The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 22 May 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 129 1 His Excellency the Governor and His Highness the Sultan of TriD^cranu arrived ia Singapore yesterday Page 7. Lord Newton has introduced a compulsory servic3 bill iv the Lords Page 7. Parisian strikers have had a sharp fight with the police Page 7. The Budget has passed the
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  • 906 1 Chaptcb 1. Peter was a British woi king- man. Ji«» worked nine Lours a da}' and made on the B 2 I wrrk. He was a steady lad and his pleasures were simple. Sjme evenings he would go for a stroll with his sweetheart or take
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 179 1 KATZ BRQ^Ltd.l THE ORIGINAL BURNER ivy we! Ie burner, giving an intense white light, Honec burns ordinary Kerosene oil, and gives a light to about 100 candle power. With screw cr socket fitg, complete with ipecial quality "Honec" mantle and fire"Honec" Chimney. Mantle Holder and Globe Gallery. PRIGE: S3. 25
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    • 195 1 Entertainments. TO NIGHT! NEW PICTURES For the First Time m Singapore. Change of Programme Seal Hunting Be Careful, Gentlemen Film d'Avt The Share of the Poor Main-law a Sportswoman The Pulveriser Paying-up Day The Will of a Youngster Making Paper Pulp m Canada Sports at Bata\ is The Hit Juggler.
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    • 261 1 Entertainments. WAYANG KASSIM. Dutch Malay Opera Co, THEATRE ROYAL. North Bridge Road. To-Night! To-Night! Merchant of Venice. THIS EVENING Grand Variety Performance FOR SCHOOLBOYS AT 4 P. M. SHARP. PEEE! FREE!! FEEE!!! TO ALL NATIVE CHILDREN. In honour of VICTORIA DAY, on Saturday 22nd, Mr. S. Kassim will give a
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    • 120 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. The Rev. F. B Meyer's services Page 6. Sale of valuable land and property Page 5. Little's Oriental balm Page 9. Madame Thea's toilet preparations Page 1. Holiday tickets by the K. P. ML Page 2. Fu3sel's natural fresh milk Page 12. Sale of furniture at Danrobin. Barker
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 346 1 THE WEEK. Saturday, 9 2nd s High Water.— o. a., 11.54 p Sports, Outram Road School. Empire Day Challenge Cup 2. 30 p S.V.A. Week-end-Camp, Pasir Panjang. Lodge St. George Regular, 9 p Sunday, 2 3rd High Water 1.22 a Sunday after Ascension. Novice's Swimming Race. S.V.I. Class Firing, 7.30
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  • 271 2 si v Roi-iiH k\ n iai ix Bi la. I vrites a* follows m the M Bui- A cab!e, the other diy, mentioned that a treaty had been fixed up between Bi itaio and S a-: a British subject Hi Biam are paased to the jurisdiction
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  • 135 2 very great regret that we (Sarawak kte) have to announce the m England at the end of March of Mr. D. Mr. Bailey joined the service as an es.ii on the 18th March ii i me year wai appointed to do duty he
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 244 2 Justus Van Maurik SOME SPECIALITIES. Mac Kinley Cigars Regalia Comme il faut size $5 per hundred. Mac Kinley Cigars After Dinner Size per hundred. Mac Kinley Cigars Entr' Actoa Size $3.50 per hundred. Bismarck Cigars $6. 75 per hundred. Nicely illustrated booklet giving particulars and prices of various other brands
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    • 554 2 LEONG CH tBBHKBMBIIIIIIBIIII I HIM IMIIHWII ■lIHIBUII IMMII -urn i NOTICES. The Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd. Notice is hereby given that I have to-dayj handed over the management of the local branch Office to Mr. N. G. M. Luykh. FRED. E. JAGO. Winchester House, 22nd May, 1909. May 22 29.5
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    • 635 2 TAILORS AND ft OUTFITTERS. Tweeds, Coatings, Perfumery and Toilet Requisites of every description Hats, Helmets and Spectacles. Salts made to order a perfect fit. I ■j A visit to inspect the stylos will prove convincing. Satisfaction guarantee 1. J Leong Cheong Co. 61, High Street, Singapore. NOTICES. POSTPONSMENT. The furniture
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    • 567 2 INSURANCES. FEDERAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada. ESTABTIBHKD 1882. Capital and Assets exceed 4,000,000 Gold Dollars. J. H. EVANS, Manager, South Eastern Asza The Eornko Co., rai Agents. 1 1.6 NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO,, LTD. FIRE AND MARINE. YANS-TSZE INSURANCE ASSOC. LTD. MARINE. CHINA FirtE INSURANCE CO,, LTD. FIB LONDON
