The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 14 August 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 119 1 The King of England has visited the Emperor of Austria tl. The British and Austrian Foreign Ministers have conferred on the Turkish question Page 5. Further evidence m the Changi murder (and other police cises) will be found on page 3 of this issue. Much exciting news
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  • 1061 1 HOLI DAY-MAKING. There ie eometi. y seriously wrong with our pn of holiday making. it that the mouth which has set apait as the holiday month is re- led by thousands of people with p tive dread August, vben it comes round bringing as it ought to bring tLe promise
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 209 1 IMPORTANT TO ENGINEERS! ■UO^ AUTOMATA rorK)msM Steam Water Packing HYDRAULIC V/ORK. "LION" BLOQK Steam WT ~^T^Z patent vw#l For GENERAL USE. < < antf WATER PA QKING STE AM and WATER. LION" EXPANDING tt 51 I PATENT) «W^#_fiVCn For D I FFiCULT W(>rk W Steam Wafer Packing STEAM and WATER.
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    • 14 1 m iSw-» mi. uiin i m mini mm— i— B*OB»«««»"«>B"a"""*"»*"»""«»«»B«>nB_--_K«_____i_ CAN BE SEEN WORKING.
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    • 54 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Hales Tours advertise a change of programme Page 1. The German mail Scharnhorst for Europe on Tuesday Page 7. Government call for tenders for tbe Old Fort Tanjong Katong Pag. Wayang Kassim, the Merchant of Venice Page 1. Bankruptcy notice re Teo Hong Loh Page 2. Albambra's Cinematograph
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 173 1 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR AND KEPPEL HARBOUR. Wharves and Docks at which different vessels were berthed yesterday. Eaat Wharf Basin Nil. East Wharf Seel- Darius, Choy Sang, Putiala Section I—Sheers1 Sheers Wharf —Nil. Section 2 Islander, Van Swool. 3 Grotius. 4 Inaba Maru. s—Paroo,5 Paroo, Banri Maiu. 6 Clan Maclean.
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    • 384 1 THE WEEK. Friday, 14th High Water.— o.23 a 11.56 p P O Mail Outward due 6 a. Municipal Co er mission, 2.30 p S.R.E. Engineering chill, 5.15 p CCA. Bible Reading 8 p Saturday, 1 c te 1 Hitjh Water.— a S.V.I. Class Firing, 2. 50 p S.CC Cricket
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  • 314 2 A G Iftg piper of July lo has the followicg death notice: At Sydney, N 8 W d t) h June, Lo y, wife of A. S. D -iter of the late Thomas G. Bade, M 1' 8ii pa] and Mrs S. Hill, Ah hide House, B rthes A ge
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 650 2 flbvertisementa NOTIGES. The Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1888. ln the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements Settlement of Singapore. IN BANKRUPTCY. No. 140 of 1908. Re (1) Teo Hong Loh. Receiving Order made sth June, 1908. Date of Order for Summary Administration 1 2th August L9OB, 1> ite of Adjudication Sth June,
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    • 314 2 B&vcrtisementSr NOTIGES. MADAME FAMBON, LADY DENTIST High Class Work Moderate Price. No. 215, Orchard Road. Nov 21 n.c I SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING Promptly executed. Absolute secrecy guaranteed. Mrs. E. F. HOWELL, Cavenagh Bridge Buildings, Raffles Hotel. Un m mm DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOEA. BROWN'S SPECIFIC. To be had at the Singapore Dispensary
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    • 253 2 E&vcrtfocmcnt£ NOTIGES. NOTICEI, the und* rsigned N. R. Gunny of 54 North Bridge Road, Singapore, do hereby notify that I have hereby revoked the Power of Attorney given by me to Layna Ahmed Marikayer of North Bridge Road, Singapore. It is requested that no monies due to me shall be
