The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 1 June 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 142 1 The latest betting on the Derby is given on page 5. The Anti- Opium Conference concluded its sittings yesterday Page 5. B)tba has completed his Cabinet for the Union Parliament of Africi Page 5. A large gathering attended the finals of the Middles x Sports yesterday Page
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  • 1042 1 There was a man m Singapore whose attendances at church might average a trifle over one m a decade. Recantlv he was discovered at an evening servicj. When asked the moving why he did if, the reply was "Well you know Sunday afterno< v got en my nerves to
    H.L.  -  1,042 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 524 1 T¥iirrrr7TzrrTT marlborough IVI ET ALLURGIQUE Th "T» If JL (Science of Meuh) The People s Popular. TO-NIGHT'S EXHIBITION. of nicr B ay B DUE SHORTLY!?? F?re*h ATnwltitm "MeUlUngiqM cars, so universally r Mi HVrWM©«i knowu and admired as tbo perfection ONE 18 HP. FITTED With 2nd SfloW AT 930 P
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    • 127 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Fresh fruit at John Little's Page 4. Secretary wanted for Selangor Club— Page 8 Auction sale of war department stores Page 8. Moutrie and Co. for latest operatic music Page 1. Notice re Elphinstone Estates winding vp Page 2. The Smith Premier typewriter at the Straits Cycle Agency
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 373 1 THE WEEK. Widnksday, June Ist. High Water.- 3 sa, 5. 2 d p Derby Day. Thursday, 2nd High Water 4 27 a 6.20 p P O Mail Homeward due. Philharmonic Orchestra, 5 p Friday, 3rd i High Water.— s 57 a, 7.12 p P A O Mail Outward due. King's
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  • 462 2 Messrs Lloyd- G**ori?o and As.juith By all their Gods they swore That the trreat House of Commons Should buffer wrong no more. Bnl m their camp divided They scarce know friend from foe, F»r some say "Piss th« budget The others cry "No! No." Bif
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  • 306 2 One can hardly over-estimate the impor to dwellers m the Tropics of the discovery of an absolute antidote against snakebites In tbe May Travel and Exploration Of c of the authors of the Outfit for Explorers series (which m this article is concerned with htalth for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 519 2 F<»i over 13 years I have always kept |rd i:i My fa r ofti U M ire that it saved my life v. baa I was vwy yuUD^." parent*, then by the parents, and now by the children. For colds and coughs, croup, bronchitis, la grippe, inflammation m the throat
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    • 840 2 NOTIGBS. Notice NOTICE is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Elphinstone Estates, Limited, will be held at the Registered Office of the Company, No. 7, Battery Road, Singapore, on Monday the sixth day of June, 1910, at 2-30 o'clock m the afternoon, for tbe purpose of passing
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    • 738 2 NOTIGBS. notTceT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all tbe roads and approaches to Cheang Hong Lim Market, belonging to the Estate of Cheang Tew Muey, will be closed to public traffic from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., on Tuesday, the 7th June, 1910. Dated this Ist day of June, 1910.
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    • 561 2 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROY AL CHAM7MR Paid up Capital m 60,000 shares of £20 each f1.200.00r Reserve Fund £1,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 41,200,001 Court of Director*. Sir Montagu Cornish Turner (Chairman). Sir Henry Stewart Cunningham, K.C.I.E. Thomas Cuthbertson, Esq Sir Alfred Dent, K.C.M.G.
