The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 8 August 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 123 1 Trouble is forecasted for Finland. I 1 Reports of the Kuantan and Belat mines are given on page 5. Count Zeppelin is receiving offers of help from all over Germany. Page 7. A sad Arctic disaster has occurred I JJanidi Greenland expedition. Page 7. The U. S.
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  • 813 1 To take a repast iu the open d>es not s coinmeud itself to the average Englishman. Now and again du:-ii3g summer time he iso far relax as to take pan in a picnic, up the river, or in the grounds of some pL uistoric interest, such as
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 89 1 I FOR COPYING YOUR CORRESPONDENCE. I BRUSHES I NO WATER EMPLOYED. The Standard Copying Machine of the World I Ten Lines Better Copies in One-Tenth the Time, IF YOU CANNOT CALL WRITE FOR BOOKLET "MODERN METHODS" TO RONEO Ltd, 43 A Baffles Place, SINGAPORE. II I 1 For Hard Wearing
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    • 113 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. New Tours at Hales to-night Page 1. Guest night at the Adelphi to-night Page 6. The Alhanibra wrestling match to-morrow evening Page 1. Sailings. Putiala for Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta Aug. 14 Thongwa for Port Swettenham, Penang and ludian coast Aug. 10 the Paroo for Batavia and Australia
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 350 1 THE WEEK. Saturday, 8t!: High Water.— t; a,6 21 p B I M.iil Outward duo. Cricket Tournament. Garrison v Law. S.V.I. Class Firing, 2.30 p Sunday, 9th High Wafce -16 a 7.33 p Bth after Trinity. Coronation Day (1902). S.V.I. Class Firing, 7 30 a S. C. S. 100 yds
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  • 186 2 la the zine -iags Without I thod w tt's is the first greet name on Canada*! roll ot" fame, 'i be real founder of Qnti b laurel without dispute or eh wbiob Ea down mreace might neve- i in coloni3ation rica iken aci Born at Brooasre
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  • 83 2 B Unit 0 I G^aological Survey has received a report from one of its officer 3 on the coul lesourees of China, ia which it is :in;i's present needs require the work al fields to the depths pern. methods, and that when the Empire develops her industries
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  • 28 2 j is soon to sed. D the me le of ny, bnt o n ooefany of •u the employ of the State "■t will be
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 208 2 oonstant extension of our works combined with improved methods of manufacture, has enabled us to be cost of prcduction. The I^l f 3 I s is the tyre that wins all the big races. TARGA FLORIO (2m miles) First NINE csv Michelins. GRAND ?R!X (450 nv-i:s) FIVE out of first
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    • 460 2 Rbvertioement& NOTIGES. EXCHANGE BANKS NOTICE. The Exchange Banks will be dosed on Monday 10th inst., Coronation Day of Their Majesties the King and Queen. Aug 6 10.8 MESSRS. ALMEIDA CO. Civil Engineers. Architects and Surveyors. Have removed to No. 2, Malacca Street. They will carry on the business of auctiont
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    • 411 2 HbvcrtiC'Cmcnts. INSURANCES. MOTOR-CAR IHSUMKCE Premiums 2, 3, 4 and 5% per annum according to nature of I For full particulars apply to The Borneo Company Ltd. July 29 NEW ZEALAND INSURANT GO,. LTD, FIRE A¥D MARINE YANB-TSZE IWUIAICE 4SSG:. MAEIKE GHIHA F,BE INSURANCE [0., i" FIEV. Fire and Marine lii-lis
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    • 177 2 H^crtircmcntv, BANKS. Hongkoc Corporation, Paid-up Capital „....-„.s 1^,000,000 Resksvb Fund Sterling Reserve $15,00- isr Reserve 1 3,500,000 j b 5W »OOO Reserve Liability ow Pkopsiitors OOUUT OV DIIiBCT Hon. Mr. H*vrt Esev; ->.*.>, E. Gobtz, Esq. Dkj K liARRKTT, 1GUSTAV I C. S. Gubbat, Esq. K. J Ci Ma.-. Shanghai.—
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 183 3 K ti Roos^ iit, the fv- r second son of th- j r r light on ogniahed father's Af 'an c hunt; the two 1 -'her are to < when the fami.- to tbe i -j House nex- M A liitherto has been knc purdmg the contemplated
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  • 71 3 Mr in Paris is known in America a- the :o the N I for her d he sought to briug hiss officials null the ut Mr suit was and king the Tin I hicago, bout in the financial v. With ot: the Uni for ire pront
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  • 59 3 Mr Inteu n some further corresponon the rm, and in I of this piper ntly. Hongcont ho hare an in\ —ed with the i a tne I at a da: to the may -nnen in e folior f^nt by him last n;onth ent urea I would closed.
