The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 20 August 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 123 1 Tuesday's racing at Taiping Page 8. The Goularte murder cas9 was begun m the poliea courts yesterday Page 8. Judgment was reserved m the Erika case yesterday Page 8. The Hogan affair has been again brought forward m the Supreme Court Page 8. Greeks and Bulgarians are
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  • 901 1 >h wad some power the giftie, gie us, tae see ourselve.- rs see us So sang Robbie Burns half a century ago, and the power is fct. ll undiscovered. Perhaps the amateur photographer comes nearer to giving satisfaction on this point than anyone else. Not the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 160 1 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR Co., Ltd. 15, BATTERY ROAD. DEPOT AND SOLE AGENTS FOR ALPHA BRAND Motor Oils, Gylinder, 3\ir Gooled 9 Water Gooled. Gallon, 1 Gallon Tins 2 Gllon, 5 Gallon Tins AS SUPPLIED TO H. M. GOVERNMENT. I m****mmmm*mm**mm***********************************m WAYANG KASSIM. THE WDRA-ZAWBAR ROYAL THEATRICAL Co. AT TB M
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    • 505 1 TATTERSAITS Monster Consultations GEORGE ADAMS, HOBART, TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA. ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS. lam am tmm mm am*. ■mi« lA awm m* 0n all Swee P s on ra ces mn after iUlDfiDXflly January Ist. 1905, the lasmaaWll SiFI I &aPfi la! 11l nian Government Stamp Tax will Ifil Uiliflila liy 8
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    • 102 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Teplitz, a new mineral water Page 4. Sailing of the s.s. Muttra for Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta on Aug. 21— Page 7. Wanted. Situation as bookeeper. Small bungalow m Tanglin district Page 1. Notice re cancellation of Mr. Somerset Playne's power of attorney for Lloyds Publishing Company Page
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 239 1 Taiping Races. S.R E. Military Engineering 5.15 p Maxim Coy. Lecture on Mechanism. The B. 1. Teesta to-day, due London Sept 13. The M M leaves Aug 24, due London Sept 17. The NDL leaves Aug 21, due Hongkong Aiii* 25, Shanghai Aug 2s, Yokohama S J pt 3.
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  • 281 2 RIVAL m Rani; KOK. The thirty-knot torpedo-boat destroyer and thm torpedo boeia, eonstroetedhytbt KawaDockyard Co.. Kobe Japan, to the order ment, crossed the Bar on s today night and came up rivt Iyi st) 1 HY] LOth) morning. The riotilla pnseed Paknan) a: 7.3€ and came up
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  • 222 2 A corresponded An exciting incil 'ace at Laiku i. Dear BareUly, while some scouts ot the 12th Lancers m the Black Panel Ear tbfl purposes of traintag One of the scout-. Corporal J. Spender, came ipon a burgs Uaci panther. Immediately bringing his title to hu
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  • 249 2 The Guides representatives atßisley have been presented to the Crown Prince of Sweden, who chatted with them for some minu. A Chinese cycle dealer of Victoria Stret has reported to the police the disappearance of a bicycle valued at -521. He hired il -o a Hokien ou July 30 and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1099 2 JOHN LITTLE Co, Ltd. I One good ijP^k as-J-i *s* *Jt <rl-Ww^^s-ai^y i \^y\ v y:oepi^- lif§i]ll mt\m*mMm ll Wi \v^ Lc *^^^^r^'' 7 '\S '-Ur" <-*■■ j \!S JOHN LITTLE COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICES. LIOYD'S GREATER BRITAIN PUBLISHING CO, LTO. I, the undersigned, Reginald Lloyd, hereby give notice that owing
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    • 392 2 Hbwrtiscmcnts. INSURANCES. MOTOR-GAR INSURANCE. Premiums 'J. 3, 4 and 5% per annum according to nature of risk. For full particulars apply to The Borneo Company Ltd. July 29 29.8 NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO., LTD. FIRE AND MARINE. YANG-TSZE INSURANCE ASSOC, LTD. MARINE. CHINA FiRE INSURANCE CO., LTO. FIRE. Fire and
