The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 26 May 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 126 1 Various telegrams from outstations ;he resulth of the Daily Mail ihootisg ytslerday, and of the Empire Day celebrations Page 4. A claim for (15,000 wmi commenced m -he Supreme Court yesterday Page 5. The Italian Parliament has sanctioned an expenditure of nearly X'lB million on tbe Siavy,
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  • 886 1 not* tha a It I mious racing day of the world his come round, we do not think there if og that, for the Ecglii ly better known than any othe; xtuie all the world ov n- holiday aDd the foreigner vi m md and misses this 'he
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 339 1 mm 9M _SI I9_S_S_R_L M __H___________R_______. __*a__________o_________M_orv i M bfl world renowned firm' I Sons and Maxim Ltd., ibe propri< tors Mo( iCu Ltd. wer. recently derignated by Mr. W Ijvtcna m cli iin the House of Commons on the Dreadnought question, A tag "a nation^ yes of the British
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    • 77 1 Entertainments. HARIMA HALL' CINEMATOGRAPH, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. To-Night To-Night Entire Change PROGRAMME. String Orchestra, Electric Fans. K. HARiMA. Sole Proprietor. THE Gaiety Cinematograph. FOOT OF FORT CANNING. i GRAND CHANGE i OF PROGRAMME. Wednesdays and Saturdays. The Federate Capital of Fun Where Youth and Beauty Meet. ANTHONY LEYvTS, Sole Proprietor.
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    • 255 1 Entertainments. VICTORIA THEATRE.! 3 Nights Only. THE Bandmann Dramatic Co., Thursday, June 3. THE "MANXMAN/ Friday, June 4. "THE SIGN OF THE CROSS." Saturday, June 5. "THE SHAUGHRAUN." Prices $3, $2. $1. BOX PLAN KOW OI'EN AT THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd. May 26 LA TOSGA LA TOSCA rp LA
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    • 88 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Bandmann Dramatic Co., three nights Page 1. Mortgagees sale, land and property, Coghlan k Co Page 3. Dutch Mail, and Ocean S. S. Co new timebabies Page 6. Garcia for good and cheap second hand pianos Page 8. Siddeley's at the Central Engine Works Page 1. On the
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 346 1 THE WEEK. Wednesday, 26th Hi*'^ W*t*r 1 58 fl 4 18 p Rev F.B. Meyer, Presby Church. Open, 5.15p Victoria Theatre. Open, 8.45 p Feast of Weeks (Jewish Festival.) Belat Tin Mining Coy. Meeting, noon. Thursday, 27th High Water.— 2 57 a., 524 p Rev F.B. Meyer, Presby. Church. Open,
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  • 774 2 iRBESPONDBNT LEADS A FORLORN HOPS. Akmv V UflS correspondent at Tabriz describes what he says will be the la_t ait u-k on I oe_ investing the eiry Ele and Mr Baskerville, the American who was killed, two parties of National: ita _tga enemy on behalf of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 732 2 how doc' C, O^V A iVvei -v Vi i^Sst'l p. i ;s w \M \\mwC toid a//; v 1? j/ Jf n r t^l Z'l"'^ IJ ihr M J 'A A i.: >ther M told (r r [U\ V mother. It's and- a nediciae for cbfldrea yii(er 9 8 'Cherry
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    • 571 2 NOTIGES. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. Applications will be received at the Master Attendant. Office up to the 31st May for the post of Usher and Malay Interpreter at the Marine Magistrate's Court, Singapore. Salary 1600 p. a. with annual increments of $120 up to a maximum of $930 p. a. Applicants must
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    • 635 2 NOTWES. EXCHANGE BANKS. The Exchange Banks wiil be closed on Monday 31st inst. Whit Monday. Thursday 3rd June Prime of Wales Birth-ay. May 26 bo 5 SINGAPORE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. The Annual General Meeting Singapore Football Association will be hei i m the S. C. C. Pavilion North Room on Thursday
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    • 582 2 B_gAr/rs, International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000. Head Office 6O Wall Street, Xfa.v Kobe. London Office .-—Threadneedle House, bishopsgate Street Within, London I London Banker* National Provincial bank of England Ltd. General Foreign Business Trajisactcd. DEPOSITS. Current Deposit Accounts opened and Interest allowed on the daily balances at
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    • 261 2 INSURaNGES^ FEDERAL LIFE Assurance Ccmpany of Canada. Established j Capital and Assets exceed 4,000,000 Gold Dollars. J. H. EVANS, A] ann ger, South Eastern Atria Thf Borneo Co., General Ag< KEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO., LTD FISE AND MARINE. rAM-TSZE INSURANCE ASSOC, t MARINE. KA FIRE INSURANCE GO., LTI. LONDON GUARANTEE
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  • 487 3 BoA&n y The Board of T 1 Binul :n !n P ,,!tink *tcp t of injpp.'.:n_- Ik Oiling of Britiel l I int tbat many Bril nert, particnlariy tboas of the vol gaged c th( a habitat Britiafa of deck (anl j 8 lent watches to
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  • 409 3 Mr. A. Gillett, of Th* Gardens, Handling Park, Hytht',. K< nt, England, wrote us on Apnl 29th, 1905, describing bis terrible suffering trom paralysis of the bladder, and ol bit wonderf.i recovery through using Doan's i B i ••■he Kidney Pills. Tl ca— being one of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 45 3 Mm fan A") to BC pr cent rticle, you have a bar, ia Wlu-u b ".v I bottle of Chamberlain's Colic "MMI !A in.- Is egokl will probably .say. Html tim I Hi 'tin doctors bills before lbi ma is over Oi securty you wii.
