The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 15 August 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 129 1 The reformation m 'lurkey reads like a| fair} tale— crime decreased by 92 p.^r cent (note the precision) and strikes put down by the Young Turks. Not to mention salaries reduced. Page 5. My Lloyd George h favourably impressed with' tit* proscect of an Anglo- German entente
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  • 932 1 Mire Is the j ue, So the Laud of Scanty Pleasure m. In tbe Land Trouble pie laugh, s people sh mid, But there's alula i iLnp Too I So quotes Ruovard B-iplii Let- th > Fjunil from 2anaca for the irnii ad the iaes, (not the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 191 1 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR Co., Ltd. 15. BATTERY ROTkT>. DEPOT AND SOLE AGENTS FOR ALPHA BRAND Motor Oils, (Cylinder, air Gooled, Water Gooled. 1 Gallon, 1 Gallon Tins 2 Gallon, 5 Gallon Tins AS SUPPLIED TO H. M GOVERNMENTMli 1 W favourably known for fe fell i. U !H_. tta^tP 50
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    • 131 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Partnership wanted situations wanted (two) and teachers wanted for Government Schools Page 5. The Kinta goes to the Sheers Wharf on j Monday to discharge passengers— Page 11. Mrs Xicholson's furniture to be sold. Coghlan Co. Page 5 Tenders invited for Municipal Theatre fur- niture Page 2. Hale's
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 328 1 THE WEEK. Saturday, LH'-e Hiyh Water.— o.-5 a S.V I. Class Firing, 2.50 p S.C.C. Cricket Tournament. Sunday, 16th Water:— 0.41 1.28 p Oth after Trinity. fl Club launches: 9, 10,11, 2.30&5.50p Monday, 17th Hi_?h Water.— l.27 a 2.4 p X D L Mail Homeward due. I_laxim Coy. Maxim Gun
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 798 2 Btwerttaemettte. NOTIGES. TENDERS INVITED. The Municipal Commissioners invite Fur niture Manufacturers to tender for the Supph and Fixing of Teak seating and furniture, rit tings, upholstery, curtains &c, for the Nev Theatre Singapore. Full particulars and form of tender can b( obtained upon application to the Architect; Messrs. Swan and
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    • 433 2 advertisements. INSURANGES. MOTOR-CAR INSURANCE, f Premiums 2, B, 4 and 5 per annum a,c- cording to nature of lisle. t I'or full particulars apply to The Borneo Company Ltd, July 29 29.8 t NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO., LTD. t FIRE AND MARINE. YANG-TSZE INSURANCE ASMS. LTD. MARINE. CHINA F.RE INSURANCE
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    • 377 2 H&verttscmentt,, BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation, Paid-up Caj-ital 15 ,000,000 l i e i e r v b Fund Sterling Reserve $15,000,00' > I tmgk -l *r Reserve $13, 500,000 j 4a W,OOG :Rva LiAßi;.. i j r' pimoM $15,000,000 OF DIRZ'A'A E. nmuuiUMa Fig ffMiimp Kon. Mr. W -Deputy
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 48 2 SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES. Etolj 01. .vaults). Uixss, i Foo C S eon. -tvEET Ci •oi. Mr I n urekes: J re Bahru and j 2 pm. hriatian En- I ■agar Road at 7.Sopm. Bethesda, Brass Babah-B I the Lord's Simper i Bible Clasa and Sunday S^hnr.l 1 j
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  • 1045 3 Tin I». I HP* 9 -MBB. I. ndon, July 17. 1906 last we are fairly m the midai of the His Mrj .'sty, with the _nd the Prince of Wales visited the tnd iy, tad the King declared the Olympic Games open. The ceremony inch. urade of
    1,045 words
  • 271 3 D i;atk on Death Penalty. The Bill for the abolition of the death penalty, introduced by the Government, was practically assured of success, when the series of sensational and repulsive crimes, such as the murder committed by Soleilland, made a tremendous impression on public opinion, and drew attention