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    • 577 2 H£\>crt!f<mcnL.. BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai BanMng Corporation. Paid-it Capital ...$15,000,000 Reskkvi Wmn Sterling Reserve $15,000,000 OQ X Silver Reserve $13,500,000 j s( *>,ooQ Rbservi Liability oi Proprietors -.115,000,000 CurKT E. Shbllim, Esq. Chaikm&k Bob. Mi :esson— Deputy Chairman E. G. Baerett, Esq. W. Hklsik, Esq. CG X Brcderskn, Esq C. X
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  • 330 3 H Powder Magazine m Pbi Psadng, llth aagaaki In consequence of the explosion of the magazine of an garrison m Peking, the Waiwupu bas requested, aii the Foreign j Ministers to have their respective powder magazines removed outside the city limits for safe-. (kana smuggl: A large seizure
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 309 3 A Reliable Remedy for Dysentery and Diarrhcea. season is at hand when diarrhoea and v are prevalent, a reliable remedy should always be kept m the house for immediate use. The succ*. I r. amber lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy m the ment of bowel trouble, has brought it
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    • 623 3 fltwertiacments. AUGTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF Land and Houses (By Ordeh of the Supreme Court.) Tuesday, 25th August, at 2-30 p.m. Nine shop-house dwellings being Nos. 1 to 9 Cheang Teo Place, Singapore Town, area 8,940 square feet comprised m Statutory Grant 6.203 quit rent §5 per annum. POWELL Co, Auctioneers.
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    • 424 3 H&verttsements nUVTIONs. AUCTION SALE OF Superior Teak Household Furniture, Excellent Toned Cottage Piano &c. AT ERIN LODGE," EMERALD HILL ROAD (OFF ORCHARD ROAD) On Saturday. 29th August, at 1-30 p. m. An excellent toned cottage piano m oak frame by Misquith ft Co., upholstered teak revolving piano stool beautifully carved
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    • 521 3 H&vertiaements. TO LET. TO LET A House Ne. 26 Mohamed Sultan Koad. Apply to H. Somapah, 13 Raffles Place. Aug 19 20.9 TO BE LET From lst September No. 5 Villa Marina. Tanjong Katong. Apply to STEPHENS PAUL Co. Aug 19 v.c TO LET No. 10 and 12 Mount Elizabeth,
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    • 118 3 I HOUSE PROPERTY ENHANCED S IN VALUE if it is known that the Wood -work has been treated with JODELITE. hviait. ice- m r^cv"^**^'" The results of 20 years' tests m the Tropics have proved that this PreservaABSOLUTE SAFEGUARD WHITE ANTS, DRY ROT, TEREDO NAVALIS DZCAY. 1 Gallon $2.50, 5
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 15 4 At ijrange-rd bingapore on Aug. iytn, tne wife of J. Winsemius of a daughter.
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    • 15 4 On August 15, Sir Charles Gage-Brown, k.C.m.g., M.D., 1.1.d., &c, aged years. By cable.
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  • 1449 4 The Singapore Free Press. Thursday, Aug. 20, 1908. the Feopl**'p ris'it maintain, V •>'■ and unbribed by gain I i yalty and Law We note that m a certain proportion of the London press and amongst financial circles m the City, there has been expressed some degree of scepticism as
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  • 259 4 The death is reported at Peshawar on 6th instant of Major F. McDowell, 11. A. M. C. H. E. the Governor and party returned from Penang yesterday m the Sea Mew. The death is reported at Luckuow of Lieut Philbrick, S'h Rajputs, of enteric fever on th instant. Two Klings
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  • 179 4 The Kamo Maru. which left Sing last night on her maiden trip to Europe, carries among other passengers a number of distinguished peopi a attach*,. 'ne Japanese diplomatic service. They include Mr. V Yadirf/i, Aiio goes to occupy a high at the Japanese Embassy m London, Mr.
