The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 August 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 141 1 Tbere Eoeins to be ficmftthine: of a dispu'e below the statement of Mr Hildano in bis refusal to pub'ish the letter of resignation of the Mediterranean command by the J> ike of Connauglit Page 5. The Emperor and Empress of Russia are now at Cow€ Band will
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  • 806 1 Al.iuai has been underneath shadow and eeeu the spiiits leckonii— trom the Door of the Earth," said th< < y,], gi incing at a young man seated on :i 1. ulder near the sea shore .it Budoh, w! weakly ar pcararce denoted a blow recovery from a long
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 419 1 John Leckie's Reliable English Harness Superior, Serviceable Single Harness. l! !60 conjplotc. Cob -55 eouip!. Pony size *47. 50 compli tc. [ndadiag kicking strap and bearing rtin wit'j Liverpool, SnalHo or Wilson bit. BRASS MOUNTED IN BLACK OR BROWN LEATHER KATZ BROS., Ltd. I A VERITABLE EYE-OPENER! J act frcm
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    • 81 1 iVe Lead Competition Follows. new PIANOS >x hike ff^mmm rKI: month rUNING REGULAR ATTENTION INCLUSIVE. S. MOUTRIE $f Co., Ltd. EUBOPE HOTEL BUILDINGS. DANISH STERILIZED MILK "CLOVFB 1 BBAKD THE EAST ASIATIC Co., Ltd. SOLE IMPORTEKS. Juno 26 26 8 Art Nee< lework and Flower Depot, 217, ORCHARD BOAD. ARRANGED
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    • 240 1 ALHAMBRA P To-Nf ght To-Night!! At 9-30. Film dArt A STREET WAIF. Colombo end its Environs. The Champion Weight Lifter. Anatole's Wedding. Supported by other New Pictures. L. SCHWARTZ, Manager HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH NOBTIJ BIUDGE BOAD. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Commencing To-Day. Saturday, July 3 1 at 9-30 p.m. L. F. AVILLIS
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    • 115 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Wanteds Coconut Estate situation as apothecary Page 4. Auction sales Powell and Co. 100 bag> Siam Rice; Hong Tye of Malacca unredeemed auction pledges. Cogblan and Co., Mr Napior.s furniture and bard-wood logs Page 3. Pure Milk supplied iv scaled bottles Page 2. Dunlop tyres raised 2~> per
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 337 1 THE WEEK. WHDNHSDAY, 4th Hi*"h Water t—0.85 a 11/6 p C. W. Association 4 30 p Bazaar, Memorial Hall, S p Thursday, sth aitfh Wator.— l.l o a. B I Mail Homeward closes 3 p N.D.L. Mail Outwiid due. FIiIDAY, 6th High Water.— o 44 a., 1.48 p Municipal Commission,
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  • 154 2 I i be&otifo] wf»itli»r ti 7*. II oj. 1 BMftftMJ '> 0..M--p tit irs i n. ..ri for tli»i «t«n contested. Tbe condition* and moments left do to t>e desired, and tb© entries cjmj. y «\tb tLo«j of Mrs \V V. D ...-I iss of Ip-.h. Mr,
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  • 154 2 CRIMINAL APPEAL S. of tin irt of ippul. writes in the auuuil report. Asi-s p^i li .p>, only fco '>■ wher^ :t ri^ht < free from expense and without fdar of an enhancement of fcentenc*. in tny t -^nvji'ted persons apj *»«!••<! totka Court <>f Appeal upon totally mad» <j>i
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  • 99 2 In pursuance of an expensive scheme for dim* the promising are<t« of land throughout Formosa, an electric power station is now l»eing constructed at Cbikushtinon, which will take two years, and will cost £93,000 Work is now proceeding on an aqueduct at Shichito, in the centre of
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  • 128 2 Considerable speculation exists as to the introduction of public motor <trs in Kowloon. The f.trt that the Government has fixed the fires as between tbe Ferry and Hunghoui is taken to mean that someone has a scheme in his mind. It is believed that a round service lap|
