The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 1 August 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 137 1 Serious labour troubles have taken place neir Paris and a regular battle ensued between police and strikers Page 7. Labour Members are to visit Germany at Whitsuntide to encourage the Augii German understanding Page 7. The further examination of Sarkies and Johannes was taken before Mr Justice
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  • 1108 1 I was fori at hind when the carriage drove und. Tottico, aud Betty, s vLi.-u of lace and tuckers, stepped out. So dear of you she said you are just the one person I can meet now without disgraci lam sun I I -lie bad been
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 159 1 1 a _T1 w »j 1 fl 50 years in the Straits. Boudoir. Concert Grand. Grand. Upright Grand. Pianola. D1 m\ I*l fa C* The BeSt and thC Chea P est in the a SHOW ROOMS, 375 Victoria Street. A. FRANKEL Co., Sub-Agents. WAYANG KASSIMr HIE INDRA-ZANIBAR ROYAL THEATRICAL Co.
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    • 194 1 POPULAR WANTS. Wanted to buy good riding hack fifteen hando five to seven years, or turn out would be considered if horse good in saddle, state price and particulars to M. c o Free Press." SITUATION WANTED. General Clerk, with knowledge of Bookkeeping and Accounts, holding recent testimonials, seeks immediate
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    • 335 1 Entertainments. Xlham b ra~ CINEMATOGRAPH BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT! Change of Programme. The Dreyfus 'Affaire.' This him shows the different incidents of this well-known case, which still dwell in the minds of everybody. The whole of the affaire is shown, from the beginning of the discovery of the missing documents to
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    • 101 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Perak Government call for tenders Page 5. Robinson ft Co. have a new shipment of tennis goods Page 7. Nutricia Milk Page 11. The house i.s quite full for Starboard Lights to-night and it is no use anybody going up on tbe chance of paying at the dcor.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 360 1 THE WEEK. Saturday, August let: High Water.— o.l9 a., 1.19 p Penang Races. Third Day. Cricket, Colony v. F.M.S. Starboard Lights Entertainment. 3.R.E. (V) Camp. Sunday, 2nd i High Water:— o.s4 1.45 p 7th after Trinity. Swim. Club launches 9, 10, 11 2.30 3.30 p Monday, 3rd High Water.— l.3o
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  • 215 2 S- 8 will 1 "a G-:.i\ ml Offi F,,r tl lam waa Ito t.n; I bare! Ub fax bj Hie jmn is if Id J P Lglase will be p I n H«rb > baa exiuiia..-- a u eb_-tere-intaat. rfeerepoH r I ihiloc b _b_nlH_mid bn A.a ned ux c
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 381 2 &ti&tßstir*W(WwW^ I I I I W ..iL'_Mlta_l----S__--------S_--__^ |h| g^ _L livWy iw wU Uvwvt I The constant extension of our works combined with improved methods at manufacture, has enabled us to I j lower the cost of production. B I big races. aTARGA FLORIO (277_ miles) First NINE on MichelinsJ
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    • 567 2 Etoertiscmcnte. IWMNTED. WANTED Junior Krani one who has just left School preferred. Apply personally with credentials or School certificate to The Pulau Brani Smelting Works. Aug 1 5.8 Wanted a bright, cheerful and smart young lady, as companion and house keeper. Salary 640 a month. Excellent home. No drudgery or
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    • 556 2 Hbvcrtiscmcuts. INSURAN&ES. mmm insurance. Premiums 2. 8, 4 and 5 per annum according to nature of risk. For full particulars apply to The Borneo Company Ltd. July -10 WM NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO,, LTD. FIRE AND MARINE. YANG-TSZE INSURANCE ASSQ.. LTD. KABH-E. CHINA FiRE INSURANCE CO,, LTD. FIRE. Fire and
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    • 488 2 H&perttscmcntu BANKS. Hongbng ft Shanghai Bankia GorporatiOii. Paid-up Capital $15,000,000 Reserve Fu>~d. BtarlißK ttsnsrti S15,000,000) #fl Bibaar Beaei ve $13,500,000 J $28 5 °0.000 Banntfi Li 1 PanWUMRMU $15,000,- D.15..-:. HonYVlr ■asnri Kehwiqk. Cp.au_.k_k. E. Goktz, Esq.— Deputy CKAiaMAi*. E. G. Bap.rbtt, Esq. |C. M Lavoaara Eso Esq. Bsaj E«q
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 170 2 SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES. St. Ab I ratEDi Seventh Sun Y y after Trinity. T &m Mat inn bS as B -'y Communion (Char 9.15 am B 'y Communion (Plain). 916 pm Sundav School. pm Bible Classes (A tutta). pm Bvena am and S rmon. 1 HA3 is Sepoy Linna o
