The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 30 June 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 93 1 The French seamen's strike at Marseilles is over Page 5. The handicaps for Siturdav's sports at the S. C C are given on p.<ge H. The Turkish Army is l>eiug called out in anticipation of possible trouble with Greece over Crete Page 5. A subcommittee of the
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  • 1310 1 The food aid isajrilkia -^av^ m> f r «.rn mv franßda," m.v i of inaptly in these latter dajl be paraphraHod Bafi BMJ fntn my tenants" To many of us minor till with whom the Jiaftij lotting of tho BOIMMjBia matter of course— and of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 180 1 KATZ BROTHERS, Ly m\\ SBBBBBBaaI BBBBBBBBBBBBbI ********************1 fl r 1 I fl ■aaaaßßßßsl fl bbbmT^^ Bk Ta»- JaflgvLi': fl bbbbbbbb! fl bbbv B IyBBSiP bbuSbbl bBB V^sTZ BbW IK flHaai ..S' II fl bsbbbbbßbHl asm aass? mmkm aaat HH fl B -138 B fl B a^Bßßal B BBr aßKaßßaail' i
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    • 108 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Kat/. Bros, groat clearance sale Pag< I Rubber tyred gig and horse for sale Pigi 6. Rooms to let in Sopbia road Pagi: Lost a red Chow dog Page 4. Auction of engine oil and in BW and da maged goods ex the Kalomo Page 6. Sale of
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 422 1 THE WEEK. Wbdnbsday, X th High Wster i— 9.81 a 8 8 p Anglo-Chinese Free School prize giving If .3 a V.M.C.A. Lecture. Presby. Church, 8.4 6 p Thursday. July 1 High Water.— 22 a., 8.48 p P A O Mail Hoaieward due. M. M. Mail Outward due 2 p.
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  • 448 2 There is a wise mm in Germans', He has ivered what s beard means. It is not, as you might have supposed, a question of how Btraer looks best that deterfltiaat tin growth of hair, hut something much deeper. 'I h< heard reveals Iha
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  • 268 2 A JIM.ES VBBNIAN Sl'i'ißSTl v i v i i of the delights of the %layan climate in drawn by an ing»n ouh rrespondent pi tht Civil aad Military i then li" iatt himself soar into the wing di//y flights of imagination Who, thinking of tho cold,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 643 2 Givil Engineering Dept: No. 3, Boat Quay. L£\ cc\ \y»* Ferro- Concrete 0 \l#a Specialists. KVJ V w^ AGENC,ES \\r\i> IPOH AND PENANG. Y^XA" Shipbuilders, Electrical and Marine Engineers. NOTIGES. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. Tenders will be n 1 al the Colonial -< r. kary'i Oflloa, up t<. noon of the sth
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    • 488 2 NOTIGES. J MUNICIPAL NOTICE. "j Christian Cemetery I Bukit Timah road. f The Municipal Commissioners of tho Town of Singapore hereby give notice that after the .'{lst December next the Christian Cemotery at Bukit Timah Itoad will be closed for burials except in the case of interments in reserved plots
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    • 276 2 NOTICES, JOHORE RAILWAY NOTICE. Through trains will be run between Singapore, Johore, and the Federated Malay States from Ist July next as follows Singapore (Tank Road) dep 7-05 a.m. Johore Bharu arr 8-09 a.m. dep 817 a.m. Gemas arr 208 p.m. Kuala Lumpur arr 7-15 p.m. Kuala Lumpur dep 705
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    • 572 2 BANKS. International Banking Corporation. IAPITALand SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000. Ikad Office 6O Wall Street, New York. -.ONDON%ffice Throadneodlo House, Biahopsgato Street Within, London EC. ..ondon Bankers National Provincial Bank of England Ltd. General Foreign Business Transacted. DEPOSITS. Current Deposit Accounts opened and interest allowed on the daily balances at th ate
