The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 24 August 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TEN CENTS SINGAPORE, MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1908. no. ().:*7C)
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  • 148 1 Australia's welcome to the Am*: fleet is warm. But papers m Aoier. talking twaddle about what would happtn if the Jips attempted to take Australia Page 5. A special rubber wire gives interestir*j: rrrarket figures —a rise ia pries. Also Sir Henry B!ake is anxious for Mr
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  • 894 1 It danced that on a particular Su. m jrnirg the gun h id beeu bright acd cheer t ul and the th:.. i Lad bad a I tramp across country from Bukit T Patir P*njang. The shandy was good, the bxth better, and the carry tiffin more
    W.M.  -  894 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 705 1 I I S I D 0 E I E V 20 000 MILES 0F F r Full PUBLI SERVICE Particulars CARS. w tS ut s g treet Ap p J y to the July Ist, 1907. Sole Agents for mi We are extremely well pleas- RS& V M S The
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    • 207 1 Entertainments. ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH BEACH ROAD. To-Nights Programme. Fust Show, at 7-30 p.m. 1 Spiritism fitting Party. 2 Our Dog Friends. 3 The Maniac Juggler. 4 The Hostage. 5 The Secret of the Iron Mask. 6 A Lottery Ticket. 7 The Pirates. i 8 A Bailiff's AdvenUu 9 Mr. Suzz. 10
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    • 86 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, Messrs. Kelly A: Walsh adverti new Malay Vocabularies. And Mr. T. H. book A Holiday Trip m Java."—Page 4. Notice re Trade Mark —Page 2. Government tenders for hospital —Page 2. Rooms vacant —Page 1 and Apothecary wanted —Page 2. The Siddeley Cars, Central Engine Works —Page 1.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 357 1 THE WEEK. Monday, 24th High Water.— a., 8.53 p ICaxim Coy. Lectnre on Mechanism. M. M. Mail Ontward due. M M. Mail Homeward due. Tennis Tournament begins. Lodge St. George, 9 p Tuesday, 25th High Water.— lo.33 a., 41 p S V I Musketry for Xo 1 Coy 5.15
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  • 311 2 The annual report police force tacl the state of crime for 1 7 tfl laid on "table of the Council on i Mr. Cu«oit In sbou'd perhaps rightly be C den) h;is given some in- tenstiog notes. The only serious distrub- j ances m Sir _:tpore were
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  • 46 2 HOI M RAT rould appeal burgling more centered their atten--on theT^inglin district. <>n Saturday aiorni: paid I v Miil the of the Hon. A. Murray. Mr Murray's ana Captain I various ere disturb*- farratt wo nick hing else a. A report was police. > <
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  • 147 2 re are uaauv residents m Si S» who will hear with muc uC. liu-1 1. formerly trtered Mercantile B.*i:fc of India i i and I we have been m Mr J. place about mid- day to-day. •a conn-' k v( 1 adia, Ait sir
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 368 2 ■if! idl B* i fyi PrioAQ T?Arinpprl lv| H^ riiOUb -til OLI ti\^C/VL The constant extension of our works combined with improved methods of manufacture, has enabled us to lower the cost of production. 'I 1 he IV! bPi r 1 wA is tyre that wins all the big races,
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    • 450 2 NOTICES. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING Promptly executed. Absolute secrecy guaranteed. Mrs. E. F. KOWELL, Cavenagh Bridge Buildings, Raffles Hotel. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Commissioners invite ten tor the supply of Galvanized Wrought Iron Water Tubing. Tube Specials and Water Fittings. Copies of the Specification and conditions and Form of Tender with Schedule
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    • 807 2 Hov>crtt6cmcntsNOTWES. NOTICE This is to give notice that the above Trade tfark is the property of Somervell Brothers >f Netherfield, Kendal, m the County of Westnoreland, England, and that it is used by that km as a Trade Mark for Boots, Shoes, Leggings and Gaiters. The Trade Mark consists of
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    • 432 2 advertisements. INSURANCES. MOTOR-CAR INSURANCE. Premiums 2, 8, 4 a; i per annum according to nature of risk. For full particulars apply to The Borneo Company Ltd. July 29 29.8 NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO,. LTD. FIRE AND MARINE. YANG-TSZE INSURANCE ASSOC. LTD. MARINE. CHINA F,RE INSURANCE CO,. LTD. FIRE Fire and
