The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 21 June 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 104 1 The Hus-Mian official explanation of tiring on the Woodl urn is that klih did not li»vive to. The stoker his received a solatium for his wounds from the Tsar I'««^ rt 1 An accident is reported t.» Urn X itsanjf, a fortunately witho\it loss of life, though
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  • 1152 1 The whole world of English literature baal.--:i lored Ihi poorer through the "■■ting of Gtoorga Iferoditb, at once the idnowltdgtd BMtflrofottf language, and .i writer of WM *bo mi^ht t ik.> rank with Iht tii,r,i p gti |f lt fntmm If* Two day* Ago, that* took
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 546 1 and Feloeco /f \1 a yptian Cigarettes 1 i U nd. I UCCA t I A Loxurf to the Man or Taste Robinson and Co and other hiijh-class Tobacconist* MWMSjIIWgSJSMSJBS^ i, l .yt..- Entertainments. THE Gaiety Cinematograph. FOOT OF FORT CANNING. GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. EVERY Wednesdays and Saturdays. Tfct
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    • 303 1 Entertainments. ALHAMBRA THE MANAGEMENT draw special attention to the BURNS-JOHNSON Fight Pk tire:; N EXT FRI DAY Night and request that Reserved Seats b<; booked in advance at the Robinson Piano Coy. A plan is now open for six consecutive nights. Only a limited number of chairs are available owin^
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    • 97 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. .i Auction sales of land, Powell aud Co., three y on JuHe 2«.»th— Pagt- I. l/jng Course at S. Ci. C. to-day rnf»e '2. Notice S. Rimjot Page Engineers Association meet Wednesday t night Page 2. Coghlan and Co. timber and scrap metal, Jane SBtd Page On the
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 413 1 THE WE2K. Monday, 21st i High Water.— l.Jo a. Appeal Court op»'T ft, S.K.E. (V) Field Works. Tubsday, J2nd i Bigh Water.— o. l 2 a.. LOp N. D L. Mail Homeward due. Licensing Justices Meetiug, 2.30 p S.V.A. Laying Competition. S.V.I. Company A Extended Order Drill. Wbi>NBBD.AY ISrdi fTiirfc
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  • 442 2 Mi!n<*r wkk the guest <>f the Tyneside 1- i. 1 1 S<H-intj ..t v t m v' iniheT.wn Hall, when he r. I •Ue g<>id m* of thn wociety- tt -..I .nil nn *ddre>s iijm:ti vHluui in recognition of his dir»tinguiKhed MTfiflli to tli»- MsfJMt <<f
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  • 322 2 f urth'T and further do the Government depart from the ideals of Hic.'i.ird Oobden and John Btn.irt Mill and the mere idea of OMI I ulsory State insurance, against unemploy. .it is enough to make those two worthies t\ m in their graves, oould they but realise .w
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1 2 dx
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    • 616 2 NOTICES. ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEER 3 The monthly General Meeting of the Association will be held in the Kooms, MB, RatHos Place, on the evening of Thursday, 2 Ith June, I9OS, at H 45 p.m. P>LhINI:HB: Important. G. A. WATT, Hon. Secretary. June 21 SINGAPORE GOLF CLUB. The long course will
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    • 633 2 NOTICES. HOTICE. The conditions under which 1-1,200 piculrt of Government Coffoe (crop 1909) will be gold by auction at Batavia on the 27th of October and the 15th of December 1909 may be inspected at the Consula.t.o <Jeneral for the Netherlands, Singapore. 17th June, 1909. June IH. 2*2.6 NOTICE. In
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    • 578 2 BANKS. International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000 Head Office 6O Wall Street, Nkw Yobk. London Office Threadnoodle House, Bishopngatc Street Within, LONDON EC London Bankkks: National Provincial Bank of England Ltd. GeneraJ Foreign Business Transacted. DEPOSITS. Curkknt Dkpokit Accounts opened and Interest allowed on the daily balances at
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    • 483 2 iNSUR'ANQES. FEDERAL LIFE Assurance ConiDany of Canada Khtahmhmkd 1882. INSURANCE in fon*.. o; *05,900,Q00 NEWBusineu, IMB, Oi i 16,0000(10 NET SURPLUS iWfi Imb, and all outstanding chi. <vtr $2,035,000 raitw C'nrr. ;i J H EVANS. Manager, Soutn Canisrn, Am* Tiik Bornro Co., Ltd. General Agents Jsjm 0 MANUFACTURERS LIF£ INSURANCE
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  • 636 3 j^iMAiTs Skit Mkkta*) R« hhbk VIPANT. Tin* oompaujr owns a total araa of marij 13,00" i. th* W. I'roviiicA of tb« 1 ha» 2. muU und oumt» ar» al*> ifrowD, bol ly rwpoo«it)»- for m WMM lal ravfloua. Altbonga tt- n y»ar««d*d March 31 l«,t bM no» yet
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 55 3 Paiu in the Stomach Ii ia tnont annoying, an wi^ll ax diaagroe *>»U-. tu be troubled wit)) painH in tbe atoru M#J und Uxre ia no need c»l it. for one done J I !>«iiilxiUin'n Colic, Cholera and Diar »Uo* itMiuedy will allay U>« pain. Try it and be cunfinoed.