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  • 519 4 Supplementary )rders of the 1 the particulars of the sums needed to make up the vote »00 for additional c ment for the Government Wharves, P« Lighten connections and ti are the principil liem^-. Mr. John Anderson asks the qufstions A^ the Report on the Trade of li
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 264 4 Bl fll BB^k fly immmmS^^k^kwaaaaaaaa A NATURAL Sparkling Mineral Water. In Cases of 100 Pints. CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO. j FOS. TWO WEEKS ONLYI-M II II II II II 11^ II II II II II II II 2*^ SPECIAL SHOW ;i A LARGE VARIED 8 Lacquered Work Ecxes h IJ T
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    • 281 4 2 STUDIOS 2 1 Adapted to the Morning and I to the Afternoon Light. They are the Largest, Coolest and best Equipped Studios m the Colony, and are situated m the most picturesque part of the town, adjoining Government House Domain Moreover, we possess m a high degree all the
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  • 70 5 MIXERS ENTOMBED. Little Hope of Rescue. Submarine Telegraph Reuter's.^ Ree. Ang 19th, £48 pm. An explosion has Mkeu place mt the pole Collier Wigan. Seventy-six miners are entombed. Rescue parties have gone down but are iered by gas, and there is little hope of rescuing the imprisoned men.
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  • 55 5 INDIANS IN THE TRANSVAAL. A Possible Compromise. A ig. I. ..">0 p.m. Daily Telegraph correspondent at Johannesburg Baya that Mr. Gandhi, thelnD lawyer, has met the Government and rs of the Opposition, and it is be--1 that a compromise has been reached whereby the lud ian Registration Act wili iaied
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  • 58 5 BLACK WHITE MUDDLE. Kee g _'l a.m. An extraordinary sequel to the race war between blanks and whites at Springfield, the negro who was accused of asg a white w and was identi- by her as her molester, has conclusively proved his innocence. It was this allegation that started the
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  • 34 5 (Ff \nt.) Ipoh, August P>th. reported that a Sikh policeman has a S rgeant id, for report- him for being asleep while on duty. The the shooting are not yet to
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  • 226 5 >od many will remember the classical .uiple of th ation of the tender with the Fire B m the Gilbert I Sullivan lolanthe," where the Fairy Queen sings of the famous former ef ol the Metropolitan Fire Brigade Oh, Captain Sh tw f true love
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  • 102 5 ::in^ katis peppe sentenced r by Mr Coinidn, o hit nd, iv tbeL c.-can, lent of the S ed there by Dr C. W. Nt m I>r Andrews, it may be remembered, visited Chris -land I D Bi he -tayed on the p ■r a year, for tbe purpose of
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  • 68 5 STILL FIGHTING. (By Submarine Telegraph. Reuter's.) Rec. Aug. 19, 10. 21 am. Hostility between the Bulgarians and Greeks m Macedonia continues. Official despatches from Athens bitterly complain of the Bulgarian attacks on the villagers, as attempts to force them to abandon the patriarchist faith. They declare that the Bulgarians
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  • 34 5 America Feeling It. The trade depression m America is similar to that m England. Imports for the seven months have decreased by over fifty million sterling, and exports by nearly eighteen millions.