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  • 95 3 which infest the eric I, we should place the jocular cricketer ea can for. bad an (with difficulty sometmi I and he catches in a khe jocular man is beyond forgi T the good air with his vor man who B a catch, ox are we going
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  • 614 3 musing sayings of children sn a never failing soared of entertainment to the mem lib «r own families, aid often ;ire w > -tii repeating for the benefit of others, Vrh >e. parents enjoy the remarks of their own offspring more than a stranger I Jo. A
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  • 229 3 FINGER- PRINT SIGNATURES. Hitherto in Europe t r-print has only served identity of criminals, though in Elizabethan til thumb-mark was used as a seal by the unlettered. Bat a Swiss professor has been tcatiog the use of the linker-print for cheque- and passports as in the case of the port
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  • 96 3 According to the Consular report from adelphia, it is stated on the very L Bt authority that the American people are approaching a timber famine, that is to say, the annual consumption of lumber including the amount exported, is now more- than three e annual growth, and it
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  • 620 3 A Ship Pubseb's Story. After sleeping one night vn the deck of the steamer on which I then was Purser I was attacked with severe pains in the lower part of the back, and from that time onward until Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured
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  • 301 3 Owing > v made by oue of I Company's iss;i. r:tere have to take up about This does do( Mm company's il sufficient working ses out of the amount underwritten. We hear that t uese Gohas decided to honour Mr Thou m H< James, London manager of the
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  • 167 3 A raw egg swallowed inih generally carry a fish-bone down be removed from the tl exertion, and lias got out of the reach ol saving fits The skin of an apple or a pear i harmful, and has I u. to bring on ar 1 ly. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 15 3 A Good Rule for the Home. i f n ft nr rocmlfli' habits to keep
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    • 435 3 A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Thisis theage of research and experin allnature,sotospeak,isransackedbyi :fic for the comfort and happiness of man Science has indeed made sri;tnt strides during tin p stcentury, and among the by no means least imi ortant disc<>vtri'> in m< diciue comes that of Therapion, particulars of which will be
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    • 518 3 1 f* 11 d?1 7t O V $Q AA Jl \lltiltJll La *PtJc£*!*J« iDO«Uw« This Disinfectant is imported in a highly Concentrated form and may be i diluted up to 60 times its bulk, producing a Milk White Fa ess cgi 3 s linen which will not stain. This is
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    • 83 3 THE CEYLON OBSERVER stablished In Colcmbo 1834) Circulate* tbronglior I I and in Southern India. Its < circulates extensive Ly in Great Britain Ireland, as wt\ q^t pem ne interested in Ceylon reeiu; i arts of tlio id. Ceylon Observer (Daflj).— script ion, includ Rsso in advarce. Overland Observer (Weokly),
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  • 150 4 \V;cain a very f --v cocaine habit has -?ellom hold on tha B mg population of Calcutta, and has found its way to the m^re lespeetible classes. It seems havr- 'ion for them. The licensed vendors of the drug aro dealt with severely by the Police M
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  • 245 4 Commit M i ou o oi Wai Risks rep< recommend the adoption of any I war I maritime fa I apt by the maintenance of a powerful Di :ke, one of the members or in a separate memorandum, coo ten protection of commerce depends ultimately
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  • 53 4 To th- of The 0 Daily r edina. tbe I Ifohamy other places unti- B ainable i:, to l*e linked up with tbe modernised." year's pilgri- takes place, the r;ii! will stretch int Arafat, ih which is th>» iiitn ;ct- train. shrine iet ilies to ity. Yours faithfully,
