The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 11 June 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 115 1 THE DAY 'S NEWS. The Sjuth African I'nion bill, as far as Natal is concerned, is the subject of a referendum I' Bilgownie Rubber report and Fraser and Go's share circular on page 8. A gang of robbers has stopped Mr Curtis ner-.r Ipoh but decamped on seeing that a
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  • 828 1 11 M> flora %o§co t deU < >i the many indictments preferred at Press the weightiest is that of creating and fostertrg a i tor yellow sensationalism amongst an undiecn, ting public. 1 every 'orrible tragedy that occurs certain? < pears indefensible, U eh details is Dot uuconn:
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 830 1 Entertainments. I Prof. RAM AMURTI (THE INDIAN SANDOW) Supported by a Marvellously Selected Troupe of Artistes, Acrobats, Clowns and Wrestlers. LOCATION BEACH ROAD. Next to Albambra. TO-NIGH I' PROFESSOR RAIMURTI Stops dead a 12 H.P. Motor Car without buttress or bold. A marvellous and unparalleled performance. A prodigious feat of
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    • 174 1 Entertainments. As we have to send the two undermentioned films to our branch office m Java, we respectfully remind our patrons that these pictures will be exhibited only for a few nights LA TOSCA AT 8.45 P.M. L'ASSOMMOIR AT 10.15 P.M. The above two films are acknowledged by Press and
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    • 102 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Those who wisli to see La Tosca and L'Assommoir at the Alhambra have to take an early opportunity Page 1. Mr. B. Albert has left the Sun Life Co, and set up m business for himself Prge 2. Turnout for sale at a reasonable price Page 3. Fernandez
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 428 1 _> < THE WEEK Friday, 11th High Water.— 2.62 a., 4 r 6 p N.D.L. Mail Outward due. Municipal Commission, 2.30 p Legislative Council, 2.30 p Trial Juhore Stsam ferry, 4.30 p Association Cup, V.M.C. A. vs R.G A.— S.R.C. Philharmonic Orchestra, 5.15 p S.V.A. Special parade, 5.15 p Saturday,
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  • 268 2 l n i r Siam his H mom 9kranef Tomer, sitting with s my. Ah Chair, th« barge be had m his posses b February and M v ;,r the manufaiTtnrc of coun: -li-A-. ti B, knowing I J .instrument- be sed fc* I w ia
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  • 224 2 A bind of ".'formers, one thousand stror h body entitled The American Home Economics Assoeia- d The object of this society is to induce hools, college Bt to give instru.'tion m the dow rta and B ienees," :-\y iv the fa g and cooking of food The
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  • 133 2 According to tbe Bei liner Tageblatt, the German Wireless Tekgraphj Company has ■> wbiek will probably ag drawbaoki to radiography. -ays The mhm of M toTOd iparka" hai .-•a to t i- new invention. The method ii the a j that m future signals will <
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  • 144 2 T'M. Mfl Urn Bartia correspondent of the D lily Maii," is to 1"* served to German solI henceforth m unprecedented quantities f u-t, Itt is to supplant beer md coffee a^ rtir- sUpl-> ..Iriuk of the troops. The German Ml is n t only a fust
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  • 1086 2 Tenders are invited for th^ lea^e of Revenue Farms m the State of North Borneo from the Ist January, 1910, as set out hereunder. REVENUE FARMS IN THE STATE OF NORTH BORNEO. 1. In making arrangements for the leaning of the Farms for the next Farm
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 630 2 NOTIGES. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. A list of applications for piblic house licences, to be considered at the meeting of the Board of Licensing Justices on Tuesday, June 22nd, 1909, may be seen on application at the Colonial Secretary's Office and at the Chinese Protectorate, during the usual office hours. Singapore, 10th