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    • 319 3 WANTED. WANTED. Dispenser for Rubber Estate m Johore. Must be able to speak Tamil. Apply with testimonials, Gl THRIE Co.. Ltd. mwf n.c. WANTED. A Motor boat Driver for the Jugra Land and Rubber Estates Ltd. m Telok Gungging. Port ist be thoroughly conversant witb Motor Engines and must be
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    • 654 3 AUGTIONS. AUCTION SALE Rare Old Japanese Curios At Messrs, H. L. Coghlan and Co.'s Salerooms. Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday Ist. 3rd Sth June, at IG-30 a.m.. each day. Comprising Cld and New Kinkossan Satsuma Vases, Bowls. Plates, Lncense Burners and Tea sets, Gold Wire Cloisonne Boxes and Vases, F»are OH Chinese
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    • 214 3 TOWN PROPERTY AUCTION, At Iters. H. L Coghlan Co's Salerooms On Monday, 7th June, at 2-30 p.m. No. 9, SOLOMON STREET, Area 2,720 square feet, held under Statutory Grant. Quit Rent $13. H. L. CCGHLAN Co., Auctioneers. May 24 8.6 AUCTION SALE OF THE FREEHOLD KFSDENTIAL ESTATE '"Dovecot" No. 124,
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    • 387 3 mm mm^^^^* m^ m m ***'**^******'*mmm*mwmtmmMmmamwmMmmmmammmwßMmmmmmmmmmm <^ BKaa ***>*nßa_a_H_s— n_c_H_a_a_a_H_N_aua_ai_B_n_«__*__a_a_«2u_K_M_a_a_B_a> *r****' v '_~^S^X "LIST 2" PATTERN, ADAPTED FOR THE CUSTODY OF VALUABLE PAPERS BOOKS, ETC. tmmsmmmmmmmmmmssmmmmmmsmmMMSMMmMMmMMMtmmMiMMmmmw^mmssmmmmi H_-__H_-___H_V^____H___HB^lHHH^^^HHlH_----H-IM_HB i^BH_l_____Bß_lM__MM-_B_H__IBB^BIIBIHIHB|||||BB LINED THROUGHOUT WITH FIRERESISTING CHAMBERS 3 2 INS,, THICK FILLED WITH BEST NONCONDUCTING MATERIAL UNPICKABLE VIOLENCE AND GUNPOWDRB PROOF PROTECTED WITH 1
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  • Domesttc Occurrences.
    • 24 4 On 25th May, at Austerlitz, 2-B Lloyd Road the wife of H. L. Yogelesang, of the Asiatic Petroleum Coy Ltd, of a daughter.
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    • 21 4 Ai the Bank House, Ipoh, Perak, on the 21b4 instant, James, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott.
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  • 1735 4 The Singapore Free Press. Wednesday, May 26, 1909. c shall the P-.ess tb. People's right jnainta a, U .awed by influence am) unbribeo t.>v g ain II (vitriol Truth b pforiou precept Pledged to Religion Loyalty and a« One of the troublesome questions awaiting solution m the British Empire
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  • 401 4 Mr Chia Cheng Kang, the local longdistance champion swimmer, discarded his queue, "the sign of slavery," on Empire Dunman of Grove Estate has r< ed the loss of a motor lamp from his place at Tanjong Katong. A European reports the loss of a cigarette case and other articles value,
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  • 26 4 IN IPOH. .7.} Ip Empire Day was celebrated bere by a parade of 2,500 school boys on the Padang ani the holding of sports.
