The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 12 August 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 104 1 The American rl nt has been received with extraordinary enthusiusin in New Zothmd. Page 5. GermiDy is attempting to gain a commercial hold in Persia. Page 5. The blethers Wright of America are experimenting with their secret Aeroplane Page 5. The International E&MtaBIIllt was sold yesterday for
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  • 1207 1 Mm} i merged fro m tii. covered that sal Bed with ell produced a very rapid i question at >.■ u anything of the i lre> or ever utei it aa a propelling tgent. But in the 13th century, I: i uc ed it into England, probak
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 137 1 Entertainments. ALHAMBRA. To=NiQht, TO'Night, at 9.30 p.m. The Wrestling Match, BEN HUR NICCA SINGH. CATCH-AS-CATCH-CAN. Sergt.-Major Guest A..G.08.W. KEXTS baa kindly consented to act as referee. BIG DOUBLE SHOW TO-NIGHT. Putin- Freres Pictures from 7.30 to 0.15 p.m. The Wrestling Match 9.45 to 10.50 p.m. In the event of tbe
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    • 69 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. John Little's beds and bedding at revise d prices Page Wayang Kassiin plays Marysan to-night Page 1. An important sale of plants on Aug 22 at Mount Rosie Page 3. Change of programme at Hales Tours Pa^e 1. The Singapore Sporting Club programme Page 7. Sailing ss. Knning
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 366 1 THE WEEK. Wednesday, 12th Hijjb Water:— ll.l4 a., 10.23 p Agri- Horticultural Show, K. Luaapur. Full Moon, 11.58 a Anniversary of the Settlement of Fenang. Lodge Zetland Regular, &.30 p Thuesdav, 13th:— High Water.— a., 11.10 p S.V.I, practice Sub-target rifle machine 5.: P O Mail Homeward due. S.C.C.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 10 2 A I Remedy for Dysentery and :-ea. I •a tin
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    • 788 2 P^vcrti6cmcnt£ NOTICES. SSPIAU TIM COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given that the Company's loth Ordinary General Meeting will be held at the Company's Office. Gres-ham House, Battery I Road, on Friday, 21st August, 1908, at Noon. Business. 1. To receive the Directors' Report and Accounts for the half-year ending 30th
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    • 357 2 Btoertteemente. INSURKNGES. MOTOR-GAR INSURANCE, Premiums 3. 4 aud 6 > per annum ac:ordin<4 to nature of risk. For full particular! apply to The Borneo Company Ltd. July 29 29.8 NEW ZEALAND INSUf II CO,, LTD, FIRE AND MaRINE. YANG-TSZE INSURANCE ASSOC. LTD. MARINE. CHINA FRE INSURANCE CO,, LTD, FIRE Fire
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    • 386 2 H&vertisemcnti. BANKS. Songkong Shanghai Ban£i_ Corporation. aii-up Capital 15,000.0--,ise£vi Fund SteflfiaC Reserve 1 000,000" 19ft eAn B0i« li. e $13,500,000 j W»^W.OOO LKSEKVK LIABILITT Of Propeiitoes .$ll KX),000 Court of Dil.ect( B. Buuum, E^aq. Cmj .**> Hoc lie. 1 r Chaibmak. L G Baree -sq. rcdkeses £sq -fc *ahh, Esq.