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  • 72 3 FfiEi: Trade Britain at the Bottom OF the List. Tiie Postmaster-General gives m the parliamentary papers, m reply to Mr. George Gibbs. the following particulars of the savings per head cf the principal countries m the world deposited m the .-avings banks s. d. Denmark 15
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  • 304 3 THE "LANGSLOWS OF CEYLON. Tbe Ceylon I >l___gmr says Tb« Gov. Pi vinc-e never 1J...- to interest with, tiie past when tl te opportonit] -ented. Mr. Le*- Where can I get information i-J Langslow In Sir Wai Hunter's Tiie Thackerajs m Ind ichmond Thaci er of the novelist, had a
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  • 191 3 Railway Extension to be Be negotiations between the Brit Africa Company and the Congo wh; been m progn-ss for some moutbs wi*. to the extension of tin railways to the Tanganyika now practically cotnplet only remains for ti con tracting parties to be affixed to ti ient
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  • 154 3 The average Englishman will grumble when he goes to Heaven.— Mr A. 1 -hall his grumblings e< For, missing London's busy hum. He'll growl at tin infernal That reigns throughout E j He'll vow. When writing to the club. 1 -hall not send too rosj irt about celestial
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 757 3 "BEFORE I WAS FIFTEEN.' 7 Many Women Sigh For The Happy Days Of Childhood, When Headaches, Backaches, and Anaemia Webb Unknown. DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS Help Women As No Other Medicine Can. They Bring Roses To The Cheeks and Brightness To The Eye, Restore Appetite, Sleep and Strength. Here Is
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    • 360 3 f-_- 1\ \JJ Lai m '?P> £$fj£_r HiC©afl«-*^i Wl IC 1% The Borneo Co., Ltd. aRII I lAHTI^_ t rims MJS.m\mufSmuftJTA&\uMJ^\^9 Billiards, Bombay Our new patent Low Set Express Cushions can be fitted to any Billiard Table, making it fcr playing purposes as good as new. (Freight on a case
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    • 15 3 I RIGAUD'S 1 F V ANANGA I*B TOILET .TER I 2j£. i Beware RIGAUD C
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  • 938 4 Chinese m urriagei oi 'he Rrar, second and lU^rj subordinate degrees like that it fen Sow and his s'.x little wives in the GraUna,** hive occupied the time and taxed the intell :^eueo o! onr local courts of late. There LI* ll*0 probkmi matrimonial in u thia
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  • 793 4 May Solvi thk Problem of Life. A group of young men has just succeeded m drawing electricity from the clouds and putting it to practical i s-. This seems an unimportant ann nncement, but it may have tar-reaching resu ts. That the wh de nuiverse is charged
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  • 638 4 The Canard Liner L trip to New J m ti i peaaaj ta the record time of 4 da tes, at an age m>< i ;iie day the 1 1 AS: meeting hold in ti < Vancouver, to discuss the new proposal that Vancouver should be made a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 72 4 A Reliable Bemedy for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. As the season »is at hand when diarrhoea and dysentery are prevalent, a reliable remedy should always be kept m the house for immediate use. The success of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy m the treatment of bowel trouble, has brought it
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    • 404 4 fl&vertieements. Ayer's SarsapariMa fVSakes Good Blood Prick your skin with a needlo. y__^|S! Hi |||Jjj] You will see /^^SiCSil |IJ that it is A^m'Sr^f/^i full of RB& v li A Butwliat If >-^ /H^l'^ thin and i^Tj"^ yf rashes, pimples, pustules, salt-rheum, boils, carbuncles, aud other sores. These simply tell
