The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 28 May 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 128 1 There is still some argument m Uteß of Commons over the Navy, but Mr At-quith spoke fairly and plainly of the necessity of uitintainiu^ an unassailable superiority ci tbe British Nayv Page 5. The King's Derby is described at length m the telegrams. It was a popular
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  • 1122 1 AC It was the half hour before dinner me:: r ''Sub wax r. H ••♦ive over life and its laudicaps. Gleeson flue g down the paper he was reading and looked vindictively across at Avmer who muting a cheroot. Aynier smiled, stroking his grey imperial, but
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 546 1 rorW renowned firm ol M, m ieken 8 on and Maxim Ltd.. the proprietors ey Tool r rar Co. L:i. were recently designated by Mr 8 I** Al m the Hou ?e of Commons on the Dreadnought ouestion A being a nation;. ho i; ntl>h Government. >ons and Maxim undertake,
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    • 200 1 Entertainments. WAYANG KASSIM. DUTCH MALAY OPESA CO. THEATRE ROYAL, North Bridge Road. To-Night! To-Night! GRAND PATRONAGE NIGHT f'udcr the patronage and m the presence of TEF, HONOURABLE SIR ARTHUR H. YOUNG, K.C.M.G LADY EVILYN YOUNG and LORD ALEXANDER KENNEDY WILL STAGE "SRI K7INDY" Special Ancient Javanese Costume Dances COON SONG.
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    • 137 1 S. MOUTRIE CO., LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1875. SINGAPORE, HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, TIENTSIN AND LONDON. NEW PSAHOS ON HIRE FROM jk PER MONTH TUNING REGULAR ATTENTION INCLUSIVE. 11 These celebrated instruments embody the essence of 35 years experience of this climate and what is necessary to enable a PIANO to stand any extreme."
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    • 94 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. To night the Wayang Kassim stages Sri Kandy, m the presence of Sir Arthur and Lady Evelyn Young Page 1. The Rim and Nyalas Rubber Estates are to be sold to-day by Messrs Coghlan Co Page 3. House at Tan ah Merah to be let Page 7. Part
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 369 1 THE WEEK. Friday, 28th High Water.— 4.l6 a., 6.24 p Municipal Commission, 2.30 p N.D.L. Mail Outward due. S.Y.A. Laying Competition. Maxim Co. Semaphore Signalling, 5 p S.R.E. (V) Recruits Drill, 5.15 p Saturday, 2Pth: ET'gh Water.— s.s2 a., 7.13 p 8.1. Mail Outward duo S.V.I. Class Firing, 2.30 p
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  • 373 2 ";>.'. v 's from Liverpool the first passf ad cargo steamer ever propelled •»s the Atlantic by the joint aid of reciprocating .md turbine engines. The vessel i> lac Liureutt'-, with w'uioh the White Stjr Lin- action M Domic; I MTTMM from Liverjx>ol to nl Montreal The
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  • 141 2 At Pilaivin, m PoUnd, is an enormous park of acclimatisation ol 10,000 square hectares, mAmi bang squal to 2 acres 1 rood 3-3 perehe*. It was four years ago that .Count P Mod this reserve with a palissade U' I Eeai m height, an.l at that time
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  • 227 2 Hdlley's comet if now m the conßtellation Orion, Astronomers are juite confident as to its position, though it has not yet been seen even m the most powerful telescope. It is expected that it may become visible m the autumn of the present year. By the beginning of
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  • 195 2 Smallbits, the Great Newspaper." is the name of a weekly publication m Detroit, Mich., issued every Saturday by Walter S Bersey, who is ten years old. The title of iiis piper appears at the top of every one of its four small pages. u Smallbits, the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 211 2 Saisapa- prettygood J^%O IS X' tr»l fling 2. x V> i compaa- Vj i v-"~ ion. Bettex f- tie with^^UTiv'^f/ V you when I you g i away *z&3 V>^ L-< fro :u home. It t Scj may save you a long illness. And if you are not going away,
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    • 509 2 NOT WES. M U NIC IPA L NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that m order to carry out repairs, Cross Street, between Cecil Street and Robinson Road will be closed to traffic on and after Saturday, the 20fch instant, until the work is completed. By Order, POLGLASE, Municipal Secretary. Municipal
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    • 691 2 NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Registration and Licensing of dogs within the Municipality of the Town of Singapore for the year beginning June Ist, 1909, and ending May 31st, 1910, will commence on Tuesday, June Ist, 1909, and be continued daily, Sundays excepted, between the hours
