The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 19 August 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 114 1 An alliance between America and China is suggested Page 5. The Westminster Gazette supports thc Naval emergency fund scheme Page 5. Extensive cavalry mao-uvres are takiDg place on Salisbury Plain Page 5. The cable ship Patrol is reported ashore m Pulo Laut Straits Page S. Turkish reforms
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  • 1362 1 "Come with me to tbe Doctor's Shop." Thete is a peculiar fascination m the array of bottles, jai and boxes that adorn the shelves of the chemist but this feeling is intensified when it is m the occupancy of the Chinese doctor. The contents of the one
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 123 1 0A j &J S\ O favourably known for 1 1 la W I 1 fla l»^sif 50 years m the Straits. R Upright Grand. Pianola. I f% f% The Best and the Cheapest m the Mil I ijl Market. MOW ROOMS, 375 Victoria Street, A. FRANKEL Co., Sub-Agents. L cleared.
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    • 304 1 IMPORTANT TO ENGINEERS! V* LiON"aUTOMATie For PUMPS and dl j Steamat -Water Packing HYDRAULrC WORK. w I g L !°*Z KLOeKSteam For GENERAL USE. < I jl and WATER P7I&KIIVG STEAM and WATER. g I L i?r^Z BM C For DIFFICULT Work. 3~ I (PATbNT) pj^ I Steam <$> Water
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    • 84 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Lessons given m Chinese Page 2. Second hand sailing boat wanted Page 6. Fresh tours at Hales show Page 1. Wayang Kassim to-night, Pan.ji Smerang Page 1. Great land and property auction on Aug. 27 Page o. Rubber tyred gharry and pony for sale Page 2. Auction of
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 255 1 Hieb Water:- 3 13 a., 3.26 p 3.C.0 Tennis. Royal Asiatic Sor. Mtg., Raffles Museum, 5 p 8.1. Mail Homeward closes, 3 p Singapore Club Meeting, 5.15 p S. V. A. Lecture on Ammunition. S.R E. Military Engineering 5.15 p Maxim Coy. Lecture on Mechanism. \w^~ —^*w MAIL TABLE. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 359 2 aaam ————mm——————————— The constant extension of our works combined with improvi d methods of manufacture, has enabled us to lower the cost of production. I The RU 14 F 1 \m [s the tyre that wins all the l TARGA FLORIO (277 J miles) First NINE on Micheiins J I
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    • 467 2 NOTWES. NOT'CE is hereby given that the business of Jitts Co. printers, bookbinders, lithographers, rubber stamp manufacturers, and commission agents carried on at No. 311 North Bridge Road will as from the lst day of September 1908 be I carried on by the undersigned Oh Jitt Seng and Scow Siew
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    • 613 2 advertisements. NOTieES. MADAME FAMBON, LADY DENTIST High Class Work Moderate Price. No. 215, Orchard Road. Nov 21 a-c ■*t_m_^**_&_Waßaaeß***eKK*a\aa\aaa\a\a\\^^ SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING Promptly executed. Absolute secrecy guaranteed. Mrs. E. F. HOWELL, Cavenagh Bridge Buildings, Raffles Hotel. ii hi —innwTinr^~~*"~**~^ tM ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS. The Half Yearly General Meeting of the Association
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    • 377 2 advertisements. INSURANeES. MOTOR-GAR INSURANCE. Premiums 2, 3, 4 and 5"o per annum according to nature of risk. 1 or full particulars apply to The Borneo Company Ltd. July 29 29 8 NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO,, LTD. FIRE AND MARINE. YANG-TSZE INSURANCE ASSOC. LTD. CHINA F,RE INSURANCE CO., LTO. Fire and
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    • 524 2 Hopcrnsemcmu BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai BaaJting Corporation. Paid-up Capital 15,000,000 Reserve Fund Sterling Reserve $15,000,000} t n P tnn 4V iA Silver Reserve $13,500,000 28 50 °.000 Reserve Liability N Proprietors ♦.—515,000,000 Court op Directors. E. Shellix, Esq. Chaiama* Hon. Mr. W. .1. GrßassOM —Deputy Chairman. E. G Barrett, Esq. W.