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    • 400 2 MANUFACTURERTnTt j INSURANCE Co. OF ESTABLISHED Policiefl are WORI n \vrr r, TKICTED/'^iM^rTALn FORFEITABLE." BLE Claim*, loans, caßh-gnm-nder. promptly 8e «le, by the Singspore without the delay of J**^ Head Office y or 7 The Reserves for protontir, holders are over $20,000,0- Ihe Accounts are sopervi I i J ance
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  • 669 3 BKKB Drinking Stui UTS, n- national and individual grounds the UD 1 th< -students throughout beer drinking habit. I a y ABDUL Hamid. Tii, Berlin Provincial Court has dismissed I j Abdul Han: id (the deposed Turkevi against the lieichs Bank I the return of A'rtttf.OOO of his
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  • 65 3 building laws are less ti m iL.iia, t| c Ei g lab 'U up the building of struc *rete with considerable ln .1 tbe fort most engineers been M-jor Stofc snd a number of re*ervoirH en built to his designs. thai i simple and reliI rcement md cilculation tudit, siuce
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 23 3 Wh Best Physic. «Ui physic that is mild and > takt an j certaia to act, always Stomach and Liver Tab*ll dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 844 3 A. B. Mackay's Liqueur Whisky. The Original Liqueur Whisky! THE OLDEST AND Bf ST. ON SALE EVERYWHERE SOLE AGENTS Adamson, Gilfillan Co., LIMITED. Sngiapore and Penang. Telephone 119. Established 1840 M. SALOMON SON, Dnbashes. Ship Chandlers and Navy Con tractors, General Store and Fresh Provision Suppliers. Office: No. 8, Raffles
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    • 639 3 WANTED. WANTED AT ONCE. Manager to take sole charge of JIMAH RUBBER ESTATE, Negri Sembilan. Only experienced planters need apply, as tapping commences forthwith. Apply with copies of testimonials, and stating salary required, to, THE BORNEO Co., Ltd., Agents, Jimah Rubber Estate, Ltd. June 1 8.6 SELANGOR CLUB. Applications will
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    • 431 3 \M Aw\ u%M I\ TONIC WINE Keeps the Blood cool m spite of the Heat 'Vana' Tonic Wine is an ideal linvigorator for residents m the Tropics. One or two doses daily strengthen body, brain and nerves, and counteract the fatigue and depression produced by extreme heat. 'Vana* Tonic Wine
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  • 22 4 Domestic Occurrences. Birth. Cunliffe.— At Wolverston Dalvey Rd., Tanglin, on the B let inst.. the wife of Percy Cunlifff. of a daughter.
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  • 2136 4 The Singapore Free Press. Wednesday, June 1, 1910. People* richt maintain, <\ by inflo, nbribrd by gain; Tnitli her go ions precepts draw. Pledged to ReKgkm. Loyalty and Lw. No egotism is intended m drawing a comparison between the Port of London and the Port of Singapore as regards the
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  • 713 4 On enquiring last evening Wo formed that Mr Munro's w l %6 much as before. Be remained coiari the doctors hoped for the beat m W A cible was received 19 L mdon yesterday aunounci MrH.o j Ne W lu,l,wbo::1 u, 1 ,wbo::^ lr ci;e i connected with the Straits
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 72 4 Player's naoy J mixture. In lb. Patent Air-Tight Tins. Price 55 cts. obtainable at Robinson Co. FRESH FRUIT JUST ARRIVED A SMALL SHIPMENT OF CHOICE Pears, Quince Apples. Orders must be given for this fruit at once to en* sure obtaining supplies. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. iw?ces Botec. SPECIAL DINNER
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    • 185 4 REASONABLE NOTICE. I, Chu Shu Ming, tbe senior partner of Hean Boon and Company, chop Khoon Hong Chan hereby notify to all concerned that the said firm is being wound up by mutual consent and all creditors of or persons having any claims against the said firm are requested to
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    • 57 4 How to Prevent Blood Poison. Carelessness and neglect ai :^JJJ of blood poisoning. A cot or I slight, Hhould have immediat Tgood liniment and one that B prompt relief from pain, but b heals the wound without waturat Chamberlain's Pain Balm, dy is applied all danger from '^J is avoided.