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    • 528 2 NOTKBES. i NOTICE. I have this day resigned my position with the Sun Life Assuarance Coy. of Canada and have established myself as Insurance and General Broker. BERNARD E. ALBERT. Junejl 14.6 straitsTettlements. TRADE MARK CAUTION. NOTICE is hereby given that JOHN DIXON k COMPANY, of 193, High Street, Prahran,
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    • 569 2 BANKS. International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS j GOLD $6,500,000. Head Omi 6O Wall Street, New Yoek. London Office TLrcadneodk House, JJisLops-aU. Street Within, i 80. London Bankers National Provincial Bank of England Ltd. General Foreign Easiness Transacted. DEPOSITS. Current Deposit Accounts opened and [nterest allowed on the daily ba:anctb
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    • 410 2 FEDERAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canadxs EHTAM.Ih.HED 1882. INSURANCE ir 00 NEW Business, J >0,000 NET SURPLUS t& n .an<i a mg cla'i $2,035,000 J H I M 'ana per, t»tem A: The Bobhbo Co.. Ltd. m MANUFACTURERS Utc iSSL'RWCL C Of o v ■l 1- I*] laore buisincss iv
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  • 320 3 Tb« experiem*" Bo^r and Manchnl.i Ri-.iH d'lnfanterie," ha- DttAl it plain m the fireawept zone it > M not imj.o.-M--to make ase. for the tram ittioil t f M Jr> r n of staff ofii;crs, of adji'aiits. mounted Ottox etc., an.; .a 4t*ts /.one recourse
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  • 151 3 -ems very earnest m the war de tbe mosquito, and the b I .c co-operation of c tbat promises e:mI Elaborate! i3ued to householdars, to commnni- i troubled mto serve as a check on 9 cd «B an indiciition of s to be takco im warnone email onbx
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  • 89 3 Daily Graphic published trom Mr FrM -|v, mi n vhi uter 9 but very effective reoue iy has •vernment would baj op (which for lan kfcsa KM>,< Q 0•> »U theW,>ldh coal min^s producing r m coal, and use this coal .'y r the (uiremsnt.s, Contioent^.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 9 3 Pan. m the Stomach most anno> mi iliMgrrn 1
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    • 383 3 It was certainly a good messengei who bro igh% the newi to your house I lal A; is Sanaparilla makes the Wi -1 "rich and ted.' 1 Thi i m i so ln o are thin, pale, reebte, weak, and i Alter Ayor'> SarsapariUa haa cured oarrj the glad dm
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    • 643 3 JIUGTIONS. FOR SALE PRIVATELY Japanese Fancy Articles, JUST RECEIVED Ex S. S. OCEANIEN TIT POWELL AND GO'S SALEROOM Comprising a collection of rery handsome BRAS 3 VASES, BOWLS, TEA HOUSE and INCENSE BURNERS carved ivories Satsuina vasas and jars ladies' frog skin pur .-:is: elaborately carved cherry wood ARM CHAIRS;
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    • 161 3 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF Chinese [fousehofd Furniiure &c. TO I{ E HELD AT No. 682-1, KALLANG EOAD, SINGAPORE. Monday, 14th June, 1909, at 4 pin. G. A. FESNANDEZ Co., Auctioneers. i Jun o 11 15.6 MORTGAGEES SALE OF THE Steam Launch Azmeere. Tuesday, 15th June, at 2-30 p.m. Official No. 626.
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    • 295 3 BUCHANAN'S FAMOUS gj is absolutely the best value obtainable. i||j| The reputation of this blend has been $g§ built up on the Solid Basis of Ouaiifei^ ty and Age and NO CHANGE y^^ifii as een made rom c irs^ j| THIS FACT IS GUARANTEED. > < I STEEL IRON WORK.
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    • 192 3 WANTED. WANTED A European Residence with TeaSM Court m Tanglin District State rent Ac. S. B. c o I -ir.neJU American first class cotter and fitter, willing to go out. Terms moderate. Apply ft, 21, Sophia Kd. Juii. 12.7 STEAM-LAUNCH WANTED. Wanted a second-hand oj steam-launch. Length 20-24 fad beam
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  • 397 4 A Urge rubber estate m Klang has foresold the whole of its crop for the next three years at sa. Hi. per pound. An additional police constable responded to a summons yesterday, before Mr. Mello for assaulting a rikisha puller. A fine of $5 an<l costs was imposed, half the
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  • 19 4 Domeatic Occurrences. Birth. On the Bth inst., at Kuala Lumpur, the wife of B. J. Eaton, of a daughter.