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    • 592 2 BANKS. International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000. Head Office 6O Wall Street, Nkw foi London Office: Threadne^-die House, I'i.shopsgate Street Withn, London EC, London Bankers National Provincial Bank of England Ltd. General Foreign Business Transacted. DEPOSITS. Current Deposit Accounts opened and Interest allowed on the daily balance* at
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    • 485 2 FEDERALIST Assurance Company of Canada. EBTA] [BHKD I**2. Capital and Assets exceed 4,000,000 Gold Dollars. J. H. ETAI Mmmg*r, StUtk Eastern A: The Borneo Gt ncral Ag< Mar KEW ZEALAND IKSIiRANJE CO., LTD. FIRE AND MARTS*. YANG-TSZE INSURANCE 4.SSOQ. i ■Aim CHINA FtRE INSURANCE CO., LTB. 1* LONDON GUARANTEE ACCiOEffT
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  • 620 3 profit m Urn competition m production anr Pliee v.ith iira/.ii." It is iatemthlg lo note m thp fowgoilif that a fill m ib« price of rubber, within limit,' of course, will inereaaa the Brazilian output and further Urn latent QapabflitlM of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 512 3 THE WAVERLEY HOTEL 59, HILL STREET. Has been Newly Furnished and Thoroughly renovated and will be opened under New Management on Thursday, April Ist. Mrs. H. DAY, Proprietress. WANTED. WANTED Dreeeer— Dispenser f oi ;bber Estate m Johore. Most be able to speak Tamil. Apply with testimonials, OUTHRIE Co., l.
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    • 635 3 AuenoNs. I REMINDER. The Rim Nyallas Rubber Estates Malacca WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION To-day Friday, 28th May, at 2*30 At Messrs* H, L* Coghian Co's, Salerooms, WITHOUT RESERVE. H. L. CCGHLAN Co., Auctioneers. AUCTION IjALE oF VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE &c. The property of L. C. DEVERALL Esq. AT
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    • 100 3 80.5_ MORTGAGEE'S SALE," AUCTION SALE OF Freehold Residential Property KNOWN AS BKIGIITLANDS No. 35, CUPPAGE RD. At Messrs. H.L Coghian Co's Salerooms, Monday, 7th June, at 2-30 p. m Area 12,609 square feet, Freehold, together with that substantially built modern residence known as Brightlands No. 35. Cuppage koad, oil Orchard
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    • 387 3 BUCHANAN'S FAMOUS RI APIC JSJ. U/UITC ?t If Bhß li I is absolutely the best value obtainable. Jill The reputation of this blend has been j|j| built up en the Solid Basis of Qual; :;>ll| a!1(1 H*> NO CHANGE has oeen made from the first. Ijj THIS FADT IS CUARSNTEED.
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  • 21 4 Domestic Occurrences. Death. Anderson At Kuala Libir, Kelantan, on loth inst., Walter Graeme, son of "^S'alter Graeme Anderson, aged 3 months.
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  • 1841 4 The Singapore Free Press. Friday, May 28, 1909. Wheu the findings of the recent opium enquiry m Singapore were published, Bishop >r.L'ii \m was m practical general agreement with the decisions arrived at by the other members of the Commission, reserving however the theory that there is no moderate use
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  • 768 4 > A clerk employed at Teluk Ajer 2J has disappeared with Judgment has been renrved m tha claim for damages brought against Sjon Keck, Ltd., owners of the M Sri Muar." A Chinaman was sentenced to six months for pocket picking, by Mr. Green, yesterday. Two men, a Russian and
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  • 11 4 Hr. m I I llanrahan, a i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 218 4 Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. SPECIALISTS IN HIGH CLA^S BY THE Leading Makers of the World. Bechstein, Brinsmead, Ronisch, Werner, Krauss Etc. The Rachals Auto-Piano. THE PIANO EVERYONE CAN PLAY. lATALOG TROPICAL MODEL PIAKOS ,\Mi TEEMS i IF i B Hire Purchase System. THE MOST EQUITABLE IX FOBCE. HONE 191. PER
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    • 123 4 VICTORIA THEATRE.! 3 Nights Only. THE Bandmann Dramatic Co., Thursday, June 3. THE "MANXMAN." Friday, June 4. ♦'THE SIGN OF THE CROSS." Saturday, June 5. "THE SHAUGSiRAUiN." Prices $3, $2, $1. BOX PLAN NOW OPEN AT THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., LTD. May 26 VISIT OF THE REV. F. B. MEYER,
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  • 80 5 A Qi: (By Sabmanns* Tt pat A motion of Mr Crag calling attefl IB I h's itaadard was v !e. i the Piei'uer of >v because he exceptg traphicdl rea- i :n. a the House of two powers was for beLw our ver. I For prior id "far."