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    • 502 2 Htfpertteemcntv, BANKS. Hongkocg Shanghai Ban incorporation. Paid-up Capital ...$15,000,000 Rej-kkvb Fund Btorife* iw serve $15,000,000) t9fl KiyiMe Silver Reserve *1 3,500,000 ZB>i>W>Wy Res^rvb Liability op Propsi«torB M ...$15,000,000 Covet of Directors. E. Shbllim, Esq. Chaibmaj* Hon. Mr. W. .1. —Deputy Chairman. E. G Barrett, Esq. W. ilelms. Esq. CO B
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  • 362 3 N Kinv. Edwabd*s ro Austria. Lob I ingraft 13th. w^ Edward arrived at Each! this morning ig Edward and the Bmperoi I tancis ph received an ovation from thousai: la as they drove to the where I received the Archdui King eongrat khfl Emperor on his jubilee, and
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  • 18 3 one of your regular habits to keep Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 470 3 flfcvcrttscmcnts. AUeTIONS. MORTGAGEES SALE Tuesday, 25th August, at 2-30 p.m. No. 87 Kampong -Java Road, Singapore. 10,800 square feet, freehold. POWELL Co.. Auctioneers. Aug 22 26.8 MORTGAGEE'S SALE Tuesday. 25th August, at 2-30 p.m. Forty-three freehold allotments situate at Gaylang Road and fronting a reserve for road off Gaylang Road.
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    • 732 3 H&vertieements. AU&TIONs. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Teak, Chingai and Europa made Show cases, Etc., TO BE HELD AT BENJAMIN A. PERIERA COS Archaeological Museum, At the Corner of Brass Bassa Road and bencoolen street. On Thursday, 27th August, at 2.30 p.m. Comprising Teak, Ctuogai and Europe made Show cases, Teak
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    • 523 3 Sbvertfeemeittft TO LET. TO LET A House Xo. 26 Mohamed Sultan Road. Apply to H. Soinapah, 18 Halves Place. Aug 19 20.9 TO BE LET From Ist September Xo. 5 Villa Marina. Taojong Katong. Apply to STEPHENS PAUL Co. Aug 19 v.c TO LET Xo. 10 and 12 Mount Elizabeth,
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    • 316 3 THERE ARE NO tXOrDIXc&ni i rOTIXSi FOR ANYBODY ON Jj||M T t U"O T"}TTH>T T 1 p irl ll rUDJ-.JI Lrtil\}lANß sPirJ 'W fUSI **/h T* T* T" r 1 (HIE HOUSE OFCOMW*Sj V^WV V tt-l. l-t -m t m-r tthiwi BP'w DLliEiiil W 1 ot 1 the High qualities
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  • 1725 4 The Singapore Free Press. Monday, Aug. 24, 1908. -V iiiafnt 1 y gain 1 r is tidings of comfort that the way out of the labyrinth of difficulties m which Morocco, and all Europe with it, has been uglsd ever since the ink had just dried on the signatures of
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  • 28 4 The next Assizes for Singapore are called for Sept. Bth. Mr. EL 11. Young has been appointed i demarcation officer for Singapore, iv addition to his other duties.
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  • 411 4 THE RUBBER EXHIBITION. w L adon, Aug. 22nd, via Penang. Sir Henry Blake has cabled to hir John Anderson asking i of Agriculture, to attend the Rubber bition at Oljmpia. At the conferences to be held a*, bition Mr Pearson is giving three lectures, the first on the manufacture of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 201 4 KELLY&WALSH Just Published Just Published VOCABULARY ACROSS THE EQUATOR of the A HOLIDAY TRIP IN JAVA ENGLISH and MALAY LANGUAGES v *im 8 with notes AN ABRIDGED IMALIIY-ENGLiSH DICTIONARY SIR FUNK X nrETTENBiUi, X C.*t (EOMiHiSED) ■v nu i r- i- i By R. J. WILKINSON Vol. !l Malay-EngSish phc*
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    • 18 4 P,TTV 1 k flr I w??? IBY PAYING $2 h WEFK I &m i\ Id fell SA tl
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    • 391 4 2 STUDIOS 2 I Adapted to the Morning and I to the Afternoon Light. They are the Largest, Coolest and best Equipped Studios m the Colony, and are situated m the most picturesque part of the town, adjoining Government House Domain Moreover, we possess m a high degree all the
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    • 35 5 By Submarine Telegraph —Reuter's. ÜBflrietn Nukm have landed ia Iney and have formed a proeasnoo, carrying inns, but no ammunition. It was a brilliant scene aid they met with the most -•etings.