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  • 385 5 The Newspapers and City men are sceptical of the suggested naval loan. RECALCITRANT VENEZUELA. Aug. 19th, 9.34 a.m. The United States have expressed sympathy with Holland regarding Venezuela, and does not oppose the Dutch blockade or other maritime measures, provided that there is no military occupation. London,
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  • 249 5 -•/ecial correspondent of the Glasgow Herald avers that there is no disguising the fact that sentiment is much improved, I that leading bousea are now taking decidedly more interest m tin. There are indications which tend to favor the prosecution of a bull campaign. Heavy lines have lately been
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  • Correspondence
    • 1264 5 To the Editor, In your editorial of to-day, Wednesday, the 19th, I noticed several paragraphs to which I would like to draw your attention, as well as that of those who have sc»en them. I wish to be brief and concise and answer some of your statements, from
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  • 262 5 Tabloid Bridge is a small book which will probably excite a good deal of interest locally. It is the work of Mr W. O'Connor and contains m condensed forma great deal of bridge lore. One does not suppose that all the principles, or theories, or practices
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  • 76 5 The reports as to the mishap to the cable steamer Patrol, which left here recently on cable work on tha Borneo-Celebes grouud. appear now to be fully confirmed. The latest information is to the effect that the ship is aground on the soutii point of Aroe
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  • 58 5 The half yearly meeting of the above associal ion was held last evening m the offices at Raffles Place. The balance sheet showed that rhe association is m a very flourishing: 3 condition, and generally the affairs of the body are entirely satisfactory. The balance sheet was passed,
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  • 177 5 The following- episode is vouched for by a lady wbo formed one of a recent deputation to the Prime Minister, iv connection with the franchise crusade. Tho party, consisting of some twelve ladies, was shown into Mr Asquith's study, and at their heels came a quietly- dressed
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  • 15 5 Make it one of your regular habits to keep
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 235 5 ROBinson co f^m%Sm THE GILLETTE I SAFETY RAZOR. '1 One of the most perfect Shaves. Made of Solid Metal. Triple Silver Plated. In silk lined leather <-^r\. case with 12 Blades each with two Edges. Price $9 net. Every blade set ready f" Extra Blades m packets of 10 $1.25.
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  • 415 6 Fran. o-Brhish Exhibit The Growl Colonies' exhibit at the Franco- British Exhibition has proved to be one of the j ijest attractions on the educational and commercial side of the great exposition. This j is greatly due to the interesting way m which the products and manufactures
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  • 30 6 Philip Reiusdoiff, Consul for Germa: rmosa, has been appointed German" Consul for Vladivostock. He is on his bk new I he German Government has closed up the Consulate m Formosa.
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  • 72 6 Bowel Complaint m Children. During the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels which should receive careful attention as soon as the first unnatural looseness of the boi appears. The best medicine m use ior bowel complaint is Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy aa it promptly
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 143 6 APARTMENTS. PAYING GUESTS. Lady living at Tanglin can receive guests, two married couples, or three bachelor-. Excellent accommodation. G.Y.S. c o Singapore Free Pr Aug 5 Rooms with board for bachelors and marcouple, Tennis Court. Terms Moderate. Appiy to Mrs. ORRE, 7, Oxley Rise. Oct II tts SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING. A:
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    • 442 6 H&vcrtiscmenra. SHIPPING. RYI JAPAN SAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. S*9 i\/^^S t A regular FORTNIGHTLY Service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the foi owing NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Unde* Mail Contracts with ths Imperial Japanese Government. Specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted t aroughoutby Electricity, provided with
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    • 597 6 Btwertteemente. SHIPPING. P. o. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London, Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coaat, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Porta. Steamers will leare Singapore on oz about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) 1908 Devanha Aug.
