The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 28 August 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 151 1 To-daj's news is neaily all political. Turkey has agreed to attempt to settle the Turkish trouble. But the Commis-i"»rters have reported against the importact Bazar railway. Page 5. Politicians have met m confererjee a! Carlsbad, where King Edward is now staying. Page 5. The Times is enthusiastic
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  • 669 1 When one has been long m a place like Singapore, the habit of looking back grows on one, and there if a sort of fascination m getting the old-timer t > tell you what he can remember of by-gone years, and m loci up old books and docuuien
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 685 1 SIDOELEY 20.000 Mim of For Full n «Q C PUBLIC SERVICE. p Mticulars UMHS. Apply to the I July Ist, 1907. Sole Agents for The British War ;tlvmel y well pJ^ S.S. F.M.S. edwitlittn manner m which QinCe has selected the two Waggonettes have Hie -"SIDDELEY" stood up to the
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    • 481 1 Entertainments. ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH V BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT! PATHE FRERES' BEAUTIFUL PICTURES AT 7.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. LOOK OUT FOR New Programme L. F. WlLLlS— Manager, OF THE WORLD. BEACH ROAD— SINGAPORE. The perfect illusion of rapid Railway travel amidst the loveliest scenery and most interesting places m the World.
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    • 61 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A large collection of Indian States stamps is for sale privately Page 7. Board and lodging m Thompson-rd Page :j. Last two days of Messrs Lit'le's Japanese lacquer sale Page -4. Powell Co. sell land on Tuesday, Sept. Bth —Page 3. The sale of Japanese and Chinese curios
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 371 1 THE WEEK. Friday, 28th High Water.— ft., 11.27 p P O Mail Outward due. Municipal Cors mission, 2.30 p Football Shield S.R.C. v Ward. Engineers. S.V.A. Laying Competition, 5 30 p S.R.E. (V) Electric Light, Puio Brani, 5.15 p per Co. Sti etcher Drill. 5.15 p A. Lan f
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  • 177 2 On M :he Hon EL N. Bland, Resident .aciilor of Pecang, ret n of the Chinese Chamber of Comn. •> hich comprised Mr L Uok Hinj I nairman), Mr L M( 38TC Lira Eu Toh, Gob Taik Chee, and Gtuan Seok, with reference to the regulations for
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  • 223 2 iiiiber of t^e Chines implicated m the murder of D tat are now m cus Rre [nspactor ßortoa, to ih& sjeue of the murder ibs intelligence reached him, urrest a rnipli- ere at tie time bun tirg abjnt of tht v: Luuiier who bed m with tae
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  • 307 2 The Rev Mr Horley, of Ipoh, who is about to leave has had an address presented to him by a number of Chinese towk.tys of that place. Alluding to the anti-opium agitation, m which he lus taken a prominent part m that district he said m
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 42 2 A Sellable Remedy for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. .and when diarrhoea •evaknt, a reliable remedy HhouU; be kept ia tl;e houBe {or im The success of Chamberlain's s. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy m the ent of bowel troable, has brou R ht it
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    • 423 2 Weak and Exhausted Almost Ready to Surrender and Cease Fighting the Battle of Lite. I: your blood (^L circulates /sjfc^^s poorly and your /^sV' /C^^-V nerves are weak if you }jl- are despondent /r^X >/ and discouraged, V^ with stomach out tf of order, and have yj indi^-'slion, sick- A\!
