The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 1 May 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 119 1 The joyful news of the birth of a little princess to the Throne of Holland was received last evening Pact The nviddest, baddest and bast Budget are descriptions applied to Mr Lloyd George and his attempts to make both ends meet. The revenue is to patroni- ni'y,
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  • 949 1 7he match li id \e<] up i xlor had play m a foursome wilh M Poczle aud J> > 1 i btl late m rmch leg the o< utm and louod iiting 3n the fitst tee Mr ma merry widow bat and high heels, greeted me roue tc<>
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 426 1 The Federal Life Assurance Co., of Canada. ESTABLISHED 1882I u> oi pice, Hamilton. Ontario, Canada. Qaplial and Assets exceed U f OOO,Q®Q Gold Dollars. The Federal Life Assurance Co. is one of the Oldest and most j favourably known Companies m Canada. Its long and successful experience enables this British
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    • 224 1 Entertainments. PLEASE BONT FORGET THAT THE USUAL SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE WILL BE HELD AT THE ROYAL HOTEL PAYA LEB\R. On Saturday, the Ist May, 9 pm. VICTORIA THEATRE Soie Lessee Director HUGH J. WARD. Business Manager: ALBERT GOLDiE. Commencing Montiay, May 3rd. For SIX NIGHTS ONLY HUGH J. WARD'S London
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    • 69 1 m LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Whiteaway Laidlaw's reduced prices Page 1. Notice re the Netherlands Consul General at Home to-day Page 2. To let Branksorne Page 1 1 Ships on the berth Charon, Tara, Muttra, page 11. Heap Moh new time table and O. S. S. Co— Page 8. Holiday tickets for
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 401 1 THE WEEK. Saturday, May 1st High Water.— 7.57 a., 8.59 p B.I. Mail Outward due Race Entries close, noon. S.V.I. Class Firing, 2 30 p Sunday, 2nd High Water 8 46 a 9.24 p 3rd Sunday after Easter. S.R.E Morning Parade. S.Y.I. Class Firing, 7.30 a. M. M. Mail Outward
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  • 213 2 A itfffflg p'<-a for the natural use of the voice m pal lie worship ma made m the course of hi- oluurgi to his elergj by the Bishop of Liverpool. He described E asmus v the spokes-nan of a large number of devout Church- people, when he
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  • 148 2 lv A stralia are to be found the largest, it p iliar u?at3 m the world m ti.-- -:^gts of th« jungle fowl, 30 i-illed. and are l>ui:r m the form of great mounds, the KfOngt WllllWimilt m height I 1" tVet and the ruvumt'-: n ■•> 150
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 28 2 A Bargain. When you can save from 25 to 50 per cent I n any article, you have a bargain. When you bay a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
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    • 438 2 TO-DAY And During the Month of May. 7 y WILL OFFER SURPLUS STOCK AT THESE SURPLUS GOODS fjff 8 k. tW D^F «BBEi lV a^r «H By I TO MAKE ROOM FOR LARGE NEW SHIPMENTS. Whiteaway, Laid law Co., Ltd. GASH DRAPERS. NOTIGES^ NOTICE. On Tuesday, the 25th May L
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    • 347 2 NOTICES. HOLIbAY^riCKETS^ For trips to the Netherlanda-lndia Archipelago by steamers of the Koninklyke Paketvaart Maaischappy aud Stootnvaart Maatschappy Netherlands, made between the loth April and 15th July, 1909, return tickets will be issued agaiust payment of the single fare, on condition that the return-voyage must be set oft' not later
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    • 281 2 NOTICES. NOTICE. TAW BENG eHinA'G NURSERIES. No. 26-2, Orchard Road. Our Extensive collection of Roses, Palms. Orchids, Vines, Conifers, Hydrangeas, Maples. Azaleas, Cherries, Prunes, Andromedas, Pinks, Crotons, Iris, Lilies, Begonias, Dahlia?, Chrysanthemum, Dwarf Plants, Cyeas, and Creepers, etc., etc. The whole of our Trees and Plants have made splendid growth
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    • 253 2 INSURANCES. FEDERAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada. ESTABLISHED 1882. Capital and Assets exceed 4,000,000 Gold DoDars. J. H. EVANS, Manager, South Eastern Asia. The Borneo Co., General Agents. Mar 1 y^ NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO., LTD. FIRE AND MARINE. YANB-TSZE INSURANCE ASSOC. LTD. MARINE. CHINA FiRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. FIRE.
