The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 26 August 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 151 1 News of a terrible murder m E&Mri i telegraphed late yesterday the victim being Mrs Luard, wife of Major General Luard Page 5. A correspondent sends a letter on the p 1 <>- posal for an employment bureau (page 5) referred to m a leader. The health
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  • 1075 1 How we love our old cl !low tenderly do we regard their fas. nxiomly do we mark I r decay; and how hardly do we relinquish them when s:ern call cf duty consigns them finally to the rag- box. They, more than any other have stood by us
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 486 1 CONTINENTAL I Singapore Kumpers Co. Kuala Lumpur Federated Engineering Co. D A U A 0 favourabl y known for inUi In LiO 50 years m the Straits. Boudoir, Concert Grand, Grand, Upright Grand. Pianola, PI All The Best and the Cheapest inthe IA 11 J Market. innvvi SHOW ROOMSj 375
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    • 172 1 Entertainments. ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT! PATHE FRERES' BEAUTIFUL PICTURES 7.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. LOOK OUT FOR New Programme L. F. 'A' [LLlS,— Manager. OF THE WORLD. BEACH ROAD SINGAPORE. The perfect illusion of rapid Railway travel amidst the loveliest scenery and most interesting places m the World. Three
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    • 50 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice re the Golf Championship —Page 2. Change of programme at the Alhambra Page 1. Experienced chief assistant wanted for a rubber estate —Page 3. Mortgagees sale of town property, Powell ft Co. —Page 3. Malthoid roofing a success for flat roofs m the tropics —Page 2. m
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 403 1 THE WEEK. Wednesday, 26th High Water ll 5 a., 10 20 p Singapore Club Meeting, 5.0 p Ch. Y. M. C. A., Middie-rd, 7.30 p Thursday, 27th High Water.— ll.32 a., 10.54 p P O Mail Homeward due. New Moon, 5.53 p S.V.I. Musketry Drill, Drill Hall, 5.15 p Friday,
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  • 312 2 Qua time of year when therv i< BO sure on ifl -'.earners rtwaida y more than homewards, it would be well H owners and i| si II• fl uvn intew 9*B as well as those of the public, by derising a xn
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  • 222 2 \r or two ago there was a great moven favour of what is known as "no drinks between xaeaJs" axid perhaps many will remember the little blue and red buttons which the members of the league were to n their button-holes. The movement has been quiescent for soma time,
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  • 164 2 .rica to Station A Battle Fleet m the Pacific. H. Metcalf, American Secretary of the Navy, has announced that a battle ti-cet will eventually be stationed m the Pacific, thus indicating that the Administration has adopted the two-ocean standard, says the Herald's" San Francisco correspondent. The national policy
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  • 30 2 ag the summer months children are" t to disorders of the bowels v should receive careful attention as soon as thenrst unnatural looseness of the bowels
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 329 2 IVI 1 G H E L I N Prices Reduced Tlic constant extension of our works combined with improved methods of manufacture, has enabled us to lower the cost of production. Ihe IVI jH E is the tyre thai wins all the bi£ races. TARGA FLORIO (277 miles) First NINE
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    • 256 2 NOTIGES. Chinese lessons given m Mandarin or Hokien dialect, by a competent Chinese Scholar, Speaks English and Malay. Apply S. K. Y. c o Free Press." Aug 19 mwf 20.10 MESSRS. ALMEIDA CO. Civil Engineers Architects and Surveyors. Have removed to No. 2, Malacca Street. They will carry on the
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    • 702 2 NOTWES. SINGAPORE GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP. The Goli' Championsliip of Singapore for 1908 will bs played over links of the Singapore Golf Club. Entries close on Thursday September .ird and first round will be played on Saturday. September sth. Full particulars will be found on notice boards of various Golf Clubs iv
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    • 386 2 INSURANGES. MOTOR-GAR INSURANCE. Premiums 2, 3, 4 and 5% per annum according to nature of risk. For full particulars apply to The Borneo Company Ltd. July 29 29.8 NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO., LTD. FIRE AND MARINE. YANG-TSZE INSURANCE ASSOC. LTD. MARINE. CHINA F:RE INSURANCE CO., LTD. FIRE. Fire and Marine
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    • 663 2 BANKS. i Hongkocg Shanghai Banking Corporation. Paid-up Capital —IUjOOCMttO i Resekvi Fund i Sterling Reserve $15,000,000) t9ft Silver Reserve 113,500,000] f SUO -°W Rkskkvb Liability of PROPEIITOEB.... .♦.s 1 5,( N M (,000 Covet of Directors. E. Fhf' l»m. Esq. v h4ikb Hon. Mr. W ,l ir Chajeman. E. G