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    • 784 2 NOT WES. SINGAPORE GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP. The Golf Championship of Singapore for 1908 will b^ played over links of the Singapore Golf Club. Entries close on Thursday September :3rd and first rouud will be played on Saturday, September sth. Fall particulars will be found on notice boards of various Golf Clubs
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    • 564 2 INSURAXGES. MOTOR-GAR INSURANCE. Premiums 2, 3, 4 and 5% per annum according to nature of risk. For full particulars apply to The Borneo Company Ltd. July 29 29.8 NEW ZEALAND INSURANT CO., LIB. FIRE AND MARINE. YAN6-TSZE INSURANCE ASSOG. LTD. MARINE. CHINA FiRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. FIRE. Fire and Marine
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    • 562 2 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Paid-up Capital $1 5,000,001 Reskbv» Fund Sterling Reserve $1 5,000,000) COQ AA A Silver Reserve $13,500,000 Zb DUU Wl Rbsekvj Liability oy Psopkibtoes $15,000,00' Court of Diebctorb. E. SHJT LTM. Esq. CHAJK.KA" Hon. Mr. W. J. Grksson -Deputy Chairman. PI G Barrett, Esq. W.
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    • 518 2 THE Singapore Free Press. Morning Daily. To Our Readers The Singapore Free Press is now i Morning Daily, and is oc •:> pou, from an early hour eaci, excepted). Cash price Ta Subscribers' copies will be deliver**! their private residences, (or town offices or godowns if preferred) b\ -<-\<-i; o'clock
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  • 1035 3 3tdn»i Bk..ok^ The ag Tennyson not oii.y ag bat reversing him. If the ptWMBfl ralfl ie maintained, fifty years <f Cathay will ■ooa be better than cycle of Eur- ,3 we of the West nowadays who .ra-v:. app 1 i m immemorial calm, not to be mo
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  • 171 3 Toe yo Preparatory The Tokyo Naval Department, which has solely taken up affairs regarding the welcome ol the I S. battleship tieet, on behalf of the Japanese Government, has appointed a preparatory committee of five, headed by Captain Murakami. They are now considering the method of welcoming
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  • 205 3 In the Hongkong Government Gazette appears a notice, signed by the Registrar of Companies, to the effect that m future the ation of a Company with a title including the word Empire or Imperial will only be allowed when there is no risk that it would mislead by
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  • 359 3 British Destroyer's 38 Knots. Exceptional interest attaches to the trials of the new destroyer of destroyers, Swift, which is expected to lower all records for speed, British and foreign, and to prove herself far the fastest vessel m the world. The Swift h?.s just It
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 46 3 Bowel Complaint m Children. I taring the summer months children are t to disorders of the bowels which should receive careful attention as soon as the first unnatural looseness of the bowels appears. The best medicine m use for bowel complaint is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
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    • 701 3 APARTMENTS. BOABD AND RESIDENCE. Comfort house," 68-1 off Thompson Roac near the Red bridge. First class board and lodging, terms moderate. Managed by European lady. Aug 28 1.10 ROOMS. A suite of rooms suitable for a married couple also single room now vacant, m a large bouse situated iv best
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    • 576 3 TO LET. OFFICE TO BE LET, No. 7 Battery Road. Apply to Guthrie Co., Ltd. Aug 25 v.c 1 TO LET A House No. 26 Mohamed Sultan Road. Apply to H. Somapah, 13 Rallies Place. Aug 19 20.9 TO BE LET From Ist September No. o Villa Marina. Tanjong Katong.
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    • 43 3 "PdNPfl" IS The Ideal Roofing for this Climate. Durable Sanitary Vermin -proof. THE THICKEST QUALITY (3PLY) CAN BE SUPPLIED AT $i 2 per roll of 216 square feet complete with caps, nails and cement for fixing BOR.NEO Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE km KRANJf RAILWAY.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 450 3 6 From Ist August, 1903, and until further notice. \IX SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS ONLYam. am. am. am. am. am. am. pm. pm. pm. pm. pm. i pm. 7.18 9.59 1.53 4.34 People's Pk 7.27 10.02 2.01 4.42 Tankßd 6.00 7.05 7.30 8/20 9.05 11.05 12.45 2.05 3.20 4.05 4.45
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  • 24 4 Domestic Occurrences. Birth. Maddocks On the 21st inst. at Port Swettenbam, tlio wife of Capt. W. E. Maddocks, Harbour blaster, Selangor, of a son.