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    • 438 2 H&vcrtiscmcnts. INSURANGES. MOTOR-CAR INSURANCE, Premiums 2. o, 4 and SJ, per annum ac- cording to nature of risk. For full particulars apply to The Borneo Company Ltd. July 29 29.8 NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO., LTD. FIRE AND MARINE. YANG-TSZE INSURANCE ASSOC. LTD. MARINE. CHINA PRE INSURANCE CO., LTO. FIRE. Fire
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    • 442 2 flfcvcrtircmcnUßANKS. Hongkong k Shanghai Bank Corporation. -up Capital ...V r ..000 t OOO -RVB Fund Sterling Reserve 0,000,000 <oc r,v.AAA Silver i ,500,000 j &W .WO R LIAbJLITY OF Proprietors $15,000,000 co oet of directors E. Shkllik, Esq. Craikjeak Hon Mr. V [>_■ airman. Barrett, Esy. CGB Br<.dersen, Esq I
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  • 263 3 BSFOBI Bf-.GIBT.tAI v.. J i bar 8 i and I raji. his mother in-law. 1", Ktgalis, were before kc nd magistrate, yesterday for preliminary enquiry into a charge of mv other Bengalis at Changi. M lee, the h.P P appear- >r the Crown, and Urn ned were
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  • 56 3 ATTEMPTED M URDER. Xl magistrate, com [Uirj yesterday, -peel ur rong it Hokien named Tau S ebbed his he Deputy Pui 'lie ippeared Crown A B I Ho Ma S :.e house with the i m sal wheu she m the stomach, id ran a Tie knife ras the one
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  • 58 3 ptured at the [Museum empted a xxw him loi tern ith a rule and a dian ed and was seen ou<a s .1 handed him Mr Col mar. *tezd%~, aud the pc- ta He denied p I of the rule and said he came from ut.
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  • 38 3 ong Chinaman tin motion sing. He sustaini tbe ja«r a: a picked 'ition. The police red him to the General Hospital. R.ed mail appeared bafore U_, third magistrate, on a charge with a caution.
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  • 62 3 > m& < rhood of the smells -Le river, [t is fi 1 that B m the vicinity dump all •_al. A Hylam empl a storekeeper on Ito the poHoe t by three men m Beach Road *si aud was robbed oi I at. amateur dramatic shows at Koala Lump
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 51 3 A Reliable Remedy for Dy a_d Bit].hoea. diarrhoea and d] are prevalent, a reliable remedy should always be kept m the house for imjess of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy m the treatment cf bowel trouble, has bro st anrrersal use and the following .e.-s it is givicg -aei-tJu-ticn
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    • 944 3 advertisements, AU&TIONs. AUCTION SALE OF Teak and Meranti Household Furniture etc. TO BE HELD AT No. 30. RACE COURSE LANE, Singapore. Saturday, 15th, August, 1908, at 2.30 p.m. Comprising a cottage Piano by Collard and Collard, teak round table with marble top, carved teak side table, teak dinner wagon, teak
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    • 562 3 Hfcvcrt.semen.s. TO LET. TO LET Xo. 10 and 12 Mount Elizabeth, 18Pj Wiikie Road, and nine new houses Adis Koad. Apply to Loh Lam, 601, Xorth Bridge Road. July 2 2.9 TO LET No. 10 Tiverton Laae off Killiney ttoad. Apph to B. N. ELIAS, 5, Malacca Street. Ao£ 7
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    • 450 3 UM tIP ""VB_ BW wn grrra om^ mhb amm mm. EDINBURGH STOUT 1 PALE ALE I IN ORDER THAT THIS J FIRST CLASS STOUT I PALE ALE may become better known m this market THEY WILL BS SOLD AT per case of 7 doz. pints until further WHOLESALE FROM I
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  • 1716 4 The Singapore Free Press. Friday, August 14, 1908. right maintain, [bed by pain II patriot i i-mli h~- jrlonous precepts draw, oyalty and I-iw. We have over and over again insisted on the great moral blot on Mr HaldaniJTerritorial Aimy idea as being a matter of voluntary responsibility on the
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  • 797 4 Lieut. W. Wilberfor.-:-, 2 ad K W. I h' -t., was placed on the sick list on the instant. The steam-launch Puffin, which sank on the -8th ult. on account of a collision with the a.8. Petrel of the Etstern Shipping Co., Ltd., has been re ii >ated by that
