The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 December 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 900 1 I really believe rnnVa jultm B Batty forced fan m f piano as the struck the last notes of &ie* 1 Cradle MM at .1 Hashed one I I her fUttOWJ of railVi v at mo sitting rather liirplv !v her i-ile. B. j tv has a chemist:
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 112 1 THEATRE ROYAL Grand Cinematograph. N'OliTH BRIDGE ROAD. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! ENTIRE CHANGE of PROGRAMME. Killarney Lake 2. A Roman Ideal 3. Switzerland etc, etc., etc. WORLD'S BEST FILMS. WE SHOW THE HISTORIC. DRAMATIC, COMIC ASPECTS OF ALL SIDES OF LIFE. Twice Nightly The most wonderful and unique show in tha East.
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    • 190 1 THE DAY'S NEWS. The debate on Italy's Balkan policy continues at Rome. Page 5. The Unionists have won the Cheltnsford by-election Page 5. His Majesty, the infant Emperor of China, was formally enthroned yesterday. Page 5. The S. C. C. beat the 3rd Middlesex at hockey yesterday afternoon* P«go 8.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 381 1 THE WEEK. Friday, 4th High Water. 7.38 a., 8.5 p P A O Mail Oatwarddue. tfomcipal Co emission, 2 SO p St. Anthony *e Convent Bazaar, 3 p Elugby practice: Mark Lodge, B. CO p V.II.CA, Annual Meeting, 8.4S p Saturday, sth Sigh Water. 8.25 a., 9 7 p Cricket,
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  • 746 2 Colonel Jackson. Surveyor General of the F. If. S., arrived by tho Ipoh yesterday. The problem of dirigible wireless teV^ra. phy is slid to have been solved by a Pari si^a iaveutor. Viceroy Tu\n Fan? assures the Peking G>vemineut of the loyal support of the Southern troops. The death took
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 6 2 No Or»ir.Tn in rfhj»nvKA«l«i»'-^i i .«^.i^T»
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    • 531 2 NOTICES. THE IMPERIAL COLONIAL CLUB. The above Club is formed chiefly for Colonial and Over-Seas Members, it is situated at No. 84 Piccadilly (the centre of Clubland) opposite the Green Park. The Club has a Bridge Section, Reception, Dining, Billiard Boom, Smoking Lounge, Reading Room and Library. Ladies are eligible
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    • 639 2 1 NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that in Order to carry out repairs Con naught Drive, between the Obelisk and Institution Bridge, will be closed to traffic on Friday, 4th instant, until the work is completed. By Order, J. POLGLASE, Municipal Secretary. Municipal Office, Singapore, 2nd December, 1908.
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    • 485 2 INSURANCES. FEDERAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada. Established 1882. Capital and Assets exceed 4,000,000 Gold Dollars. J. H. EVANS, Manager, South Eastern Asia. BURGLARY HOUBEBREAKING THEFT. Policies covering these risks are issued by the COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Terms on application to The Branch Manager. Nov 7 7.2 NEW
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    • 588 2 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Bajibn^ Coloration. Paid-up Oapitix Bbsekvi Fund: Sterling Reserve 115,000,000 K^^^ Silver Reserve $14,000,000 j zy AKX r OOQ Rbsbkvs Liability or PaoPEi«TORB COURT OF DIRBCTOES. E. SHBI.LfK, Esq. < H AlKfc A* Hon. Mr. W. J. Gbesson Dmpvtt Chajkma.ii E.G. Bakritt, Es<4- CK. Lbnucakk, W G. F&iekland,
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  • 388 3 The Prince Rigbst. The *axd of R ites iJtc?d^"tbaf t K Trince Regent should ha Te a^t i n «be Throne, and VI en he rece!^! Tffi ..di, T the, 6 ho nl d le aWed totttth 1 3 *z\T£:L?z«r asting The Viceroys and Governors of
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  • 365 3 Although the East India Company nominally ceased to exist in l->53 that happy year which King Edward is now making memorable—;: bad virtually ended its long career twenty Kw years earlier. For in 1881 Parliament robbed it of its trading powers and interfered with its
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  • 266 3 It is somewhat difficult for Americans to understand the almost Gallic exuberance *ith which Australians discussed the visit ot Sperry'a Atlantic fleet of battle-ships on their Wld tour. "American week f >; s 7 Charlton. editor of the Sydney Mail, man article in the Independent,
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  • 61 3 The death of two Chinese women as the result of a colhp* of earth 19 reported trom Serendah. It appears that the two women were out looki D g for tin in this district. While engaged in this wcrk, a portion of the hill above fell in upon
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 359 3 FOR SALE. BULL TERRIERS. Thorough bred Bull Teriier pups for sale Six weeks old. Dogs 875, Bitches §50. Address M." Free Press." _^£^i 11.12 FOR SALE. 4 Cyl. 16 H. P. First class Motor Car, Wind screen, Hood 5 Lamps, full kit of Tools &c. Ac. Apply to C.