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    • 559 4 A MATRON of the Y.W.C.A. HOME s_^ r-i L *-f v. I. A \i\\ .-J ,S*m^ -^f -J' -I^?> ffa jfu ifj, A "S ia§ m Neuritis, Lassitude, Neuralgia Almost everyone has known that feeling of relief and thankfulness when they have found someone who could he 'depended upon without
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  • 657 5 A '.eirjt^ out a number of strong rwwiins why women do Dol want the vote waa -it i .Meeting of the Women s League on 81st ins*. The manifesto concludes: 'The woman suffrage movement can be defeated H mast i ranted, and by the women themselves. I Rug-Mid
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  • 77 5 Mr Coin a muine a us cook at of the British B aim ou the isth of cba are, oi Ir CblUB I -an I, and one from the Regiment. Oa July Jisdall missed jewellery va:I enqoi m to raster. a found that ecate purporting t- m Mi
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  • 19 5 I ra from »ya .it Bishop *--^one a delicate operation fe: «l The opera's rei] Ntcocaaful and the bishop
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  • 263 5 The Acting British Consul-Gem ral at Manila| has forwarded an extract from the "Cable-;. news American newspaper stating that the Committee appointed to study tbe feasibility of establishing an agricultural bank recommends that the Legislature set aside the sum of 1.000,000 pesos for the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 896 5 B&vertisements. AU&TIQN*. PRFLiMINARY NOTICE. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Very Valuable Household furniture Full size billiard table. Choice plants including rare orchids. The property of Mrs. G. P. Nicholson AT WESTMORE, No. 91, THOMPSON ROAD. Saturday, 29th August. H. L. COGHLAN CoLicensed Auctioneers and Surveyors. Ang 15 22.8 This Day, Saturday, at
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    • 584 5 Hfcvcrtt6ement& TO LET. TO LET No. 10 and 12 Mount Elizabeth, 18i? Wiikie Road, and nine new houses Adis Road. Apply to Loh Lam, 601, North Bridge Road. July 2 2.9 TO LET No. 10 Tiverton Lane off Killiney Road. Apply to B. N. ELIAS, 5, Malacca Street. Aug 7
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    • 420 5 I TRADE (j j LJ| MAPK V* r^* "V J7 Singapore Rumpel i Co. Kuala Lumpur Federated Engineering Co. TATTERSALL'S Monster Consultations GEORGE ADAMS, HOBART, TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA, ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS. i__ m ____m ()n a^ Sweeps on r<_ces run after MuilDTJl 111 MfiTinr January lst. 1905 111 1 1 1
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  • 89 6 Domestic Occurrences. Marriages. M< Cbba Hannen. Joly 21, at Wargrave, B< rka, 11. M. McCbi M.8., B.Ch., to Kat< ltose, daughter of 0. Hannen, late Comuiissiouer, Imperial Chinese Customs. Robbrtson-Walkbb Mclver. July 10, at West llampstead, A. M. Bf. ROBEBTSONWalkbb to Madge Robertson, daughter of late A. Mi 1\ i:n,
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  • 1704 6 The Singapore Free Press. Saturday, August 15, 1908. •'it maintain, m; 1 ruth h-'.-flcious precepts dray.. Pl«-_,ed ti I_aw, The cause cf goodwill amongst men iv the gion of the Pacific has been, it will be admitted, materially advanced by the sane and well-balanced letter written to the Times by
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  • 203 6 -4 The next Agri-Horticultural Show will be held in Penang on Aug 9, 10, 11, 1909. A workman who was employed on the roof of the new police station fell and injured himself severely yesterday. He was removed to the hospital." An Arab boy aged thirteen was brought before Mr
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  • Correspondence.