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 435 4 REYNELL'S ■__^-_T____rz-ji „«i_ ii Mn n-m m. i i mil mi i___ii i i __i_bbb«b__B-_7I _n» mm u»*i».jr> i_nn nl l I i "Ulia lAf IM I ITTI P 0 Pfi I TT\ I l ll Irlnl Ih §11 I Aupopq 1 I i»i»— w—iih mn i Miiiin_i_iiiii_i_i ■■ilium ■■iv—mnmrmiiiimiii
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    • 32 4 •^y^ T irv_ fl r «^*r«*ri*!_rr--~7 -ff t-P ft 1 3 WHY I I WOT I j BUY i 'k^ m\W£~ m^^mtn^'.mm^,^^ NOW??? BY PAYING $9 4 WPP-K I THE B— > _L
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    • 232 4 2 STUDIOS 2 I Adapted to the Morning and 1 to the Afternoon Light. They are the Largest, Coolest and best Equipped Studios m the Colony, and are situated m the most picturesque part of the town, adjoining Government House Domain Moreover, we possess m a high degree all the
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  • 55 5 S .bmarine Telegraph. Renter's.) Etec Aug 18, 2.40 p.m. seini-omeiaily announced that Sir Charles B ur 1 age ah 1 Count Aerenthal, the «eign Minister, have d'mruqood the situation m Europe, more especially with with which at a England, like the other Powers, have de I re a
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  • 130 5 European Politics. Russia Pears the East. Ree. Aug. i m. li ijesty the King has arrived at t [schL meeting of the King and Emperor _m of Germany is the general topic m i.urope. It hat the King on this occasion the unil Blucher Hussars, il
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  • 272 5 rd Brassey'sseat, Normanhurst en burned down and many art treasures have been destroyed. The h :ch arranged for the S.C.C. ad this evening has been canceller it li mpossibie to spare the the Lawn Tenu.s I ima- i It is understood th..- Mr. Carruthers, the the Director of Agriculture m
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  • 62 5 By Submarine Telegraph Renter's.] Another Consignment Seized. Receive'! Ang 13th, to 630 pm. The correspondent of the Standard at Hongkong says that the Chinese authorities at Chinchau have seized ten thousand rifles and twoiu.. on cartridges, which have since i been claimed by a Japanese merchant. An
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  • 65 5 Employers Hinder Success. R.c Aug 13, 10 10 am. The papers are complaining of the atIe of employers especially m London, who they allege are spoiling the efficacy of ;he Territorial Training now proceeding at Salisbury Plain, by refusing to grant adejuate leave facilities to their employees. Many
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  • 150 5 The two candidates whose names were submitted to the Acting Japanese Consul for his approval and appointment, were a subjected to a higher examination m which translation from Malay into English and vic9 vesa, were given, also composition iv Malay and Malay Grammar. The examination took
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  • 79 5 Yesterday momiug shortly before 8 a.m. .hid dog caused a sensation at the Cold Storage D ;ot m Orchard Road by running into the shop whilst several persons were present. These jumped on to counters and chopping bkcks with alacrity. The rabid bit a small dog that,
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  • 317 5 There will be a Service at St. And. Cathedral at 6 o'clock'this evening. Ou Aug. 7th a Chinese named Lo Wah, who is wanted to answer a charge of minder at Penang, was handed over to the Straits police at Hongkong. Tokyo wires that the trademarks treaty between America and
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  • 863 5 CLAIM UNDER REBUILDING CONTRACT. In the Supreme Court yesterday Mr Justice Sercombe Smith continued the hearing of the action m which Messrs Guthrie Co. sought to recover from Mr N. N. Adis, manager and proprietor of the Hotel de l'Europe, the sum of $133,372 60 m respect
