The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 May 1909

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 115 1 Mr Lloyd George expresses satisfaction with the reception of his budget —P.ige 5. Hilmi Pasha is forming a new Cabinet m Turkey —Page 5. Sai ious riots have occurred m Buenos Ay res —Page 5. A lorjg and interesting article on tbe new British M.lay States is
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  • 1116 1 There can be no doubt that, to the fresh anival from home, life m s^uts niiii.v puci ing d ficultis only to be surmounted by a tn > ice an.l by tbe diligent power, of observation one is gifted with. It is to be regretted th I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 233 1 I KATZ BROS., Ltd. *M FRESH STOGK OF J COMPANIA GENERAL BRAND. Also SIMON AHZT'S 1 [KATZ BROS., Ltd.j .J PAX ES E DEXTI ST. Hti Needlework and Flower Depot, YY ORCHARD ROAD. ARRANGED FLORAL BASKETS, and Wedding Orders a Speciality. At moderate prices. CUT FLOWERS AT ALL TIMES. tvi~-.u~»
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    • 214 1 Entertainments. VICTORIA THEATRE ■_H_aM_Daa_HMDM_OC>a___B_____B_____SC______P_Kl>_MMaM awof—rii umiiwiwsw ■■■■■>! «i_H—_e__-^mmitmr. Sole Lessee Director HUGH J. WARD. Business Manager: ALBERT GOLDIE. FOR THREE NIGHTS OM.Y. HUGH j. WARD'S London Comedy Co., INCLUDING Miss GRACE PALOTTA. THE FUN LIST. Thursday, May 6th:— The Talk of the Town." Friday, May 7th "The Man from Mexico.''
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    • 235 1 Entertainments. Gaiety Cinematograph. FOOT OF FORT CANNING. 1 How not to Solve a Puzzle. 4 Her Morning Dip. 5 When the Stormy Winds do blow. 6 Marriage m a Motor Launcb. 7 How Father Killed the Cat. 10 A Joke on a Countryman. 2nd Show 9.30 pm. 1 A Smoker's
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    • 118 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. The steamer Hong Wan for sale Page 3. Clerk wanted for North Borneo Page 3. Light rubber tyred gharry for sale Page 5. Talk of the Town at the Tbeatre this evening Page 1. Sale of rare old Satsuma ware at Cogblan's Page 3. Government House Domain roads
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 352 1 THE WEEK High Water.— ll.l4 a., 10.58 p P O Mail Ho-ceward due. Meyer Mission Committee, Tbe Parsonage 5.15 Ward Co. The Talk of the Town," 9 p High Water.— ll.4s a., 11.24 p P v. O Mail Outward due. S.V.A. Squad Drill. S RE. Recruits Drill, 5 15 p
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  • 311 2 are men and women are women them different and Parliament theui the same." Austen Chamberlain. _Vlr»n are m> iromsn ara woman, and women are ret Aa<i and a true and a gmtle woman We' nth joy together since Till tbe D_ril invented thai nauseous crtion The Militant _f
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  • 188 2 Curio. > Er. I s M RU I S. A remarkable movement, which surprises BS rai as much as it will Eaguen, is reported by the Kharbin Vestj ?k." The old time Siberian peasant fami _:aal voortrekkers from EuroR gan to emigrate on a lenble scale to
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  • 1093 2 Tenders are invited for the lease of Revenue Farms m the State of North Borneo from the Ist January, L9io, as set out hereunder. REVENUE FARMS IN THE STATE OF NORTH BORNEO. 1 In making arrangements for tho leading of th" Farms for ths next Farm
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 467 2 CHEAP SALE! The whole collection MUST BE SOLD now WITHIN I DAY SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THE RACES SPLENDID BARGAINS IN BEAUTIFUL ROBES, COLLARETTES, BLOUSES, BELTS, PARASOLS AND MANY OTHER NOVELTIES. Exquisite Porcelain and Glassware, some elegant Electric Lamps, etc., must be sold at any reasonable price to avoid re-packing and
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    • 322 2 NOTWES. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. NOTICE. Ladies attending the Races on May 11th. 13th and loth, are reminded that admissiou to tbe Grand Stand and Lawn wiil be by Ticket only. Ladies' Tickets are obtained throagh members of the S.S.C Free but they must bear the name of the bearer, and
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    • 482 2 INSURANCES. FEDERAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada. ESBTABUsmo 1681. Capital and Assets exceed 4,000,000 Gold Dollars. J. H. EVANS, Manager, South filisfsf Asia. The Borneo Co., General Agents. Mar 3 NEW ZEALAiI INSURANCE CO,, LID. FIBE AND MARINE. YaHG-TSZE INSURANCE ASSOC, LTD. MAEINE. CHINA FiRE INSURANCE C0 M LTD.
