The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 14 June 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TEN CENTS SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1910. NO. 6,9:3:5
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  • 188 1 Tronoii is paying m shilling dividend Page 4 Results of the Garrison and Keppel Golf Ciubs' monthly medals Page 8. Another Perak rubber company is being fixated m London Page 4. Rjßtrictions on religious freedom have been removed m Spain Page 5. An important letter on physical
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  • 1076 1 Do you believe m luck": The question seems a pertinent one even m this en i^htened twentieth century of ours when there are still those who manifest a belief m supernatural agencies m certain eveuts. The rumours current as to the bad luck attendant on the passage of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 315 1 The Empire Buff Envelopes The Keystone Buff Envelopes $1.25 per 1,000 nett. $1.15 per 1,000 nett. Envelopes for Bank Pass Books 70 cents per 100. KOH COMPANY, 88 90 f Bras Basah Road. MOTORISTS. Send your covers and tubes to be retreaded or repaired to the Duttlop Rubber Co. (Tar
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    • 119 1 SINGAPORE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY (2Gth Season. 1 THE FIRST POPULAR VOGAL INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT cf the season will be given m the TEUTONIA CLUB. (By courtef y of the Committee) On Tuesday, 21st June. Commencing at 9.15 p.m. ADMISSION $2. MARLBOROUGH BEACH ROAD. The People's Popular. GRAND Change of Programme TO-NIGHT 2nd
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    • 135 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Sale of land at Malacca— Page 3. Notice re Chimpul scrip Page 2. Philharmonic concert on June 21 Page 1. Notice re business of Mana Athamsaiboo Page 2. Secondhand Empire typewriter wanted Page 1. Bookkeeping accountant wanted for F.M S. —Page 8. Notice re Elphinstone Estate meeting Page
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 101 1 Next Mails Due. From Europe.— Per P O Delta, on Friday next, with mails of May 27. From China. Per P O Assaye, on Thursday next Mails albbady despatchkd for London. Left Due Arrived NDL May 12 June 4 June 4 BI May 12 June 4 June 4 M M
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    • 316 1 THE WEEK. Tuesday, 1 4th High Water.— 2 21 a 4.22 p Hockey Jst XI S.C C. v Offi. of the Garrison. Wednesday 15th High Water.— 3 31 a, 5.18 p Thursday, 16th: High Water- 4 52 a., 6.11 p P O Mail Homeward due. Vernacular School Sports. Rattte3, 2.30
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  • 265 2 The Korean G jvernment ia indebted to the First Bank m the Bum of 3 million yen and to the Bank of Korea m the sum of 8 million yen. Oa this money interest at the r*t*» of ♦> per cent, is bein»{ paid, and it is stab) 1
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  • 264 2 SCBSES AND I'KOTBSTS IN BERLIN rniy scenes took place at the meeting of the City Council of Berlin m connection with the extradition of the Russian, Mireki PetroBoff, who, was arrested there two years ago, his boxes being found filled with explosives and infernal machines. Petrosoff was declared
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  • 222 2 Chanticleer parties if introduced into the Philippines would no doubt become popular. This innovation is having a run m the homeland. A Chanticleer luncheon was recently dropped off at the country club at Cironado m which 100 guests participated. The lun cheoo service wan unique m the extreme.