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    • 486 2 INSURANCES. FEDERAL LIFE Assurance Company of f^n^ia. Ebtahlibhbd 1882. INSURANCE m Roi at, Orafl t35, 900,000 NEW BuAineat, i r §6,000,000 NET SURPLUS abovr liaaHiUaa for reserve and all outstanding i d over (2,035,000 (Straits Cnrrtn J. H. EVANS, Manager, South EatUrm A ass. Thk Bornko Co., LTD. Ch ucral
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  • 177 3 Thun th* T»n«Mi of India The t\>- #«twn*n tbe V ara meat an It lie Msssageries Maritimes wss bam her on May 26th and j Jaw '2nd, aad aroased aerara cr there snd in ths Pi r-'or s pa twenty J..- f% ia to reueiv. wßaidj oi
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  • 86 3 A of of O Idfell i in be Mil 1 tate y incl> are k is, arbel Ifr I aaberabip ol tin* 1 D I >'< aad 70 years < f Km ploy* rs >dednul w««»«Lly from aaajat •v\it :i s ,i!»d BUppOS iyer bb ego 1
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  • 45 3 -1 li tioa with 11, u li <.l tii<* al kve killed 1 .in \mm tbe I 1 t.«w ag oaaa) Ha-.-.. Sir .1.1.n II 1 1 tiip 11 baa 1 i Sir John i»*t ni f Baoetl t M
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 75 3 AUCTION SALE OF Chinese Household Furnit>ure no< H J I X 11 v\ 1 1. 180 On Sa*uiday, 3rd July, at 3 v m aeaa aartad aad gilt Mtin^ room suHe, orH, 4 teapoys and 2 haalat Ohiaaaa carved and gilt loat tables Kilt, r.uddliu B 1 ..rvi <l and
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    • 482 3 GOUT. 6 YKbBH Cubki*. >fr James Vick, of Avon Cottagf, HathI- 'gland, i* w« II kuown and reMpocted. Be wriu-s DBBI Sirs— I raaaaßßßai that about BBBBt year* w I eaaaad to thsnk yon personslly for the backache Kidney Pill* had done U 1^ now nearly ft yoar« BBaßt I
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    • 887 3 AUGTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF DAMAGED GOODS Ex S. S. KALOMO TO BE HELD AT GQDOWN A, KEPPEL RD. (Adjacent to the Tanjong Pagar Police Station On Friday. 2nd July, at 93 0 a. m. For Particulars See Circulars. POWELL Co., Auctioneers. dune 80 3.7 TANGLIN AUCTION SALE OF Excellent Teak
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    • 265 3 I BUCHANAN'S FAMOUS "BLACK WHITE" Ml absolutely the />esf ra/i/e obtainable. J UatOßWt 1 E uaa»a 1 mm The reputation of this blend has been JHB built UP on the Solid Basis of Quali- >^«* h a Sa ty and Age, and RsFl NO CHANGE ™c house or cosboib a
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  • 1614 4 The Singapore Free Press. Wednesday, June 30, 1909. MAm Vr^i. ihr r-ovle right maintain, I iw] bt influeiur arwl unbribeti bt gain Hon in tn.,t Truth h?r precepts draw, PW«mI to Relizion. I.oyalty and Law. Singapore's industrial companies have always been on the alert for work outside the Colony and
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  • 26 4 Some of the Colonial represent* 'area of the Press Conference were in the City yeaterday. There don't aeem to be many teetotalers amongst them." (Winning Poet.)
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  • 66 4 BIG PRICE FOR VALLOMBROSA SHEET. {Fro,,, IVnang June 2*. Ret. 1 0.55 pat. Our London atMwoul ...kl. ■Beoial rubber correspondent sends us a sneeiui j »*>«cial cable stating that at the rublwr siles nafcd lt% v v 1 1 v .1 una 26, Vallombrosa smoked shata 'i< d
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  • Correspondence.