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    • 415 2 BANKS. International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000 Head Office .—6O Wai London I Tbreadnoedle Ho;. BishopsgaU L. London 1 ational Pr. Bank q| fei. General Foreign Business Transacted. DEi Current Depohit Accounts am Interest allowed on tht daily balan >■ at tb rate of 2 per annum. Deposits
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 168 2 SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES. St Andrew's Cathed Sunday after Ascension. ox ns. Leeaon De i i.- —on S.John ni», 1 1 li I 7.45 am Holy Communion (Choral. lutroit .'-laiicder tlymn at Offertory 1 18, Pt I. a Dosology n at Communion 469 anatAblnt: 292 i va Children's S< nriott. p:u
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  • 528 3 A DAY 'S WORK. board thai y a.-ked cf the nterlccutor to a firstj .it II bot m i bay Counties eteijiodj, men, some -even haadred Bad 0 wa3 the answer. "Then what," con. of the iciuiring tan of I lad I do the> ril and enemy to cor ihe
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  • 441 3 Fl TURE OF THE iNDI-riiT. A ••orreapondent sends the following interestmg note on the oil fields of Burma One of the most remarkable industrial fea font of Burma during the past few years has be«a the rapid development m the production of petroleum. The most casual visitor
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  • 12 3 mitifUt Jru^j I -A.. HJ« --For tr.'i rcccuimend-
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  • 269 3 NjtLing is more tormenting than piles. They make Jtuost impossible. It is agonising to move or sit down. Piles an dangerous, too, because if neglected they often lead to ti.-tula. If via have piles itching. bleediu£ or protruding the tarlier you be^in Doan's Oict:..
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 66 3 JI THE FINEST TABLE DELICACY" SIUHBS GENUINE Pmerrtd m Tim and J*n Purity and Qua Guaranteed, APPROVED BH :P\CURE3. Appctis:.-^-, NOKrteHtoffi &PTrt rocommcnoeJ feO M»« IniKUJd -Tor .is Btrengthcnui- D restive Properties. c. f, stuhrlTgo.. ha^gurg. Export Agent loveofjove:, 12. Bt. Mary Axe, London. EHMftmEEI B U5 TO S£lP IN
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    • 556 3 PURE MILK FOR BABIES. Foods The Alienburys" Milk Foods are the nearest approach to maternal milk that science has yet achieved. They provide, when used as directed, a complete diet iov infants; promote vigorous health and growth; make firm flesh and strong bones; and are so graduated as to give
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    • 85 3 Mm A w ,v x V Wm 9C< fc~^ v1 r/ Ft 1 f 3 S3 Singapore Soda Water Established over 25 years, F. CLARKE CO., 207, QUEEN-ST, SIKGAPOI!:. Livery Stable Keepers Fodder Merchants. For Kubber-tyred Gharries and Best Rubber tyred carriages, ring up Telephone 916. FODDER delivered to any
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    • 468 3 APIOLINE C^\^t (CHAPOTEAIT) i-'T fun- roablet, ii > pain and those irregulanti. s peculiar to P he highest French leal HOttn ;ind superior to Turih.-y, sled Drops and yal. CHAPOTEAUT. 8. rue Vivsonne. ParU. Sold ty all Ch n ists SELF CURE NO FICTION i MARVEL UPON MARVEL NO SUFFERER
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  • 1111 4 I'uler the heading The Asiatic Influx" Suu liy Ti!M-'s "i LVrth, \V. A has boen publishing >tn fiery articles concerning the alleged traffic between Singapore and Hjre are some parts of a article Excepting B Bg OS er Smith, none of r i~* <m o:! i t!s
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  • 503 4 His of A a- iNA'rroN. Hl3 habitual stoop makes Abdul Hamid look shorter than he really is. Stllow of complexion, soft kindly eyes, a full beard, once of raven bne, bat of la*e years nit irally whitening, f>v m September he will ba sixtynine tbe nose
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  • 332 4 The Seattle Post Intelligence says The new federal statute forbidding the importation of opiaiu prepared for smoking is now m effect. Just previous to the new law becoming effective the custom? authorities 3old at public auction a qiintity of this opium, which had baen seized from smugglers.