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    • 307 2 BANKS. j International Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000 Ueau O -60 VVaL London Office -Threads BibhopsfiaY London Banker* —National Bank of England Ltd. General Foreign Business Trar Curkf.nt Deposit 4ooona Interest allowed on thc daily rate of 2 V per annum. Deposits n which can be ascertained on
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  • 90 3 has been c> chased pc Hall, just and. having i ::d sent her i f* was! trawlers bought by Admiralty. Th k g I deal oi speculation as r which the naval upon such parch bviously of little or no for one thing ly not more I thei
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  • 3 3
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  • 8 3 icd it is Jane,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 23 3 j m**k. T*i_ S SU Hr ri OI lm mW to L S igs C <*• IK _h__). V__7 M V V *>-J 3
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    • 484 3 GONOSAN (Riedel) contains Sandalwood oil and the extract of Kava-Kava. It is m thc opinion of the Medical profession by far superior to any other preparation of Sandalwood oil. Sold m bottles of 40 capsules by all dispensaries. For wholesale apply to the MEDICAL HALL. J. d'A. PEREIRA, (F. R.
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    • 629 3 AUCTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF RARE OLD SATSUMA At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan Cos* Salerooms, Monday, 10th May, at 10.30 a.m. Comprising Beautiful Tea.Sets, Bowls, Vases, Incen.e BurnersSingle Cups and Saucers, Wall Plates, &c. H. L. Coghlan Co., Auctioneers. May r> 11.5 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS On Saturday. Sth
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    • 200 3 3— _—_____»s < ■_^-»s-»-Ml«»__s_______________»..________________^j f _f _T*^ ft _l W^ An. s^V^ V^ _F%> f__ f ADAPTED FOR THE CUSTODY OF VALUABLE PAPERS PROOF PROTECTED WITH 1.2 INCH PLATE OF RATNER DRILL-PROOF COMPO SAFE STEEL. ____________________________________________H_^_l iL-ms. vis, i inimiiiiii ii -un i— jmmsl. -mi.. n 4r M _L* Yp
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  • 1269 4 The Singapore Free Press Thursday, May 6, 1909. i'ie P;e>s the People'^ l Ynt sir.'a tv l" awed by influence ami unbribed t>v gain; Here patriot Truth h*~ pionoo precept Pledged to Reli.ion Loyalty and The production of rubb.r is now recognised as the mainstay of Malaya. Our rail•v ivs
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  • 184 4 A Chinese woman of 22 Temple Street has lost clothing and cash amounting to Thieves have broken into a cigar shop kept at Tapah Street by a Kling and stolen cigars valued at $15. There is an interesting story that Mr Carnegie stimulated the rivalries of his superintendents and heads
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  • 491 4 El ROPEAN CiMUH: NED. Mr H. II Poths of Mess:- H v-nbich Brothers appeartd bafore Uf di Mello, fourth magistrate, yesterday, m answer to a summons issued on a charge of reckless driving on April _7 h. Assist.- Supt. Hawtrey of the Police appeared for the prosecution. Dr
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  • 305 4 Sub Warder am. Prison cc C b». A Tamil sub- warder named Karamh was charged before Mr Green, second magi., trate, yesterday aft.moon, on a charge of taking a letter from the prison contrary to regulations. A prisoner named Arthur Cotta wis charged with abetment Mr
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  • 116 4 Captain Hiy has report 3d the loss of a silver watch valued at Si 11.41. A Chinese shopkeeper hired out a bicycle valued at $20 and has not scan it again. It has been definitely arranged that Mr C. W. C. Parr is to act for Mr. Aid worth as
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  • Correspondence.