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  • 36 4 "PRINCELY" MATRIMONIAL RUMOUR. i v.o foundation v. ap- ee to the en- I »rie the I >aiiy D current that a a Prince ■ieMan- the I)ul; hter eating the£ ap- The oi great one Intimate friends
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  • 20 4 mmer months children are rdera of the bowels which' 1 careful attention as soon as i
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  • 422 4 BfoTEMnnra of Fboopships: 2nd West ILbkts roa Calcutta in N vkmber. From the following programme of the trooping season it will b9 seen that the 2 ad West Kect Regiment will leave Singapore for Calcutta (ea route to Lebong) ab)ut November 16'h as the Dufferin is dtta
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  • 248 4 It is regrettable to learn that the worihy pular President of the French public ha?, at least on one occasion, fallen short of what was expected of him bv a group of Lis own country -women. It ap- that on the recent departnre of the French
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  • 156 4 The International Exhibitions Committee be London Chamber of Commerce held a meeting on 27th ult. Sir Albert K. Rollit, the chairman, said he had been in communication with the Japanese Ambassador and the First y at the Embassy as to the Exhibition at Tokyo, and was informed
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  • 56 4 A Reliable Remedy for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. lie season is at band when diarrhoea and dysentery are prevalent, a reliable remedy should always be kept in the house for immediate use. The success of Chamberlain's Cohc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the treatment of bowel trouble, has brought it into
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  • 245 4 In the mill I'i >y>- I flooded districti of Ewaagtimg the picture 001 jored B| matter. and no doubt sufficiently accui parties sent to investigate cor I ud t< administer relief are distii suggestive. of the dm I regioi have Ijeen und< ion and rep The waters
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  • 141 4 To the Editor of 1 Sir, lu 1 that exists throughout the v curious that no trouble ehou ?en taken t in yea promote if I country so eminently suitable u The Government have, bowi cided to aid intending eulti ecd have distri imported from Singapore. There
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  • 118 4 e Sir Wilfrid Laurier. the Premier, moved in the Dominion House of Con, that it was desirable t: I be taken to achieve the i l resolution of the In a and Pacific Oceans, and t. *d f endorse the resolution by was prepared I
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  • 39 4 From boundary Hi owij ■d the miles west ment upholds the led to I tt Britain will be d< Lake AH)ert Ed port mentis being shown Congo border ed l.y Austrcilians. Ind of gold oV.tainp.l
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1190 4 --rr -1 1 mh iw iw i«m imwuwuii 1 imh [[■■■■■in mi— ii ,mi. r— .i^-^— M ES3&3 Jw 8 m PICKLES, SOUPS, JAMS, JELLIES, Jill IUIL mHI 1 POTTED MEATS, MALT VINEGAR. iwM MM lip Agents for LEA PERRIN'S WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE K Sw Crosse Blaeßwell, Lt& 1 1 '11
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    • 274 4 1 "if" you suffer" From any Skin or Blood Disease, such as Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Glandular Swellings, Bad Legs, Ulcers, Absce- Tumours, Boils, Sores, Eruptions, Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Gout, &c, but at once start a course cture (the World-faraed Blood I J the experience of tl whom it 1 i
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  • 287 5 Helat. :'nl A |g to sul rotl mv rep re of tht wad m your Mint og bhe monti of July i 11. Sm mo. The two tributers working on Um F. 9 *.hern b bare obtamed payable [ox the montls. Tin three contractors working
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  • 31 5 KUANTAN TIN MINING CO., LTD. the month of J te month r rived. in the lowh, and the karang one icing and Trithe old tailtnd obtained pels. m. M. Bath. Manas:-.
