The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 11 May 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 118 1 D'scoveriea in the late Sultan's Palace at Vill'z are of the AlaJdiu t.r.jer— The Shall baa capitulated to the advice of the Anglo- Russian Lpgaticns and bib commissioned Siad ed Dowlah to form a Liberal Cabinet Page r >. Last Notes on the Rices and selections for
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  • 911 1 i tie o her day and < iV II a m mH iiV painpLk-f he bad <!■ .iuing "hints <»n how to pick oie. He rxpUiced that the few tetvea be i rue to give him a dollar for, u re suit < t tlieir learnii g
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 340 1 iKATZ BROS., Ltd. j I n Fresh Stock of g BUTTON'S IN HANDY I Q^EDS ~T~ PACKETS J I VEGETABLE SEED?. FLOWER SEEDS. I PEX PACK] I g Tu 20 3. Dahlia, double 35 cts 1 15 Dahlia, single 35 M Gloxi 35 35 Carnation 35 Phlox Drummondii ...35 I
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    • 193 1 Entertainmenis* yiCTORIA THEATRE Six Nights Only! JCOMMFNCING WEDNtVDAV, MAY 12. BANDMANNS OPERA COMPNY. The Screamingly Fuuny Musical conH y coction y|[r:|j "THE DANDY DOCIOR -jo The Dandy Doctor lias cured more people of Melancholia than any Doctor iu the World. jmip The Brilliant Comic Opera I From the Apollo Theatre,
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    • 216 1 Entertainments* To-night! To-night!! THIS PROGRAMME NEW PICTURES. 2ND SHOW AT 9.30 P.M. 1. Overture. 2. The Invisible Thief. 3. Bostock s Dangerous Auima's, Daring operation on an Arizona Rattle-Snake. I. A Jealous Husband. 5. Film d'Art: THE 1 EAR. 6. William's Suicide. 7. Launching of the Man-of-War Voltaire" 8. You
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    • 70 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Lost a note book Page 4 And a cheque —Page 2. Advertiser desires position on property Page 7. Tongkang Kiin Eng Gnang for sale Pape 3. Bandmacn's open on Wednesday with "The Dandy Doctor" Page 1. Shipping notices Gracchus, N.V.K. list of sailings O. S. S. Co. sailings
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 370 1 Tuesday, 11th Races First Day. S.R E. (V) Lecture on Electric Light, 5.15 p S.R E. (V) Recruits Drill, M5 p Chinese Prayer Mtg Hok Im Koan. 7.30 p WSDXKSDAY, 12th Sigh Waiar:— 1 45 a 4 12 p S.V.I. Company Extended Order Drill. Lodge Zetland Regular, B.£o p Bandmunn
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  • 277 2 The in the sales of the hot cross I .'ted by the I -t," of little Metng that, except for the addition of spice and currants, the fa I is practicallj bread, and is similarly .tied. Fast no a is for the most it, there ia
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  • 391 2 ETrai'K Tm-'N Tyranny. ow tbat prosperity is reviving in tie Eastern States, and the bit? building opera- which were suspended during the p are again reopening, one hears the imarj criticism of coercion and domina tion by the labour unions. It is complained under tbe American system
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 77 2 DO YOU SUFFER WITH RHEUMATISM? rrible, nerve racking, painful »pon you Don't loso :ir. ur for you? Little's Oriental Hvlm has cured thnntMinflll ol inveterate i-es of Rheumatism, among them h indreds of easr- khftl w. n pronounced hopeJ SvS by i eton. Through this wonderful reme- KM abandoned their
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    • 338 2 Insure your Motor Car! AND COVER YOURSELF against result of CAR ACCIDENTS. Don't take the Risks any longer. You may be called upon for Heavy Damages at any moment. The payment of a small sum annually Relieves ycu of Greal Responsibility. especially if you use a native Chauffeur. Full Particulars
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    • 720 2 TAILORS Kf AND OUTFITTERS. '^M^ i^iW^^^^i^ Hats, Helmets and Spectacles. Bgj^^^^y' Suits made to order a perfect fit. I A visit to inspect the styles will prove convincing. Satisfaction guaranteed. if 61, High Street, Singapore. NOTKBES. J— II »l Ml III! II I NOTICEIn \hi Goods ef Zechariah Hosßen, (Deceased).