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  • 263 2 Ii i l<-ath has taken place of Mr Craig. bett« r knowu as th< Surrey poet," and a general favourite at the Oval and most of the r cricket ami football grounds in the neighbourhood of London. Craig was a York•hireman, but many y« ars
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  • 558 2 AFTKR LOS!N<; Hill CIIILDKRN IN TfIREE VKAHS OWIN(i TO JmOPSY, THB LIFR OF TMK FOI.'KTH U -\S JMVED ItY doan's Backaohi Kidmh Film. To cv<ry wife this wonderful record of fond hr)peB thrice shatt( n <i, an<l j :>y aud happiness at last, cannot fail to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 170 2 NOTIGES. SINGAPORE CJLD STORAGE 00., UifTß. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Transfer Register will be closed from Tuesday the 27th July, to Monday 9th August, both days inclusive. By order of the Directors. H. O. HODDER, Secretary. July M 10.8 Two clean Booklets on Sexual Questions sent in
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    • 529 2 LEONG GHEONG Co, -TAILORS AND OUTFITTERS 61, High Street. i iU! ii li LJ 1 %II L Greatly Reduced Prices from Aug. i to 15/ 09. Tweeds, Coatings, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Shirtings, Flannels, Shirts, Hats, Helmets, Tweed Caps, Spectacles, Telescopes and Toilet Requisites Etc. LEONG GHEONG Go. BARUGH Co. The Straits
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    • 542 2 NOTIGES. NOTICE. IN THE GOODS OF Horatio Gay James (Deceased.) Pursuant to the Conveyancing and Law of Property Ordinance VI of 1886 Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands upon or against the estate of Horatio Gay James deceased late of Syed
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    • 536 2 BANKS. International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000. Head Ofiice 6O Wall Street, New Yoke. London Office Thrcadneedle House, Bißhopsgate Street Within, London EC. London Bankers National Provincial Bank of England Ltd. General Foreign Business Transacted. DEPOSIT 3. Current Deposit Accounts opened And Interest allowed on the daily balances
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    • 493 2 HVSUR7JNGES. FEDERAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada. Established 1882. INSURANCE in Force, Over 935,900,000 NEW Business, 1908, Over #6,000,000 NET SURPLUS above liabilities for reserve and all outHtandim,' claims, over $2,035,000 (Straits Currency.) J. H. EVANS, Manager, South Eastern Ama, The Borneo Co., Ltd. General Agente, Singapore. Jane 9 jq
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  • 376 3 By Lieut Colon. X Brostdri k, Com «iandaaft» 8. V. Biap -tt. TU» i pore Kite Association will t*ke place on Sundaj August loth, a 1 i V A. OiderSj c.lfi.-er for ensuing Vttl Lieot •rly 8«r <,-t^ .1 V de \y corj>or I I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 153 3 AUQTtOMS. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Household Furniture Tin: Pi oi TilK Exm. v>-..t. NAPIKR, AT DEANROW. PATERSON ROAD Saturday, 28th August. H. L. COGHLAIi Co., Auctioneers. Avu' u.r. AUCTION SALE OF MOO Bnss Si am Rice. 11 two tv ore LI A 1 LI ' Q To M
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    • 700 3 MORTGAGEE'S SALE Tuesday. ICth August, at 2-30 p. m. U. and 42 Dickfon Road, Kiugi p<-ro tow v, 1471 snuan fict. leasehold U ytar>,. <iuit rent 12. POWELL Co Auc icneen Au 4 ii. x TO CONTRACTORS ~V| AUCTION SALE OF HARDWOOD LOGS At Messrs. Hcwarlh Ermine's Works Tuesday, 10th
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    • 528 3 -r I THE 'United Asbestos Oriental Agency, LtA Hongkong, Shanghai, Singapore. S mmmmmmmm n JW A^bf stcs Sieara Kckings and Jointings. Wire ropes, Manila ropes etc. flexible Metallic Tubing for Fire Engines. Briliiantshine for Brass work Amoured fubing for electiic cables. Motor car oi! S ar,d Rea r crease Ant!