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  • 56 5 Mr San Francisco correspondent. national BCOOta and portion. Admiral ite defence en the I Pacific eoasi ready for Eaci of armoured cruisers With each yers, a ship, and a h Sperry has impressed on Pacific the primary lesson cf nal a. So long as a foreign foe tails
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  • 342 5 In Bankruptcy. Mr Justice s Teombe Smith Eat yesterday 1 to hear bankruptcy matters. J pe itionsfor receiving orders were wed to be withdrawn, on the undert staadiug that a settlement had been effected, i a t>ae case, however his lordship declined to allow it to be done,
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  • 57 5 If we ever come across the heaven-sent horn the "expert" seems to some minds to incarnate, we .shall fall down and worship among the first. But officials, as we are much like other people, and on the whole do their work very much better when liable to criticism
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  • 325 5 BY DOAN'S BACKACHE KIDNEY PILLS. one and Kidney i Mr. Catlia, of Hard* iill London. England, writes: "I was ill alto.bout four years from what the doc 1 had to see three of them) told me d kidney di- said Mrs. Catlin. i pains, not only in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 TO LBT. OFIICES TO BE LET In Cavenagh Bridge Buildings, facing General Post Ofiice. Apply to Gljthrie Co., Ltd. Jan 11 u.c TO BE LBT No. 14 Collyer Quay ground floor formerly occupied by F. I OP Co. AppIy— MEYER BROS. Mm n.c TO LET. Compound House No. 1 Oxley
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    • 546 5 £tovcrttsemcnt& TO LET. TO LET Xo. 10 and 12 Mount Elizabeth. 188 Wilkie Koad, and nine new houses Ad is Road. Apply to Loh Lam, 601, Xorth Bridge Road. July 2 2.9 TO LET No. 10 Tiverton Lane off Killioey Road. Apply to B. N. ELIAS, 6, Malacca Street. Aug
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    • 525 5 a&vcrtisements. MU(BTIQNz. REMINDER AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE CURIOS TO=Wh Y At "Wbstboubnb" k (.ilstead Koad at 1-30 p.m. H. L. COGHLAN Co.. Licensed Auctioneers Surveyors. Au S 8 9.8 MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Wednesday, 12th August, at 2 30 p.m. 999 years leasehold land and houses known as Nos. 3 and 4
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    • 295 5 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Ur High Grade Teak Household Furniture, Rare Specimens of Malayan, Siamese, Chinese and Japanese Silver, China, Brass Ware Krisses. AT WESTBOURNB, Na GILSTEAD ROAD. Saturday, Bth August, at 1.30 p.m. Comprising a fine to tied cc pianoforte in ebor case by Rachals, Carved teak not, Carved teak
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  • 25 6 Domestic Occurrences. Birth. SHELFORD. On 6th July at J I, Gloucester Place, Portman Square, London. W. the wife of W, if, SHELFORD, of a son.
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  • 948 6 The Singapore Free Press. Saturday, August 8, 1908. 's right maintain, and unbribed by gain I'■ e;■ ;'i mtii h ecepts draw. oyaltyand I-aw. V\> welcome, in the arrival of the D S. battleships Alabama and Maine, the vanguard of that main body of the fleet that is ai present
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  • 1562 6 "ALABAMA" AND "MAINK" AT SINGAPORE. A salute of twenty-one guns, fired from Fort Canning, sigmlisel the arrival at Singapore yesterday morning of thfl Am^ncan battleships Alabama and Maine. The two ships steamed into the Roads about half-past ten. baring completed the journey from Manila, Philippine Islands, in
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  • 2 6
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 206 6 MILWAUKEE C*JSSSBS2M"'' il orLUIALLi Ai-AtiLU ,^^^^^^^^^^y|K^ y] E STE :j REQUIREMEfcTS j REL 3LE 0 EOi]SOH OAL t|_. A GREU CONVENIENCE. THE ABBESS" RANGE. Piping and Kain Cowl. $iuo. I^l^^S We have Cooking Ranges of /Scz^r' W various kinds and sizes in stock. Sj 4 and shall be pleased to
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    • 28 6 I TITTY JLJ <J JL ■■mm I* V IB BH& BY PAYING $2 A WEEK, THE Robinson Piano Co 9 LIMITED. *38J *9H3i&SiSBBEB£S3 iH^HHEH^S^X^S^EI df^MnnaMKMKm Tf PIANO PLAYING.
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    • 284 6 2 STUDIOS 2 I Adapted to the Morning and I to the Afternoon Light. They are the Largest, Coolest and best j Equipped Studios in the Colony, and are situated in the most picturesque part of the town, adjoining Government House Domain Moreover, we possess in a high degree all
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  • 137 7 EXPEDITION PERISHES. Messenger Falls Dead. (By Submarine Telegraph.— ReuterV A.«g 0 p.m. Erichsen, the -f the Danish Expedition into I reed tad, with two sledging compacies, was driven on to an icefloe in a -storm. The provisions becoming exhausted he and his companies perishel. The Eskimo i
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  • 30 7 Bee Aug -j.i:> p m states that the Minister fur Foreign Affairs and ;he Japanese d'Aftaires, ex, og to the demarcation of the tiusso-Japanese possessions in Saghalien. *»MM
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  • 29 7 An Imposing Celebration. "ivt-l Aug. 7. 10 '20 am. I.imbeth Conference has concluded with a celebration of Commui; Paul's Cathedral, at which 243 Bishops partook.