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  • 36 5 A Citizen Army. mmoiiweaUh ■c for pro- m' defence force ac 9 force rt-juired a B 'he population, a progressive unimproved land values was pre- tm to breaking up large es aducements for immigratioo.
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  • 28 5 leath 1 vtlet Motncier, vrhose Bill I no mention of the gentleman m fault of the tore do ti y saying I was a rich man."
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  • 146 5 as have passed the the finance bill has been :>l! eharae- Is of the police or .ht. B Rowley, who w;s with the mpany, leaves to take up au aplugra Liud and Kubber practice will trried uut from Port Siloso on the ■as previjusl ita I. Practice be
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  • 192 5 MINORU'S GREAT RACE. Fail Details. (By Submarine Telegraph, Renter's) i: M 27, 12.45 am. La the Darby and a very close finish en-led m u inning by a heid. The betting at the start was Be7en to two M uoru, nine to one Louviers, and twenty Dfl
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  • 41 5 J, 11. Gubbins, late of the Diplomatic who has held consular and diplomatic posts m Japan and Korea, has been appointed first lecturer on Japanese subl > rd. The appointni3nt has been made experimentally and is for three years.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 200 5 To the Editor. r Sir, 1 am grateful for the aiticle on pearl breeding m your issue of to-day. It amoved from my name the stigma of beirg Munehausen of Singapore. My experience of pearl breeding is, I submit, even more convincing than the facts contained m
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  • 35 5 owners are asked to remember that licences expire on May 31. New licences must then be taken out as after a certain period has elapsed all unlicensed dogs will be shot on sight.
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  • 60 5 The following will C3mprise Mr W. Dunman's crirket team to play v. Negri Sembilan on M q b and 31st at S^rembac: Capt. v. B B^ Lieut. Eddis, B. E Messrs. Sercombe Smith, G. K. K. Mugliston, C. V. Miles, C. P. Green, E. L. TMma, H. Lonsdale,
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  • 101 5 Balagnrnsamy, a bill-collector m the emof Messrs C.»ldbeck, MacGregor and was, yesterday, again before Mr E. E. Col man on three counts of breach of trust. Mr PanoDfl foi the defence mentioned to the Court that he had prevailed on his at to plead guilty. The
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  • 27 5 Kan^oon, May 11th. Pun.''th. sacred elephant m the Zoological Gardens, yesterday morning, while being exercised, charged an old female camel and twisted its neck, breaking it. Then,
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  • 126 5 cording to the native papers, Ch :atinj» with the British Govern- of the barbor and it is said that Great Britain store Weihai ..ina if bje [•ay for the improvement^ BUkdfl by Great am, and for the buildings, etc., erected *reon. But China does not seem willing
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  • 1075 5 THE JOHORE CASE. En<>' m.v Opens. Tetterday, the case m nrhich Chia Knelt Choi, fiiPd Tit, »S;a Heng, Lo Bj Seng and Kit Oheow stand under the allegation of being connected with trie act of piracy and murder committed m Johore waters on the 9th of April,
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  • 11 5 The bodies of a man and woman, both sv, r -11
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  • 825 5 Speaking at l\ua) t Lumpur the Bishop made the following speech at the Anti-opium Conference Viewed briefly lie considered that the quag' tion bore two aspects; one, the moral one, and the other, the Governmental. No moral reform, he contended, could be maintained without very deep
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  • 118 5 Ipoh. C M Curtis E Spinks 95 W Newman 89 W H Elkins 89 X Risk 88 F Wickett 87 J Cornwell 86 H Armstrong 84 Total 715 The M. S. V. It. Rifle Club scores m tlic Daily Mail Empire Day rifle competition #ere as follows
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  • 38 5 Don't allow twenty-four hours to elapse without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy m your home. True, you may not need it within that time, but it is better than any doctor's prescription and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 226 5 ROBINSON Co. WOOD BURNING RANGES. THE "PRINCE BEAVER" STOVEEASY TO I-K VTO n "^tofi A good substantial stovo to born wood fuel at a low price Size 17 by 27 by 24 V 528.50. $3 f T^* tj t~* I I Ik Ur 1 f 38 E I £1 I
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  • 197 6 In wCerricg to the establishment <f re- ■mlmj i m Lotdoa, to oomUae prtseuta i- of the task drama ritfc pro- m (A B&odern peeei lot the "in. 1 1 hi me yi\*r sav-.— Th st'l s-r^r-ry th-utr a n. •hr. agbout the country. Mr Trench, m fact,
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  • 222 6 Tlie Parliament C I W ,-nised t Maroon: at ces on the c< the intention is to establish tt. jp to tl.- vo t t :fa I been passe Trelawney, the Superintendent of the P. O. Co. informed a Times or n reporter thut he had