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    • 59 5 I A tg 22n 2 30 pm. A meru- in papers are interpreting the enthusiasm of the Australasian weloame to the U. S. fleet as meaning that Australasia to America rather than I md M papers utter the warning that Atnerica would not interfere m a
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  • 19 5 Bee. Aug 22nd, 10.6 am. via has made the on I D four daya ritteen hours, this
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  • 44 5 A Public Appearance. Bg Manuel of Portugal has made his le Lisbon. He made a short speech at the celebraf the eentenarv of the battle of Vim. I memorable military specta His M :uveiled a monument c the Duke of Wellington's victory.
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  • 43 5 The Tin ■"-•spondent at St. Petersount Aerenthd has advised isvolsky t.l his intention to give the \ustri;m gendarmerie officers m Macedonia i prolonged furlough, on the ground that :neir d may evoke untoward incilents, as the Young Turks greatly resent ,-n interference.
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  • 31 5 -3rd. 11.10 am. •era m the Macedonian irmerie who ar^ at present absent on cave have been granted an extension of I senea m view of their recill.
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  • 14 5 a British Adviter t ai3e the Navy, and a ■n^b. ad\ aance.
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  • 74 5 -'..Liy evening the S i^aha ranakan on the I and the game ended m j. win goals to ail. 31 iler is nominated under the pil- i person entitled to be fc, nga- i and deepening Lvanagh ii. Vdh, the am Kbear th Cox of Tan by a dog. She
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  • 91 5 Ay ;r attention I I sa acBertam) wli itli. areI a coupl. sgo. The h to allude £1,500." Ido r valuable space comparative details of i loss account, vle- ;m to be drawn h a young company m the beginptional and an n of any services which
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  • 84 5 Reigning Sultan Flies. (By Submarine Telegraph. Reuter's.) Received Aug 23rd, 11 10 a.m. Reuter's correspondent at Tangier states an official wireless message has been received stating that Abdul Aziz's advanced guard has beea routed by Mulai Hand near M irrake3h. It is also reported from the
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  • 47 5 Wireless Messages. The American electrician Da Forrest, with the coDsant of the French Government, is engaged at the Effel Tower m the establishment of a wireless iustallation to connect Piris with New York. He is confident that the installation will prove a succ*
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  • 37 5 Rec. Aug -22ud, 10.06. The Maypole Mine at has baen tlooce.l to extinguish the fire. 7»'> are m the list of dead. The King has telegraphed his sympathy with the families of the victims.
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  • 32 5 Received, Aug. 22n<5, 10.1 a.m. Mr Lloyd George, on his visit to Berlin has called on the Minister of the Interior and intends inquiring about the German Age Pensions system.
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  • 69 5 Mr Asquitfa returned from Scotland to London yesterday, and had an hour's conference with Sir Edward Grey, provoking numberless surmises. It is semi-oflbiallv stated that the conference was arrange! prior to tha King's visit to Cronberg and is not connected with that visit. It is conjecture!
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  • 98 5 The Wayang Kassim is a popif.i*- place of amusement and entertainment. The Company's visit to Singapore is drawing to a close and tha wayang will only play here for a few nights more. There was a packed housa on Saturday night when "AzhamShuh was staged. There wer<3
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  • 240 5 On July 28th m answer to Sir E. Sassoon, Colonel Seely said The treaty with the Sultan of Brunei, which was signed m 1905, provides that the advice of the British R< dent must be taken and acted upon m all questions m Brunei other than those
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  • 40 5 An amending section of the Minor Offences Ordinance, already introduced into 1 the Legislative Council, makes it an offence i to spit m a public place. The objects and reasons say Jn order to prevent the spmid of tuber-
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  • 162 5 THIRD DAY. (Fran our own Correspondent^ The following are the results of the third day's racing. Galloways Handicap: 1. Fly; 2. Dieaniland; 3. Albion 11. Won by two and a half lengths m 1 mm, 05 sec. Totalisator 810 and $27. Griffin Handicap: 1. Pegasus: 2. Speck 3.