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  • 26 4 Lot 4 .i' tl,- P-.->v Ttople f i-'a^j. < .in.' >mi" <■ i t "I'll h .>;• rioa v r >l to Ur!n;u,i, f iifHj
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  • 1266 4 Wednesday, Aug. 4, 1909. Probably the name "Malay Peninsula." will last as long forward as it has backward n ticv.>. IE tho name is thought about at all, it will insist on a recognition that the Malay race was the owner and possessor of the land when the conquering European
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  • 781 4 Mr Justice Sorcombe Smith his gone to Malacca for the Assizes. Theßelfield bridge over i he river at Klan^ if the largest road bridge iv the Federated Milvy S :itf'.s. ft has four spans of 1 -IS feet md cost $260,000. After its numerous aud satisfactory internal improvements, the Alhambra
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  • 80 4 Kuil.l Lumpur, Au^r :l. The following have boon iavitcl to represent tho F«danbUd Mihv BftUti 'j.m«t Urn OoliMij at oriekot next wco'k ing. Bndberj (Captain) Oaaaoa, Oorbtttt, Q ham, Greeahill, Gronior, Henucf-s j, Mi r ird, M. X nsifl Pallttn, ThompS3u, and Martin reserve. The following selections hay
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  • 18 4 >J.) Tboouiput of the Toogkab Harbour Ha dn Iging 0 nipanv for July 1,202 jrkuls .> <
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  • 186 4 TJie oatpat of drj rubber from the NordAßftl 1. jtp )r o Johora Babhftr Co Ltd for the m Julj was i n> lbs. niakivg a told tor kkt current yeir of 10\774 I Lamadboh r ks. The Manager raporti rubbar crop harrett daring month of .Inly >
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  • 90 4 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. inform us that the general luUMger, Ling^'i Plantation*. Ltd advises that tlie t »t;il a m >vat of Irj rubber harvested on the whole of the < p\Bj*t estat. s duiijg the past month w«i<t 18,000 lbs. miking th* total for the seven
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  • 36 4 The total quintify of tin ore q\\> »rte<l DJ the tributors OO Urn 1 uui of tho "i: .Jobore Tin M.uinj? C >„ Ltd., dunu« tU month ofJulj was 188 bags— P.kuls 1
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  • 170 4 The only lodo mine now being work**! in the W'dcrate.l Malay States is that belonging to tho Kaub Australian (Jold Mining Company I be following shows the h^ures of t.l > crushed and gold obtained at tin- I; ml, \un trahon Gold Mine in l'ahantf during Tuns crushed. Oa»
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  • 78 4 (1 i m rim, At the Assize Court, yesterday, au namod K ma Sidambram I'illay", a clork m a:cheUy firm, was charged with wilfully and with intent to dtfrand, onutliu a t>ar ticular payment from his books. t, m P bell appeared for the Daputv 1 übhc
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 240 4 THE GARRICK CIGARETTE ES" .:>\\\\>'.: lABBTTB. |Wm|jg^S Price 60 cents par Tin. MESSRS. JOHN LITTLE C 3, LTD. ROBINSON CO. JLITTLE S Have now on Show in their AN3IV PREMISES a large and well selected Stock of Saddles and Saddlery Requisites. I INSPECTION INVITED. JAPANESE DENTIST. CHARGES MODBR4TB. WORK GUARANTEED.
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    • 77 4 The Robinson Piano COMPANY, LIMITED. Pianoforte Tuners and Repairers. Estimates and Expert opinion |on worn and unsatisfactory instruments Free of Charge. Tunings Singly or by Monthly Contract executed by Skilled Tuners from Messrs Ch>p3ll Co., The Orchestrelle Co., Etc., London. Repairing and Regulating of Player-Pianos, Pianolas, Etc. a speciality Telephone
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    • 84 4 DUNLOP Motor Tyres Prices have been Advanced df 3 CENT FROM IST AUGUST. SYMB Go.. Tigents. TO THOSE HOMEWARD BOUND J. Campbell Latham Co., Court, Naval Military Tailors 59, Conduit Stheet, LONDON, W. Mr. H. C DISS. Mar 80 ws p4 uc. RAFFLESHOTEL SPECIAL DINNER SATURDAY NIGHT 7th August, 1909.