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  • 215 3 Paris. July 2 2. Bag to La Praam M intmif," Japanese exploi- raved a new .1. which has been ca'.'.- 1 Niahigawa, in ,j which 1: mgern m the aorth+Paci sailing from the coast of r raaoaa. The neu i is surrounded by lal
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  • 366 3 Mr. A of The Gardens, Sandling Park, Hythe. Kent. England, wrote us on April 190">. describing his terrible suffering from paralysis bladder, and of his wondt-rful recovery through using Doan's Backache Kidney PUB. The case being one of such exceptional mee commissioned a special representative Ir.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 179 3 Bowel Complaint ia Children. a-ing tin summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels which should receive careful attention as sooi. the first unnatural looseness of the bowels appears. The best medicine m use for bowel complaint is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as it promptly con;
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    • 620 3 flfcpcrtiscmcnts. AUGTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF Land and Houses (By Order of the Supreme Court.) Tuesday, 25th August, at 2-30 p.m. Nine shop-house dwellings being Nos. 1 to 9 Cheang Teo Place, Singapore Town, area 3.940 square feet comprised m Statutory Giant 6,208 quit rent $5 per annum. POWELL Co. Auctioneers.
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    • 423 3 advertisements. AU&TION*. AUCTION SALE OF Superior Teak Household Furniture, Excellent Toned Cottage Piano &c. AT ERIN LODGE," EMERALD HILL ROAD (OFF ORCHARD ROAD) On Saturday, 29th August, at 1-30 p. m. An excellent toned cottage piano m oak frame by Misquith Co., upholstered teak revolving piano stool beautifully carved teak
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    • 535 3 Bbvcrtiscments* TO LET. TO LET A House No. 26 Mohamed Sultan Road, Apply to H. Somapah, 13 Raffles Place. Aug 19 20.9 i TO BE LET From lst September No. 5 Villa Marina, Tanjong Katong. Appiy to STEPHENS PAUL Co. Aug 19 v.c TO LET No. 10 and 12 Mount
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    • 136 3 There is no Work Possible on the lost Expensive Machine which cannot be Performed on 'I [the Empire typewriter I V_C* k Qcntlemtn. J It is guaranteed to outlast the highest It is without clumsiness or excessive Its Simplicity and Beautiful work have gained for it the highest praise from
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  • 1797 4 The Singapore Free Press. Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1908. es« the Peopl "lairuain, ii n i -'ith h-- etiom-'V'.s prpccnt> draw. We begin to fear that some considerable proportion of the people of the United St ites are troubled just now, and willbe for some little time to come, with a
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  • 217 4 Three Eurasian Boi I Alfrgd. Joseph and France Eurasian lada, wen charged be Thunder, the fourth magistrate, yet afternoon, with mischief by cutti belonging to a Kling. They claiL tried. Pongapan, a Kling mandore emp! Tanjong Pig ck, said that <»o the noon ot the live of his
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  • 123 4 The Unregistered is as active ia utilising what he te be his God- given opoort ac is m Singapore. In t I Europeans charged a boy, fortnerh employ, with theft. Sine- the prisoner had been liberated on bail complainants had m a meatsafe discovered a pile of
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  • 90 4 The following is the result of crushing operations at lUub for the four weeks ending 15th instant Bukit Koman. Stone crushed 3,540 tons Gold obta ned 686 ounces Average per 5 dwts. Bukit Mala Gold obtained 97 ounces Average per ton 1 dwt. Result of Cyanide operations for
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  • 173 4 •> < The police have made another connection with the recent gang 'hu Kang. Four met custody. The body of Cbiaasaaa ing by his queue m a hou lay. It is believed by the 5 be a case of suic; On Wednesday P .m. tl erian Church wil by the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 482 4 FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY!-^ m ww -r—r —r—r ww tmm Www w w w w A w AX.J_ -Ax ■AVA. AX-. ->-> M.J- -.A- AXAX A-A- A. Ax AX Ax Ax AX AX AX. W A !j SPECIAL SHOW I OF m JAPANESE li H M I M H I
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    • 308 4 I 2 STUDIOS 2 I Adapted to the Morning and I to thc Afternoon Light. They are the Largest, Coolest and best Equipped Studios m the Colony, and are situated m the most picturesque part of the town, adjoining Government House Domain Moreover, we possess m a high degree all
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  • 59 5 SUPPORTED BY LIBERAL PAPER. A Significant Article. Submarine Telegraph Reuter' Rec. Aug. 1 pm. praph alludes to an article the r Gazette, pleading m led terms for the adoption of the naval loan scheme, which it says would make clear '1 parties what, if the situation remains
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  • 44 5 GREAT CAVALRY MANCEUVRES. A Fortnight's Mimic War, .0 pm. An extensive scheme of cavalry man haa been begun on Salisbury Plain, operations are to be conducted on a scale unpre m British man-tuvres, .t is generally expected they will l?st B full fortnight. W»«Wfl
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  • 18 5 i. tho new Minister of War has died suddenly of angina tn Pasha succeeds him.