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  • 87 5 AMAZON NOT CONGO. British Not Belgian. Submarine Telejrriph. Router's) IQorreepondeoee has been published be.ll the Aborigines Protection Society and Edward Grey. The former wrote on May 11th tint m the Congo equalled the horror of tbe ante alleged m the enforced by a British Syndicate at i.ivo
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  • 28 5 lb, of Pontypridd, met Packy md of Chic the National ib for the 1 L.'ht weight champof tbe World, and fought a draw ■at? roui
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  • 21 5 !'"jeived J 17 p.m. on tl c Derby is Lem--v 2 to 1 the others 10 —all offc"
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  • 161 5 A aJent of a home paper says n nth many people will be glad to net once m a lifetime, but I of Laicester, saw this el m 17., when he was sixteen years :in on its rtturn, seventy-live iter. Since the comet's transit oi the tnd reappearance
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  • 107 5 Mr Peacock of the Chinese Protectorate, ed a Chinaman before Mr Robinson, bird magistrate, yesterday afternoon, on a -mg a member of the Ngi Hoa Kok society, an unlawful organisation. Fhree tickets were found m the accused's m a hut off Livender Street. Accused made a lony rbinbling
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  • 74 5 one a n venue officer, aptf r Wolferstaa, m the District ,ourt f afternoon, on an allegation breaking. Court Inspector Ambrose piu m shop keeper of Manila Street •v the night o Mai 8 the two broke open the front door' of his shop 1 m. He seized
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  • 70 5 ial Captain Champion de death was recently remitted suicide with a revolver. '>n Kinloch, member of Parliament Perthshire from •lied at the age of 61. II M uirioe John Macnamara of Regiment, charged with uurder, on April -J^nd, of B Ferdinand Pereira, was ;,l^ted at the Calcutta sessions on M
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  • 101 5 IN THE SCHOOLS. fi(By Submarine Telegraph.— R 3 uter's) Received iy 81st The Elucitional Settlement Committee appoiuted m L9OG has presented an exhaustive report. It proposes a settlement based on the following principles No child shall be compelled to attend a denominational school against the parents' wish. Religious
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  • 49 5 Cabinet Formed. RecMay 31. De Waal, a member of the Afrikander Bond and Colonial Secretary, has been appointed Administrator of Cape Colony under the Union of South Africa. Botha has finally formed a Cabinet including Smuts, Saver, Hestzjg, Malan, Hull, Fisher, Barton, Moor, Graaf, and Gubbins.
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  • 193 5 Closing Session The Ann Opium Conference, commenced at the Anti Opium Society's Hall, Middle Botd, on Monday, was concluded yesterday, Dr Lim Boon Keng again presiding. The remaining resolution whs one urging employers of labour and heads of business houses to fcive their pledge to no longer keep
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  • 155 5 The following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Powell and Co. 'a sale-room yesterday afternoon Two freehold allotments situate at Everton R >ad off Neil Road, area 3,095 square feet. Ang Oon Soon $1,030. Freehold land situate off Confederate Estate Road, area B< 528 square feet,
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  • 186 5 A wreath, consisting of lilies of the valley and white orchids, was sent to Windsor with the following inscription In res pectful and ever loyal memory of our King and Colonel. From all ranks of the Ceylon Volunteer Force." Mr Brooke Smith, of Messrs Jardine, MatheBon and Co who was
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  • 1139 5 The Spring race meeting has come and gone and has been remarkable for several things. la the first place several of the most promising horses were scratched at the last moment and others were upset by having to put m an extra fortnight's work. But as to the
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  • 811 5 NUM EROUS C< mV I, I lONS. Chief Sanitary lospector Mayhew mentioned a case to Mr Wolferstan, senior magistrate, yesterday, m which a dtzen Malabaris were charged with failing to leport a case of smallpox. He asked for a postponement, as one niin was still m the Tan
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  • 26 5 At the 15 ink of England on 21*. h ult. a sum of £2,900 was set aside for the Straits Settlements note guarantee fund gold leserve.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 Colds Are Dargerous. t would mcke an attempt to h m w ucl they are snfo! this changeable weather, be a decided decrease m the neumenia- A few doses yon, i U > Con h K *medy will cure 11 danger of its hanging on ting ia pneumonia may by
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    • 60 5 An infant there was m Madrid, Who could not of the spasms get rid He had a bad cold, and his parents, I'm told, Vainly laboured to soothe li'tle Sid But his uncle, a bookmaking yid, Was enraged by the cries of that kid I'd lay odds now, if you
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    • 338 5 ROBINSON C° IMPROVED "BRITANNIA" AIR RIFLE. CSS^-tfl fi'" w w mm c c y—— -<m^i ■'"T3Mli I ■I I 7~ CC..»».nt.l„. The Improved "Britannia" Air Rifle, (as illustration) well Polished walnut stock, barrel and other parts black finish, cV Polygroove Rifling, best quality, range up to 50 yds. 27.50 The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 548 6 HOME VIA SIBERIA I International Sleeping Car and Express Trains Co. Through tickets for the entire journey from any of the principal points m the Far East to any principal point m Europe or America by the TRANS SIBERIAN ROUTE Thk All -Rail Route. Coupon ticket books to travel by
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    • 715 6 GLEN LINE OF STEAMERS. FOR A UNITED KINGDOM PORT. Tbe ss. GLENLOGAN," 5,838 tons, Captain J. McGregor is due at Singapore early m July. She haa excellent saloon accommodation for saloon passengers. First class fare Singapore to a United Kingdom Port is 9800. For passage apply to BOUSTEAD Co, Agents.