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  • 46 5 Orders for the meeting of Legislative < Council on Friday deal with, Third Rqad- j ings Medical School Amendment Bill Youthful Offenders. Second Readings: Theatres Bill, Destructive Pest^ Bill Spitting Bill. First Reading, Final Supply Bill Committee Crown Suits Ordinance; Agricul- tura.l Loans; Military Manoeuvres.
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  • 292 5 It is propose! to rbat the International Restaurant as a limited liability company. The capital suggested is 812,000 m 2,400 shares at live dollars of which 2,000 will be offered for subscription. The company will not go to allotment unless all the shares are applied for. The idea
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  • 183 5 In the Binkruptcy Court on Saturday Mr Ellis: I ivprt.s3nt a certain nuoibar of credit. The Offisial Assignee (Mr P. M. IWdde^ey) May I see the list Mr Ellis They are hera (showing a typewritten document bearing signatures.) The 0. A. Will you let me see them.
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  • 107 5 Mr. G. G-. Seth is appointed to act as the leputy of the Attorney General m Singapore is regards conducting prosecutions and enjuiries and withdrawing charges under section 181 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The Sultan of Perak is on an elephant hunt at Plus. His Highness has already captured
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  • 9 5 Tim nuinh vnli'of fvr.™ „1 i-
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  • 981 5 BUT SAYS HE CAN PAY A HUNDKED "WITH EASE." The Case of K. P. V. R. K. E. In the Bankruptcy Court on Saturday, before Mr Justice Sercombe Smith, K. P. V. K. K. E. Karuppan Chetty cime up for public examination by the Official Assignee,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 172 5 ROBINSON (80. COLT'S REVOLVERS. JOINTLESS FRAMES. REVOLVER CARTRIDGES |k POCKET DOUBLE ACTION t"&s^ 2| inch barrel, 32 Calibre, Full "Vyy- Blued, Rubber Stock. V; POCKET DOUBLE A( [L 3. J inch barrel, 32 Calibre. Full OFFICERS MODEL TARGET Blued > Rubber StOcL REVOLVER. POLICE DOUBLE ACTION 6 inch barrel, Adjustable
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  • 150 6 sv, o Jokes, .nd Geor. Sadmlle West and Miss Eva Inigo Jones, I Majori on 28U j t St. 1 ber'a Church. BatonI a large number oi wo4r aiag -.including, I Gteliaal Iver-gilt 4 case ig^Jor ver tea service; from the bridegroom to the bride, a diamond and ruby
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  • 304 6 adent of The Times writes from the commercial depression now need m the Colony. I 9: tiu and heavy losses by the Chin. hange tran sact: kb Hongkong and China had mmd ear the bottom had h out of the m; hinese and Kling
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  • 53 6 Complaint Durii sommei months children are subject to disorders of the 9 which ye careful attention as soon a> unnatural looseness of the bowels a PP< lie. Cholera and I>iarr< us it promptly controls any unnatural wels, whether it be m ran adult. For sale Ly
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 81 6 STRAITS STEAMSHIP Co, Ltd.' For Pahang Kuantan S.S. "BAN WEATT HIN 3 j:\pore for the abo Dg. m for Ist age apply to 4 Raffles Quay. ARCHIBALD CURRiES AUSTRALIAN INDIAN LINE. SINGAPORE TO JAVA PORTS, AND SYDNEY g cargo for other Australian and New Zealand Ports (with transhipm< I aintaiaed
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    • 452 6 advertisements. you know this _^£i sure beacon. }'Jl\ *^> and suffering >*yj3f ba k to tee liar- 1 bor of health and strength. Isn't that a record to bo proud of? Foi more than six M has been the I good h many thousands of people m all parts of
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    • 667 6 advertisements, SHIPPING. P O STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China t Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth &nd London, Through. Bills of Lading issued for China Coaat, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Porto. Steamer* will leave Singapore oa or about MAIL LINES. Ovtward (for China) 1908 Devanba
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    • 636 6 at)v>crtioemcnt6. SHIPPING OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co, Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight, and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward
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    • 617 6 at>vcrttocmcnt& SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. i The steamers of this Company maintain a rej^lar service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antvv'erp, and Rotterdam, and the Strait-. China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking
