The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 27 May 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 139 1 THE DAY 'S NEWS. *l The results of the Darby, with a wire giving the latest betting— P The end of the inquest iv the Putau Brani shooting case is reported on page the claim for goods lost m tho Sri M case. The South African niaiket is m a
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  • 796 1 Intheuncitsi arly young person <,f the preeent div. ire wma loids thai one the hump." :iud a pi for the dislike engendered by a particular ■tretch often cot Ifj i-arly re collection m of a dUmil lUI berlain's town— it v |]y hie then, for tfcethi lD j
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 252 1 CHEAP SALE YONG LtE SEKC~AND Co., 27, KLING STREET. removal cl business to Orchard Road branch. The whole of ctcr.--.-e stock of Hats and Shoes. Perfumery. Toilet requisites, Utcnsila, Hosiery. Lamp., Glassware and Sundries of every be on sale from Ist of June at prime cost. All t's are to
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    • 149 1 Entertainments. ALHAMBR/ TO-NIGHT. LA TOSCA, LA TOSCA, LA TOSCA A Dramatic Play written by Victorien Sardou. Absolutely the finest film ever produced m the World. INCLUDING A CHANGE OF PROGRAMME TO-NIGHT, OF THE FOLLOWING PICTURES: Manoeuvring the Life Boat. Ralph Benefits by People's Curiosity. An Animal Strength. Aviation has its
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    • 323 1 Entertainments. iVICTCRfA THEATRE, 3 Nights Only. THE Bandmann Dramatic Co,, Thursday, June 3. THE "MANXMAN." Friday, June 4. "THE SIGN OF THE CROSS. Saturday, June 5. "THE SHAUGHRAUN." Prices: $3, $2, $1. BOX PLAN KOW 01 EN AT THE KOBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd. May 26 PI AY HUP §fjft©Oi&s Dutch
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    • 62 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. The Albambra Programme includes I Tosca" Page 1. Place your piano m charge of tbe ltobinsi Piano Co. Page 4. Gentleman requires board and lodging Page 1. Oriental balm for aches and pains Page Yong Lee Seng Co aro selling off tbe Xlii street stock Page 1. Butterfly
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 370 1 THE WEZK. Thursday, 2Tth Sigh Water.— 2.s 7 a., 5.24 p Rev F.B. Meyer, Presby. Church. Open, 5.11 Victoria Theatre, Men only, B I Mail Homeward closes 3 p S.V.I. Company Extended Order Drill. Friday, 28th High Water.— 4.l o a., 6.24 p Municipal Commission, 2.30 p N.D.L. Mail Outward
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  • 803 2 The far. paarii naaf breed ft t D But it is »til] mor- I logical point of view. The it eternally edif ying en S report o:' I and ofi iae after another, t] pea- I m tiier hands, and :.--ses to confi -m the merit. kr.u.v it
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  • 1084 2 Tenders are invited for th? lea^e of Revenue Farms m the State of North Borneo from the Ist January, 19.0, a« set out hereunder. REVENUE FARMS IN THE STATE OP NORTH BORNEO. 1 In making arrangements for the leasing j of the Parma for the next
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 527 2 LEONG CHEONG& Co. TAILORS if *Xi\ xi \J'^- Jfr'^:^,/ OUTFITTERS. iP^n^sl 1 Suits made to order a perfect fit. 4 W~1i& wish to inspect the styles will prove 0 ?'^os£gk& t convincing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Leong Cheong Co. JHI j 61, High Street i y Singapore. NOTWES. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. Applications will
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    • 495 2 NOTICES. M U NICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Commissioners invite tenders for the supply of Galvanized Wrought Iron Water Tubing, Water Fittings, Brass Taps and Cocks. Copies of the Specification and Conditions and Form of Tend c with Schedule, together with properly endorsed envelopes, may be obtained on application to the
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    • 595 2 BANKS. International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000. Head Office 6O Wall Street, New York. London Office Threadneedle House, Bishopsgate Street Wittln, L> .jon EC. London BAHKBBB: National Provincial Bank of England Ltd. General Foreign Basmess Tiansacted. DEPOSITS. Current Deposit Accounts opened and Interest allowed on the daily balances
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    • 384 2 INSURANGES^ FEDERAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada. Capital arvd Assets exceed 4,000,000 Gold Dollars. J. H. EVAN*. Manager, usUm At-,* The Borneo Co., General Agents. M, HEW ZEALAND INSURANT fft,O t ITB. FIRE ASD MARINE. \m^i:i ihsoranuE issm m. KAsnri CHINA FIRE INSURANCE CO., LTB. LQKOON GUARANTEE L ACCIDENT CO.,
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  • 561 3  -  Arnold White. Bt g IK En Capacitt, f, neither i Incapacity. >;-^h the crisis Another Admiral is 8 the Oam ia w the attacks on St. Vincent when he was First j ji>r d niralty a h -.l-l yean ••und n t%- .I Dg 1 ft
