The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 21 August 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 116 1 The Anglo Russian reform schen c for Turkey is approved by Austria Page 5. A reduction m wages or a lock out is threatened m the Lancashire cotton trade Page 5. At the Maypole mine eighty miners pre still entombtd, ?nd rescue woik is greatly hindered— Page
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  • 1125 1 A furious ri^irin? of the telephone bell disturbed my after curry slumbei for a sovereign" I grumbled. out of the long chair, aad soateUed off the receiver. "Hullo, bulllo, who's there." A high musical voice came ringing through the wires protesting] :ultime you take answering. I've been exiling
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 331 1 TO-NIGHT WAYANG KASSIM AT THE THEATRE ROYAL. will give a Special Performance m honour of the STRAITS MONTE CARLO CLUB whose officers and members will patronize the sensational MONTE CARLO PLAY ENTITLED THE LIFE OF A GAMESTER. Seats can be booked beforehand at Messrs. Jitts Co's office, or at the
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    • 65 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice re Hales tours Page 1. The Aihambra programme Page 1. Tabloid Bridge for sale Page 2. Special night at the Wayang Kassim Page 1. The time for receiving tenders for the Perak General farm is extended to Sept. 7 Page 2. Auction sales. European ni ade show
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 329 1 Friday, 21st Legislative Council, 2.30 p S. Y. A. Lsctnre on Ammunition. S.R E. Military Et gineering 5.15 p CCA. Lantern Lecture, 8 p Saturday, 22nd Taiping Races S.G.C. FTntong Cup. Monday, 24th Maxhn Coy. Lecture on Mechanism. M. M. Mail Outward due. M. M. Mail Homeward dua. Lodge St.
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  • 342 2 A Parliamentary correspondent writes Extreme importance is attached to that por tion of Lord Cromer's speech m the H of Lords, m which he opposed spending money on old-age pensions, and warn 1 the Government of the paramount necessity that exists for making provision
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  • 180 2 Cark fully-Shod Britisheks. Great pains were taken to ensure that the British runners should not break down owkg to injured f^et. Our representatives lafa iSfl with oval rubber pads let into the The rubber is moderately soft and springy, and dcv tlesa greatly minimised the
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  • 95 2 Dr Kro r of Paleography m lity Tokio, has jnst arrived m London, triag ia uhole the grsea star cf the Esperantist Association, which has served him as a passport I A Gernia Austria, Fttat ii I Sirii E*r K-.- I ie soaking a tour of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 718 2 IVII6HELIN Prices deduced The constant extension of our works combined with improved methods of manufacture, has enabled us to lower the cost of production. rhe fwl UFI pi is the tyre that wins all the bi£ races. TARGA FLORIO (277 miles) First NINE oi. Micheiins. i GRAND PRIX (480 miles)
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    • 744 2 H&verttocmento. NOTIGES. NOTICE. The time up to which tenders will be received for the Perak General Farm has been extended by order of the Acting Resident from noon on Monday the 24th August to noon on Monday the 7th September. Sd. B. J. WILKINSON, Ag. Secretary to Resident, PERAK. Aug
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    • 564 2 H&vcrtiscmcnts. INSUR2USH2ES. MOTOR-GAR INSURANCE. Premiums 2. 8, 4 and 5 per annum according to nature of risk. For full particulars apply to The Borneo Company Ltd. July 29 29.8 NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO,, LTD. FIRE AND MARINE. YANG-TSZE INSURANCE ASSOC, LTD. MARINE. CHINA FiRE INSURANCE CO., LTD, FIRE. Fire and
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    • 500 2 H&vcrtiscmcnL.. BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation, Paid-dp Capital...$15,000,000 $15,000,000 Rkservi Fund: Sterling lieserve $15,000,000 t9a Silver Reserve M 3,500,000 6 W t OOO Resekvb Liability of Proprietors 5,000,000 Court of Dirbctoes. E. BasaaCK, Esq, Chair* ai* lion. Mr. W.S, Qmt I airman. E.G.Barrett, Eso.. Ess. CG E Bacmßasasr, Esq CB
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  • 464 3 P NCR. ae inte- Igmrea, Uhuti king thp ra P id tar-Imperial trade, parti. c ul;u *>' ol Coloeneee, are contained m a memorandum just issued Commission. -\gard to food supple ia stated that a comparison of the rail for the yean 1892 to 1896 with the period
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 200 3 Rheumatic Pains Relieved. nuiek relief from rheumatic pains afforded by Chamberlain's Pain Balm surprised and delighted thousands of suffermakes rest and sleep possible. A great an pern heun.iti^in by tl I this liniment. For sale by FQte SALE. i B SALI bber tyred Gharry m perfect condition. Pony and ha