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    • 501 2 JVOTWES. NOTICE. Lost Cheque No. *****G of Mercantile Bank dated 3rd May, 1909 amount $167 in favour of Mukadalam, I will not hold myself responsible if the cheque is not being cashed within three days. LIM CHIN HIN. The advertiser desires a position on a mining property or plantation at
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    • 488 2 INSURANCES. FEDERAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada. -'82. Capita! and Assets exceed 4,000,000 Gold Dollars. J. H. EVANS. Manager, South Eastern Asia. The Borneo Co., General Agents. Mar J l.« NEW ZEALAND INSURANJE C3, t LTD. FIKE AND lARIIK rW-TSZE lISURAia LTD, MARINE. CHINA F:RE INSURANCE GC. LTD. FIRE. LONDON
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    • 332 2 BBXfCS. 1 International j Banking Corporation. I CAPITAL and SURPLUS I GOLD $6,500,000. Head Office -.—6O London I .opsgato Street V. Bank of England Ltd, General Foreign Bus: DE! Current Deposit I allowed on ti rate of 2 per ann. Deposits rc-c< iv<>d for which can b« ned oa aj
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  • 186 3 M 1 bullet egram md the onlj a I 'hat D here it I til ..<d wall arouQ'! le a ibow Dp irto tables. The .rJ j 1 of the her in n hen tbe his DOt DO the •ers 1 ralk ole to I hU ip uuO
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 233 3 d& *1 (CHAPOTEAUT) !'r M delay rain and those Irregularities peculiar to the sribed by the highest French ithoritles and superior to and Penny royal. CHAPOTEAUT, 8. rue Vivienne. Par;s. Sold by all Chemizts p ;heong brothers DENTISTS 25, South Biidge Road, Singapore. First-class Mechanical Dentistry, Goki. Bi :iU3 and
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    • 986 3 miGTIONS. MORTGAGEE S SALE. THETONGM\G "KIM ENS GUAN." It Messrs H. L, CoghSan k Co's Salerooms Cn Fiiday. 14th May, at 12 Noon. Length 81 feet 5 inches. Breadth 80 feet Am she bow lies at Godown 26, Tanjonj Pagar. H. L CCGHLAN Co., Auctioneers May 11 15 5 AUCTION
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    • 42 3 BUCHANAN'S FAMOUS SCOTCH WHISKY |%J fi K H 5 #W4 M^ RJ6 house or cc^« c iS 11 ;S| B -p IBKw mmtmm Used by Government, Municipality and Contractors tor I Resists the action of Acids, Steam and stands Tropical !f] conditions.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 63 3 QIMPACftR? AUfi If QAM II to Mi WAV ■.i«. r i— cr.iim _iii»n .hiii i. From Ist May, 1909, tad until further notice. TRAIN SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS ONLY. .1 A3.-_.Slrx. <•_-.__ 4 i Bukit Timah 6.25 8.20 9.08 11.38 1.80 2.08 4M<\ 5.87 7.12 6.46 Pa88irP train 7 Service
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 15 4 On May 9fch the wife of A. P. William?. Holroyd of a son, (Stillborn.)
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    • 28 4 Madden.— At Kildare," Swettenham Rd., Caiping, on the morning of the 4th inst., Vioet Annie (Birdie^, the xnach loved wife of 1.. J. Butler Madden, of Taiping.
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  • 1240 4 The Singapore Free Press. Tuesday, May 11, 1909. FTerc shall t?ie P;e>- the Prcpie's right -npin^-p. I" :aw t by influence and unbribeu by £a;r. s Here patriot Troth he* fkr-toiv precept A yalty and l^«o When, in matters domestic, or matter CDmmtrcial, or matters political, things go a bit
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  • 630 4 Abraham Adjir of Selegie B cash and property amounting to A Teochew living in R ver Yallev Road has lost two tyres and milliards from his rikisha. He estimates his loss at A Chinaman living at Serangoon Iliad has bat jewellery valued ai He blames a friend for iti disappearance.