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    • 551 2 Internationa! Banking Corporation. CAPITAL and SURPLUS GOLD $6,500,000. Bl I I Ed 6O 1.. don Office Tbreadn. uaa, Bisbopsgatt n, London London Bani National Provinci&l Bank of England Ltd. General Foreig;. Business Transacted. DEI Current Deposit Accour- Interest allowed on the daily balance* at rate of t < Deposits received
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 234 2 SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES. St. A n i'UK Il>BA] rdfi E tater. 7 am M it ins. First Lesson x xx i Second Leas, a 8. L«l 1 30. :.n 2-". y i;oramunion Choral Tntroit t*k% M Bortiat :Vertory Hjiun at Communion 178 as J J }[-]y I foanmrninii j 1
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  • 1367 3 (BY 'PI* 'IST ■iiw the It r»etween these ateB ratches on the which we ga/5 with a .1 the vise their 2 of the i v. They tnd even who met k'y re* g intlity 1 ireaJtbj <• matrv a it km Hi m supposing th it the
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  • 376 3 Tbbbible Operation for Stone em 1 he Kidnei 3. '"I suffered from inflammation of the blad- der and stone m the kidneys for 2 year-, says Mrs. A. Hanson, of 19, Hawk Street, Huddersneld, England. "At first I couldn't understand what was the matter with me;
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 208 3 AND COVER YOURSELF against result of CAR ACCIDENTS. Don't take the Risks any longer. You may be called upon for Heavy Damages at any moment. The payment of a small sum annually Relieves you c( Great Responsibly, especially if you use a native Chauffeur. Full Particulars from The Borneo Co.,
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    • 293 3 From any Skin or Blood Disease, such as i S Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Glandular Swellings, Skid Legs, I leers, Abscesses, I Tumours, Boils, Sores, Eruptions, Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Gout, &c, but at once start a course of Blood Mixture (the World-famed Blond Purifier), and I the experience of thousands whom
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    • 257 3 CARRETT'S Portable Engines. //I Fitted with patent economical Fire-box for burning ivooc/ f#/e/. OVER 50 IN USE IN THE F. M. S. /2 IU HP. m stock. A little "DM." introduced into a boiler with the feed water is guaranteed to Prevent incrustation and to keep the boiler Absolutely clean.
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  • 772 4 A In tpH« d that are now being I cade to promote a wider interest m what may ermed Empire education iiely any large section of the people of the nity of learn uing the r depen- mjL The littl-i group of D, known as the m point, and
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  • 920 4 Oh n In the remarl ably short period of nine months ;i pdatial bank has Keen erected furnisbe 1, and eg iq>pad on the site occupied < by Hill la an achievement of wh'eh Ttollope and Col s, Lim., may feel ly proad, as the work
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 8 4 What can be more criminal than to subs-
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    • 941 4 AN ALARMED ACCOUNTANT. Was Losing Bis M iory Suffering with Back Pains and Weakness— made Tired and Nervous By a Few Hours' Work. Health, Strength and Appetite Completely Restored B? DR. WLLUMS* PINK PiIAS. When the late \)c. Lipponi, the Pope's famous physician, r<-ccinmended Dr. Williams 1 Pink Pills for
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    • 166 4 fW^r-^ putation, Ikmii^ cndorsc-il and empiV^^^ «2S*s±2U-^ zzS?^ on^ c>:i l;r Win< it promote ]by t I 83 means of invigoratir H fresh I Coleman's Wincarnis is an n ideal pick-me-up, adding to its remarkable bracing qualities valuabl palate. Sole Manufacturers: Cm. 1 man Co., Ltd., H Agi nts m
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  • 173 5 Prp r 1 I hampion no is going t bi 8 with and had a gUM Bdbo, and -tered m force at |k« see him pay. 81 ;nes were played but Urn create- r natural! v ■■•>:• Hi B P H y- re of the
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  • 114 5 g c. Lord n, explained the pp<!inticL,' a De; i [mmigration into 1 tbat the Governt thr- -rye well as thoje of the the >est p-aces and tin£ the stream :i:^nt did not desire I India They wished it The effect cf reach population Ay nil. to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 8 5 I tar American Remedy i Lll! r il.-ir.