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  • 76 2 If more people would make an attempt to get rid of the colds from which they are suffering, as a result of this changeable weather, there would be a decided decrease m the number of cases of pneumonia. A few dose!-: of Chamberlain's Coutfh Remedy will OOIt
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 614 2 i U JUMZ M NEWLYN COTTAGE TO LET. 17, Gilstead Road. Four bedrooms, each with bathroom attached. Gjod Stabling. Immediate Entry. J. CIUIG, Sharon, Kiver Valley Rd. June 7 6 7 TO BE LET FUBNISHED. A bungalow No. 795, East Coast Road, Telok Kerau with stabling. Entry June 1 Apply
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    • 770 2 NOTWES. CHIMPUL (KE6RI SEHBIUN) RUBBER ESTATES, LIMITED. The Secretaries advise as that the scrip for the Reserved shares was posted m London on 27th May, 1910. The scrip is made out to bearer, for which there is a charge of 80 per jCIOO, and 1/- for each additional certificate. SHABPE,
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    • 733 2 NOTIGES. NOTICE Is hereby given that the gooi-will and stock-in-trade of the business of Mana Ath&msaiboo carried on by him at No. 46, North Bridge Road, Singapore, has this day been sold to Vana Ena Singaram Pillay of No. 57, Kerbau Road, Singapore, Trader. All persons having any claims against;
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    • 571 2 Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China' INCORPORATED B 7 ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital m 60,000 shares of £20 each *1.200,00 C Kewrve Fond £1,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors *1,200,00 C Court of Directors. Sir Montagu Cornish Turner (Chairman). Sir Henry Stewart Cunningham, X.C.I.X. Thomas Cuthbertson, Eeq Sir Alfred
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    • 380 2 MANUFACTURERS^ INSURANCE Co. OF CAN AD^ Established i Policieoare "WORLD WIDP TKICTED," "INDIBPUTABI N^B. FORFEITABLE." nnd l;v Claims, loans, cash-surrend, r, promptly settieo by tht c v. Singapore without the delay of bDt| Head Office y of f «enoe to The Kcserves for protecti holders are over 820,000,00' Polic lThe
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  • 727 3 Tub Rvttlkr Experiments. T1,,. gunboat "Hattler" has been taken down bo Portsmouth for the instruc- km »n the mechanism of propulsion. ticance of this circouiatanoe is not I mated. In naval circles it is n a-ting the inouediate introtypo of prime mover to the r i 1,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 14 3 I^j* Creosote is a splendid Htm m pulmonurj I NT.M.R, 3 ipri), L 904.
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    • 687 3 'Kit m 4 Kid :iiiI<"HAZELINE" SNOW" Removca thai appearance of the complexion which detracts so muck from beauty. P<»r this purpose if ia more efficient and more hygienic than lel p-.m j ia any foi I Hazeli cleanses anJ beautifies by stimulating the to hoalthv action. %^o%y^ y PowJera only
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    • 590 3 WANTED. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A Clerk, with good handwriting, for simple homework. Apply Scrip "c o Free Press. Jane 14 16 6 WANTED AT ONCS Two Eurasians for positions of responsibility m a hotel. Apply by letter stating age, previous experiences and references to Messrs Deekxck Co., Battery Road, Singapore Jnne
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    • 749 3 PRELIMINARY NOTICE AUCTION SALE CF Valuable Teak Household Furniture, Cottage Piano, and A GOOD COLLECTION OF PLANTS &c. To be held at "Carolina Villa," No. 26, Syed Alley Road ON SATURDAY, 25th JUNE, AT 2SO />. M. ON VIEW THREE DAYS PRIOR TO SALE. Jane 14 POWELL Co., Auctioneers. P
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  • 2056 4 The Singapore Free Press. Tuesday, June 14, 1910. Those to whom the future cohesion of the widely scattered communities that constitute the British Enpire is a matter of deep concern, must note with a continuing dismay that not only does the British Commons afford no evidence that it ever has
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  • 214 4 A District Offiser and staff are to be stationed m Kampar from 1911. Messrs Adamson, Giffillan and Company have now opened a branch ofiice at Milacca. Four cases of small-pox have been reported from Sungei Butoh Estate, Taiping. Sir Robert Liidlaw is expected to vL-it the Scraits agiin towards the
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  • 105 4 A PERAK RUBBER COMPAHT. (From our It ig announced locally that a new ber flotation will be brought iff j Q fJ? about Jane 21 of Sungei iQ(] s^°° Damar estates at present owned by \i Hadow and Swaine utiuted w Kaugsar seven milea from Bu ngl station.