    • 167 4 I uk Editob. .rS.r,— Why the out burst of the Weakly Topieist re the OOBMMtal on -»f to; dsata aoutence on Otaar Slater, aud why the ah of Lord Ptatlaad I'lesmuiblv the gentlemen who foUoaad the ovidaaat bi nH aloaarf vara the tit gentlemen of tlo jury, an
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  • 479 4 O.i Monday night the 99th Daaoaa Itv fan fry Lines were loft in At it 8881 Salt a I n lamps being carrie<l away. nes for the Mixed Foursome ai tat S. C C. to bo played on the t close on Thursdiy. The cases before the Ap; day were
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 305 4 (IV. D. H. O. WILLS. THREE CASTLES "MAGNUMS" I A LARGS HANDMADE CIGARETTE ca» Packed i -^^-------------^ij Price 'he MAGNUMS' tAf' Three Ca s! 1 1 :s 55 cents 50 f S I Cigarcltcs fl/r,c/is/i* I per Tin* rißa a HID. J I a) L) W.D&HO Wills jj J# Bristol
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    • 234 4 Entertainments. ALHAMBRA Gigantic Success! HUNDREDS REFUSED ADMISSION!! House full at* 8-30 p. m. on Saturday. BURNS vs. JOHNSON. WORLD'S HEAVY WEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. Owing to the Sameness of Rounds 6, 7,8,9, 10. THESE WILL BE OMITTED. PRICES. Reserved Seats $2. I nreHerved $1 50. Third Chairs $1. Fourth, 50 cts., for
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  • 45 5 HIE CRETAN STUMBLLMG BLOCK. (Hy *er's) .lune 19, 10 p m. grains fi m Beloaika state tint tlie Turks ar*" tary prepara- ,ni I r. 1..-. ii I li*« '1 i i frontier have been or I any contact with i rka
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  • 20 5 Trouble '1. Bad <dli- U^n diaraUaaal or p 808 with th'- tn< nt policy ul mimX I <ntici.l
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  • 14 5 ime Service. il reservists M ifaesQai I Ihi iii ii) boa's 1
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  • 14 5 It ia ex; Barlaß th ,t Prince Hue- aithifl i ht.
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  • 140 5 M I aba SuiiM), in dm I I [ft, Vest, rd ia aa frora polioa ni.ig Mr Varboroagfa ai Eat the bi laal Booh Kun. fThiaoßß rhah bbi Bag Pagar Dock. Tha < lv Mi Grraaa, tha second aa i oharga at theft ai t Her
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  • 96 5 the Biurdarad II < >mi ir ,ue i tho tT.H-t thai ha L hare 1 ad to thi drain m < ba i .ml. bafora daylight and t!: tl hi clutched at the ii t i,. b ink a bea put there. 1 1 is t sti
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  • 195 5 'hin .in in a is y< J <Jo for paw la th, m afault, H. I raOff and party who hive "•••ii to Pahaag tor the royal wedding are 9 Bg ipon 'rning. Couaeil haa diraatad tha attea< i t uei il officer! commanding to the t that in some
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  • 73 5 A SECTIONAL REPORT. State of the Home Fleet. (Hy Submarine Telegraph— Router's) li- di?ed at '.<; p.oi. Tbe JUily Mill states that it is understood that the investigition of the sub-com-mittee of the Imperii I Mfence Committee, lie statement made by Lord Charles Heresford as to the
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  • 40 5 Balloon Trip Delayed. R aaaaad at l<> 15 urn. Tli*- Balaßßß afcad for the Wellman Arctic Kxpedition bis been blown down at Spit/ ber^Pn in a B>la is doubtful if a start now l>e made in 1909. j
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  • 17 5 BaoaiTßd Jaaa 19th, at 10.33 am. Thr«*e small failures are reported on the Sl .<•!. Exchange.
