The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 20 July 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 103 1 Our Special Sporting Letter— P.ige o. Tlia lubber market is steady Page 4. Imports of S iturdaj aud Sud ort Page 8. The annual account of tie Past I work is analysed Page A serious mill strike has broken out m B jih bay Page 5. Biron
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  • 1324 1 UP MURRAY TO MILDURA. Marcus Clarke has well said. the dominant note of Australian scenery is weird melancholy," an expression of which we were forcibly reminded as wo sat on the verandah at "Eilimatta discussiug arrangements I our trip, m the ml it ol ness at sundown, the silent awe
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 271 1 5 I vV «v v?/ from actual running ex- 1 iS^ Xv^^^^__T^-k^ X > penses. the Last Cost. I c^ Your First outlay may I fi ggr —^r rf "-^SLf^ f time you use your Car. 1 1 y \sr^' Ask us to prove it. j jgH.^VT/^^i: ENGINE WORKS -„<w,g
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    • 217 1 Price $13-00 per case duty paid. SOLD BY YONG HO A SENG YONG LEE SENG 3100 X KEAT ANN LOCK KIM HIN. GHEE SOON Sole Agents PATERSON SIMONS CO., LTD. POPULAR WANTS. (Wanted To Let For Sale Notices etc., up to 30 words hi length "will be accepted for this
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    • 170 1 Entertainni en ts. ALHAMBRA. THIS PROGRAMME TO=N!GHT. ALL NEW PICTURE?. 1. An Irascible father. '1. The Mountaineer's son. 3. A young sportswoman. l. TiiE BORDEAUX- PAR'S CYC_E RACE 1908. 5. A pretty flower girl. 6. A double suicide. 7. BEN HUB, In Poses Plastiques and Feats of Strength 8. Miss
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    • 68 1 TO-DAY*S ADVERTISEMENTS. A fine car the Sfddeley Page 1. Turnouts and horses for sale Page 3. lioad and bridge maker wanted Page 7. Alhainbra's new programme Page 1. Kelly aud Walsh's list of new books Page 4. John Little Co. call attention to Highland Cream Page 8. Robinson Co. have
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 80 1 WEATHER REPORT, Data Bar Wind Torap Hum Sky Rail June 1 7. H'konj: 4p. 29 57 S9 87 o Manila 4p. 756 SW2 29 26 o July Is. ETkong 10a 29.66 El 76 or Manila 10a 758 SW3 29 26 o 43 PASSENGERS. Per Thongwa Revd and Mrs Banghman Mrs
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    • 367 1 THE WEEK. Monday, 20th High Water.— 2.33 a., 3.30 p A.->-i/es. XDL Mail Homeward due. M .;xiin Coy Maxim Drill, 5.30 p Tuesday. 21at High Water.— 3. 3d a., 4 21 p Assizes. N D L Homeward Mail close 6 a. 3 V.A. Gun Laying and D.R F. Drill, 5.30
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  • 679 2 STBAMISRS. Giving port of dep < rture, and {when "known, daU due here, and name of Agents. \_vioiemnon, Ghina, Aug 2; Mansfield. Aiilie, Sydney, July 21 Boustead. A i;i\, I /pool, July 29 Mansfield. Ambria, Efami irq, July 20 Behu Meyer. Antucg, Hamburg, July 21 Behu Meyer.,
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  • 117 2 Per P 0 Nyanzi, due July 23. Mr M omax, Lient. A. F. P. Wohner, Mr H. S. Galston. To Peoang. Mrs H.Martin. M Yl Yarra, due Ju'y k7.— Mrs V\ r olfe and child, Mr J. P€ :> v=» l> \>e July 31.— Mr W.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 6 2 n i iii/iiff 1 ?n i
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    • 489 2 H6\»crttsemc!ito. TO LET. TO LET. Immediate entry. Compound house No. 15-A, Mi Elizabeth Pioad. Kent §45. Apply to— GAGGINO k CO. ■Tuly 16 v.c. TO BE LET. Unfurnished, Immediate Entry, Nos. 7, 8a and 88, Chancery Lane. Apply to (i. A. FERNANDEZ .V- Co., lloase Agents. July S v.c TO
