The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 June 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 172 1 The Finance Bill has been read a second time in the Commons and an amendrneut regretting that the basis of taxation was not bi oidened to meet growing liabilities was lost. (Page 5.) Au eje-wi 4 n a ss describes what would appear to be tl e
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  • 45 1 I most willingly bear testimony to the great efficacy of Grimault's Cigarettes for Asthma. I have had Asthmatic Bronchitis for some time. This winter the attack was almost unbearable. A kind friend gave me a box and 1 am, thank God, almost a new woman.
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  • 1098 1 "What is the importance of the biggest niillioiaire that Africa or Am lica has ever produced, in comparison witli the importance of our own, indiwlual stives r The smallest, humblest, most Lntignificiat blot upon the human landscape looms large in its own nd is not infrequently inflated
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 KELLY WALSH I THE GATE OF THE FAR EAST KLEINGROTHES I serfs ALBUfVI OF VIEWS Being a New Collection of 0F Containing about 150 Views. 127 ILLUSTRATIONS S|ZE 0F ALBUM 8 BY !4 Price SI, 2 5. j Price $36. i. iiiiniMiwi MMiniwiii vgssB&&&MvmMMMMmv&kAMwmmmmmKmmwA\ Retailed by all GROCERS HOTELS. THE
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    • 214 1 Entertainmen ts. A Stupendous Attraction! A Veritable T reat For a short Season only. Full Particulars to-morrow. EDISON'S PICTURES BEN HUR LITTLE BESSIE This triple attraction of 3 star brand is on a tour of the worldAfter having played America. England. Scotland. South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. Press Notices
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    • 290 1 Entertainments. AiUiAMBRA ALL NEW FILMS. Ist Show 7-30 p.m. 1 Near the Sea. The Great Provider," the wreck on trie coast ot Britanny 2 Peggy's Portrait o Astrakhan hsh preserving 4 Tormented by his motherdndaw 5 Constantinople 10 Mary is dismissed il Nocturnal thieves ONLY PATHE FKERES FILMS. L. F.
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    • 74 1 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. For sale, Calcutta buggy Page 1. To let, house at Mount Sophia— Page 7. Wanted Eurasian junior clerk Page 7. For sale teak furniture. Privately, by Powell k Co.— Page 3. S. S. Company's Lady Weld new dates of sailing. W.A.S.X Co's Minilya sailing for Australia on the
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 293 1 THE WEEK High Water.— o.4o a., 2.16 p. P O Mail Homeward due 6 a. High Water.— l.l6 a., 2.53 p P k O Mail Homeward closes 6 a P k O Mail Outward due. Feast of Weeks (Jewish Festival). Municipal Commission, 2.3'! p S Y.A. Manning Parade. 5.30 p
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  • 774 2 Two lead n Cbieago parsic'ans claim, an evening paper, to have pert c ed a b ess it hereby bnmuo bodies can b<a meta aed ia ngold, iilser, ot brocsa sU.toea. Hers is a eh tree lot the aneaopl yed who have to walk between Use b tarda loi a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 13 2 Bo No: Neglect the Children. The best thin, Cholera u»a rJ Chamberlain'a Colic,
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    • 397 2 advertisements. APARTMENTS. LODGING WITHOUT BOARD. Wanted apartments for married couple, furnished or unfurnished, in private house. E.M." c o Free Press." Juue 2 Rooms with board for bachelors and married couple, Tennis Court. Terms Moderate. Apply to Mrs. ORRE, 7, Oxley Rise. Oct 14 tts NOTIGES. MADAME FAMBON, LADY DENTIST
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    • 500 2 Advertisements. NOTIGES. NOTICE. Neither the Owners, Capt. or Agents will be responsible for any debts incurred by any member of the crew S.S. Langbank during her stay in this port. W. I. ROUT, Master. May 29 6.6 THE BELAT TIN MINING CO., LTD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Share