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  • 286 7 The members of the Nooraf Ashifcin Foot bill Club, invited the other Malay -s a il performance of t ~iai last night, in honour of Mr E. Colin tn, the donor of the Colinan Shield, and ra Apps and McCubbin, the energetic referees. The teams wore their
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    • 43 7 By Submarine Telegraph Reuters'.] It appears that a squall struck Count Zeppelin'i air-ship, lifting the stem, which n fell heavily to the ground. This caused the spirit tank to explode. The disaster has caused remarkable chagrin in Germ my.
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    • 30 7 Received Aug 7tb, 10.55 a.m. Subscriptions are pouring in upon Count ppelin from all quarters of Germany. Some German capitalists, have given 000 sterling towards a new airship.
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  • 69 7 A Rising Storm. The Finnish Diet was opened with a stern speech from th9 Throne, lamenting the absence of a feeling of solidarity of interests with the Russian people, and the nonracognition of the justice of the obligitions which the Empire imposed on the Finns. The President repli3d, iirmly
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  • 15 7 Kiamil Pasha has formed a new Turkish Ministry, all of whom are Liberals.
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  • 61 7 Received Ang Tib, 2.15 p.m. Mr Gerard Lowther, the new British Ambassador to Constantinople, has presented his credentials to the Sultan, whom he warmly congratulated on behalf of the British Government, on the occasion of his introduction to Constantinople. I r Lowther's drive in state to the Porte
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  • 410 7 A few notes from the Annual Report of the Marine Department, Straits Settlements, for the year 19 7. show that the total revenue collecced in the three Settlements, and in India amounted to $285,866.23 against $279,201 :ii !.">-_>, being an inere iae ol 56,66 I 66.
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  • 1006 7 Quicquid agunt homines noetri est farrayo ÜbeUi. Juvenal. As the classic poet puts it: "It is a jolly thing to frivol at the right time." And the frivolling of the ladies and gentlemen who appeared collectively the other night as the "Starboard Lights," with an alcoholic
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  • 565 7 ALL ABOUT CfJRTAINS. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon, in the Municipal Beard room] to consider the sick receiving house by-laws and tha water agreement. Mr J. Polglase (deputy President) occupied the chair and there were also present .-—Messrs A. W, Biilev Wm.
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  • 128 7 The Hon. Capt. Young acts as Deputy Governor during H. E. the Governor's visit to the F. M. S. Bernard Gratz of Berlin, is granted leave to file a specification of an invention for an improved process of obtaining pure caoutchouc. Tbe Keppel Harbour Football Club, and PenaDg
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  • 77 7 Mr C. C. MacCarney, from Australia, has joined the Selangor Ilevenu-j Survey J h partment. TII3 total of tin ore exported bytributors on the lands of The Royal Johore Tin Mining Coy LtJ. during the month of July 19 was 182 bags equal to Picula 100. MessrsGuthrie Co m**. uts.areiu
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 431 7 ROBinson co. ;>!■<■¥■■»'■■ fciuu^ TUE ft! I CTTC nr^-^pv lilLblLLLilL IP^ SAFETY RAZOR. Made of Solid Metal Triple Silver Plated. In silk lined leather case with 12 Blades jh each with two Edges. n^^- <*\\ Price $9 net. r-*^ V Every blade set ready r"~ s!^*£\ lUI u5C+ CAf Extra
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  • 438 8 ATTKMPT TO MURDER A TECTIVR Po_i< i An.'^her serious incident hai occurred g«i topi .-a .'t of twlest men than m imoiig the > c nnmunay. I Gfoverament with attempt, m the occurren le [j pn About one oVlocl: jresterdaj m n messige wa> lice to the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 77 8 MM MBSSAGERIES Per Chin.*, Japan, Ceyloa, Adc Hg^ptand Marseilles. aO. HCMXWABD. 19 08 190S g. 10 Tonrane Am« 10 s l ArmUßehic Atig 24 Ville d Yarra Sep. C r at alien SeptJ 21 Polycesien IS Ville de la Ci, o Oct. 19 w:apor.3 r ßatav!a.-S.s. La Seyne every fortnight
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    • 497 8 9Dwrtf6ement& SHIPPING. JAPAN SAIL STEAISHIP Go., Ltd. V A s_U_ FORTNIGHTLY Berrioe I maintiiiiied between Japan and Enropa by I following N KW TWIN SCREW STEA- HERS. Cndkx Mail GoHTXAera with IPBBIAL JAPANKSa GOVERNMENT. Specially designed for the Company's Euroi psan Si.a'xice, li ghted throughout by Electricity provided with excellent