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  • 20 4 The Empire D MMsds big dis pi The decorations and illuminations were very tine and tbe ball success.
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  • 8 4 The Empire D rations here were
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  • 31 4 The Hongkong MMMWM m the Empire In the shoot for the Duly Mtil E Cup the Ipoh total wt> 715. In tho Duly npire Cup Penang scored 719.
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  • 133 4 1 drove to town on Empire Day a thoi nobis tbi I thou. nougats I and brave and va! ad t iras proud that I orrid 1 a Trim Tight I almost bo I drove to town on E D**J, sitting m my In I saw the Union Jack.
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  • 17 4 In the ciicket n and Negri Sembihn 72 m t. and I<C m their sec^:
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  • 20 4 The Chinese manager of M. and Company, has fallen from the pper window of a house and wai*
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  • 7 4 Tunku Kulid, the ex-?.
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  • 31 4 Messrs Adams aud All< the Kedah < letter to the Pin,, the leader published iv 7. aud c miplaining that X totally ignored both by Gro M Siam regarding the tern
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  • 36 4 The Band maun i> be coming back to Sing season of thiee nights, 3rd. The Manxman, tb (m which Mr Heurv part) and the Shaughraun, i billed, and the box plan ia I ituw
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  • 37 4 Ingku Hussain bin Abdul State Coinmissioi on the bench wit; Hr. E. I day afternoon. The subject o. (8 15) ib Bob i is open to all V M 0. A. i .<_terday, BnpMrf I M J_i___r
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 100 4 I NEW STUDIO High Glass Photographers, \LEE BROTHERS. 58-4, Hill Street, Singapore. (off Stamford Road.) I Price list on Apolication. Dec_l6 18-12 Ito those homeward bound J. CampbeH Latham Co., Court. Naval Military Tailors 59, Conduit Street, LONDON, W. MR. H. C DISSA(ar :^0 M rv*. j VISIT OF THE
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  • 44 5 Im Expenditure. (By S ibmar n« T-'Wriph. lou?er*i) Bm M. 21 ■j I pm. i: >me the PafHament has amended the I imates. Bxpenditnre will a i be £1. be spreafl ov- son. vith the itei. The pr- will include tv, Dreid-
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  • 75 5 -lpm. In the Heavy Weight Championship of utd, Laogford the American knocked four rounds. The er Moir an 1 1 m for the 'iub, -i\ ing. The first good m knoi t a second and thi] run. The winner tui blow. With -tv bett he might become A>rtu_atelv he
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  • 16 5 via Pen Ml 3 2 :n the Rubber Company market •n a strong
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  • 39 5 I The Rubber Securities Investment Trust _s been formed with a capital of ..b the present issue is eet ore are.— \Y Addins.ll, Cecil de Winton, Dan 1 Take utd that of a usual busines ll company.
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  • 334 5 ICASJ 9 PRE ME C<-' 3ia, a small- footed Chinese BtifE m a case befoie aith at th* 1 Supreme rday. She claimed > irom Sin. appeared for the i Mr Kuowles represented the was the wife of Khoo that the defendant hter-in-law of her husband. She
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  • 51 5 Munificent Donations. {/'>'■ Com /■■•Hife/if.) Hongkong, May 25. The donation of Bfesmn Butterfield and Swire to the fl »ng_ 'iig University scheme ii &30,o:o. The Taikoo Sngai Company hai given 85,0 10 and the Steamship Company i limilar sum. kl -day's exchange the total m dollar, j
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  • 51 5 Resolutions Adopted. {From our tnun Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, May 25. The Lnti I ►piam Conference had a most nusiastic meeting, all ths resolutions pro pose: idopted. Bish »p I .ldham gave an excellent address. The next conference will be held m Singapore. The date has not yet been
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  • 63 5 (By Submarine Telegraph.— Router's) Rec. May 25, 10 a.m. The Royal Gaographicil Society has presented a founder's medal to Dr A. M--a for his Turke. tan Explorations. The M'uchison grant has been made to Captain a lings for his Thibet Explorations, and the Bick grant to Rii
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  • 19 5 The late Sir Donald Currie has left estate valued at_g_ 77 There are no charitable bequests.
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  • 13 5 Mr Hays Hammond has declined the offer of the Peking Embassy.