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    • 435 2 advertisement*. INSURANCES. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. Fire, Life, Marine, Accident, Guarantee. ASSETS exceed SEVENTEEN MILLIONS BTEBLIMO. W. A. SIMS. Manager Underwriter, Eastern Branch, Singapore. May 27 284 New Zealand Insurance Co. Ltd. FD2E AND MARINE. Subscribed Capital 41,60 Paid up Capital and Reserve* £HJ (JOOO Fire and Marine Risks
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    • 586 2 Bl*erti*emcnt£. BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Baiikiu^ Corporation. Paid-up Capital ">,000,000 Reserve Fund Sterling- Reserve $15,000,000) Silver Reserve 5 10 j' B 500 .°00 Reserve Liability of Proprietors I .j ,000,000 Court of Directors. Eon. Mr. Hikbt Keswick. Ceaikma* E. Ooaaaa, Esq. Deputy CataaaSM e.g. Banaan; Rna. C. K Laarcauana; Esq. Gruaxai
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  • 297 3 g\; ca-amnrar ton Cura Faaxci The Paris Jou. r. t! aaaaiaina a striking art; i M. Haoaoeaax, Um i .-Minister for Foreign Affairs. Germany, he says, jataaada to capture the route to the East, rut merely by means of the Baghdah Ra. bj, ut by a
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  • 205 3 tus of Se. wc<.k, and to begn at the :o. Applicants must be Brit:-., subjects, or. if uave resided there for 10 oi I a>ions to be national, not loc Criminals, all persons acipt I oor-law relief will be exMa I thai wffl receive "s.
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  • 144 3 Portuguese Gotcsbh wft I oua of Getting Rid of them. The Lisbon papers, Xovid., and ulo," publish reports from the Governor of Angola, in Portugues- West Africa with I :he numerous Boer families set- in Portuguese territory. are Bot:- E hav!: Ito swear I I B
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  • 60 3 Two astonishing bowKng rerfornu.nces werr i] H. .ffiisti the famous Yorkshire a *1 Northampton ia the match between Xorthamp'ou&hir«r rkihire. h .a the two innings was o. a 9T. I w linings... 112 B < *> H thus c twtlr* wkketa for I ipl tnahire'a Beet nd inn
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  • 259 3 A Philiitink.s Coal Port. Albay, May TJ Last Sunday, former <i vcrnor Betts took a party of twenty-four prominent business men and officials of Albay to visit his coal mines on Batan Island near Legaspi. The vein now being worked is rive feet thick and the coal
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  • 258 3 Some time ago H.E. Sun Pao Chi, Chinese Minister to Germany, who was the first high Chinese official to propose tha adoption of a constitutional Government for China in 1906, made the following suggestions to the Wai-irn-pa, via 1. Suitable promotions should be given to those
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 A:: Oil Maxim Applied to a Modern Remedy. Brezjoneneeakfl of the feast as i.o tada isa maxim of I Judging bv the letters received from 1 1 «jei Bg Chamberlains t era and Diarrhoea Remedy, it w«™*' keen found satefactory. il
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    • 240 3 FOR SALE. FOR SALE PRIVATELY be whole of the excellent teak household ..ture contained in a dwelling bouse in Road. For particulars, apply to. POWELL Co. Auctioneers. June 4 i »fi GOVERNMENT NOTICE. The Steam Launch ''Seabird"of Penang r sale. Offers may be made to the Colonial Secretary. Singapore, or
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    • 622 3 Htwertisements. AU&TIONS. AUG f ION SALE OF Valuable Household Furniture &c. AT No. 52, BRAS BASSA BOAD ON Tuesday, 9th June, at 4.30 p.m. Carved teak and rattan drawing room chairs, polished centre tables with tapestry covers, handsome rattan drawing room furniture, ebony folding screens with silk embroidered panels, handsome
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    • 448 3 H&vertisements. AUCTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF A Humber Motor Car The Property of W. 11. ROSE, Esq., (who is leaving the Colony) At Messrs H. L Coghlan Co's Salerooms Tuesday, 9th June, at noon. One 10-12 H. P. five-seated, side entrance Humber Car (1907) in use for 6 months, dual ignition,