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    • 603 8 a&vcrtisemcnts. SHIPPING. BTBAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. I Fo^ Chins, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, E^ypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London, Through Billg of Ladir.£ issued for China Ocaat, Persian GtdL Contiiiontal axid American Porte. Steamers wii; fearc SJagapcr* oa or »fcoot MAIL LINES. Outward {for China) 1908 Malta Aug. 15
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    • 616 8 Bbvcrtisctncnts. SHIPPING it* OCEAN STEAM' SHIP Co. Lid. AND China Mutual Steam Nav. Co. LtdIhe Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight, and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward
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    • 437 8 fl6vcrti9cntcnts. SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. i I The steamers of tbi3 Company maintain a regalac service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Si; China s.nd Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for > Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and
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    • 315 8 Btvcvttecmcnt*. SHIPPING. Uorddeutschar Lloyd, IMPERIAL GERMAN KAIL LIKE The fast and v -<* -known mail eteamors of ti aay nil fortnightly from Bremen, Han/ rp, Southamptxn Gribr>^ N >»].! Naples, A10x.5.:..- 1 > 'ersa) Port Said, ■bOj Pen&ng, Singapore, Hong- kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki Kobe to Yokohai. acd back. They are
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  • 116 9 i excellent muster of past present oi I the aunutl uianer the Grand ii Trafalgar Square, ;ae l' M i>j >r Gh pied the ch ir,an he P. v 1 una, C I nels H. D, n*d W. H. B Captain B •i I' If
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  • 232 9 iition pub ams N v York. Washing iJian a in three Eights, bel ud that are in reality intended not for Japan, the British builders payments direct from require -v W. G. Armstrong, t( fit it Elswick aed tlu M mas Gei Brazilian (iovernmc ler convhich an
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  • 95 9 ition of .lin^ham, on June "2-3, and President, made 9 to the question I when the averarge town exceeded '±~> led wac t iking ble to the COB withqs and service pi larger I fci but ca Agl ranee by b the drains. This well known
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  • 558 9 A miter in a home journal says The rapid growth of a hooligan class in our large cities make- it useful for the woman who has Ito go out at night to learn the art of self defence. It is easily learned, is no tax upon
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  • 187 9 1" rv Milks in the Thames. Montague Holbein, the famous Channel swimmer, performed the remarkable feat of swimming fifty miles in the Thames. When he started from Greenwich a cold east wind was blowing on the water. It did not seem to have any effect on him.
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  • 148 9 His Opinions on- the Boycott. Mr Sochita A3ano, president of the Toyo Kisen Kaisha, (reputed to be the second bbiest man in Japan) has been interviewin Vancouver. He is reported to have that Japanese trade with China had suffered severely recently because of the ott resulting from
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  • 79 9 The British Consular report for 19 7 of the bade of Cocbin-China shows that the shipments of rice and paddy from Saigon during the year were 17,245,400 piculs, that j o tons, or 481,200 tons more than' in the previous year. Of this total 72 000 tons were white rice,
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  • 700 9 STEAMERS. Giving port of departure, and (where known date due here, and MMM of Agtnts. Achilles, Liverpool, Sept u&field. Airlie, Sydney, Aug 21 Boustead. A jax, China, Sept Mansfield. Aicinous, Liverpool, Sept 13 Mansfield. Anamba, Hongkone, Sept 5 E, Asiatic Co. Afttung, Hongkong, Sept Behn Meyer. Antilochus, Liverpool,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 455 9 A MATRON of the Y.W.C.A. HOME A V A 4 M Lassitude, Neuralgia known that feeling of relief and thankftilness when they have ded upon' without doubt or disappointment, whose i can be accepted unquestionably well that is what the writers of these letleis women who are to be* depended
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    • 1 9 iNTALS
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    • 495 9 THE Singapore Free Press. Morning Daily. To icrs. The S m it i nd is on epota, pted). Subscribers' copies will bo their > Sioeg or owns if preferred) by seven o'clock morning. Fulladdresse- 4 to be delivered should I RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. One month $2.50 Three months 7.5 O
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  • 767 10 H a ...1 a people to eonwit h the Cocos, but these nevertlu- 1 iut the I enterprise and per.' HOK > tiave done. They B di-cove I Captain Keelmg OB 'jage from B wore long the Keeling [stands, though now tr.ore generally knowu as the 3.