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    • 458 3 £J& re Tour IP* whit©, fc> *P your che«ks color! I your ears transparent b\ An<l do yo j look thi.i \l] ">miii£ cheeks, am! a "ri^ht, cheerful fat, in tufj bottl© of Ayer*a S irsaparilla. If your appetite \a jsM)r, your •%mHm imj^rfect, and you ft«| nervous and weak,
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    • 906 3 AUCTIONS. <;kkat two days auction sale Friday Saturday, July 2nd 3rd. High Class Teak Furniture. Which for Design and Elegance is probably unsurpassed in the Colony. Me !U!-^ L «i'5 GHI AH aßd Co Bre instructed by N. N. Adis, Ep( !m to gell by Auction at ADIB LODGE, ADIB
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    • 192 3 TO CONTR/>CTCRS AND BUTLDERS. AUCTION SALE OF A LaMI QUAVTITT of Vai.i aui.k Haudwood Timhkk. Ex. Coffercams s Kolomo. ON Wednesday, June 23rd. at 4 pm. 4-30 pm. At Kast Wharf. Ta Dj on« Pagar and Keppel Harbour Docks For Account of concerned. H. L. COGHLAN CO.. Auctioneers. >qp e
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    • 194 3 CARRETT'S Portable Engines. v u>^ tv 1 i^^fi3fi^ c -~r^kiSkr^ii Fitted with patent economical Firebox for burning wood fuel. OVER 50 IN USE IN THE M. 8. #0, /2 IU H.f>. in stock IMPORTERS, BORNEO CO., LTD. NO MORT"CRUST" BOILERS!! Where <C D. M-" BOILER COMPOSITION is used A little
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  • 1547 4 The Singapore Free Press. Monday, June 21, 1909. Of all the gorgeous colouring anJ mi^:iti ence attending the presentation of colours to the Territorial Regiments at Windsor by His M ijystv the King, the half thereof canuot be told here, nor perhaps imagined. We can lie sure it was a
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  • 1048 4 Th«re will be a dance at the Tanglin Club next Friday, the 25tk inst, at p m. A Fire Insurance Association, including th« chief companies, has been formed at Kuala Lumpor. In honour of the feist of St. Anthony of Padua, the Members and Associates of St. Anthony's Association are
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  • 618 4 RETURNS TO HONGKONG Boagkoßg, Fire broke out on the X was on a voyage to Bifapatl fi koUkf. iad«>n with coolies. The vessel returned t<> Ii which port she was tw, stant «k the tire eeowii i There were no fatal v The ieJMaga <he vessel
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 347 4 KELLY and WALSH, Ltd, THINGS INDIAN. BRITISH MALAYA. Bein^ Di-carniTe Noloi on Various Sub An Ac f OTi 1>rO)?re8<l WILLIAM CROOKE v in KSM ,P i Of thr Htngal Civil >< rvioe (lietirodj I'liotograptm Price $7.50. PR cc $4 60. THINGS CHINESE. MALAY MAGIC. M IJKINC. s ConnocUyl with China.