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    • 630 3 flbvcrtiscmcnta. AUGTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Teak, Chingai and Europe made Show cases, Etc., ;KL!i AT BENJAMIN A. PERIERA COS Archaeological Museum, At the Corner of Brass Bassa Road \nd Bencoolen Street. On Thursday. 27th August, at 2.30 p.m. Comprising Teak. Chingai and Europe made Show cases, Teak Glass case,
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    • 588 3 B&verttecmcnts. AU&TION^m By order of the Supreme Court, Wednesday, 26th August, at 2-30 p.m. Freehold land situate at Havelock Road, Singapore, area 6,95") sq. ft. Quit rent $3. 0. A. FERNANDEZ Co Auctioneers, Surveyors Etc. Evans and Kitovitz, Solicitors. Aug 21 27.8 SHERIFF'S SALE. IN THE CAUSE OV K. Van
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    • 523 3 Bbvertteementa TO LET. TO LET A House Xo. 26 Mohamed Sultan Road, Apply to H. Soinapah, 13.1 allies Place. Aug 19 20.9 TO BE LET From lst September Xo. .3 Villa Marina. Tanjong Katong. Apply to STEPHENS PAUL Co. Aug 19 v c TO LET Xo. 10 and 12 Mount
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    • 232 3 ELECTRIC ITIU I Ul\ L*/i.iv_7 are not more silent when running than Simplicity Reliability and Elegance These Cars are unrivalled. have been sold locally and every one of them is giving complete satisfaction. A recent testimonial says "I have completed 25,000 miles en a Coy- entry Humber. and Car is
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  • 2311 4 The Singapore Free Press. Friday, August 21, 1908. Here shaP thf p;es« tlie People's richt maintain, I* awed by influence and unbribed by pain Here th h~* c'oHous prectptt <iraw. d to Religion, Loyalty and I_w. In the last issii3 of the North American there appears aa article entitled '•One
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  • 527 4 It is rumoured that a well known pean resident of Kuala Lumpur fa appeared. The Rev. H. C. Izard lea. to-day for Malacca and will return on Monday morning, 24th inst. Frightened by the :.riug of crack gharry pony swerved m Cecil-street crashed into a tramcar. The gharn wrecked. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 504 4 FOR TWO WEEKS ONLYI^f MI II II II II II II -.a*. a_. Aa.A%. A_.» SPECIAL SHOW I OF JAPANESE 1 H H WW m m *tmm ~&y "mm* maaam a* tm HiJ. a*^A_w v A LARGE VARIED 8 M Lacquered Work Boxes h I Tea Trays j ASSORTMENT m
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    • 228 4 2 STUDIOS 2 t Adapted to the Morning and I to the Afternoon Light. They are the Largest, Coolest and best Equipped Studios m the Colony, and are situated m the most picturesque part of the town, adjoining Government House Domain Moreover, we possess m a high degree all the
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  • 59 5 THE ANGLO-RUSSIAN SCHEME. Austria Approves, Submarine Telegraph-Renter's "J Received A og,, 8.5 pni <>a August t h the Bon ta Government BOMaami o the Powen the AngloQ reform scheme for Turkey, for information. Austria I v \ied to that eommuni--1 «dlw Note says, Ausrejoice if new regime
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  • 33 5 The Porte is negotiating a loan with the htoman Bank on the security of the tobacco rt The offer of the Ger lont Bank to mmodate the Government has been .cd.
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  • 36 5 -istria and Servia Reconciled. B from Belgrade says that the otshina has finally mum 1 the commerA U that the Customs feud wbieh has now lasted for three years, will :ome to an end.
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  • 25 5 A oung Egyptian movement has arisen several Arabic papers are Bj Bg Sultan to advise the Khedive to t a constitution.
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  • 393 5 On the evening of Aug. 16th before Divine commenced at All Saints' Church. Taipim. ellency Sir John Anderson,' K.C.M.G.. Governor of the Straits Settlements and High Commissioner of the F. M. States, uuveiled a memorial Tablet to the late Sir Hugh Low, k.cai.g. Excellency the
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  • 68 5 Many Deaths. (By Submarine Telegraph.— Reuter's.) Hec. at 10.30 a.m. I pwards of eighty miners are entombed m the Maypole Mine, Wigan. The most heart-rending feature of the catastrophe is the helplessness of the rescuers. For hours volumes of yellow smoke -sued from the mine and cloaked the
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  • 232 5 HOLLAND VENEZUELA. It is maintained at the Hague that arbitration m the case of the Venezuelan dispute is excluded, the national honour being involved. Washington, July 17.— A curious diplomatic tangle has resulted from an unforeseen possibility, and the cherished Monroe Doctrine of the United States may he waived by
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  • 19 5 omen's Rights. Hencefonvard German women will be admitted to German universities on the same footing as men.