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  • 667 3 I lite and tmecd the law to forests and, produce baa en Irafted II be j before the Legislative Council. 1 reasons st its D Mr H. C. I oi rvator of cost Set vice, reported on the existing system of for. st administration iv Y mad- a
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  • 159 3 Chinese enterprise is beginning to show tion of the iron and steel needed for the extensive railway systems in ts predicted -fore the end 3. the home industry will be C0l! WsmtM w OS in neutral ma: bis development of the iron indus- most prominent on the 1
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  • 583 3 THE KAISER ON POLITICS AND BACHELORS. 1 be I > sei rer" h is these rem u tea on the Ides! public otter nee of the Kaw-\ thai *1 H unbnrg. Too amusing Imperial reference to the taxability of uotnarrifd man is illustrat_td by a humorous set <f verses, Bn
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  • 349 3 Iu thre3 of its issues the Rmgoon Gazette has ..ken an interesting account of B ttgoon S five Yea: It winds up by a glimpse at the present development I that prosperous town, tbe capital of a rich and fertile province. It says From such small beginnings has
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  • 409 3 STATION-MASTER IN NETHERLANDS INDIA Tells How— Cubed of Malaria, Pimples and Indigestion b_ DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PiLLS. Three Years Ago— He Is Still Well. Mr. P. Simon, of Soemenap, Madoera, I >utch _ast Indies, has favoured us with permission 0 publish his experience, which he related as
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  • 215 3 FATE OF SHIPWRECK I i.\ rHE < ,1. 70 L 'ST. The Elder Dempster linei tile, trbi arrived at Southampton on Jv< West Coast of Africa, brought del ing the wreck of the steamer and the loss of between seventy and il( on a voyag- Leopoldville the
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  • 257 3 The ladies of tbe Nursing st.-ff at the •r_il Hospital hers might like to see what is happening to tbeir sisterhood in the Philippines We append two refer one page ol the _Mi_-ila Time.. alluding to twj events occurring on the same date The wedding of
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  • 268 3 Where and how the money for this navy is is to be raised still lemains to be seen, course in the long run the burden must fall on the Chinese taxpayer, who is ill prepared to bear it. I wonder whether the Pekii; ern merit realises the
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  • 62 3 The Anglo-Congolese Frontier Commission, which Ijegan work eighteen months ago, ha_> completed its task. Over 14. _tq are nifes have been mapped out, and one result of the survey has been the discovery that a strip of territory, twenty miles wide and 120 miles long, which in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 150 3 Mitsui Bussan Kaisha. Head oaice; No. I, SURUGA-CHO TOKIO. London Branch: 34, Lime Street, E.C. Singapore Branch 2, Finlayson Green. OTHER BRANCHES:— New York, San Francisco, Hamburg, Bombay, Sourabaia Manila, Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Fort Arthur, Seoul, Chemulpo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Kure, Shimonoseki, Moji, Wakamatsn, Karatr.u,
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    • 411 3 ffjn M \s H TT I 188I 88 fi li Essd SsssSJ 1— I lI MI II II lII— "7fV» a Agk. \<t x ''v*y a it_____a_ ___S_ ;^Y- i ;^^v^*'^ jT ._S_^ aj v <„ V.. a lOrl-LLASS WvJKJft.. The Borneo Co,, Ltd. i I Jr% J a^L T_;k,;iam--_PS
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  • 572 4 j 1 1 ih cr .wa i tropic waters, the I >llow 1 frcm t.e chiel B _fl set is of interest:! a Singapore, bnt from early morning until ws sailed my rime _*o_ i the men down to the The beat here, whicii these
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  • 257 4 On Wednesday, July 1, all the pensioner--and ex-soldiers who are employed as tempos i ry clerks, messengers, &c in the various Roy.d ilery offices wiil be discharged and their -s will be taken by noncommissioned officers and gunners. The system of employing men of this class on
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  • 425 4 Some Loss of Lifr. The San Gabriel, a small steamer commanded by a Filipino Pedro Eiwardo, went down in Manila Bay about 9 miles from Corregidor [sland, with a loss of life not exactly ascertained yet. l r Beams th it the sinking of the
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  • 391 4 Lo 1 Braauey'a installation aa Lord Warden ol the Cinque Ports has given special plea sore to the mercantile marine, in vi .w cf his long •ad able championship of its claims. It is ilt to enumerate Lord Brassey services to the merchant navy, any more than it