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  • 33 5 Rec. May 25, 10 20 am. The naval reserves at Marsailles have given notice of a strike. Two steamers due to sail yesterday are detained as they are without crews.
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  • 46 5 The Times, m a special Empire Day issue, introduced a letter from Mr. Chamberlain dealing with the rec?nt growth and recognition of the Union of the Motherland and dependencies, and the accord of all parties m seeking to mike the union more practical.
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  • 43 5 0 md the members of the Singapore Amateur Dramitic Committe have recently made donations from their funds to the following Charitable Institutions The Childrens Aid Society, St. Mary's Home, The Deaconess' Home and The Society St. Vincent de Paul.
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  • 114 5 Before Mr. Justice Smith, yesterday morning, appeals from Magistrates' decisions were heard. The first case heard was that m which Mr. M. Tozer appeared for a Chinaman who had been convicted and fined *10 for assault. Mr. Tozer proceeded to comment on the evidence noticing unfavourably that
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  • 121 5 i V .sterday, the case m which Mr de Mello > on behalf of the Chinese Protectorate again i oharged two men on remand, one with engaging four labourers to work out of the Colony, without the sanction of the Pro- lector of Chinese j the other,
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  • 1454 5 Bj the time these notes appear m print many thousands of holiday makers will be hurrying home to bed m England to snatch a few hours rest before making an early start for Epsom Downs. The race appears to be as open as most of us could wish.
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  • 166 5 Ua Saturday aftarnooa, Mr. S. Kasssim the popular proprietor of the Indra Zmibar Royal Theatrical Co., gave a matinee perform ance free to al! M day vernacular schoolchill ran. There wore present over 1,800 youngsters from different schools and each batch marched into the hall headed by
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  • 150 5 An inquest was held by the Coroner yesterday iuto the death of an unknown Chinaman who met his death on Monday night while endeavouring to escape from the police. A Chinese detective told the Coroner a strange tale. He said that on Monday night he was m
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  • 113 5 At the Municipal meeting to ba held on Fnday, Dr. Fowlie will move: That after the 30th June proximo no person m the employ of the Municipality be given any extra payment or gratuity for overtime work, or Sunday work psrformed by them, such services for the future
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 Don't Put It Off. Don't allow twenty-four hours to elapse without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy m your home. True, you may not need it within that time, but it is better than any doctor's prescription and 1 worth twenty times its cost m cases of diar-
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    • 341 5 ROBINSON Co. THERMOS J£j| PATENT FLASKS. jfejj Invaluable to Travellers" Invaluable to M Spot invaluable- to Excursionists." 'f J HOT BEVERAGES will remain hot for 24 hours n___£! """"""Jf) Without any application or any precautions against cold. COLD DRINKS will remain cold for days. No Ice or artificial cooling requires
      341 words

  • 230 6 The )ted are generally thost At the omrnrnrl be small variations. Singapore, May, 24tb, 1' I" R^-f i, Loag par -:ty U io U Bml 15 s- l v Bean per c kity 1 .t-s do. 3 I*l bag ■B d->. nil d.. l 4 d do.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 165 6 Be Heap Eng M Line ci Steamers, ■JiNOAPor.s to Batavia, Chsbibon anb HiMi-IHTB BAIL. TWICI A W-EX-TOM3. Cx?T. a*. Crumg _n»*| 1,12 m J. Craig. A.*. Cvina A»__ Lotl s.t. 7.trt**-7i4 A. tiamaay KdendalA i,_.S A. DanlcpThey hay a excellent accommodation fo; .-a. en passengers. -eight or pasaage and further
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    • 617 6 On the Berth. S DIAN AND AFRICAN LINE. FOR SOUTH AFRICAN PORT 3 MA RANGOON AND CALCUTTA. Tm Company's Stkamui M TINIioW" will be flcapatrhod as above from Calcutta about h June. Thr.; tgfc Bills of Lading issued bom Singa pore Lafa si loading date here Jone 16th. For tr.