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  • 34 5 The Turkish Minister of Public Works, m an mter\ 1 that he had telegraphed to England and France for specialists to Mie of roadmaking and a m Turkey, helped by foreign capi-
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  • 216 5 Mohamed appeared before Lieut p* Master Attendant, yesterday, ibeentfrom the steamer n the 13th instant and of wilful disobedience to a lawful command. The accused pleaded guilty on both charges. The captain said the accused left the ship without permission, and further he had not seen him till
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  • 56 5 ■cc m the employ of a I before Mr Grad magistrate, yesterday, on a g 'ame horse tia. Tl; g id and was ad both hind legs. lons. The by Mr Falshtw, the S o, as unfit :k. oa of the P. C. A. Depart The
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  • 45 5 of late binese coolies uad m crowded streets, know where all les come from. Chinese youths of the man, third m rash riding m I^nce showed that they 130 on Monday raffic by their both to 1 them to 0 each.
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  • 100 5 TALK OF ALLIANCE. Some Disquietude. (By Submarine Telegraph. Reuter's.) Received Aug 18th, 9.55 a.m. The New York Herald is ventilating the idea of an American Alliance with Japan as a counterbalance to Japanese Power, but the movement possesses little substance. The correspondent of the Times at Washing?
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  • 42 5 Rec. Aug. 18th, :>.4 pm. Reuter telegraphs as a correction to the previous telegram alleging that an alliance is proposed between the United States and Japan, that it is an alliance with China that is proposed as a counterbalance to Japanese
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  • 23 5 Rec. Aug. 18, 9.55 am. The threatened lock-ouc among shipbuilders at Stettin has been averted and work has been resumed.
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  • 139 5 Chinaman Committed to the Assizes. Mr. Green, second magistrate, continued the preliminary enquiry, yesterday, into the charge of attempted murder brought against a Hokien named Tan Seng Bun. It was allege! that the accused stabbed Tan Ti Koh, his landlord, who had gone to his house m Rochore
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  • 217 5 -M<'ST unjustifiable case on Felice constable and a woman, both Bengalis, were aga^'n before Mr. Green, the second magistrate, yesterday, for further evidence to be taken m the preliminary enquiry into the charge of murder brought list them by causing the death of two .ralis. the woman's
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  • 130 5 erday Lieut Citor. acting Master Attendant, sentenced Lihman to four weeks' vigorous imprisonment f,»r having a fire on rd a tongkang which was loaded with petroleum, rashly and negligently so as to endanger human life. By the Darvel leaving on Saturday, the Hon'ble W\ C. Michell, Acting Auditor Genera), goes
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  • 873 5 SEOUEL TO THE ErIKA MISHAP So far back as July 1905 the steamship Erika went aground near Mariupol m the Gulf of Taganrog, Sea of Azoff. Salvage services were secured and after much difficulty the vessel was refloated. The whole story of the trouble was told m the
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  • 121 5 We see that it is reported m a San Francisco cable, dated August 1, that the Chinese Government is making arrangements to establish a Chinese Shipping Company, with a view to competing with the Japanese m the shipping trade between Sin Francisco aud the Far Kast. Three Chinese officials who
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  • 988 5 By the list which we published yesterday, it will be seen that immediate progress is to be made with the Singapore Association Football shield, m fact the first match took place on Monday and the second was played yesterday. A good deal of the speed which is being
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 199 6 CHILDREN'S READING AND EDUCATION. I home paper observe. —There is complaint concerning tbe quality of stones nipplied to theyouth of the country Too often i ia .rs presume that the child hmaaai ifcaan^j km toaal ol intelh*em a. W ith the result that tne .tory-book at host tans to ;>an
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  • 85 6 i V ft re lsla de Luzon returns to sunny An n August 4, she will carryback again to Castile's shores Sr. Don Kamuran, wbo has Ween ordered deported by the local authorities. This man arrived here upon the 1 trip, having been deported from Singapore on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 318 6 A E j tor Dysentery nd Diarrhoea. senaon is at hand when diarrhoea nnd rv are prevalent, a reliable remedy should always be kept m tbe bouse for immediate Che access of Chamberlain s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy m the treatment of bowel trouble, bas brought it into almost
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    • 529 6 Advertisements. SHIPPING. Apcar Line. j The undermentioned mail steamers of the above company maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan calling at P*nang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons. Commander. s.s. Japan 6,300 J. G. Olifcnt. s.s. Gregory Apcar 4,606 S. H. Belson. s.s. Arratoon Apcar 4,510 A.