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  • 22 4 Don't Put It Off. Don't allow twenty-four hours to elapse without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy m your home. True, you
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  • 475 4 I Mifs. JOSBPH'B Tbi \ls. What They Were, And How Thkv Wekb Overcome by DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. Much needless suffering would be saved if every woman m the Far East realised how speedily and effectively Dr. Williams 1 Pink i Pills cure
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  • 402 4 Q {.i,q pn,f >f (irjwrture, and (where know*) due here, and name of A Airlie, Sydney. A- iomba, June I Ay Ma. Baogki >k, J m Arratoon A.pcar, H I M -eilles, JaiM 14 if Jf A; u, London, June Awa Maru, London, June Bandon, Copenhagen, June 29
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  • 131 4 Per P.I Toynlee, Mr j iington, H E. Sir Job Misses Anderson, Mr .1 Creagh, Mr J S Murray. To Penang. Dr. I P& O Simla, da key, Liout. -Colonel and Hi and child, Mr and Mrs M Barrett, M; To Penang.— Mrs C H Gcwland
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 168 4 I EF YOU SUFFER I From any Skin or Blood Disease, such aa Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Glandular Swellings, Bad Leg s, I leers, Abscesses, Tumours, Boiis, Sores, Eruptions, Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Gout, &c, U&WT DELAY but at once start a course of Clarke's Blood j Mixture (the World-famed Blood Purifier),
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    • 615 4 A CELEBRATED BEAUTY Head Pains, Gout, Lassitude Readers zee Joy themselves that tho?e in a position 1o pick ami whether they are Royal Personage--, popular celebrities, expert doctors, nurses, athletes, <\:c. without Phosierine as the one certain remedy for ail is disorders. distinguished people positive! y attribute their increas or
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  • 595 5 farrago -I 0 I I N'AL. Wll, m he! i m Prance ami i ith the bea B ition, ■iy be exee m h miinary position I Itka 1 kiatial ajces befovi ii held to a ita cwlwtini T tioß lOggi the ii sot quite
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  • 282 5 It would appear, from the number of Chinese who return to Hongkong b.-fore their of banishu: expired, thai Victoria Jail ia a better plaoa than China. This sentiment was v L i who raa arrested on Wedce bt lor the fourth time for returning from banishment.
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  • 226 5 a i > ben's Bequest. The Roman Curia has suddenly discovered the truly legal Sovereign of Bosnia and vina is no one else bafc the Pope. They base that assertion on a legal document, of which the existence cannot be denied. a the Turks, under the
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  • 143 5 Mr EL Clements in the Indian Agriculturist i:— The Monsoon will commence ran the Itfa June and will continue ofE and on till the September. The heavy raisa during June will occur on the 4th, 5th, 7th and from the lOtii to tl.e 88th; daring July from the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 37 5 Relief from Rheumatic Pains. The great pain relieving power of Chamberlain's Paiu Balm il clearly shown in cases oi sciatica and intlammatory rheumatism, both of which are extremely painful, but one i:...,*;.^ +»>; w linitnpnf, dives relief and
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    • 1036 5 I nUGTIONS. THIS DAY, SATURDAY, AT 2-30 P.M AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Teak Household Furniture &c. THE PBOPBftTY OF \Y. J. MAYSON ESQ. AT DUNKOBIX," No. 10, BARKETi KOAD. An excellent tcned cottage piano in iron frame by Haake, HaEovcr in good condition Carved and polis-hed teak octagonal tables handsome
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    • 732 5 Civil Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders, Boiler Makers, Bridge Builders and General Contractors, SOLE AGENTS FOR Worthington Pump Coys Patent Pumps Pulsometer Engineering Coys Pulsometer Pumps Robey and Cos Portable Engines and Machinery Richard Hornsby and Sons Oil and Gafi Plants Waygoods Lifts and Hoists Robert Roger
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  • 120 6 Domestic Occurrences. Marriages. DABO KINDERSLEY. On the 17th April, 1909, at St. Lawrence's, Abbots Langley, by the Rev. H. D. Barton and the Rev. A. H. Paruell. Vicar, Gerard Lours, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. D'Abo, Arnhem, Holland, to BfUBIBL Moleswohth, third daughter of the late Capt. and Mrs.