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  • 166 4 The Manchester Courier has had to offer an apology and 100 to Mr Winston Churchill for stating that, in escaping from military prison at Pretoria, be had broken his parole. But analogous charges have been rman n< Q rman against French officers without having to submit to similar
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  • 479 4 Cb w [th \"i< e-C st. Fuller. Whi n interviewed by our report* n th. subject of his recent trip to the Dnt Indie-, -ay- tY S. C. Ifoi Stuart J, Puller, the Ai erican Via Consul rai, was enthusiastic in his praises ol Java as
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  • 261 4 Peking, June 20. It is _eo_Bß_ry once more (says the Times correspondent) to call attention to the serioas smuggling of morphia into China, b th pure and in ami opium remedies. Teli .g to The Thnea on May tOth last y< ar, I nid Official HtatJsticß
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  • 200 4 A V the Sea. A Ceylon paper describes a quaint little being which is about to visit Ceylon in this paragraph Trelawney, the Corcifsh Pixie, is on hi to Ceylon after a tour iu Iniia. The dwarf is a physiological and anthropological He was picked up
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  • 305 4 er giv; i cha oveexhi During the early part of Let month Uoa Xaval and Shi] i was opened by the I hall at the Zoolog,. tens, to which an ntional wing has been built, Mid exhibits by ally all G uild- ing firms,
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  • 195 4 The following head lyo of a cage n ed in the Weet Auat B. f ia not v i local in the law. tannm y pi and Gut: mann (appell mte Ctii inal Cod. aection 209 keeping I ho—e aali Y in foreign lottery agei. was an
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  • 97 4 Oroqu adanao, July 1 1 and of three hundred I ing through the mom and Langaran. The leader i divine origin and has dr.s_.ed his I red uniforms and ar; spears. He has been;.to his banners. The pality of Langaran are I their lot with t
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  • 37 4 China does not lo\e Ja; trust her, but she is tat j by lea her c wn weapons, and along So soon as there is a ei Y instructors to I the i. to go.—
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 523 5 ■teal Court D: I B__mutg___ I-, m_ before the Judicial C uneiY'L .ten. Lo d Atkinson, r Be VUliers, Sir Anl Vn o from *be Supreme Court _j eal iements 2Y: Decern- revers B-hae K C i I Mr. E. W. Counsel for I Y u.t.- Mr
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  • 71 5 Mr ttioned the case to Mr Colesterd x on .feution of J. Travers and Sons vs. I »d wascl h oL trust in respect of • ill and he wished to withdraw him. If the man reras 1 --'red. j: or slid l__ man had paralysis and
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  • 59 5 rohn Jaa M bean, or I Copenham, Kent, late of Singapore, saging w of th Ers-ine, Limited u ueathed, subject wife .luring herwidowrin the event I n annuity of J tbe residue of his estate to B ndon, for the for a l:ke be London Hospital for a lik Y
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 516 5 Htocrtiscmcnts. TO LET a TO LET \Y. 10 aud 12 Mount Elizabeth and nine new houses Adis Koad. Apolv to Loh Lam, 601, North Bridge Road. Jul 2.9 TO LET ice at 49, Robinson Road lst and 2nd Floors. Also "Kfldnn pleasantly situated in Bukit ih Road close to Wayang
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    • 567 5 Bovcrttsemcnts. miQTIONS. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Tuesday. 4th August, at 2-30 p.m. Valuable 999 years' leasehold land and shop-house property known as No, 40, Market Street, Singapore. Area 1067 feet. POWELL Co., Auctioneers. Allen and Gledhill, Solicitors. July 31 5.8 AUCTION SALE OF M Number Motor Gar It Messrs, H. L. Coghlan
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    • 555 5 advertisements. AUCTIONS. In the Supreme Court of the Straits Settl< ments Suit No. 245 of 1907. Between Thomas Sargeant, Plaint:?:. and Nicholas John Sarre, Defendant. AUCTION SALE AS A GOING CONCERN OF The International Restaurant OF No. I, D'ALMEIDA STREET, SINGAPORE. Under an order of Tbe Supreme Court Messrs. H.
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    • 1138 5 TENDEES IT3VITED. GOVERNMENT OF PERAK. Tenders will be received at the office of the Secretary to Etesid tk, up to noon on Monday, the 24th Aiignst, It) 9 Coc renting the under-mentioned Faperiod the lst day of January, 1909. and ending the .'list day of De. 1911, under "The
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  • 17 6 Domedtic Occurrences. Birth. SHBLFA^D. July G, at Portmansquare. W., wife of W. 11. Sin: i.i oki>. son.