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  • 1652 4 The Singapore Free Press. Friday, June 11, 1909. Here shall t'i- Press the People's, right Uuaw 1 I>\ influence and unbribed l>y gain Here patriot Truth h?i gloriour ptecept. d;a7f< Pled ri e<! to lif liirion, Loyalty and Ijw. Critics of Government Departments out here often do not sufficiently recognise
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  • 45 4 Mr. Curt Cjlin Cartii wwt ii pj gug robbers on the Gopeng roi; whilst n a rilritki The robbers fired a shut apparantlj with the idei of frightening the occupant of the rikisha, but. on seeing he was a Europein t bolted
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  • 552 4 The bcal n suffered a low «*f 737 males and S can safely be classed as of those whom H F the Governor rjcoonneaded us to look after better m order to increase our natural labour .supply. Over one fifth ct fever of one sort or another
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 234 4 w Robinson Piano Co., Ltd., SPECIALISTS IN HIGH CLASS BY THE Leading Makers of the World. Ikchstein, Brinsmead, Ronisch, Werner, Krauss Etc. The Rachals Auto-Piano. THE PIANO EVERYONE CAN PLAY. LU3TEATI DCATALOBUE OF TBOPICAI MODEL PIANOS ANIi TERMS OF ODB Hire Purchase System. THE MOST EQUITABLE IN FORCE. Tklbphoni 191.
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    • 76 4 A PIANO Guaranteed for a Test Period of 2 Years, CAN BE PURCHASED FOR $3UO. Unequalled, Unrivalled, Undoubtedly THE B&ST S. MOUTRIE Co., Ltd. GRAND EUROPE HOTEL. (Corner of High Street.) I Royal Cinematograph. Bukit Kirn Cheng Hall. Tanjong Pagar Rd., (near Boustead Institute.) To=Ni&ht I To=Ni£htl ENTIRE CHANGE OF
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  • 44 5 Natal'a Doubts. s. Tilsßimpk. Banter's) X -o n 1 kl •"> p.m. tv 1 noaster IsamoSM hiva taken pi 100 iv Natal .m the eve of the Union referendum. r, B -ii tad ive telegraphed to the electors -hey will de< aty.
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  • 9 5 :rai Pelham has lx> nted endent tar.
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  • 48 5 TLe Amer:* m police have unearthed at the headquarters of the .hand Italian secret society w b been responsible for countless blackmailing*, and ten m m i!. i [talj. ;i of 30IH0 11,000 n a limestone <juar rict. centre, aQ( j :n line ruts through it.
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  • 35 5 E. dshingfon that conh s been received m diplomatic circles, has dually refused to pirtieipate m an International Conference the increasing of the rem «lu l ies, m return for the
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  • 13 5 am. i attended at Aldershot as m Long 17 alley.
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  • 17 5 Irb, the fourth of the Dreadbeen put m commission Mm Home Fieet at Spithead.
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  • 27 5 MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE. _-"DT* of the above l^hu Mejei and Co send us the of the company w: ita rhe t for the feu w i 5-.
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  • 22 5 Bw iv the small hours yes- ii.g Iviog along- at Tanjong P tgai tera dragged their anchors, nut n cd.
