The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 18 June 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 116 1 Lord Milner bag pointed out the weakness in Colonial Office Government concerniug an "Empire of Europeans mm dependent empire of natives. II >' urged the need of a better organisation. Page The Pensions Bill has pissed the second reading. (Page 5.) At the Chicago Convention Roowvelt was
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  • 1660 1 She is a cousin ol IiUM, Aida, p&ftf and exasperating hut my fair corpondent i susses, and insists upon. little -h«>rt of wonderful, though her spelling generally leaves something to lx< desired, just in the same way u mtMJ >■! "confidences, which have a qj excellent beginning
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 315 1 THE FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Hamilton, Canada. Capitol and Assets, $3,870,472 (gold) Paid Policyholders, 1907, 287,268 Total Insurance in Force 19,000,000 Policies Indisputable after One Year from Accumulation Policies. issue. Compound Investment Policies. The Most Desirable Policy Contracts. Guaranteed Income Bonds. DAVID DEXTER, A. H. FAIR, t Managing
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    • 211 1 POPULAR WANTS. (Wanted; To Let; For Sale; Notices; etc., up to 30 words in length will be accepted for this column at One Dollar for three insertiona. Cash with Advertisement.) BILLIARD TABLE and Watts, full sized $260: Ivory Pyramid Balls §40; Bonzoline billiard balls $15 Lamps, Mats, Cues, Marker
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    • 113 1 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. Auction sales by Powell Co. of jewellery. Chinese household furniture \.c and land, and by Coghlau ,v Co. of freehold land Page 3. s.s. Kistna is detained for docking, and will resume sailings on the Ist prox. Page 7. To let bungalow, al^o office Page 2. Kugineer wanted
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 145 1 Entertainments. ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH, BEACH ROAD. Pathe Treres' Beautiful Pictures. TO-NIGHT'S PROGRAMME. Ist Show 7.30—9 p.m. 1. The Plank 2. By cycle robber 3. The mines and forge at Decazeville 4. In Brazil. The Pera-Chicada Falls 5. Maniac Juggler 6. Music and Poetry 7. Smelling of a police dog 8. The
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    • 363 1 THE WEEK Thursday, 18th High Water.— (..o a., 1.37 p. Corpus Christi. P <fe 0 Mail Homeward due. S.V.I. Musketry Drill, 5.15 p Cup Tie, S.C.C. v. West Kents. Friday, 19th High Water.— o.49 a., 2.27 p P O Mail Outward due. Municipal Commission, 2.3 n p Hockey, S.C.C. (2)
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  • 358 2 (Via Rttwjwn.') The Cotton Industry. London, June 8. Many Lancashire mills have closed fcr ten days instead of a wee*. Racial Fights in America. Two blacks kil'ed a white man in a brawl at I!eo in Oklahoma and fled to the bills. Racial riots followed which caused hundreds
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  • 186 2 FER from Ban:: \n We learn that Mr. Maurice Bandmann is endeavouring to arrange for a visit to Singapore of the La Scala Italian Grand Opera Company. This Company would be a great novelty in the Far Kast. and would present a magnificent selection of Italian Opera.