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  • 35 5 Reduction of Wages. The Lancashire cDtton spinners have given notice of a five per cent reduction m wages. Should tbe operatives not accept this there will be a lock out affecting thirty-six mil-
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  • 330 5 The usual monthly Tanglin Club "At Home" will ba held this evening at 9 o'clock. Chee Chua is sad. His house m Kampong Bahru-road has been broken into and property valued at $78 stolen. It was m order that he should buy firewoe «.l for his master, that Lo Chai
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  • 269 5 FRASER Co.'s SHARE CIRCULAR. Matters have improved slightly during the past week, and the business transacted has been on a much steadier basis than has been the case for a considerable time past. MINING.— For some days London has been paying attention to Pahangs and has taken them as high
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  • 199 5 Before Mr Colman, m the Third Court yesterday, two Chinese women, Tan Bah Ta and Lee Kee Neo were charged with assisting m carrying ov a chap ji ki lottery at 82 Teluk Ayer-Street, and with buying lottery tickets. Inspector Connor prosecuted, and Mr L. E. Gaunt
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  • 276 5 Before Mr Saunders m the District Court yesterday, a case was heard m which a Chinese woman named Lim Kee claimed damages for wrongful imprisonment from a Malay woman named Hamida. Mr Campbell appeared for the complainant, and Mr F. M. Elliot for the defendant. In the
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  • 87 5 The Japan Times states that according to a recent, message from Taipeh, Form. highly promising gold veins have been discovered near Suinenbi, along the coast of Taiton piefecture. It is rumoured, says tha Kobe Herald, that His Excelleu-y LordNorthcoto, Governor General of Australia, is likely to pay Japan a visit
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  • 530 5 Finding or Mr Justice Sercuuhe S-M ith. Judgment was given, yesterday afternoon m the Supreme Court, by Mr Justice Seri combe Smith m the case of Guthrie and Co Ltd., vs. N. N. Addis. His lordship So Pontiffs' claim is to be paid 1133,372.60 being moneys alleged
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  • 189 5 The Tourists Society of Java, are quite determined that the beiuties of their enormous island shall no longer remain unknown and unappreciated by the rest of the world, and have now issued an excellent v illustrated Java, the Wonderland." The letterpress is for the casual traveller, aud it
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  • 153 5 On the occasion of the visit of the American fleet to Yokohama a special two-day rac9 noting is to ba held. The Amehcau warships will anchor iv two lines northeast from the entrance of the harbour. The Japanese reception squadron, consisting of several ships, will also anchor m two lines
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 25 5 Bowel Complaint m Cliildren. Dmrh uths cliildren are orders of the bowels m iould receive careful attention as soon as fcnral loo« f t.)»P hnxvolc
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    • 15 5 A Good Rule for the Home. Make it one of your regnlar habits to keep
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    • 64 5 A Reliable Kemedy for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. As the season is at hand when diarrhoea and dysentery arc prevalent, a reliable remedy should always be kept m the house for immediate use. The success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy m the treatment of bowel trouble, has brought it
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    • 172 5 **»-Af ROBinson c<7 fs|N| THE GILLETTE f"~oa\ SAFETY RAZOR. ■~y*yi .^M^^^^-j^^vjius^ajß I ~#iif one of the mcst peri:ect Shaves Made of Solid Metal Triple Silver Plated In silk lined leather /3^ case with 12 Blades *> each with two Edges. <^A Price $9 net. 1 Every blade set ready fTT^J
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  • 798 6 A v Ke.ok-o. M new thing for ladies to shoot at For several years UIM Leale, from -nsev, was a weU-knawi 1 on the! OBM, and put together some exceeding* i le scores. There was also M: -Oram. _0 shot m LOOI, also dishmtmH] Mr! hai year,
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  • 105 6 A Russian landed proprietor said to be a millionaire has hit upcn a novel plan to pre- He has set aside portions of his domains for small farmers, but only those of fine physique will be accepted, it they are prepared to marry presumably tte bride to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 492 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. Apcar Line* i The undermentioned mail steamers of the above ccmpany maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan calling at Penang, Singapcre, Hongkong Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons. Commander. s.s. .Japan 6,300 J. G. 01if< s.s. Gregory Apcar 4,606 S. H. Belson.; ss. Arratoon Aocar 4,510 A.