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  • 103 4 cond and thr I ing 68 buH. viewed ad on Ja the visit of the coloniil jour: li Imp* rial Prow C ni i Hsteu to the M band h thair eight and til their batt 15 at we -and all we upon a cruise We read the
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  • 102 4 in the i Mr causing ai An uoui Victoria Pi baUericcarried out with and Singapore removal ment by uj poweiful fcff* 2 ad Lieut. B euibaiked for strength of accord inglv. i. April h a: r Si. i'tsr'.l tion by Dr M II ar Kh in Si' ma! the Polioe
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 277 4 SHERRIES. Palma Black Seal. Pale Dry Blue Mnnzanilla White Montilla Black Pale Fino Blue Pale Gold Dark Yellow Amontillado Brown Manzanilia (Mark S. C.) White Vanzanilla (Pale Dry Supr.) Yellow Vino de Pasto Blue Amontillado (Very Supr.) Red Also lower grades for Cooking purposes. CHOICE OLD DINNER SHERRIES. Oloroso Yellow
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    • 126 4 THE "MANSION" Entrance Oxley Rise and River Valley Road. A BOARDING HOUSE WITH 25 Comfortable and well appointed Rooms. The Dining and Drawing liooms are spacious and weli furnished, the latter commanding a view of the Town and If arbour. Situated on high ground and apart from noisy thoroughfares and
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    • 12 4 A Popular American Remedy Mr. Fred C. ffniwhn, a pcominont drue- 1
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  • 45 5 A Fi &P6cL r..* Telegraph. K- u'er'a) I pBL i: -hips in Toulon have been order- si on the coast for tIM BMUBtfl fcMNM in the event of •m I «t«l strike c i:: 'a a b <-n fork 8 been r- tiled
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  • 6 5 B-: to have th.
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  • 18 5 tnt v->a lured r of the German 1 the o r of the i Moi
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  • 10 5 CR ICKET SEASON OPENS. 1 m. ;n in their open-
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  • 5 5 I ted
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  • 136 5 OFFICIAL QUARTZES AND RENT. r, on Chief I in two the it and M S. Medivernment, says t •ut from had a courier I »r one who etsed hid D not leave his He :; < < v < ason said in:; np his right :ieme, to ba xeaipt from
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  • 129 5 r i v. a f Mr. S. H. Bl may I and a 5 Den! Meeting of the Sjß of the CoinI .erncon, and 1 a reporter to Mr Blandy's I instructed our reporter to attend :i arived at t the Conipaay and stated hw
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  • 101 5 Shah's Complaisance. iv ceiTed it 8 30 pm. B >; v er's OOfrespondcaili at Teheran states 'h bfl Sh ih fa m apparently OOinpletod and Moeptecl the Auu'l >■ Uus.-im I';.. gramme. A? hia request Siad ed Dowiafa dm formed a Liberal Cabinet with Kaiser el Mulk,
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  • 59 5 EXPLORING VILDIZ KIOSK. A Tale of Wonders. (By Submarine Telegraph.— ll >u f er's) The newspapers publish accounts of the treasure unearthed at the Tildiz Kiosk whi like stories from the Arabian nighta. Included in the treasure are carpets, indent and modern arms and many rare birds and
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  • 49 5 Festivities at 'Frisco. Admiral Ijichi in command of the training d visiting California has entered S2ven hundred of the notable citizens d Francisco. The Governor cf California, the Mayor of San Francisco, and a number of other naval and military ofiijials dined on board the ips.
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  • 25 5 Rec May 10, 10.3 am. Tiie Nagoya City loan has been oversubscribed ten times and is now at one and f premium.