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    • 635 6 advertisements. SHIPPING OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan evory week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight, and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward
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    • 611 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. The steamers of tbis Company maintain a rs^olar service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, tbey are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 511 6 Htocrtiscmcnta. SHIPPING. NDT Norddeutscher Lloyd, BremeL IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg na Rotterdam, Antwerp, s ml siampton Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naplee, Alexandria and SMI versa; r Said, Suez, Aden, Oeiosebe, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki
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  • 174 7 lollowiag is the eighty-sixth report to I to Urn ordinary half-yearly genmeeting on 'rind August. The Dneeton have now to submit to you a General Statement of the affairs of the Bank, and Balance Sheet Eot Urn half-year endinJ '*oth June, 1908. The net profits
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  • 170 7 is a result of Mr Bekky's tour of in*pection, the Yokohama Specie Bank have led to opeD branches or agencies m D, Singapore, Montreal, Vancouver. and Seattle. Considering that the International Bank found that, m the then prevailing state of affairs, it was not worth while
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  • 71 7 The death took place at the Bo wen Road ary Hospital, Hongkong, on the 10tb. Ifr. Waiter Godfrey Staekwood, Naval Ordnance officer, aged 49 years. The deceased, who was a native of Essex, had previous•rved one ter:. m Hongkong, indreturaed about nn kg Ar tbe time he ibout to visit
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  • 74 7 (Corrected up to Aug 19.) Bank 4 m/s 2/4fV m demand 2,3-jf Private credits 3 m/s 2/4 T 5 fi credits 6 m/s 2/4-£ France, demand Bank 2914 Gmmany, demand 237 TNDIA.T. T, 175 S Hongkong, demand 23% Yokohama, demand 113} Java, demand 139 J Bangkok, demand w 66
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  • 131 7 Aug 19 *rin w $66,621 Gambicr buyers 7.70 Gambier Cube No. 1 11.75 Gambier Cube No„ 2 10.00 Pepper Black (ord'n. S'powrt buyers 10.90 Pepper, White (fairL.W. Epc, buyers 17.00 Nutmegs (110 to the ib.).„ 19.00 Nutmegs (80 to fche ib.) 21 .00 Mace (Banda) nom Cloves (Ambcina) Liberian
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  • 688 7 Capital Capital Isaac Paid Issued paid op V*!a« ap Company. Quarto* $300,000 300,000 10 lv Belat Tin Mining Co. Ltd $300,000 225,000 10 10 Braang Limited 600 $600 000 600,0(0 10 10 Brnseb Hydraulic T*n M. Cc. Ltd 11 4400.000 550,000 1 1 Duff Development Co Ltd 050 60,000
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 540 7 I Htocrtiecments. egggy BBEBBSB WANTED. lMUNICIPAL NOTICE. g The Municipal Commissioners require the cJ services of two Overseers upon their New j Water Works. Applicants must have had previous experience upon public works and none without such experience need apply. Salary §60 per mensem with free unfur- nished quarters. t
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    • 479 7 Hbverttaemcnte. On the Berth. British India S. N. Co. Ltd. FOR Penang:, Rangoon and Calcutta, THE COMPANY'S STEAMER MUTTRA 4,644 tons, C. Hugill, Commander, will be despatched for the above ports on Friday, the 21st< inst., at 5 p.m. She has excellent accommodation for first and second class passengers. For
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    • 340 7 On the Berth. SINGAPORE TO BANGKOK. The steamer Ban Hong Liong," Captain Rushton, will leave Singapore on Saturday, August 22nd, and fortnightly hereifter. Comfortable accommodation for hrst and second class passengers. Electric Light. LOW STM CO., Chop BAN HON<,. 36, Boat Quay. Au g 19 23.8 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION
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    • 260 7 THE YOKOHAHA DOQft CO., LTD. Length inside 514 ft. Length inside 375 ft Width of entrance, top 95 ft., bott Width of entrance, top 60 5 ft bott tO It. 45 t j 1 m .aaa w-vvv. Water on blocks 27.5 ft. Water on blocks 20 ft Time to pump
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  • 675 8 RIAL IN SUPREME COURT, Lv the Supreme Court, yesterday, Mr TnrtiotD Senombe Smith had before him the c isc of the Procureur m Singapore of La Sw 1 Missions Btnagerea and another v A Bmslifl Bea ob, which wis an action for kgH I r alleged mi-
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  • 106 8 Iv the Supreme Court yesterday the case m which Mr Emannuel di Polline, of sought to recover damages m rvices reneamahip v Erika" m July ther considered before Mr Smith, with whom Capt. sa. "Teesta" sat as as Mr P. M. Elliot appeared for the .tiff and
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  • 789 8 Chins vkarpen Before a Magistrate Chinnakarpen, a Kling dogshooter m the employ of the Municipality, was before Mr Green, the second magistrate, yesterday, for preliminary enquiry into a charge of murder by shooting Inspector Goularte of the Supression of Ribies Department. Mr Hasting Rhodes, I >eputy Public
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  • 85 8 Major Vanrenen, the Acting Commandant of the M. S. Guides, leaves for Home on the 21st inst. Capt. Woodward, of tho Maiav States Guides, has postponed his return to India till the return of Col Walker from Europe, and will act as Commandant of the corps on Major Vanrenen's departure
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  • 210 8 {From our own Correspondent.) First Day's Results. The following are the results of the first day's racing at Taipeng. "First Race —1. Marathon 2. The Barbel. Time 1 rnin. 54 sec. Won by a length. Dividend $6. Second Race. Fell through. Third Race. 1. Second Start 2. Cartoon.