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  • 155 2 PEACE RESTORED IN YUNNAN. According to a telegram received by the Shanghai Taotai from H. E. Viceroy Tuan Fang, quoting from a dispatch from the Yunnan Viceroy 11. B. llsi Liang, Hokou (the head-quarters of the anti-monarchist insurgents wa- recaptured by the Imperial troops on the 2Gth alt. Hokou was
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  • 51 2 Tokyo, June 3rd. Baron Chinda, who was V ice-Minister for Foreign Affaire in the late ministry, is aj» pointed Ambassador to Berlin. Baron Hayashi, at present minister at Peking, succeeds l'.aron Takahira as ambassador at Rome, and Mr. Ijuin, Councillor of Embassy at London, becomes Minister at
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  • 27 2 At this season of the year the first un natural looseness of a child's bowels should have immediate attention. The best thinti
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 508 2 H^vcrtieemcnta. TO LET. TO LET Office at 49, Robinson Road Ist and 2nd Floors. Entry Ist July. Apply to— R. SASSOON, 1 D'Almeida St. June 18 u.c. TO BE LET. From Ist July, A commodious bungalow with large garden and stabling No 7, Upper Serangoon Road. Good well water. Close
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    • 552 2 H&vertteements. TO LET. OFFICES TO LET. Raffles Square, over The Robinson Piano Co's., premises. Apply ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd. Oct. 2 TO LET No. 10 Tiverton Lane off Killiney Road, Apply to B. N. ELIAS, 5, Malacca Street. Aug 7 7.7 OFFICE 0£ GODOWN TO BE LET. Ground rloor of
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    • 438 2 Hbvcrttscmcnte. NOTIGES. MADAMEZFAMBON, LADY DENTIST High Class Work Moderate Price. No. 215, Orchard Road. Nov 21 u-c Church of England Zenana Missionary Scciety. CHINESE GIRLS SCHOOL Sale of Work in the Victoria Memorial Hall Friday June 19 4to 6.30 p.m. Saturday June 20 10 a.m. to 12.80 Kindly help in
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    • 553 2 ttoperttscmcnt^ BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Bulking Corporation. Paid-dp Capital ...SI 000,000 Rbskbte Funi> Sterling Reserve «1 5,000,000) Siiver Reserve $13,500,000 j v2b '°W,ooo Rbsmrvb Liability of Propeimtoes -$15,000,060 Court of Dj rectors. Hon. Mr. Dkket Kbewick. Chaikmak, '■•gi/, Esq.— BEPrxr Chairman. km C. R. Lkn^mann Em iavFribslan;. Eaq K taHUuiK CL
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  • 991 3 I a nil Dbawba< h M N'is^ikaw:!, nanagar of 11m JapanjSbip» <u -i- 1 -V'--\ i!i interesting •oh on shipping -it a recent meet•f the Society held at To h may be taken to show thai ores in in MM dot e felt in f utility
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  • 357 3 "With the new spirit of out-spokenness, by those who know, regarding the home authorities' attitude of peace at any price in In<l:nn aft' airs M there is hope for India. Had affairs drifted any further, the Raj would have been vindicated, and India saved from m only
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  • 226 3 Investors in Chinese Railway loans will do well to give some attention to the new phase which has come over native aspirations Railway matters are not now necessarily left in experienced bands. There has been brought to the notice of the China Association the case, for
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  • 101 3 Thrown iuto a (Jueek. Washington, June s—The5 The President of Tinted States had a very narrosv escape from drowning to-day. A 3 he was takirjg one of his usual cross-country rides on his favourite horsa he cantered along the bank of a creek. His horse slipped
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  • 83 3 The White Star steamer Arabic has, we understand, been chartered by a large party of American tourists for a round-the-world voyage. Over 655 passengers, we are informed, have secured their passage. The "Arabi j" is due in Colombo on or about the 11th September next,
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  • 56 3 The "Hoclii" remarks in an editorial that ii in has no reason to feel anxious over America's acquisition of the Philippines, but contrai jr, should welcome her development in the Far Bast 1 here is no reason to Americi isolated from international ententes in the Par East. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 590 3 H&vertisements. AUGTION*. MORTGAGEES LAND SALE. Monday, 29th June, at 2-30. Two pieces of Freehold Land comprised in Grants No. 80 and 287 Toah Pyoh District. Area 62,204 square feet or thereabouts together with the Compound Residence known as No. 430 Serangoon Road. Rent §40. H. L. COGHLAN Co., Licensed Auctioneers
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    • 515 3 HJwertfsements. AUCTIONS. AUCTION SALE Household Furniture, Pianoforte A N I A Fine Collection of Palms and Plants, THE PROPERTY OF R. C deSOUZA Esq. AT St. George No. 1121, Serangoon Road Saturday, 20th June, at 2p. m. Comprising a Cottage Pianoforte by Radial and Co. Set of 4 upholstered chairs,
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    • 57 3 EDINBURGH STOUT AND IN ORDER THAT THIS FIRST CLASS STOUT AND PALE ALE may become better known in this market THEY WILL BE SOLD AT $12.00 per case of 7 doz. pints until further notice. OF ALL DEALERS. WHOLESALE FROM THE BORNEO CO., LTD. BEST AND QUALITY AND SIZE OF
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 47 4 GOMES Bl ton.— -On Tuesday. 16th June 1908, at St Andrews Cathedral Singapore, by the Kevd. H. C. Iz.ird m.a. Colonial Chaplain, ERNEST JAMES, youngest son of the late Revd. W. H. Gomes B.D. to ELSIE MABEL third daughter of Captain and Mrs. Buxton of Singapore.