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    • 1173 6 fa OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre and
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    • 727 6 P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Foi China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Arcadia June 3 Arcadia Aug.
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    • 704 6 N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail steam this Company sail fortnightly from p." 8 ot Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp SouM ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connp!? P Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vi™ k Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo P*?* Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai
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  • 231 7 Hoy Scouts m Russia. Boy Scout movement has made a pro ll.' ILWAYB. Xbe Shanghai correspondent of the Morn ihttcn that the now Tientsin Pukow loan of £4,000 0.0 haH been signed. Ie loaD baa been divided between British naucial syndicates. A < iKRMAN INCIDENT. see nation
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  • 271 7 LTIA Value Kac b Time it is sold. Mr Habib, of the linn of Habib, Naham, and "0., tbe Paris dealers m precious stom t, to me the ttatement that the diamond was not ia t^e possession of I. Alexander Habib when the latter perished wreck of
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  • 216 7 Arcadia, due June 3 Mr G M Allman, Mr S. Smith, Mr W. H. Bragg, Mr W. Talmadge, Mr F. G. Ridoit, Mr R A H CramplorD, Mr F. W. Marjrett, Mr T. P. Lambert Mr and Mrs Ball and child. Mr Lemberger, Mr and Mrs
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  • 377 7 Mar. April Total. Allagar 2,000 2,400 8,300 Alor Pongsu 1,160 1,150 Aima 600 600 Anglo Malay 53,167 48,839 201,030 < Ayer Molek 1,344 Ayer Kaning 160 273 H33 Balgownie 9,028 8,673 33,904 Banteng 1,464 1,881 5,410 Batu Caves 13,611 10,952 30,787 Batu Tiga 6,300 6,823 23,183 Bortam
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  • 157 7 I Mar. April Total. Piknls. Belat 252 221 904 Brnang 246 880 934 Bruaeh 144 515 Chenderiang 150 125 711 Gopeng 080 725 2,815 Jeber Kamuning $5 870 14,541 $19,551 Kanaboi 221 267 1,288 Kinta 560 665 2,17« Kinta Association 1,150 729 2,879 Kledang Kramat Pulai 869 647
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  • 1249 7 May 81. Cap. Xsbu*. Paid. LiAstDi*. Buybrb. Sellkrs 85,000 2/ 2/ Allagar Rubber Estates Ltd 6 9 150,000 2/- 2/. Anglo-Malay 80% 19 0 111 0 50,000 2'- I' 6 Batang Malaka 8 6 4 6 30,000 1 1 Batu Caves 50% 16 0 0 17 0 0 80,000
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  • 65 7 (Corrected up to May 31 Bank 4ms 2/4| demand 2/4^ Private credits 3ms 2/4££ credits 6ms 2 4 li France, demand Bank 295 Germany, demand 240 India, T. T 175* Hongkong, demand 235 b Yokohama, demand 114% Java, demand 140* Bangkok, demand CG I Sovereigns, Bank Buying $8.54 Bank
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  • 142 7 May 31. Ti** $7 1 821 Gambier buyers 11.60 Gambier Cube No 1 9m 15.00 Gambier Cube No. 2 norn Pepper Black (ornln. S'fort) 1 3 30 Pepper, White (fab) buyers 25 00 Nutmegs (110 to tke lk.).^ ]8.00 Nutmegs (80 to tke lb.) 22.00 Mace (Banda) norn Cloves
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 248 7 THE YOKOHAMA DOCK Co, Ld. No i Dock. i No. 2 Dock. No. 3 Dock. (In Course of Construction) Rocking Length 515 feet Docking Length 376 feet Docking Length 481 feet J wth of Entrance 80 Width of Entrance 50 Width of Entrance 63 "ater on Blocks 28 Water on
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    • 12 7 YONG PONG,j Photographic Studio. High-Claw Photographs and Enlargement. 79, SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD.