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  • 80 5 The Estimated Output. "Next year the Philippine Islands will produce one million pesos worth of gold. One half of that amount wiil come from the mines now being worked m Camarines Norte. In the next twenty years the Philippines will produce P.200,l worth of gold and
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  • 179 5 The hon'ble John Ferguson, c. H a general Europeau representative on the Legislative Council of Ceylon, passed through Singapore yesterday on his way to Java Mr. Ferguson, on tbe invitation of the hon'ble John Turner, has paid a visit to the F. M. S. and has'spent
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  • 115 5 Shortly after 5 30 last evening Acting Superintendent Whitehead, accompanied by P. C. Bourne, made a raid on the premises occupied by Watson and Gutmann, commission agents, Hotel de l'Europe Buildings, and after searching the premises arrested Mr H. Joseph, who was temporarily m charge, on a
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  • 510 5 DEB.TS IN TUB HOUSE OF LORD. London, July 21st. In the House cf Lords yesterday the motion for the second reading of the Old-Age Pensions Bill was carried by i' 23 votes to 16. The Earl of Wernyss and March (Conservative) mo ed as an amendment that
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  • 106 5 Maj r E. H. Boorae, 4th Double Company Commander, 75;hC' ntrv is appointed to be 2ud Double Cainpan} Commander, and pro tern 2nd-i vice Major A. H. Bolton transfer-* b Infant ry. Lieut. E. H. Boome was with th" eJ South Lancashire at Singapore twenugo. The new first officer of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 178 5 ROBT-nson co. fflfaj THE GILLETTE HM SAFETY RAZOR. Made of Solid Metal Triple Silver Plated. In silk lined leather case with 12 Blades (t[f^ ]j\ each with two Edges, 4^' H Price $9 net. 3CS^v\ Every blade set ready p "2^------^** 3^^^\ for use. ij \,y^ Extra Blades m packets
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  • 605 6 THK YEAR'S WORKING. T:. i I x)uue» J M B report ol the al m thai m the 3 ear ending Feb l tons of or- Ben crushed, > torn during the previous v- v c of bullion 1. been won —an increase of 3,159 965
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  • 111 6 The second rch of the series between the team now touring Dominion and r .tives of the J and Union, was played on June 27th, at mgton, N. Z The day 1 miserably dull and wet. The aUendance of the public was estimated at t>,500. The ived under adverse conditions,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 502 6 EDvcrtiscmcnrs. SHIPPING. Apcar Line. The undermentioned mail steamers of the above company maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan calling at P-nang, Singapre, Hongkong Shanghai en route, FLEET. Tons. Commander. s.s. Japan 6.300 J. G. Olifent. s.s. Gregory Apcar 4,606 S. H. Belson. s.s. Arratoon Apcar 4.">10 A. Stewart,
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    • 593 6 _lt>vertiscmcnts. SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Fcr China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London* Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) 1908 Malta Aug.
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    • 618 6 advertisements. SHIPPING ci ;J OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight, and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly.
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    • 563 6 Sbverttacments. SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. i The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking
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    • 332 6 Bt>vcrtteemente< SHIPPING. NJX Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen. Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton Gibraltar, Gtatoa. Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Al. xandria and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki Kobe to Yoke.