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  • 1854 6 The Singapore Free Press. Saturday, August 1, 1908. Here -Inl' t'i» TSeso the People's right maintain, I awed h influence and unbribed by rain; i! i ruth li >■ p'o-io':^ precepts .'.raw. 1 .ion, Loyalty and Law Through Ceylon iu the form of a telegram i from London to the
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  • 74 6 i M n I e lam Um C C ii al Bmh i 3 an< it is boped 11. ill find tbeir wav •airs verandah P&vili Tiie competing teams are thus com. prised. Coi i.g, ■11 (Capt) A.B. Hubback(C H V. CR, Martin A W i ven Hannou
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  • 103 6 Lates: The weights for to-day's lows Second Roadster Lucifer 11.12, Barbel 11 naught Ranger, 9.10. Co. Penang Plate (Oom mi r9 q *Acetire B. IS, Haphazard E sH* Dawn 8.10, *Rapid 1 7, Lyn v G.ey Sea(on 7.7, Rutlan Pen 5, *Benevoi. Halopin 8 2, *Fair Stable
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  • 265 6 Chinese housebreak-r was sentenced to one years rigorous imprb |fg li ud in the District I Malay gharry i days imprisonment by Mr <Y od magistral, yesterday, for cru<-hv bv woiking a lame pony. li> of the L .rttnen! Bif ore Lieu tendant, yesterday, two Cbouese stowaw. v^L fi<>m tbe
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 322 6 ttnuAD D A IA IJ IiHU I nAuft n %_r —I __B I I __P iW _B -M J\ THAI'*- j<_«*.^. >***'" < CALDBECKMACGRF.COR&C? V HONGKONG. JAPAN I, STRAITS ...TTUM-Nrs/ I I in mi inn im i —.■ii i in hi irrr- 1 1 I a^wm\^~^~2ld£f nm^ WOOD BURNING iISR"
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    • 73 6 ADELPHI HOTEL SINGAPORE. THE LANGHAM HOTEL OF THE EAST Saturday Ist August SPECIAL MUSICAL DINNER Tbe Band of the 2nd Roj ai W< Bi Kent Regi nit nt in attendance during and after dinnei up to 1 1 pin To avoid disappointing nt ring up Telephone Xo. 58 and book
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    • 293 6 j 2 STUDIOS 2 1 Adapted to the Morning and I to the Afternoon Light. They arc the Largest, Coolest and best Equipped Studios in the Colony, and are situated in tbe most picturesque part of tbe town, adjoining Government House Domain Moreover, we possess in a high degree all
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  • 119 7 SERIOUS RIOTS. Tn ope Called Out. 'By Submarine Telegraph— Reuters'. July 31, YlO pm Serious labour riots have broken out at jneui and Villeneuve near Paris The rioters have barricaded the atree i and pelted the troop with cobble stones and used revolvers freely, wounding several of the
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  • 56 7 Warm Welcome to Lowther. The new British Ambassador, the Rt. Hon, Genrd Lowther. has urroed _t it .'inople in succession to Sir S. R O'Conor. V crowd bera] party amongst the Turks met him al the station, an, 1 shouted loc ---l liberty and the Constitution They
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  • 81 7 The Navy Saved Again July l. 10.15 am. Mr M Kenna, spe iking in the House oi Commons on n. .tlen, -n.l that the thoroughly ex amined the signal of July and thorouY Ij a itiafii d tha' the manoeaTre indie > not dangerous. Howev- r
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  • 231 7 (Per Sir F S ttonhsm K.C.M.G.) Traduzione Italian, della Signora Maud de Tunzeln. We have receive d a copy of the Italian .m of Sir Frank Swettenham's .lume of essays and sketches" [Jnaddressed Letters' 1 i. minv of OUI res SO well. The translation into Italian, as
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  • 140 7 H;- H st the King held a Lev< ion inst. at St Jan es's Palace. Amongst the cjenera! presenta'. ms the 1 blowing: Trotter, by the Secretary of State. Hon. Can I waa here as jor-Gen. Icigo Jon^s C B amongst those who attended this levee. has obt uned currency
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  • 177 7 (By Submarine Telegraph.— Reuter's.) R. S. Sievier, who iras charged on counts concerning an alleged attempt at extortion from Joel, has beeu acquitted. The case excited the greatest interest. Great crowds of poople have been attracted to the Bow Street Police Court to hear the 'Tu B S
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  • 25 7 Rec July 31,9.43 am. The Housa of Lords has passed the third reading of the Old Ag i Pensions bill. m— a
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  • 21 7 Received at 53 p.m. The House of Lords his read for the third time the liish University Bill.
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  • 43 7 A number of members of the Labour Party visit Geimany next Whitsuntide to promote an understanding with the Anglo Gorman workers. The Thomas Car engaged in the New York to Paris race, arrived at the latter place on the 27th.
