The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 9 September 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 152 1 In Unionist circles a geceral election in November is anticipated Page 5. The question of the Shipping King is again ditcusstd Page 5. The trial of M. A. ToHn at the Assizas commenced yesterday— P.ige B. There was again a good attendance at the Pollards' show last
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  • 990 1 One daj last week, thanks to tbtOMUtW} of the manager, I went over some won:- little woollen mills wonderful, when <>ne considers the short time (only 22 f*tn) that they have l>een established and tfcl d faculties which have had to be surmcuute. 1 to make such an
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 323 1 The Subscription List will close at 3 p.m. on the 9th day of September, 1909. THE ELPHINSTONE ESTATES, LIMITED. (Incorporated under the Companies' Ordinance 1889). Qapital $550,000 Divided into 550,000 Shares of $1 each *r] ch there will be issued to the Vendors or their Nominees 2^2,"00 Shares credited huly
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    • 327 1 CALL AT MOUTRIES' TO HEAR Piano-Player. Made and Guaranteed for this Climate. The cheapest &*undoubtedly THE BEST S. Moutrie Co, Ltd. UNDER HOTEL EUROPE ADIS BUILDINGS. FRASER& CHALMERS, Ld. Manufacturers of Mining Metallurgical Machinery. Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd. Eastern Agents. Art Needlework and Flower Depot, 217, ORCHARD ROAD. ARRANGED FLORAL
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    • 216 1 Entertainments. alfTambra To*Ni£ht t To*Ni&ht 1 1 NE.W PICTURES. Film d'Art. THE TOWER OF NELSE. French Historical Piece. A Drama in 21 Scenes specially adapted for the Cinematograph Show by F. Gaillardt ficm Alezandre Dumas' celebrated work. CASTE. M. Henri Krause of the Theatre Sarah Bernhardt, Paris. M. Alexandre of
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    • 79 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Little's Oriental balm for rheumatism Page 2. Pollards' perform Sketchy Bits tonight —Page 1. Australian marc and dogcart etc. for sale —Page 4. Notice re applications to the Licensing Board —Page 2. Shipping K P.M. and S.S.S. sailing lists Page 6 and 7. Auction sale of iron pipes
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 350 1 THE WEEK. Thursday, 9th i Hiph Water.— 6.36 a. 5.1 S p. S CC. Tennis Tournament. P O Mail Homeward due Lidies' Bisley, Balestier range. "Sketchy Bite." Vic. Theatre, B p Friday, 10th High Water.— S. 2o a., 6.58 j P O Mail Outward due. S.C.C. Tennis Tournament. Taoglin Club
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  • 123 2 Bright is rhe 9uudbine and piwililt the labour, Djwq ia the hayfiald for ma and my neighbour. Sw%Howi skim lightlv acroei the pink clover. Witching us turn the cooks over and over. (Jiilv we work where the peewits are calling. Dawn by the stream where the shadows are
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  • 633 2 A witness who lately refused to answer question! pit by a R>yal eomuii-sion at Melbourne (on hat mating machinery) uuiees ta undertaking were given that his evidence •bonld be treated eontiierjtUlly, has been discharged by the magistrate, who held that it was not the intention of the Legislature thai the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 5 2 Apioline Chapoteaut is superior to
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    • 726 2 NOTHBES. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. Tenders for the following Farms for the year 1910 will be received at the office of the Resident Councillor, Penang, up to noon of the Ist October, 1909 d) The Opium Farm of Penang, Province Wellesley, and the Dindings (ii) The Liquors Farm of Penang, Province Wellesley,
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    • 649 2 Howarth Erskine Ltd. Civil Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders, Boiler Makers, Bridge Builders and General Contractors* 1. Steam, Gas and Oil Engines for all purposes. 2. Boilers and Pumps for every use. 3. Light Railway Rolling Stock and Railway Implements. 4. Rails, Tipping Wagons and Sleepers. 5.