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  • 115 4 (F mm n Hr own Kuala Lumpur, J ur A farewell concert m honour of Mr Harrison was hel 1 it D S.turda, and went off most successfi! Mr 0. Belfield c m.g in the course of big speech eulogised Mr Harrison he had accomplished the
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  • 52 4 (F*t Kuila Lumpir. V LLULMBBOi 29,000 lbs. Agents. Guthrie ;md Co. Hkawh d !»o7 lbs. Agents, Derrick and Co. Tkiak Ahboh 62 Agents, Derrick and C<> Bblai Tin 296 86 pkls. Xi \s :\n Tin 74 J"> pkta. Bn\ an.. Limited '2»>l j. N..t:i Gai-
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  • 38 4 {Fro//: -v.} Ipoh, 1 Mi June. The Times of Malaya i 9 otlicially informed that the Tronoh mines will pty a further dividend of one shilling on July 1. The payment will be made m Ljndjn. .> <
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  • 250 4 The principal I w^re eloetd on Friday afternoon for the midsummer holidays and will be reopened on the rnoroiug of Monday, the 11th July. A piece of the ground on which the Cathedral of the < is is being pegged out as the site for f he future residence of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 249 4 X \jrk .W^k fir^g» At^ |S m mm S^Km Mfr /1* 9^SC' i- r *f,' ma *w^ m 1 v f^ **T» GALDBEOK, MAGCRECOR Go. IS I Case containing two pierced Hallmarked I B|^' Silver Sweet Dishes and Tongs. HaUmarkei Silver Calendar. WEDDING GIFTS. Little's are now showing a choice
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    • 33 4 OUR UNIQUE POSITION OF TWENTY FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE OF JHIS CLIMATE Enables us to give you Best Tone Pianos Best Constructed Pianos Best Finished Pianos AT THE Lowest Prices. ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED.
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    • 60 4 How to Prevent Blood Poison. Carelessness and neglect ar« of blood poiaoning. A cut or b slight, should bvn taWM n jvrf «ood liniment and one that prompt relief from paiu, but I l pl J heals the wound without iuatara: Chamberlain's Pain Balm. When dy ia applied all dan«.;r
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  • 64 5 TV KILLED IN GERMANY. .bmarine Telegraph. Reuter's.) I une p.m. ,:le a crowd of workers on holiday were from a storm m the Jungfraui'.uk m Btrlia yesterday evening, six seventeen severely injured, and hundred slightly injured by a single flisb i \lt tgether nearly fifty persons have been
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  • 118 5 Bodies Recovered. rrespondent at Calais ick recently mcl steamer I \is de Calais •1 into harbour with two huge m her fha first 1> >dy taken out ♦he helmsman. In the opinion \j had been m the only tive days hone d the man had 'ion. m
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  • 222 5 c following subscribers to the < >riental Company have joined since the ppleroen :ary list. This iboold be cut out and posted on the M iy list until a further supple- .cd. 1120 Aik Seng and Co. 12 Cecil Street. LtnuM, A<l Deanrow, Paterson Rd. Che Thai Wong,
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  • 130 5 dsk^l t^ mention that the mber of Commerce have given for canh n the agricultural the A m Horticultural Show. inlerstand thai 11. M, the King has postponed his proposed trip to m the X >yal yacht observer) Mr Keene, of the Taiping Ci.iol staff, who i
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  • 86 5 ROOSEVELT'S NEW PARTY. (By Submarine Telegraph. Reuter'a) Mr. Rjosevelt attended a Club dinner at St. P*o) yesterday which lesulted, according to a statement of the chairman Mr. Halbert, m the formation of a new party as yet unnamed, the leaders of which will hs Mr Ujosevelt, Mr
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  • 43 5 Religious Liberty. BiO. June 1 I, 10.40 a.m. A notable reform has been made m Spain by a decrea publishing the removal of all restrictions on the exercise of non-Citholic religions and permitting the displ ly of emblems, fl igs etc.
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  • 28 5 k.*e. June 13, 9.45 a.m. The observer states that Mr. IJJfour ves'erday replied favourably to Mr. Asqaith'a invitation to a conference about the constitutional question.