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  • 2524 4 The Singapore Free Press. Thursday, June 18, 1908. Here «.fi.nll the Press the People's ri'^t maintain, U .awed bv influence and unbribed by gain Her.- patriot 'i ruth Iv glorious precepts draw. Pledged to Religion, Loyalty and Law, By way of Ringoon we have the spe^hes in the Viceroy's Council
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 212 4 Calobecr, Macgregor Co's r^f^p, EXTRA SPECIAL known as CALDBECKMACGREGOR &C? V CHI«A.HaW6-KO'US.JAPAW fcSKAITS SETTtyWtWT^/ DA lAU" ll Obtainable J>Bnr»rn//Sw^iii-»;i«ii4._ h WMVWI •■tjnaturT-n »i«< Ht /ttrrfr guarantee Jus Id tm car T^Hf i r-» EX7SA SPECIAL FINES' KT ■Cj'VOa V^^Af xlwX W 1 W£ ARE HOLDING A OF Monday, June 15th,
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    • 354 4 2 STUDIOS 2 1 Adapted to the Morning and t to the Afternoon Light. They are the Largest, Coolest and best Equipped Studios in the Colony, and are situated in the most picturesque part of the town, adjoining Government House Domain. Moreover, we possess in a high degree all the
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  • 97 5 Colonial Office Government. B .buutnne Telegraph. Reuter's.) K-o';v. 1 8.55 p.m. I M.iner, speaking at the Colonial Institute, TigOfOQstj deprecated the present anti-ju-ited system which Ml one Colonial office govern in g two totallj different Empire.- -a i -Liely a ntf.gOYCnillg empire of Europnim, rad dependent Empire of
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  • 76 5 Will he Visit? Received June 1 h 10*10 m. Trend jan asked in the House of Commons whether, before the iinal age:nents for the visit of the Tsxr to England were taken, an opportunity would be given to express an opinion respecting the policy of the visit.
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  • 23 5 Second Reading Over. The House of Commons has read a second time the Old Age Pensions Bill, without a -ion.
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  • 406 5 IChea ir, a Chinese printer of Upper ross Street, was charged before Mr Coin third magistrate, yesterday afternoon with dishonestly retaiuing aerated m Messrs Fraser and -e. Mr 9 conducted the prose- i Mr M ffltagu Harris appeared for the defence. Mr A Morrison, mana^r of
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  • 91 5 Roosevelt and the Presidency. (By Submarine Telegraph Reuter's.) The Republican Convention at Chicago meets to- Jay. The nomination of MrTu^t is certain. His platform includes a revision of tariff without departing from the piiaciple of protection, and he reaffirms President Roosevelt's policies. L \TER The Chicago Convention
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  • 34 5 Received June 17th, 9.45 a.m. 6:r Edward Grey, in reply to questions in the House, denied that the Japanese were insisting on preferential advantages in le and industry in Southern Manshuria.
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  • 35 5 The Biitish charge d'affaires at Teheran has reported considerable excitement and unrest, but has expressed his viaw that there is no apprehension of danger to tha lives, property and interests of foreigners there.
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  • 31 5 Received June 17th, 2 55 pm. President Koosevelt Ins appointed three Commissioners to represent the United States at the propose! International Opium Commission (to ba held at Shanghai.)