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    • 554 2 BANKS. International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000. Head Office .-—6O Wall Street, New Yoek. London Office Threadneedle House, Bishopsgate Street Within, London EC London Bankers National Provincial Bank of England Ltd. General Foreign Business Transacted. DEPOSITS. Current Deposit Accounts opened and Interest allowed on the daily balances at
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    • 509 2 MANUFACTURERTIJFF tNSUH4»CI Co.. of Canai, a Established ihh? Policies are World-Wide. Non-Forf eiUb u and Indisputable. It has to-day more bu«intBB iu f orQ any other Canadian Lift lnsurau. 5 ever bar; at the same a^e. l r AW claims are promptly pai.j ca^lj surrenders, etc. granted in; B]( application,
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  • 249 3 T ue Japans ban indeed learned their TWf ire more Western than vi »p 9 we may eve:, say more e Germans. There were days Britain was not altogether in lltJßg .v t!i ti-mness in her dealing I ;V Ciiwitll Powers though even ne tended to regard
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  • 222 3 ies, discussed religion stor of one or the largest MKM JetYri-- rprited I Mljiag that he w;is '.w-i^onii 3 but Beams kt u mhiiatftr rrill asst-:." M .t a miniatci was not others hi MM Im vai sinister. ■■•1 also to .I- v iw statement thai there
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  • 197 3 Hi Uxl 19 IN J.\: AN. wjg Mr we, our Com- Tokkft, in his annual re- \m m km beaa going ir and fwsiga Pres3 m to |M i:, 1 fliMdvatttagQl d direct I >int in the discussion concerns .1 p'liiiiiuution of the ill .i awteflnml oi his The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 70 3 AUQTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF Household Furniture and a Valuable Collection of Planks. AT N'O. -21. WILKIK liOAi'. -day. 11th September, at 2 p.m. tag —Polished sideboards, dinner tables, bentwood chairs, rattan i chairs, American upholstered brass bedstead, handsome teat wardr mirro r door, polished wash Ming table Ac. Ac. Also
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    • 632 3 Beautiful Japanese Pottery AND ORIENTAL GOODS GREAT AUCTION SALE OF About HOO pieces of the highest grade at Messrs. E L Coghlan Co's Sale-rooms SATURDAY MONDAY Uth and 13th September, at 10*30 a. m. EACH DAY. The Goods are now on view and comprise:— Beautiful Satsuma Ware; specialities in Cloisonne,
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    • 249 3 IN STOCK AT KUALA LUMPUR. ONE 12 H. P. ONE 14 H. P. GARRETT'S PORTABLE ENGINE QUITE NEW t" 0 At W^few For Sale at Specially Keduced Prices, APPLY TO A. C. HARPER Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, OR THE BORNEO CO., LTD. SINGAPORE. AUCTION SALE OF galvanised Iron Pipes with
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  • 1176 4 The Singapore Free Press. Thursday, Sept. 9, 1909. Here shall tb« Pre>>; th-> feople-- .i^t maintain, 'iawed influence and anbribed bj k&lbj Her* patriot Troth h« ftorioas piecept d.a* c Pledge.! 10 Rr'igiori, Loyalty am Law. The interest which the people of the Straits have in the promulgation of false
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  • 895 4 Mr E W. Bireb, c.M.«., has returned to Perak after his journeymgs up-country into the land of Rahman. The Officers of the Johrre Government are giving a dinner at the Johore Hotel on Sept iHch in honour of the birthday of 11. H. the Sultan. The lepers of the Philippine
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  • 307 4 BswAmo pm U»m< Bi > The heavy downpour < morning did not prevent 1 Governor, Sir John A.nderton his appointment at the Past j tually at 9.90, the (i wernuieni riage drew up at the porch Hig Car I was accompanied by Captain aud Mr Claude Severn, I'
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  • 171 4 Two L'^neral paragraphs of Sil ronng'a Administrdtion kepoit read The year under review was an < ei ally bad one bt the trade of the I not only was the depression thl world felt lien', bn' a> poin 1 br the Chairmen of the Ohaatben -i
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  • 277 4 In the Administration RflpoH Sir Arthur ?***** writes: The country dietriete of Biagi| Prwutoe WtUaelop and Mala I Municipal limtU were pl*OOd Ofl ministration of Rural Hoards. < -u- 1 pore I^-.ind. imm lor Ptaaag j- Province Welleeley and one Em fth The ]>mrds consiht of both officia
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 295 4 JUST LANDED A SMALL SHIPMENT OF JOHN DUNCAN SON'S., (Glasgow) TURKISH AND EGYPTIAN GIGARETTES. In Several Sizes. Condition Guaranteed. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co. SPECIAL WINCHESTER ikHUHC I O. SPECIALLY MADS AND STRUNG FOR THE TROPICS. YE/ %plj£r* PER DOZ. Ayres Championship Tennis Balls $7.00 Ayres Championship Handicap Tennis Balls $5.75 Ayres
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    • 146 4 THE "MANSION" Entrance Oxley Rise and River Valley Road. High-Class Boarding Hause* 25 comfortable and well appointed Rooms. Tennis Court and Commanding Viaw. Terms Moderate. Telephone 563. G. R. Lambert Co., LIMITED. Oar firm having had the privilege to take 30 different subjects of PHOTOGRAPHS Of the Visit of H.