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  • 61 5 ness only 14 years of n one of the i er in her father's house m Kirn ring the small hour 9 yesterThe police were called, but l xhed the house the gir! m it the body was still warm. It seems wanted to cuter the Convent,
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  • 60 5 Inesda) n --owner of rikisha Jo>? brought to the J.nrikisha Offioe I two silver cups m l Ltnent m the form of face. i been claimed by M t chief otiicer n PatanL" The 10 rolls of blue cloth wor pcrty awaits a claimant. Thepu ■i a reward
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  • 53 5 Onto :evoted much time to the investigation of allegaDg v 'iking a gral v m I ffsosai mflaenoe wtCh a police Died Am the viotiui wa.-, L TUB m who WSJ beliei the Se- ■■hi i] over Sergeant The defowid guilty and ordered to failt, i *MaUk'fl
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  • 31 5 X BO NN ihoWB to have up- stall an molted the •vere yesterd iv disposed t, the case been before "Mr X X CoiflMU) for irees worn mis^iflf <>t,A
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  • 105 5 No Coercion Intended. (P>\ Submarine Telegraph. Reiser's) B c Jane 10, LO -V.> un. Prince voa Bnelow'i organ m an article on the Blunting b" sveen the Kaiser and the F- ir, aayi that Germany does not intend to induce Russia to come to any new arrangeBMBti
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  • 49 5 Rac. June 10, 3.37 p.m. I is announced at St Petersburg that the Tsir will visit King Emmanuel of Italy at tbe conclusion of his meetings with the 8 user, King Gnstav, President Fallieres tad King E Iward, but no date his yet been fixed. > r
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  • 100 5 Orar.i; Kaya Radi of Poi was murdered the 21s1 ultimo by Layuh, another Poi Dyak. The < >rang Kaya was sitting on the indah of his house with three women when he was attacked by Layuh who also severely wounded oue of the women. Liyuh then committed
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  • 421 5 The Pending and F. M. S. newspapers aie ting the posts m the newly acquired states ia Eairly confident fashion. The PinangG zette, hearing that Sir William Taylor will retire and Sir Arthur Young succeed him with greatly increased powers, while Mr Brans comes to Singapore as regrets
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  • 134 5 A writer m a w^ekfy journal states that the Qnea of the Netherlands is the richest Sovereign > n Europe, but, according to ••Truth,* 1 this is all nonsense. Queen Wilhelmiua ifl not nearly so rich as the Emperor of Russia Of the Emperor of Austria, and it
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  • 1223 5 A COMMITTEE o^ REORGANIZATION A few ye&n aero there was a fairly strong branch of the N*vy League m Singapore, and the receipt of the monthly journal was quite a good return for the moderate subsoription paid, although there was that absence of the democratic spirit" which
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  • 773 5 "MY FRIENDS THE SAVAGES." It is seldom we get so interesting a mine of information on local subjects as Capt. G. B. Cerruti's Notes and Observations of a Perak Settler, translated from the Italian by I Stone Sanpietro, and published at Coino. The price is fixed at $3 50 and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 545 5 ROBINSON Co. Sporting and Athletic Footwear .FOR MFN. jlfcK Gentlemen's T.-.n B2OGUE SHOES m Mustratioii, these l>een. 'ijjjk de from fathers whi, btHI I |gp L waterproofed by a new process, and *yp |L is a most excellent Shoe i t <]■ llk^ VCry comforlal)le lit< $7.00 per pair. Gent's
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  • 339 6 Singapore, June, 7tb, 1 The price* quoted are generally those rent at Clyde Terrace Market. At the other ■ere may be small variations. Bean, l^ong per catty do. Wm do 14 Beef I 1': }V>ef Steak do 18 Bean Spi p« i «t*/ 2 i BuiJ ltd
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 163 6 A Remedy That Nevr-r Fails. No matter how severe an attack of diar xhet l namcLTLun s Colic, Click:.* ami DiailtlOtl li*. uii-Jy fez fails to give re m caunot affotd ho lo without ti Pot •ale t Japan Coals, THE Mitsui Bussan Kaisha. (MITSUI Co.) Head Office: No. I,
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    • 524 6 SHIPPING. Apcar Line, The undermentioned mall steamers of the above company maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan calling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons. Commander. Japan 6,018 J. G. Olifent. s.h. Gregory Apcar 4,006 S. H. Belson. s.h. Arratoon Apear 4,510 A. Stewart, s.s. Lightning