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    • 405 6 Bt^ertfdementa SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Brer: IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The bMt and mjl lll»«l "a^ii steamers of this Company nil fortnightij ttcm Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Ant irerp, Southampton Gibraltar, G^noa, ilapl<a J connect ion ilarseillea, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) I ort Said, Suez, Aden, Colom>>o, Penang, Singapore, h
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  • 772 7 sai'v Pro<;rms Rsromno Thh Com vn 1 i A T- \::y I ktf-jearlj meeting of the shareholders of the Briti>h N trti) Borneo Company wa9 held on July "23 at the offl e-. i'hreadneedle X Sir Charle. J. Jessel, Bart, (chairman of the vompany), preI presume
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  • 38 7 A Remedy for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. i diarrhoea ntery ar- \xb\v remedy Id always be kepi m the house for im:aniberlain"s :oiera and Diarrhoea Remedy m the -.rouble, has brought it c and the following rion m I
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  • 1330 7 THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING. WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday the 13th, Thursday the 15th and Saturday the 17th October, 1908. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 18th October, 1908. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value $600 and $;0 to the Second Horse. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight 9st. Ex-Griffins
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  • 70 7 (Corrected up to Aug 21.) Bank 4 m/ a 2/4| demand 2/3| Private credits 3m/s M 2/4 H credits 6 m/s 2/4 k Pranoi, demand Bank.^ 292 Gkbmany, demand 237 X [ndia, T. T, w 1754 Ho»aKON», demand kM 23^% Yokohama, demand 113^ Java, demand 139] Bangkok, demand 66
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  • 139 7 Aug 21 *Pin $66.75 Qambier M M buyers 7.V5 Gambier Cube No, 1 11.80 Gambier Cube No. 2 10.00 Pepper Black (ord'n. S r pore> buyers 10.87-2 Pepper, White (fairL.W. £p c buyers 16.75 Nutmegs (110 to the Ib.).- 20.00 Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) 21 .00 Uace (Banda)
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  • 724 7 SH ARES. Capita! Capita! Isaac Paid Isaaed paid ao Val^i op Company. Quotation $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co Ltd 650 $300,000 225,000 .10 10 Brau* Limited' $6CK3,000 600,0C0 10 10 Brnseh Kjdnoha Tin M. Co. Lid i 0 £400,000 350,000 l i Duff Dflop—Ml Go Ltd <
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 255 7 On the Berth. THE RUSSIAN E«T ABIATI3 S. S. CO., LTD. For Hongkong and Wladivostock. The Russian s.s. LITUANIA is due here on the 27th instant and will receive a prompt despatch for the above ports. She has splendid accommodation for Ist class passengers and has electric light all ov<
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    • 307 7 On the Berth. NEW SERVICE BETWEEN SINGAPORE. MUAR AND M/LACCA. The s.s. Lady Weld," until fur > notice, will leave Singapore on Tuesday a.vl Friday afternoons for Muar and Malacca, returning thence on Wednesdays and Saturdays. This vessel has good accommodation for First Class Passengers. For freight and passage apply
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    • 259 7 TH-; 40HA.MA OOOK 00., LTD. No. 1 DOCK. No. 2 DOCK. Length inside 514 ft. Length inside 375 ft AVidth of entrance, top 95 it., bott Width of entrance, top 60.5 ft bott 7o ft. 45.8 ft. Water on blocks 27.5 ft. er on blocks 20 5 ft Time to
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  • 362 8 T«»- DAY'S TIES PBOFBBBIOS Pair-. Hh I Noon and S Dunn v Mupty. "Fuk-her and F. E M n B C v■ D B W ilaon, owe t v Carver and Morrison scr. I htf C- I v vn> and St<-uf. ocr and Vermeij, Mr. f
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  • 201 8 S.K C. v P< This match was played on the Esplanade <>n Saturday an! win for the Club, only two of the Police making any decent wore. Scores. P Mr Henson 0 Davidson b Oehlers 0 Ross Ihodes b Ah 0 een c Pearse b < >et;. arai-t b
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  • 396 8 We have already mentioned the creditable performances of Uoip K. W. C lnter, of the S RE. (V) at $isley, where he was :Uth m the King's Priza, his scoriug m that important competition being 33 32 and 32 total <>7: 4-") and 40, total 91;
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  • 90 8 The S R.E. (V) held their monthly snoot on Saturday and the following were the best scores. Capt Thompson 96 owe 5 dl Capt Flower 9 5 owe 5 90 M S. Coveney 91 owe 3 88 Corp Wilson 74 10 34 Spi en 15 81 Sgt Naughton
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  • 114 8 In the match between the Straits Chinese c Recreation Club and members of the S. V.C played en Saturday the following was the result 2nd Lt. Song Ong Siang and Pte. Tan t Chew Kirn eat Messrs Keong Chin Eng and 2 Choo Sian Kirn, 6—2, 6-3.