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  • 597 10 The term sunstroke is used somewhat indiscriminately to include fcwo classes of Oaaei namely, those of exhaustion and heart failure occurring under conditions of great beat, i it often in the absence of direct sunlight, and, Becondly, instances of persons being stmek down by the effects of the intense
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  • 333 10 The spirit in which China has received the announcement of the purpose of the United tea to remit one- halt' of the indemnity ex•l oa account of the Boxer outbreak, is truly admirable. The amount remitted altogether will aggregate §12,785,000, cf which, however. $2,000,< 00 is for
    333 words
  • 125 10 'ralien, due Aug 10.A. S. Smith. Per I' '.alta, due Aug Mr Mrs A. Jauiiesoc, Mr ar Mr and Mrs AY Wain, M i A. Mit< ..nssell, Mr K. S. Koh, Mr R. Clarker. To Penang. Mr and Mi> Becklee. Per Pft 0 N ,ie. due
    125 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 952 10 KEEP YOUR LA!, ELS and exchange them for *^M)^S i^*'^ A SOLID GOLD WATCH jj| vis. Guaranteed and fully jewelled, and warranted a perfect timekeeper. H SOLID SSLV£R AMD G'JN METAL WATCHES ALSO are otlercd for a smaller r.uaiber of Labels. (BUTTERFLY BRAND) 5,000 MA^KS WIN A SOLED GOLD WATCH.
      952 words

  • 921 11 Sn;v m Jafahbsb Supowirns. In the course of a wry Lni ating report in it the -Japanese ship miktiag only 881,{ n\. a the present Then* 'uis, it is s s 1, irises "roni the big shipbuilding pi ich he three lea ni >mi- Ito u ry i
    921 words
  • 80 11 (Corrected up to Aug 7.) Bank -4 m/s 2/4 T V damand 2/3; Pi irate credits 3 m/s 2/4 T 8 g- credits 6 m/s 2/4; F__tron, demand Bank< M 291 Gf_mi__TT, demand 230 > [>r"!T\ T T 17^" Eohgkoho, demand 22£.% Yokohama, demand U3j Java, demand ]39\ Bangkok,
    80 words
  • 132 11 Aug 7 ♦Tin $69.75 Gambier M buyers 7.80 Gambier 0a be No, 1 „< 11.75 GrambierOubeNo. 2 10.00 Pepper ß_ ok (ord* S'pore) 11.374 Peptsr, Wl r L.Vv 5p c 17.40 Nutmegs (11 0 to the 1b.) 1 9.00 Nutmegs (80 to the ib.) 2 1 .00 Mace (Banda)
    132 words
  • 705 11 Capital Capital Issue Paid Isseed paid ap Valttf an Company. Q $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Minin- Co. L*| $300,000 225,000 10 10 Eruang Limited 625 $600,000 6OG\9CO 20 10 Brut*. Hy_mn_e Ti_ _L Co. Ltd 12 <<> £400,000 11 D_ffD BoeOo.LU 60,000 60,000 1 1 K tta
    705 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 734 11 £ifcvcrnsemcnT& WANTED. WANTED for a .Rubber Estate in Sumatra (East Coast) a Chinese Clerk with good handwriting and smart at figures. Salary I'M) per month and free quarters. Apply to P.E. c o Singapore Free Press. Aug 8 u.c SITUATION WANTED. Advertiser seeks situation in a liubber Eh- bate Oucport,
      734 words
    • 232 11 On the Berth. On the Berth. West Australian S. N. Co., Ltd. GOIWPANIA TRJU !CA OF BARCELONA. v F^ R n tTJ FOR ILOILO and MANILA. Batavia, Souraoaya, Broome, Port Hedland, Cossack, Onslow, Carnarvon. the Spanish ma: Geraldton&Fremantle. LOPEZ v I, The Company's Steamer isexpec rive frorn Europe on Tut
      232 words

  • 1951 12 Obdikaki Mnrnro, Friday, A.UG 7. t\-:K->2NT Sis Excellency Um Gkivwuoi <; .r John Anderson. Hit Excellency Majov-Genl. T. Peraott, CJ& Tk« B **ble i .8 C vqA Toaag. Dm Borfbli 0m I I Mfaw iwj ffrwnfirai W. G Miw.,-11. |bm C LTraasurarJ. 0. Anthosiiss E. 1 Dr kj.