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  • 12 4 maintain, by gain ents i!ia>. y and .i\s
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  • 1833 4 So long as the channel of trade to the Far m the olden days lay by th? Cape by sailing ship, and later by steamer via the Suez Canal, Singapore was pretty sure to see s^nie proportion of that m the former casa via Anjer, and
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  • 47 4 {Fro//: our <n» i Penang, Aug 27th, 8 'I~> pm. Ogle, the wife has died from the eifdcts of strychnine. She was formerly Miss L9L Mr 1 is clerk of works, m the P. W. j> f atM was formerly stationed m Singapore,
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  • 497 4 DR BARRACK'S MURDERERS. Latest News. Another .Murder. Since the notice ou page 2 of thi was printed, the follow:; iave come to hand from an unimpoichable source. List Thursday two If&lays caught two Chinese skulking about m the jungle m Kuantan District, and suspected them of being concerned m the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 301 4 OF OUR OF 1 STILL GREATER REDUCTIONS. SINGAPOF This Old Established House having been thoroughly Repaired and Renovated is MOW &EOPENED. Good Accommodation for Boarders Passengers. A Speciality is made of the Table, and only Wines, &c. of the best Quahtj supplied. Terms Moderate. Runners meet Steamers. WATSON AND GUTMANN,
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    • 386 4 2 STUDIOS 2 I Adapted to the Morning and I to the Afternoon Light. They are the Largest, Coolest and best Equipped Studios m the Colony, and are situated m the most picturesque part of the town, adjoining Government House Domain Moreover, we possess m a high degree all the
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  • 80 5 By Submarine Tdegrapt Reuter'3 -v' i Aut?. 27th, 6 10 p.m. The Turkish Oommisrion has reported that the Novi Bu ir rai'w jg ,f third rate inportance, and recommends the completion of more important lines G It happen thai the ft uarlineia that railway that is necessary to
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  • 105 5 ional Gallery has purchased from 1 Talbot de Malahide for 25,000 guineas up l>y Frans Hals. Lord Talbot de Malahide, is the owner of ■> acres and: n utary Lord Admiral of Malahide, somewhere m Irelaud. Moreover he married a banker's widow. Apparently therefore he was not m
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  • 119 5 Qg properties were diaj a Wednesday by Ferna: '..<\ and house known as X >. impo-Oi.- .1 iva Road, area 4,707 &q Ight by Veerappa Chetty I it H iv-v ck Road. bought by M. P. 1 »m a sundram Chetty fo"r Preebold lanJ, cattle sheds and houses
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  • 222 5 D Bill has beei passed by the i tment. A Chinese amah has been arrested foi beiiiir m possession of property stolen fron Mrs Salmond's residence at Teluk Blan^ah Capt.C. V.G Low. \l A oinec :umand on Aug. 24. The girrisoi 1 y ester.. Mr W. E\ re Kencey goes
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  • 96 5 THE "TIMES" REVIEW. Britain's Warm Friendship. (By Submarine Telegraph.- -Reuters.) I* j c Aug 27, 10 a.m. An article appeared m the Times yesterday dealing with the fiftieth anniversary of the first An irlo- Japanese treaty and reviewing Japanese progress. It concludes with the following sentence Japan
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  • 57 5 M UvoUky and M. Cbnienceau yesterday went over frjm Carlsbad by motor car and took lunch with King f-Mward at Marienbad. The Rt. Hon. Sir W. E. Goschen, the British Ambassador to Germany, was present. Rsc. Aug. 27, -2 2t> pm. M. Isvolsky, M. Clemeccsau, and Kiug Edward,
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  • 79 5 Muley Hafid not Recognized. In Paris, political circles view the situation m Morocco calmly, and it is deemed necessary toavoid premature negotiation with Muley HatiJ, and to obtain, pievious to giving guarantees, his recognition of the AJgeciraa Act. l\ec. Aug. '27. 2 25 pm. Prince von Beuelow's