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  • 137 8 D immense crowd of natives and many Europeans witnessed the semi tinal of tiir Colman Shield on Saturday night. The j competitors were 1113 Post Office m red and yellow, and the Marine Police m blue and green. Play was hardly as keen as m some of these
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  • 81 8 A peculiar way of showing affection for a dog has eorue under the notice of the officers of probate at Melbourne. Thte will of a lady lodged for probate contained, the British jtralasian says, the following clause: And m the event of my favourite dog
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  • 189 8 The seventh competition for The Untong Cup was played on Saturday and Sunday, August 22 and 23, and resulted m a tie between Dr. R. D. Keith and Mr. T. H. ii ii who ooth returned nett scores of 80. The bast 8 scores nett have qualified
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  • 90 8 CAPT. YOUNG'S CUP. 2nd Kound. Tongue beat Smith, G and 5. Xoble beat Weathers! oae, 4 and 2. Cox beat Sellar, and 1. Dr Campbell beat Ellis, w.o. The competition for a mug to be pre--3< tied by the Club was won by A. M. Sellar on
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  • 647 8 In reply to a question on the subject, Mr Haldane has intimated that the War Office does not contemplate the further reduction of any of the Colonial garrisons. One fails to see how it could be done without abolishing them completely. There is not a single coaling station
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  • 242 8 On the arrival of the British steamer Glenfalloch on Saturday four deaths are reported as having occurred on board. They were buried at sea. She brought down 764 coolies. Judging from what Sir Edward Grey told Mr Molteno m Parliament, owners of cargovessels trading to the East need
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 92 8 ASK FOR Agents John Little Co., Limited. HOT El de la PAIX\ SINGAPORE land EoSJed i^ *****6 H USe haVbg been thoro^'y paired HOVC REOPENED. Good Accommodation for Boarders Passeno-prQ a q^is made of the Table, and only Wine! T&?, oftS bes^ua'i v are supplied. c ULb h u^Terms, Moderate.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 64 8 WEATHER &EPOST. Data Bar Wind Temp Hum Sky Rain Ang 21. H'kong 4 p. 29.77 SEI 77 or Manila 4p. 757 WNW2 28 26 d Ang 22. H'kong 10a 29.80 El 83 c Manila 10a 758 SWW:J 29 26 o 1 Kandang Kerban Hospital, Aug 21, 1908. 9 a.m. 3
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    • 463 8 CLEARANCES. Aug 21. Strombus, Brit, str., Stock, for ColomLo and Suez Canal via ports. Dovre, Nor. str., Paulsen, for Bangkok. Aug. 22. Salahadji, Dut. str., Van Rijn, for Balik Papan. Dott, Nor. str Gjemri, for Bangkok. C. Apcar, Brit, str., Thomas, for Penang and Calcutta. Boribat, Siaru. str., Schmidb, for
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    • 646 8 VESSELSIJnT PORT. Men-of-war Flap and Tons Commanders Arrived From When I Zahora Sar. Yacht 500 R. Brooke Ajßg 7 Sarawak Uncertain Sea Mew Col. Yacht 500 Coleman Axtg If Pmi Unoertain Ship Flag: Tons Master Arrived From Consigne* 1 Ban Hin Guan Brit 348 Hunter \g «1 Pontijmak Han Lee
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