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  • 312 7 Opening Cbbemont, This enterprise, which has already been alluded to at length in a previous issue, was inaugurated yesterday afternoon bv a reception of a numbir of the leading residents of Singapore who attended on^ the kind invitation of Mr William O'Connor, the manager. The establishment is
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  • 133 7 A Special Imperial Edict appointing Chang Chi-tung to superintend the entire management of C inton-Hankow railway has been issued. Monday :Yd August (August Bank Holiday) will be observed as a holiday by the Troops in the Command except as other- i wise ordered for B'akan Mati. The "Tagel _es that
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  • 969 7 Quicquid ajunt homines nostri ed farrago Übelli. J-Jvejxal. Britons of all political conplexions thos> of them who may still be interested in the survival of the empire may be recommend ed to _eid Lord Newton's trenchant article in the July number of the National Review under
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  • 718 7 Last night tbe Boxing Club of the 2 nd Bitt. of the West Kent Regiment gave an entertainment at Tanglin which prove. l i great success. A ring had been roped cif in the open air and adequate seating and lighting accommodation had been provided. There was
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  • 194 7 A scheme is maturing, says an exchange, for the construction of a large park ac the foot of Mount Fuji. Among those who are keenly interested ia the scheme is Mr Kinoye, Governor of Shizuoka prafectuie, who is now making minute investigations for the purpose. It is reported tLa', an
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 180 7 (ROBINSON Co. J NEW SHIPMENT 'ifS|;, TENNIS GOODS. ziJ _B_^__. _V,i i t i 4 f i»M I 1 -^__r^_^^_ I m l ~Y_n:_q--d_Y~: r y j i (Championship Tennis Balls. Prosser Special "(Corona" j* Slazenger's Racket, strung Mr Dohertv l^io?if!f i !_L^__-_. Racket. I FOR COPYING YOUR CORRESPONDENCE. I
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  • 415 8 laths -M. ag head i i, appa- e [lowing I I -S ••'IV,, a-. il Bto.tetr.euc r> i.'.._e-> ana i. conti _n I neg Ai tbon mi Ir print- i not the tr; > in U do. be "Tii ;d Of the all oio 3 A every q
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  • 105 8 g lots ing aboi;* I B asStra ad U _y lon, were offered at auction and sold as follows Bam r Staib. ca- per lb. t T crCpe bougbt in Golconda bougbt in I 0.Ld.l I 4 C.M.K K. Ltd. Jold 3 4 •jrd boi
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 6 8 A Good Rule for the Home.
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    • 542 8 BbvcrttsemetUß. SHIPPING. JL l s& _i_3® JAPAN ISAiL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. *L 3? A Av if \k. w s y x^iyß w a v A POKTNIGHTLY Service is Japan and Surops by the RS. -x Mail Contracts with s_d asJL Japanese Qotkbnmbnt. iig_edfortheCknnpany*s£-ro-per.:. flighted thronghontby Electa ioity, provided with excellent
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    • 615 8 advertisements, SHIPPING. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Veri&ng, Gcy?oa Australia, India, Ads?i, Egypt, Msditcrrsn-an Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, I'ery^n Gulf, Continental and Arjorl- can Porte. Stcam^t-.! ?r;_i jg.*^£ Sitigsp_.'r-! on 0> abottt MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) 1908 Malta Aug. 15
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    • 677 8 a&vcrtiseincnto. SHIPPING t > I A N D China Mutual Steam Nav, Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight, and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward
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    • 619 8 Etopertteemente. SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regolai service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdajn, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 470 8 F^vcrnscmcnts. SHIPPING. _____________™_________-_-----«.«-_i«-_«-*-____-ii^«-M Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE Tie last and wsDJ-BOvn n.a.l steamers of t__i C B__peay Mil fa tlj f r om Bremen, ____a_mh- rgwin Botterdam, Antwerp. Southarey Qibcaltar, Genoa, Naplee, (connection Marse Naples, Ale_andria and vice versa) Port Said, Aden, Colombo, Penang. Singapore, HongShanghat, STag—sfcii
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  • 700 9 A _t Viawa, From the latest iaaoes of the Sydney Mowing I i the pi nd hriai .test tnd. There is no good reason for hanking the i money necessary for the adion of cricket in the various States is I by the respective associations out of
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  • 45 9 doe Jnly 31.- j, f D. D. Paton. To traiien. due Aug 10.— Mr th. Per P I due Aug 1 md lira B. Forrester, Main, ft V- Bill Yl. To Penang— Mr and Mrs J. lee. o __Mr fi i
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  • 584 9 Mr Henry Leach, in the Observer, has an interesting analysis of the relative play of the above three great goli professionals over a penod of thirteen years. This is the ocncindmg portion of his article however, leaving on one side this question of supremacy, which is a
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  • 318 9 report by the Committee who ed the fi^od districts gives these sta'isiies Nun ber of lives lost: Yingtak 6, Tsing Uen 7, Sam S hui 10, total 23. Number of people homeless Yiogtak 8,000, Tsing Uen Sail Shui 12,000, total 28,400. N amber of people without