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  • 305 5 Mr Hugh Fort writes "I tog you ref*>r to the lite Major as almost the oldest living Singaporean e.vjept General Anson, after W. H. Iliad's death. This is, no doubt correct, but I think A. M. Aitken, the founder of our firm (Donaldson and I'.arkinshaw) must
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  • 159 5 (Ff->i» our "••■it Corrt*} indent) An excellent game of football was played between with Tampin on Saturday last on the Malay College Ground. The ground was a little on the heavy side but from the kick-off till the end the game was fast and exciting. After the opening
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  • 122 5 The Bindmann Opera Cnnpany are m Kobe, aud their productions have met with success. A wealthy Chiuese Darned Chun^r Tan Fing arrived at Hongkong from the MiUy States the other day. He was accompanied by several others and is at present m Canton. It is understood that he has come
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  • 1685 5 UNIVERSAL PHYSICAL AND MILITARY TRAINING FOR BOYS. The tubjoiued ?etter it tob* forwarded \>y j' mail to a certain number of newspaper* mtkin (In United Kinfdom (TNIYEKSAL PHYSICAL AND MILITARY TRAINING FOR HOYS. T<> l hi: Editor. Sir, May I with your kind permission, say a few words primarily intended
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  • 72 5 la the Appeal C^urt, yesterday, the Chief Justice, Sir William Hyadmao Jones and Ju9ticas Fisher and T. de M. Braddell were engaged with the appeal of Gjh Tat Eag m the estate of Gjb S:ew Swee, deceased. This was an appeal from a dec.sion of Mr Justice Sercombe
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  • 160 5 Mr Julius Liy, formerly U. S. Consul at Canton, has just been succeeded as Consul at Capetown, South Africa, by Mr Guuther, Consul at I Vankfort on Main, Germany. That important, highly educited and progressive official, Lang Tungyen, I'resident of the Waiwupu, his determined to resign. He is at present
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 29 5 i eve were fallin.4 fast, an Alpine village paa bite and pure, ti. wbo c Hi. huow and ice, r bort-. tbit advice Tr i Woodb' Great I'epperui.nt Cure
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    • 69 5 Sick Headache. i This digressing ailment results from a disordered condition of the stomach. All that is eneded to effect a core is a dose cr two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. In fact, the attack may be warde3 off, or greatly lessened m severity, by taking a dose
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    • 53 5 I most willingly bear testimony to the great efiOMJ of Grimault's Cigarettes for Asthma. I have had Asthmatic Bronchitis for some time. This winter the attack was almost unbearable. A kind friend gave me a box and I am, thank God, almost a new woman. Tours most gratefully, Maktha Ray,
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    • 216 5 ROBINSON Co KYNOCH'S SPORTING CARTRIDGES Loaded Kynochs New K. S. G. Powder. *PU.L,O Lw* kynoch Loaded &O.LD PER 100. %j£&m/ J per 100. BOHfIX GfIRCRTDO6S The "Banix M is a new paper case with an extra steal lined hsaj under the brass, which makes it much stronger and impossible to
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  • 1226 6 TWO SIDKS TO THE PICTI UK. In convening tbe statutory meeting for the 15tfa tilt, the directors of the Bukit Selangor Rubber Estate*, Ltd state that there are dmcrepatcies between Mr Irving's reports, i 11th and 12th January last, circulated with the prospoctuH, and rcporth by Mr
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 37 6 The Best Physic. Wbaa you want* a physic that is mild and »?ont. to take an 1 certain to act, always u»e CLamberlain'fl Stomach and Liver Tablet*. lor sill- by all Dfap u*ri ta a nd Dealers.
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    • 625 6 For Insect Bites or Chafed Skin, The sooner you apply the toothing, healing action of jCALVERTS Carbolic Ointment The quicker you will get relief from the irritation, :t n c jM Iv M'.-fu! far rait. uMilmi. ewl Vtrn iv ■attseptk prapertwi i for lunbsrn «nd sore eyes, as w-ii mish.tps
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    • 1176 6 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG The steamers of the Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewarde, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Breiuerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking carge at through