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  • 1165 6 The Singapore Free Press. Saturday May 22, 1909. Here shall tlie Press the Peo; s right aintaliSj U'l&wed by influence and unbribed ny gain Here patriot Truth hn g'lorioti pterept; dis'f, Pledged to Religion. Loyalty and Law. Lord Egberts has returned to the charge once more on the subject of
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  • 675 6 The preacher m the Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoon will be the Rsv. F. B. Meyer. Papih has reported that his wife was enticed away by Cooinersamy. The wife was found at once and the enticer arrested. The Rev. W. H. C. Dunkerley, lite Archdeacon of Singapore, has baen appointed
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  • 37 6 SUSPECTED BANK ROBBERIES. .gkong. Ma\ Received at 2!* p !n :>■ aadarato hi k ban t..M 11 r p.m. of Chee BlMf, a clerk m the i Biai at IVnaug who recently abs< w.i M of over SI-
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  • 31 6 Kuila Lumpor, 1:2 2:; p.m. '\idJ, the jockey, while ridu the course this in i the raih and sustained a c in? >u ;re of the thigh. > <
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  • 487 6 LORD MEATH ON EMPIRE DAY A BROAD. To Tin: Edito. .as again becomes my duty to remind 5 the near t year this national L i y some fourteen millions of f that it will be kept by much For instance, four tii and ministers of all denomii :,iat year
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 524 6 WHISKIES SCOTCH Dews o'the Glen Perfection (D. J. Me The Old Brigade Callum's) Very Old Highland Polo Brand (T. P. Griffin Blend Co's) Robert Macdonald Extra Special Finest Club Whisky Liqueur (Chop Rajah) Monarch o'the Glen Club Bharu Rare Old Blend O. D. S. V. O, S. (Choice Old Matured)
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    • 130 6 NEW STUDIO High Ciass Photographers, LEE BROTHERS, 58-4, Hill Street, Singapore. (off Stamford Road.) Price list on Application. Dec 16 16-12 TROPICAL MODEL BY Becftstein Brinsmead Ronisch Werner. Represent the highest state of gKav m r>% ai mm tf% <V 9 f^ ft I m Tropical PIANOFORTE CONSTRUCTION NEW MODELS.
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  • 41 7 ROBERTS 1 BILL. Submarine* Telegraph. Usurer's) I I I Maj J I s 10 10 am. RwmUm on bfhi'f 4 r j u luoed into tbe E nt«oJ LokUUn ng rvice iu i and thirty, obligatory i til time.
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  • 47 7 Wag it Seen? *rs have bet fl 'i.-- Bad intiei, of the appearance at night i an air- ship which has scoffiu :p. d a fillip yesterday B >taati i. reports of the sight!: ship on the ground at the summit of =cended quickly.
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  • 34 7 ner of the J aese •ndon, presi- Poshimi and lUroa Hiyashi were tr in proposing Uie S 'ribute to its in the Wt»;;ern BOM I ■rvxw i Mi ooe ami industries.
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  • 37 7 Ke Police. UB. a thousand navvies who are on > ce who were trying to I them with fusses. U bottles "rom the cafes. were injured, and > be called out to ■I. which scattered on their > <
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  • 75 7 moag men able to he new Tan Tock .mding ustruct; at point. The buildings -and the teruper-i- too high for sick me:. md tco low during -:mental ward was put a .nd after much discusMedical Advis3r to took part, at the old hos- t ft m
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  • 206 7 i uunritKT of India. WB r decisive measures are uncertainty and into act on the part of the !e to make matt3rs therefore, satisfactory to learn vernment of India has considered ae use of firearms by armed in the suppression of riots, and made rules relating
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  • 53 7 ere seem to be sound as to the slative Chambers both Bottgkong Phia ii from a northern uporarv. regard to the question of coLupensaacensees of divan-, the Colonial statement which was iv ■"•"Me at the press t*U bribery Scaadal ia tht Nonary. A small Mt alone m the dark. w*s
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  • 193 7 A \V\K\| Wkl.joME •Nearly all Singapore assemblel on and ut <■ 3T2 memt^r, .1 the Civ.l S^vica were m whit.and top ham for the occasion. The oier ~~*fB*;^lj decorated wiUi M»d blue, and there was a Urge crowd of nauvs .a, others aMh, entrant W ?"JP«>pte»lj» watched th.
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  • 237 7 Ay ►Chikbsb (Fbbb) School. terday, an interesting erathering of ila and patroas met at the^Teluk Ajer (Free) School to celebrate Empire ~Dxy. Mi C. B Buckley occupied the chair Mr R. J. Birtlett and others beicg present. A rather elaborate programme was prer the occasion, pupils and teachers
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  • 89 7 The Hon. J. Turner's term of effice as Legislative Councillor has bean extended. E A. Smith and Mr J. Gray are appointed medical officers for the Colony. Mi W. G. Bell, Postmastar General, has been granted leave. Coroners have been appointed for the Colony. Sing ipoie is to
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  • 115 7 Yestenl iy, Mr Rhodes made an application to Mr C. F. Green, ia connection with the Johore piracy and murder cisc to the effect that one L > Ko Li, a resident of Johore and a very important witness m the case, should be placed m security
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  • 156 7 Patrons of this popular Cinematograph Show will be given an entirely fresh programme this evening, including a number oi noTel and very int greeting films. It was ftt&ted at a meeting of the Society foi the propagation of the Gospel m i >reign Puts on 24th ult. that
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  • 87 7 VISITS THE CHAMBER. (By Submarine Telegraph.— Kauter's) A telegram from Constantinople states that the Sultan proceedad m person to the Chamber to witness the swearing m of deputies to uphold the constitution. The Grand Vizier read a speech from the Throne, referring to the good relations of Turkey
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  • 60 7 Received May 21, at 11.15 am. Iffr Winston Churchill has introduced the bill to legalise the formation of labour exchanges and it has been read a first time. Mr Havelock Wilson, a Libour Member, moved its rejection oa the ground that it would be a futile squandering of
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  • 37 7 1 Received May 21, 3 20 pm. The French Chamber is discussing a bill allowing silk-worm growers sixty cents per kilogramme on raw silk (grown by them) for 20 years from May Ist 1909.