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  • 656 3 Hoy, Many Tons Shoum H Proitced BY l'-'U AND |fe! i Stylos Observer.' In I '•'>, Mr Donald Mackay our rvqimk, estimate of the rubber trees growing Malay States and Straits Settlements H- total at 3 millions of toOM wit! only 100,000 then I to 6
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  • 265 3 HOW DOAN'S BA< k^< BE KIDNEI Pi: S Life. Mrs. B. Tier, ol 102, Newlaud Road, Worth- s I don't know bo thank yon enough, for your Doan's Backache Kidney Pills ha\e actually saved the life of my son Arthur, aged 1 i. Arthur's il. irted with a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 573 3 u.-^~rrrrr:: I i I Poor little fellow! He coughs BO hard he cannot sleep. That makes him weak and sickly all the next day. His brother thinks this coughing is terrible. So do we, for we know that just a few doses of SfwHio~%* 6 %kemi 9eetoral will stop the
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    • 703 3 AUGTIONS. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Wednesday. 26th August, at 2-30 p.m. Freehold land and house known as Nos. 62, 63 and H3-1 Balestier Road, area 25,548 square feet. G. A. FERNANDEZ Co., Auctioneers. MORTGAGEES SALE. Wednesiay, 26th August, at 2-30 p.m. Freehold land and houses knowu as No. 30 Off Campong Java
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    • 568 3 TO LEi, OFFICE TO BE LET, Xo. 7 Battery RoadApply to Guthrie Co., Ltd. Aug 25 v.c TO LET A House No. 26 Mohamed Sultan Road. Apply to H. Somapah, 18 Raffles Place. Aug 19 20.9 TO BE LET From Ist September No. 5 Villa Marina. Tanjong Katong. Apply to
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    • 269 3 CARRETTS. Portable Engines. Fitted with their PATENT FIRE BOX For Burning ARE MOST Efficient <Sb Economical OVER FIFTY, m use m the Federated Malay States. IMPORTERS, THE BORNEO CO., LTD. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Teak Furniture Full Sized Billiard Table And a Fine Collect/ion cf Pi<mtiS the property of MRS
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  • 51 4 Domestic Occurrences. Deaths. Erskine. In Johore, on the 22nd instant, John Ebskine of Greenook. Aged 29 years. Penan<; papers please copy. SWAN —At Aboyne N. B, on 26th July, Henry Charles Swan, late Stipeudary Magistrate, South Australia, father of W. H. Swan T. P. Dock Board m Singapore. A^ed 74
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  • 1663 4 The Singapore Free Press. Wednesday, Aug. 26, 1908. Here shall th-» Press the People's right maintain, U awed !>\ influence and unbribed by gain; I f-i c i>.i" i. i| Truth h r !7'o-io'!s precepts draw. i '-■■<! to Religion, Loyalty and I..i'A. There may be a good many who
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  • 101 4 A Chinaman dropped daad m North Bridge Road on Monday evening near the junction with Stamford Road. The police have been informed of the lost of 3200 and a geld chain from Mr Binai< who resides at the Hotel de 1' Europe In the early hours of yesterday morning a
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  • 714 4 Sinking a at. Mr Thunder, .>"in£ 1 >urt L commented the pn minarj enquiry, yesterday ;-Jt<?rnoon, into tbfl charge ..avigation and endangering human life bn. agamst two Buvaus, Mohamed An. Bogail. Sergeant Uoss of t i,e Marine Poiioe prosecuted and Mr C 1 Carver appeared for the defence.
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  • 171 4 Detective Inspector Frayne has been transferred to the Central station. We have received a copy of a supplement to loss's telegraphic coder, which materially reduces the price of telegrams It is published by Thacker, Spink and Co. of Calcutta. The head cutting scare is being widely circulated among the native
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 331 4 JUST ARRIVED A FRESH STOCK OF FOR y 7 This can be made up m our Tailoring Department. WATSON AND GUTMANN, COMMISSION AGENTS, ESTABLISHED OVBB 80 7BAB& Xo. S3 JkND 5 ROAD, SINGAPORE. 3 DOORS FROM HOTEL DE L'EUROPE. 1 We communicate with Hobart, Tasmania, ah,- Perth, Western Australia, by
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    • 248 4 2 STUDIOS 2 I Adapted to the Morning and 1 to the Afternoon Light. They are the Largest, Coolest and best Equipped Studios m the Colony, and are situated m the most picturesque part of the town, adjoining Government House Domain Moreover, we possess m a high degree all the
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  • 148 5 A Terrible Crime. Submarine Telegraph Reuter 's. deceived Aug. 85th, 4 1" p.m. The wife of Major General Luard has been found murdered on the balcony of a lonely summer-house m dense woods near Igtham Knoll, X The discover ras made yesterday afternoon, and ths cause of
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  • 232 5 Both Sides Prepared. Although there is considerable depression m the Lancashire cotton trade, it is declared that there is no cause for the alarm which exists m some quarters. With reference to the rive per cent reduction notice, the organ-.zition is perfect on both sides, and
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  • 34 5 Barns Again Wins. Be. Aug. -25, 10 lil a.m. In the world's heavy weight boxing contest at Sydney, Bonn knocked out Squires after thirteen rounds. The fight was a good one.