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    • 719 6 P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Foi China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for Chins Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and Ameri can Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Delta June 17 Delta
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    • 705 6 N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremer IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail stoan this Company sail fortnightly from Br,Ln Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, South J^ iT Naples, (co.tS Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They
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  • 363 7 RingI i African (TviOV. London, June 1. Mr Botha's Cabinet is favourably received I.- m South Africa but some of the papers view askance tlie preponderance U itch. yir Botha's Cabinet has Dinizulu ranted him a farm and t >oo a year. [ATI London, June 1 md the
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  • 236 7 FIFTY NEW VESSELS. !XAI:V Bill I'IN. riVITY. There is at the present time extraordinary tivity m tbe maritime building trade for the raoawealth, says the Age (May 11th) •t cf "»0 new steamers lias been ordey various companies m order to keep es well up to the world's
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  • 146 7 April May Total. Pikuls. Belat 221 904 Bruang 836 934 Bruaeh 180 200 895 Chenderiang 125 711 Gopeng 720 630 3,445 KamoDing 14,541 8,370 922,921 Kanaboi 267 360 1,598 K »nta 665 2,175 Kinta Association 729 1,461 3,840 Kledang Kramat Pulai 647 1,084 Kuantan 79 230 Lahat 450
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  • 392 7 April May Total. Allagar 2,400 3,100 11,400 Alor Pongsu 1,160 1.870 3,020 Alma 600 600 1,200 Anglo Malay 48,839 47,953 248,983 Ayt-r Kuning 273 833 Balgowrnc 8,673 9,778 42,792 Banteng 1,381 1,716 7,126 Batu Caves 10,952 30,787 Batu Tiga 6,828 6,622 29,832 Bortam 10,003 42,088 Beverlac 6.761
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  • 1250 7 June 13. UAP. 188T7*. i*AID. LABT DIV. BUYERS. SELLERS 85,000 2/ 2/ Allagar Rubber Estates Ltd 7 6 8 0 150,000 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 80% 110 6 112 0 r > 2 1/6 B<ttang Malaka 10 2 Opr 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 50% 14 10 0 15 0
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  • 70 7 (Corrected up to Jane 13 Bank 4ms 2/4f demand 2/4 T 8 T Private credits 3ms 2/4^ credits 6ms 2/4 France, demand Bank... 295 Germany, demand 240 India, T. T, 175* Hongkong, demand 23% die. Yokohama, demand 115 Java, demand l4o| Bangkok, demand 66 Sovereigns, Bank Buying $8.54 Bank
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  • 133 7 Jane 13. Tin# buyers $74 S7* Gam bier buyers ll.tiO Gkxnbier Cube No 1 15.00 i GambierOuoe So. M norn Pepper Black (or*:*. B'pore) 13 50 Pepper, WfaiU (fail) buyers 24 50 Nctmes» (HO to fck« tk)«a B.O<J NTntmeg* (80 to ike Ib.) 22.00 !tffcc« (Bania) norn Ootwb (Amboiaa^
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 261 7 I reat Peppermint Curt for all intery coughs colds Ac. THE YOKOHAMA DOCK Co, Ld. No. 1 Dock. No. 2 Dock. No. 3 Dock. (In Course of Construction) Rocking Length 515 feet Docking Length 376 feet Docking Length 481 feet width of Entrance 80 Width of Entrance 50 Width of
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    • 12 7 YONG FONG, Photographic Studio. High-Cl&is Photographs and Enlargement. 79, SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD.
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    • 12 7 FRASER&'CHALMERS,Ld. Manufacturers of Mining Metallurgical Machinery. Adamson, GilfiDan Co., Ltd. Eastern Agents.
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    • 132 7 De KONTNKLIJKE PAKETVAAIiT MAATSCIIAPPIJ Under Contract with the Netherlands Imdia Government Agents at Singapore, The Ships^ency, Limited, 2-3, CollyerQuay THa^OND«BliBNTIOI«O UATBrf OP DBPABTURB ABB ONLT APPROUMATB JAi'ARA Muntok and Palembang T_ KalmoJ Prigi-Radja and Kengat j" 'f* Brouweb Moeara-Saba, Simpang and Djambi t" van NOORT Batavia, Semarang and Soerabaia T
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 874 7 VESSELS IN PORT. M ff*s* n< l T Commanden Arrived From F* Wh« Sea Mew Col. yacht 500 Coleman June 9 Penang Uncertain Steamem FtaKftTom Master Arrived From Coneijcie* For wL* Amherst Bnt 135 Scott June 12 Pontianak Thong Ek Pontianakl4 Baron Napier Brit 3159 Kennedy June 9 Japan M.