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  • 159 5 A Paris contemporary has made a discovery ***** rning our English p«nta. Ps recalling the curious phenomenon of the Servian Coronation stamps, on frhlofa the head of the murdered King Alexander can h. 8888 by •ng th, head of King Peter, only the peculiarity in the pt BBBi
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  • 124 5 Tbe editor of tha Tha Toaag Uaa" suggests that the coming of the airship will <ially affeol the diltusion <.f the Ooapal throughout th. world. H, looks forward with confidence to the day when th. Irat ■nary airship will sail with a ptecfoai ■f heroic hearts and copies
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  • 58 5 The Committee of Ihi Chinese Girls' Bcfa >ol wish to thank most war-nly, all the kind friends who ooatribatad so Uurgalj ton. ikiog the Silo of Work j BDOTOBI. both by their gBBBn us and varied gifts, ami their personal help and presence a t
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  • 252 5 Ifaa haa baaa aaaotiaad as a laol-aaiag animal. From the earliest times he his used tools for obtaining food, and for defensive and efl-nsive purpoaaa. Ir is only during com} times, however, that ho his made m whine tools. [|ssjf OOBBbIbI state of civilisation they are of the itaportaaoa iaatat
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  • 1264 5 If the eleven selected to represent Knir. land for tbe match which begins to-morrjw cannot put up a really cloae fight, then we may say good-bye to all hopes of ultimate hnghsh victory. It would be hard to pick i team which is so likely to bat well
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  • 425 5 esterday before Mr Green Tan Ah Keng told the story of the gang robbery at Dunlopst on June 12. He owned a laundry i and was asleep on the counter at t am.,! when a man roused him by catching hold of his neck and putting
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  • 171 5 On I>eich X >ad ground list evening, a good crowd of spectators, looked on at the match between T. P. I r>ck and M trine Tolioe in the third round of the Ooliaaa Shield competition. The T. P. I). te;im in the earlier part of the first
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  • 176 5 1 >r i riflaiaal breach of trust, Sedambram Piliaj vsis yesterday committed for trial He was ag-eut for iha firm of N. M. N. Cbetty and failed to give a satisfactory account of the stewardship. Tin Kirn Siantr and Ko Yong Cheng, were brought l.afore Mr. Green yesterday for tbe
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 74 5 An American Newapaper Man Recommends a Well Known Remedy. Nwt t following editorial ap T*arcd in th« I'm tertown, MiNsouri. I*. S. A., I<eader Tha <.iitor knows by personal ex i- ru-n that Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will eu re diarrhoea, •ad we have heard like testimonials from
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    • 54 5 Fain in the Stomach. It in most annoying, as well as disagree able, to be troubled with pains in the stomach, and there is no need of it, for one done of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy will allay the pain. Try it once and be convinced. For
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    • 18 5 The following resolution passed by the Am&teur Athletic Association will be welcomed by members of His Majesty forces.
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    • 47 5 Get It Today. Do not fleglect your family. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is sue to be needed when least expected. It costs but a small amount to keep this medicine always on hand and it in economy in the end For sale by all dealer?.
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    • 361 5 I Robinson Co. a v GENTLEMEN'S wis,' Amw 1 iHr Complete Outfitters. 1j j m Z 1L# Dark NNay»v y» I>ark Green facings as illustration, > or in all white. m a. ItS- ■>?& NEW COAT SWEATEES A SPtENDID GOtFER. Ls7 per pair. ALL SIZES. tV. SPECIALLY WATERPROOFED SOLES UPPERS.
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    • 72 5 THE J "CRAG" HOTEL. SANATORIUM, I PENANG HILLS. A perfect health resort and I ■an ideal spot for spending I holidays and week-ends. Crisp and bracing atmos- 1 I phere. Bungalows for fami- 1 j lies; also single and double a I rooms. I TENNIS, BILIMRDS, 1 CROQUET. I SARKIES
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  • 376 6 Hi»ai. io thk Panama Canal. An important agreement baa bei uds»i between here.- A of tl <• |bb»bbbJ hnea bb ejtoarasrs opersting on the i >nd the North Atl.ii- rfaaa of eonvejiaaj cargo to anl f way of the lataaiaa uaatapac, M» ko, serosa which a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 67 6 the sincapore and straits Housekeepers Day Book. CONTAINS UAZAAR ACCOUNT, COOK'S CASH ACCOUNT, BEEF AND MUTTON ACCOUNT, DH OBIES ACCOUNT. Price $f.50 per copy. Publishers FRASER NEAVE, Limited. WAVERLEY HOTEL 59, HILL STREET. Has been Newly Furnished and Thoroughly renovated and will be opened under New Management on Thursday, April
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    • 535 6 SHIPPING. Apcar Line. The undermentioned mall steamers of the above company maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan calling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong; Sl Shanghai en route. FLEKT. Tons. Commander. S.B. Japan 6,013 J. O. Olifent. s.s. Gregory Apcar 4,fiob* S. H. Bclson. a. a. Arratoon Apcar 4,510 A.