    • 105 6 I *>______■ Bfl H X DITOK, The foil I lye Law take a froi tice jufct iMued bt the Bil pality to hi uaeholders looks as if they wish to restrict the rights mmden I more than tfuut I- because tJ k gold or tin may be found
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  • 453 6 SARKIES JOHANNES Co. Bankrup. In the Bankruptcy CV fore Mr. Justk< abe Smith, the of Messrs. Btrkiet Johannes and I .mpany was further investigated, Mr. Jacob Caraptet og examined at i-ngth by the Official Assignee, Mr. F. Bfl ley. According to the hotel books or: S ber uim pai i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 126 6 Sohnlein Rheingold y^ fvl IS v i ;§E___i -J_lL_i__'iu.»«fe- t |1 I t sHF' i^p 1 if 1 1 1 [J 1 Das isf die Marke v*> 1 jj _________-T*" *^**>~__^.'e. —^J IM l— _fc— I— I II ———MU---- -———l I r^irfhprk MardppdAP Hr C(\ T^^ _*3r "jfeJ! I oceii
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    • 129 6 GODOWNS TO LET .Stes. i, 5 _md 6 Palmer Godowns, Area 18,890 *eg. ft. Immediate entry. Ncs, 7, 8 o Mcrbau Road, Near Pulau Saigon Eridge. Ground area 2 floors. Will bo let separately if desired. Im entry. Nos. 31 32 Fisher Street, On Hong Lim Qui", three floors, suitable
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    • 66 6 i i WHY NOT BUY A NOW??? BY PAYING $2 A WEEK. THE I LIMITED. f MmMMMMMMMMMMMUMMMMMMMMUMMMMMMMMMMUUUUU) rum m M 99 ADELPH! HOTEL. I i I( UEST NIGHT EVER YSA TUR DA Y\\ THE BAND of the 2nd Royal West g Kent Regiment will play during und after j I
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  • 57 7 SALARIES AND STRIKES. Xo Lion All Lamb. (By Submarine Telegraph.— Router's.) R- ler-red Aug. 1 Ith, 2.45 pm. The preliminary wort reform m [\irkey is proceed in_r. pui iis is notions 4 the new reg me save produce! pre: v si J;— among e'euien. which the Youn_ j
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  • 39 7 AT TOULON. any Casualties. gnu burst on the French training hip Ce-uronne at Toulon. Six were killed nd thirteen terribly inju se of tha accident was the overrun througJ pid filing, n.l the disin*- of the powder.
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  • 277 7 Lick's t cation. American W, ight continues to mike iorning and even:: en to ten .intaining a height of about age speed of a kilo- .'.ly recog 1 that this is to any previous aviation. Mr E. Pease, Principal of the Anglo- j hool, wi:. re lecture to
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  • 37 7 Bj Sub aarne Telegraph -Reuters.] Received Aug. 14-h, J. pm. General Sir I dn Hamilton, reporting 01 the performane 3 of the Territorials at Salis bury Palm. says that they have done re markably well.
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  • 42 7 A Mission of Peace. August 14, 9.20 a.m. It is announced that as a result of tin meeting at Cronberg His Majeatj the King will visit Germany offic'ally. The date oi the visit has not yet beeu fixed.
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  • 75 7 An Imperial Motorist. His Maj v iv the course of his toast a1 Ischt said: "The relations l)3tween Great Britain and Austria h ive always, thank God. been of .he friendliest. It is my earnest wish that they may remain so. His Majesty the King persuaded the Emperor
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  • 38 7 Mr Lloyd George m an interview with a correspondent of the Nieu Frei Presse, is reported as saving that he is convinced that the Anglo-German entente only means the eading of the tension oppressing all Europe.
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  • 55 7 RUSSO-JAPANESE RAPPROCHEMENT. The Times correspondent at St. Petersburg, says that Russia and Japan are about g d pourparlers with a view to concluding an agreement for mutual protection of the seal and other fisheries m the western Pacific. Baron Komura broached the subject whilst recently discussing with M. Isvolsky the
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  • 404 7 CHARGE OF KEEPING A LOTTERY. -ing out of the visit paid bj the police to the premises of Messrs Watson ar d Gutniinn, commission agents, Hotel Europe Buildings (as reported m the Free Press erdaj) Mr H. Joseph, who was m charge of the business, appeared yesterday before
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  • 1570 7 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago KbeUi. Juvenal. It is only a few weeks ago that the Topicist, alluding to Mr Winston Churchill's speeches at .Manchester, Dundee and elsewhere, noticed that that Right Hon'ble gentleman always bdgan by talking of striking a blow," sometimes' "a smashing
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  • 111 7 With reference to what has been said by me and on which xMrs Sassoon has sued me m Court, I did not mean anything had. I am sorry for what I said, and I ask for pardon." A letter m the above terms was read out
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  • 147 7 The individual scores m the Wingard 3up were as follows: Mr. Addie 34, Capt. Belgrave 34, Mr. Penny 30, Mr. Michell 20, Mr. Holland Tie Kentish Observer" quotes a leader From the Singapore Free Eress upon the establishment of a penny post between Briand the United States, and rem-.rks that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 108 7 RQBTnson CO. -flfta THE GILLETTE JBgj SAFETY RAZOR. Made of Solid Metal Triple Silver Plated. In silk lined leather /f^^ I J v** mr- 1 A each with two hdges. c^\ Price $9 net. -^rp^\ for use. \*\J Extra Blades m packets of 10 51.25. lßßili-ti-glli--B-^ ■BHH_HHH9B_MHH HBIfIH 9 NO