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 35 9 MUD AS A BEV_ \GE. In the course of a public inquiry into allegations with regard to the impurity of the water supply of Omaln. Nebraska, which is m from the River Missouri, a lead-
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    • 201 9 -mill II 111 ll nnnililii n_ i in i 11 v -—>■-_:-... v.:v..y-e-_a--i_g-_ f nm_i n mi —i. m I p HyP Celebrated Oilmen's Stores j m _fW PICKLES, SOUPS, JAMS, JELLIES, '^ill 111 wla l^^^^il POTTED MEATS, MALT VINEGAR. tll EMI WaW AgentS f r LEA PERRIN S WORCESTERSHIRE
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    • 377 9 THE DIRECTORY tOU BANGK( X AND SIAM 1908. Nineteenth Year of Publication NOW READY. The Directory for Bangkok and Siaii con tains a complete and official List of the Government Departments and the Principal Commercial Houses in the country. It is replete with information absolutely essential to the merchant, the
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    • 25 9 Bowel Complaint in Children, Daring the summer months children are rders of the bowels which sboald receive careful atta. n as 1 il 1 1
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 637 9 »i___i m__—« VESSELS EXPECTED. STEAMICRS. Giving port of d> and re kruwm) Achilles, Liverpool, S memnon, China, Ai. Id. Airlie, Sydney, Aug 21 BouAjax, China, Sept oous, Liverpool, E Mansfield. Ambria, Hamburg, Aug 6 B .er. Anturg. Hongk Antij iverpool, 3 field. alien, M: Aug 10 M M. Austria, Ay
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  • 674 10 Mr J >hu <Vvvuu" .v:\t.-s to the K liter cf li flows:— T:. been some discussion of late ia to who ownt iced the first steamer in English waters Iba i Captain Ja w Uiamson's with ia entitled "The Clyde 9 er its Rise
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  • 211 10 The ordinary householder who wUfces to :n a pole in his garden on festive occasions, will be relieved to hear from the correspondence that Mr J. L. Francis had with Lord Knollys that the permanent officials at the Home Office think he may fly the Union Jack.
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  • 403 10 1 i ,g I„I>] London. Ju'y "2 t. Mx T Et. Buchanan, in the House of Common-, sai I the British administration desired to associate the Indians more with practical work. X_l _L Man v BJES. T S naval operations which have been carried on cn a large
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  • 204 10 {Via Hongkong.) The Chinese Ministry of Posts and Communications has decided to reduce the rates on telegrams by thirty per cent, as from first day of the eighth moon (27th August, 19( 8 The Waiwupu has deputed Vice-President m F. i g to negotiate with Russia for
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  • 202 10 Offer to Austral London. June 30th. At Mr. Deakin's instance Mr. Louis Brennan has forwarded official descriptions of hia mono- railway invention to the Commonwealth Government, and has asked for assistance towards the expense of developing the invention. He offers to let the CommonW< alth have the
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  • 203 10 Mr Hf Hkaton b Pm Propo^ electricity for :,es." London, July 6.— The anniversary of the independence of the United States was celebrated in America and Great Britain on Saturday with the customary cordiality and enthusiasm. Mr. Whitelaw Reid, United Stat' sador in London, speaking at
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  • 179 10 Girls with flat noses will make excellent house-wives, remarks a French i reader, for they are practical, economical, and hardworking. They are always faithful, but ttey are liable to be a little jealous. < other band, those with sharp, point' are gay, light-hearted, and of a i humour.
    179 words
  • 127 10 Under this caption a Toronto paper ha? a few timely reflections on the colonies. It says It is not sedition that is gradual] v forcing the self-governing Colonies the old relation, but growth, lt is foi recognise the fact of growth and shape their policy thereby. Tie more
    127 words
  • 91 10 Most of the shipping trade gloomy. Freights ha the aauie time in l>otk the outward and home for new ifaippn es are dispr state of trade Depreas with tramp steamers, and is seriously f foreign lines. It is imper.r one shipping citvi tion in production
    91 words
  • 96 10 An Rangoon, July 16. On the eompYhis inspection of the properties oi Mites Co, Ltd, Mr W. J partners of Messrs Bewick, leaves for Europe tomorrow James, the fi In th. course cf an intervi* Loring expreet pinion t! pper would be the principal j in Bu
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 548 10 B^vcrtt_emcnto. IF YOU SUFFER I From any Skin or Biood Disease, SUCh 88 Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Glandular Swellings, Bad Legs, Llcers, Accesses, Tumours, Boils, Sores, Eruptions, Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Gout, &c.-, bat at once start a course of Clarke's Blood j -Mixture (the World-famed Blood Purifier), and I the experience
      548 words
    • 691 10 pip DYSENTERY "SPg! is common in this climate. The treatment is absolute rest in bed and a diet restricted to MILK ONLY. GREEN BUTTERFLY lyf f 1 TLF I BRAND id] IW'aV ijg Contains no sugar, is steri.'ized, pure full cream, and being m homogenised mechanically, is th? BEST procurable,
      691 words
    • 9 10 RheumY.- Pain Relieved. Ihe quick relief from rhgnmatir r.