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    • 172 3 There is no Work Possibfe on the Most Expensive Machine which cannot he Performed on 'I /the Empire typewriter J ]0r It is guaranteed to outlast the highest priced machines. It is without clumsiness or excessive weight. Its Simplicity and Beautiful work have gained for it the highest praise from
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 64 4 Thumeitta Kethi Bfyotha Bfyosa, wife of the late Taunggwin Mingyi. Chief Minister in Finance of the Burmese liings. sister -of the pi' Bent Burmese Archbishop and of the late Bfyowun U Pe Si, C. I. E., and grandmother-in-law of Bianng Po San. S. 0. 8., of Tharrawaddy District, and
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  • 4 4
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  • 1535 4 ;LK;LKDKDFKLD inevitable, Col. Buller, was Chief of the Staff, and the abrupt close of the campaign ere it was yet well begun gave him no real opportunity of displaying those higher intellectual qualities that such a post demands. Egypt, with its campaign against Arabi Pasha, and,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 86 4 Calobeck, Macgregor Cos r~^^n EXTRA SPECIAL L> t A LIQUEUR WHISKY. known as I CALDBECK.MACCREGOR&C2 VgMs~=^ss=^ GHOp RAJAH" Obtainable Everywhere. f A SPECIAL OFFER. I I THE STRAITS BILLIARD TABLE! j BURROUGHES WATTS' j f comp ete with Cues, Bills, Rests Marking Board Etc f iVoiv on View at our
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    • 277 4 Best Lighted STUDIOS in the East. LIGHT, that is the proper kind of light, plays the most important part in the production of perfect Photographic Portraiture and we must confess that no small measure of the success of our portraits is due to the ideal LIGHTING ARRANGEMENTS of our Studios,
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  • 72 5 THE BASIS OF TAXATION. (By Submarine Telegraph Router's.) Received 3 55 p.m. ia the House of Commons the Finance i'.;! 1 has I r"n read a ssnaad time. The amendment of Mr Lawrence Hardv, itive member for Ashford, expressing regret that in view of the growing liabilities of
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  • 86 5 The latest phase of the Macedonian quee- I that Sii Edward Grey has sent Russia another Note suggesting certain mod'tittiofl of points already settle It is believed that an agreement is assured in the near f iture. New Outrages. Received June 3rd, 10 am. In view of the recent
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  • 16 5 I'p to I o'clock this morning no wire had me m with the result.
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  • 191 5 London, May _2rd. I |s4 Mr A. Bslflaosfs be N 11. ;y Octagon Efxnevsjh... Watson 11 to B Bfwfl Mr J Buchanan's eh c MounB Apple, by Persimmon RavensMaj J. D. Edwards lltofl ags4 Mr W. Hall Walker's ch c Wants Bags* by I iallinule— Merry
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  • 275 5 The Japan Advertiser remarks that M with mei uraise marked doz. 'qnalts," a -t's sign ring fresh f rowers,' bury earl peddlii lh milk,' the phir gists of the future are going to have aa I ol a time." Ar one ol the training colleges the following <[uestion was set
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  • 81 5 Movement to Keep Them Out. (By Submarine Telegraph. Reuter's.) The c respondent of the Times at Vancouver telegraphs that the Chinese Board of Trade has wil el to the Hongkong Guilds' requesting them to end the msh of Chinese to British Columbia, and also to send a
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  • 48 5 A Climb Down." Ree. 6.30 pm. A wire from St. Petersburg says that the chief Shak Savan and the Nomads on the Persian frontier appeared before the Russian Cjmmander] before the time of the B ussian ultimatum had expired K o so I_. 4
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  • 25 5 Received June 3rd, 9.55 a.m. The death has occurred of Sir K^dvers Buller. (The deceased General's Army record appears on Page 8.)