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  • 348 8 July 24th. Tiie loQo*ring tote, comprising about 25] ton^ of Straits aud lo tons of Ceylon, wer.- of- lend at aoceiou to -Jay and sold lfl EoUoWfl LfW -UD I .M'.UAI. PH< RB. ow i pa ib. High] iheefa honghtin ■_•< bough*, m ani
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  • 182 8 and Allied Trades E j stags Iranian. Ie pening ia fixed for Monmber, at the lorticnltur. m Vincent Square, Westminster. D open for a wee- Sii H ex-Governer ol residents .perts, pub!. I there is an i tee of about 1. 0, representing nee and the
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  • 55 8 ■_>. The Asabi Shimbuu has telegrams from K-'be to tbe effect that a number of the I :-mese tradesmen m tbat place find tbem- es una '.c over the dillievilties resu :n the depreciation of silver and th t sacqnei nation iv the C Japan commerce. For Bona -.sing
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 506 8 fl&vcrtiscincnts. SHIPPING. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., ltd. A A\ 4 AM. i J A ragnlai FOBTNIGHTLT Service is mainteined between Japan and Europe by the I foUoiring NEV TWIN SCREW STHAsit <r lv j_. i'^Ai. Uwdmm Mail Contsacts with t is Impeeial Japanese Government. Specially designed for the Company's European
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    • 607 8 Sovertiacmcnts. SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, PBr3isn Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) 1908 Devanha Aug.
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    • 652 8 Hftvcrtisemcnta. SHIPPING OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight, and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward
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    • 612 8 advertisements. SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a rejolar service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Btraits. China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a mouth for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 406 8 advertisements. SHIPPING. lif Mmf% MaMmtf Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bre: IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail -tssmorf of f this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Si utham] Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples., (connection Mars* Naplet, Alexandria and vie* versa) Port Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, H,-:. Kong,
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  • 1049 9 What Count 2 3tj cksb Me\n-. The public does not seem to realise aning of all that has been accomplished by Count Zeppelin. As nation, we seem to hold stubbornly to the idea tint i- rial navigation is but a myth. Even our aeronants conent themselves with
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  • 430 9 Bangkok's bill for imported liquors during the year '2d amounted to Tcs l,6i 168. a decrease of Tes. 213,795. The total is still very high, and those who would be glad to see a serious reduction in the importation of liquors have not much ground for encouragement.
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  • 776 9 Bishop awdry's Van The Bishop of South Tokyo has addressee.! fche following letter to the Times During the last two or three uisftive persons bave b eh the questions whether the Japanese might aot fa to war with America, or invade Australia, or < the Philippine
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 39 9 Chamberlain's Colic, Coolera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is a perfectly reliable medicine for bowel complaints, and one that has never known to fail even in the most severe and dangerous cases. For sale by all dealers SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING, j
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    • 181 9 Gf UP Celcbra,€d Wmcn's Stores Agents for LEA PERRIN'S WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE PpF Crosse Blackwell, Ltd. y^< f S>'""' *-> **^-j-----i--^-_u-^-______________^^ 525-S£Si-_SsN*__jX. /Ipj Your ieein-whether naturally perfect or not-need l*a\ fmk J^k care aߣ^ w we^ repay the regular use of fl\ 1 1 p>-> }"v i**___ **J'~"Ka -V HOTEL de
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    • 173 9 THE DIRECTORY FOE BANGKOK AND SIAM 1908. Nineteenth Year of Publication NOW READY. The Directory for Bangkok and Siam con tarns a complete and official List cf the Government Departments and the Principal Commercial Houses m the country. It is te with information absolutely essential to the merchant, the Trader,
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 307 9 Passengers for the Straits. Per P 0 Malta, due Aug 14— Mr am Mrs A. Jamieson, Mr and Mrs R. Forrester Mr A. Mitchell, Mr and Mrs W. Main, Mi C. Russell, Mr K. S. Koh, Mr A. Smith Mons. J. P. Charra. To Penang. Mr and Mrs J. G.