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    • 526 3 nuenoNs. AUCTION SALE OF A Valuable Residential Properly and Fruit Plantation situated and known as No. 20, Ah Hood Road. Area 11 acres, 0 rood, 9 poles. At Messrs. H. I. Coghlan Co's Salerooms Monday, 14th December, at 2.30 p.m. For particulars see Circulars and Plans. H L. COGHLAN Co.,
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    • 427 3 RUCTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF Unredeemed Pledges FROM 4 PAWNSHOPS On Monday, the 7th December, 1908. AT NEW MARKET IN MALACCA. Chop Seng Joo Ban Hong Eng Hin Chee Hin. The pledges will be on view at the Central Station two days prior to day of sale. TEOH HONG TYE, Licensed
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    • 571 3 CARRETT'S Portable Engines. Fitted with patent economical Fire-box for burning wood fuel. OVER 50 IN USE IN THE F. M. S. 10, 12 1U H.P. in stock. IMPORTERS, BORNEO CO., LTD. NO MORE "CRUST" BOILERS!! Where "D. M." BOILER COMPOSITION is used A little "D.M." introduced into a boiler with
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  • 110 4 Marriages. Lane-Gove.— On December 3rd 1908 at St. Andrews Cathedral, Singapore, Straits Settlement, by the Rev. H. C. Izard, m.a., Colonial Chaplain, Stanley Arthur Lane, a.m.i.c.e., Acting Chairman of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Board and late of Ford Park, Plymouth, to Ethel Constance Gove, second daughter of the
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  • 1298 4 Here s!:.-.]l r,» Prew the People's rigfcl nwinfff**% U nun] h\ influence and unbrlbed by p.'tin; Hera patrinl Troth !> r pUwoas precepti daw* Pledged to Religion, Loyalty and law. This Colony cannot pretend to be ci^in terested in the fate of
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  • 965 4 A MaUy Darned Samit, Unoo at v n shire Road, has been arrested for tryine to pass a bad dollar on a Chinaman from a twakow lying in the river. A coolie left in charge of the vessel b*s been detain--6u oy the polue. A Bingaii milkmin was faad $15
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 454 4 KELLY WALSH NEW BOOKS. Macu\l of Statistics, relating to the Painting in the Far East an introducFedeiated Malay States 1906, pub- tion to the History of Pictorial Art tished by authority ...$00.25 in Asia, especially China and Japan The Iliad of the Ea=?t. a selection of by Laurence Binyou ..413.50
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    • 300 4 WILSON CO; PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. The only High-class Studio in the Straits Having two Studios, one adapted to the Forenoon and one to the Afternoon Light, we are enabled to give sittings throughout the day with uniformly successful results. We however recommend customers to come, ii convenient, between the hours of
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  • 58 5 Another Stumbling Stone. (B, Submarine Telegraph. -Renter's) Rec Dec 3, 6 51 p.m. A be* deadlock has arisen in connection vr.rh the E lucition bill. The Archbishop of Canterbury an d the B man Catholic section now demand an iMMMed grant for contracted cut schools HH Nonconformists
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  • 64 5 What Will Italy Do M. l\illavicini. the Austrian Ambassador il CoMUatiaople, has visited the Grand m and baa intimated that he would ,3 two proposals regarding Bosnia, for] •a he bad received instructions. la fafattc i| the Italian Chamber a --il'-e <pevc'a has beao made Iv Baron
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  • 32 5 rhe atnai-officia] newspaper "Kossia* 1 ■Ma the Ttptn Amnricmi agreement as »p«llh^{ ghomj apprehension of war be ■u llfl two Pacific Powers aud av-rt-g intenHUkmal oomplioUioM reLtive to ■:.L
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  • 27 5 Germany and the U. S. sewed tl 10 36 am. I Itagl wiD be MtnMiihcd be:wt- ny an I the United States bom uury Ist,
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  • 379 5 r.i>. snja the Lancet, postprandi.t! .'s do not receive the approval of physio ling. Tiieoretlcilly they are cal- tied to interfere, and often in practice .-nee does interfere, seriooslj with ■•..::.y disposal of the elements of the meal. Postprandial habits, in short, have their origin in the fact