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    • 594 6 I Hovcrtisement3. SHIPPING. I P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Ooast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamera will leare Singapore on or aboat MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) 1908
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    • 633 6 Hbvcrti3cmcnto. SHIPPING OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight, and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward
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    • 615 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. The steamers of tbis Company maintain a re'olar service between Hamburg. Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Str; Cbina and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 440 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. JLa/« JLn^» Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-tnown man ntaMM rs ot this Company sail lortnighti, fr men. Hamburg vis Rotterdam, Antt erp, Southampton Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection M*Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penan., Singai re, Hongkong, Shanghai,
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  • 452 7 1 H Fk N'\ \t Work. lon. Aogosi 11. The French Admiralty are conducting mv 0 the French Tbe scheme of operations v an attack by hips on >-de-Caiais coast, m the item to force tbe defences a: that point. In addition to tbe land defences a fleet
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  • 148 7 HISGEN FOR PRESIDENT Mai |er thus ironieallv signalises the Mr. Hearst's In- party B That's a name to conjure M ci the old f.imily of Hisgens. L .rst has cruelly dv g i trom i idows of his vine .nd thrust him into the Ua .'on. President of the United
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  • 75 7 (Corrected up to Aug 18.) Bank 4 m/s 2/4 1 demand w 2/3a| Private credits 3 m/s w 2/4 credits 6 m/s 2/4 T 7 g Francb, demand Bank,« M 2914 Gbbmant, demand India T T 175* Hongkong, demand 23% Yokohama, demand M 113.} Java, demand 1391 Bangkok, demand
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  • 129 7 rin buyers $66.25 Gambxer buyers 7.62^ Gambior Cuba No. 1 11.75 Gambler Cuba No. 2 10.00 Pepper Black (ord'n. S'pore; buyers 10.90 Pepper, White (fx.irL.W- 5pc, buyers 17,00 Nutmegs (110 to the ib.}..« 19.00 Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) 21 .00 Mace (Band a) M w nom* Clovos (Amboma)
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  • 731 7 Issued p&id np V*la« op Company. QuataHoa 5300,000 iJ«>0,000 10 10 BelatTin Mining Co. Ltd $300,000 225,000 20 10 Eraang Limited 6.00 $600,000 600,600 10 10 Branfa Hj&aahc fti K. do. Ltl 11.00 £400.000 860,000 1 I Drf Dwgtop— fc Ob. Lti 250 60,000 60.000 1 E-ntu Tin IChm
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 14 7 A G I Rale for the Home. your regn) keep Ch< ra and Diarrhoea
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    • 780 7 Singapore Sporting Club. THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING. WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday the 13th, Thursday the 15th and Saturday the 17th October, 1908. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. sday, 13th October, 1908. 1. The Maiden Plate. V due $600 and -'o to the Second Horse. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight 9st.
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    • 780 7 6. The Griffin Consolation. Value $300 and $50 to the Second Horse. A Handicap for all Griffins that have run at this Meeting, and not won. Distance, Race Course. 7. The Overnight Consolation. Value $300 and $50 to the Second Horse. A Handicap for all horses that have run at
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    • 304 7 On the Berth. SINGAPORE TO BANGKOK. The steamer Ban Hong Liong," Captain Rushton. will leave Singapore on Saturday, August 22nd, and fortnightly hereafter. Comfortable accommodation for first and second class passengers. Electric Light. LOW SUM k CO., Chop BAN HON-,. 36, Boat Quay. Aug>» 23.8 CURRIES AUSTRALIAN k INDIAN LINE.