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  • 370 5 Settling the Persian Trouble. Etec Aug -27, !<>.:. am. It is reported at St. Petersburg, that the Grand Vi/.ier of Turkey m reply to the Russian Ambassador has promised to withdraw Turkish troops from the districts outside the Persian territory. The frontier commissioners have received instructions to
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  • 818 5 Planters Approve, but Limit Retrospection. (From our own Correspondent.) (By Electric Cable.) Kuala Lumpor, Aug. 27th, 1908. A special meeting of the Planters Association, summoned by telegram, has been held. They discussed the amende <l Immigration Bill and resolved to approve of the bill, with the exception
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  • 660 5 THE INQUEST At the Coroner's Court, at Sepoy Lines, yesterday afternoon, Mr Alex. Gentle, the Coroner, opened the inquest into the death of Mrs Murphy, the wife of Captain P. _M Murphy, acting Deputy Master Attendant. The deceased lady expired suddenly on Wednesday night and the
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  • 284 5 I >o you think Roosevelt will be elected r" I asked. You mean Taft," said Brown, but there's not much difference. In fact, there's less difference than there is between Taft arid Bryan. They're all interchangeable quantities, audthe problem can be solved by trigonometry. Taft's the Democratic nomination of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 152 5 ROBINSON Go. COLT'S REVOLVERS. JOINTLESS FRAMES. REVOLVER CARTRIDGES 32 AND 38 CALIBRE wfcww^^ POCKET DOUBLE ACTION Q^ .k 2J inch barrel, 32 Calibre, Full J -WV- Blued, Rubber Stock. POCKET DOUBLE ACTION 3-i inch barrel, 32 Calibn OFFICERS MODEL TARGET Blued Rubber Stock REVOLVER. POLICE DOUBLE ACTION 6 inch barrel.
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  • 383 6 The Quest ci rHE Kekatosaurus. Tht doWflO -SwAj Record-Herald" Hwifißg story from its Pan, eonrnonatat ooooenung the anted luvnm erof the kn i->. the keratosaurus. The put beMl tl 7 Wn een allve he say* v M. QwrgM LMfuy, well-known; 1 p i writer and explorer, by
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  • 540 6 y. It kkara is any prospect of a stay, how- p ever brief, I Vuserican Heel at Siu. pore nmea of baseball the national ball Jram/ol tLe United States, will be pressure to be played on the Esplanade. It may not be known that the Japanese
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 530 6 SHIPPING. Apcar Line. ["he undermentioned mail steamers of the above company maintain a regu- lar service between Calcutta and Japan -.ailing at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons. Commander. „s. Japan 6,300 J. G. Olifent. 5.5. Gregory Apcar 4,606 S. H. Belson.. I s Arratoon Apcar 4,510 A.
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    • 737 6 SHIPPING. P. O. 3TEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London* Through Bills of Lading issued for China (oast, Persian Gulf, Continental and Amerian Ports. I teamen will leave Singapore on or about j MAIL LINES. f Outward {for China) 1908
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    • 658 6 SHIPPING OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co. Ltd. AND 3hina Mutual Steam Nay. Co. LtdThe Companies' steamers are despatched from Jiverpool outwards for the Strait?, China and Fapan every week, and from Japan homewards or London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortlight, and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool iiontnly. One outward steamer every
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    • 659 6 SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA 1 LINE, HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a w^alar service between Hamburg, Bremen, s Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, k China and Japan. a Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly Eor Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and
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    • 523 6 SHIPPING. ND L Lit **<• forddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail Bteam. bis Company sail fortnightly from Bramen, Lamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton Gibraltar, Genoa, Hfop&ttj (oonneottOß Marseilles, aplee, Alexandria and vioe versa) Port Said, uez, Aden, ColornVn,.. 1 vnang. Singapore, Hongong, Shanghai, Nagabak.