      9 words

  • 506 11 Tilak Tr ID 6 Years. Calcutta, July 23. jj -Ov found guilty yesterit tbe Bombay Sessions, and sentenced transportation. He was at once ved by P I.ML -toaaior. g i HI F B Tilak ratal native aft pt in Bombay and 0 closed on the receipt of the
    506 words
  • 98 11 A bust of the I it9 S B Herbert, for 21 ment Under- Stcretaiv of m uoveiled on Jul) 9th rial Ofi: Lord StAMwyn. Among tboae preeea 8 r Frank Bwettenham and S.r Cecil C. Smith. _t general mefting of the Borneo iv in Berlin it was id I dividend
    98 words
  • 331 11 STONE IN THE KIDNEY AND BLADDER. Delirious with Pain for 12 Hours. Began with Backache. It ia nearly tive years ago," says Mr. Krneet Duckett, 92, North Lonsdale Road. L lverstcn. England, that Doan's Backacbe kidney PdY cured me of serious kidney rouble; in other words the cure was perman-
    331 words
  • 61 11 (Corrected up to July 31.) _m/s m« >.. '-'yV demand liiaSs 2/4 T ore.'. in/a 2/4-3-OK, demand Bank,* Gr_*___N _d 236^ LSDIA, i. JL, i/5 E_o_ra_:oH_, demand 224% ?o_ofa_:_, M 113.} Java, d< >_____ <. 13, BAJKN-OX, domaud 3ov____rco?a, Bank Baying SS 54 Bank o: England Bate.* 2£% D_MSO_nt
    61 words
  • 125 11 July 31. ►Bn $70.00 jambier buyers 7.60 jambier Cubs No. 1 11.50 __mbi_rOubeNo.2 10.00 Pepper Black (ord*-. B'pore) buyers 10.87| Pepper, White (fairL.W.B pc 17 5 Nutmegs (110 to the il. r,„ 1 9.00 Nutmegs (80 tc the lb.) 2 .00 Mace (Band*) nom Cloves (Amboina) Liberia. Cc_ee 25.00
    125 words
  • 687 11 Capita! Capital I.saa Paid f Issaed paldapVala. «p Compan*. Qu> $300,000 300,000 10 10 Balat Tin Mining Co. Ltd 650 $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruane Limited i25 $600,000 000,000 10 10 ITmaah TTy flianlio Tin M. Ob. M 12' 0 £400.000 350,000 1 1 Duff Develops. bti 2.70 6
    687 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 43 11 A Re_vabk Remedy for Dysenteiy and Ihairhoaa, i when diarrhoea enter? ai tt bonse rorunt ose. The -ocean of Oiamberlain i Cholera >" lI, ::ment of bowel trouble, has brought rt almost uni e and the following r indicates it is givirg satisfaction in
      43 words
    • 164 11 Apcar Line. The undermentioned mail steamers o: the above company maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan calling at P- nang, Singapre, Hongkong Shanghai cn route. FLEET. Tons. Commander, s.s. Japan I (i Olifent an. Gregory Apcar 4.606 S. H. Belson. Arratoon Apcar 4,510 A. Stewart. U, Lightning 8,315
      164 words
    • 615 11 TATTERSALL'S Monster Consultations GEORGE ADAMS, HOBART, TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA. ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS. On all Sweeps on races run after SaSUfSfiT AUT fklliTinr January Ist. 1905. the Tasma!¥S ll I§l £1 111 i« I l_l nian Government Stamp Tax will 1111l Ull I 1111l IIU I 111l- 1 be 2d. (7 cents)
      615 words
    • 268 11 NEW SERVICE BETWEEN SINGAPORE, MUAR AND MALACCA. The s.s. Lady Veld," until further notice, will have Singapore on Tuesday and I- id_3 afternoons for Muar and Malacca, returning thence on Wednesdays and Saturdays. This vessel has good accommodation for First Class Passengers. For freight and passage apply to. Straits Steam
      268 words
    • 282 11 K_ YynJJHAMA OOOIC GO., LTD. No. 1 DOCK. No 2 DOCK. Lengtb Inside 514 ft. Length Inside 871 Width of entrance, top 95 tt.. bott Width ol entrance, top 00.5 tt. bott. 75 It. 45 Y It. Water on blocks 27.5 ft. Water on blocks 20,5 ft. Time to pump
      282 words
    • 61 11 MESBAGERIEB I PIM-B MAll For China, Japaa, CeyJoa, Aden Egyp- ___f ___ras____u orTWARD. Homran 1908 1908 Australien Aug. 10 Tourane Ae Ernest-Simons Ang. 24 Arm'd.Behic Tonkin Yarra t. 7 biiVfY pcr3- EY.ta.Yia.- B.S. La Sey_» n ovei j i nnection Outward and Homeward French •Kruers. Singapore-Sa'gon. AT in connection with
      61 words

  • 818 12 Aa ordinarv meeting of the Municipal Commissioners wis hell at the Municip ll Board room yesterday afternoon. Mr J. PolgU-S (Deputy President) occupied the C_ail and there were also present Messrs Wm. Macbean, A. W. Biiiev, Chens; Keng Lee, C W. Dirbiahire, A.J. W. Watkins I Ong Teh
    818 words
  • 745 12 B-H KB 0 PT< Y _*B( M BSD] NGS. In the Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon, was continued the public examination of the bankrupts, Messrs Sirkies Johannes aud Company, bafore Mi Justice Sercombe Smith. The elimination was con inc ted bj Mr Biddeley, Official Assignee, Iff A.