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    • 661 6 B&vertisements. SHIPPING. j Pa 8i O. I STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London, Throngh Bills of Lading issued for Ob ma Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and AmeriI oan Ports. Steamen will leave Singapore on or About MAIL LINES. Outward
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    • 631 6 advertisements. SHIPPING 'A.** OCEAN STEAM SHI? Co. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co, Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight, and for Gsnoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One
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    • 537 6 advertisements. I SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. I <* x The steamers of tbis Company maintain a re'clar service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, Cbina and Japan. Homewards, tbey are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang
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    • 422 6 H-nvrtiscmcnts. SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lioyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail steamers o! this Company tail fortnightly frcm Hamburg via "Rotterdam, Antwerp, taouthamj Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Mai Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port t Suez Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, h kong, Hlinttg*"-- 5 stagassM 1 Kobe
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  • 301 7 The" Archiv far Kisenbahnwesen contains an int. i; article un the railways of the world, showing the development from Ito 1906. At 11m end of the latter year the railroads o: the world are given at hitamettm OK 1588,656 English miles a kilometre bt .ng practically
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  • 359 7 ITHE Enthusiastic Welcome Home. Cnder the above heading an Irish paper writes ?Jr W, W, Bailey, whose journey from Piassy to his place at Ceylon, was noted m columns some months ago. arrived home from the East on Saturday evening, and received an enthusitstic welcome from
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  • 140 7 BOOOT Axed alk Sir," She Said. A recent I on the I Yokoto a Ja; story of the wonderful coolness shown by a missionary m the presence of burglars. Mis- one night to find a p.rty of .-m m her room, one of whom wa3
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  • 53 7 A telegram received on 31st ult. from H. E. root of Brit. North Borneo at IC. lhe Expedition surprised Musah's Camp on Sunday. Kalaka >ond m ccmmand, whose attempted arrest was the :he trouble— Ed.) was killed, borne ammunition were captured, m tion to many weapons. I took
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  • 85 7 (Corrected up to Aug 20.) Bank 4 m/s 2/4 1 demand M 2/$$f Private credits 3 m/s w M 2/4 f r credits b' m/i w 2/4| Franoi, demand Biank... 29 H G«*mant, demand 237 India, T. T, 175 A Hon3kong, demand w 28% Yokohama, demand 113* Java, demand
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  • 132 7 Aug 20. *Tin buyers §66. 62a Gambier buyeis 7.75 Gambler Gabe No. 1 11.75 Gambier Cube No. 2 10.00 Pepper Black (ord'u. S'pore^ 10.95 Pepper, White (fairL.W. I p c 16.87^ Nutmegs (110 to the lb.)... 1 9.00 Nutmegs (30 to the ib.) 21 .00 Mace (Banda) nom Cloves
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  • 726 7 lApttftl CapiUl Issue Paid Issued paid ap V*!a« up Comp*nj. QaoUttoa 1300,000 300,000 10 10 BelAt Tin Mining Co. Ltd 1300,000 225,000 10 10 Braang Limited $600,000 600.0C0 10 10 Brnseb Hydraulic Tin M. Oo Ltd 11*0 £400,000 350,000 1 1 Duff Development Co Ltd 250 60,000 60,000 1
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 412 7 H&verttsements. It was certainly a good messenger who brought the news to your house tbat Ayer's Sarsapariiia makes tho blood "rich and red." This means so much to those who are thin, pale, feeble, weak, and nervous. After Ayer's Sarsapariiia has eared you, carry tbe glad message to a friend
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    • 460 7 a&vertisemente. On the Berth. NOTICE SINGAPORE TO BANGKOK. The steamer Ban Hong Liong," Captain Rushton. will leave Singapore on Saturday. August 22nd, and fortnightly hereafter. Comfortable accommodation for first and second ciass passengers. Electric Light. LOW SUM CO., Chop BAN HONG. 36, Boat Quay. Aug 19 23*8 British India S.