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 214 6 On Berth. HOBDI -CHEF. LLOYD F^r H IBglkai »i J»p«ft Pwti. The In. i (ierman Mail Si IT] g left Coloin--1 '.ay tbe 23rd inst, at 9 a.m.. may a a here on Friday en route for above por BESS MKYEB Co Ltd Agents. v v INDO-CHIKA S. K. CO.,
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    • 583 6 SHIPPING. Apcar Line. The undermentioned mall steamers of the above company maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan calling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons. Commander. 5.3. Japan MOO T Gh Oliftnt. Gregory Arcar 4. '506 S. H. Belsou, -I, Axxstooo Apciir 4,510 A. Btewart. u^
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    • 1215 6 SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERiKA LINE, HAMBURG. C The steamers of this Company maintain a regalar service between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, j China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly j for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and <
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    • 690 6 SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. COAST LINES. Üb* 1 f A Steamers of the Coast Fleet. tons rag. rows raf, Petcliabari 21i'i Chow Fa iS±3 Borneo 2100 Derawongs* 16-W> Kohaichaag kWO F*i:*t 2-o7 EUjah 202S An«h:a l^' Pitsanulok 2019 Lock sun 1657 Bangkok 192-0 Ctoismg 1667 liaj^biiri 1904 Pcngtei:g 1667 Korat
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    • 484 6 SHIPPING. OCSAS STEAM SHIF Co, Lti A M China Kntoal Steam Nay. Co. Ltd The Companies' ateamers are dospatched fr>n Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China an Japan every week, Ja]»an homeward f> t L mdoß, AnisUnlam and Antwerp btw 1 foi «jßii(>a. M. i for Slarp. One outward
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  • 630 7 The Kew Bulletin is the following Specimens of two pla ded by Mr K. St. J. Lawson, t! d ~>t the pohot m Siam. were a t aether with a letter and report m H ated that the plants are very eft: I: e ot bites
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  • 956 7 MINES. Capital CapJU? Isaac Paid Issued p*id np Y*i«e up Company. Qaoutioa 1300,000 300,000 10 10 Balat TCn Mining 00. Ltd 800 $300,000 225.000 10 10 Bruang Limited 7.00 $600,000 600,000 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Go, Ltd 750 £500,000 444.769 1 1 Duff Development 00. Ltd 6.00
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  • 70 7 (Corrected up to Miiy 27 iteak 4 m/B 2/4yV demand I n PriTate credits 3 m/e i cved :> Bmh X 4* m Frahoh, dMMBd Bitnk.^ 292 |Ohnuujnr»dMMal 237 India, T. T, 174 HoNGKOira, <\»\l. .ncl 23% di«. EOKOK4MA, demand nom 11 Java, demand Bangkok' demand Sovereigns, Bank Buying
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  • 121 7 May 27 Tii* m $67 k; Q^mbjer M Gunhier Otbl No. 1 OVr/bier Oabe No. 2 12.€0 Pepper Bl*ck 'cri'n. B'pori) r-er, Whit* (ffcir 19.25 16.50 X Btmegfl (80 to Iks Ib.) H Mkcg (Bwida) hs *m norn OloTfts (Amboicß M II fflwriii Coffee H •c^, emtii pearl (!fc;r
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 112 7 TO LET. OFFICES TO BE LET n Cavenagh Br. !ge CjllJings, facing CkttS*l Post Oface. Apply to GurnniE A Co.. LXD. 11 oc OFFICE AND GODOWN TO BE LET. immediate Entry No. 7, Malaccs street o (iUTHRIE Co., Ltd. Aor 14 c.c TO LET. o Let, No. 91 Kob-. id
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    • 607 7 TO LET. TO EE LET A compound house at Tanah Merah Kitchil, I N'j. 60^, on the hill near Gun Powder Magazine. Apply to No. 4, North Bridge Road. May 28 v.c. OFFICE TO LET. Well Hghted office [on the first floor The i Dispensary Buildings. Apply to Thi Dispenbaby,
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    • 108 7 (F. R. H. S. LONDON) Horticulturist Florist. COLLECTOR AND EXPORTER OF ORCHIDS AND RARE PLANTS. Diploma and gold medal from the Late King of Denmark. By Special Appointment J to His Majesty the King of Siara, H. H. the Sultan of Jobore and H. H. the Sultan of Lingua. Fresh
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    • 82 7 1 STRAITS Mortgage Trust Co., LIMITED. TO PLANTERS m the F.M.S. AND STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. The above Company is now prepared to consider applications for loans on Rubber and other Estates. Applications should be accompanied with full particulars, of title, area under cultivation, age of trees &c. and should be made
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 439 8 S. C. C. vs Mim>lesex Kkqimknt. This natch irhioh had been looked for- 1 -Wird to with Humo eagerness was played] laHt evening on the Ksplanade, a large crowd watching it. Taken as 1 vhok it was disitppoin'mg, thf» pay was t; as u'ood as im»jht road' tve DQ
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  • 184 8 aval meeting of this held 1 1,: evening m tho cricket lub paril there being a gcod at Me Me Kenxk reai le i and after the minutes I b, I iaa I explained the accounts which ■hen a f f -es for the Cup, Shield J^3
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  • 35 8 The Argo will leave Johnston's Pier for the Club Joy on Sunday, at 7, 9 and h* vi iroisg thence ai 830 iad 9 am ,121 S, 3 and 5 !0 pm.