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  • 984 7 WAS THK MORTGAGEE IX POSSESSION I gentleman bearing the poetic name of Ins oa Ahna Eivena Mana Shelefendant m an rd h »Mi Justice Seroombe 9 ith a the Supreme Court yesterday. The J ac brought I Mr Ellis Donald I _T Bakwliot-rd, m respect to wages due
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  • 128 7 ELEPHANT AND DROWNING BOY. A boy named Clarence Macomber, with 2,< >0< > other spectators, was watching the swimming antics of elephants m Lake Quinsigamoud, m Massachusetts. The lad, who was standing on the taffrail, lost his balance and tumbled into ninety feet of water. Jennie, the largest of the
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  • 358 7 Singapore, 2-tth August, 1908. s, Long per catty 4 do. French do 1-i "*eef per lb. It teef vSteak do. 1£ Jean Sprouts per cutty S Jamboo Sprouts do. c Jlachan do. 14 Jrinjals do. c 'abbage, Batavia do. ni.' do., China do. 14 do., Salted do.
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  • 431 7 *-*pi»i Capful Issue Paid Issued paid up V*la* op Company. Quotation IW,OOO 99,000 10 10 K^T^SSfSiui 1400,000 875,000 10 10 Ki»»boi Ltd £120,000 120.000 1 1 L a a t M i::^ I V&& £250,000 179,500 j'" 5 Wb^g Ooneoiidivtea i'o Lr<: £100,000 80,000 1 1 Peigkaleni £120.000 100,000
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 502 7 FOR SALE. FOR SALE PRIVATELY. A collection of about 34,000 Indian Sta and other Stamps. Can be seen at our sale roc G. A. FERNANDEZ Co., Auctioned Aug 28 v MOTOR CAR FOR SALE. A 10 12 1 1. P. o seated Huinber Car m ye good condition with Hood,
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    • 565 7 EXCHANGE. (Corrected up to Aug 27.) Bank4m/s 2/4$ ten r>V demand w w 2/3£ )m Pnvat e credits 3 m/a w 2/4 T V credits 6 ui/*> 2/4 Fbakcb, demand Bank. M 292 ia> Gbbmant, demand w 237 L. Jndia.T. T, 175 A Hongkong, demand 22?% Yokohama, demand w w
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    • 222 7 THE YOKOHAMA OOGK CO., LTD. No. 1 DOCK. No 2 ])OCK Length inside 514 ft. Length in<;irif> -37* rt WUtbot entrance, top 95 ft., bott H^Wenfrf nc/'top 60.5 ft. bott. Water on blocks 27.5 ft. Water on blocks 20 1 ime to pump out 4 hours. Time tS pump oul2
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  • 502 8 YKSTKRDAVS FT, AY. Pr«'Fk> n Fa: Baaki II M n j aid Boyd v Mer. 11. M ijaoa and Foreman, postponed. L«v 111. Gaunt and Everitt l>eat Her, V. lansfuid 0 7—5. A Doublk ott owe 5, beat Cheek and —4, 7 5. B Doubles. Swan
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  • 113 8 xc pull uatives, chi» fl y M elamation ground ti 4" witnessed the third meeting of the I M irine Police m the above eompi In the first half neither /.vantage though there was some good play at times, but s\ ter the .he lettter carriers got the
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  • 245 8 Aug. 27. The slight recovery noticeable a short time back has again fallen away and the market is dull and featureless. Mining. News of a slight breakdown gave Pahangs a set-back and business was done down to 27 but upon reports that it was only
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  • 471 8 Attempt to Murdeb Mr Poppe at Tientsin. The mail from the north brings details of the murderous attempc on the life of Mr Poppe, the popular Russian Consul at Tientsin. Bd Poppe had been entertaining friends on the last day of the holidays. He
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  • 259 8 Mr Valentia Steer, writing m "'Cassell's Magazine," reminds us of Colonel Fullerton'a recent prophecy that m a few years aeroplanes will be as cheap as bicycles." Perhaps many of us may think this is sajing a little too much, but, as the writer says It must