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    • 522 5 Japan Coals. THE Mitsui Bussan Kaisha. (MITSUI Co.) Head Office: No. I, SURUCA-CHO TOKIO. London Branch 34, Lime Stree v ECSingapore Branch 2, Finlayson Grezn, OTHER BRANCHES:— Sar Francisco Porti. New York, Hamburg. lk»mbay. Gal--1 iitt.i, Rangoon, S<" orabty*, Manila, Sydney Bangkok, Saigon, Hongkong, Canton, Amoj, Foochow, Shanghai, TingtaQ, Hankow,
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    • 856 5 AUGTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF Unserviceable Materials AT THE MUNICIPAL STOtfE RIVER VALLEY ROAD On Friday, 7th May, at 2 p.m. 'liy order of the Municipal Engineer.) Comprising A WOLBBLEY Motor Caij i petrol engine for motor launch scrap iron, scrapers, pickaxes, changkoK rakes, wheels and axles, buckets, chains, wa^on-body kc,
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    • 413 5 ANOTHER THREE DAYS ONLY General Outfitting Sale. No. 12, Stamford Rd (Meth. Publishing Room From 8 a.m. to 5-30 j FOR THE RACES THE LATEST CREATIONS. At a Sample Discount of 50 0/0 The latest creations m STYLISH BLOUSES ROBES LACE COATS, PARASOLS. BELTS, COLLARETTES &c. A Grand Collection of
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  • Domestic Occurrence.
    • 48 6 Gordon Pag den. At Taunggyi, Southern Shan States, Burma, on the 18th March, befoie Sir George Scott, X C.1.E., Superintendent and Political Officer, Southern Shan States (District Marriage Registrar) Duncan Macdonald Gordon, Assistant Superintendent, Kengtung, to Olive Margaret Pagden, daughter of the late Robert Pagden, of Epsom.
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    • 24 6 MOORE. At Frenny Lodge on the morning of the 14th Capt. P. H. Moore, late of the Rangoon Pilot Service. Aged 73 years.
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  • 1032 6 The Singapore Free Press. Saturday, May 1, 1909. Hqrr shall t>.e Press the People- right -nainl3At>, U .awed by influence and unbribes by gain > Here patriot Truth hi fkjrious picceptJ chaw. Pierced to Religion Loyalty j«d I The birth of a R}yal Princess as heir to the Throne of
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  • 100 6 Princess Wilhelmina 11. Mr GK I.1 Sams), the acung Consul Gene ral for the Netherlands, c^u-teously informed us at 5 pm. last nigh f that an official telegram had been received that A Princess Has Been Born. i.'-uter's Agency at the sime time teat a wire Wilhelmina diughter."