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    • 715 6 SHIPPING BURNS PHILP LINE. SINGAPORE TO 'JAVA POETS, PORT DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND BRISBANE AND SYDNEY, ALSO TAKING CARGO FOR OTHER NORTH QUEENSLAND PORTS, BRITISH NEW GUINEA, NEW BRITAIN AND NEW ZEALAND PORTS (with transhipment) as inducement offers Smooth passage -Superb Scenery. A regular monthly service to above ports is maintained
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    • 567 6 SHIPPING. HAMBimGAMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. Tbe steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hambnrg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo at through
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    • 696 6 SHIPPING. p. d. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Porta, Plymouth and London, Through Billa of Lading lssaed for China Coast, Poraian Gulf, Continental and American Porta. Steamer* srtn lease Singapore oa or aboot MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Delta July I Delta
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    • 596 6 SHIPPING. MX. Norddeutscher Lloyd, BrerueIMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LIN? The fast and well-known mail steamers »f thia Company asd fortnightly from 1 Hamburg vis Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southaui, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connection MarsNaples, Alexsndris and vioe versa) Port SaW, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hocbjbkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki k Kobe to Yok. hanss.
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  • 931 7 e«f>it»l I.,o« Paid laMMd paid op Va!«« O p Compaaj. Buyers •300,000 300,000 10 10 BeUt Tin Mining 00. Ltd 600 ♦300,000 225.000 10 10 Bruang Limited 700 $600,000 600,000 10 10 Bra** Hydraulic Tin H. Co. La 800 4500,000 444,769 1 1 Duff Development 00. Ltd t <>5
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  • 64 7 r i-» Jaaa demand Private end its m s g j o' m a 2 4 T FbaHCB, deenand Bank 298 Qbbb let, demand 2418 .T. T, 174* Hoeqeoeo, <lomind I 'l dta. mama, demand aom. lift Java, daeasVaal \,{<j > Baeoeoe' '11 md <;•, SOTBBEXOBB, Link Buying $H
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  • 134 7 June 2 v $«727; Qarooier huy«r* I Oambiar Cube No. 1 Id d7| Gam bier On be No. 2 12.00 Pepper ßlack (ordn. B'pore) BBjafi 1 1 H7; Pepper, White ffsir bajera l&M Nutmeg* (110 to the Ik.)_ Notmega (80 to the lb.) Mace (Bands) Gloves (Amboina) mm ,7^
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 350 7 On the Berth. WIAtfO CALCUTTA steamer 1 r ,H „v; .nsUßt. snd will m 30th idem, leas a I rBAO I < Agents. 1.7 .i)0-CHINA. S. N. Co., Ltd. HONGKONd LM br. is due here o*l I Will t>. d, spat' 'he luosday, the B<>th instant, for I is
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    • 672 7 TO LET. TO LET. Immediate Entry, Ground floor of No. 11, Lloyd itoad, 4 large rooms, 8 bath rooms, and stabling. That spacious and conveniently situated office at I) Almeida street, lately occupied iby Messrs. Sharpe, Ross A Co., Ltd. Immediate Entry. Apply No. 1, M\<\\ Stkkkt. Also the adjoining
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    • 116 7 ''"'BsaßaaßiaaßßßßKsaaaaaßasnaßßß BBBa*aBaBBBBBBsa**BBBBiS3 I W^^\ Sledge Milks. I W iß^^^ra 1 AN N W BE OBTAINED AS FOLLOWS: 8 JK^j^^iii;' I ure Sterilized. Intins of one pint, 8 fc^^^Spi^i-- tumbler, and cup size. M KlrrN Condensed Unsweetened in no- I sf hy Gi r minal one pound half pound tins. T
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    • 126 7 DE KONINKLIJKE PAXETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. OtfDlß CONTRACT WITH THS NtrHaHUNI.H IMDIA 'iOVSSNBBMT. Amenta at Singapore, The Shipaagency, Limited, 2-3, Collyer Qnay. TMJJNDBR MENTIONED DATES OF DKPARTURB ARB ONLY APPROXIMATE. Van Dikmkn Muntok, Bliajoe, .Socoßoi Liat, Pan k kal .'inang, Koba and Toboali >#i T aaa r.ROUWER MocaraSaba, Simpanß and Jai-aka
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 626 7 VESB E L 8 1 N PORT. tSSST Mwt*^"™ J*£L A 7^° Krom 1 rlta Antenor Bnt.T.i>. Ht/iland June 2 K Saigon«ld I ....JZj u Brit 12? R„„,H ,l I ,n-25A D a m h« T H.V, 1,, A J.J!, ssrcgg e,. ass M^ssa. Carlyle Brit 881 Sanderson
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    • 77 7 WEATHER REPORT. BE) Bar Wind Temp Horn Sky Rsaa I BI B*aeaaf 10a WI M cc ManiJs lo A 761 j; Kandang Kerbas Hospital, J I*o*. a.m. 6 fJB. 9r m Barom. 82 Fab. 7.;* ffi Temp. Wet Bulb Ther. 7 H 5 Dir. of Wmd I \w iU\m^ Max.