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    • 54 5 iriM Tdwpraph, Eeuter'd) Km Sept 6 20 pm. N r LafebttC who Wftf ohm of the -p-* 1 r»*l Bhflims has been 1st trying I Mi American biphtne H» I *:ie i.-hice BacUflnlj i bttgbt f thirtv feet, and um 1 firal boooori at Rhaiau to* •fcabiKty,
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    • 17 5 >p tent it 3t ,1 jhu's rv IiMM to be the 'irs 1 man
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    • 35 5 R dived at 4- pm. k M Stun I before the ri l in tho pmnmcu m I tanaark and P inoe bis praiwuljj the GoM Me Uu to the Bxpkxnr,
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    • 32 5 Didn't Know it, But Must Have Been There. r C *A u; BOl claim to have eiactq I f :he VAe, but bis M »h©w*d tbU Im must have Li ind it.
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    • 24 5 n il I itl tog i. dial among Unionist btn f tht Omwkhm Unl there will be suction :ti N jveuiber.
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  • 84 5 I P tllard'i LiHipatiani are j Koala Lumper bv train on i morning, and wul open at the c 'i. m Monday night. I: is an BBgn i lot the railway, and the i «*t c-t hopeies?!*- tired with their they have had the chance I g
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  • 123 5 -rory :..-s got a v id relating to the Prime Mmiitfrr, Signor Gioiitti. One B paid a .-:t to bifl aatire town of B Pk too at, for !..-> purpose of aea > Igiog ...s weal r-i-election as chair:::aa ct I cOOToiV n whose affairs he ver
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  • 183 5 ■P"i riling from PdkUt says iplc of daji ago a little boy, ap- .i fen mouths Id, was t\>und float- b I m Bain kl ng tied to a raft n trunks. The youngster, ve'v an i apparently healthy, taken tarjn ol by kindly disposed I Sam I
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  • 40 5 Bowel Complaint in Children. ■> a when teething are liable to attacks i an<] this trouble, especially in Wlbltt, should never be neglected. tf medicine in use for ailments of this b Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Remedy, When reduced with water
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  • 56 5 xMore Talk of Reduction. (By Submarine Telegraph.— Reuter's) Mr Asquirh, replying toqaeetioMregarding the renewed interest awakened in Gerrnaaj on the subject of a possible agreement on Mi armament, said that any intimation of Germany's desire to consider such an arrangement would meet, with the most oordial response from
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  • 99 5 Times Welcomes and Prophesies. Received at 10.10 am. Fhfl Fimsi payi tribute to the judgment and enrage of the Prince Etegsnt of China, tad to the ability displayed bv Marquis [join and Liang Tun Yen in effecting an imioble iettkment between Chini aud Japan, and trusts the wav
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  • 19 5 Recerred'at 10.22 a.m. The increases on the August imports amount to £56,705,056 j on the exports £1,772,024.
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  • 19 5 The betting on the St. Lager is. Bayardo B—ll.8 11. Minor u 9 4. Bachelor's Double 100—8.
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  • 24 5 The natives of New Britain have murdered an English ketch- master and a native crew of ten, aft-erwards looting the ketch. > <
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  • 365 5 Altnoagh at the present moment coolies from Southern IndU are coming into Malaya in an eminently satisfactory manner, the labour question has been by no means rinally solved and must always remain a vital factor in the prosperity of the planting industry, The reduction of costs
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  • 91 5 In the High Court at Edinburgh the trial was concluded of Wilson, MacWhirter, Stafford, Clelland, and Maeßne, the five directors of the Mutual Bank, Glasgow. The jury, after an absence of 75 minutes, returned a unanimous verdict, finding the prisoners not guilty in respect of the 1904
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  • 40 5 Don't Take the Risk. When you have a bad cough or cold do not let it drag along until it becomes chronic or devtlope into an attack of pneumonia, but give it the attention it deserves and get rid of
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  • 243 5 The Gaikty Girl. An enthusiastic, if not a crowded audi ence, attended at the Victoria Theatre last night to witness the performance of the Gaiety Girl. The whole comedy from beginning tc end went with a swing, encores being frequent and responded to in the heaitiest manner by
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  • 291 5 {Via Hongkong Canton Kan kow Railway. Shanghai, 30th August. The Cantonese merchants in Shanghai whc are shareholders in the Canton-Hankow Railway Co are of the opinion that as the new Canton Viceroy has been in Canton before tc conduct an investigation into the affairs of the Canton- Hankow
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  • 192 5 Dr. Anton Breinl, of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, has been appointed director of the newly- founded School of Tropical Medicine in Western Australia. Dr. Breinl has had a remarkable and rery distinguished career. For many years he was first assistant to Professor Chiara
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  • 78 5 fc_._^ The Pittsburg correspondent of an American paper states that Mr Pitcairn, formerly assistant to the president of the Pennsylvania Railway, his left a fortune estimated at £3,000,000 to his widow. His will conta;nei only twelve lines of typewriting. The shortest will on record was that left by Mr. F.