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  • 110 5 y -t.uj, E.. isappointe -1 Assi-- .> R.E. (V). from Ist Jimuuy w&uoe on leive of Major K D.30 k.aCSL, firom v.h December to sth 1 »ry, 19 aIJ e rrespondenoa btheG iniaoß <J W Club will Oaptehi B -I Bone, BL i r K it P I Ciuni-u- jjr.
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  • 75 5 THE NEW EMPEROR. Enthronement. (By Submarine Telegraph.— Renter's) Revived 11.15 am. At Peking the mourning for the deceased Emperor and Empress Dowager has been suspended in order t> parmit of Pu Wei's ascension of the Dragon Throne under the name of the Emperor Hsuan Tung. The ceremony, which lasted
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  • 59 5 Government Condolence. {From our &VH Correspondent.) Hongkong, 3 40 p.m. At the Legiabtta Council this afternoon the Government moved a vote of condolence with Chiuii on the bereavement suffered in the death of th 3 Emperor and the Empress Dowager. Tae voteexpress?s a hope that the new
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  • 37 5 At a by-election at Chelmsford, in succession to Sir F. C. Baaeh, who has resigned. Mi E. G. Pratjmao, (Jidonist, has been ejected by 6,512 rotes igaiast 3.587 votes for Mr A. H. Dance, Liberal
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  • 31 5 Received at 2 31 p.m. The Liberals and Radicals have started a great constitutional debate in the Reichstag on Ministerial responsibility in connection with the Kiiser'ri interviews aud speeches.
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  • 253 5 Appointment Of Lord Desart. Tne King ba3 b?en pleased to approve the appointment of the Earl of Desart, K.C.8., to be His Majesty's Plenipotentiary at the International Naval Conference which was to meet in London on December 1. Lord Desart will be assisted by the following gentlemen as
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  • 122 5 >*pv. York is usually thought o f as directlj west from London. It i», however, despite its far more rigorous climate, 900 miles nearer the equator than ia tho British capital The Ueak coa-t of Labrador is directly west of London. It is artoaishmg, too, to reflet
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  • 82 5 SUGGESTION I.V SIR FBBDBBICK LUGABD. A bi'l is to be presented to the Philippines -V^embly next session providing for the erection at Santo homiitfo de Basco Batanca Islands of a wireless station for the benent of laD in general in the islands and in f» aV China
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  • 858 5 LANE-GOVE. At St Andrew's Cathedral yesterday afternoon a very charming wedding took place between Mr Stanley A Lane, acting Chairman of the Tanjong Pagar Board, and Mis Frank Grove of Shanghai. The bridegroom has been long enough in 1 lie place to obtain the warm esUem and re?pact
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  • 163 5 Xo shore liberty wis allowed to the men of the Fleet while it was iu the Philippines. This must have been a sad blow to our friends of Manila, who had made elaborate preparations and liberally subscribed money f >r tlu entertainment of the men of wuiSLuen. Mi- Andrew Lang
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  • 385 5 Relieving the Monotony. The dull monotony of things in the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon was relieved by a couple of incidents. The Hogan case was in progress, and the eouri was wrestling with a colossal collection of fearsome facts aad figures. It so happens tint the structural alterations
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  • 221 5 Beyond a slight set back in Rubbers nothing of moment has occurred, and tbe market conditions still leave much to be desired. Mining. Upon rumours of very satisfactory development at the Mine. 29a 3d is offered for Pahangs with very few obtainable, liaubs have been
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  • 21 5 The outpu f of dry rubber from Lanadron Estate for the mouth of Xovember was 17,508 lbs.