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  • 107 5 Reconsideration of the Loan. It is it Beilia semi-officially that itions will be resume 1 in a few days for the settlemeat of the Canton-Hankow railway loan mentioned on April 4. when it will be remeaibsred the Anglo- French finance group withdrew and the German group took
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  • 255 5 (Union Times' Canton correspondent wires that meetings have been held by the people in Canton, to declare that they will, in iuture, never go to Macao for gambling or pleasure. I 1 king correspondent wiras that the Portuguesa Minister at Peking has asked the Waiwupu to telegraph
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  • 356 5 Imi-oRIA I EOH OJ ChANDU. Appeals from the doci jions of police magistrates Occupied the attention of Mr Justice Sereombe Smith in the Supreme Court yesterday. Mr Montagu 11 trris appeared for A. Curris and K. AJoarrifl who were fined *500 each or nine months' rigorous imprisonment by
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  • 119 5 (F.' tspondcnt.y lUub, May 0. Official changes include our popular magistrate Mr F. W. G-oldthorpe who is i sferred to Nibong Tebilas D. O. of that place. During his tenure of cm ;e here as M igistrate In administered impartial justice without distinction of caste or creed. Hia
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  • 54 5 Messrs F. W. Birker and Co., the lccil ageats, inform us that the manager reports rubber crop harvested during the month of April VX)* lbs. dry; corresponding month last year nil total for first four months of 1909 Gil 7 lbs. dry total for corresponding
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  • 54 5 We are informed by the agents, Messrs F. W. Barker and Co., that the manager reports rubber crop harvested during the month of April 3742 lbs. dry corresponding mouth last year nil total for first three months of financial yen* 8388 lbs. dry total for corresponding period
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  • 54 5 The Rubber crop hai Tested for the month of April was 4,255 lbs. For the corresponding month of last year the amount was 764 lbs. The dry rubber for the first four months of 1000 is 14,857 lbs and for the same cariod in 1908 the amount
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  • 29 5 The April advance figures liable to correction of tin exports from Perak are as follows. Block Tin 9 515.78pk1a. Tin Ore 27,346.60pk15. Duty $325,*****. > <•> <
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  • 16 5 Gopeng, 550 pikuls Tekka, 500 pikuls New Gopeng, 141 pikuls Kedhills, 600 pikuls.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 267 5 To THE El 'II OR, Sn;, 1 am nrcch obliged to you for publishing my letter regarding the Ward Company and for dealing so tactfully with the correspondence my letter appears to have evoked. You, Sir, at least will appreciate the fact that nay letter was directed
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  • 60 5 Thisdiv6rtingcompany will open, on Wednesday of this week as originally arranged. The company did not stop at Penang and are thus enabled to get here ear iier in Ka.ce week. "The Gay G-ordons has been substituted for "The Waltz Dream" and booking is proceeding well, aud
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  • 226 5 A Chetty Sentenced. Bsfoie Mr Justice Sarcoiube Smith in the Supreme Court yesterdiy, Kumarappa Chetty sued Sadumbaram Chotty for SI, 100 and $859 85 costs. This sum was allowed by the Chief Justice in a case in which the defendant was charged with malicious prosecation, but nothing had
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  • 319 5 European Residence Struck by LIGRTNING. The house struck was the residence of Mr R. 11. Latham, in the Tambun Road, just a mile out of town. The lightning burst holes in the walls and roof of the house and tore several windows to splinters, while inside lamps
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 20 5 Tbe ll. B. (V) Electric Light Parade e._l.el Coi this afteroooo is cancelled. The new Municipal tire brigade of Penang
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    • 51 5 A Eargain. When you can save from 25 to 50 per cent on any article, you have a bargain. When you buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at the regular price, you will probably save several times its cost in doctor's bills before the Bummer is
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    • 140 5 ROBINSON Co. J. New Delivery. ra^ m i^^ n^ I i sT mdr Ka %F BB i x\ DAINTILY -MADE IN i White Lawn Plain Colored Zephyr I Striped Zephyr. Effectively Trimmed ■iii i iam« m imnii EACH ONE DIFFERENT. V I Just arrived the new automati<M typewriter printing press
      140 words

  • 375 6 1 He I um A c..)ii«!ilar report to the au 1 $>l M i Malay for .acariuvN Mg I >:. i u BW B*' f i a kitchen, and a dining-roc nstoroctc i m I pi fectly finish., i. S changes h:-. .It. the ar, with its
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 232 6 On the Berth. BUI AUSTRAL!", ft INDIAI FOR JAVA. MELBOURNE SYDNEY I BU LIAN NEW ZEALAND PORTS. trausliipu. 'GBAC HI ru. is expected to arrive about! the lOtl. and will have I above po; For Age apply to !STEU A Agents. NOKIDSUTSCHER LLOYD. For Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Ports. The
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    • 533 6 N YK JAPAN lAIL BTEAISHIP Go., ltd, J V Two regular services are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPE ly tbe Companj'a well-known TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, under Mail Contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout l.y Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for Fiißt and
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    • 670 6 SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremei j IMPERIAL GEEMAN MAIL LINE Tha fast and n -*2l6wa mail steamers o this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamptor Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseille? Naples, Alexandria and vice verea) Port Said Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penar.f?, Singapore, Hong kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki Kobe
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    • 743 6 SHIPPING Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. OOAST LINES. W 1 Stiatfi^i oi the Coast Fic*t. TOHsrejj. TOmB S& Petchaburi 2191 Chow F» lWfi Borneo 2HJO DdTaKoa^M IMJ. Koi^chang 8040 F*M*t i567 liaiah 2023 Anghin 1657 Pitswiulok 2019 Loobwa 1657 Bangkok 1820 Choimng 1607 Eajabmi 1904 Pongton^ 1657; Korat 1900 BaBMWI 165/ Cbiengmai
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    • 525 6 SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. T ho stearocrs of this Company maintain a resslar service between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits. Cl<i::a and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 404 6 SHIPPING. i OCKifl STEAM SHIP Co. Ltt A N D China Mutual Steam Nav. Co The Companies' tfenown ar6 despai Liverpool outwards for the Si. Japan every week, and from Japan for London, A night for Genoa, Mar for Marseilles, Havre and Livei One outward Btean, Vancouver, Seattle an Through
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  • 946 7 MINES. Capital Capital ItMi Paid n Iwued paid «p Valoe ap Company. QaoUt.oa $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining 00. Ltd 775 $300,000 225.000 10 10 Bruang Limited 6.50 $000,000 600.0C0 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M, 00. Ltd 750 1500,000 444 769 1 1 Duff Development 00.
