 25 7 YONG PONG, FRASER&!CHALMERS,Ld. Photographic Studio. u r5 M Mining^ Metallurgical Machinery. High-Clas. Photograph, and Enlargement. AdamsQl|f Cilfillan Co., Ltd. 79, SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD. Eaetebk Agents.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1005 7 VESSELS JJi jPOKT. Sea Mew gglW "SET Steuu™, iri. "i V m d8r Ham Jl,ne 22 Bafcavi ''acertain AtluoT? £ir*™r c M f ter A Coneumee For Wu« r!™ v a xby J,,ne W Hon K k^' Stand. >il Co. New York mSS-M* 2" dy JuDef) J^ Hn MBK Uncertain
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    • 88 7 WEATHER REPORT Date Bar Wind Temp Hum Sky Rain, ■I me FTkosg lOj 22 K) B2 87 <: Haaula H'a 760 N i 2fi j o H'kon K iv 29.81 BSBI 33 c Manila tr 7 SI 29 26 o Kamlang Kerbau Hospital Juno 21, 1 P M Barom. 32
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  • 280 8 FIRST DAY'S ENTRIES. sth July, 1910. 1. Tin Maii-fv Pi.aik Va'ue $400 "Weigh" fat. Ex Ghri&M allowed 7lb». Distance K.C 1 Roulette, Townmoor, Frou Froa, Para King, Qui-va hi. 2. The Cha.mpm.n Ghii hn Race. A r.up presented by Mr E. A. O. Travers with $h 0
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  • 225 8 aim: competition The qualifying round for the above c mpetition ill pii\««<] oil <>n Saturday ami Sunday the 1 h acd 19th June, when the following titors qualified tz. Messrs Pigott, l>. Drnmmond, .7. C. Watt. C i H Sharpe. P. Kowlit, J) Reid, I. J\ N
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  • 34 8 Cup Tn Owin^ to the Ksplanade being u?ed for cricket to-day the Association Cup Tie La goon B.C. v i i a artavgfd for to dav i* postponed until Tuesday the I'-^th in
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  • 143 8 Mr Williamson, a leading barrister on the Rand, ha^ baa mffertag for some time from dyspepsiii, and lately started a fasting «-ur<\ as recommended by Mr I'pton Sinclair. Tie. fast has ended in death, says a u Chronicle telegram from Johannesburg Mr ("pton air dp.seiil>ed in
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  • 117 8 •i- My. muster at the (tori Goll Clul\ been ;n rested on a charge of ev tint be made the c B him four .vnd live cents each per A in of 163, u-toria-at. gave a cooli. ad asked bin to it to the t>tlkl>! if he oame into
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  • 439 8 A Stkanck Application at a POLICI Corui. The monotony that generally prevails in the Chi -f Maj^iatrate's Court Calcutta every morning during application timn, when all sorts of petitions of a hackneyed and stereotyped cbaractor are made by the lawyers, was interrupted on the Ist instant
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  • 400 8 TREMENDOUS TASK FOR BRII 1.-H CONTRACTORS. Although the i 'for the con »tt action of the mountain sections of the new Chilian railway, which, has been secured by a British group, was only signed a few weeks ago. the prelimininary work has already been commenced upon cable instructions
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  • 81 8 The total balance to the credit of tbej Tamil Imm iteration fund at the end of March w i The Judicial Commissioner, Mr. T. do M Draddell, U holding Assizes at Kuantan this week. A boi c 'ntaining money and clothing amoaDtii g to $27.90 hn.i been stolen from the
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  • 1155 8 Meeting of Shabeholders. An important meeting of the Tongkah Harbour shareholders was held at Hobart, May *2Oth. The chairman of directors (Mr Jones) said 4i The directors have convened the meeting for the purpose of asking you to authorise them to sell and dispose of the whole
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  • 544 8 Fustian coal is being landed from tlie Hirkhall on tue -u il i>! Messrs Paterson, Simons and C<\ A transhipment rargo <1 1.150 tons is being taken by the "L.jckbuu" to Bmgkok. The Baron Napier," is at present discharging at Tiujong Pagar, 4.000 tons of Miike coal, and
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  • 86 8 A Hint For the Treasurer. Experiments in washing and ironing dollar notes by means of machinery have been successfully made by the Treasury, witli the result that a laundry for that purpose has been established at "Washington. Not a 1 one will all germs be destroyed by
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  • 177 8 The presentation to Mr. W. G. Xiven will take plice at lilair Lodge at 5.30 on Fridaj ev6niug\ and not on >Siturday as i- stated in yesterday's issue. L>w Ah Chee of 6 Sumbawa Road reported to the police that property valued at *»-J had been stolen from his house.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 47 8 PASSENGERS. IV, Ban Wbatt Hin Lee Keng Hee B W. Barr, P. Deenit. W. J. GARCIA, 219, ORCHARD ROAD. Piano, Organ Musical Instrument dealer, Pianos bought sold or exchanged. Good prices allowed for old instruments. Cheapest and best stock of Music and small musical good3 in Singapore.
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    • 197 8 MOTORISTS. Send your covers and tubes to be retreaded or repaired to The Dunlop Rubber Co. (Far East) Ltd. NO. 44, ROBINSON ROAD. mi■— m Repairs executed promptly and at moderate charges. Re will not be executed to those covers past satisfactory repair and which in our opinion are not
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