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    • 1192 6 SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo at
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    • 677 6 SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. coast uik Steamer* of the Coatt Fleet. Petctaburi 21^1 Cbem Fa LSM BoroM nOO T'era-K-on^M 15-iC Cobnohaag IQtO Fa^.*t 1667 i Kujah -y-2S An^hla 16^7 j Pitbanolok 2C19 Loci.»iin 1&.': .Bangkok ChoWag 1663 Itajaburi 1904 Pongtcrg Korat 19« JO Saiiiien 1 Chieng-mai 1815 Loo Sok Patani
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    • 456 6 SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY j Fof China, Japan, Fen*ng, Cey !oa, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Porte, Plymouth and London, Through BiHn of Ltd-ng; it-? —4 for C -i Coast, Persian GaJ, (k>iitin«ntaj and Ajzkftn can Port*.. Ste*oi;rt tcill Uava SirKApore oa oi mat;, LJ June 18 Caledonia
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  • 966 7 $300,000 300,000 10 lo Beiat Tin Mining 00. Ltd 600 $300,000 225.000 10 10 Bruang Limited 725 $600,000 600,000 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulio Tin M. 00. Ltd 800 £500,000 444 769 1 1 Duff Development 00. Ltd 5.50 $400,000 375,000 10 10 Kanaboi Ltd. 3.C0 60,000 60,000 1 1
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  • 58 7 (UOKR2CTED UP TO June 10.) Kant 4rr s M Pnrat* credits iJ mt credits 6 m/i f/4A Feakcx, daouad Bcnk. M GraMAXT,d«niaaj 238 Tkdia, T. T, w 174 Hohgko** nd 2>]^di«. Yokohama^ demand nom. 1 Java, demand Bangkok' demand Sovi aying $J* Bank of England Kate 2^ Discount 3
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  • 123 7 .June 10. Tii* |t*JiS Gambiar 97a G^mbier On be No. 1 MQanbier Ne. 2 Pepperßi*ck ior4'*. Sport) 11.65 Pepper, White .Jaur Nutmegs (1 1 0 to th« b.) 1€ 80 to tt« Ifc.) Mace fiin&a) mm *m 99M (TiOYWi 'AmijoiuA) 24 75 LiV>or:*c Ooffoe H Tapiocj., mm! petrl
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 458 7 TO LET. TO BE LET The comfortable an 1 plf ailtlj utaated residence known a-* No. 17, Wilkie Road. Enfcr. Apply to POWELL Co A tioneers. .lane 10 1T.6 TO LET Road, i larffe re i > bath roo and «tab No. i M kLAO I StRBJ TO IE LET.
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    • 476 7 TO LET. TO LET. Shamrock" Compound Bungalow. Barker Koad. 4 Bedrooms and Bath room. Stabling for two HorscH. Apply No. 11. Byed Alloy Road. Jaac 1 1 v.c. TO LET A cool, pleasantly situated Kuropcan r<;Kidenoe at Qflstead Boad, neat N'uwton Station. Apply A.K.(r. c v Free Press." jJnne 9
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    • 296 7 No. 1 DOCK. No. 2 DOCK. Length inside 514 ft. Length inside 375 ft. Width of entrance, top 95 ft., bott Width cf entrance, top 60.5 ft. bott 75 ft. 45.8 ft. Water on blocks 27.5 ft. Water on blocks 20.5 ft. Time to pump out 4 hours. Time to
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    • 135 7 DE KGB!BKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. [Jndbe Contkaot with th» Nbthkelani>s India Govbbnmb.vt. Agents at Singapore, The Ship^ency, Limited, 2-3. Collyer Quay. THE UNDERMENTIONED DATES OF DEPARTURE ARE ONLY APPKOXIMATH. PtUMPHius Batavia, Samarang and Soerabaia (passengers only) Jane il Van den Bosch Batavia, Java coast, Samarang, Soerabaia, Boelcleng, Macassar, Balik-Papan, Palelcb, Menado,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 842 7 VESSELS IN PORT. Man-of-war Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived r rom For Whna Sen Mew Co!. Yacht 500 Oofeoai May 24 W. in -^hiD Flay Tons Master Arrived From Consurnea }>r When Atlas Dut 343 Weltuivden.Jur.r 3 Aaufari m Ai V<". Co. ("n.-frtain Ban Hin (Juan Brit 243 Hun- J«m
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  • 205 8 c■, r Midbihix Bi This m i" 'a m tli" ;uw.« i- mipatition tv u»- I •••'*<), a very hard and fts' g.ime M S Bullish started the gaiue p time, sfacDonald kickmg off Im D Coy. Th« opposing lorwit n at v, tr\ and m less than
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  • 278 8 BEGGARS IN BRUNEI. the Bij ih Modal I i trip up country appear wing remarks which seem to full cf meau A nuoibjr of the Brunei aristocracy called many ancient, and no don thle document produced, their owners hoping to obtain some money seemed the main obj:ct of the:r visit.