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  • 1202 3 r >>„'>■. 1 t In. vn AaiTATOM on :hs Pacific Coaat. ;i talagftfll to "The Times" from Vancouver ■tatM that .1 LtagM < f Indian Agita- i tori is bai ng Ibr—d on the Paeift Coast, the real object of which is undoubtedly to overthrow British rule. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 253 3 FOR STILE. FRESH BEEF. Now bt-in^ sold, of good quality, at 16 cts. a pound at 7, Rochore KoaJ. July 23 24.8 TWO COMPLETE TURNOUTS FOR SALE. One black gelding, rubber tyred four seated victoria and harness complete. One chestnut gelding, rubber tyred palanquin and harness complete. Both turnouts are
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    • 545 3 tff d%f*to Tiiere s nothing so -'''^W^teC bad for a cough y%f as coughing. ii| diV There's noth- j> a s dyer's toral J vw/fl /^jf^irsfy k ave a genu- 'f W'//*!\' i\vl/ ine coIJ or a Srbn/f n\ HWhard cough, nation in tho throat or lungs, then jca liced
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    • 545 3 Hovertisements. TO LET. TO LET No. 10 and 12 Mount Eii/.abeth, LBb Wilkie Road, and nine new house* Adis Road. Apply to Loh Lam, 601, North Bridge Road. July 2 2.9 TO LET No. 10 Tiverton Lane off Killiney Road. Apply to B. N. ELIAS, 5, Malacca Street. Aug 7
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    • 260 3 PROTECTION IRON AND STEEL. j IN THE W TROPICS Sidcrosthen Paint. I r3gl? r feHUtt Resists the action of Salt n Acids, Steam, Extreme cLim- atic Influences, tropi water with its destroying organism .i Irid-£--y ges. Pier- ami fcil ,tl ironwork. O; ,vp "Siderosthen* La whmi Its name implit
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  • 1663 4 The Singapore Free Press. Wednesday, Aug 12, 1908. the People's richt maintain, i d bv influence and unbribed by j; 3 1 Truth h" r f'o'iT.:^ prerryits draw. P!ei' 6 cd to ReligioD, loyalty and I-iw, ■rybedy who is imbued with the true instinct of sport, will be sorry to
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  • 391 4 B£r Law. the acting Chief Justice, has gone to Penang for the Appeal Court. Me Justice Sarcombe Smith was engaged with summons in chanbers \esterdav. Three Euras'an boys have been arrested on a charge of maiming five bullocks in Tanjong Pagar-road. The Hon'ble R. N. Bland is taking steps endeavour
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  • 775 4 I, >n.;ur We open! i pltoamai afton km at L >rd's last week, the occasion being ii.< vof the Varsity m itch. 11 «rae act the Lordt, fine and warm bttl M IBS. B sunshine ii so hard on thecri i more so on the ißOjOtatOl'l
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 408 4 REYNELL'S j HOTEL de la PAIX, r Th:- 01 I Established House having been thoroughly Repaired NOW REOPENED. od Accommodation for Boarders Passengers. A Speciality Is made of the Table, and only Wines, &cr, of the best Quality are supplied. is Moderate. Ruxxers meet Steamers. TATTERSALL'S Monster Consultations GEORGE ADAMS,
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    • 254 4 2 STUDIOS 2 t Adapted to the Morning and I to the Afternoon Light. They are the Largest, Coolest and best Equipped Studios in the Colony, and are situated in the most picturesque part of the iown, adjoining Government House Domain Moreover, we possess in a high degree all the
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    • 2 4 HALES TOURS.
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  • 72 5 EXTRAORDINARY ENTHUSIASM. England and America vs. The World. (B\ 3s .-trine Telegraph.— Reuter's.) m& Aug. lkb. 1010 a.m. The Amencaii rl el has met with an en- A lekland from the public and the pre?s. The newspapers dwell upon the Angloa brotherhood, which will
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  • 51 5 Caught on the Prins Waldem Aug 11, 10 10 am. .manaen are striving to enttr lato ance of the Immigration Federal immigration searchers luey rdiy discovered niu i a Ijing be top of the boiler of a Garm&n vessel, Prins Waldem The men were un irith dust ind
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  • 16 5 pen are printing nura- in with the returning Olvoidenouncing British unta <
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  • 299 5 V MAGES A CAR QWNEB. Two tiny toy motor cars and one mas-v-built Chinese schoolboy, figured in a he heariELT of which was concluded in Mr Saut.lers' Court yesterday. The tov were used, in conjunction with a series scale plans, diagrams, and plain how a collision occurred between
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  • 26 5 perl i were t Powell aad QOOB. id, s res r -iitural "ra 8 >ld t for I iv. K R. BamBamj i
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  • 24 5 {From our mun Correjptmdent.) Penang, Aug. 11,2 26 p.m. The visible supply of rubber is 806 tons ovor that of last year.