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  • 768 6 Nowhere m the Dutch dominions will there be heartier rejoicings than m Netherlands ladie?, where the arranges for celebrations have been carefully thought out. Iv B.itavia an official programme has bsen published by Messrs. Kolff and Co. m the form of an ornate booklet. The programme is as follows First
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  • 77 6 une, longed-for Hop Welcome to the world wk Hear the trumpets blarii, (^nAs you lie there 1 reaming, an a&ge) ia Weloms, Ltt'e Sir.. All the more you're we: male us wait. of other nations, noir und ft Wilh your own gx)d Blare the silver trtmi} How the you
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  • 215 6 A Uli mam an n if D for being m p A Chinaman living ports t hous T\» >nis, Sin Mr 11. C. 1 registrar, and II rar of Joint A Hylatn has told th :ian of his 1. The Chinaman who man Sreet latTan T ck Seng will not
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 414 6 SHERRIES. p a j ma Black Seal. Pale Dry Blue Manzanilla White Montilla Black Pale Fino Blue Pale Gold Bark Yellow Amontillado Brown Manzanilla (Mark S. C.) White Manzanilla (Pale Dry Supr.) Yellow Vino de Pasto Blue Amontillado (Very Supr.) Red Also lower grades for Cooking purposes. CHOICE OLD DINNER
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    • 127 6 THE "MANSION" Entrance Oxley Rise and River Valley Roai. A BOARDING HOUSE WITH 25 Comfortable and well appointed Rooms. The Dining and Drawing Kooms are spacious and well furnished, the latter commanding a view of the Town and Harbour. Situated on high ground and apart from noisy thoroughfares and insanitary
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    • 78 7 Help for the M Lower Mi- Idles. w An Incentive to M itr m ny. SutHMURDM Nagrapb, Beutar*il 2 i n. Siukit :i* of three millions. t'rom i t*i illon on petrol. There is an ioc income tax on f twopi :.ce. 1: Api 2 ,t.m. B
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    • 46 7 April 2 pm a Is include a tax m the grad II henceforth take one fifth ilue of urban rod a tax of a and on the value of uc- E .000. 1 per Lfnmanu t-pence 1 corresp menta it v.iilable for
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    • 40 7 Demc Bad and Mad. .found ibed by the Conservamiddle classes and the reserve forces of the country. D immense •emocratie tinance. Ir Redmond I p posed this j :et. j Banbury (.lescribe«l it as the er introduced.
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  • 32 7 Don't Put It Off. i allow twenty-four hours to clap-e I Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and ><arrhoea Remedy \u year home. Trne y M not need it within :hat time, b it is
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  • 152 7 new time table of the Kranji railway ttients of Madam a Fainbon hear that she has resumed lay, after a brief stay at -j her ill-health. treat for the children a Cathedral will take place toThe children will meet at im. I, Maxim Co. S.V.A., has ;e award of the
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  • 51 7 (Bj Submarine Telegraph. Jv3uter's) R Edward and President, Fallieres ye telegraphed their congratulations to B tan Mehmed. The passing of Abdul Hamid. Hx Suit, in Abdul i ltiriid arrivel quietly at Salonika on Wednead ly night and was •n to his residence. Tewfik Pasha is forming the new
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  • 83 7 April 30, 10.34 a.m. At Biia the King and Queen of England and the King and Queen of Italy, the Empress Marie and the Duke and Duchess •>ta met and exchanged the most cordial visits on the Royal yacht. The Italian warship Tettonia was m attendance. Great
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  • 10 7 A Russian force has arnved at Tabriz. > <
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  • 242 7 THE FIRE ON TEE ORONSAY." The 8. s. OroDsay, which left Penang for ■>n Saturday morning, arrived m the harbour at !•> am. on Sunday, flying the -il-Ship on Fiie.'" It was ascertained that the coal m her bunkers had caught fire, probably from spontaneous combustion, and that the Captain,
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  • 151 7 At the Church of the Assumption, the marriage was solemnised of Mr Alphonse Bernard Carrier, ricemill engineer, Choion, S ,on, son of Mr Louis Boudou Carrier, and Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. W. J. Foley, formerly Chief Inspector of Police under the Perak Government. The ceremony was performed
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  • 135 7 Before Mr Justico S^rcomb« Smith m the Bankruptcy Court yesterday morning, a Chinaunn mined Yap Yeow Teck was further eximined m bankruptcy, (^uesstioned by the < official Assignee about snare transactions, bankrupt admitted that his liabilities amounted to a sum of $57,000 which were differences on
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  • 76 7 Sydney, April 6. The death is announced of Sir Julian Emanuel Salomons, formerly Solicitor-Gene-ral and Chief Justice of New South Wales and Agent-General for the Colony m London m 1899-1900. Sir Julian Salomons was the son of a Birmingham merchant. He was born m 1834,