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  • 280 5 The Revd. \V. Murray M. A. will continue his lecture on St. Paul's Life I Travels' with Magic Lantern Illustrations m the Prinsep Street Church on Pii lay .it 8 p.m. Prince Pu Lug, the cousin of the Emperor China en appoint'- 1 by Imperial l>ecree to welcome the American
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  • 54 5 Improved Generally. (By Submarine Telegraph. Router's.) The Army Medical Report for 1907 shows that dune-" the year there was an improve ment m the health of the troops of all stations especially m India and Egypt. The health has deteriorated m Gibraltar, Crete, Mauritius, North China,
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  • 46 5 A Great Review. Rec. Aug. 25, 2 18 pin. At Sydney a review of 13,000 Commonwealth military and naval forces was held, together with det ichments from the British and American warships m the presence of L »rd Northcote and Admiral Sperry.
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  • 10 5 King Alfonso has arrived m England.
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  • 27 5 Rec. Aug. 25, 10 a.m. Holland rep'ying to Venezuela insists thai the latter country shall rescind the decrees harmful to the trade of Curacao.
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  • 66 5 A Sultan m Fact. But Not m Name. Muley Hafid has been proclaimed Sultan at Tangier amid popular rejoicing, but it is expected that France will continue her policy m Morocco regardless of the change of Sultan. The French Government organs agree that Muley Hand cannot be
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  • 30 5 MACEDONIA'S MENDARMERY. Great Britain has taken no steps to recall her gendarmcry officers m Macedonia, preferring to wait until a unanimous international igreems&t has been arrived at on this question. > <
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  • 233 5 Jui b*B Earnest Appeal for Unsavoury case to be Settled. Unsivoury was the description applied by Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, and also by counsel, to a case which came on for hearing ia the Supreme Court yesterday- When the case was called on, Mr L. E.
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  • 92 5 Tbe following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Powell A: Co's Bale-room yesterday afternoon. Nice small dwelling- 1 Nos. 1 to 9 Cbeacg Teo Place, area 3940 square feet, Statutory Grant, quit rent $5. Total monthly rent i. A Aroonasilam Chetty 87,100. The laud and
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  • 73 5 A Reliable Remedy for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. As the season is at hand when diarrhoea and dysentery are prevalent, a reliable remedy should always be kept m the house for immediate use. The success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy m the itment of bowel trouble, has brought it
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  • 1036 5 A check has beeu experienced m the As" sociation football shield competition, a check doubly unfortunate m that it affects the very teams whose matches it is desired to finish off early, namely the military club 3. The holding of the manoeuvres this week has necessitated the postponing
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  • 719 5 Proposed Employment Bureau. Wokk for Girls. To The Editor, Sir, Anyone who has been an employer of labour m these parts will have noticed the independent that is shewn by the average Asiatic m regard to his job.' The house "boy" and the office krani when threatened with dismissal
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  • 105 5 Mistakes will occur, even ia the bestregulated supreme comts. In the case of the investigation of a debtor summons case before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith it was found that a certain promissory note, instaad of having been filed with documents connected with a judgment given some time
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 191 5 ROBINSON co. COLT'S REVOLVERS. JOINTLESS FRAMES. REVOLVER CARTRIDGES. 3srrat IPk j sfc 32 AND 38 CALIBRE iimiMiL jgQ^|v^C POCKET DOUBLE ACTION pß^f^ 21 inch barrel, 32 Calibre, Full Blued, Rubber Stock. POCKET DOUBLE ACTION R. 3 A inch barrel, 32 Calibn V\:\\ OFFICERS MODEL TARGET Bluid Rubber St CL REVOLVER
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  • 657 6 \i B The Meeting at Isi hi.. Loudon, Aug. At meting tA King Edward and the williau: I m --t Btriking jvy display at beh] raOwaj station, and OltffWin cordiality wafl shown at Urn meeting of the Britiafa and German Monarch* The general impression pcersflfl that the I
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  • 150 6 French naval officers claim that messages have bet n successfully transmitted between Paris and Dieppe, a distance of 150 kilomeu by means of wireless telephony. This great success was achieved m May of this year and ha» been continually repe;r since, but the experiments and results have i
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  • 5 6 1 'i*™*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 502 6 SHIPPING. Apcar Line. The undermentioned mail steamers of the above company maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan calling at P*nang t Singap-re, Hongkong Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons. Commander. s.s. Japan 6,300 J. G. Olifent. s.s. Gregory Apcar 4.606 S. H. Belson.j s.s. Arratoon Apcar 4,510 A. Stewart,