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    • 254 7 mc r^ftunAkfEA UUlm uti** LEtlr Length inside 514 ft. Length inside 375 ft. Width of entrance, top 95 ft., bott Width of entrance, top 60.5 ft. bott. 75 rt. 45.8 ft. Water on blocks 27.5 ft. Water on blocks 20.5 ft. Time to pump out 4 hours. Time to pump
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  • 1018 8 LUNCHEON AND RECEPTION V'teworthv evidence of the eminence of Japan's mercantile navy was on view yesterday bi Singapon Harbour, where the Kamo Mar latent and best of the European liners ot N pp-'U Yusen Kaisha, was anchored. On the invitation of Messrs Paters m Simons Jo, the
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  • 369 8 DRAW BETWEEN S. R. C. AND A small gathering of football enthusiasts assembled on the Esplanade last evening, to witness the game between the S. R. C. and the Royal West Kents 11. team m the competition for the Association football shield. It was noticed that there wore
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  • 205 8 news has as yet haan received as to the Patrol, the Eistern Extension Cable p which went ashore near the Pulo Laut Straits a few days ag'-, having got off. The Patrol was under command of Captain Simmonds, and had latterly returned from Kwandang Bay and had
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  • 59 8 The following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Powell Co's 3ale-room yesterday afternoon. ■it dwelling-houses known as Nos 29, 31, 33 &35 Siso Street and Nos. 22, 24, 26 Js Sago Lane, area 8,620 square feet, 999 years' lease, quit rent S.S per annum. Total monthly
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  • 14 8 We have used Cypridol capsules with brilliant results far irettpr wp nmv c-j-n- fTio-»
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  • 116 8 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Ladies' Singles. Mrs Gansloser beat Mrs Hartnell, 6 —5, 6—5. Ladies' Doubles. Mrs Salzmann and Mrs Saunders, owe 15 2 beat Miss Salzmann and Miss Gibson, 2, w. o. TO-DAY'S TIES. Ladies' Doubles. Mrs McArthur and Mrs Mactaggart, 15.2 v Miss J. Gunn
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  • 151 8 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Profession Pairs. Merts. VI. Carmichael and Mason beat Army V. Lt. Holland and Capt. Blanford, 6—3, 6—o. Medicoes. Dr Simpson and Dr Black beat Law V. Bailey and Carver, 6 l, 7 5. Mupty. Fulcber and Marsh beat Merts. VHI. Millar and Somerviile, 6—B, 6—2,
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  • 417 8 By Major E. C. Ellis, Acting Commandant S. V. C. Singapore. 18th August, 1908. The monthly shoot of the Singapore Rifle jciation will take place on Sunday 23rd, at 2.30 p.m. The Mcßean Cup will be competed for at the same time. S. V- A. Orderly
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  • 203 8 From Langkat yesterday tbe British steamer Fuh Wo arrived with 14,000 tins of kerosene oil. The outward German packet P. E. Friedrich left Colombo at 5 a.m. on Saturday, the 15th instant, and may be expected to arrive here on Friday morning, the 21st instant. The British steamer
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 10 8 rlANUd Bought, Sold or Exchanged Pianos flf~ ?Kl5fl anrl TTrmTay^n
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    • 173 8 rDE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Cnder Contract with the Netherlands India Government Agents at Singapore, Ships' Agency, late J. Daendeis Co., 2-3. Coilyer ttuay. THE UNDERMENTIONED DATES OF DEPARTURE ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE. s.s. Broiwer Moeara Saba, Simpang and Djambi Aug s.s. Valentyn Sambas ##> A s.s. VAN RIEBEECK Batavia. Java-Coast. Samarang,
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 352 8 Per P&O Nubia from Yokohama. Mr and Mrs O'Suliivan froai Hongkong. Mrs M. Husted. Per Sappho Mr and Mrs Owen. Per Dovre Mrs F. R. Miles, Miss S. CLEARANCES. Ranee, Ger. str., Peters, for Deli. Aug 18. Rajah of Sarawak, Sar. str., Moxon, for Sarawak. Amherst, Brit, str Scott, for
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    • 577 8 VESSELSIN PORT. Men-of-war Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From en For Gen. Ba<iuedano Chili, train, ship 1500 Fontaine Aug 15 Manila .iand IS Zahora Sar. Yacht 500 R. Brooke Aug 7 Sarawak -ertain Sea Mew Col. Ya^.ht 500 Coleman Aug 9 Batavia Uncertain Ship Flag Tons Master Arrived From Consignee
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