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  • 186 8 The wora toddy is Bansint, and the oiigtnal beverage was a distillation of rue, I ,i! ley, pepper, ginger, and lemon. Listillat prehistoric almost everywhere but m Europe. China's wine-list, perhaps the richest m the world, includes a fermentation of I lamb and milk, an interesting parallel
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  • 811 8 Ci.wm m Sri'UK.MK Court. Before Mr Justice Sercombe Smith, m the Supreme Court, yesterday, the case of two Chinese brother! was mentioned. The plaints tl was XeO Bin Choon and the defendant Yeo l»m Keog and his wife, Tun K'oon Xeo. The claim was to have a
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  • 96 8 The current number of the Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation contains an astonishing record of the legislation of the year l!>07. la every colony of the British Empire law 3 are being poured out at an average rate oi about twenty a year, the
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  • 324 8 The following were the scores m the Selangor-Negri Sambilan game at Kuala Lumpur on Empire Day SELANGOR. First Innings. C. B. Martin, h Denny a 58 It. S. Preeston, b Hennessy 12 A. C. Corbetta, c and \> Dennjn 6 M. H. Graham, c Hubbuck, fa Crisp 11 H.
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  • 483 8 LIEUT.-COL. WYLLIE IN COLOMBO. Lieut.-Col. J. A. Wyllie, f.r.g.s., of the Indian Army (retired) and late Cantonment Magistrate at Rangoon, who, ten years ago. started the Cantonment Rubber E'lantation m Kaiube. Rangoon, was m Colombo recently on his way home by the s.s. Derbyshire." After a considerable absence
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  • 386 8 Rubber keeps m strong demand at good prices, and shares are recovering from the set-back due to profit taking experienced early m the week, acd a distinctly better tone is noticeable throughout, with prices advancing. Tin also has received more attention with a fair business
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  • 253 8 The general meeting of the Belat Tin Mining Co. was held at Gresham House, Mr G. A. Derrick presiding. There were also present Messrs T. S. Thomson, H.A.E. Thomson. E F.H. EdliD, A. Reid, J. Mackenzie, H. Abrams, Vow Ngan Pan, F. M. Scott, Dr de Vos,
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  • 170 8 The Imp. German mail steamer "Prirz Regent Luitpold" having left Penang yesterday at 10 a.m. may be expected to anive her 9 this afternoon at J p.m. She will probably be despatched for Hongkong. Shanghai and Japan to-morrow at 8 am. The American Navy authorities will make another
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  • 65 8 The Philadelphia Ledger points ont that where the most babies are born, there the most babies die." This is perfectly true. Compare, for instance, London and Stoke Pogis. "On account of old age, the Sultan of Pahang, m the Malay Peninsula, has abdicated, and his son has been reappointed regent.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 629 8 Netherlands Guttapercha Company, Limited. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rabbet Tyres, ail kind! and shapes En i I RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES. All kinds of I. R. Buffers and Springs for Railways etc. India Rubber Sheets for Pumps. Valves, I t.c. also with wire and cloth insertion Moulded India Rubber Goods, Valves,
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 68 8 Next Mails Due. From Europe. Per N.DL. P.R. Luitpold, to-day, with mails of May 5. The B. I. Teesta, to-morrow, with maila of May 7. The M. M. Tourane, on Sunday, May 30, with mails of May 7. From China. Per M M Oceanien, on May 31st. Mails alehady dbspatchhd
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