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    • 718 6 SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gull, Continental and American Ports. Steamcra will leave Singapore on ox about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) 1908 Devanha Au£. 29
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    • 646 6 SHIPPING OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight, and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer
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    • 588 6 SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a m^nlar service between Hambui Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Strait>. China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Jvnang and Colombo. Taking cargo at through
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    • 465 6 SHIPPING. N~DT ill jLJm Ml** Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The faft and well-known mail et^mers off this Company sail foctaightif from lirnmen. Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Boatfaampton Gibraltar, Genoa. Naples, (connection Mai Naples, Alexandria and vie* v^rsa) V>r\ Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penanc Singapi M iongkong. Shangliai.
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  • 350 7 Pekng, 14th August. The WshrofM has taken up a firm attitude arrest of an aliened deseiter. by itside the Legation boundaries. The Japanese- Minister realising that the action of the ■okKcri mi nnjoatifiable has good offices of a I of a certain nationality to smooth over the
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  • 393 7 In the July number of the National Review. M. Andre Meril gives the following ve-. interesting versi m of the abortive attempt of cerEuropean statesmen to intervene m the South African war During the South African war, the Germans profitting by events, projected a
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  • 63 7 The favourite items m some veri. icuiar bto a ipersution, and accounts -ities or freaks of nature. A •at writes to call attention to a curious bit of news published m a local Tamil paper to this effee* A m .m named my has a cow
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  • 1342 7 THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING. WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday the 13th, Thursday the 15th and Saturday the 17th October, 1908. I PROGRAMME, FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 1;-jth October, 1908. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value |600 and $50 to the Second Horse. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight 9st.
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  • 73 7 (Corrected up to Aug 25.) Bank4m/s M M 2/4| demand M 2 3^ Private credits 3 m/g 2/4 credits 6 m/s 2/44 Peanci, demand Bank.,, 292 &MMAKT, demand 237 h [ndia, T. T, 175 A Hongkong, demand w 22,'% Yokohama, demand 113| Tava, demand w 1 39 Bangkok, demand
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  • 133 7 Aug 25. *Pin $66,371 Ghunbier w 8.00 Gambier Onbe No. 1 12.00 3-ambier Cube No. 2 M 10.00 Pepper Black (ord'n. S'pore^ 10.95 Pepper, White (fair L.W. £p c buyers 16.75 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) w 20.00 tfutmege (80 to the lb.) 2 1 .00 Mace (Banda) «m
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  • 739 7 Capital Capful Issue Paid Isaatd paldapValat up Company. Qu.taaoa $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining 00. Ltd 7 M $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruang Limited 2S $600,000 600.0C0 10 10 Bruseb Hydraulic Tin M. 00. Ltd ll' I £400,000 350,000 1 1 Duff Development Co. Ltd 270 60,000
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 173 7 On the Berth. m combination with STRAITS STEAMSHIP COMPANY. LIMITED, Combined Round Voyages Singapore-Deli 1 Sumatra )-Penang' F. M. S. ports-Singapore OK Singapore, F. M. S. ports, Penang 1 Deli (Sumatra), Singapore by N. D. L. first class passenger Bteamere Ranee and M Malaya and the well known steamers of
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    • 321 7 On the Berth. Ocean Steam Ship Company, Ltd. For Sourabaya, Broome, Port Hedland, Cossack, Ashburton, Carnarvon, Geraldton, and Fremantle. The Company's Steamer "SULTAN," '2.068 tons Register, Captain Townley is intended to sail for the above ports on Monday the 31st August, 1908. For Freight or Passage apply to BW. MANSFIELD
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    • 269 7 THE YOKOHAMA DOCK CO., LTD. No. 1 DOCK. No. 2 DOCK Length Inside 514 ft. Length Lnsfdfl S7f Width of entrance, top 95 ft., bott Widih of entrance, top 60 I 75 It. 45 8 ft. Water on blocks 27.5 ft. Water on blocks 20.5 Time to pump out 4
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  • 468 8 YESTERDAYS PLAY. Profession Paw. Merc. I Oarmichad and Mason beat Brokers i Cleaver and Lane, 7 •">, 6 l. A D H BLKk, Oallimo.-e and Cuseaden. 3, beat Sal/.mann and Hose, owe 6 3, > 3. Bailey and Talma, sor beat Bremner and; Dunuian :'>. 6
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  • 130 8 The Tournament is now close at its end i ry fine game was witu a ssed kst night m the final of the Championship Pairs. iJ. GqubA L. G ml i Mra Freer rreen Gaunt was particularly 1 m his net smashes, while Green also
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  • 48 8 \r llakathon C C. V. Miles s^r v R. A. Campbell scr. B D Keith 12 v I» W. Reid 14. H Maaoo 15 v T. H. Reid 15. C. F. On W x .;,i --n 9. I at round to be completed by Sunday
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  • 36 8 The tirst meeting of this Association will 1 m the A lab Club house on the 28 -30 p.m. Mr 1 m, the donor of the Shield, baa been invited to preside.