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    • 679 6 SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremei IMPEKIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE' The fast and well-known mail Bteamers 0' this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (conn-ction Marseilles Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki A Kobe to Yokohama
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    • 1114 6 SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. < The steamers of this Company maflltaiw a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam and tho Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly j for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking
      1,114 words
    • 636 6 SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAK SHIP Co. La AND China Kabul Btaam Nay, Cc Ltd The Companies' M*m4mmpsA Liverpool outward. I and Japan every week, and from Japan homnw a foe London, Amsterdam am: Aid irerp every I I night; for Genoa, Marseillv- Mi Liverpool and for Mai nd Liver] One outward
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  • 982 7 Capital C«plUl i--«i Palcl Issued paid op V*io* ap Company. QacUdoa $300,000 300,000 10 10 B«lat Tin Mining 00. Lt4 800 $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruang Limited 7.00 $600,000 600,000 10 10 Braaeh Hydraulic Tin M. Go. U4 750 £500,000 444.769 1 1 Dus Development 00. Lt4 6.00 $400,000
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  • 422 7 o Man-of-war Flag and Tons O-mmanders Arrived From r wi,« FLanung Ch ,ru. 2250 Lin May 12 Sonraba Thalang BiamYachtllO h>ldahl May 21 Penanag <m ll a Booaendanl May! Muntok Shfn Ahmat P Swettenham I iS' HaerA Tons Master Arnv, rem Consignee Fur A.*ang 2" 1 S^nrrer May
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  • 104 7 IsladePanay Span 2089 Soria y 22 Manila .rlow Co. Liverpool 22 Gerd Nor 751 Andueasen May 24 Bon. Borneo Co. Bangkok 25 Poh Ann Brit 481 Robertson May 25 P Swettenham Straits SS Co P Swett 27 SriMnar Brit 123 Hudson May 25 Malacca Soon Keck Muar 26
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  • 60 7 (COEBaCTKD UP TO May 2 _tek4_a/s 2/4 demand PriTate credits 3 m/s w 1 credits ro/* •or. dsmatij Bank^ 8! Ghs-ma.ny. demand Ikdia. T. T, 174 1 1 B -WENT* demand r, dis. hama, demand nom. 1 Java, demand ]39» Bangkok' demand BSf Sovereigns, Bmk Buying Bank of England
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  • 126 7 Gambier M m GanAier Cube Nc 1 Gamlier Gc-be No. 2 PepperßiAck ford n. S'por*} buyers 1 Pc-pper.W bite (fair buyers 18.(0 N 1 1 e gs f 1 1 0 to th« lb M tfataasgi (80 to ths I_.) 22 M Mace (Bandai norn Obits (AasfcoiM) Liberlw. Coffee
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 287 7 Singapore Cold Storage Co, Ltd. Hear Entrance to Borneo Wharf. T?l-phone 1028. kinds of Frozen Meate jaa be lefiresed to shipping at the or m the Singapore Roada on short "bTtHAWIB TUILY SUPPLIES are re for same mi -t bo telephoned .ny i Not Later than 3 p.m. to s
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    • 573 7 I TO LET. TO EE LET. The comfortable and pleasantly situated compound house known as No. 448 1 Gaylang Road, 8 miles from Town. Bent |25. Apply to POWELL Co., Auctioneers. May2_ <_J. OFFICE TO LET. lighted office [on the first floor The I aaary Buildings. Apply to Tm. Dispensary,
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    • 90 7 "If it is not seemly, do it not ip it is not true, speak it not." Marcus Aurelius. RE-INFORCED MALTHOJD has been introduced with the greatest success for flat roofs m tropical and semi-tropical climates. The flat roof makes a coo!, comfortable resort for summer evenings. It can be utilised
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    • 146 7 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. tjNBKH CoarT-HACT WITH THB >"_.„_ INDIA <iOVBaNMBHT. Agents at Singapore, The Shipsagency, Limited, 2-3. Colly e: ft. ay. the undermentioned dates of departure ARE ONLY approximate. Brouwer Moeara-Saba, Simpang, and Djambi 26 van der Lyn Singkawang and Pontianak VAN Riereeck Batavia, Javacoast, Samarang. Soerabaia, Macassar. BalikPapan,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 251 7 Hai Nam, Brit, str., Phillips, for Muar and Malacca. Betsy, Dut. str., Bojeng, for Bagan via ports. Emily, Dut str., Hoosain, for Batu Paint. Solfond, Nor. str., Hansen, for Nantes. Perak, Brit, str, Quine, for T. Anson via ports. May 25. Wilhelm, Brit, str., Richter, for Macassar via ports. Osnabruck,
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  • 783 8 C sans I > q d_b i ._> t -ken i v Mr Alex, p I '..>. the Cot aer rnaterdny, aft tbe Qnsnra] ii i] >daalli uf Chi uese I Eloh Hoo, who m shot 0 al Polo Bm oa the night of the Istbinat. T