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    • 60 4 Proper Treatment for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. The great mortality from dysentery and diarrhoea is due to a lack of proper treatment at the first stages of the disease. Chamber lam's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is a reliable and effective medicine, and when given in reasonable time will prevent any
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    • 53 4 Infantile Cholora Any unusual looseness of a child's bowel« during th« hot weather should boawar^ o mother,. Infantile cholera may dcv,i O p ma few hours, and prompt action should bo .akon to avoid it- Chamberlains Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Ken.edy, followed b, a dose «f cantor oil, will check
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  • 395 5 manor and putv, n E Ifij <; mm l\»rrott, tbara -the next t li«e Agribortj Cricket, r the N .t ye Bi t.) the SulUn -»f X "lih aud a visit to Kuili i nor expocta to be aw.iv «t. iring tbe abteoca oa duty of the GoneJ ComaMadiag, accompanying
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  • 130 5 (M\ Submarine Telegraph. R^uVer'g) I Aof. :5, 10.5 a.m. I T- If m<l '1'- ilVtl arrived at Cjwcs on board tbt I»nporitl >ianddrt escorted by 15 itish arid JJu>>..ia vvirships. i}i I V »een g~e?tei them cor'l; illy. Kec. Aug. 4 pm. At tb« bir:.|'i;f oa board
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  • 94 5 Unfriendliness Denied. Tl-.e i; ri-' Poreiga Offij* has is«u*d a I tinp'i tti'. denial tv the story from Yionui which is printed in a IJjrlin paper, implying that the meeting of His Majttty p.l t! Emptror Francis at Idchl in VMS was of an unfriendly character owing
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  • 72 5 Progress Being Made. Mr Hul3anehis introdusad a supplementary artnv estimate for 678,000 under the beading <>t aeronautics. la d jing so he said that Vickerg, Son and Maxim wore boildiftg i rigid airship at least as large as the Z?ppelein and cipible of OMVjiag twenty men. This would
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  • 237 5 One of the puz/les at tbe piesent moment in Turkey is tbe att tude of the Abinians towards the new order of things The tribesmen are well- disposed towards the Empire, but they look on the Foung Turks with coasidii able suspicion, as men who are dofiroai
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  • 228 5 A-ked once wbat he considered the two IbmA things he Lad teen in England, an Anglican visitor replied promptly, Windsor C.ustle and the London policeman." And everybody will rend with genuine pleasure t'i it the King iias approved of the establishment of a medal to be called
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  • 1315 5 In view of the MLtraoidiaary outbursts of wild exoneration which have onanated from Penang over tho past race meeting, one approaches the .subject with acme diffidence, duo Umlj to the fact that an attempt to ask for reasonable criticism and considered statement, niiy be tv. isted into aa
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  • 41 5 The July competition altheTamrlia Club resulted as follows: W. L)wther Kemp 768 <IO 828 an 641 100 801 H. hieeinan 7-K, 20 760 .1. Robertson 80 7:{5 E.A. Cle.var 537 170 697 >• E. AVorsley Tajlof 587 100 687
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  • 205 5 S.C.C. vs R.a.A. and RE. There are apparontlv few hockey enthu siasts in Singapore outside the regular pljy. ers. Quite an interesting mitch was plavoi on the EapLiuade list evening, but there was only a mere handful of spectators. The game was betwoen an S.C.C. team and
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  • 357 5 Puns of Italian Socialists. The Italians are watching the attempt in England to OTganixa a campaign agaiuat the visit of the T«ur with inteuae iuterest, &.s they, too, h ive a Hsusian qmstion which i 3 fast reaching an acute stage. The Socialists here ara determined, or
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  • 65 5 Our Dxily Menu, constructed freni tb<± following advertisement in a Brighton local paper "Fancy Delaines in many smart Bhapes, some with htnall eqiare collar and fancy border, Sale Price, 12s. f>d others semifitting, very smartly cut and many of them daintily trioimed silk, quite suitable for breakfast." The Brighton BbiakFjUV.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 Don't Ignore Slight Injuries. Don't neglect giving every cut, wound or braise prompt attention. Blood porno n may appear and an ugly scar or even the loss of a limb result. Chamborlain'H Pain Balm m an antiseptic, heals the wound rapidly and all 1 danger is avoided by its use.
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  • 596 6 The E bMBUX Tho Malay M.»il gif tho falloiriog dotnilsof the scene in the Temple. Th-! unin e^tranco pasain^ across an op n passage we came to what may be oharaeteriv.d M Ikf mmmi portion of tho temple. This consisted of a ore-stor* j ♦difiop, witli
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 13 6 v i /MS£g&AfeA\Zs. vtr TH F Singapore Soda Water. Established over 25 years.