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  • 645 5 NONE SO BLIND c It was Sir Arthur Young's Report on the Administration of the Straits last year that called particular notice to the damage the trade of the Colony was suffering from, in respect of the operations of the Shipping Conferences, which keep awaj tramp steamers and
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  • 112 5 This handsome cricket trophy, presented by Sir RUph Paget K. C. M. G, to be competed for alternately in Bangkok and Singapore is now on view in the S. C. C. pavilion, where it will remain for a few days. Bangkok, as is known, have been the
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  • 140 5 There is only one cuke for Rheumatism that has reached a world-wide popularity and reputation. There are many remedies sold for the relief and cure of Rheumatism, but there is only one cure that can be considered as having a universal reputation, without a rival, and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 ROBINSON Co. THE CASH SALE AFFORDS A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR PURCHASING "Bedsteads" "Crockery" "Glassware" "Household Linen" Once a Year and Once a Year ONLY ROBINSON Co. IV. D. <t o. IV/I.LS. THREE CASTLES "MAGNUMS" A LARGE HAND-MADE CIGARETTE. Pac/tetf v f^--^^^-f pr/ce n8 MAGNUMS' hree Casti( s 55 ce/ite 50's
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  • 398 6 The pries* quoted are generally those current at Clyde Tenare Market. At the other markets there may be small variations. Singapore, Sept, Bth, 1909. Beans, Lotuj per cutty 4 do. French do 15 Beef per R 16 Beef Steak do. 18 Bean Sprouts per catty 2 Btaanvboo
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 93 6 Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This reiaedy has been in use for over thirty years and has proved itself to be the most successful remedy yet discovered for bowel complaints. It never fails- Sold by all dealers Insure your Motor Car! AND COVER YOURSELF against result of CAR ACCIDENTS.
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    • 473 6 (I? kafris wealth 'V^T^N indeed, espe- t cially to a wo/,W.%/'man. If your /?Y'!< hair falls out, is v^Sf^X too thin, or is los\Mf<& IDS S COIOr > USe It will remove all dandruff, and will give you thick, long, glossy, and beautiful hair. Accept no substitute. Be Bure you
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    • 1260 6 SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerbaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo at
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    • 1036 6 SHIPPING. j P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANT. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Throngh Bills of Lading »BnfH4 for Ohina Ooast, Perglan Gulf, Oo&tinental and American Ports. Steamers will laavt Singapore oa or abort MAJL LINES. Outward (for China) Delta Sept 10
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  • 1084 7 Cap. Issuk. Paid. LastDiv. Buyers. Sellers. 150,000 8/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 12* Int. 15/- 15 3 30.000 1 1 Bitu Caves 10 5 2 6 5 5 0 80,000 1 1 Bitu Tiga (Salangor) 5 1 18 0 1 19 0 *****0 I 1 BukitKajang 2 4 0 2 5
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  • 67 7 (Corrected Pf M Baft B Bank 4 111 s o 4 iwwuid 24 Private creuits Bin g B/441 $m§ 2/4*l Fran, e, demand Bank... 2M| <4ekmany, demand 239 jln '!a- T. T, 175? HoWfIKOWO* -lemand 24-.%dia. I Vokohama, demand nom. 1134 Java, demand 140 Bangkok' demand <jtf J Sovereigns,
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  • 142 7 b )f o "f 1 I i^.Bo Gun bier buyers 12.00 Gambier Oube No. 1 14.17' G-ambier On be No. 2 w 12.00* p «ppcrBlack (orCm. B'pore) buyers 12 75 Pepper, White (fair buyers If 75 Nutmeg. (110 to tks Ib.)— 16.00 Nutmegs (80 to tie ii.) 22 00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 510 7 On the Berth. SHiRE LINE OF STEAMERS LTD. roa LONDON ANTWERP. at PSNAKO, CJOIjOMBO ac. fS.3.* 1 IAKMAKTHENSHIUE ;.L. Dan!- 1, 1; N.E., wiil be I :th above i >i ta on or about the Bl accomiuodation for 50 aic room, saioke room 0 Bade decks, electric fans in bed
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    • 665 7 TO LET. STORAGE GODOWN TO LET. Ground rtoor (concrete) area 3,444 s-l« ftLight tirst rioor area 1,000 square feet. Ground rtoor about 2 ft. above level of street. Two cart-loading entrances in Selangor Street, and one in Trafalgar Street. Situation of Godown adjacent to Tanjong I Pa^ar Dock Property oil
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    • 2 7 Eacl p.