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    • 203 7 PASSENGERS. Per Kinta Mr and Mrs Velge, Mr and Mrs Hart, Miss Mackay, Messrs Somerville, Hildred, Scoalar, Tayler, Macdonald, Minison Mullay, Kilso, Douglas, C. M. Gumming Lushington, R. W. Weeterhout, Cropley, Kow, Tan Eng Kooi, Duvelle, Brossard. Per Tan t?o Mam Mr G. Kondo (Consul) Messrs T. Frevo, S. Yorioka,
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  • 203 8 A Chinaman named Wong Ah Kwee and hi* wife were taken to the Tan T. < •!< Basg Hoe} -iterday morning m a v<rr\ critical ooedition, duo to a fight Intwfeu the couple eariier m the morning. The parties live at a house at
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  • 203 8 A clerk m the employ of a towkay at '2\ K*ll .'1 was sent to collect a debt of $I 9. r > 60 on account of Li* master. After obtaiuiu'. the money he bolted aud has not been seek since. Chong Ah Tye of 70, Pagoda street
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  • 132 8 Cam liw's Ci p. Play m the Ist Round of this competi- 1 tion re*ult?d as follows W. King beat ,J. Kennedy. 3 and 1. K.o Svtn beat W S harrett, 6 and 4 EL Tongue beat J. H. Sunner, 5 and 4 J, L. Campbell beat
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  • 124 8 Mr II St J. Braddell and Mr Firmstone tied with a score of 7»J uett for the "June monthly medal played for on the 11th inst. Mr Brad lell won on the replay, 1 9 Cards were taken out and the followiiL' returned The name of the
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  • 31 8 A sealed mix*d doubles handicap will be played at the Ladies' Liwn Tennis Club on Wedct'.sliy 28 and Thursday J Kutries close at the Club house on Fridai 1"
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  • 179 8 There was a practice Hugger match on the Esplanide last evenic^ between the Whites and Club colours, but much of the interest iv tje game was taken away by the raj 11. <mi .lime 1. i;.t»\vt Colonel Hubert I> Viz ird was to vacate the com mind of the Ist
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  • 1037 8 (Via Ceylon Tub OakLondon, June 8. The race for the <Uks Stakes was run at m this afternoon, with the following result Mr J. Simons Harrison's Rcsedrop, by St. Fru*<|uin— Rosaline 1 Mr J. Quaker's b.f. EvolutioD, by Marco Ste Perpetua 2 Mr Reid Walker's bf. Pernelle, by
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  • 332 8 The strike of Chinese came to a sudden end on Sun ay morning June 5 when conditiocB resumed their wonted aspect. A l>g meeting w;is held at Wat Vanawa on Saturday afternoon when various speakers addressed a cro*d of perhaps five or six thousand people. Proceedings were
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  • 224 8 1 In the circular just issued by the boaid Krubong shareholders have received one of those nasty shocks which are fortunately rare m the Rubber Share Mark:t. As the state ment frankly admits, the difference between the acreage actuaily under cultivation and that given m Mr Connell's report is
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  • 145 8 On the night of the 6th inst. a murder was committed at Tali Ayer Estate, or as it is generally called by Tamil coolies "Mottamalai Tottaiu, near Simpang Lima, when a Kling tindal, named Veerasamy, killed his wife by cutting her throat with an
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  • 596 8 The "Benoa" is Lindicg transhipment cartro. The "Van N >ort arrived at Tanjong Pagar yesterday fr< m B»ti»vi;i. She is loading guanies and general cargo and will return to Batavia. Australian coal is being landed at Tanjong Pagar from the Kattentur." A full cargo of Rangoon rice is
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  • 87 8 H. H. the Sultan of Selangor, c If, g., before leaving Perak paid his first visit as a grandson-in-law to H. H. the Sultan of Penk. QA ICOi His bride remains at Kuala kangsar for three months during which period the Sultan of Selangor
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  • 88 8 The death is announced of the famous German poet and writer, Julius Wolff, at the age of 76. Commander Paary, the American dis coverer of the North Pole, has been received m audience at Buckingham Palace by KiLg George. A much needed improvement 19 being carried out m the Church
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 11 8 The Kiiser will visit Brussels m the iutuuin for the Exhibition.
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    • 169 8 N^^W zdS^r f'/A'i -jtJt^KS^r Netherlands Gutta Percha COMPANY, LIMITED. Singapore Rubber Works. MOTOR TYRES retreaded at Moderate Prices. •RIBBED MATS for Motor Cars. MATS (3ft. x2ft.) for Carriages and Rikishas. ALL kind OF BICYCLE TYRES. Works and Offices— PASSlß. PANJANG, Singapore. Sole Agents— HOOGLANDT and Co., Singapore. KATZ BROS., LTD.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 102 8 WEATHER REPORT. Date Bar Wind Temp Hum Sky Rain June 13. H'kong 10a 29 91 SEI B<3 c Manila 10a 759 Wl 30 26 c H'kong 4p 29 85 SI 86 c Manila 4p 757 BWO 31 27 o Kandang Kerbau Hospital June 12. 1910. 9 am. 3 pm. 9pm
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