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  • 81 7 (Received at midnight.) MORE BUDGET MATTERS. Mr Lloyd George m his Budget Speech foreshadowed an increase m naval expendi. ture and said that national safety lay between panic and parsimony. But we must i maintain our supremacy. He foreshadowed wide social reforms, including industiiil insurance afforestation, and the
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  • 227 7 Enjoyable Dance at the Drill Hall, A very successful dance was given at the S.V.C. Drill Hall, at the Raffles reclamation, last evening. Ttiere was a large attendance, aud music was provided by the excellent band of the 99ch Djccan lafantry. usual, the hall was artistically decorated and
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  • 398 7 At Tauglin last evening "G Coy., who are leading m the league, were out again seeking for paints. This time their opponents were "A" Coy., a fiae wall balanced team who have not lost a match this season m the league. Owing to sickcess "Q-" Coy., were
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  • 125 7 CALIFORNIA!? APPEAL, Messages from San Francisco state thai although there has been such an outcry against the Japanese m California, growers of beet sugar have been placet! m such stress by the Japanese absenting themselves, that the authorities have been compelled to refund money extracted from the Japanese
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  • 763 7 QukquU a<junt homines nostri ed farrago l&eUt. Juvknai,.' The Continental press have I e?u making remorseless fun of the American ditto regarding the African tour of ex-President i It )osevelt, for which the latter is wholly responsible. The history of the tour is already m print
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  • 24 7 For the match S.C.C.v. Volunteers to-day the Club team is. Clarke, Eddis, Wilsod. Phipps, Mugliston, May. Gray, Williams', I Dunman, Litham and Bruce.
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  • 37 7 Owing to the Hugh Ward Company performances m Town next week, the Band of the 3rd Battn. D. C. O. Middlesex Regiment will Dot play m the gardens until Monday the 9th instant. > <
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 157 7 ROBINSON Co. Spring Race Meeting 1909, ±'S? GENTLEMEN'S TAILORS. ■■■■■■■■■■■iMHHBB Newest. "Tweeds" \|k "Qheviots" A Vj "Homespuns" I "Fancy Gash meres'* i r-| i In one suit lengths (>nly. I j IN ALL THE The Machine that has caused the makers of I other Typewriters to wear worried looks. ptjaj-,
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  • 323 8 iH»C unos I I). I wellkii I I Ibe -a fartbor «vid> ras t na i I iritb i Ibeii wd n pro- i i ate* going a sentence of six wetkd. He knew i«h h r about fifte n dm] ia h m l v 1
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  • 257 8 Apropos of the good scores recently pub- ence of the nbooting at long range by a large number of onr warships when carrying out practice attention m.iy be called to the s that has been made m fixing ts to naval guns during the last i'elescope sights
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 486 8 SHIPPING. Austrian Lloyd Steam Navigation Co* Th-i following an the date.- <>n which the Coy's Mtaawn naj \*i aorpected to nrriv« and nil h>iu hcru OTJTWAED 1909 Arrives s..h. B. 1- iliuand 54h May IA Persia Btb Jun HOMEWAHD 1909 aails M A .^tria Bih May *s.s. Chi sth Juiie
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    • 631 8 SHIPPING. I 1 mJ% JLfi Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremei j IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail steamers 0 thia Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles Naplea, Alexandria and vioe versa) Port Said Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hong kong,
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    • 1274 8 SHIPPING. HAMBURG AM E RIKA LINE, HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking
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    • 571 8 SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, For China, Japan, Penang, Orion Australia, India, Aden, Egrypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading lsenod for Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and A:- cm Port*. Steamers will U*t« Singapore oo c? about MAIL IJNES Outward (for China) Oceana May 7 Ju»<
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  • 675 9 Bi W I M.I AM L. 1 1 or I eikh of B thing so he ■;er and hi- g and But that w,id year 3 and people had time to t save h!s sheikh. now, and his honour- Bril Mre las property the Briton
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  • 160 9 A THREATENED CATASTROPHE. A tit x on cats is ted as a means of providing the needful levenue,^ Companion of uiy cheerless hours. Whose hearth-rug so; its the heart, What if the luth'ess ruling pow'rs tin that you and I should part Or offer an alternative I never can agree