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 315 3 AND COVER YOURSELF against result of CAR ACCIDENTS. Don't take the Risks any longer. You may be called upon for Heavy Damages I any moment. The payment of a small sum annually Relieves you of Great Responsibility. especially if you use a native Chauffeur. Full Particulars from The Borneo Co.,
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    • 552 3 AuenoNs. AUCTION SALE Rare Old Japanese Curios At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan and Co.'s Salerooms. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Ist, 3rd sth June, at IG-3O a.m., each day. Comprising Cld and New Kinkossan Satsvma Vases, Bowls, Plates. Inc< use Burners and Tea sets, Gold Wire Cloisonne Boxes and Vasea, Bare 011
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    • 414 3 AUCTION SALE OF THE FREEHOLD SFSiDENTIAL ESTATE "Dovecot" No. 124, Bjtveb Valley Rd. Wednesday, 2nd Jute, at 2-30 p.m. All that Valuable freehold property estimated to contain an area of 12 Acres, 2 Roods. 30 Poles together with the well built and beautifully situated European residence known as "Dovecot No.
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    • 364 3 USE kn U k L U L If I L II I i i^f^SL PRmA *4? \-'A FOR HIGH CLASS WORK BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED, Contractors to Government. TROPICAL ROOFING 2 Ply SIO per roll of 216 square feet. 3 $1 2 complete with Nails, Caps and cement for fixing. Sectional
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  • 13 4 Domestic Occurrences. Death. MOTLE.— Od May 9th. at Maulniain, James Copley MOYLB, Barrister-at-law.
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  • 1124 4 The Singapore Free Press Thursday, May 27, 1909. Here shall tJie Pies* tlie People's rigi I mi U awed by influence and unbribed by gain; Here patriot Truth Jh floriou pre i I Plt;< q s eii to Religion Loyalty 0.-ci >aw. Touching the point of the supply of labour
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  • 933 4 The Committee of the Children's Aic Society gratefully acknowledge the receipt of a generous donation of $300 from th< Amateur Dramatic Society to the funds oi the Society bains part of the proceeds of th< recent Theatrical Entertainments. Exchanges report that Merchant Shipping consolidation laws are now being considerec u«r
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 334 4 WHISKIES SCOTCH Dews o'the Glen Perfection (D. &J. Me I The Old Brigade Callum's) Very Old Highland Polo Brand (T. P. Griffin Blend Co s > Robert Macdonald Extra Special Finest Club Whisky Liqueur (Chop Rajah) Monarch o'the Glen Club Bharu Rare Old Blend O. D. S. V. O. S.
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    • 148 4 S. MOUTRIE CO., LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1875. SINGAPORE, HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, TIENTSIN AND LDNDON. HEW PIANOS Sin I II PER MONTH TUNING REGULAR ATTENTION INCLUSIVE. Tbesc celebrated instruments embody th< es^ence cf 35 years experience of this climai j and what is necessary to enable a PIANO t stand any extreme." INSPECTION
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 248 4 DAILY MAIL CUP. The results of the iho (or the Dii ed generally yesterday Ipoh ngkong re aud Ku ila Lumj 757, but X L. won the I against 249 at the 606 fd A conference of i Galleries exposed some ol ed Cor iai A lady who champion said
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  • 13 5 Ed to Pre erling. The heavy guns an I I gar-
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  • 23 5 Ma w Jist I I 2 am. c demanded SaI the payment of > pensation for damage a tl .i from Joli
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  • 198 5 .he past yeax Las one, and bm ■.< no meeting l. ion and Lain nance f fairly t! rasp uded rally. But ii n•■ may I Mr Bob ;n's coml been uo retrogression. The Lancashire, at any rate, m spite Kof commerce, enjoyed a thoroughly
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  • 135 5 THI KDlt BOTCOTT. •11 known to Echo reader that en at Penang buying from ortiug ied for longer baa some of them were disposed to ■m eases the Chinese I to their usual method of quietly Dg those who refused to oblige them. 69 talk lately of efforts
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  • 40 5 lij.ih of PaAani and week and ,ire at presem il ring m" town. rent rumour, of course," connects the f His Highness with arrange--1 w to tbe \nglo-Siamcse tiaappa re hazard. •rr, of Trinity ColUw. 1\ indy, -mas' College Colombo,
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  • 39 5 I m can m ba M pet cent my article, yuu b«w ktergain. When bl>y of Ctiaiubcrlain s Colic v Diuri m i:- medy at the regular "IB I several tiui. s its r the auimuer borei
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  • 43 5 Farther Demands. (Bj Babm&riafl Tele^ntpb.— Banter*!) A I'iiiral Coaster, opening the German Xivy Leagua Congrew at Time, insisted irmanj hai too few cratsen oompari( l Britain and the defect must he remedied and a seventeenth battleship idded to the programme.