    • 72 4 To i Sir,— Under the held h was heard I B which I appeared curs m this report as to w said and before writing 1 j. magistra Wh v he really Hr 11 Lrtmawi, but even m do not believe that the a dishonest intention
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    • 43 4 To The Bin that the plans of the build-in.' supplied that mi wealth of his own not been abandon* been altered. Wl is that the space bath shall bt tion room v Fathers ai of water we^
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    • 164 4 A 11 that we r~ Dutch m their admY country. It is iuq for any length of tin* with ever inment displayed m provi of a large volume <■: everywhere throughout city. 1 not reg tbe aci< (point, I has by danger arising from insai minimum. It 1
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  • 51 4 Liver or:, stolen trom a Cmuaii. L>k L,h oi Ktll.i, the police t! bed him of The Sea Mew party <»f polio and longitude piracy oo A Chinese prisoner atftem] I suicide by I n at the Central I night. A Eur promptly cut him doi respiration. Th removed the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 172 4 SHERRIES. I Palma Black Seal. Pale Dry Blue Manzanilla White Montilla Black Pale Fino Blue Pale Gold Dark Yellow Amontillado Brown Manzanilla (Mark S. C.) White Manzanilla (Pale Dry Supr.) Yellow Vino de Pasto Blue Amontillado (Very Supr.) Red Also lower grades for Cooking purposes. CHOICE OLD DINNER SHERRIES. —i
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    • 116 4 YOU MAY HIRE A A &w% Al ~1 ~3to^ At $10 per Month we have a System whereby the Instrument becomes your property by paying an' $5 per Month Send for Particulars of our Hire Purchase System as applied to Pianos, Organs, Talking Machines, Etc. ROBINSON PIANO GO, THE "MANSION"
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    • 60 4 NEW STUDIO High Class Photographers, LEE BROTHERS, 58-4, Hill Street, Singapore. (off Stamford Road.) Price list on Application. Dec 16 16.12 HUGH WARD COMEDY Co. SPECIAL NOTICE. Owiug to the enormous demand for Tickets for Saturday's Performance, four extra rows of seats will be reserved downstairs. These seats can now
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  • 54 5 THE CHANCELLORS SATISFACTION. N N« Come First. Subma jgraph. Reuter'-) •ived at 4.13 p.m. bo House of Comn !r Lloyd .titled at the recephat criticism was pr i the land I ki and tho license a which we were merely following r own Colo: :i 1910. laid, must
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  • 30 5 BLOW FOR THE GOVERNMENT. rcliffe Seat Lost. for Ati Ito i the vacancy Mr 1' rtl member, is that Mr '>Ir Fallow the Mr. third with 3,175 votes lent Enionis:
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  • 5 5 >een > o+* <
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  • 25 5 Mr Col•ernoon, il breach of trust as B X. Aruna- lumbal am Pi Hay. he pr.seeu_ted the actrtered Bink for a week.
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  • 19 5 PUesex Regiment Burdens last eve:. I present, and programme of permitting the Drums ;rdens every
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  • 195 5 >n Coaiitisk Konipagni," of >d results last year mmercial depression. the direci the fact that the -phere of its ranch, m al apita] has been t" tinier and i Coast. and India, have m ■be branches and nderwent athorough and the pains and the I to
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  • 37 5 A New Cabinet Forming. (By Submarine Telegraph. Router's) Turkish Cabinet has resigned. I' tsh a conferring with the Saltan, and Hilmi Pasha is forming a Cabinet including several members of the Committee of Union and Progress.