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    • 211 7 SIPIAU TIN COMPANY, LIMITED. is hereby given that the Company's 15th Ordinary General Meeting will be held at the Company's Office, Gresham House, Battery Road, on Friday, 21st August, 1908, at Xoon. Business; 1. To receive the Directors' Report and Accounts for the half-year ending 30th Jane 1908. By Order,
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    • 264 7 THE YOKOHAMA DOCK GO., LTD. No. 1 DOCK. No I DOCK. Length Inside 514 ft. Length inside 375 ft Width of entrance, top 95 ft., bott d1 h of entrance, top 60.5 ft batt. 75 ft. 45 8 ft. "U ater on blocks 27.5 ft. Water on blocks 20 5
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  • 1832 8 SUPREME OOUW PROCEEDINGS. I S„mk LsrEßKsriNi. St_temen Eurther evidence was taken by Mr. ustiBercombc Smith, m tbe Supreme Court. B rday, m the case of the Pr >cureur m Singapore of La BodW des MiasmM Btranges, and another, vs. Mr A. EMMIM Benxie. _.__*ui _-_i Mr Delay
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  • 64 8 NEW ORLEANS FLOATED Information has been received at. Singapore that the British steamer New Orleans, which went ashore some time ago m the Pulau Laut Straits, has been safely refloated, and is not the total loss that was expected.' She was floated ofi by the Swedish salvage steamer Protector from
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  • 71 8 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Ladies' Doubles. Mrs Waddell and Miss Darbishire beat Mrs Hartnell and Mrs Bowe?, 6 l, 6—2. Mrs Holden and Mra Buck land v Miss J. Gunn and Mrs Murray, unfinished. TO-DAY'S TIES. Mixed Doubles a I Slabs. Mrs Murray and Capt Young v
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  • 54 8 YESTERDAYS PLAY. Pbofission Pairs. Brokers. Cleaver and Lane beat Press. Davies and Jennings, <" 3. 6 2. Mer. XI. O'Connor and Morrison beat Medicoes. Black and Simpson, 2, V—6, D Class Singles. Knight heat Towill, 6—2. 6—3. Carver beat Butler, 6—o, 6 l. D. McLeod Craik v
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  • 61 8 The Macbean Cup, which is cpen to members of the Singapore Corps, will be competed for on Sunday afternoon at the same time as the S.R.A. monthly shoot. The S RE. (V.) shoot will take place on Saturday afternoon. The S V.L are having Field Operations on Sunday morning,
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  • 273 8 Before Mr Howard, m the District Court yesterday, a well-known young towkay named Khoo Teck Siong was charged with criminal breach of trust m respect of the sum of tOO, the property of Teo Soon Siang. Mr C. Emerson appo ired and prosecuted, and Mr li.
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  • 189 8 Vessel Believed To Be Badly Ashore. It is stated on good authority, that the cable steamer Patrol is badly ashore on the reef off Tanjong Ares point, and that she was going full speed when she struck. The Dutch steamer Sarie Borneo passed the Patrol lying
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  • 146 8 The steamer Teresa brought a cargo of 250 pigs from Sourabaya. A cargo of rice arrived by the Norwegian steamer Dott yesterday from Bangkok. The British steamer Glenogle brought over eight hundred passengers from Rangoon and Penang. From P. Soe3oe yesterday the British steamer Vedra arrived with 2,600
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 4 8 PIANOS Bought, SoJdjDr^ Exchanged
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    • 186 8 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART .AATSCHAWJ. LTxder Contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore, Ships' Agency, late J. Daendeis Co.. 2-3. Coilyer Quay. THE UNDERMENTIONED DATES OF DEPARTURE ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE. s.s. van RIEBEECK Batavia. Java-Coast, Samarang, Soerabaja. Makasser, BalikPapan, Donggala, Amoerang. Menado, Siaoe. Taroena, Peta. Liroeng, Ternate, Totok, Gorontaio
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 403 8 PASSENGERS. Per Glenogle Mr and Mrs J. Hall. Per Carlyle Mr Evans, Mr and Mrs van der Stadt, Mr Dias. Per Ban Yong Seng Mr J. H. Wigon van Edema, Mr A. Rovekamp. Per Perak Mr and Mrs J. Smith, Mrs Davidson, Messrs C. Watson, Engring, B. Albert, J. A.
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    • 518 8 VESSELS IN POUT. M en-of.war F^.J^ »tL^l CZ_ T^rS Pol V. < CW. Aug.H P- Lneertai, sea Mew Ooi. laom j/rom :.nsijrnee Ship "SS >' B_£o. ES s B»H«gLeongßnt7lo X > -i-vfc Bangkok 22 Bonbat gam3s2 Ugl8B_«l Seng Chan Bangkok 21 Breid Nor 645 I■ U, tog 10 PokSong- 6-
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