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  • 54 5 •it'. nals Honoured. (Ilv S.ihm innn Tole^mph. U •uter's) "1. June J<t li 9 .1 a.m. ll w M ftjttty tto Kfeg h* ffiaiatt Pw» i.iy pre«« :..ur^ to 1M •Ml I fn-r ill «<f fhe moit bnlliaut I w. rfpretemt, II Wbtn I Ikt I'rOhh iM m
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  • 24 5 Hj Failure. 19 li. 2 f.ui 1. .1 V il f. I I Wltll tfcl tint 1 for--1..1-) tea Dn :,n,i 'lit
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  • 150 5 D r,T> I I r fcs .hi /inri'.rty, the for •m<l t!.- ilarli < \t of differen< t n. -it i D "I (j, tim tt.--j, tii'Mi. aiaoritj 4 I,*) necesaary. fotlilI i all of it* reaen- I affooted, 1 ■> <l-» not agret, iboald
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  • 169 5 ing that the ItuurioiM rulway buili r the Bultaa ol Jooora at Urn Kuala Lnaipor, I i I I poi "ii trial run, the 'J'iinob f Mai i. 'l BBgtk, it contains ;JD t ajid -i I KlBgl i i y paraont, wit hi baad Tha •in
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  • 110 5 fleet or single ship at idly when a groat Bway, r BMttai even uith 'tfiitn. n. ii aaval iwtboriHai U<(W idm^' to h di«]>ato)i from aj ban "lirt'^overed a pi\MJ in a luininoiiH shell recently iovenr»*d. nmenta have been witl u'i«i*t ■aaraoy. Th« ah^n. aaaav> •n ntven, i-
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  • 123 5 DIPLOMATISTS TALK. Emperors Friendly. (li> Bubtnann* TeieKntph.-Heuter'a) -iIAD l!\ 10 24 am. Mtfiagi vi the Kaiaer and the EUn B MM h.i.J a long convention M [laand M KvoUkj. lilirm »n >r. U n < 'Mi e»t it«« that the meeting p****! off in the m „t
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  • 85 5 Russian Explanation. Three othei members of the Woodburn'h cr«w raetfr •Ittaioaa. iajnad itokar bad Ins irouadi I ad aboard the Kus*mn .ruiser and was then •Hf fit t., li. -,piUl. Hie loffaiaat was not dangerous A Itllißißjl ;it St Petersburg says thai thi >„dburn infringed tka Itgllk. tioma
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  • 53 5 Tht followiaf is tl)*> result of oraahiM oparatioM at IJ u ,b for the four weaks n-iiiu 1 9th instant Bukii ECOMAJ -Stonecru^hed:;.t;u!»tons Gold obUioed 904 OOaaai Average per too r dwts L':; grains. BUEH Mm .x. A —Stone crushed 2.3W tons Gold obtainad '.»G ounces AveraL'€ per
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  • 147 5 Judgment was gifaaoa Bitwdai mom lug, by Mr Howard iv a case which had b««a for some time before the Police Courts. The partite were an lodian n-im«d Abdal 5 tder mul a CUMN IfOBUa, Nv* Chee. It arose, l.y the woman h*in£ charged with bfaaflh of
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  • 295 5 The total vbaal exports from t>io Punjab during tha yaar 1906 aMovatad to only 905,341 tons r .mpared with 1,296,007 ton* in 1907. The filling off was tnaiulv in tha first ball of the year. This was the bwatt export since 1903 irhaa the quantity was 181.41S lota. The figures
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  • 1276 5 Slaughter of Birds— the dote season— a Town nuisance the weemug boy— Pig geries at Katong— blasting at Mount Wailich some "smells" I Why is the Wild Birds' Protection < Ordinance not enforced in Singapore? There is no special department f>r this work, but it appears
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  • 698 5 In that excellent publication, the Singapore and Struts Directory, under the beadiagof MMalaoca M read: "The Settlement ia wholly agricultural About 50,000 acres are under tapioca cultivation and over B\ooo acres are planted with rubber. This cultivation is rapidly extending. There are still considerable areas of l»nd unoccupied
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  • 87 5 Los Angeles county, in California, has established a divorce record for tbe first five months of ]!<(>•.*. The tigures indicate that one divorce has boen granted f>iuoe Jan. 1 for every tour marriages celebrated. This is an increase over the ratio during 190*. when it was one to six, in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 71 5 Colic and Diairheoa Cored. Aftor an hours suffering from cramp ooli< or diarrhoea, the best remedy obtainable cat not Riw relief too quickly. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ii^mudy is tb< beat m«dicino in use for those ills. It alwayi Kivee prompt relief even in the most seven and dangeroos
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    • 294 5 KYNOCH LOADED CARTRIDGES. V c Bon ax "is paper J kyn och i.oADtD cartridge carefully loaded with N AX M J K >' noch Smokeless Powder, it is SFMmmT}hiJ'mVf.]^^p the cheapest roliablo smokeless BOIV7IX $5. 25 will always be found to be good 12 Bore, 16 Bore, 20 Bore, and
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  • 861 6 Hk.h Yield or Pi.a*tatioiis. Tba first annual gvnaral meeting <>f the l.inadrou ll iU*»r Bstatea, Limited, waa held on M..j 17, *t Win. h»htT H> •><■-. OM Broad»tr»w( Mr Andrew lie llwrditl, man of the company; presiding. Th« Chairman »«til W» .»i>- t->rtunate in fringing <>n** of
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  • 136 6 ttec«nt)v a man, who deM-nbed himself as a Uraek, was h«»ou coiniu^ out of Cheng's place in Hi^h Street with a placard on his > on winch wero tho wonls 'French This led to Mr Tan l^uoe Liang aMSg promptly Minim isjsjd to explain how this rime
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 30 6 HORBEB (or sal* ami hire. Cob* and Ponit hV FODDER of best quality. SHCfeIVG under careful nuperviMior) CARRIAGES hired by day or month. MORTON'S 193 On aud Road. Telephone HBO.