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  • 233 5 12-Year-Old Son to the Rkscuts. Palermo, October 30. An exciting story cf a lady's encounter with brigands conies from Calfeanissetta, the heroine being Signora Lo Pinto, the wife of a municipal official, who, with her husband, her twelve-year eld son, and a nurse, has been passing
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 16 5 Watch for Symptoms of Croup. not allow croup to develop. Chamberi Couvh JifMKedvjwill nrevent the attack.
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    • 19 5 No Experiment. You are not experimenting when you buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. You are getjUms n_r»re»r»»nJ.lia+. taojm «mi«kl.M J
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    • 28 5 The merchants of Manila are up in arms against the enforcement of the metric system, which is decreed from Jan Ist. Mislin^orafan^inflro on/1 n.-\nP*i r.l nw% I—i1 il
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    • 345 5 ROBINSON Co. Toy Bazaar NOW OPEN. 'Xmas New Year's Presents of every Description. PRICES TO SUIT ALL POCKETS. ROBINSON and COMPANY. g Do you use the Roneo Steel Vertical Filing System. If not why not?| It is a System whereby a lost lettsr |j is unknown and thit is indispensible
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  • 637 6 ICo scoop was ever so timely as the two Articles which M. Gabriel Hanotaux devoted in the Revue des Deux Mondes of the 15th September and the first of the month to ■Le Congrea de Berlin." Here the reader •will find tbe full text of the
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  • 200 6 WHICH SHALL SOUTH AFRICA I.E.' The vital problem" is discussed in tin Asiatic (Quarterly Review by Major A. G. Leonard. He reckons the present population at five millions, of which less than a million are whiti s. He thinks it safe to predict that the nation will
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 539 6 SHIPPING. INDO-CHINA STEAM NAV. COY., LTD. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular direct service between Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Yangtsze Ports, Formosa, the Philippines &c. &c. STEAMERS. Tons Commander Katsang 4896 R.
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    • 727 6 SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London* Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gull, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore OB or afcoot MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) 1908 1909 Delta Dec.
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    • 675 6 SHIPPING OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nav. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre and
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    • 568 6 SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, thev are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo at
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    • 539 6 SHIPPING. NTT Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL 6E&MAH MAIL LINF The fast and well-known mail steamers this Company sail fortnightly from Bna_n Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soutlxamptor: Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseille Naples, Alexandria and vioe versa) Port 6a Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki L Kobe to Vokuhait..