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  • 46 5 Received Maj 5: 14 a.m. There are serious Socialist troubles conti nuing at Buenos Ayres. Two thousand troops have arrived to reinforce the garrison. The work of the Port is paralysed and the Tramways are held up. Tha strikers are estimated at
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  • 32 5 Further Disaffection. The disaff-.Yion of the French Poatal Staff, which has been simmering since the great strike, is becoming again more accentuated. veral officials have been suspended for seditious speech.
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  • 24 5 PORTUGAL 'S REPRESENTATIVE. Macao Delimitation. A te!egram from Portugal states that General Joachim tchado has been ordered irt for Macao immediately to assist iv
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  • 30 5 TRAINING BRITISH SOLDIERS. Lessons from Germany. ived at 11.38 a m. The British General Stall' has issued to the forces a translation of the Kaiser's Orders for training the Army. > +> <
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  • 420 5 Ri Royai Ho. kl. Before Mr Howard, m the District Court, yesterday afternoon, a Chinese contractor named S.ah Tee claime iom Mr G Fernandez for labour done and materials supplied m repairing and altering the Royal Hotel at Serangoon Rjad. Mr Campbell appeared for the plaintiff and
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  • 643 5 Am ltebation Ol Foods anu Drinks, There was a l-.rge audience at the V. C. A. rooms m Stamford Road last night when a must interesting lecture was given by Mr A. Gr. Harrington, lie, ph c, PCS., Municipal Analyst, on the adulteration of h tme of
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  • 36 5 Messrs. Guthrie and Company inform us that the manager of Labu (F.M.S.) Rubber Co. Ltd: advises that the output of dry rubber from the Company's Estate during the month of April was 3,39 lbs.
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  • 46 5 Messrs. Derrick Co. inform us that the outputs from B3lat and Kuantan are. Belat, 403 -50 pikuls from the Company's own workings, tributors 31G 05 pikuls. Kuantan 7_ 85 pikuls from tributors. Totals 719 55 pikuls and 72 85 pikuls. f r
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  • 142 5 British Wardship's Call. Salonica, April 8. A remarkable rumour is afloat here, which I give you for what it may be worth, to the effect that Austria, ia conjunction with Germany, is establishing a coal depot and the rudiments of a naval base on an island m
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  • 551 5 Mr Hopkinson. The popularity of Mr Ward's combination continues, and the audience last night was again an excellent one, and enthusiastic. The wise caterer for public amusement knows the virtue of variety, and Mr Ward presented last night an entirely different class of play to the two
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  • 246 5 Of the hte Mr. Reader Harris, X.C so much of whose life was spent m evangelical effort, an interesting story is told by the Christian World." It appears that Mr. Harris was offered a brief marked fifty guineas on behalf of a railway company, who wished
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  • 87 5 is about as painful and inconvenient a^ anything you would find m a day's journey. And it is dangerous a swollen knee leads to permanent lameness. Read what A.C. Lehman of Waynesbro Pa says I have been the victim of a large swelling on the knee for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 16 5 Don't Put It Qi twenty-four hours to elapse Colic, Cholera and yin your home. True, yon
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    • 34 5 A Bargain. When you can save from 25 to 50 per cent on any article, you have a bargain. When won buy a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at the regular
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    • 18 5 Relief from Rheumatic Pains. The great pain relieving power of Chamberlain's Pain Balm is clearly shown m ease*
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    • 127 5 The TYPEWRITER that the WINNER of The typewriting CHAMPIONSHIP used at "OLYMPIA" 1908 was a BAR-LOCK. The TYPEWRITER used by N..5^V-VjgjEp ■IT STILL STANDS UXBEATEX JY^Y '-.'^l Wasa BAR-LOCK. __f THE BAR-LOCK WON 5. m \^^ms\m\\\*^^**SmmW 5y '"^H THE ADELPHI HOTEL. E d "The recognised place for the most i
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  • 200 6 I 1 i BAS D 1 1 Di j 1 I neral Suborn. in< tY. Ibe W Minister cf War, ha- eraoaa] < intra, like mo tSNMt, whirl: B radsceaaor, I tan rai II _:er. In other waj I msm Minister has hand thm ir.y-.n- 3