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  • 64 5 Mail Steamers Detaiaed. The re*ult of the strike of French naval reservist- that twenty mul steamers are I M irseillee. The Guvernmeut has histilj iutroduced a bill authorising the conveyance of mails to Algaria m foreign ships, and another bill defining the legal status of employees of the
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  • 16 5 K-c. Maj 26, 10.8 am. Admiral St John, of Chino-Japan war fame, is dead.
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  • 295 5 Teh Guan Sew, sub- post master of the 8 &1 the Police Court-, was still m charge of it on the 18th instant. A surprise visit le by one of the chiefs and it was fouud on examining the books and cish there wis a deficit of $140.
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  • 326 5 With referemce to the valuable pearl necklace whose mysterious disappearance was recorded m Bangkok papers there appears to be just that kind of mystery which the writer teetive stories usually revels m. It i that the box containing the necklace was handed to the Captain of
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  • 30 5 Correetus sends uo voucher with his letter. L* ha open to an engagement r If go. we shall be pleased to dISCUM terms, and explain what he has to do.
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  • 38 5 Don't allow twenty-fool hours to elapse without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy m your home. True, you may not need it within that time, but it is better than any doctor's prescription and
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  • 483 5 Mr Meyer's Lectures to Men, i Tuesday Mr Meyer delivered the first instalment of his lecture on The Physiology of a Strong, Pare Life," to an inspiring audienca of some 860 to 400 men, who listened with close attention to the speaker's frank ami yet delicate treitrnent
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  • 320 5 When the Raffles football league was formed last year, it will be remembered that the Commercial XE headed the list with eleven points, after plavicg six matches of which they drew only one. Next cime the runners-up, Special Class, with ten points. The competition for this year commenced
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  • 132 5 Oa Saturday evening the team which represented the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank against the S.rgeants Middlesex Kgt. at Tangliu, suffered a defeat by one goal to none. It was a break away by the Sgts. forwards that led to I. M. Sgt. English scoring the only goal
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  • 10 5 mi T>..-1 11 l: TT U~ ~C Al-_
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  • 562 5 ThB two men A/.'z and Tambj KechiL concerned m the Little's jewellery robberj were, yesterday, before Mr X E. Colmao, for preliminary enquiry into the allegation of theft as servants. Mr Baker conducted the enquiry for the Crown. Mr J Oldham, an assistant m the firm
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  • 89 5 A while back two batches, 43 and 15 respectively, of rowdy individuals fell into the hands of luspector Friyne. They had been rioting, committing mischief and generally making things lively m their neighbourhood. Yesterday, they were arraigned before Mr C. F. Green. It was urged that strong
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  • 148 5 These sports take place early m July and the entry sheets have been placed m the Club. IMow will be found the list of events. The training tracks are now marked out and it is hoped competitors will make good use of the ehmce3 of practice
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  • 36 5 A house at Teluk Kurau, occupied by Malay?, collapsed on Tuesday eight Several Malays were injured and a girl of 13 years of age was killed. The house was outside Municipal limits.
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  • 32 5 The great pain relieving power of Cham berlain's Pain Balm is clearly shown m cases of sciatica and inflammatory rheumatism, both of which are extremely painful, but one
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 359 5 ROBINSON Co. THERMOS SSL PATENT FLASKS. Invaluable to '■Trav,.l!,,.' towta*!, to Sportsmen" J^*» >i *f%, x Invaluable to 'Excu.-i.jL ;s." W ">mL HOT BEVERAGES will remain hot for 24 bonr, without any tpplicatioo or any precautions afiainst cold 'St. COLD DRINKS will remain cold for days. No Ice or artificial
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 516 6 S. V. C ORDERS- I By L.*,;t < c-: r, i;ro;;d: k 0oa»-| maad:int, S. C. Si gapoi* 25ta M ij I S v. C Mm rl -W to i&TJ Di HaD at t i for B v a. for en- ling ft% 1-' {> S-- n. Oiiailj 81. C.