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    • 623 6 On the Berth. INDO-CHINA S. N. Co., Ltd. KOR TEHAHO ft CALCUTTA TLe Company's steamer KITBANG," 4.H'.*:> ton-, li. C I). Bradley. Commander. iH due here on Monday, 'Jlut instant, and will be [latched on Wednesday, the 2.'ird idem, at I p.m. Sbe ban excellent accommodation for first class pasHi,ngern
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    • 1237 6 SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain > regular service between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, i j China and Japan. s Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly I for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and
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    • 676 6 SHIPPING. OX Norddeutscher Lloyd, Breme; IMPERIAL OE&MAJT MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamptor Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseille* Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hong kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki k Kobe
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    • 676 6 SHIPPING. p. or STEAM NAVIGATION COMP* For China, japan, P<nang, Cey Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Hcdttcrrancao Ports, Plymouta and London. Tbronjfh Bills of Lading issaed for OhUu, Coast, Persian Golf. Continental and A.m*n can Poi-ts. Staamsrs will laavs Slnßapors oa ot six>«, MAIL LINES Outward (t'»r China) Delta .July 'J
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  • 62 7 M deni.tD'J 1 Pnrata ertdiu m 2 m h 2 4/! Fkan. 1 d«OUad Hank... GiftM \s 1 j j L ;i,i is [wdia,T. T, Bomqeovo, daoattd i!;*, J di«. Y..h..iiAMA t deoiAud n <-> m H:{' .Java, d-mand BAJrOKOK' demand BOTBEIIOMI, lUnk P.aying $H of Kn^laad lUte
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  • 128 7 .'iime 19. Tia 105.121 Ouaton wm mm mm It Gambier Oube No. 1 s<» Gambier Oob« No. 2 1 OA Pepper Black (or* B'pora) |fj| Pepper, White (fair \mj*m I Nutmegt(llotoU»ik.).* If Nutmeg* (80 to tk* Ik.) 22 Mao© (Baad*> mm mm mm norn OloTea Amboau/ 2^ 75 Liberian
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  • 7 7 dt f dd gf d d
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 395 7 SHIPPING. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. COY., LTD. Thr rtwmwi of this Company maintain a ween Calcutta, Konirkoni?, Shanghai and Japan, hof Ladin^r for •m. Swat* w. A- o, TienUin, it\g, Yan^tsre Ports, Formosa, the Ac. Ac. STEAMERS. 1 1 ns Commander 4- D. iiradley t M H. Lake M m*an<r" Uti
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    • 657 7 I \J L.LL M m TO LET. Shamrock Compoand Bungalow. Marker Rood. 4 Bedrooms and Bath room. Stabling fur two llorsoa. Apply No. 11, gyod Alley Hoad. 1 1 1 1 TO LET Imtn.'hitV Kntry, Ground Floor of No. 11, Lloyd Road, 4 large rooum, 8 hath rooms and stabling.