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  • 55 5 {From our otc'/i Correspondent.) London, June 2nd. The Linggi Rubber Co. pavs a tinal dividend of 10 ptr cent, making 20 per cent for the year, carrying forward .4'4.157. The crop is 100,000 lb. The estimated crop for 1008 is from 250,000 to 30\000 lb. The Company is issuing
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  • 237 5 May Make Manila Terminus. It is believed that before long Manila will see here the crack steamers of the North German Lloyd's n3et. such as the Prinz Eitel Friedrich. Buelow, Prin/ Heinrich, Kleist, and others. The cause for such step on the part of this ocean controling
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  • 244 5 PLUS A DRESS REHEARSAL. In Mr Sireyd Kynnersley's recently published book of anecdotes and stories mostly relating to school life there are seme quite good thiegs. It is a Yorkshirernan of the author's acquaintance who is responsible for the following A discussion arose at tte Red Lion
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  • 382 5 A QUESIION OF HUMANITY. A rather strange incident, that appeirs to reflect on the reputation for hummity of the French mercantile marine is described by an eyewitness. It seems that on Monday as the French mail "Yarra" from Hong kong was proceeding to the quarantine anchorage at
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  • 167 5 A good many of the residents in the -Straits who may feel in need of a complete change of climate without the loss of much time are not pre parky aware of the remark ible advantages to be gained by a visit to •lava, which
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  • 151 5 Much thc most ambitious of the ventures in theatrical management which Mr Maurice E. Bandamann has undertaken is that which he has now in hand, the production in India and the East of grand opera, lie has secured an option on the La Scala Italian
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  • 86 5 A Masonic trowel of silver which is on its way around the world has reached Portland, Or., where it was received with the ceremony by a committee of a brethren of high degree. The trowel which was started from New York, will go to every Masonic jur
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  • 98 5 It is reported that Miss Sutton, the American lady lawntennis champion,' is coming over to Japan in the autumn. Miss Sutton was born in California and her three elder sisters are also well known as champions of lawn-tennis in the American athletic world. It is said that, though still in
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  • 648 5 {Via Rangoon.} Empire Day Celebrations. London, May 26. j Lord Curzon speaking at the Empire Day banquet held in London last night insisted that India, which tbere was sometimes a tendency to ignore, was essential to a united Empire. The problems of the Empire, he continued, were not
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  • 86 5 Simla, May 21. The following officers have been selected for appointment to the Supply and Transport Corps and are posted as stated Lieutenant Wood, Liverpool Regiment, to Mhow Captain Hendrson, Leicestershires, and Lieutenant Euchan, Ist Manchesters, to Lahore Lieutenant Messenger. East Surreys, to Quetta Lieutenant Duval. 38th Battery.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 125 5 To The Editor, Sir, English Worm says Thev have to be at their duties at 7 am. prompt, furthermore their time is registered by a TellTale clock." This being so one might pertinently enquire why it is necessary some twenty minutes before this hour for English Worm"
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 A Medicine that Will Cure Chronic Diarrhoea Cl arnberlain CM:--. Ch- lera and War i most succi Bsful mem-
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    • 14 5 Rheumatism Why suffer irom this painful malady when one abdication of Chamberlain's Pain Balm
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    • 815 5 Robinson Company. A LARGE AND VARIED SHIPMENT OF n-i HINKS' LAMPS IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS S^SsaF TABLE LAMPS iSf HANGING LAMPS dff|j| BRACKET LAMPS '^T HALL LAMPS T HINKS LANTERNS. 1 Robinson Gompany. C_l^jiS Singapore Electric Tramways, Ltd. FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION. From the Bth of June and untii further
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  • 731 6 At a time when the efficiency of the Navy 13 in the balance, and our Admiralty is l^eing handed over to a new and untried man, it is •worth while learning something of the way in a our naval men learn to do their
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  • 265 6 BSSMM mm K USUI k SUM first produced a sysIsss ol sehusaxsnc sound-signals, by which a ship eosdsl is bear .position and feel ber way to SH am int harbour by mean- I mm sounding ol a beS bi i greet attention has been given in that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 531 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. WTK. JAPAN HAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. A regular FORTNIGHTLY Service 's maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Undee Mail Contracts with thh Imperial Japanesb Govbenmbnt, Specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First
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    • 574 6 a&vertisements. SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London* Through Bills of Lading isßned for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) 1908 Malta June
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    • 714 6 H&verttsements. SHIPPING OCEM STEAM SHIP Co. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nav. Co, Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight, and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward
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    • 631 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE, HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Ilotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 484 6 H&vcrriscmcnts. SHIPPING. W ft T Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LIKE The fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sout. Gibraltar, Genoa.. Naples, (connection Ma*>eilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore. B kong, Shanghai,
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  • 596 7 The financial crisis which has been hovering over oar heads for the past ten months is just eglßßiaej to make itself keenly felt in the eoesssesmei world in theae parts. The cause —md only one must be attributed to no other agency than the slump in the
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  • 412 7 Chinese ebesf labom has been the bugbear ■Sera indus:nalisni for af :e ration. It fa a SSffl of the times that it is making its influence felt even in India. At a meeting of the MiilowuerC Association in Bombay, the Hon. ViiaUas Datnodher Thaekersey, the chair::.