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  • 119 5 RIGHTS OF CKOWN CASE Before the hon'ble^ Justice Fisher, Braddell and Sercombe Smitli the appeal of Khoo Slan Tean and another, the Crown against :dgment of the acting Chief Justice in the Petition of Rights case, claiming discovery of documents in an alifged inducement to breach of
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  • 357 5 Concerning the article that appeared on Monday on the new Lumiere Colour Process, A.W.8." who has a very long experience in the tropics, writes that he is now experimenting with the new prccass. The article points out the danger of frilling of these new plates, which "A.W.8." Bays
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  • 62 5 The cere m or v of the presentation of the .T ipaiM B9 yacbt, the Yongho, to the Chinese Throne, was held on the -_!7 f h ultimo. The or Guildhall of tie Waiwupu was r. led by Chinese and Japauese officials, including Princes Chine: and Chun,
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  • 146 5 NINE CHARGES OF EXTORTION Mr Colnian. the third magistrate, was occupied yesterday morning in enquiring into the nine charges of extortion brought against Malay police constable No. 53 and a Chinese coolie. Datecttve Sergeant Bourae conducted the prosecution. Evidence by nine hawkers was given. I» was alleged that
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  • 134 5 < >a Tuesday night, a gang of five Chinese bloods had a feed of rice and curry from a stall kept by Hylams in Middle Road. When asked for payment, th<?y smashed up tbe place. A detective constable succe3ded in making one arrest. Yesterday, the accused appeared
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  • 84 5 A Chinamin appeardd before Mr Green, the second magistrate, yesterday, on a charge of fraudulent possession of eleven fowls. He was arrested at G-iylang on Tuesday night. Abused declared that tha fowls were given to him by a clansman, who advised him to ti.i 1 e weJland enjoy
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  • 69 5 Appu Senyo. a Cingalese, was before Mr Green, the second magistrate, yesterday, for preliminary enquiry into a cnarge of murder by causing the death of Mr M. D'Silva, a Municipal contractor, on the I'th inst. At the request of Police Inspector Oxley, the enquiry was adjuurned till
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  • 55 5 An L-hang (Hupeh) correspondent writes: "A thousand chests of opium are being shipped by the Kwanli this tup for downriver. We have been making special inquiries and can hear nothing of any procliniation baing issued with reference to the closing of opium dens or restricting the
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  • 275 5 General Snbbotitch, who is a great opponent of the Amur R ulwajr, has this to say about it The Government intends to complete thig railway of 2,040 versts in 1912. that is. in four years (which, owing to the climate will only yield sixteen working months,) but
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  • 19 5 The British steamer Karang, 334 toes gross, now lying in Sinea pore harbour was
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  • 1034 5 London, May 1908. Dbabest Exile, The big annual Primrose League meeting came off today. It was very sad that Mr Baifour wasn't well enough to preside, but it' he had to be away a better substitute could not have baen found than Lord Percy. His speech
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 703 5 ROBINSON k CO. $f> AND lfe KELLY WALSH I MINES AND MINERALS THE NAVAL ANNUAL 1908 §OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE B > T A :75 Being a description of the Historical. ADVANCED GOLF Physical, and Industrial Features of the By James Braid $2.75. principal centres of Mineral Production in the
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  • 644 6 LABQE LOSS OF LIFE. Ihe i Mi- of the 9th inst jjives an I the kofl id tlie steamer M Powan/ 1 1 already reported jby telegram*. Thorn MB the main details The aid tavourke, the Powan, one of i\.r iu -t popular
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  • 241 6 M I M:r RY. At t: mnual m ng cfl 7 League ■I |fee Royal United Si o Institution urgh, the president, stated that 7-, tnent on both sidee of the house had decided to join the League, pro•d some of their number were eiejted to the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 521 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. N Y K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. A regular FORTNIGHTLY Serrice is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Undb* Mail Contracts with thb Imperial Japanese Government. Specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 617 6 advertisements, SHIPPING. P O STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For Chin?, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London, Through Bills o£ Lading issned for" Ohina Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leaye Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) 1908 Devanha June
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    • 647 6 HbvertiaemcntsSHIPPING i OCEAfI STEAM SKIP Co. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nav. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight, and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward
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    • 526 6 a&vcrtiscmcnts. SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regolar service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 498 6 Btn^rtiscmcnto. SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LIKE The fast and well-known mail Bt«*4niei this Company MuJ fortnightly from hn^ruen, Hamburg via K-otterdam, Antwerp, Boat hamptioa Gibraltar, Grenoa, Naples, (connection M-. Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, H kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki 4 Kobe
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  • 874 7 a more than mcxie-t pOfCWBtlflC of the credited as und^r rabbet ia Malaya is covered with trees which are commercially irui ia a !i''t irl anyone possessed ■cf first hand kaowledge is not prepared to deny. Am wq indicated in theta Xotes on M ;y BUk la.-t,
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  • 28 7 This is a very dangerous disease us i: I Statistfefl show that there iuore deatbs from it than from scarlet All danger wav be avoided, however,
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  • 771 7 STEAMERS. Giving port of departure, and (where known, date due here, and name of Agents. Airlie, Sydney, June 25 Boustead. Alicante, Barcelona, June 13 Barlow Co. Arcadia, Hongkong, July P O. Aivonia, Colombo, July 18 E. Asiatic Co. Astyacax, China, July Mansfield. Ayuthia, Bangkok, June 21 Borneo Co.