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  • 979 8 APPEAL T<> THK SUPREME OOTJBt Jrix.%l I Ml: J aY <»MBB In the Supreme Court, yesterday, Mr .Juatoe Sercombe Smith delivered judgment in the Tr id society caae. His Lordship aaid Ity S. :l of "The Societies Ordinance 1- Society' includts any aasociatiou of two or more persona
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  • 1246 8 The report of the Hoyal Commission on Shipping Uinga, gives a clear if discreet account of the ingenious ayatem by means of which a large part of the sea transport of this country haa been organiaed into a partial monopoly. The general public knows little of
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  • 484 8 The following events will ba contested, on Thursday, tho Ist and Friday. 2nd duly, commencing at 4 45 pm, iharp. THURSDAY. Btbet No. 2 loo Yari.s S. b%x< b. Ist Prize I 'resented by Messrs. Robinson A Co. First Heat.— l F. J. Blvth. 2
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  • 38 8 RESULT OF YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Championship. Tan Soo Bin beat Choo Sian Kiai 6—l <;— 4. B Sinoi.ks (Final Sect Hock Seng owe 9 beat Wee Kirn Hoe owe 10, 6 4, 6 2.
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  • 92 8 The S, C. C. got a surprise last evening when they took on the Officers of the Garrison at hockey. The military had by far the best of the game throughout, and eventually retired winners of a good game by six goals to oDe. The ground was slippery
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  • 344 8 It ia notified that heavy gun practicewill take place from Pasir Panjang Battery on the 2nd proximo commencing at 10 am. Captain Moss haa temporarily taken tbe command of tbe local steamer Singapore, during the time that Captain Fripp is indisposed. The outward French mail steamer Caledonien will
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  • 269 8 The principal toll-gate on the world's ocean highways is the Suez Canal. Its annual returns consequently afford a very fail index of the general tiead of maritime business. It is not suprisiug to faud an ap nreciable decrease in revenue during IHOH. The drop is as much
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  • 107 8 (Compiled for the Singapore Free Press.") Date of passing Anjer Nationality and Description of vessel Captain's name Where and when sailed Destination. June 16. Dut. str., Malany Bakkor Rotterdam, Batavia. June 16 Brit, str., Alconda Smith New V. irk, April 19 Sauarang. June 18. Dut. str., Madura
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 42 8 A Remedy That Never Faila. mutt, i 1.. E sever* su attack of diarrhoea may be, Chamberlain a t lie, Cholera and luarrhocs H<m«dy never fails to give re lisf. bni cannot aflord to be without it. For .asxle by all dealer*
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    • 71 8 Colic and Diarrheoa Cured. After an hour's suffering from cramp colic or diarrhoea, the beet remedy obtainable can not give relief too quickly. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the best medicine in use for these ills. It always gives prompt relief even in the most severe and dangerous
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    • 82 8 feather Report. June 29. H'kong 4 p 29.76 BWB 84 oq Manila 4p. 757 Calm 30 26 o H. L. COGHLAN (SS COS AUCTION SALESJuly 2. Sale of 5 in. Theodolite. July 2 .'ta Sale of Valuable Furniture at Adis Lodge. W. J. GARCIA 50, Bras Basah Bead. Cheapest Music
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    • 262 8 W 'VAN A' /!f*^\ Tonic Wine u/j\ A S M The ,deal p ick-me-up" rjfV^NA" A vitalising tonic specially „.„< d for use ir> toSe^tne j tropical climates. II mamam mtm mmm I i i i i Uispels lassitude and rlrpgajaaliijii. gj strength, energy and .appetite, and aid.-. Smt Km
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