    745 words
  • 108 12 TWO CANTONESE ARRESTED EN SINGAP< >UE. Through the courtesv of Mr E. A. Gardiner, the Chief Police I >ffii er, we are iuformed that two arrest3 have beeu made iu Singapore in connection w'Yi the murder of Dr Barrack in Pahang. Oa the arrival of the s.s.
    108 words
  • 27 12 TUESDAY'S TIES Championship. McKean v Feldon. Lyali or Orton v Hay. Double Handicap. Brown ana White, owe 3 v Biddulph and j Sinclair. 3
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  • 777 12 The following is the report of the Committee for the year ended 30th June. Your Committee present to you their Report and Statement of Accounts for the year ended 30th June, ISOB. The General Account closes with a balance in hand of $3,688.20. The additional sub scription
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  • 59 12 Carter, who knows more about magic than most ordinary folk, will arrive iu Singapore by the P. and O. Boat on Tuesday noxt, with his company. He will give his first performance at t! e Teutonia Club on Wednesday evening. The box plan has been opened, and
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  • 35 12 In view of the Championship of Singapore being played on these links, it has been decided to close the greens for repairs from Monday the 3rd to Friday the 14th August inclusive.
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  • 170 12 The Dutch steamer Van Haarn arrived yesterday from Penang with 1,200 tons of coal. The agents of the Russian Volunteer Fleet courteously inform us that Capt Boubnolf of the Russian Volunteer Fleet s! earner Kostroma which arrived here yesterday evening from Colombo reports as follows On my way
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  • 359 12 Rikisha Coolie Robbed on a Steamer. Two Cyntonese were before Mr Colman, third magistrate, vesterday, on a charge of theft on a vessel. Sergeant Koss of the Marine Police conducts! the prosecution. A Hockcha coolie was the complainant. He said he had been employed in
    359 words
  • 315 12 Chinaman who BPBNT 8500,000 in five Years. Kh OO Siok an, who is a Chinaman and 35, is well qualified to write a thrilling story about How I got through $500,000." At the present time the Bankruptcy Court of Singapore is interested in the subji When K.
    315 words
  • 88 12 The Amsterdam correspondent of the L. and C. Express says It is said that Prince Henry of the Netherlands intends to paya visit to Netherlands India in the course of this year. The Sultan of Asahan called at tho Colonial Office last week, and had a conversation with the Minister
    88 words
  • 269 12 Mr O Championship. A keenly contested game of lawn tennis >• Y- at the Chinese Recreation Club last evening between Mr On* Tek Ltm, the Champion, and Mr Seow Poh Leng the runner-up, for the Championship of the a m, e verv ood tecniS w^s
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 127 12 DE KONINKLIjKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. D___a Conthac; mn an Nkthekla »ov_„nm_nt. Agents at Singapore. Ships' Agency, late J. Daendels Co. 2-3. Collyer Quay THE UNDERMENTIONED DATES OF DEPARTURE ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE. s.s. Brandan Moeara-Saba. Simpang and Djambi j^ na s.s. Valentyn Soengei Liat. Pangkal-Pinang, Koba and Tandjong-Pandan (Billiton) #>> K 6
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 829 12 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-war Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From When B'jamin Constant Bra/., train, afaip 2800 Pereirß July 24 Hongkong .ombo 1 Sea Belle F.M.S. Yacht 400 Ahmat Juiy SO KnsnJSTi Ship Flag: Tons Master Arnved From Consig". Beagle Brit 86 Wayne July 11 Ooasaol Mansfield bain Bullmouth Brit
      829 words