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  • 58 7 (CORBECTED VP TO May tfank-4- m 1/4 Pi Irate erodi-s 3 m rr, j.s 6 m/_ 2 Feamcm, demand Bank** 292 3 k3__a*«t, demand India, T. T, l: HowBeow<_, demand E hama, demand no, Java, demand Bangkok' demand Sovereigns, Bulk Buying Bank of England Rate Discount 3 months bills
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  • 129 7 m* am. $67 Gambier Gambier Cube Ko. 1 ••<» Gambier Cube No. 2 |fl Pepper Black (ord'n. S'pora) 1 1 Pepper, T^kite (fair Nutmegs (110 to the Ib.)^, 1 7M Nutmega (80 tc ths Ek) M M Mace (Banda) nom. Cloves (Amboina) Liberian Coffee .00 Tapioca, small pearl (fair
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 109 7 TO LET. BE LET OR SOLD SEPARATELY. OR TOGE. n (^uay, 51 t, at pre- Amsterdam." e INSURANCE SOCIL I Y r CANTQN LTD.. 6, Colly Qua] a.o TO LET. ground, first and second floors I with liiver i Press." t tli a u.e TO BE LET h aate Entry,
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    • 572 7 TO LET. TANJONG PAGAR DOCK BOARD. TO LET Ground and firs'. odown at No. 6, Coll yet my For further particnlata apply to W. G. NIVEN, rotary, -japore, I Oth May, 1909. ID __<_■ TO LET European sea side residence 17, Coufedf i etc. partly furnished. Imme- r .Vply to
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    • 104 7 _j£ "S-" tZ- s^ _B B Il'^^^^n CAN NOW BE OBTAINED AS f o ll °ws: I fl*;,>s^..,% r I Pure Sterilized. In tins of one pint, J___f *iji r*jy__ *n 7 i' ill HH I j |fe^>^®BS?'^'-'-= k '"ji tumbler, and cup size. \i l|i|- I "graH^ Condensed Unsweetened
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    • 121 7 DE KONINKUJKE PAKETVAART BSAATSCHAPPIJ. QNDBa Contract with the Netherlands India (jov«aNM«NT. Agents at Singapore, The SMpsagency, Limited, 2-3, Collyer Quay. IliS UNDEaMENTIONBD DATE3 OF DEPARTURE ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE. Brouwer Mosara-Sabi, Sinipang, and Djainbi BENS PIT... Riouw, Pngi-Radja and ILengat M« RUMPHIUS Batavia, Sanaarang and Soerabaia <passenger3 onl\ May 14 VAV
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 149 7 VESSELS EXPECTED, SI IBH3RS. 'hpartitre, aiut (where known} here, and name of Ay- tl [ay j Borneo M '1. .17 P. S. U; H M ados, June >n3. .ma. a A Co. :i Meyer. Bebx Ifeyer. D Meyer I B Bon stead. r imidt. •-d. tne 13 Mancfield. ncy as
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    • 792 7 VESSELS IN POUT. O ■p Shi .j- r, "SF.AB 1 MaHter Arm From Consignee Wh»» Baa Ha <„,an Br.t 243 Hunter Mmj Ban Tong Seng Brit ?80 Angus My 9 Palembang P bang 11 Baud Dot 2777 Heit May 6 Mao^ar ..,j e ls Jx IS 3rm Britl3»l7 Apl 25
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    • 25 7 Fh_<L._.p Kerban H I A.M M M teem 32 Fah. 28 Ten.]. B. 0 7!* Q Wet Hxs.h Ther. 7 7 Q r_;_ xxT j
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  • 1207 8 TIM pi Bf'-itm:i-' t<>r t> It .[■■-',> with Ihe MitJen Plat* f>r wbioh P8 ba*6 ion* ■tUrtc I, S ■i >u<l S'irt and IV v 8 iMWi uader- :>■ l prep uit ion r .:i 16 T r r.c- ixnn-n.v-l, bill of IIM *n> Soul rt
    1,207 words
  • 42 8 (B x nir Mi s Plate Second Start. rs Stai nance. Derby Castro. Gram. S Ex:elsior or Pin. Pai dock Stakf:s Grey Seaton or Quarraboloiig. I ess Pubsi Fame or Frou-frou. PiBBT Geifun's: Novice or Harvest. Qi ins: Celluloid or Unexpected.