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  • 1073 7 Electric Power from the Earth— Thp P nB >, Sunbeams-Sunken Rivers-A Safe Gun Radium and Earth History-A Snake'* V" -A Bad Habit Investi^tediT^sLeSs 8 on the Moon-Heart Beat Records, i.reat local differences in the electrification oi the earth are known to exist, and aGer man engineer suggests that
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  • 70 7 (COBEKCTBD UP TO Dec 3.) Bank4m/s nom demand M 2/3| PriTate credits 3 m/§ 2/4 T 3^ credits 6m/> 2/4^° Pbakc», demand Benk— 291 i GamxAirr, demand 236 India, T. T. 17^ HonaKONa, demand Yokohama demand M nom 113^ Java, demand 139| Bangkok, demand w 67 SoTimiKwa, Bank Buying
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  • 135 7 Dec 3 T™ buyers 67.87£ (^ambier 9 75 Gambier Oube No. 1 13 50 Gkimbier Oube No. 2 w 12.75 Pepper Black (ord'n. S'pore) 1 Pepper, White (£airL.W. 5p c buyers 18 25 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.)_ 18 50 Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) 21.00 Mace (Banda)
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  • 720 7 Capital Capitai Issae Paid L^^ m Issued paid ap Valat ap Company. Quota*©* !__M__ 800 000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co. Ltd 750 $300,000 225.000 10 10 Bruang Limited Aa SSoOO 3 6 50°'oSo° l l »^H7dreubcTinM.Oo.Ltd 000 l l Duff Development 00. Ltd S <H> $400,000 375,000
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 470 7 WANTED. HOSPITAL ASSISTANT. dutv a w^ a A <iaalified:Ho8 P ital Assistant fo, natl,?^ A8 latlC trOOps and civil s»bordi na^es and their families, in the Straits Settle the Officers of the Royal Army Medical Corps, A knowledge of English and Hindustani h necessary. Salary $100 a month, with trienmal
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    • 584 7 On the Berth. STOOMVAART RIAATSCHAPPIJ NEDERLAND Steamship Company "NEDERLAND." The Company's Mail Steamer KONING WILLEM II will leave Batavia on the 3rd December, 1908, at 6 p.m. and is expected to arrive here on Saturday, December 5, in the morning. She will sail for Sabang, Colombo, Suez, Port- Said, Genoa,
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    • 395 7 TO LET Immediate entry. Ground floor godown and upper floor office. No. 4, Prince Street recently occupied by Messrs. Sharpe Ross Co. Rent $150 per month. Apply to Pateeson Simons Co, Ltd Feblß TO LET. Ban Kee, a Commodious Chinese dwelling house being Municipal No. 199, Havelock Road suitable for
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    • 275 7 g^^^n^r^^ig^^^g Hill B^Sci UNSWEETENED 4 j5 j| buy inf ef'or miik when you can get j|sP f^O V> thG beSt at thG same P ric^»? J||||p| SLEDGE aa3ir T r **^^*-wP *ree from ail germs and added 'ii t r F i iu n rTnTTTTnj^IIIji^-^^^^^^ preservatives. <3i i^^^^ e^^*iw" b^
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  • 1129 8 THE CLAIM FOR $45,000. AuT of Stocktaking/ "Famous Lists" Examined in Court. What is now familiarly known as the "Hogan rue" was esntinued yesterday in the Supreme Court, before Mr Justice Sercombe Smith, and seems likely to occupy many days more. Mr A. Emslie Bsnzie, one
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  • 410 8 FIRST LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS The Cominittea gratefully beg to acknowledge the following subscriptions aud donations Collected i;y Lady Hyndman-Joxks. Mrs F. M. Elliot $10, Mrs Lei^h-Clare $10, Mrs George Maxwell 82* >, Mrs Rowland Braddell 810, Mis H. B. Baker 85, Sir William Hynduian-Jones S2O, Mr C.