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  • 40 7 Bven «e -p :lk r tiie east as ie fintls i: is a maxim of the Portuguese. Judging r v yH i, rsieo ived from people all over country, praising Chamberlain's Colic.
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  • 73 7 (Corrected up to June 17.) Bink 4 m/s 2/4*^ demand M 2/3| Private credits 3 m/s 2/4 J.j credits 6 m/s 2/4^ Fbancb, demand Eank.^ 291 Gmmant, demand w 2£6^ India, T. T, 175 Hongkong, demand nom Yokohama., demand w 113' Java, demand 139^ Bangkok, demand w 66 >
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  • 142 7 June 17. ♦Tin $65.20 Gambier t buyers 7.15 Gambier Cube No. I 11.00 Q-ambier Cube No. 2 9.50 Pepper Black (ord'n. S'pore) 11.15 Pepper, White (f air L. W. 5 p.t., buyers 18.50 Nutmegs (110 to the Ib.). M 7.50 Nutmegs (80 to ihe 1b.) w 19.50 Mace (B&nda)
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  • 759 7 MINES. Capful Capital Issoe Paid Issued paid op V*Iu« ap Company. g u jt *rtoa $300,000 300,000 10 lo Belat Tin Mining Co. Ltd 5 50 $300,000 225,000 10 10 Brnang Limited $600,000 600.0C0 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Co Ltd i 1 50 £400,000 350,000 1 1
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 575 7 a&vcrtisements. s.s. "KISTNA" FOR PORT SWETTENHAM PENANG. The above steamer will be detained here for docking and boiler cleaning, and will not take the sailing of the 24th instant. She will resume her nsual sailings on Wednesday the Ist proximo. June 18 25.6 NEW SERVICE BETWEEN SINGAPORE, MUAR AND MALACCA.
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    • 331 7 APARTMENTS. Vacant from 15th June. Rooms single and double with board. Tennis and stabling. 2, St. Thomas Walk. July 16 22.8 Rooms with board for bachelors and married couple, Tennis Court. Terms Moderate. Apply to Mrs. ORRE, 7, Oxley Rise. Oct 14 tts WANTED. ENGINEER WANTED. Messrs Howarth Erskine Limited
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    • 244 7 SPECIAL FEATURE A CHEAP ADVERTS KiJKNr POPULAR WANTS." if you have a House to Let, Rooms to Let, Want a Bitxu&ot. Want to Buy, Sell or Exchange Articles, Want Assistants, House c T Booms, try an M Ad in the Singapore Free Press," at tha NEW CHEAP RATE $i for
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  • 102 8 The Times of Ceylon says The interColonial rifla aaatdttfl have now bean brought to close by the match with the Milav Srates Association, the results of which arc given above. This brings the total 0& matches tired off this year to five, and that of losses to
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  • 76 8 Iq the Batch this evening in the Association Cup finipitfttrm, S. C C. vs West Keuts I the 3. C. C. team will be C. T. Costigau G. Chapman, and T. Siunders; A. C Gray, D. Baird, and J. Henderson F B. G.tUimore, D. M. Doig, E.
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  • 266 8 Vl-Ti'RY Ob Ml>> TiiTEKTON. The seuii- final and final rounds of the Ladies' Golf Championship took place in liantly riae weather at St. Andrews yesterday. The championship was won by Miss Titterton. of Muss-. An enormous crowd BSMsablsd fco watch the final t e. Tae
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  • 299 8 By Major E. C EIII3, Acting Commandant BLT.C. Singapore, ltith June, 11*08. S.V.C. Tin- next ■onthlj dftO 4 of the Singapora Riile Association will take place on Sunday Ktk, .it 30 pm. B VJI 1 '-.derly officer for ensuing week Lieut D. Ovderiy Nr Berg* JP. Fitt. Plan
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  • 563 8 DAUGHTER ELOPED WITH RELIGIOUS TEACHER. Awang Chi, a tall, slender looking Malay, svas charged before Mr Howard, in the District Court, yesterday, with kidnapping a Malay girl named Mat, twenty years of age, and theft of her brother's koleh valued at .^l">. He claimed to be tried.