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  • 60 5 Reckless Sailors. By Submarine Telegraph—ReuterV] A ..lostrover has anived in the Firth of Forth from the recent macu'uvres. It is stated that the crew are dissatisfied with their rations, an 1 th 3 stoppage of shoreUave, and have thrown overboard the gtinsightfl and signal books. Several have been
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  • 68 5 Inventor Shuns Photographers. Eeceivbd 10. 40 p.m. Those who are taking a practical interest in aviation are intensely enthusiastic about Mr Wright's fl ght during the day. The flight was perfectly birdlika and responsive to every motion of the steersman. Mr Wright refuses to continue his fi ght
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  • 85 5 Edward has started for Cronborg where he meats the Kaiser. Thence His M tjestjr proceeds to Ischl, where he will meet the Emperor Francis. After thit the King will go to Marlenbad. is not far from Wiesbaden, Ischl i3 in the Austrian Tyrol, and
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  • 56 5 Aug. 11, 310 p.m. The St Petersburg Novoe Vremya says that the Germans are actively working for the establishment of a bank and trading facilities in Tabriz, it believes, with the id 3a of securing the summoning of an international conference in Persia similar to that held
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  • 324 5 Chinaman who Protected an Officer, i A Chinaman living at 728 North Bridgerd was charged before Mr Cohnan, Third Magistrate, yesterday, with obstructing a detective police constable in the execution of his duty. Information was received ai a local police station, that a detective who had been
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  • 1352 5 It was very satisfactory t) see all the griffins taken upon Saturday morning, and though it is practically impossible to judge as yet, it is fair to say that on the whole they look a very useful lot. It is <juite noticeable this time that a larger proportion
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  • 379 5 The Pahang Murder. To the Editor, Dear Sir, Most people have read with a thrill of horror of the brutal murder of Dr Birrack in Pahang. Of course it was immaterial to the coolies who murdered Lim, that his mission in life was to save lives and that he
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  • 159 5 The International Rs.staurant, of N0. 4, D' Almeida Street, was put up for auction I it .Messrs H. L. Csoghlan aud Company's saleroom, yesterday, under an order of the Supreme Court iu a suit between Sargeant, plaintiff, and Nicholas John Sirre, defendant. The '-only restaurant
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  • 72 5 Steanoe Action by a Canton In South Bridge Road a Cam .as seen tearinsr down a police notice referring to the recent murder of Dr. Barrack at Pahang. The notice whs one < ffering a reward to anyone who would give informiticn leading to the arrest of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 8 5 irnatie Paini Relieved. :ick relief from rheumatic po
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    • 179 5 RQBTnson co. jmj ks^^B TUT f^U I T I TPT J i n WSJB SAFETY RAZOR. Made of Solid Metal, Triple Silver Plated. In silk lined leather /^r-~^ each with two Edges. 4*l Price $9 net. L^r--i^A Extra Blades in packets of 10 $1. 25. |j FOR COPYING YOUR CORRESPONDENCE.
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  • 113 6 REPATRIATION OF CHINESE COOLIES. July l'th: Mr MiiiWi askrd the I'nder for the Colonies, whether at the Transvaal Parliament the not made Speech referring to the con--1 mining industry, and the the policy ot repatriating the I labourers; and whether he had official intoniuuiun ol wba* was said by Lord
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  • 87 6 MALAYA GENERAL COMPANY, LTD. WllißlllliiiiT 16th June. Capital =£39,000, \t To acquire rubber. coffee, indigo. tapioca, a Jobow and elsewhei ilar to aoquin the right ~p*ct of two blocks of virgin 3 t land ict of Gunong l'ulai. Job.- produce- India rubber, uutta percha. balata and other gu coffee, tea.
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  • 233 6 ay who have kidney trouble have never cted their kidii Ow kidh> x^ are the organs ru ri Wl liL because :j do. Day and nii;ht. from birth to the end o* our lives, they are at work separating I urine from the blood, and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 140 6 the same diseases as these drug.- -< in fort hours without < inconvenience. Each Capsule b*ars the name l]UviJ FH MUSES V Ihi CH:ST, i SBSMAULT'S Of H-c-P- :s— ;te of Lime. Prescribed in France for the last 30 years It retains its reputation for L on, Obstinate Col'gks, Colds,
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    • 453 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. Apcar Line. The undermentioned mail steamers of the above company maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan calling at P-nang, Singap-re, Hongkong Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons. Commander. s.s. Japan 6.300 J. G. Olifent. sis. Gregory Apcar 4,606 S. H. Belson.; s.s. Arratoon Apcar 4,510 A. Stewart,
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    • 628 6 a&vertisements. SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China J Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. j Steamers will leave Singapore oa or about j MAIL LINES. I Old ward
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    • 631 6 a^ertt9cment£?. SHIPPING OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co. Ltd. AND 3hina Mutual Steam Nav. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Fapan every week, and from Japan homewards f or London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fort- ri light, and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool
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    • 636 6 a&vertiecmcnts. SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA 1 LINE, HAMBURG. j The steamers of this Company maintain a g egolar service between Hamburg, Bremen, k ntwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, a !hina and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly jr Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Jremerhaven direct, calling at
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    • 456 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. KYT Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail steamers ofr his Company B*il fortnightly tnm Bhmm, iamburg via Rotterdam, Anther on Gibraltar, G«noa, Kapleb, (conne. hs, saplee, A'.<-iHndria and vie*' vers*) I'ort s^id, luez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Binyipni^ H >ng:ong, ShAnghai, Nagasaki 4. Kul>t
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  • 199 7 B ITU BIJBOnANS AtOARD. in Lindsay Captain C. M.iemrived at Colombo on July I I M and the Seychelles, on its here was sent 1-y the Mauritius Government to en tor the baiqae u William Turner" which trades between there and go Garcia,
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  • 80 7 Another highway robbery occurred on the id. about one mile out of the township of Lihat. A»' umm towkay. travelling from Papan in •osted by three armed Chinathe point of a revolver, relieved and decatured into the junele. Mr. Liwreneo, of Messrs. Howarth, Erskine, Ltd.