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  • 216 6 rathcona'a munificent 0,000 the scheme for the physical training of tbe school children of Canada comes at an opportune time, when recent events have rased a patriotic spirit throughout lnion. It ia an essential part of the me that the youthful Canadians shall drill and bow to use
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 160 6 ALFRED KITCHING& CO. ENGINEERS AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. oa d. Angus £k Co. Ltd., NE STLE-ON-' The Darlington Forge Co. Ltd, DARLING! The Mica Lubricant Co., _h SHIEI Newton Nicholson, TH SHIELI 3iake Boiler. Wagon and Engineering Cc. Ltd., i>akli\ All Enquiries will have our Prompt and Special Attention _B SINGAPORE
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    • 501 6 SHIPPING. NTIj JAPAN HAIL STtAKHIP Go,, Ltd, A As c %y\ xvj Two regular services are maintained between JAPAN md EUROPE by the Company's well-known TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 647 6 SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremei IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The faat and well-known mail steamers o this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said Suez, Aden, Colombo, Fenang, Singapore, Hong keng, Shanghai, Nagasaki 4 Kobe to
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    • 1326 6 SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a reqalar service between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are Hi spatchod fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a montli for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 285 6 SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAM SHIP C China Mutual Steam Nay. Cc Tbe Companies' stean rpool outwards for tiie Strait JapH week, and t for London, Amsterdam and Ant night; for Genoa, Marfor Marseilles, Havre and 1. One outward steam o: Vancouver, Seattle and I Through Bills of Lading for The Compar
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  • 929 7 $300,000 300,000 10 10 EeUt Tin Mining 00. Ltd 6.50 $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruang Limited 625 $600,000 600,000 10 10 Braseb Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd 7.50 4500.000 444.73.9 1 1 Duff Development 00. Ltd 4.00 $400,000 875,000 10 10 Kanaboi Ltd. 1.25 £60,000 60,000 1 1 Kinta
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  • 47 7 (Corrected up to May 5.) dank c 2 Prirate credits 3 m/i credits 6 m/g M Fr_,hob, demand Bank^. GiaMAfr, demand 237 Yokohama, demand nom. 1 1 Java, demand Bink Buying Bank of England Rate Discount 3 months bills I l 7 <y Bar Silver London
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  • 83 7 Gambier Gambier Cube No. 1 12 h7^ Gambier Cube No. 2 w 18.80 Pepper Bl (ord'u. S'pcrs) 11.15 r, White (fair bay Nutmegs (110 to the Ib.)^ w Nutmeg? (80 to ths lis.) 50 do. medium pesr'. i~. do. medium do. Pearl Sago, email do. dc. No. 8
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  • 14 7 W t'lrves and Docks at which different
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 150 7 On the Berth. 7^-T MATSCHtfPiJ NEDERLAND. „e ar. v NEDERLAND." v Bl -cc. COM! ia on the 6th t 6 i arrive here on I for Sabang, Colom: -ban and Amsterdam on EDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. rman Mail Steamer I ,ngkong and iHtie liil-iif, Meibj.rr.. and Sydney. Stroi re on 9th Yon
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    • 601 7 TO LET. BUNGALOW TO LET. a Sue bungalow, No. 18 k, Mount Elizabeth lioad, immediate entry. Apply Gaggino A Co. v 1 S TO LET. reden Dublin B i water laid on. Tennis court ami itabling. Entry JDM Apply to Ilammtr it Co., l-'lint St* 6. Slay 5 n.c. TO
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    • 112 7 m *mto***wwwm\\m^ Ijgfgc^^™^gi»isf^ I JN 0 1 IC ii. ft Ih^^h^i^ can now cc obtainei) as f llows; 1 llf^^^^-A I PUre SterillZed l!1 tillS f lie I™ l1 l^lt-ni- 2E aND I ICondensed Unsweetened m no- I i tHi> tD G E B^^ i -i i_» w i 1
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    • 154 7 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contract with tk_ Nkthkri.a :a Government. Agents at Singapore, The Shipsagency, Limited, 2-3, Collyer Quay. THE UNDERMENTIONED DATES OF DEPARTURE ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE. Laurens Pit... Riouw, Prigi-Radja and Rengat ~M ay Valentyn Paneh, Asahan, Batoe-Bara and Belawan-Deli May 7 DE Haan Bawean, Soerabaia, Bandjermasin, Kota-Baroe.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 671 7 VESSELS IN PORT. Man-of-war Fla£ ani Tons OoflUlMmdaW Arrived From Wtit-a Mew Col. fachtsoo Murphy Maj 4 M Waterwitch Brit 620 Douglu Maj 2 Ho: P. Swett. 6 ii flae&rons Master Arr.ved From Consignee For Baron lnverdale Bnt 2139 Fullerton Apl 25 Silif nl m m l V]t H?Z Apl
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    • 23 7 Per Sea Mew Mr and Mrs Thorn _s. Per Tringganu Messrs H. Hei land and Per Van der Lyn Mr Vogelsang, Mr J.