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    • 690 6 fcj&t&fe The Best OB Zl> Drops i^*»» fi Arc Drop* V& ofAyer'g I \J Cherry Pectoral. Rxt« pom ago phy;->ician3 first cttcd Ayor'n Cherry Pectoral, and ever since then it has been the sted coagh remedy all over the worM. Thousnnds of families, in Ewf i, Africa, ar.d America, p
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    • 1147 6 SHIPPING. HAMBURG AM E RIKA LINE, HAMBURG. Tho Bteamers oi this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are denpatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Brcinerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking
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    • 667 6 SHIPPING. O STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, ISediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London, Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gull, Oontmsntal and American Ports. Steamsrs will leave Singapore on ot about mail Uiti:b. Outward {for China) Devanha Aug IB Himalaya St
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    • 685 6 SHIPPING. Apcar Line. The undermentioned mall steamers of the above company maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan calling: at P*nang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons. B.H. Japan 6,0 1; i J. <i. OliA s.s. Gregory Apcar 4,606 S. H. 1 b.s. Arratoon Apcar 4,510 A.
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  • 920 7 £150,000 IE7 062.10 j Anglo M^y Rub\*r Go 7100 C 1 17 6 h Coutrib. 7.5.0 •200.000 151.200* 10 10 BaJgownie Rubber ud. 48 00 30.00(1 20. 187.10/- 1 I Batu Caves Rubber Ooy. Loa. 55 0 90,004 70.0C0 1 1 Bate Tiga (Selangor) Rubber Co. Ltd. 1.17.0
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  • 229 7 Auk. 2. Resident Scliieff, Dut. str., Unus, for Rhio. Glenfalloeb, Brit. str., Hainsworth, for Penang Hai Nam, Brit, str., Phillips, for Muar and Malacca. Sbibt'toro Maru, Jap. str, Atatinii. for Sourabaya. Perak, Brit, str, Quine, for T. Ansou via ports. Calypso, Brit, str., Bannatyne, for Penan* aad Deli. Segura,
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  • 68 7 (Cobi p to Aug. 3 Biot 4in s M 2/4^ demand t 2 4/^ Private credits om h 2/4 credits 8■ s %l Fkani r, demand Bank 2!>4 G-BmHAHT, domand 2381 FKDIA.T.T 175| H..N..K..N.,, -I taand 24j%di«. Yokohama, demand nom. 113* Java, demaud 1894 BaJTOkox' demand c>s 80TBBnavt, I'.vnk
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  • 146 7 Aug. 3 T*-* $67.35 Gimbier M M M buyers 9.90 G*mbier Cube No. 1 13«0 Oambier Oub« No. "2 12.00 Pepper Black (ord«. B'port) buyers 11*50 Pepper, White (fair buyers 18.12' Nutmegs (110 to tb» lV)^, 16.00 Nutmeg* (80 to the Ik) 22. C0 Mace (Banda) norn Gloves (Amboina)
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  • 83 7 Per Bin Hon^ Lion*; i Mr^rett. Per Poh Ami i Mr Ramford, Mr Daring, Tionie. Mails aj.rbai-y dihmtchid for Londoit. Lib ft Dua Akrivbi* MM June 28 July 21 July-'t PAO July 2 July 21 July 2* NDL July July 28 B I July 8 J«l] M M
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 415 7 On the Berth. THE EAST-ASIATIC CO.. LTD. lOi< Copenhagen and St. Peteisburg. Tin- Danish -I \M from Hongkong on and v.ill reeeivu ;i prompt i ir* apply to THI Co, Ltd., Jits. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan ports. < i i man M imcr Bl BIX)* tens, b, having
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    • 628 7 TO LET. TO LET Struan, 7 1 ill, Grange ltoad. 1 bed rooms. Ample stalling. Tennis lawn. Gas and Water laid on Apply to T. Mi MAY ROHF-RTSON, WaMm Place. Au^. v.c HOUSE TO LET. MUGHTLAND.—- Modern built Compound H :>, Cuppagft Koad, water laid on Apply to LKE PBI
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    • 307 7 THE YOKOHAMA DOCK Co, Ld. No 1 Dock No. 2 Dock No. 3 Dock. I f n Course of Const iv' ion) Docking Length 515 feet Docking Length 376 feet Docking Length 481 feet Width of Entrance 80 Width of Entrance 50 Wi it hof Entrance 63 Water on Blccks