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  • 142 8 Has a Preference to be Tried by a Particular Magistrate. Teo Ali Hee, who was some time ago charged with the attempted murder of a countryman of his at Upper Hokien Strret, appeared again before Mr Colman, Third Magistrate, yesterday. The charge was amended to one of voluntarily
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  • 267 8 Further evidence was heard by Mr Thunder, acting fourth magistrate, yesterday afternoon into the charge of rash navigation, brought agaiLst two Boyans, Mohamed Ainin and Bogail. Sergeant Ross of the .Marine Police prosecuted and Mr C. J. Carver appaared for the defence. Mr Jago, manager of
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  • 310 8 USING CRIMINAL Sikh tram driver No. 99 appeared before Mr Thunder, actiug fourth magistrate, yesterday,, on a charge of using criminal force to Sheikh Abu Dakar, Revenue Officer, No. 4. There was a counter charge against ikar. The chinteng said that when he cautioned tho Sikh for
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  • 102 8 The following painful incident shows that at times the imperturbable patience of the Chinaman is beaten by the atmosphere of calm untroubled superiority of the Government Office. It is related that m Tpoh a Chinaman entered the Mines Office at Batu (J ijah on some
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  • 38 8 Regret wiil be expressed at Uie death of Mr Kvw Siew Khearn, son of Mr Kaw Hong Take, which took place recently. Mr. Kuw Hong Takft. thft fat.Viftr. was m .Tnsitipp r,f tha
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  • 124 8 A cargo of timber arrived by the British steamer Ban Whatt Hin yesterday from Kuantan. The mail steamer Devanha left Penang at 8 o'clock yesterday evening, and may ba expected at Singapore at 8 o'clock this morning. The homeward German Packet P. R. Luitpold left Hongkong at noon
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  • 115 8 Aug 26. Halaban, Dut. str., Rolnfs, for Penang. Aug -27. Terrier, Nor. str., Berg, for Bombay. Kanipot, Frch. str., Roses, for Saigon. Emilie, Dut. str., Mahmood, for Rhio. Sappho, Brit, str., Sanderson, for P. Swet. via ports. Chowfa, Ger. str.. Spiesen, for Bangkok. K. Willem 111, Dut. str., Stobbe,
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  • 84 8 Wliarves and Docks at which differ er\t vessels were berthed yesterday. Bast Wharf Basin- Nil. East Wharf Sec. I— Nam Sang, Airlie. Section I—Sheers1 Sheers Wharf Singora. Section 2 Bharata. 13 Benvenug. s—Carlyll.5 Carlyll. 6 Sultan, Chiengm 7— Lituania B—Peiho.8 Peiho. 9
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 5 8 PIANOS Bought, Sold or Exchanged
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    • 164 8 rDE KQNINKLIJXE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. L xdeb, Contract with the Netherlands Ixjjza QoTlßmon a jnts at Singapore, Ships' Agency, late J. Daendels Co., 2-3. Collyer Quay THE UNDERMENTIONED DATES OF DEPARTURE ARE ONLY APPP.OXIMATE. us. de Klerk Tandjon^: (Billiton), Batavia. Java Coast rang, Soerabaja, Boeleleng. Makasser, Boeton, Ainboina, Banda-Neira, Kajeli (Boeroe),
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 300 8 PASSENGERS. Per Carlyle Mr and Mrs C. E F. Sanderson, Mr J. Giffeniug, Revds. A. Cardosa and A. M. Santcs. Per Ban Yong Seng Mr and Mrs Ariana, Mr Silberman. Per Ban Whatt Hin Mr G.E. Greig, Miss Simes, Miss Bath. Per Benvenue Mr Rayer. Per Perak Mr and Mrs
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    • 514 8 VESSELSIN PORT. Men-of-war Flaj? and Tons Commanders Arrived From When For Sea Mew Co). Ya^ht 500 Qota Ang 19 Penang Zahora Sar. Yacht 500 R. Brooke Aug 7 EklttWfcft certain Ship Flag: Tons Master Arrived From Con^umee Airlie Brit 1492 Wilson Aug 23 Sydney Boustead Amherst Brit 135 Scott Aug
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