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    • 562 2 BSvertiaemente NOTWES. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING Promptly executed. Absolute secrecy guaranteed. Mrs. E. F. EOWELL, Cavenagh Bridge Buildings, Raffles Hotel. STE&M LAUNCH "MAX. 1 Suitable for pleasure cruises, carries 50 passengers, speed 11 knots. Can be hired upon application to PEUTILE k CO., m liquidation. July 6 6 8 MADAMS FAMB3N, LADY
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    • 379 2 Ebvertlßemcnts. INSURANCES. NEW ZEALAN3 INSURANT CO,, LTD. FIRE AND MARINE. YANG-TSZE INSURANCE ASSOD. LTD. MABINE. CHINA F.RE INSURANCE G0 M LTD. FIRE. Fire and Marine Jlisks of every d- BCtipttOD underwritten at lowest current ni Adamson QiMllan Co. Ltd. 'Mi.- Agents. A. J. SCANDRETT. Manager Insurance Depart) oUUhi bit! 1
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    • 323 2 BANKS. I Corpora loxl Paid-up Capita] _„v Bl HOT! ;\m,;_ Bit i .i~ B Braftfl Liability of Pfeon Court op Dii»cToa». B. r BB| -DePUTy E. G. Bakbktt, Esq. v rAvF&imi 0. Bn f.\ Jli.-j. C. S. Giiib, [H. H. E. Toxk Hon?koku- th. Manaoss: Shanghai.— ]fi I London Bankees
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  • 1046 3 i~- N Jute are having j laws, i.- j r M am m 3**t« rait will bel t*rn g Bfanyowßtn i giving transferring tbei E 1. but ii is I<v llv likely the law will stand long rcement mean the loss of so much money, that bring
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  • 142 3 THE HAPPY CHINESE "SLAVES." South Africa sends an extract of a letter received from an officer of a steamer employed carrying repatriated coolies to China: "We laugh amongst ourselves at the poor deluded great British public when we see these unfortunate slaves going hcme with their and silver watches and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 55 3 Wanted at Once. thought will often save no end of trouble. Think of the pain and suffering that must be endured m case of an attack of m the stomach or cramp colic when cine mu.-t be Bent for. Every family should have a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, ra and
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    • 456 3 HDvcrtise.ncnta. < AUCTION SALE. Superior Household Furniture Pianoforte and plants AT "SUNDON" SCOTTS ROiD. Saturday, 25th July, at 2 pm. Comprising a five toned Cottage Pianoforte by the London Pianoforte Co.. m ebonised case, bamboo whatnots, rattan chairs and settees, Hinks, duplex tioor lamps. Finely executed steel engravings, teak sideboard,
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    • 204 3 IS if it is known that the Wood-work has been treated with nn 1 1 The results of 20 years" tests m the Tropics have proved that this Preservative is an m 5 v%s !tm %i is »j ft fl-yy n n U against the attack of WHITE ANTS, BEY
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    • 128 3 |r v -v .7 1 WATERPROOF I VERMINPROOF ODOURLESS, v.^:v FIRE RESISTING ;^^"X| COOL &D U R ABLE oa the r>"irktr. B^HB^B SUPPLIED IN BOLLB Sfr r^' r Adsmson 6llf iSlan Ga pff r 3 (i nttu.) I Singapore Laid UiUI Ctgv V/lf^ iilll* Near Entrance to Borneo Wharf. Telephone
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    • 402 3 THE Singapore Free Press. Morning Daily. To Our Readers The Singapore Fi«m? Press is n Morning Daily, and is on sale at de; from an parly hour each moron. exempted Ca>. Ten Cents a c Subscribers copies irill be rivate r (or fcoi D I ullaldr delivered shot) on. RATES
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  • 18 4 Birth. I>n July 19th, at Purnea House, the wife of C. W. Edwards, of a daughter.