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 329 7 VESSELS IN FORT. Craighall Brit 2966 Low July Udl 7 T L ncer a tt DeEereos g»» »95 H,,yk,uan July 31 Ba n dj,r m a«inSi,, P A^ncy naj er mmiiya Bi tl7 J3 Riebardson July 21 Fremantla Bonstead xeesta Brit 3ft2B Willis July :M Madras Boustead M-.drua 5 raNttAni
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  • 543 8 P.itavia, July :i<>. -me t your readers way remember I»rofeator C. A I BvotkonJ «f. vbt passed through Singapore some months ag<\ on bit ••ray to T.rutsiu. He appealed against a oenteccd of ttipritOMMM tbora aiM aflat ■ome delay t. I h is Ofdoftd his release t>n the
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  • 418 8 Dm i P Might vone bovsoholders were It tore the B ni"t igtstratc lU rdu\ who bad received notices from tho Municipality on account of holing, their pwiscs in a filthy rjndition and l or not rt moving night-soil ce 4 c Tlipv were lint din MUM ranging
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  • 499 8 I Efiftiffcmf Japan's Volunteer Fj.eet. Tokyo. July 20. "11 io Japan Marino Association Las decided to build a third Volunteer auxiliary convertiblecruiser of a size and t-i-eed greater thau the pr« ceding Sakura Maru and tho I'mcgaka M »ru. Macao J>i:i/m.tation\ IVking, July M. Viceroy Chanp. han sent
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  • 182 8 "C" Coy. v M F. H The above teams met at Tanglin last evening before a fair crowd of spectators. Alter about twenty minutes play Mtxstead opened the scoie for F with a very stiff shot. Play ruled very even and "F" en ited over with a
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  • 37 8 At XoniKinton liunge yester-lav morning the following was the order of Ul9 teams which tired. Pirtt:—M*laj Stafe* Guides, 2ud B.d IfiddtotCl Kit! Srd '.'!'ih Deccans. i.h. Navy. The Voi nutters will iiie on Saturday.
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  • 527 8 The following new looks will be ready for issue on Friday Bejjbie, Harold, The Cage. Belloo, H., A Change in the Cabinet. Bretherton, R. H An Honest Man. Conyers, Dorothea, Tbe Conversion of Con Cregan. Crawfurd, 0., Ihe League of the White Hand. Duncan, Norman, Every Man for
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  • 191 8 Sir Percy Girouard, whom the King has appointed to be Governor and Cornmander-in Chief oi the East Africau Protectorate, is one of Kitchener's young men, although all who know him admit that even without K. of K. he would have made his mark in the world. He is
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  • 841 8 The outward German Packet Hmlow left Colombo at 1 p.m. on Saturday, the 31st ultimo, and may be expected to arrive here at noon to-morrow, the sth iusfant. The B. I. Contract Packet Taroba, with the London mails of the lGth ultimo, left Negapatam at 10 p m.
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  • 86 8 Wharves and Docks at which different veB3tl< were lerihed f€st*ricy. But Wharf Basin— Hong Be*, Tancarville Im4 Wharf Sec I— K-ilomo, On Baajf, Craiffhal] Section I— Sheers Wharf— Nil N 2— Teesti. 3 Cejlon Ma:u. 4 Patani. M s—Japara.5 Japara. 6— Nil n
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 51 8 Sold the World Over. We have in stock many colic and diarrhoea mi diciiii ■>.'" says R. M. White, a prominent J iui -rchaot of Turtle Bayou, Tex., C. S. A., but sell more of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera md Diarrhoea Remedy than of all otherg put iogetLer. For sale by
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    • 22 8 CHANCE OF ADDRESS W. J. GARCIA Piano Music Dealer has removed to larger premises Situate at 219, Orchard Koad. (COBN XII OF)
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    • 218 8 pi^, N "HAZELINE* -M 'w<M^ delightful balm for the skin t keeps it soft and smooth velvet. Preserves the beauty JlAiri n,- £j; I of the complexion. A boon *<IL. L,JLIiI 1/' 1 m tropical climates, imparts an jMO\V" y exquisite sense of coolness and '•/ts*Mtir>sJ&^' i comfort when hot
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