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  • 122 8 YESTERDAY'S PLAY Miss J. Gunn and Mrs G. C. Murray, owe 40, beat Mrs McArthur and Mrs Mactaggart, 15.2, 2—6, 6—l, 6—4. Mrs Waddell and Miss Darbishire beat Mrs Salzmann and Mrs Saunders, 6 3, 6 4. Mixed Doubles A. Class. Miss E. Abrams and
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  • 97 8 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Profession Pairs. Brokers. Cleaver and Lane beat C. S. I. Smith and Young. 6—2, 2 6, ii 1. Press. Davies and Jennings v Accts I. Butler and Galliinore, w. o. Mer. VI. Carmichael and Mason beat Tel. 11. Cuseaden and Smith, S— 6, 6 l.
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  • 237 8 ALLEGED MURDERER COMMITTED TO ASSIZES. A Chinaman named Li Tui was a before Mr Green, the second magistrate, yesterday afternoon, for preliminary enquiry into a charge of murder by poisoning his wife, and a man. It will be remembered that the assistant Government Analyst was unable to say
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  • 166 8 The M. M. company's steamer ErnestSimons left Col mbo at noon yesterday and may be expected here on Monday at 6 a.m. The B. I. Contract Packet Taroba, with the London mails of the 31st ultimo, left Negapatam at 7 am. on Sunday, the 16th instant, and may
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 3 8 Rheumatic Pains Relieved
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    • 19 8 Says the Ipoh paper What is to be kuown as "The People's Park," the large open space behind Treacher
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    • 86 8 We learn, says In Tinland, that the Hieh Commissioner, *F. M. S., has approved the recommendation made by tbe Acting Resident of Perak and the Warden of Mines to I employ, temporarily, two Inspectors and a number of Malays to be engaged m supposing illicit mining m Perak. Several Chinese
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    • 180 8 0£ KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Utwwm Contract with the Netherlands India Government. Affents ™Sapore, Ships Agency, late J. Daendeis Co., 2-3. Coilyer Quay THE UNDERMENTIONED DATES OF DEPARTURE ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE. s.s. Valentyn Sambas s.s. van RIEBEECK Batavia. Java-Coast. Samarang, Soerabaja er, BalikPapan, Donggala, Amoerang. Menado, Siaoe. Tare Peta. Liroeng, Ternate.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 389 8 PASSENGERS. Per Breid Mr and Mrs R. M. Fustien. Per Boribat Messrs Beer and Norr. Per Muttra Baron Yon Richthofen, Messrs Markham, T. Smith, E. Goodger, Prusick, Mr and Mrs Bacon and one child, Mrs Simons and two daughters. Per P&O Nore from London.— Mr H. Graves, Mis Tomlinson, Miss
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    • 635 8 VESSELSIN PORT. Men-of-war Flag and Tons Commanders Arrive. j From When Zahora Sar. Yacht SOO R. Brooke Ang 7 Sea Mew Col. Yacht SO* Coh- Aug 19 P*fl tato 1 Ship Flag Tons Master Am ved From Consigns 6 Castor Brit 868 Philip Lag 10 Pekalongan Kat/ Bro P. Sembilan
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