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  • 1751 4 sople's right maintain, rilied by gain >t 'i ruth Si r glorious precepts draw, 1 ion, Loyalty an J Law. Monday, July 20, 1908. It is difficult to keep from think ing of Lord Milnbe's memorable phrase that the present Government had given up South Africa
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    • 71 4 {From < I. -ndon via Penar-, Ju The rubber market is quieter, atths 1 of a bear raid. Shares are stea«ly. Vallauibrosas are a.t 12/; Bukit lUjih* 17 61 Peraks 2 V, hen the mail left the I the market report rams rfcl out) rilamhcosas made 11s
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    • 489 4 Don Qaixote's days are back again. More recently than that, m the ben our grandfathers were school-boys, a n»-" entering the playground for the ftf would !>e asked. Are you a Que n't> boy < r a X y r id if he wer n a boy,
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    • 96 4 The Annamite character is of all tli. mown primis. some ceuturL at the hand* of v to knock out of him a iMics of hie instead aa abject cringing cowardu hard to gauge correctly. 1 havo expunged from hiInue of spirit (Irubbiu^s bad L. ulaut of A Judae
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 373 4 KELLY WALSH, Ltd. HEW BOOKS. The Trade ami Administration of the El )iro b 1L B Morse 5.00 b >' r r vie lv l Treaties between China and Fordgn Tyuan. 1 25 States Vol. I ...20.00 I Tropical Agriculture by P. L. SimD flan by B. V. Kenwian. 1-25
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    • 402 4 2 STUDIOS 2 1 Adapted to the Morning and 1 to the Afternoon Light. They are the Largest, Coolest and best Equipped Studios m the Colony, and are situated iv the most picturesque part of the town, adjoining Government House Domain Moreover, we possess m a high degree all the
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    • 71 5 A Startling Report. {From Hongkong; .li.'.v I 1 pm. V bm ti: \i ■:..> Chinese Authorities sitting at Canton have appointed I iff ..mittee to invastig&te the d&m< tha rl ThaM Coaamittee has afareadj visited the ■cd .treas and tl.> report it ttes that up to
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    • 49 5 stn of pro|M rty has been eoorinous and a oooh toafl the amount of damage done at over ten million dollars. The Comn. estimate that a sum of i million dollan iril] be needed to prosufficient relief, and to rebuild the dykes confining the river.
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    • 30 5 B floods m southern < hreaten to the disastrous ones I I K)6 which led M tl China. U _"se river is already twentj feet normal height. Mit m
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    • 64 5 A Notable Gathering* AD Urn pr ritish g testi la lading the i I .ie oi N rl I Eu\ Roberts and repres r > of G- Woife'j familj have armed m Quebec for the teroentenarj jelebratious. .ebec is already c irde Ito fl »wing m and Anwrieaa
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  • 143 5 I: bas tely settled that the vessels < A: :ic Fieet, which will precede the Prince of Wales to Canada to welcome His Rojal Highness on his arrival m Canadian Bflml the battleships liouth," Captain A. J. Henniker-Hughan, tijinoj th- I e-Admii the
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  • 126 5 rdi. t. The Kapar R re to a close on Thursday when, m t. Judicial C'om»ner'3 Cour 1 I Justice B^lfield acquitted Messrs \V. VV isson, J. '-V. Coutt, R A. Clark. A lfustai B D Ro P. Hrjr,: md H Jones on all the charges
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    • 91 5 Financial Improvement. (By Submarine Tele-graph Reuter's.) July T.», 10.12 am. A telegram from St. Petersburg says that the Council of the Empire hag approved of the Budget for 1908. Ti.i-; 13 the first budget of Russia receiving tbe sanction of legislature. The Minister of Finance m a
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    • 86 5 A Friendly Mission. Receive] July 19th, 10.12 a.m. M X Ltieres, President of the French Republic, and M. Picbon, have left Paris on visit to the Sr mdinavian Courts and afterwards on a visit to the Tsar at I'eval. The P. evident, on leaving Dunkirk, declared that
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    • 58 5 MULAY HAFID'S INTENTIONS. Peaceful and Prosy. Kee?ived July 18th, M-"> pm. Mulav II ifid, on being interviewed by the correspondent of the "Morning Tost" at Fez. disclaimed holding any feelings of hostility to Europeans, whom he wants to come an 1 develop the nntiy. He stated that ha is prepared
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    • 60 5 A telegram received at St. Petersburg from T&bri says that a mob of some thousand?-, excited by the harangues of their priests, proceeded to the 15 igishnman quarter to demand the withdrawal of B ikhim Khan. The horsemen of the latter Hed without resistacc?, and