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  • 325 10 *.ts Committee Exposes i i n_AB c second report of the Committee on c Accounts, issued on July 12, refers to certain irregulari'ies during the year. A sum of over _£r.9,000 i I over by the War Office to the Indian Government on a certain account without
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  • 228 10 eek of dinm a can hardly t. tbe hotel region without runn n who is up for the dinner. From the e the earth they khe reg oners, the college tlinners < >ne has noted dozens of dinners m the society column, but the real
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  • 187 10 Only Pretty Fannies Way." following a: > be fully w reproducing it Bernardino (Gal i gram to the San Fran- I When a pretty Harvey house •wn to her duties at an early hour this morning at the Harvey house m a pure white corset si _-!ed
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  • 38 10 :aall church m a Western State .A repair-, and a meeting was being held to raise funds for that purpose. The minister bavin- said that 500doi would be needed, a but equally stin<_v. mpmW
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  • 333 10 Seven Weeks on Desert Island Particulars reached (^ueenstown recently from Lyttelton, New Zealand, of the landing of Captain Noel and twenty-one members of the crew of the lost French barque President Felix Faure, a vessel of 2.651 tons, who were rescued from Antipodes Island, south of New
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  • 304 10 Woman's Strange Experience. A little while ago Dr Thomas Mulligan, a well known physician of New Britain, Connecticut, wrote to tin* editor of one of the principal New York newspaper-, saying. li you care to come and talk to a patient of mine, who died at
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  • 183 10 P. O. AUTUMN CRUISES. Dainty works of art are the small handbooks issued by the P. v\. 0. Company, giving .i!s of th^ autumn cruises arranged for the By. Veetis," and the new express mer Sa It seems the fashion with steamboat and railway cempauies at bene* and abroad to
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  • 122 10 The magnitude and character of the Japanese shipbuilding works at Nagasaki the Mitsu Bisha Company are matters wliich have apparently much impressed Colonel John M. Denny, of the Dumbarton shipbuilding firm, who is at present touring m the Far East aud Australasia. According to an interview reported
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  • 441 10 Two Person I ive Wo i Maung Cbit, living m jaw quarter of Poozoondoung, was m murdered on the verandab of his house shortly befor. eight o'clock on Friday nignt (24th), am other persons were wounded, two of tnem dangerously. A short time ago, X van
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  • 115 10 F< I -En Tbe Daily bi Bislev. writing on July 17 itrtng of hulls *he match rifle, mad.tbe Irish Elcho Sir iv an individual compei'ieju. H- I have 1 ad, to I but one has been made I likely to stand I had a time unKjualled.