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  • 21 7 The House of Commons has passed all the budget resolutions and the bill has been reported to the House.
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  • 180 7 Some time ago, a, Chinese woman was arrested for criminal misappropriation of some jewellery which it was said she had borrowed from a man named Abdul Kadir. She was acquitted by the fourth magistrate who made an order that the property'should be restored to her. This was
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  • 285 7 The following is the text of the fetva by which Abdul Hamid was declared to have forfeited his right to the Throne "Question -If Zsid, an Imam of the Moslems, removes and causes to he removed from a book of the Sheriat certain questions of
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  • 81 7 The R 3 v. F. B. Meyer will address through interpreters the Tamil Christiana cm May 31, 0 15. p.m m the Short Street School, and Chinese Christians on June 1, 7;>(J p in., m the Su Po Ba. These addlesgesare meant for Christian men and women, but others will
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  • 349 7 SULTAJI OF TkiN'GGANU's WSLCOMI Jfis Highness the Sultan of Tringganu arrived from Rhio m the Dutch steamer "SriDaig" on Friday on a visit to Bfo Excellency the Governor. Tringgaau is one of the States which has been placed under British protection and a large number of Europeans
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  • 137 7 The TdDjong Pagar Dock Company having been dissolved the only means now available of communication with shareholders of the Company is through the Press, and Mr Kennie the liquidator desires to acquaint them with the contents of a letter to hand this mail from the Secretary, Straits
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  • 68 7 Messrs. F. W. Birker and Co write: We beg to advisß having received a telegram from the London Office of the Company as follows: After writing oft' the whole of the preliminary expenses and «£0,500 for depreciation, the net profit for the year ended 31st December, 1908
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  • 364 7 An extraordinary general meeting of the Straits and General Development Company, Limited, was held, at the offices, 87, Greshamstreet, E. C, for ihe purpose of considering a resolution granting an option to the chairman of the company to acquire 10,285 forfeited shares of the company, m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 311 7 ROBINSON Co. 1 THE NEW ■X? COAT i 1 I SWEATER. I [T\ vi KB 911 KB w.U TJIK WAI DOWN tub I RONT IB Mi a j GOOD Q\ kUTI wool,. 4.KD IS P Robinson &Co. THE COAT SWEATER. 1 THE I I TYPEWRITER I As the Dreadnought among
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  • 273 8 ft w mi iai Captaid I lu-binson Crusoe j TOw^ I the following j a.lvtrt'.-. Qi Liver; -t bo has -ailed v,.u p. John Benjamin Warren, the f u-master barqne Siiberhorn. m\ BUpl to Valparai above named man. For j. ir loin Gray. Spring ElQafte, 17, S!\' Lancaster.
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  • 179 8 good step m advance was made last year by the Eastern M and Agency Company -vhos9 report has jn3t appeared. After a series of unsatisfactory years the income of the Company shows a considerable advance, and the profit for the period all l>ut wipes cut the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 216 8 A Bargain. a you can save from 25 to 50 per cent on any article, yon have a bargain. When you buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrl he regular you will probably save several times its cost m doctor's bills before the summer is over :he feeling
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    • 575 8 On the Berth. COMPANY 7. R *SATIMICA OF BARCELONA. FOR ILOILO and MANILA. Ti; [BB Mail STEAMKB ISLA DE LUZON* 1 enacted to arrive h*j^ bom Europe on Thursday, the 27t£ mstant, and will have prompt (!espr^. jn f or above ports. D jight and [tftHnagfi apply to BARLOW Co.,
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    • 645 8 SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremei IMPEEIAL GEBMAN MAIL LINE 1 The fast and well-known mail steamers o this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg yia Eotterdain, Antwerp, South amptor Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseille* Naples, Alexandria and vice vertsa) Port Said Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hong kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki 4