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    • 59 5 A New Combination. Renter's correspondent at Constantinople says that it is believed that the Greek bands, which are now better organist! than formerly, are acting m concert with tie Young Turkish party, wh >c pro- under tte b .inner of union and progr< Bfi has a considerable
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    • 19 5 igainst Prices Eulenberg at Berlin is pcs v .poiied, owing to the illness of the Pric
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  • 134 5 Although Malta as a winter resort possesses many attractions, until this year the season ver been particularly brilliant. Since Royalty, b has patronised this anything but desert island, and brought m its train many important menjbers of society, Malta has begun climbing into social rank, .ere
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    • 96 5 (By Submarine Telegraph. Reuter's.) July 18, 3.45 pm. Sir Benjamin Stone, Conservative, M\ P. for E ist Birmiagham, entertained at lunch at the House of Commons Mr A. J. Baifour, B.iron Komara, the Japanese Ambassador who i 3 pbout t) leave E a inland, and Sir
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    • 53 5 Police Fire on Rioters. Received July 18th, 10.40 a.m. ***** mill-bauds struck work at Bombay yesterday and attacked the men m the nonstriking mills, smashing the windows. The strikers besieged two Europeans m a shop, a.nd the police- were called out and fired. The number of
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    • 53 5 Use of Military Upheld. The report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the question of the employment of military force m the case of disturbances, has been laid on the table of the House. The report justifies the employment of military m certain
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  • 84 5 Liberal Majority Rises, Beo. July 18,11 25 am. Tbe result of (119 election for Pembroke where the seat was made vacant by the elevation of Mr O. C. Phillips to the peerage, is a win for the Liberal candidate Mr Koch who polled ">,4t_>Q against Mr Williams the
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  • 29 5 Commanier Paary has left Cape Breton for the Arctic regions. He proposes to spend three years if necessary m the attempt to find the Pole at last.
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  • 28 5 The Emperor of China is suffering from dysentery, and the Dowager Empress has ordered the Provincial Viceroys and Governors to send physicians to the Capita!.
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  • 95 5 A Chinese lad was cycling from Temoh Station to Chendariarg when the motor bus overtook him. Thinking it would be nice to gat a tow the lad roco alongside the car and, holding on to it m the manner cyclists do, stnpp.- 1 {.si tiling. All
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  • 172 5 The recent fatal accident to a Sheffield cricketer, who was struck on the temple by a ball and died a few hoars later, adds another to the happily very few victims of onr national summer game. So immune from serious accidents, m fact, is cricket, that,
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  • 1096 5 London, June 25. Dearest Exile, There are times when I almost hate you, when I want to stop peacefully m the bosom of my family and spend lots of time iv doing nothing, but when m answer to your restless craving for news I have to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 302 5 ROBINSON GO. /^^^^N. Am BHBPMEKT OF |§|i|Tennis Racpets||fl|l t^zU-J^S, F!;ESU si M'LJES OF f^AYRES' &SLAZENGER'S ll|j§|ir TENNIS BALLS. EVERY MONTH. SOLE AGENT- OR 1 RAMSBOTTOM'S |i "DOMINO" Jj TEAWIS R7MBQUET. SU&enger s Doherty Corona i. Rac(/«< Ihj O% Strung, r the Tropics. t* e^ EOBINSON COMPANY. I FOR COPYING YOUR
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  • 303 6 In PaBUAMBBI London, July I. j Mr Buchanan replying to Sir Berkeley Sheffi I aaid rrovernment had no official infjrmatian that as?ault3 on Europeans m [ndia were becoming more frequent. The, question of assaults, of 1 mrse, receiTedthe constant attention of Govenimeirt partlciiiai :y at present. Lord M-rley
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  • 318 6 S [-S ELY. t wedding took b St, 2-lar- Church, Worthing, on W need (June 10th; between Surgeon W. C. B 3mil elder son of M. V. ilLnn Buchanan Smith on, iate of Mi nd M«. A. TH 8•■ j I W North Elmhani. X m iras
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 521 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. Apcar Line. The undermentioned mail steamers of the above company maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan calling at Pcnang, Singapore, Hongkong Si Shanghai en route, FLEET. Tons, Commander. BJ& Japan 6,:J00 J. G. Olifent b-b. Gregory Apcar 4,606 S. H. Belson. bjs. Arratoon Apcar 4,510 A.