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    • 547 6 On the Berth. NOBDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. fat Hongkong. Shanghai and Japan Ports. The Imperial German Mail Steamer PRINZ EiEOBNT LUITPOLD" 2881 as, Captain Xi wngkikOolo«n« bo lay thr 28rd but, at B a.m., may tx BXpeoted to urife bt ra OB Friday D, the 28tb idem, en route for above i-
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    • 546 6 SHIPPING. N YK JAPAN KAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. j ryW Two regular services are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPE ly the Company's well- known TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, under Hail Contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent tommodation for
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    • 1177 6 SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA~ LINE, HAMBURG. The- stearri'.'rc of thi.s Corrsr^ny maintain r rogniar BerviC" I" twt-en Hamburg. Bremen Antwerp, and Rottardaot, iad tl.« .-".ranChina and Japan. Homewara^. th"y a r f despatched ft rtnif for Havre and Hamborg and orx- a mOßttl for BremerhavL-n direct, caliin^ at Pteaag and Colombo.
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    • 300 6 SHIPPING. 1 OCEAN STEAM BID 1k I I China Mutual Stes L The Companioß* attsamerß are despatch Japan every week, and fror for London, Amsterdam kt nigi* ilarseilles ar t for B j One outward eteai Seattle ai JSk Thr l J and Inland Points. The Companios' etftfti j are
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  • 980 7 SH ARES. MINES. Capital Capital Ima* P*J4 Issued paid ap V*ia« up Company. Qaot*tfoH $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining 00. Ltd 800 $300,000 225.000 10 10 Bruang Limited 7.00 $600,000 600,000 10 10 Bruaeh Hydraulic Tin K. 00. Ltd 750 £500,000 444,769 1 1 Data Development 00. Ltd
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  • 62 7 (Corrected up to May 26.) Baak4rc/s 2/1 demand M 2/3J Prirat^ crsdits 3 m/« credits 6 m/s iM 2/4,^ FaiKG3, doMnd Bank^ GiaKAKT, demand 237 [WMA, T. L\ M M 174 Hoh e koko. demand 23% 4m. Fokokuu demand com. 113[ Java, demand Bangkok' demand Sovekeions, Bmk Buying |8M
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  • 111 7 r^ i Oarahier ?»ml-:er < No. I IHOO No. 2 i 'e p«r Black (onT.IL S'por» 1 Pepper, WL \xa (fair 18 75 Nutmegs (110 to tk« Ib.)«. 16.50 Nutmegs (80 to the ib.) 50 M*ce lEuidh.) nora (Tlove* [JMTinilli) 24 Liberia Go2f«w w 25.00 Tapioca, HMO ptMl
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 239 7 Justus Van Maurik CIGARS. SOME SPECIALITIES. Mac Kinley Cigars Comme il fain size $5 per hundred. B >]ac Klniev Cigars r Dinner Size per hundred. Kinley Cigars $3.50 per hundred. Bismarck Cigars $6.75 per hundred. booklet giving I prices 01 Nads may be had >n from the Sole Importers \DELSVEREENIGING
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    • 613 7 I TO LET. TO BE LfcT. 1 BRAEIiAR (instead Road, near Nowtou Station. Aj ply A. H. G. c o Free Press." M»J l« Us 2-6 TO BE LET OR SOLD SEPARATELY OR TOGETHER Four spacious European Godowns, \us. 8, i. 5 I 6, N'cinsoa Road, Boberte to Qaay, txtcnJint,'
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    • 96 7 NOTICE I B S|ra^^^» I CAN NOW BE OBTAINED AS FOLLOWS: jl I r^?*^— li*^^ Pure Sterilized. In tins of one pint, I ififeS^^H^^^'ii! tumbler, and cup size. 9 l^lth '^rahH Condensed Unsweetened m no- B feL G£ ikII minal one pound half pound tins. N^^ri^rr^^l^ Condensed Sweetened m nominal
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 900 7 VESSELS IN PORT. Man-of-war FJa R and Tons Comrr.snders Arnvf-d fv f r W l(m HaiOW Ch. 130 Shea May II I r a k Hai Yung CIl cm. 2950 Lin May Deli Belle F.M.S. Tacht 400 Ahn at 25 S, e rw.C^w F p^Jro% MaSter A 7 tTOm For'
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    • 88 7 WEATHEK REPORT. Data Bar Wind Teaip Hum ty ft. a :u ij 26 a'kou- a \'E2 74 or Manila ]«-a 7 HI 26 o -> N2 7J Maiiila 4!• Wi M o K^adang Kor b»u Bospital, v 1 M9^ 9 a.m. Ir m S* r m I Barom. 32 Fab.
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