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    • 108 7 r^*B^B^.^^B^B^Hß^B^Bl^B^B^B^Blßß^B^B^BVr^B«^^Bßß^b^B^^B^Bto^B^SkSßOlO^B#Soo^Bto Ao^BßaßßßrfstfH^Kft^B^B^Hß^B^l^B^B^O^O^O^Bo^HßHo^O^B *'w^ I Sledge Milks. I m ira^S^n CAN NOW BE OBTAINED AS follows: ißpftfci^^'' Pure Sterilized. In tins of one pint, I IfejLo^WggH^,-- tumbler, and cup size. B i aNP I Condensed Unsweetened in no- I I H R^E BR^^ minal one pound half pound tins. L m
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    • 74 7 Au America;, Newspaper Man JUconimends Wei] ICnown Remedy. Not long nineo th»: following oditoriaJ apt pcarrd in Iht Ontertown, MinHouri, I S. A Ixjad.r Hi,, editor known by i>. r«onaJ lex* p«ri« S DM: that Chauibifrlain's C^ulic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea li«medy will l.arrhoea aud w« have heard hk< WstimonmU from
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 216 8 Th« B 0. C play- 1 tfco It <i A on ft'id there was some fairly heavy scoring. Lt. Clarke's M bH.S uu f,urH and a nix, while HadJon's prommin^ of a like Lumber had seven b. nu-l.try hits. 8. 0 I OmsjM! Clarke 5 F W SIPOtOM li,w
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  • 595 8 Io < I hi« hiiil uiitch for ill* [JfttOßg Cup waH jilay««l OB Sundtv .1 un«« 20, and i»<hiill«<d m win for |fr N\ .1 Majaofl irbo dafai Mn: M -bj I np Urn .:i v kola. The following n i who had. each 1 .i wm
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  • 302 8 H <'oj. who are endeavouring to get away from the bottom of the above Ltagsjfj played one of the beet games seen at Tangtin fur Home time, when they snatched two point* fr«»m X Coy. by b«atiug them by ll to nil. Kigh?. from th»* start II Coy
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  • 265 8 From Messrs F. C. Mathieson and Sons wo have rnceivi' 1 I awful little handbook I'ublwr Facts and Figures" giving dataill of M'lu-Uvl rubber companies, iiim i-sued, and uruounts paid, acreage, harvests and dividends. Tha introduction states. M TIM cultivation of tha various sorts of trees
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  • 332 8 In iuk Hoi -;k <»k Commons. Sir B Bobtli :l.) artked Colonel Lockwood, as acting chairman ».f the Kitchen Counuittcf wh»:tli»>r Urn «li;.i^.-h in the rifwbf t IWU of Urn H use of Commons f. r whisky were recently raised from 3d to id for the half
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  • 89 8 I Su.ction has l>een received from the Secr«l n of J>tdt.» for the introduction of a Hill ain«nding the Indian Companies Act, M as to make provision for the payment of interest on 'lubenturea in the eariv Htages of the operation* of a company, before the profit-earning period baa been
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  • 965 8 A correaprn^eDt sends an article on Britaiii'n latent Territory to the Times Empire f Day number, from which we quote the follow- d ing r liy a treaty with Siam a territorj 15.0C0 c square miles in extent acd including three States of the Malay Peninsula, hitherto under j
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  • 157 8 The British staanier <rlenlo?hy o»mein from Vladivc stock and Karatsu on Saturday with a cirijo of beans. C*pt. St;iHard reports fresh S. VV. monsoon acd strong current from Formosa t.» Sint;'»p >re. Complaints having been m ule on the subject, thf attention of masters of vessels is drawn
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 82 8 A Remedy That Never Fail*. No matter how severe an attack of diar rboea may bo, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera »nd Diarrhoea llemcdy never fails to give re sief. Yon cannot afford to be without it. For lale by all doa lers H. L. COGHLAN <&> COS AUCTION SALES June 31.
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    • 35 8 W. J. GARCIA 30, Bias Basah Kiad. Cheapest Music in Singapore. PIANOFORTE tap*** leading coruposers of to-day. VIOLIN Kdward German. Liza Ijcbmann MANDOLINE < ivy d- brtbt Tereaa I>el lixe^o. HAN JO Florence Aylward. etc., etc.
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    • 470 8 Netherlands Guttapercha Company, Limited. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyros, all an.l shapes for Carriages, Motor C'.u RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES. All kinds of I. H. Hutfers and Sprites for Railways etc. India H»bU-r Bhttil for hnspt, V.ilves. etc., alx. witl) wu Moulded India Rubber Good* ;ilv.*. Bhsfg OossM, <
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 114 8 df WEATHER REPORT. Date Bar Wind Temp Hum Sky Rait June 18 H'kontf 4 p 19.68 82 87 o Manila 4 p 758 SW2 40 23 c June 19. H'konglOA 29.74 Wl *7 Manila 10a 75H SSEI 28 25 o 21 H'kong 4 p 29t;5 SI 87 o Manila 4p.
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