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    • 624 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, For China, Japan, Penang Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London, Through Biila of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Ghtfi, Continental and American Ports. Steiiutrs w!II izzvi Singapore oa or dbc-ts!: MAIL LINES. Outward {for China) 1903 Delhi Aug. 1 Delta
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    • 641 6 B&vertt6emento. SHIPPING OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co. Ltd. AND China Mutual Stsam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' Bteamera are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and rrom Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight, and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward
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    • 595 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. Tlie Bteameza of ttlis Company maintain a reg-jlar service between Hamburg. Breo n. Antwerp, and Kotterdam, and Urn Strattft, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a mouth for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Plenang and Colombo. Taking
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    • 391 6 Btocrttfentcntti SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Brewer. IMPERIAL GEP.MAN MAIL LINE The fast and wbli-kn v"n mail this Company s&ii tortoigkUy fr men Hamburg ria Eotter-iam, Antwerp, South Gibraltar, 'ienoa, Naples, [utmimtiitm U v Naples, Alesandria and nM pmbh Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, gyp kont.T. Sh&ngh*ij Mfc^a-cAt* L X and book. Tbtf
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  • 551 7 C anton, Jaw 80th. I nets issued by at cont lining m i stamp out the opium bafeii Be might think that opium smoking would be stamped oat m a very short time. As a mattw ol Baei even m some at i- Ports ?«rj little
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  • 108 7 This Company laya Join Butt") bo purchase various lands m the of Snuatra m the Dutch the pn l ms i bber iition. y tives have b?en I during the ri three urs, aa ak bar of coffee trees, and tlcoim Cum; for rubber
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  • 55 7 w. D on aocc :e acut- npen to meet w. frooi which one wo ii one -.hat they might be v petition, largely signed, has been vicg his It is known by tnrking about men i ft is i d carry t I it has l-i
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  • 315 7 Colossal Scheme to Reduce Prices. The great combine of manufacturers, which was announced ia the Express" more than a week ago, is now an accepted fact, and further particulars about it are giveu m this week's Iron and Steel Trades Journal.' 7 The combine, which
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  • 228 7 They fa tre i wairgish way m Ceylon wheu the South-Wesi Monsoon does not appear at its proper time. A paragraph m the Times of Ceylon has the following Disappearance of a Weli-Kuown Visitor to Ceylon. We draw the attention of our readers to the mysterious disappearance
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  • 168 7 A PROMISING BARRISTER-AT-LAW. Some few months ago a Chinese gentleman who announced that he would be known as Joseph < >*erl k Anderson was admitted to aa a barrister of the Supreme Court of Hongkong. It is interesting to learn that he has jast accepted an appointment from H. E.
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  • 98 7 v Cotton Mills. The Kiangyin correspondent of the X. C. Daily Ne For many years the p r oject or building a •on mill here has beeu under discussion. really to have such an enternrjgi the buildings are more than half conn eted. The company was formed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 34 7 Chamberlain'fl Colic Cholera anvi Diarrhoea Remedy In India. Hfg, Sd, L. Hiscocka writing from Clare id, P.yculla, India, says: "I have used and still require a good many bottles of Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
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    • 408 7 Q&vcrtteemcnto» Po^j anc^ suffering fy» back t() the h» %^;^W bor of health and strength. Isn't that a record to be proud of? For more than sixty years A^ pip f| has been the source of good health to many thousands of people m ail parts of the world. Their
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    • 557 7 EXCHANGE. (Corrected up to July IS.) Bank m/s 2/4 demand M 2/3i| Prirate credits 3 m/g 2.'4 i credits 6 m/a c 2/4,^ FiiAKCB, demand Baak vM t <. 290^ .xkrmavt, deai?uid y 236 [ndia T T 17*' Hongkong, demar-d ,<>- 21]% fozoHAMA, dsmasd M 113] Fata, demand 139^ Bahckok,
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    • 957 7 SHARES. MLNES. Capital C*pi t*l Isjce Paid t Issued paidapVilat oc Company. Qu^tatioa $300,000 300,000 10 lv Balat Tin Mining 00. Ltd Btt $300,000 225,000 10 10 Braaag Limited 550 1600,000 600,000 10 10 Brnseb Hydraulic Tin M. Ok Ltd |f.<i £400,000 350,000 1 1 D«fl Pnminpmnnt Co. Ltd 265
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    • 38 7 DYSEiNTERY AND DIARRHOEA. BBOW! To be bad at tb nm and of Miss Brown. GnuH la i U.wx ali< y Road, Sii I wtwi WW STATVr MALAY PENINSULA k. Short Accoaafc oltli oi BfMB m the btaUh o!