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  • 839 7 Dasta: Missionary VDIES utt.i, August Ir, Po< All g 3 Inf or m t ion h a s reac hed I Poona of a dastardly attack upon Miss Steele and her younger mate I belonging to the Px>nc. Indian Village Mission, bj afaont 10 Hin Mhers from
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  • 586 7 Via Colomho). •c Colon With a view, of cutting down the expendi- 8 ture the Cape Colony Legislative Assembly o has by 61 votes to 27 reduced Ue salaries of r. civil servants by 6 per cent. a Lambeth Conferee Their Majesties the King and the
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  • 92 7 The Church Of Wales. London, July 24th. Replying yesterday to a deputation Lorn the Welsh Noncontormists, the Prime Minister (Mr. As<juith) pro mised to introduce next year a Bill to diseaatahuah and disendow the Church of Wales. The Government and the Army. no further reductions contemplated. The Earl of Crewe,
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  • 113 7 A newly married Cantonese woman was found dead in her house in Sago Street on Wednesday night. Enquiries are being made by the police. Whatever other means Mr. Haldane may adopt to gain recruits, it is hardly likely that any of the Territorial Forces will be raised in so sporting
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  • 80 7 (Corrected up to Aug 13.) Bank 4 m/s M 2/4 T 1 g demand 2,3; Private credits 3 m/s 2/4 T credits 6 m/s w 2/4JFaANGa, demand Bank. M M 291 Gkj-many, demand 236. India, T.T, w M 175" Hongeon^, demand w 22f% Yokohama, demand M 113£Jaya, demand M
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  • 133 7 Aug 13 *Tin mh $68*87^ Gambier 8 00 Gambier Cube No. 1 11.75 Gambier Cube No. 2 10.00 gl Pepper Black (ordn. £f pore) buyers 11.00 Pepper, White; (fairL.W. p c buyers 17.25 Nutmegs (1 10 to tho 1b.) 1 9.00 Nutmegs (60 to the Ih.) 2' .00 Mace
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  • 718 7 Capital Capitai Issue Paid Issued paid up Value up Company Qaui-ffaa $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co. Lid 700 $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruang Limited $600,000 600.CC0 10 10 Bruseh Hydrani:,- Tin M. Co. Ltd I 2' 0 £400.000 350.000 1 1 Duff Development Oa. IM ii
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 328 7 On the Berth. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, For Europe. The Imperial German Mail Steamer SCHARNHORST 8,131 tons, Captain Maass, left Hongkong on Thursday, the 13th inst., at noon and may be expected to arrive here on Monday afternoon the 17th idem at about 6 p.m. She will probably be despatched for Europe
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    • 286 7 On the Berth. NEW SERVICE BETWEEN SINGAPORE. MUAR AND MALACCA. The s.s. Lady Weld," until further notice, will leave Singapore on Tuesday and Friday afternoons for Muar and Malacca, returning thence on "Wednesdays and Saturdays. This vessel has good accommodation for First Class Passengers. For freight and passage apply to,
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    • 258 7 THE YOKOHAMA DOOK CO., LTO. No. 1 DOCK. No. 2 DOCK. Length inside 514 ft. Length inside 375 ft. Width of entrance, top 95 ft., bott Wid! h of entrance, top 60.5 ft. bott. To ft. 45.8 ft. *i\ A.ter on blocks 27.5 ft. Water on blocks 20.5 ft. Time
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  • 253 8 YESTERDWS PLAY PbO_P_U__EColl Pair-. Mercs 8. Miller and Somerville, beat Acct 3, L ttie and Draper, 6—o, S o. Press Davies and Jennings, beat Army I. Hon*-"* and Harrison. r> —J. 6 t. M.'; cvk and Brandt, beat Acts 11. 1 and Qardi-ie*. r; -0, 6 4.
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  • 139 8 VI 31 AY'S PLAY. Un Dorr.i.i Mr^ I .art and W. O. Connor, Freer and D. V Perkins, w. o. E. Sherwood beat J I I nnor, 6 5, 6—l. Darbishire and C. V. Miles. nd Captain Young, unfinished. J. Gunn and C. Everitt beat
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  • 27 8 YESTERDAYS PLAY. Cham pi >HBHIP. Final). McKean beat Brown, _I—l 7.1 17. I DAYS TIES. iN Pails. (Fi;. nd Feldon v Biddnlph and F.eeman.
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  • 56 8 WI NGARD CHALLENGE SHIELD. Firing for the above shield, which is a <-! iy pigeon st m which teams Tientsin, Shai gfcottg v ipore take part, place on Wednesday evening at Government Tl c local team k< 1 the same r. The conditions are two hunted I ghteen feet rise,
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  • 107 8 il Adab ground last evening ■ond match of the 9 :utaha Ciub and the Mirine Police, m the third round of the Ce. fold competition was rephyed before a good eatbering of .1013. The teams appeared to be°well tnd neither side was able to cutne ether. When time
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  • 344 8 Three Child Victims Duiban, June 23. A terrible mistake occurred last evening at a ti: e display here by the Durban Fire Brigade and seamen of H M.S. Hermes. The display concluded with the destruction by tire of some temporary buildings, at the top of
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  • 291 8 It is well known that the Chinese local j officials m the South are at their wits end m regard to possible Reformers tha.t are suspected to be moving about amongst the people, and influencing them m the interests of revolt. The military authorities are therefore always
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  • 254 8 Commodore Sir George J. S. Warrender, Bart.. C.8.. C.V.0., commanding the Fast Indies Squadron, has been promoted to the rank of rear-admiral, which, if the Admiralty continu- _s al :rd policy of making the squadron a commodore's command, and the much smaller Cape Squadron a rear-admiral's command,
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  • 75 8 The Franco-British Exhibition is attracting a very large number of visitors from the Colonies, and the size of the Australian contingent is particularly noticeable. The occasion will many persons to regret that the All-Bed route between Australasia and Great Britain via Canada is not yet m existence.