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  • 487 8 Training for the October meeting is now m full s\siug and though the number of old racers looks uncertain there should be a fair field of Griffins. The batch this time was imported by Morton and were drawn at Lambert's Stables. There were 28 m all, but only
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  • 169 8 Two frightened iittle Kling boys appeared before Mr Howard, m the District Court, yesterday, on a charge of steiling a silver cigarette case, the property of Mr Jones of the Chartered Bank. The youths were employed as punkah pullers at the bank aad the cigarette case disappeared from
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  • 222 8 A huge crowd of spectators and many of the Post Office staff assembled last evening, on the Beach Road ground to witness the second meeting of the G. P. O. and the Marine Police m tha semi-final round of the -petition for the handsome shield presented by Mr
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  • 71 8 After the "Dens' 1 are Closed. Chinese Public Opinion says The opium re form mcvemeut seams to be some- what at a standstill iv the district of Yang- chow just now, as if the officials are not r quite sure of the next move. There is
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  • 626 8 The third report of the Directors to the shareholders, at the meeting held on Monday, was as follows Singapore, 13th August, 1908. Your Directors beg to submit the audited Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31st March last. The nett profit for the year amounts
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  • 184 8 There is, says the Siam Observer," a considerable amount of what the vulgar would call 'tommy rot' about the imposition of quarantine restrictions. We announced that the Government of the Straits Settlements had graciously deigned to officially announce that it considered Bangkok was sufficiently clear of cholera
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  • 68 8 mm-.~^ Mr H. Grrimble of Yokohama, brother of i Mr George Grimble of Hongkong, nearly lost his life m bravely going to tbe rescue of a Japanese youth who was bathing at Kamakura, near Yokohama. The drowning i man had gone under twice when Mr Grimble reached him. Tae man
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  • 303 8 While working cargo on board the Hong Wan I. m the harbour on Monday, a Chi- i nese coolie fell over board and was drowned. The P O Nore has arrival with cargo ex the ss. Harlington from Middlesbrough. Latest continental and transhipment dates are Hamburg and Rotterdam
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  • 101 8 Boatswain Crushed to Death. Details of a fatal accident, which occurred at Colombo on Aug. 16th on beard the 3. s. 11 Isla de Luzon," are given m Ceylon papers. While unmooring the vessel, the boatswain, who was attending to the capstan, accidentally got
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  • 28 8 Admiral Chin-u, who was sentenced to a term of penal servitude m Chinese Turkestan fcr having failed to protect Port Arthur m the China-Japanese war, has been liberated.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 263 8 CLEARANCES. Ang 25. Van der Lyn, Dut. str., Ral>, for Pontiaoak. Karang, Brit. str.. Corry, for Keluntan via ports. Schuykill, Brit, str., Anderson, for Boston and New York. Sultan van Koetie, Dut. str.. Reedeker. for Balik Papan. Halaban, Dut. str., Rolufs, for Pulo Samboe. G-lenfalloch, Brit str. H;tinswortb, for Penang.
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    • 602 8 VESSELS IN FORT. O I Men-of-war Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From When For Zahora Sar. Yacht 500 K. Brooke Au# Sar.: rncertain Sea Mew Col. Yacht 5 00 Coleman If Pa* n< Ship Flag Tons Master Arrived From Consignee Wh«m Airlie Brit 14P2 Wilson Aog 23 Sydney Boustead
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