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    • 726 8 SHIPPING I Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. COAST LINES. m i^B Steamers of the Coast Fleet. tons reg. TONI reg Petch&buri 2191 Chow Fa 1648 Borneo 2100 Derawongw 1646 Kohsichasg 2040 Faklat 1657 Rajah 2028 Angliin 1057 Pitsannlck 2019 Locieaa 16G7 Bangkok 1920 Choi sing 1857 Rajabriri 1904 Pccgtong 1&37 Korat 1&J0
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    • 498 8 SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. The Bteamers of this Company naaintain h regular service between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Mraits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are flcopttcilifWl fortnightly for Havre and Ifauiburg and 0800 a month for BtemeKhaTen diieot, culling at Ptnang and Colombo. Taking carpo at
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    • 512 8 SHIPPING. OCBAfI STEAM SHIP Co. Ltd AN J) China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd The Compan! V st»^&;u.T.- an- despatch* Liverpool I f oi Btra China a:^ Japan every week, an<i h for London, Ar. rdain night; tot I arseillee, B One outward stoamer everj' 28 days i Vancouver, Seattle
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  • 192 9 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH WICKETS. X BKVSD.] W. ARMSTRONG H 1 I has id I have a a it, me, t rue I this c to > fine IB s I have I rag j Tlie ball ■•i g much a tho not lit' ground 1 •u it rs,
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  • 533 9 n iaOC th.-ir imiM min-ls -y honest pastimes, playe a* ehesse, the astroI Urn philosopher's game whlvh wh recreate! theyr lU l «t« nobody m the mean leason!" all Mnmimieatkau should be addressed to Eut t, Biaga] ra Free Press." Original problems, gam* and other cheea nattei
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  • 163 9 when you have that obstinate, lingering cou^h which will not be shaken off. There is no cough at any stage, whether old or young, but what needs attention. A cough soon wrecks -:rong constitution, soon makes one helpless, m fact a cough is a very dangerous
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 9 9 have i Morrhuol Creosote exten...seases of the cheat. ftst>eciallv
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    • 53 9 PHOTOGRAPHIC DEALERS. Always m stock Cameras. I'iates, Papers, Films and every kind of Photographic materials. Developing and Printing executed m good ■h le ■ad with despatch. Price list free. KONG HIXG CHIONG Co., 104, North Bridge Road. Jan 5 5.1 Y. E. TAN, Dentist, NO. 9, VICTORIA STREET. New American
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    • 956 9 COl BX HOYAI, Jflijl APTPOHTTMEirr. TABLE DELICACIES, I PICKLES, SOUPS, I I SiaA^ fi,u*p,^ s iiil-^§| JAMS.JELUES, WOPCE-rrPSMIRE SAJJC!. POTTED HEATS, I Sft^nrgwTTjgl MAT T VINFr^AT? Eh I i (P&* "■Lft-L* 1 VirirvVjr/VrC I fe^^j IVI c^j? n^ *"> I Otores. 1 BLAOtWELL. I 1 Singapore Cold Near Entrance to
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    • 482 9 SHIPPING. WTK JAPAN RAIL STEANSHiP Do., Ltd. A A\ 9/- /S^ Two Jugular servieos are maintained between JM' A and i E by the Company's well-kno' 1 1 TWTK-SCRBW STEAMERS, under Mail Cont i Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Servk-e, lighted t out by Electricity, provider
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  • 325 10 BnmiOUl Situation at Hviphon.*. The French, British and G.rman steamer linea that call at Haiphong have suddenly raided freight, to China by 3') per cent I Their Chinese a rs at the Tonkin are jissatitlilit. an I hftjfl boycotted the Con- feren--} which spring the rise
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  • 151 10 New York. A I -.mli the Phili senl k> Coi [prected k destined to destroy the com: redominance m the English. Gc and Chin istiDj4 conditions of equal .a baa lagged behind other m the race for coniniereb tnacy m th» i Q« b, but
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  • 184 10 Objcted to Cr m. At C\tr i' rt Otmakj Court the well-known at-tor, Mr. Jamea Welch, sued Mr. Robert Rp.iforJ, proprietor of the JSftm Theatre, 0«r--d'ff, for rtamfxcie for alleged breach oi m not advertising the play u Whea Were Bold m the South Wales E Co