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  • 288 7 Singapore, 10th August, 1908. Beans, Long per catty 5 do. French do 12 Beef per lb. 18 BeefSteak do. 2 Sprouts per catty 2i Bamboo Sprouts do. 3 an do. 11 Brinjals do. 4 Cabbage. Batavia do. 14 do., China do. n 1 do.. Salted do. 6
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  • 76 7 (Corrected up to Aug 11.) i Bank 4 m/s 2/4 T V m demand 2/3$ Private credits 3 m/s w 2/4 T credits 6 m/s 2/4$ Fbancb, demand Bank.*, 291 Gubmant, demand 230 India, T. T, 175 Hongkong, demand 22^% Yokohama, demand 113.1 Java, demand w 1 39 A
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  • 128 7 Aug 11. ♦Tin $69.12, Gambhsr buyers 8.00" Gambier Oube No. 1 11.75 Gambier Cube No. 2 10.00 Pepper Black (ord*n. S'pore^ 11.15 Pepper, White (fairL.W. Ip c buyers 17.25 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.)_, 19.00 Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) 2 .00 Mace (Banda) w nom Cloves (Amboina) Liberian
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  • 738 7 SHARE S. I MINES. Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued paid up Valns up Company. Quotation $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co. Ltd $300,000 225.000 10 10 Bruang Limited 6"5 $600,000 600,000 10 10 Bruse a Hydraulic Tin M. Co Ltd 12 oi £400,000 350,000 1 l Duff Development
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 784 7 Singapore Sporting Club. THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING. WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday the 13th, Thursday the 15th and Saturday the 17th October, 1908. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 13th October, 1908. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value $600 and $!0 to the Second Horse. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight 9st Lx-Gnrtms
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    • 798 7 6. Tne Griffin Consolation. Value $300 and 150 to the Second Horse. A Handicap for all Griffins that have run at thi3 Meeting, and not won. Distance, Race Course. 7. The Overnight Consolation, Value $300 and $50 to the Second Horse. A Handicap for all horses that have run at
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    • 342 7 On the Berth. STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ NEDERLAND. Steamship Company "NEDERLAND" The Company's Mail Steamer 11 KONING WILLEM II" will leave Batavia on the 13th inst.. at 4 p.m. and is expected to arrive here on Saturday. 15th iust., in the morning. She will sail for Sabang, Suez, Port-Said, Genoa, Lisbon and
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    • 272 7 THE YOKOHAMA DOCK CO., LTD. No. 1 DOCK. No. I DOCK. Length Inside 514 ft. Length inside 375 ft. idth ol entrance, top 95 ft., bott idth of entrance, top 60.5 ft bott 75 ft. 45.8 ft. Water on blocks 27.5 ft. Water on blocks 20.5 ft. 1 line to
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  • 244 8 A BOLTING HORSE. About hilt" past six last evening a nasty carriage ace.-Unt Occurred OB the Esplanade A private paVuiqmn, ?-tid to belong to Bbrmimamh, of Kliug-strte', was coming away from the M .ilay fooibiU match with a Kling gentleman UMml*, when the horse, 1 fine free aetioaed
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  • 261 8 vn shiel; Daell Afiah ■aieriv Malays, assembled on .uiation ground last eteato witness the game in the semi-tiual roiu a competition for the handsome Mi E. E. Culm an for the Clubs. Several Eur .ls also ched the game with interest Mi Apps Poku -Qd rheir plavers were full
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  • 96 8 In the Supreme Court, yesterday afterI Justice Srreombe Smith was h the claim P, Lo\eridge 1 l y• i Drage. Hr 1 pdared t >i pWntifi ::son represented the defendant. The eiaiin which wr a content eel, va>: r hire through using a 1. road froin quarries