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  • 128 10 Serious Kidnk. .Air. W. .1. Benson, i ekton Koad. Cannii: wntl i>ad with pains m the small of m became so ill tba' I I can assure a get over ftJ|d there The doctor, I although Beading of 11 I said to my wife I did
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1117 10 TENDERS INVITED. GOVERNMENT OF PERAK. Tenders will be received at the office of the Secretary to Resident, Taiping, Perak, up to noon on Monday, the 24th August, 190S, for renting the under-mentioned Farms for the period commencing the lst day of January, 1909, and ending the 31st day of December,
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    • 4 10 Bowel Complaint m Children
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 802 10 VESSELS EXPECTED. STEAMERS. Giving port of departure, and (where known date due here, and name of Agents. Achilles, Liverpool, Sept 10 Mansfield. Airlie, Sydney, Aug 24 Boustead. Ajax, China, Sept Mansfield. Alcinous, Liverpool, Sept 12 Mansfield. Ambria, Hongkong, Sept Behn Meyer. Anamba, Hongkong, Sept 5 E. Asiatic Co. Antung, Hongkong,
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  • 377 11 Via Ceylon.) Kh ils. Calcutta, August 6th. The Indian <I 'vernment have refused th- Khudiram Bose, who killed Mrs. Kennedy at Muzuffarpore with a Ke will be executed on the 1 Ith. The Case Of Attempted Murder. _r._li charged with attempted mur- «hng nmil train bj attacking with
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  • 5 11 the it is where i
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  • 76 11 (Corrected up to Aug 14.) Sink 4 m/s 2/4TV demand 2 3;' Private tsrediti 3 m-s 2/4^ credits 6 m/s w 2/4f Prance, demand Bank... 291 Gr_nn__A__.T, demand M. 236 i India, T.T, 175 Hongzgnr, demand w 22_fJ_ .f okohama, demand US} Java, demand 1391 Bangkok, demand 66 3ovw.kic.nB,
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  • 126 11 Aug 14 Tin M buyers $68.50 Gambier ,z, buyers 7 62^ Gambier Cubs $o. I M 11.75" Grambier Cube No, 2 10.00 Pepper Black (ord'n. Spore) 11.00 Pepper, White (fair L. W. fpc) 17.25 Nutmegs (110 to the ib,).« 19.00 Nutmegs (80 to fch_ Ih.) 21.00 -face (Banda) nom
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  • 688 11 Capita! Capita! EsBM Paid Issued paid or Valas ap Company. Q u $300,000 500,000 10 lo Rslai Tin Mining 00. Ltd $300,000 225.000 10 10 Bruang Limited $6*00,000 600,GC0 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Lid 11 I 8 £400.000 350,000 1 1 Duff Develonment 00. Ltd 60,000
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 751 11 Singapore Sporting Glob. THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING. WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday the 13th. Thursday the 15th and Saturday the 17th October, 1908. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 13th Octobeb, ions. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value $800 and so to the Second Horse. i-^ for Maid en Horses. Weight 9st. Ex-Gnfhns
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    • 765 11 6. Tne Griffin Consolation. Value $300 and 150 tn the Second Horse. A Handicap for all Griffins that have run at this Meeting, and not won. Disiance, Race Course. 7. The Overnight ConsolaUon, Value $300 and $50 to the Second Horse. A Handicap for all horses that have run at
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    • 294 11 On the Berth. f[ f^ L m combination with STRAITS STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED. Combined Round Voyages Singapore-Deli (Samatral-Penang F. M. S. ports-Singapore Singapore, F. M. S. ports. Penang, Deli (Sumatra), Singapore by X. D. L. first class passenger steamers Ranee and i- Malaya and the well known steamers of tho
      294 words
    • 311 11 THE YOKOHAMA DOCK CO., LTD. No. 1 DOCK. I No. 2 DOCK. Length inside 5U ft. Length inside 375 ft Width of entrance, top 95 ft, bott Wid! h of entrance, top 60 5 ft bott 75 it. -ft. Water on blocks 27.5 ft. Water on blocks 20 5 ft
      311 words
    • 19 11 APARTMENTS. PAYING GUESTS. c doubh and bath room a >om, with Tennis Stabling. IN c o July 25 uc
      19 words

  • 679 12 j Meeting of the Municipal y B-M&Ofl WW h--ld afternoon, Mr J Polglise, deputy President, occupied -here were also present: Messrs A W Bai'eY, Cheng Keng Lee, I W Darbuhire, H.*L. Coghhn. I hig T\k Wm. Maobeao ani C. I. Carver, 1 J Benjihdd, acting Saeretary, Idleton, Health
    679 words
  • 149 12 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Pn.- c. Pairs. Mer IV. Proctor and Phipps beat C. S. IV. van Cuylenberg and Tyler, 7— 5, 4 6, 6 o. XI. O'Connor and Morrison beat Army 111. Bishop and Scott, 6 3, (> t. Mer 111. Swan and Lyall beat Mer X. Allan
    149 words
  • 71 12 YESTERDAY.^ PLAY. Mixki» i B. Class. ad Mrs Mr and Mrs Hooper, postponed. and E. G. Bntler heat Mrs Braddell and J. Anderson, 6 5, o— 3. Championship Pa :d < F. < rreen beat Miss E. nd Roberts n, 6 -0, 4 <■», 6-
    71 words
  • 197 12 The follow..- the draw for the match to-day on th If Club between •land and Th F. Ferguson and J. C. Watt v Dr R. Campbell ar.d C. V. Miles. Dr G. A. Finlajson and J. McKenzie v C. Everitt and J. Arthur. W. W. Macmillan and Capt A.