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  • 153 8 The following Singapore properties were disposal of bj auction at I'owuil Co.'s saleroom on Tuesday afternoon Shop-house dwelling \o. 82 Orchard B fed, 2,620 feet, freehold, monthly rent |29 50. Wee Cheow Keng $2,800. Shop-hoiiJt- dwelling Xo. 4 8 off Cheang Wan Sang Place, Singapore town, 887
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  • 154 8 Gousmiah, a Kling watchman and rebeebment seller at th« Stamboul Cinematograph at Sera ngoonKoad, was tined $75 by Mr Green, the second magistrate, yesterday afternoon, for cheating Chinese hawkers. Police Inspector Oxley prosecuted, and Mi Lowell defended. The evidence for the Crown showed that the accuse
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  • 162 8 Police Station Mobbed. Madras, June 8 th. The order stopping street-preachiug in Trivandruui having elapsed, Swadeshi lecturing recommenced, with the usual result of rioting and arson. The cause of the latest outbreak was the alleged ill-treatment of a caste-man by the police. A mob assembled at the
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  • 261 8 As the "Times of India" points out "This is the reply to Baron von Aerenthal's scheme for extending the Austrian line through the Sanjak of Novi Bazar to Salonica. but, whereas the Baron has only obtained the Porte's consent to a survey of the contemplated project, without
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  • 140 8 Dblagrangb'S Great Feat. London, May 81st. Recently M. Delagrange. a Parisian sculptor, who invented an aeroplane which, on April 11th last, covered a distance of six and a quarter miles in 9min. *****., the last four and a half miles of the journey being accomplished without
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  • 108 8 Sue/. May 2'S. The mail from Egypt to the East was Lost at Sue/, yesterday. .The reason was due to tiie fact that the Messageries Biaritimes s.s. Polynesien came through the canal exceptionally quickly and reached Suez almost two hours before her
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  • 152 8 Talking of nervousness,'" writes Sir Charles Santley in the Musical Home Journal," reminds me of an incident which happened the first time my little daughter Baw me on the stage. It W8& in Faust at Her Majesty's Theatre. My wife, however, knowing full well how difficult
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  • 627 8 Quarantine restrictions against the ports of 13. N. Borneo on account of mall-pox are withdrawn. The Kistna will not sail on the 24th, being detained here for boiler clearing. She will resume on July Ist as usual. The Zinoni arrived yesterday from Kuchinufzu with 5,(590 tons of coal.
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  • 48 8 Si^nor Koelticker, an Italian zoologist, states that by means of a microphonograph his hypothesis that fish have a language of their own has been fully continued, lie has heard them carry on a sort of murmuring conversation, which he does not, however, claim to have understood.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 4 8 PIANOS Bought, Sqldjqr Exchanged
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    • 276 8 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. CJndkh Contract wuh m Netheklands India i. Agents at Singapore. Ships" Agency, late J. Daendels Co., 2-3. Collyer Quay. THE UNDERMENTIONED DATES OF DEPARTURE ARE ONLY APPROXIMATK s.s. 'VAN Swooll Tand.jong Pandan Hiilitou. I'.atavia. Java c Oa-i. BmbW Soerabaja. Rnololof Awpenan, BJMfc, Wiaaafapoi N'angameotri i Endo
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    • 69 8 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAB AND KEPPEL HARBOUR. Whun;, and Docks at which ,L' -sets were berth? > East Wh;.ri fttriit Xil. East W bar! Btfl ,la. Section 1 -Sheers Wha; I Se<;tion I m 8 f«3nij. 3. 4 < > waiior. i. 6— Clan Buchanan, T.-iesfora, Pri 7 Strathavon. H—
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 157 8 PASSENGERS. Per Profit: Mr Clarke, Mr and Mrs White and child. Per Sappho Messrs Snoigrass, F. M. Price. Swan, Rev R. Affenso, Bichop Castio and Rev Ankno. Per Hehe: Mr Hengst. Per Putiala Messrs J. E. Cross, L. E. Phipps, F. Landsberg, Swi e, Nedler and Bliss Anderson. WEATHER REPORT.
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    • 459 8 VESSELS_IN PORT. Ship Flag Tona Master Arrived From Consignee Adana Brit 2HB Park June 11 Sagon I M. Wood Utwpool Clan Buchanan Brit 3288 Darby June 12 Cardiff S/M Oa. Corinthia Brit 2358 Miller May S Cardiff Admirail\ UiK-tain Clan Macintosh Brit 2575 Hocking June 15 Amoy Yeo Chip MoL
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