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  • 66 9 DESTRUCTION OF 100,000 CIGARETTES. ral hundred cases, containing 100,000 Hills' cigarettes, were destroyed at Colou)bo under instructions from the Custom authorities. The cigarettes arrived two years ago, and have been m bond up to date. There rein£ no claimant, they were put up for sale by auction, but not even
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  • 197 9 ■1 Arrangements are t connection with the vresj which are to take place In ties m August and September. The l):.. .let^ will be the 1. iat have and i( will take part m t! --Mnents as they stand at follows Division and Han Oxford, Berks, and
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  • 404 9 A Winnipeg cor: xchange :—At Inigator aii I -tial Kingdom at rican continent tion ot a company with a terican) the ol i [op China and brin<,' into prominence its ricl. Lou Sz l\i, who was appoint I eror to ior.-k into Canada and the L'nited Stat<
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 190 9 GONOSAN (Riedel) contains Sandalwood oil and the extract of Kava-Kava. It is m the opinion of the Medical profession by far superior to any other preparation of Sandalwood oil. Sold m bottles of 40 capsules by all dispensaries. For wholesale apply to the MEDICAL HALL Oc: tts 22.10 Oi.ID GOLD
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    • 530 9 SY TLOTCAL JtHSI APPOINTHEUT. PICKLES. SOUPS. <_. a r T i^^*^^fe JAMS. JELLIES, W fcr Lea. Penin's I*i&. r^s t- —v- -rWORCESTERSHIRL SAUCE!. X r/^ 6*^???* !!5----r j V^ I iW ili-V^l^J, Civil Mechanical and Electrical Enginerrs, Boiler Makers, Bridge Builders and General Contractors J Steam Gas and Oil Engines
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    • 355 9 i y/\ /x f T re» ular services are maintained been JAPAX and EUROPE by tbe Com- pany's well-known TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japan-1 Government, specialty Company's European Service, lighted throughout y hy felectricf ty> prcvided itk excelQ ut accommodation for Fhst and Second Passengers, and
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  • 155 10 All o.<:nm I Problem No. By I m two mov- I by XKtKt6. Rolations B Tbree Gaatka." >w the folio described l.y tt tif A uppesed to I A the first tnd an amateur who f the author, faithfully Bchoed tl. -ponent. vmk. Black Xt I- 13
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 12 10 SIAM IN THE MALAY PENINSULA A Short Account of the position j
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    • 57 10 ALFRED KITCHING& CO. ENGINEERS AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. Sole Agents l Geo. Angus Co. Ltd., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNB. The Dariington Forge Co. Ltd, DARLINGTON The Mica Lubricant Co., SOUTH SHIEI. Newton Nicholson, SOUTH SHIELDS. Blake Eoiler, Wagon and Engineering Co. Ltd., DARLINGTON. All Enquiries will have our Prompt and Special Attention WINCE ESTER
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    • 431 10 A CELEBRATED BEAUTY --Iffl Wffl '•ft-'.".. >< v Mead Pains, Gout, LnssifydeReaders see for themselves that tho c m a position \o pick an I cho v whether they are Uoyal Perporuivie-*, popuiar celebrities, experieiv doctors, nurses, athletes, &c— withoui exception unhesitatingly Phosierine as the one certain i ir all
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    • 867 10 Singapore Sporting Club. i 1 THE SPRING RACE MEETING WILL BE HELD J Tuesday the 11th. Thursday tho 13th and Saturday the 15th May, 1909. t PROGRAMME, FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 11th May, 1909. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value $600 and $"0 to the Second Horse. < A Race for Maiden
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    • 488 10 7. Tb- Ro.hoie P lave $400 and $50 to Sorse. Hnn-jicaji for all horse:- thfti bfl < thifl Meeting and r f irr.mttt*** B have the option of cancelling I h< r ar.' lese than five horses entered iroDerty of different owners. I Distance, Scurry Course fortom Cutrifli olfljM it
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 205 10 Passengers fcr the Straits. f'er j Eitel Friedrich, due Ap! 30— Mj ng and family, Mr J. Turner. Mr D. Christie, Mr Mr G. Ingate. Mr A. Mr and Mrs G. B. ild, Mr and I children, Mr i A Mrs H. I. Daum Mr A D. H. Bosch, Mr
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    • 638 10 VESSELS EXPECTED, STEAMERS. Giving fOti <•/< lmpart < re, and ivhere founcn dat t Out ken, and name of Agents. AirKa, Sydney, Jane -•"> Boattead. Ambria, Hongkong, Apl Bebn Meyer. Ass.tyc, Hongtoi May 6 P O« Ayttthia, Bombay, May Borneo Co. A tstria, Trieste, May B Schmidt. Arratoon Apcar, Calcutta,
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  • 971 11 MINES. Capital CapiUl lasts* P»Jd r I»a«d paid op V«!o« op Comp*n T QaoUtfo. $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co. Lt4 €00 $300,000 225,000 10 10 JBraang Limited 625 1600,000 600,000 10 10 Brnseh Hydraulic Tin M, Go. Lt* 750 *5'>0,000 *****'j 1 1 Daff Development Go.