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  • 80 7 (Corrected up to June 2.) Bank 4 m/s 2/4 demand 2/3|| Private credits 3 m/s M 2/4 T credits 6 m/s 2/4f Fbawcb, demand bank... w 291 i Gbemant, demand w 236| India, T. T, 174? Hongkong, demand 22 j% Yokohajla, demand M 113^ Java, demand w 139| Bangkok,
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  • 134 7 June 2 ♦Tin $6375 Gambier w 7.15 Gambler Oube No. 1 10 70 Gambier Cube No. 2 9.50 Pepper Black (ord'u. S'pore) 1 1 47 1 Pepper, White (fair L. W. 5 p.s.; buyers 19.20 Nutmegs (110 to the 1b.)... 1 7.00 Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) 18 75
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  • 758 7 Capita! Capital I. sac Paid n Issued paid op Vain* ap gu.tat.e__e $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co. Ltd 6HE $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruang Limited 650 $600,000 600,000 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Oo Ltd II £400,000 350,000 1 1 Buff Development Co. Ltd
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 533 7 Advertisements. STRAITS STEAM SHIP COMPANY, LIMITED. NEW SERVICE BETWEEN SINGAPORE, MUAR AND MALACCA. The s s. ''Lady Weld leaves Singapore on Saturday 6.h Instant at 5.30 p.m. for Muar only. Commencing on Tuesday 9th instant the above vessel will leave Singapore twice a week for Muar and Malacca till further
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    • 512 7 advertisements, TO LET. TO LET House No. 5 Mount Sophia with a good view of the sea and the island. Enquire Mrs Masuda Rahamim at No. 3 Mount Sophia or at No. 2 Orchard Roads. June 4 th 8 m TO BE LET, FURNISHED. First Class Residence near Keppel Harbour,
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    • 309 7 WANTED. WANTED An Eurasian junior clerk. Knowledge of type-writing and short-hand essential. Applications to be made in own hand-writing with full particulars to MERCHANT c o Free Press." June 4 thsrn 9.6 WANTED. For a Tobacco Estate in B. N. Borneo, a qualified Apothecary. Good wages and free quarters. Apply
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    • 290 7 THE YOKOHAMA DOCK CO., LTD. No. 1 DOCK. No I DOCK. Length Inside 514 ft. Length inside 375 ft Width of entrance, top 95 ft., bott Width of entrance, top 60 5 ft bolt. 75 ft. 45 8 It Water on blocks 27.5 ft. Water on blocks 20.5 ft Time
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  • 375 8 There were two well-contes* el matches on ihe Esplanade yesterday, to fill up the day. j The Club, through a tiue innings Ol Cantrell, defeated the Garrison, and a scratch team ot* the Club were beaten by the Recreation C'u l after a close finish. S. C. C.