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    • 57 7 ARRIVAL OF NEW STOCK. C ACG I N O A N D CO. v per do/.. H try Oood Pnre Table CLARET 9 4.60 CHUKTI WINS, KtaH ...$l2 half-litres i e, Ifaßflafra WDiK, Mj.l t ajta J ...^l2 PETER MACKENZIE PURE OLD WHISKY Best Ever known I 180 duty f'r'ee
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 841 7 VESSELS I^N FORT. P*1 a°d Tone Commander* Arrived From For Whea Watermtcfa H M.S. survey 630 Douglas July 23 P. Swettenham UncerUin bteamerg Fla« Tons Master Arrived From Consignee For Wh«Amaerst Brit 135 Scott Aug 31 Pontiannk Thong FA Pontianak Ban Hong Liong Brit 71 > Rushton Sept 7 Bangkok
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    • 65 7 *m «t Wext Mal1 Frcra Europe.—Per P Delta, on Friday next, with mails of Aug 20. From .China.—Per P. i). Devanha toMf* m M AILB ALREADY DIBPATCHED FOE LOHDOK. wnv KFT, Dui Arrivid L J^ J f«** Au^7 J Aug :{•> f* Q J^ M1 >HlJt 5 j£ L 9
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  • 935 8 ACCUSED AT THE ASSIZES. A SPECIAL JUKY SWORN. Martin Alexander Tobirj, chief clerk in the water department of the Municipality, appeared before the Chief Justice, Sir "William Hyndman Jones, and a special jury at the Assizes yesterday on thiee charges of criminal breach of truat as a
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  • 789 8 Harris Vs. Neo Pep: Keng. This part- heard case in the District Civil Court before Mr. Saunders was resumed l vesterday morciosr at 11 30, Mr. Montagu Harris, the plaintiff appearing in person, and Mr. Elliot (Rodyk and Davidson) appearing t for the defendant. f The case deals
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  • 120 8 OVER HI'XDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS DAMAGE. A tire broke out on Aug. 29 just at break of day between 4 and 5 o'clock in the morning at a shop, No. 60, Chuk-wang-sa, outside the Eastern suburb, in the vicinity of the Canton-Kowloon Railway Station building near Taisha-tau,
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  • 395 8 Owing to the bad state of the ground there was no Tennis yesterday. TODAY'S TIES. Championship. Cox v Denny 8. Nunneley v Mugliston. Green v Salzmann. A Singles. Ransford owe 4 v Cameron rec. 1 to finish. B Single. Brandt owe 2 y Godfrey rec.
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  • 351 8 Great Ebor Handicap. Great Ebor Handicap Plate— Of I.OOC sovs. 1 j miles. Mr J. !S. Morrison's br c Dibs, by Blairfinde- -Greek Girl, 4yrs Higgs Mr W. Hall Walker's br c Royal Realm, by Persimmon Sandblast, 4 yrs Lynham Mr P. Nelke's ch c Lagos, by
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  • 983 8 Tbe Dutch mail steamer "Koning Willem I having left Sabang on the 7th inst. at 7 pm. may be expected to arrive here to-day at 4 pm. The Andalusia belonging to the H.A.L. company after loading in the roads with Malayan produce, left yesterday afternoon for Europe. The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 41 8 How to Prevent Blood Poison. Carelessness and neglect are the chief causes of blood poisoDing. A cut or bruise, however slight, should have immediate attention. A good liniment and one that not only gives nrnmnt relief from oain. but beine antisentirv
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    • 17 8 W. J. GARCIA (Corner of) ORCHARD ROAD. For Good, Cheap, Reliable Pianos new, secondhand and for hire.
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    • 281 8 FUSS ELL* S iI GREEN BUTTERFLY" BRAND MILK 4 ITusselTsl |^^ZED:IMPROVED^> ALL DEALERS KEEP STOCK*. SOLE ACENTS PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD., Singapore or Penang. KELLY WALSH, Ltd, Singapore A few really good Stationery Lines SANDFORD'S PREMIUM WRITING FLUID.— a Blue Black Ink wfafefa writes a Mgkl t and dries an
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