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  • 39 8 nestaui bnneh Argo will leave John■fern's Pier for the Club Bungalow on Suniaj I asl .it 7. 9 and 1" am .2 30 and I ruing thence at B >" and 12.1 ,9 and 5 (0 pm.
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  • 320 8 Mr- Hi i i. of Boston, endeavours, m the oi 1 i I To-Day for A] rii, to explain to the Auumi yer what a big navy costs. In sixteen years the naval expenditure of the l'«it. i BtaAM has gone up from 22 to 135 ■dttoa
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  • 324 8 FRASER CO.'S SHARE CIRCULAR. Notwithstanding a fairlj considerable amount of local selling of Rubbers, tbe tone of the market il good, with plenty of buyers ready to tike anything offering slightly inder rates. Tins m most instances are 'utllv appreciating, whilst Industrials keep unchanged with very littlo doing. HIKIHG r
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  • 352 8 The fourth report of the above Eubbor to be sul unfed at tke annual meeting on June 17 m the Exchange says: The nett prctit on working account for the year amounts to H I. ■*>'■■'>. 4l which with the cirry forward fr na last account
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  • 41 8 The following are (he outputs of the BeWt and ETuantao Tin Mining (Jjinpanies for May as reported by the Manager: The Balat Tm Biining Company L f d 639 53 pikolf. The Cuantan Tin Mining Coaipany, Ltd. 107.25. pikuls.
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  • 56 8 [H< B X KNNKi II Bfi Thy dry rubber harvested for the month of May was 1,992 lbs. For the corresponding month of last year the amount was :»70 lbs. The dry rubber for the first five months oi is 19,649 lbs. and for the HUM period m
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  • 251 8 The case m which A. Emamkhan bin Akbar Khan sued I'undler Bappajah Chetty, m form i pauperis, for $100 due as wages, was fixed for hearing before Mr Justice Sercombe Smith m the Supreme Court yesterday. Mr Farrer Bjynes appeared fur the plaintiff aud Mr Baker represented
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  • 282 8 Mysterious Matter. N esterday, Mr C. I. Carver opened for the Crowu a case of considerable interest to the mercantile community before Mr E. E. ColmaD, who was holding a preliminary enquiry into an allegaiion of abetticg the falsifying of the cccouLts of Messrs Ftaser EUid Xeave,
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  • 249 8 It takes some newspapermen a loßg time to learn, and some never do learn it, that the most interesting thing m the world to the general reader is the obvious thing. A special correspondent asked his editor what he was to write about. Anything you can get hold
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  • 77 8 The honeymoon, according to an American i-ontemporary, is going out of fashion. Only the woman who has gone through the process of getting a trousseau ready, no matter how simple it is m detail, of looking after the wedding arrangements, of writing the necessary notes of
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  • 228 8 The Lmdenhall yesterday brought down 5.797 tons of coal for the M. B. l\. The Imp. German mail steamer forck baying left Penang on the Wh instant at 7 p.m. may be expected to arrive here this morning at 6 a.m. She will probably be despatched for Hongkong,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 12 8 Colic and Diarrheoa Cured. 1 After an hour's suffering from cxarup colic
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    • 180 8 i H. L. COGHLAN <Bfc COS AUCTION SALES June 12. Sale of Furniture at Selbourne Villa. June 14. Mortgagee's Sale of Houses at Robert Lane. June 14. Halesworth 284, Bukit Timab Road, for sale. June 16. Sale of Old Cbinese Porcelain. June 21. Land Auction, 2.:50 p.m. June 26. Sale
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    • 294 8 THE Oliver 8 Is everywhere admitted to be the mos' -rful manifolder. With it twenty perfectly (clear c; 5 can be made simultaneously that is to say m one operation. I It is m your own interest to investigate the merits of the OLIVER before purchasing any other Machine Demonotations
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 336 8 Next Mails Due. From Earope. Per N. D. L. Yoick, today, with mails of M;iy 19. Per B. I. Tara, to-morrow, June 12, with mails of May 21. Per M. M. Aruiand Behic, on Monday next, with mails of May From China. Per M. M. Polynesien, on Monday next. Mails
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