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  • 256 8 Every now and then a Methuselah crops up in some part of the Russian Empire. This time an old soldier named Andrei Nikolaievitsch Schmidt comes forward with a remarkable record of longevity. A few days ago Schmidt arrived at Riga on his way to
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  • 443 8 S.C.C. v 3rd Middlesex Reot. Last evening the newly arrived Middlesex Regt. made its first appearanca on the sporting field by playing a hockey match with the S.C.C. on the Plain. The event naturally attracted much interest. The Middlesex, as is well-knowD, came here from Hongkong with a high
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  • 204 8 Joseph JViiv.i, a dork to the employ of the Municipality, appeared before Mr Howard, ui the Distiict Court, yesterdaj, on a charge <T criminal breach of trust iu reaped < i .1 Bum "i 1 75. Mr CTpoott appeared for the prosecution and Mr \l ;~t J. Braddel)
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  • 109 8 Abdul K\hin, a young Malay employed as a chauffeur by a Chinese towkay, was before Mr Green, the Becond magistrate, yesterday, charged with possession of a bicycle valued at $40, the property of Mr \V. Gh Brock, and dishonestly retaining stolen property. Evidence of arrest having bsen
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  • 23 8 Shanghai, November 27. Mr R. Markwick, an assistant of the China Mutual Life Insurance Company, committed suicide to-day. (C. M.)
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  • 96 8 The Earl of Konaldshav's new book of travel will be out shoitlj with Messrs. Biackwood. He calls it "A Wandeung Student in the Par East," because, in effect it is a study of affairs in the Far East. Fh>t Lord Ronaldshay gives an account of his long journey through China,
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  • 122 8 From B»lik Papan yesterday the British steamer Volute arrived with a cargo of bulk oil. The mail steamer Delta left Penang at noon yesterday and may be expected at Singapore at 4 p.m. to-day. The last pilgrim steamer of this season, the Ocean Steamship Co's steamer Machaon, has
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  • 119 8 CLEARANCES. Dec 2. Hehn, Nor. str., Eriksen, for Bangkok. G. G. Meyer, Dut. str., Griffin, for Muntok and Palembang. Dec 3. Euryalus, Brit, str., Instone, for Melbourne and Sydney via ports. Kwang Eng, Ger. str Klugtist, for Gorontalo via ports. Laurens Pit, Dat str., Dencker, for Indragiri. Natuna, Ger.,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 42 8 Colds Are Dangerous. If more people would make an attempt to get rid of the colds from which they are suffering, as a result of this changeable weather, there would be a decided decrease in the number of nasps nf nnonm^nto a
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    • 39 8 A Good Household Liniment. When a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm is kept in the house the pains of burns and scalds may be promptly relieved, cuts and bruises quickly healed, swellings promptly J j _l i; i i
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    • 87 8 1 SINGAPORE I TOURIST^ AGENCY. 1 1, St. Andrew's Road, Corner ok High Stbet. m Telephone: No. 391. m Telegrams NIMAJXEB." C f Baggage collected and delivered to f I Hotels and Residences, m Stored Insured. ft Jmotoecars 1 1 CARRIAGFS S «vl 1111 C, M Passages booked without extra
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    • 143 8 w Messrs. John Little Co., are now showing a large variety of Pictures at greatly reduced =PRICES= NOTE Special attention is given to the mounting and framing of any pictures that are entrusted to them. Adelphi Hotel. csSi Select fireproof residential and transit Hotel, commanding the most ;u, tractive outlook
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 235 8 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR AND KEPPEL HARBOUR. Wharves ayid Docks at which different vessels were berthed yesterday. S. Wharf Ba.?in J. L. Eviston, New Orleans. E. Wharf Sec 1 Nil. Section I—Sheers1 Sheers Wharf— Nil. Section 2-Lizjduia, Willesden. 3 Nil. 4- Nil. ■>-Nil. 6— Telemachus. 7— Gtorgon. S Kut Sacg,
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    • 598 8 VESSELS IN PORT. O Ship Flag Tons Master Arrived From Consignee For Wher Anghin Ger 1001 Trumpul Nov 27 Bangkok Behn Meyer 4. Asama Brit 2706 Carr Nov 2 3 Kuchinotzu M. B. Kaisha Bangkok Chiengmai Ger 1080 Schmalfuse Dec 1 Bangkok Behn M-^yer Bangkok Gorgon Biit 1733 Woodger Nov
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