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  • 305 8 FRASER CO.'S SHARE CIRCULAR. We regret to again report a somewhat lethargic state of affairs, although a trifle more interest is being shewn m the investment line. Tin aud rubber shares are rather quiet, and some of the former which recently took an upward trend, have eased back again. Mining-
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  • 130 8 Enormous Deficit m the United states. A Washington telegram dated June 30 says Treasury deficit for the fiscal year is £11,900,000. On the previous fiscal year there was a surplus of .£17,400,000. This extraordinary deficit is due to the grave financial panic last autumn which resulted m the
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  • 269 8 The Brazilian B bus been deploring the lack of taste on the part of British public, which leads them to ignore the attractions of good coffee as a beverage. Our contemporary, being confessedly interested in the growth of a taste for Brazilian coffee, will not accept the dictum that
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  • 67 8 RUSSIAN CONSUL AT TIENTSIN STABBED. Shanghai, August 5. Tbe Russian Consul at Tientsin has been stabbed. The person who committed the dastardly deed is unknown. Tbe Russian Consul now lies m a critical condition. Shanghai, August G. The name of the Bussian Consul who was stabbed at 1.30 p. m.
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  • 74 8 Shanghai. August 7. At 3.30 p.m. to-day four Chinese convicts, who were inmates of the Municipal Gaol, de a sudden attack on an Indian warder, disarming him, and then stabbing him with his sword. They next seized his carbine, and fatally clubbed him with it. The
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  • 366 8 A cargo of timber arrived by the British steamer Ban Whatt Hin from Kuantan yesterday. Captain Olink of the Patch steamer Bin Fo Se>on reports that he passed a floating wreck with one mast above the water and a piece of canvas attached to it m Lat 0
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  • 368 8 Lira Sin Yew, a Chinese revenue officer, was charged with attempted extortion before Mr. Coimau, third magistrate, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Yarborough prosecuted and Mr. Everitt defended. A Chinese steward, on bmrd the Ban Hin Guan said that while he was landing at Johnston's Pier on July 16,
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  • 125 8 NEW WAY OF RAISING THE WIND." A delicious story comes from America (says the Practical Teacher which hints at results yet undreamed of m telepathy. An education bo.^rd had bought a site for a school, but the building did not appear. Some 600,000d01. were required for the school. At last
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 15 8 PIANOS Bought, Sold or Exchanged Pianos at $150 and Upwards, V-tt _iii+ yi*t#-k-»"*jt^ TUt_a. 1
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    • 368 8 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. ;:R CONTIIACT WITH THK NETHERLANDS INDIA (jOVKHNMBNT. Agents at Singapore, Ships' Agency, late J. Daendels Co., 2-3. Collyer Quay THE UNDERMENTIONED DATES OF DEPARTURE ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE. s.s. de EBBENS Bawean, Sourabaja, Bandjermasin. Sta Balik-Papan, Samarinda and Pasir )LL Tandjong-Pandau (Billiton). Batavia, Bima, Wainga; iNangamessi), Ende
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 488 8 VESSELSIN PORT. Men-of-war Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From When For Zahora Sar. Yacht 500 B Ang 7 Sara ••ertain Sea Mew Col. Yacht 500 Coieman Au- g Batavu <;ertain Ship Flag Tons Master Arrived From Consignee Baron Dalmeny Brit 2503 Dodds Au^ 2 Knchinor__u K. H X .certain Banri
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