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  • 114 10 >oi>^ :.;< Acaat-Lu\ The tinus art' out of j tint. In Urn ftzil n.ii:>brr ol Kaafa s Magazine iliert- is a -^tory called Little loxos." by a Mr Kuiiyan! Kiplir,^. We undtTstand thai this n-!r:4 ittKK haa been paid nine huudu for Little Foxes, whicli ■works Ml il
    114 words
  • 579 10 AbOI I BAciir.i.oßs, Babies, Hatpins vnii Baths. A rding to a Central New 3 telegram from New York a Bill has been introduced into the Arkansas Leu'islature making the game of football illegal and punishable by a h-Mvy fine. But that 13 only one instance of American freak
    579 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 88 10 Grimault Co's Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood from all impurities arising from Serofuhi, Bewma, Bad Legs, Skin Diseases, Pimples and Sores. 14 Renowned Physicians prescribe Grimault's Ma'ioo a-* the most active and at the »am« time the most inn r *r.-.:ve renedtj m *he treatment of Acu'e and ■'lie Dif hirgfiii
      88 words
    • 546 10 SPECIAL REDUCTIONS. x^^^^x n U r/t B E R 10 12 and 2O H. P. NEWLY ARRIVED LATEST MODEL Owingto facilities forturning out large numbers of these famous Cars m order to meet the growing demand, Gost of Production has been reduced to a point which enables them to be
      546 words
    • 570 10 THE Singapore Free Press. Morning Daily. To Our Readers. The Singapore Free Press is n<vw Morning Daily, and is on sale a* depot b from an early hour each morniDg (iSundayt exempted). Cash price Ten Centt a copy Subscribers' copies will be dalitCTBJ a' their prorate residences, (of IOWH ofIJOM
      570 words
    • 773 10 Tenders for Revenue Farms Terders are invited for (1 lease of Re-, enue {arms m the Stat. from the Ist .lanu out hum? BBS) REVENUE FA KM- IN Tiii NOKTI 1. En rrr^t <: /ement> I -aain^ :he Parma tot I I ir>d f. I 19 2 1 it re
      773 words

  • 324 11 I I m Hi' BBKR. :»port of th^ H.irpend-Mi (Selangor) i I for 19U8, to be sub09 the 4th of May, i .;e comjtDj -vis registered on! :i. 1 nditure was Id Jan I 8. The i mI hm were M e B*porft, r m inragt of 4i
    324 words
  • 21 11 I f theory is profitable I theory piled into hesps dealers in the shape of adi M6 rid.
    21 words
  • 991 11 SH ARES. MINES. C«pft*I CapJUl Jjsat P*Id Iss«*d p*id up V*£a« op Compaay. QaoUtict 1300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Oo. Ltd 8 00 $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruang Limited 7.00 $600,000 600,000 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Oo. Ltd 7 50 £500,000 444 769 1 1 Duff
    991 words
  • 63 11 (COBRECTED UP TO May 21 iiack 4 in/s 2/^ demand I/S| PriT.v 4 .c credit! S m/i 2/i| credits 6 m/s M FiiAxci, dam*n.d Bank^ 292 India, T. T, rM 174 Hoh»kok«, demand M 22|% fit, I ;emand nom. i Java, demand Bangkok' demand Sovereigns, Bi,uk Buying $8 56
    63 words
  • 130 11 May 21. Tiv* $6. G*mbi«r 1 ■> Gkuibier Oube No. 1 w hi Qhtbi No. 2 Pepj* i Bi*ck ord n. B'pon) 1 .25 ro;. White 18 00 NutMe-adlO totbtiii.)^ w Nutmegs (80 to the ib.) MJMt 'Btada} wm mm mm torn Gk*M (AmboißA) m Hi Liberian OoC*a 25.00
    130 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 106 11 IT OF POSTER ADVERTISING. naioubtedly a I y. but it DM h WTJ The picture m n 1 with it must tell I TO LET. OFFICES TO 3S LET > ridge B. being Gene- Apply to GUTHRIE k CO., LTD. a c B AND GODOWN TO BE LET. -*h immediate
      106 words
    • 575 11 TO LET. TO BE LET UNFURNISHED. Two Superior Tanglin residences, One immediate entry, and one from Ist kngnst H. L. COGHLAN Co., Agents. >Ia V 2h 6__ «se to lot. Upper Serangoon. Apply "Rnnaah c i Free Press." 1 5 o <■. TO LM 28, Sopbia Road, 15 and Ifi,
      575 words
    • 6 11 L £n l A <Litr/».KjLI ilits;^
      6 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 783 11 VESSELS IN PORT. Man-of-war Fla^ ani Tons Com. anders Arrr From For Whon HaiTniig Oh. era. 2950 Lin lUy IS Thulang BiamTachtllO Ky-,hi,, May SI Pen. kon 2i (Tjn Dttt62« Roos'-iid:; y 21 tok <l J: UmJ^ H«nrowiti M.v 1 kat kok U tiasr&Tons Master Arrived 'Y >)m Cnrxign'!* 1
      783 words
    • 52 11 WEATHER REPORT. Dat* Bu V\. w Sky Ram MsyJl Bloom Ka 2t.9i B 3 o KaaOi lOj r Ktudtng Eerl>«i; Ht>g] V.y 3^09. I > .m. |r m |p h Barom. 32 Fah. 29 91] M.BlB 29.881 Temp. 87.0 hj Wet Balb Tker. W) 2 7;< 0 > <; Dir.