    1,951 words
  • 196 12 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Mixed Doubles A Class. Miss Abrams and J. Robertson, owe 2, v Mra Gansloser and C. T. Hose. ser. unfinished (continue on Tuesday Mrs Mactaggart and W. O'Connor, scr., v Mrs Freer and D. Y Perkins, owe 15, unfinished (continue on Tuesday.) Miss
    196 words
  • 31 12 MONDAY 8 TIES. Cham PIONBHIP. McKenzie v Sinclair. Open Pairs. (Final.) Biddnlph and Freeman v Hay and Feldon. Single Handi. McKean v "White ;if he wins on Friday.)
    31 words
  • 101 12 Thefollowing was the Election Committee elected ou Friday C. I. Carver/ G. R. Holden Webb, J. Robertson, W. A. \l. Knight, A. S. Bailey, H. A. Mason, J. D. Saunders, B Bremner, A. B Si npson, K. I, 1 Taylor, P. IL'njifield, H. W. Noon and Hon John Anderson.
    101 words
  • 59 12 Civil Service and Law play the Officers of the Garrison this afternoon in the final of the Tournament. Tho Civilian Team is composed Gf. A. S. Bailey, A. W. Bailey, C. I. Carver, E. C. Ellis, C. F. Grean, Dr P. Hennessy, C. V. Miles, ]>. Y. Perkins,
    59 words
  • 71 12 With reference to the challenge and counter challenge between Harry Andrews of the R. G. A. and H. P. Hunter, we are informed that tliB Alhambra is prepared to put up a purse for a fight between the men. So that now, as Hunter says, there is
    71 words
  • 82 12 Kamsamy, a wild looking Hiudoo, was committed by Mr Green, second magistrate, yesterJay, for trial at the next Assizes on a charge of murder by causing the death of another Hindoo named Murugan at Bukit Timah. It is alleged that the accused admitted his guilt at the
    82 words
  • 230 12 The Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company's steamer Babalan arrived here on Thursday with a cargo of benzine from Braudan. Information his been received from Penang that the steam launch Puffin has sunk about three cables' length South of the Swettenham Pier in nine fathoms. Mariners are notified that the spot
    230 words
  • 55 12 On Thursday afternoon, two marine police constables were proceeding by boat from the Station at Tanjong Rhoo to Teiuk Blangah and Blakang Mati, when a launch drawing a tongkang ran into their boat and sank it. It is stated that the launch kept on its way and
    55 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 205 12 DE KONi^KLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. L'xdkb Contract with i eelasds India Government. Agents at Singapore, Ships' Agency, la l e J. Daendels Co., 2-3. Collyer Quay. THE UNDERMENTIONED DATES OF DEPARTURE ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE. s.s. Japaba Pcnaug, Oelee-Lheuo, Sabaug, Meulabob, Tapali j Sinabang (Simealoe), Sirigkel, Baro*. Si-Bolga, GoenoengSitoli. Si lioniboc. Xako-Islands.
      205 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 377 12 CLEARANCES. Aug 6. Merapi, Dut. btr., Geische, for Hongkong, Auioy and Swatow. Bibalan, 13 at. str., Jansen, for Sourabaya. Aug 7. Dovre. Nor. str., Paulsen, for Bangkok. Teo Pao, Ger. str., Busche, for Gorontalo via port3. Deli, Ger. str., Hubner, for Bangkok. Emilie, Dut. str., Mahmood, for Rhio. Penang, Brit,
      377 words
    • 615 12 VESSELS IN FORT. Men-of-war Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From When For Alabama U.S.A. b'sbip 12,000 Veeder Ang 7 Cavite Colomu Maine U.S.A. b'ship 12,500 Caperton Am* 7 Cavite > 9 Sea Belle F.M.S. Yacht 400 About July 10 Kuantan P.-n Ship Flag Xons Master Arrived From Consignee Asdang Siam
      615 words