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  • 41 8 I following .< result of crushing IMntiOM r Real) fof the fotH wtdkl ending ."ind instant Bum t i\ OM \> Bfc M crushed 3 385 tons Qold obtained 1,092 ouneee Averut, p»*r ton 5 62 dwtf. T-t T _.-TT Malacca
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  • 193 8 Va I VTIKM I B. 0. 0. 2»D XL PI ired on Monday on Baffles Reclamation j Otfa tenms were under strength. S. C. C. 2nd XL ti R. Latham C Ben jafield b Cooper 8 Ebedfern c sub b Benjafield 10 J I. Thnnderb Cooper 53 c Gregson
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  • 107 8 i; Piay m First Round for N. M .sterton w. o. H. B Salmond beat A. Smith 2 up. J. H. D. Jones beat Et. F. Binnie 5 up and 4. W. King beat Jaa. Binnie 1 up. J. Trowell beat C. A. Leggatt 2 up and
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  • 228 8 Owing to the Governor's "At Home this afternoon, the fixture between Keppel Harbour and Penghiboran for this afternoon has been deferred till Thursday, 27th inst., the rapliy between Babul Aman and Pulo Bukum to Friday 28th and Straits Union Rikisha to Saturday 2'.'-.h. A police team met a scratch
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  • 204 8 A corporal of the Fire Brigade accommodated a friend by putting him up for a time. The guest has gone but it has been found that with him has gone jewellery value, $324 The friend has left no clue. A conservancy cart m Selegie Road was fouad on fire a
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  • Correspondence.
    • 177 8 0 thf; Editor, Sir, 1 have been rather surprised to see hat apparently no notice has been taken of he cutting oif of the water aupply. It is iow impossible to get water at any hour tetween 6 pm and 7.30 am. Both hours ire extremely awkward,
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    • 254 8 To thk Editor, Sir, V.'hile thanking very much the gen tlemen who have so kindly arranged for a Tamil meeting to be held on the Methodist Girls' School, Short Street, on the olst m Bt mt, at G 15 pu_,may I, through the medium of
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    • 306 8 To the Editor, Sir, It is all very well to celebrate "Empire Day but if you will refer again to your Cricked column of this morniug, I think you will agree with me that the mem b?r of your staff who is responsible for that column ought m
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  • 118 8 Yesterday, this case was again before Mr. E. E Colman. It will be remembered that a short time ago, a French gentleman brought three cases ashore without a permit. The revenue offiaer demanded a duty of *5 90. This was refused and the gentleman was taken to
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  • 17 8 A lady resident m Grange reports the loss of a purse between the liUh and 24th instant.
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  • 197 8 The Imp. German mail steamer Prinz Regent Luitpold having left Colombo, on the 23rd instant, at 9 a.m., may be expected to arrive here on Friday afternoon. During the official trials of the new cruiser Bjadicea the value of oil-fuel WAS strikingly demonstrated. Without it the full power
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  • 648 8 The Beacon Hill tunnel was pierced at 5.30 p.m. Monday, May 17th, several months befcre the estimated time. The railway staff are justly jubilant over the feat, for, as His Excellency the Governor observed at the last i meeting of the Legislative Council, it is a novel
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 74 8 A Popular American Remedy Mr. Fred C. Haurahan, a prominent druggist of Portsmouth. Va.. U. S. A., says: "For the past six years 1 have sold and recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It fa a great remedy and one of the beet patent medicines on the market." For
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    • 14 8 H. L. COGHLAN (8b COS AUCTION SALESMay 28. Rim Rubber Estate, salerooms, 2.30 ILUL
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    • 414 8 I CONTINENTAL I TRADEfj .(^-v^^|maßK Singapore Kumpers &Co Kuala Lumpur Federated Engineering Co I Netherlands Guttapercha »__M— U__BJl_WJ OB——. m. ill II 1 _MMO-_____________««_^_.«_»J^M_«»_«_M»««_»-_.«»_.«»» SINGAPORE EUBBER WORKS. India Rubbec Tyres, a'i kinds and shapes for Carri Ho. RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES. All kinds of I. R. Buffers arid Springs for Railways
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 110 8 LATEST ARRIVALS. Terrier, Nor 1605, Capt Tonsberg, from Bangkok, Borneo Co., Bombay S6. WEATHER REPORT. Date Bar Wind Temp Hum Sky Rain May 24 H'kong 4 p 29.78 E2 76 o Manila 4 p 756 Calm 34 26 ct May 25. H'kong 10a 29 81 Calm 80 o Manila 10a
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