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  • 2099 8 T M map which we publish to day indicates t; DBOSftTI < Idition 1 0 tV ;n. which sa t -Ynature at Ymgkok of Yauiese Tw Bj Ihe King ol Siam renounced, m tavern Britain, his Nuerainty over m Tr and Xi i' 1 and
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  • 157 8 The S. C. C. Cricket Match Card up to the end of June contains the following: May Bth— S.C.C. A W. Beven vSRC. 11th— SC.C. B.L Williams v V.M.C A. 22nd -S.C.C. A. S. Bailey v Srd Mid Reg. 24th— S CC. Mr. Justice T.
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  • 45 8 The preliminary competition m connection with the President's Pr;z3 Is holes Medal Play, Li best card- to qualify, will bo played on Saturday and Sunday the Sih and 9th instant. Local Rule. Practice Piay on the Saturday not allowed m this competition.
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  • 336 8 The following new books will ba ready for issue on Friday Blyth, James, The Member for Easterby. Boyd, Mary S., The First Stone. Capes, Bernard, The Love Story of St. Bel. Chambers, R. W The F.ring Line. Cullum, Ridgwell, The Compact. Fraser, Mrs Hugh, The Heart of a
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  • 673 8 Six a-SIDE TOUBM LMEN I The six-a-side Football Tournament, which should have beeu played off m December, but owing to the weather was suspended, opened on Monday evening. This tournament has caused a great deal of excitement and interest at Tanglin, as it is being played on the Cup-tie
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  • 153 8 A Chinese bar boy employed m a liquor shop m Richore Road has disappeared. The police have been communicitThe Eijah of Sirmur is abreast of the British Government on the cigarette question. He has issued the following regulation "Whoever being under 18 years of age smokes cigars, cigarettes, uses or
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 39 8 INDO-CHINA S. N. Co., Ltd. FOR TENANG CALCUTTA. The Company's steamer KUMSANG," 3,237 tons, E. J. Buller, Commander, will be despatched for the above ports on Saturday the Sth May, at 5 p.m. She has excellent accommodation for first
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    • 46 8 H. L. COGHLAN <©, COS AUCTION SALES May 6& 8. Sale of unredeemed pledges. May 17. Preliminary Notice. Sale of Halesworth. May 28. Pirn Rubber Estate, salerooms. 2.30 p.m. W. J7 GARCIA, GO, BRAS BASAH ROAD. Piano, Organ and Music dealer. SOLE AGENT FOR CHAPPELL BROADWOOD PIANOS.
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    • 201 8 A Natural Cows Ml! Ili H ffTTh o S <%fG*\m*+ c 'ii F RE SH y > C L _h _r > i__S_ i V \r M f^t%_ jTO BE HAD FROM ALL DEALERS and DISPENSARIES. I I PATERSON SIMONS CO.. LTD Singapore and Penang. Patented m tne United Kingdcm
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