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  • 40 8 1 thei List, on the 10th rbiihiie 39 m A'arreu :.tle ">7 12 Mrs I'.ell 59—12 17 Mrs Har- 52— 5 :.iw :y.>— i-j Green 57 4 Tarbat Fowlie. iMc] Him Salzmann, B*dd©l< M v »-•-< 1
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  • 33 8 a It has been decided to postpone the opening of the putting greens uarii Saturday JT OQ "huh dire the Annual Generu. Mm »to beheld at the Club Jtlouse. c\ r~\ j~\
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  • 419 8 The following play in I). Singles and the preliminary rounds of the Profession pairs. ;Pliv conirnenos on Thursday and there will be n> tennis on the ground to-day. D Snrouts. Taylor, Hay, Cutting, Hart, Graburn, Oldham, Ben.p field, Montgomeiie, Towill, McCubbin, Knight byes. Campbell v Cocbran, Jones
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  • 194 8 YESTERDAY s PLAY. :-'i' Doi :i is A. Class. Mrs Maeta^art and W. O. Connor, v Mrs Freer and D. Y. Perkins, (postponed). Hurray and Captain Young, beat Mrs Daroibliire and L. E. Gaunt, 4—6 »>' 4 6-3 -Mrs Saunder3 and A. \l. Linton, v
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  • 41 8 Last Light the second round of the championship was completed, and the double and single handicaps advanced another stage. The turf was in fair condition, and some good play was witnessed. Scores Championship. TD. l l tt r\ <
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  • 354 8 The Russian steamer Ekiterinoslavl arrived yesterday from Viadivostock with a cargo of tea. A cargo of rice arrived by the Germar steamer Nuen Tung yesterday from Bang kok. Two Japanese stowawys arrived by th( British steamer Choy Sang on her arriva here yesterday from Hongkong. The Rajah of
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  • 417 8 By Major E. C. Ellis, Acting Commandant S. V. C. Singapore 11th August. S. V. 0. The monthly shoot of the Singapore Rifle Association will take place on Sunday 23rd SO pm. S. V. A. Orderly Officer Lieut. D. Robertson I >rderly N. C. O. Bombr.
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  • 149 8 (Compiled for the Singapore Free Press.") Date of passing Anjer Nationality and description of vessel Captain's name Where and when sailed Destination. July 25. Dut. str Goentoer Le Clercq Rotterdam, June 20 Batavia. July 26. Ger. str., Planen Hellerick Hamburg, May 9 Batavia. July 28. Ger. str.,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 10 8 Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer months children are
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    • 193 8 Dl KONINKLIjKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPII. I OHTRAOI WITH THE XjKTHHKLANDS [VDU GiOVJJRNKRv Agents at Singapore. Ships" Agency, late J Daendeli ft I I. Collyer Qu&v UNi.LK.MK.NTIONLD PATM OF -KiAlill II AhL 'ROXIMA s.s. vax Diemen Riouw, Muntok, Blinjoe, Soengei-Liai Koba and Toboali s.s. van der Lyn Pontianak and Singkawan;> s.s. Brandan
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 498 8 I CLEARANCES. Aug 9. Natuna, Ger. Lenes, for Bangkok. Aug 10. Strathclyde, Brit, str, Crerar, for Calcutta. Yorwarts. Aus. str.. Bednarz, for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Amira.l Neiily, Pr. str, Privat, for Dunkirk via ports. 5 Ger mania, Ger. str Jorgensen, for Hongkong. Selangor, Brit, str., Cox, for T. Anson
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    • 571 8 VESSELSIN PORT. I Men-of-war Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From When For Zahora Sar. Yaoht 500 R. Brooke Aug 7 Sarawak Qnoartaifl Sea Mew Col. Y.-tcht 500 Coleman Aug 9 Bata-via Uiu Ship Flag Tons Master Arrived From Consignee Beagle Brit 86 Wayne July 11 Cossack Mansfh Baron Balmeny Brit
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