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  • 52 11 (Corrected Of to April Bank m/s PkllStß credits S mi w tA onfiti mk F£akci. dttuuiud Ba.nk^ G«*makt. d*uj*Liid EBi Ikdia, T. T, ffowiw, jwmmJ fit, Yokohama, demand nom. lIS| Java, demand Bangkok' demand Sovereigns, Bink Buying Bink of England Rite Discount 3 months bills h 6 Bar Silver
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  • 121 11 April RH Ml QmbMh Gambier Olfcl No 1 13.(0 Ghunbier O.;l-t No, 2 12.00 Pepper ßikck (ord'*. B'pcre) i 1.25 P. pjptr, Wttfti 'f*jr 17.75 Nutmeg* (1 10 to th« Ik).* 1 7.50 Nutmegs (80 tc tn» lk) 22 SO Mice (Biwii) bm Gloroe (AmboiuA) m WmAm GMhi IM,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 312 11 On the Berth. INDIA S N. Co, Ltd. nang, RailfJOOa and Calcutta. THK COtfPANT'fl BTBAI HUTTB :Jon, Commati 1- r will be tl -^day, nodation for first passage apply to BO' Co., A# FISH INDIA S. N. CO LTD. FOR Swettenham, Penang, Vegavfttaa, Madras. Pondicherry. Cuddalore. Karikal and Negapatam. unec
      312 words
    • 611 11 TO LET. TO LET FURNISHED. "BRANKSOME "Stevens RdJ 5 bedrooms, Gas, Tennis Lawn. Stabling for 5, Apply W. DUNMAN. a.c. TO BE LET No. 96, x tier] i Street, a G mmodioua Compound House ith Stabling >v>-. Apply within oi to J 1.. Scheerder, No. 81, East i; >ad. A]
      611 words
    • 55 11 **%> miihil aimi 9*em "THREE cASTLES" I A large hand-made Cigarette Manufactured from the highest grades of Bright Virginia Tobacco. In 50s Patent Air-tight tins. Obtainable from all first-class tobacconists. PRICE: 55 CENTS PER TIN. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. When your dealer tries to palm off a MADAME FAMBON. LADY DENTIST,
      55 words
    • 155 11 tDE KONiNKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. C.n'dkr Contract with thk Ne mkrlaxbs India (jovbknmh Agents at Singapore, The Siripsa^ency. Limited, 2-3, Collyer ttuay. THE UNDERMENTIONED DATE 3 OF DEPARTURE ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE. Merkus Bengkalis, Siak, Pakan-Baroe, Si Djawi Djawi, Paueh, Asahan and Belawan-Deli ><# ay j Japara Muntok and Palembang j REAEL
      155 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 791 11 VESSELS IN PORT. Man-of-war Flap and Tons Commamlpr* ArnvM j- om Fr hB Brw:x rr ore. 5/K>. on i; -eaMew Col. Yacht 500 Murphy Api .oca I, Pharos Dut^ovt. S7- I ;:st*r Apl 26 UnoerUin 1D HairftTona hUstet Arrived from rnnstgSSS KorWber Ambria gT-|?o! emaB Al 2:< h ™e k
      791 words

  • 88 12 10 C Ch »ng II ng i.\m Tiui-% ij Mr H w;t>.] is District i .".■>.. t Ibe tnvi at 1 D] lit made 1 J. Bo ■hj Mum ;t pal Sin it aspei koi with i 1 ply with a i be Monieip*! G mmiM >aersand s-'?".