    197 words
  • 101 12 The last game m ti is tournament was played last evening Hay and Peldon meeting Freeman and Biddulph. A most excitae resulted including ends- being played m semi darkness amid shouted technical instructions from shadowy figures at each end of the ground. After a close fight Hay and
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  • 736 12 RECEIVING ORDERS. Mr Justice Sercombe Smith had a busy day m the Bankruptcy Court yesterday. The first case mentioned was a petition for a receiving order against Chop Tiang Ek. Mr Elliot appeared for the petitioning creditors. Jacob Abed, m the employ of E. M. Meyer and Co.
    736 words
  • 41 12 Tho Alhambra Cirematograph exhibition m Beach Road is a popular s atertamment. Pathe Freres beautiful films are shown every night, and there is a frequent change of programme. A visit to the Alhambra is instructive as well as amusing.
    41 words
  • 89 12 It. has been officially intimated that the following officers have passed for promotion to the next superior rank —Captain G. D. Lister and Lieutenant M. W. Graham, Queen's Own X >yal West Kent Kegiment Lieutenant C. X itch m, Lieutenant F. H. Gould and Lieutenant-A. Ferguson, Middlesex Kegiment and Captain
    89 words
  • 178 12 The Anglo- Saxon Petroleum Compan'ys steamer Goldmouth arrived on Thursday i with a cargo of benzine from P. Samboe. We learn from the current issue of the "P. and O Sailings Table that the new twin-screw steamship Morea, 11,000 tons, to be launched m August, is to make
    178 words
  • 120 12 Yesterday afternoon Messrs Powell and Company put up for auction under a mortgagees sale the steamer Mena, which has been on the Singapore-Batu Pahat run for some time past. The vessel is 120 ft. long. 16 5 ft. broad and G5 ft deep. She is
    120 words
  • 228 12 > < Since his arrival m Western Australia Mr. W. L. Bosschart, Consul-General for the Netherlands iv the Commonwealth and New Zealand, has been busily engage 1 m Perth m connection with his mission to promote trade relations between the State and the Dutch Eist Indies. R-.cently the service of
    228 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 211 12 EDE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Cxdeu Contract with the Netherlands India vt. at Singapore, Ships' Agency, late J. Daendels Co., 2-3. Collyer Qua; THE UNDERMENTIONED DATES OF DEPARTURE ARE ONLY APPROXIMAe s.s. Valentyn Mar.. Terampah ANAM; ISLANDS. Sebranbarat and Seblat li s.s. BROUWER Moeara Saba, Simpang and Djambi s.s. Valentyn Soen^i
      211 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 285 12 CLEARANCES. Baron Dalmeny. Brit str., Dodds, for Bombay. Penang, Brit, str., Perry, for T. Anson via Lady Weld, Brit, str Fripp, for Muar and Malacca. Nuentung, (iev. str., Hinsch, for Bangkok. Malta, Brit, str Powell, for Hongkong and Aug 15. •11a, Dut. str., Sulong, for Rhio and Singkep. Islander, Brit,
      285 words
    • 430 12 VESSELSIN POBT. Men-of-war Fia^ and Tons Commanders Arrived m en For Zahora Bar. Yacht 500 R, Brooke Aug 7 Sarawak Uncertain Sea Mew Coi. Yacht 500 Coleman Aug 9 Batavia Une< Ship Flag Tons Master Arrived From Consignee Banri Maru Jap 2368 Yainanaka Aug 10 Kuchinotsu MB X Ban Yong
      430 words