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    • 14 7 FRASER CHALMERS, Ld. Manufacturers of Mining Metallurgical Machinery. Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd. Eastern Agents.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1144 7 VESSELS LN POUT. W1 J 1 nd TonB Commanders Arnved From For Whan Waterwitch Brit survey 62) Lt. Hancock May 24 Kamranh Bay Sea Mew Col. yacht 500 Coleman May 7 Malacca P. Swett. Lucifer Dut Govt 247 v. d. Ham May 27 P. Sambo P. Samboe Hoofel Dut Govt
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  • 1012 8 Pnm Di rnißUTios ci the Governor List e.-pning His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, presented the priz s and diplomas gained by the students attendiug the Medical Schooi at the General Hos pital. A mouget those present were the Bishop of Singapore, the Hon. Dr. Galloway, the
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  • 280 8 Committee's Kkpokt. Keuter's Agency learns that at an early date there will be presented to Parliament the report of the Indian Emigration Committee, appointed m March, 19C9, by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, with the concurrence of Lord Morley. The object of this committee
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  • 261 8 In the I'nited States (says Mr Garvin, writiDg m the Fortnightly Review there is probably at this moment as little positive friendliness to this country as at acy time m living memory. The Japanese Alliance is misinterpreted without the slightest regard to fairness or even to reason.
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  • 302 8 The monthly mi-sionary meeting will be htUin Prinsep Street Church, on Monday nt.w at 1". p.m. and will be addressed by the K -v J. A. B Cook on some aspect i of the M World's Missionary Conference." After '7 years of work, the enormous task of drawing up full
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  • 493 8 In the presence of a large gathering of spectators the final phase of the annual sports of the o*rd Middlesex Regiment took place on Monday, when 15 events were successfully brought to a conclusion with admirable precision, considering that only a little over two hours was available
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  • 91 8 EMPIRE DAY CELEBRATION. The programme for the Malay Athletic Sports to be held on the Ii 111 Reclame tion on Friday next has now been issutd The preliminary heals will be run oft" from 9am. the finals from 2 pm. There is a long list of judges, starters, and cffioials.
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  • 88 8 A fast and well contested game of hockey was nlayed on tbe Esplanade last eveniug between the B. C. C. and the h Dcccan Infautrv. (Juite a number of the Deccans came down from P*,sir Panjang to watcb the game. The soldiers combined well acd at half
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  • 17 8 Members are informed that the ALUs Trophy will be shot for on Thursday.
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  • 139 8 Lieutenant Shirane, of the Japanese Xavv, hopes to lead an expedition to the South Pole m June. C*. vat < >kum.t is giving him every support, while Viscount Terauchi, Marquis KaWura and others are helping with money. At Peking the news (f King Edward's death first became publicly known m
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  • 365 8 Transhipment carg> was loaded on the "B^noa" at Tanj >ug Pjgar yesterday. The "Fook Stng" let r, Tanjong Pagar yesterday afternoon en route for Hongkong. The Euryalus brought to Singapore 72 of the crew of the wrecked B. I. steamer Satara." Seventy horses and 250 tons of general
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  • 357 8 By Lieut Colonel E G. Broadrick, Commandant S. V. C. Singapore, 31st May, l!»10. S. V. A. Orderly officer 2nd Lieut. J. G. Campbell. Orderly Sergt. Sergt. F. Y. Blair. Orderly Corpl. Corpl F. E. Gallimore. Parades on Tuesday. 7th June, Signalling and D. R. F.
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  • 65 8 [In addition to that on page 7] Knivsberg, Ger. 646, Niejabr, May 31 Bangkok, Tan Say Lee, Bongkok 2 Schuylkill, Brit. 3343, Smith, May 31 Manila, Standard Oil Co., Boston Belgravia. Ger. 4205, Hilde» randt, May 31 Hongkong, Behn Meyer, Rotterdam 1 Salfordia, Brit. 3364, Stewart, May 31
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 73 8 Bick Headache. This di'trcßsiu^ ailment results from a disordered condition of the stomach. All that is needed to effect a cure is a dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. In fact, the attack may be wardel off, or greatly lessened m severity, by taking a dose I
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    • 12 8 Woods' Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints dysentry coughs colds Ac.
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    • 45 8 The Annoying Cough. Your cough annoys you. Keep on hacking and tearing the delicate membranes of your throat if you want to be annoyed But if you want relief, W9nt to be cured, take Chamberlam s Cough Remedy. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 282 8 Fresh Australian Pure Creaemry BUTTER. Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LTD. Netherlands Gutta Percha COMPANY LIMITED. Singapore Rubber Works. Matting and Floor-Tiles Specially Suitable for Shipboard Banks, Insurance-Offices, Churches, Hospitals, and all Public Buildings. NOISELESS, VERY DURABLE, WATER-PROOF AND SANITARY. Works and Offices-PASSf R PANJANG, Singapore Sole Agents— HOOGLANDT and Co.,
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