    88 words
  • 39 12 1 River .lid was kno 1 1 L c I M .1 before Mr. A M lid I The c sion and war' did lay on tti •of children that thiir t. the hem do
    39 words
  • 9 12 2 pons ana t'ur 1 .kiuu'
    9 words
  • 424 12 Lpril 19. In the G this evening iv the debate on t ;e India Councils BiL. Mi M H moved an amendment, providi; I disqualified p of Conneils because they had been deported or imprisoned without D ted of an cll'ence. Mr Hobhoose, m opposing the
    424 words
  • 1008 12 >;;.!\ I KkBI IN'., FkIDA I AciMi. 30. Present -.Mr E 0. Broadrict (President,, i 1 Fowiie, Messrs Cheng Keng Lee. Will. Blaci C. W. Darbishire, W. Peacock, OngTeck Liin, 1 E Jago, A. .1. W W ukins, also K. Peirce (Flogineer) and J. Pulglase (SeeretaMinutes. The minutes
    1,008 words
  • 660 12 HOW OXFORD WON THE BOAT-RACE. Duel of Si-urts Between Rival Strokes. The greatly fancied Cambridge crew, outpaced and outstayed, were beaten by three and a half lengths m one of the most remarkable boat-race 3 ever rowed over the historic course. Oxford covered the four and a quarter miles between
    660 words
  • 18 12 Owners aro reminded that entries for the Spring Meeting close at noon to-day at the
    18 words
  • 27 12 Owing to the wet state of the Links the Gold Medal for 1908 of the Singapore Golf Club will not be played for to-day as arranged.
    27 words
  • 39 12 In the City and Sub: eighteen ran. The race was won by a length and-a-half, four lengths separating second and third. The betting at the start was 110 to 1 against White Eagle, 100 to 15 against Dean Swift,
    39 words
  • 128 12 The Sea Bolle left westward yesterday afternoon at 5 pin. The Biitish steamer Cowrie arrived m port on Thursday with 2,800 tons of petroleum consigned to Shanghai. The extra M. M. s'eimer Guadiana arrived yesterday from Sii^on with a cargo of rice and dried fish for Singapore. She
    128 words
  • 42 12 Mr Frsnk McMillan, 3m Engineer of the s. s. Netherton," died on hoard on the 1 1th j inst of heat apoplexy, during her voyage from Singapore to Colombo. The remains were buried at sea, the following morning.
    42 words
  • 111 12 Mr Tennant, m answer to Mr R. Guinness (U), m the Housa of Commons, said the number of pilotage certificates now m force enabling alien masters and mates to pilot their own vessels m British pilotage districts was sixty-five, of whom forty four were m the London district.
    111 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 31 12 H. L. COGHLAN COS AUCTION SALES May 1. Neil rd.. Furniture. '1 p.m. I May 1. Sale of Table Ware fte., 10.30 a.m. i May 3. Sale of Helvetia, 2.30 p.m.
      31 words
    • 234 12 s* khm FRESH i ITO BE HAD FROM ALL DEALERS and DISPENSARIES, SOLE AGENTS is Singapore and Penang* TlTe Van Rljn Tyreless Patented m tfe United Kingdom and all Principal Countries Colonies, A Perfect Wheel for All Kinds of Motor No Costly Tyre renewals No Punctures to I Cause Delay
      234 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 282 12 Next Mails Due. From Europe. Per B. I. Tara, to-day, with mails of Apl 9. Per M. M. Polynesien, to morrow, with mails of Apl From China. Per M. M. E Simons, on Monday next. bl&jls already dbspa.tchhd for london. Left Dub Arrived ND L Mar 29 Apl 21 Apl
      282 words