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  • 62 8 Maidsb Second Start ($330) 2 Cardinal o.) Lawk Maintenance s l<0), Sextant ($200.) Castro (280), Gillo ($330.) Grandstand Delcore (S200), Excelsior ($220), Acetine ($100). 11,I 1 Lynwood -100). Grey Seaton $85), Sunray (>j [is: Blitz (SloO), Frou Prou ($130), Diabolo (>•>:>). First G I vice (slOO). St
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  • 57 8 The performance of tbe Bind of the Middlesex Kegt. at the Gardens last night was a pleasant function, although not sc i e present as usual, owing to the threatening weather. Fortunately the rain held off and the programme was a most enjoyable one, the Reminiscences
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  • 194 8 The following were the results of competition for Medal Play for the President's Pri A H. Cox 40 40 17 63 J. H. Sunner 4o 4-5 20 70 E. Appleton 44 43 17 70 J. Binnie 41 42 11 72 C. A. Leggatt 43 W lo 7:;
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  • 57 8 Lai Kwoug was before Mr. Howard, District Judge, s£sterday, on a charge of having on the *>th instaut entered the he use, No. 28 I pper Hokien Street, intending to commit theft. Sergeant Koss prosecuted. A detective saw the defendant going into the house aboit noon. He watched' The man
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  • 300 8 The 3rd Middlesex li^gt are holding their sports, on the Recreation Field, Panglin, duiing this week, and they will ermiaate on Monday the 17th instant (Auliversary lUttle of Albuhera) when all the iuals will be run off. Under tha supervision of the Committee, a large staff
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  • 472 8 own Correspondent^ May, G. Oa the 4th instant, the Attorney General, Colonial Engineer and Master Attendant arrived from Singapore by the s s. Darvel and left ap;ain by the s. s. Maiudu on the 6th instant. Libuan Assi/^s Ordinance 1908. This Bill will bewe'cDmed in the main, but Labuanitcs
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  • 78 8 The I\9v. Dr William Robert Mounsey, who wsm recently consecrated in Lamtetb Palace Chapel as first Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak, arranged to leave England for Borneo on May 8, to take up his episcopal duties. Prior to his departure he was to speak at the Albert Hall
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  • 31 8 Shooting for May the Ipoh Ladies ninde 171 Mrs Bristow :>4, Mrs llodg(s 02, Mrs Noel Walker 27, Mrs Kellar 28, Miss A. Jackson '2 r >, Mrs AVhiteside 25.
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  • 141 8 On the arrival of t be M irudu from Tawao m Sunday, two vagrants irere handed over j to 1119 Marine Police. The Dutch steaniar H iliotis, which arrived 3i the 9th inst. frorn B.ihk Papas, brought 300 tons of kerosine oil for Haifong. The 88. Hong Mob
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 671 8 LATE SHIPPING. French str. Kampot, from Saigon, ANJER SHIPPING REPORT. (Compiled for the Singapore Free Press.") Date of passing Arjer Nationality and Description of vessel Captain's name Where and when siiled Destination. April 23. Ger. str., Goslar Schu't Tjilatj ip, April 21 Batavia. April 23. Biit. str., Nestor; Bevan; Liverpool,
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