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  • 269 8 S. C. C. C. ti in ttj Eddis 12 V S Bailey bEd 20 ed 84 Dr Ollerhead b Gammon 1 E V. Edlin b Gammon 0 A H. Beven b Gammon 0 .1 F S Carmiehael c Dresser b Eddis 0 R. L. Dunman b Eddis 3 Mdis 4
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  • 40 8 SiM.M> I Y. Qreen rs A. W. Bailey, nnfiniabed T- »-I>AY •S TIES. Mrxnx Doculk- -Mrs. Saunders and M B Mssieoud vs. Mr and Mrs Green. FRIDAY. lW.'.ey vs.. (rreen. to finish. Mrs Law rs M E, Sherwood.
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  • 620 8 A SUCCESSFUL DAY. One 3 a year, on the occasion of their sports, the police, both European and native, thoroughly enjoy themselves. Everyone who can pDssibly be spared from duty hurries oft' in mufti to participate in the fun. At the sports yesterday, every th in g went
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  • 92 8 The programme of the S. C. C. Athletic 8| rts <fvmkhana, to be held on Saturday ;'.y I b (entries close Friday Jul.' 26 h has now been issued and includes the follow2. 150 Handicap 2' >< 1 Open B ice for School Boys 300 Handicap
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  • 114 8 RESX7LT OF YESTERDAY'S PLAY. B Singles. Seet Hock Seng, scr beats Chua Lye Vang, ows 1. J-. 7 5. Tan Boon Kiah, owe 1 beats Lim Kee Chiok, scr 6 3, o—6,0 6, 7 5. C Singles. Oh Jitt Seng, owe 2 beats Tan
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  • 1057 8 V.C., G.C.8., K.C.M.G. We are sorry to learn by telegram of tbe death of General Sir Reavers Buller after an illness of a few weeks, which has caused his friends much anxiety. The trouble appeared to have been connected willi the liver, and as
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  • 50 8 This shows how long the perils of war may persist after peace has been concluded.—Ou the 14th May some Coreans were attempting to pull ashore a mechaLisal mine which was floating off Ud-lung island wben it exploded. One Japanese aad two Coreans were killed outright and seveu others were injured.
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  • 159 8 The extra P. and 0. Steamer Sardinia, came in yesterday from Colombo, steaming with one propeller, as she had lost the other before arriving at that port. It appears that tbe sudden orders for the cruiser Fox to proceed to the East Indies, to relieve the Highflyer, is
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 14 8 PIANOS Bought, Sold or Exchanged Pianos at $150 and Upwards, fYA7 dlftPrPnt. Malrarc l^»r^^^^4.-^j
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    • 221 8 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contract with the Nkthkiilam-- Inma Q rfSSSaSSfIBK Agents at Singapore, Ships' Agency, late J Daendels Co.. 2-3. Collyer Quav THE UNDERMENTIONED DATES OF DEPARTURE ARE OSflLl APPRQXIMATK s.s. '"Rochussen" Tandjong-Pandan iliilliton). Batavia. Jav..' Soerabaja. I Tifoe (Boeroe i. Amboina, Banda V BLaiwoei (Obi-Islands), Baajan, Tansati
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 354 8 PASSENGERS. Per Sappho Messrs It. Hodgson, Morrison, P. A. Dale, A. Stuart, A. M. Lawrence, Mr and Mrs St. V. B. Down. Per Laurens Pit Mr Van Rintsel. Per Bharata Mr R. Kozbevar, Mr and Mrs Wanklyn, Mr Jacob, Mr G. Sonohara, Mrs Fam ads, Mr J. van Lohaizin. Per
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    • 481 8 VESSELS IN PORT. o: Ship Flag Tons Master Arrived From Consignee Amherst Brit 135 Seott June 2 Pontianak Ban Lee Bang Pontianak 5 Corintbia Brit 2358 Miller May 8 Card.!! Admiralty DsMSSrts Elbing Ger 3108 Paulsen May 29 Newcastle Behn Hey** Dines Glenogle Brit 1399 Larkins Apl 20 Amoy T.
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