      52 words

  • 407 12 Ri 0. POSTER. The public c i nai no! C Fottw was j Mpturoad by Mr. D Beattj, Official A »igi m Urn S ipreme C mrf Hr Justi 1 lii.vk rup* Mted bid cU-rk with h:s booki lad bad n< k paid th atteution le them. The
    407 words
  • 198 12 la the Malaya Football Association competition Blanga played Bod n Police on Beach Road ground, the piH g witne- j. small but enIhoi >1. Teluk Blanga proved the beti won by one goal to nil, tkeoi J>emg scored m the first half boa i !i- nres]
    198 words
  • 161 12 li to M i Gases. ..aitta, May 12. Th n has- been i great many 3a«oHieß tWtvtt] at r.ahraicb. ami the Police had to be takeu to ta-k. Thereupon two subln-p< r lot kWO gang! of chowkidars one with torch; s md anus, to ma.-tiuer-uit M dacoits. The
    161 words
  • 830 12 The Cup Fin.v Manchester United won the Association Cup ing Bristol City at the Crystal Palace by or«? goal to none. Composed of more experienoed players, the majority of whom have become famous, the rietorioofl team gained tbe chief honouri of the Association Mason deßOfTedly. Manchester United, who were
    830 words
  • 39 12 The steam launch Argo will leave Johnston's pier for tho Club BuDgalow on SuuJay at 'V. 10, A 11 a.m., 2 30 ft 830 p. in returning at 9.3} A 10 30 a.m. 12.15,3 4 5.30 p.m.
    39 words
  • 66 12 A ■juarterly meetinc* of the Church Work I Association will be held ou Tuesday the 25th inst. at the Parsonage." A large number of B&Bgkok people learned with regret that upon the expiration of his agreement next month, Mr J Homan vau der lleide, the Director General of the iioyal
    66 words
  • 379 12 A German Princess was robbed of £40,000 woith of jewels while travelling m a railway train between San Renio (an Italian town 20 miles from Genoa) and Lugano (m Switzerland.) Mr C. E. H. Hobhouse, Financial Secretary of the Treasury, informed Mr R. Ha/.leton (Nationalist) m the House
    379 words
  • 427 12 Via Ceylon Affairs m Persia: London, May 12. A Blue Book bas been published, dealing with affairs m Persia from Decetnher, 1906, to November, 190s. It shows the complete unanimity between Great Britain and Russia to refrain from intervention. Replying to a communication from Sir Edward Grey, deprecating
    427 words
  • 180 12 The Ranee, which arrived yesterday morning, reports that the Gyrene Shoal lightbuoy was not burning brightly. The ex-Russian battleship ToUava, now the Tango, has evidently required very large j repairs since she was blown up by the sians and suck at Port Arthur, says the Japan Mail." The
    180 words
  • 81 12 As we reported recently, the work of the Royal Irrigation Department was temporarily stopped a few weeks ago. The sudden stoppage of operations caused the usual Bangkok baz tar talk and all kinds of wild stories were put into ciiculation but these have one and all
    81 words
  • 212 12 We reproduced yesterday from the Morning Post a paragraph to the following effect An agreement is announced between the Burmah Oil Company and the Asiatic Petroleum Company, under which the rate cutting now existing m the East will end immediately. In place of the war of rates the
    212 words
  • 171 12 Yesterday, an old offender named Cheo Ho Mo, was before the District Judge, Ml E. C. Howard, for the theft of three ducks valued $1.50. He was sent to hard labour for six months. The offenca is very common this method of treating it may prove a check. It has
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 67 12 H. L. COGHLAN COS AUCTION SALESMay 22. Sale of Furniture at "Cheriton Syed Allie Koad, at 2 p.m. May 22. Sale of Furniture at 1-E, Devonshire Road, at 2 p.m. May 28. Rim Kubber Estate, salerooms. 2.30 p.m. May 29. Sale of Furniture at Breamar Ciilstead-rd., at 2 pm, SECOND
      67 words
    • 279 12 Natural Fresh Milk i fusmTsl *w p* r*% fa /**k i i^ M MILKj b I TO BE HAD FROM ALL DEALERS ar.d DISPENSARH I SOLE AC!; NTS PATERSON SIMONS CO., LTD., Singapore and Pen*?ns. IKe Van Rijn Tyreless Rubber Wheel. Paleoled m the United Kingdom and ail Prncfpai Gcuntries
      279 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 107 12 Next Mails Due. From Europe. Per X. D L. P.R. Luitpold, ou May 28th, with mails of May 5. From China. Per X D L Derfflinger, tomorrow. Mails already despatched fob London. Left Duh Arrived XD L Apl 12 May 5 May 5 B I Apl 15 May 8 May
      107 words