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  • 299 8 The following lots, comprising about 37 j Ion Straits and I tons Ceylon, were offered] a: auction an 1 e >M as follows Straits ran Malay Statb& 0«f per 10. C.M.R K. Ltd. 25 cr.-pe part sokl ■'> 7^ 4 Dainansara s Bheeta bought in
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  • 511 8 i r hi Pi as •I>UCT. The Finar J me 26th baa I ye topic. It will be noted that L.v. gets special approi i btle 1 igo inquiries reached London from the Middle East as to the r the 01 v' uit form of
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  • 453 8 The annual report on the Postal and Telegraph Department of the Straits Settlement?, laid before t^-> Legislative Council, shows that daring 1907 the estimated number of letter*, poet-cards, printed papers xv 1 samples, and the actual number of parcels dealt with during the year amounted to eighteen
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  • 278 8 THE FORTIFICATION OF MANILA BAY. The seaward defence of Manila Biy are being pushed on rapidly, and they are bo far need that their component sections are [riven L;i'iic-s it' officers, who were killed wound 1 m action during the campaign m the Philippine Islands. We quote from the Miuila
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  • 75 8 Captain E. G. Shortlaud, Commodore 2nd Class, has been awarded a good service pension of J?loO a year m the vacancy caused t>v the promotion of Commodore Stakes on the loth iijst. Commodore Shortland was Capt R W. Craigie's first lieutenant m the Hyacinth herein 1891-1892. The
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  • 529 8 The S.C.C. Tournament. The second match m the. above competition began on Saturday on the Esplanade, but was not finished and will have to be continued next week. As the score stands the game is at a very interesticg stage, the civilians requiring a little short of eighty with
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  • 143 8 THE COLMAN SHIELD. Another fixture m the Caiman Shield Competition was played on the Baffles Reclamation ground on Saturday, wli9n the Rooshdiah Club met the M.sjilis Persuka'au Sri. The former players were mere boys, but proved to be much Btronger than appeared from whit was seen m the first
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  • 32 8 The Yai»k Cup. The final game iv this competition was played yesterday over the S.G.C. links with the resu'it that Mr J. 0. Watt beat Dr Campbell four up ami three.
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  • 206 8 Admiral Selwia has asserted that there are m the Unitad Kingdom larger and more reliable sources of shale oil, not petroleum, than exist m the United States or Asiatic Russia, and that if the whole c f our shipping, naval and mercantile, took to burning oil fuel, it
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 7 8 B £"f l?*' I l r Exchanged
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    • 646 8 VESSELS_IN FORT, Men-of-war Flap and Tons Commanders Arrived From V^ lien For K. Re^entes Dat.cru.SoB4 Pinka Juy I" Bati >ertain Ship Flag- Tons Master Arrived From C insij^nee Bullmouth Brit 2306 Welch JTttly 13 Shanghai A P < I n certain Beagle Brit 86 Wayne Ju'y 11 CbtMflk HmmSi CTttotitain
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 507 8 SHIPPING NOTES. The statement that the German liners plying between Hamburg or Bremen an! America and the Near and Far East will m future call at Zeebrugge, the new port of Bruges, is welcomed m Belgium. Zeebrugge will now be a port of departure for passengers who previously embarked at
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