The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 April 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 128 1 Cambridge has won the Varsity Bjat Race Page 5. The British destroyer Tiger has been sunk m Li^ht manoeuvres by the cruiser Berwick, and 36 ives have been lost Page 5. The cause of the ddty m telegrams is the pissive resistacca of the operators m India.
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  • 256 1 The M M leaves to day, due London Apl 30. The M M leaves to-day, due Hongkong Apl 12, Shanghai Apl 16, Yokohama Apl 21. Intermediate and local mails will be found m list below Next Mails Due. From Europe. Per M II Australien, today, with mails of
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  • 758 1 j-ucie m a type or man, by M means unBOiamOß iv the E it, and its great sea ports, ib.t the English language fa I M n ally satisfactory mime for, but one has iwn found, and an admirable OM boo, HI dutf book, terse, expressive, and all sufficing.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 306 1 THE Federal Life Assurance Co. TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL STATEMENT. acting Secretary. seconded by Lieut.-Col. Kerns: KurDlu- to Policyboldera was $213,916.00. liliol o ao the Company's polices amply seenred oy re»trves. on remlta o[ Expense have^been confine, submitted by the Director, for your approval the prk«i of bonds, debentures aid otl^r negohab
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    • 301 1 Entertainments. ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH BEACH ROAD TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. Ist Show 7-30— 9 pm. Lost a pretty little dog I A Prince's idea An unlucky day The Betrothed'a nightmare The devil's three sins What a razor can do The Phantom Guard Too much of a hurry Another's Fault Boxing
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    • 63 1 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. Powell's notice of auction sales to come on page 3. On the berth, Swazi for Hongkong dzc, Denbighshire for the same ports. Page 7. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Singapore tables Page 4. John Little ft Co's Sale to-day. Federal Life Assurance of Canada, page 1. Powell k Co.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 167 1 THE WEEK. Monday, 6th High Water.— l.o a 2.2 p John Little's Sale. M. M. Mail Homeward due. M. M. Mail Outward due. Maxim Co. Battery Drill 5.30 p. Monthly Mission. Mtg., Piinsep-st Church, 8 p Tuesday, 7th High Water.— l.32 a., 2.49 p S.V.A. D.RF. Gun Laying Drill, 5.30
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  • 397 2 Ie nil be i■: 1 1 the B jport ol ♦h^ 1 irei h 9 lib Anmul II eting of tb< m moeContpanj of Canada, M institution < I wl i-h the cit i oa ol CiD-adi are justly proud. ii Ins bean one of
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  • 356 2 INDIAN EMIGRATION TO JOHORE. T -ITOR OF THE STRAITS HCHO Sir, With i- -to a statement til it I peared m your columns that recrnitiag fjr Job re has been prohibited m South India, will you aliow me to state th it no information as to niefa prohibition has
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  • 396 2 A p nrl readied the direeto-s of tin Manchester Caamber of Commerce so.ue time ago tl it it was the intention of the United States authorities to assimilate the Customs duties of the Philippines with those of the United tea at the close of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 156 2 TOARRIVE SHORTLY. THE WORLD FAMED BRASIER GARS which had an unparalleled success m all International Contests. TWICE AND SUCCESSIVELY WINNER OF THE GORDON BENNETT CUP. SOLE AGENTS k"^ sure )Cacon< J^-i has been guid-fi-t s in z tho sick and suffering ffQ fi .v back to the har- v borof
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    • 374 2 atwertfsemente. HOME AGENTS. Wm. Samson vV Co., Glasgow, Export Merchants, with London Office, are open to act for Straits Firm-i as Home Baying and Shipping Agents. Indents carefully executed on lowest terms. < Quotations by mail or cable. Price list mailed fortnightly. Specialties Iron and Steel and Heavy Hardware generally,
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    • 499 2 H&vevttsements, NOTWES. JAVANESE COOLIES. Suitable for Rubber other estates, guaranteed to be Singkehs, are supplied on very favorable terms by MORAUX Co. Apl 2 3.5 Twentieth Century Impressions of Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States, Subscribers to the Twentieth "Century Impressions of the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay Staies are
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    • 581 2 advertisement;?. NOTWES. MADAME FAMBDN, LADY DENTIST. High Class Work Moderate Price. No. 215, Orchard Road. Nov 21 v.c SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING Promptly executed. Absolute secrecy guaranteed. Mrs. E. F. HOWELL, Cavenajjli Bridge Buildings, c\c Kaifies Hotel. SINGAPOEE SPORTING CLUB. SPRING EACE MEETING. Tuesday 12th, Thursday 14th, and Saturday 16th May. Tickets
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    • 490 2 Bl>?etttectficnt& BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Bankim Corporation. PAiD-rp Capital :,000,000 Resekve Fund: Steriine Reserve SI 5,000,000 1 SiJver Reserve N 0 l Wi Reserve L;abilitt of Peopeiktoes I :,,000,060 Court of Dirictoes. Hon. Mr. Hsnkt Kb6\vick. Chaibkax, E Oona Esq.— I»t) Barrett, Esv. >CR. Zj w>v> i Pmbblamo Bsq 'E. Sm,
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  • 568 3 From the Asian.") past week bat been one r u'l of unI ISI incidents of a nut ire that must be depl i l bj even the most rabid cf the ex -c party. We refer to them•- ts of assaults upon Europe. irs by natives, and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 504 3 Hftverttsementa AUGTIONS. AUCTION SALE AT POWELL Cos bALEROOM Monday, 6tJ> April at 11 a.m. 61 BAGS COFFEE. POWELL, Co., Auctioneers. Apl 6 7.4 AUCTION SALE OF 108 Gases Gum Copal (sea damaged) To be held at No, -35 Daman Road ON Monday, 6ih April, at 2-30 p.m. POWELL Co., Auctioneers.
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    • 577 3 H&vertisemente. AUCTIONS. In the Goods of C. A. RUDRA (deceased). THi UNDERSIGNED HAS RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION At his Salesroom Xo. 13, Raffles Place, On Wednesday, Bth April, 1908, at 10-30 a.m. All his Private Effects comprising Tweed suits, Shirts, Underclothing. Trunks vfec. &c H. A. CRANE,
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    • 681 3 Btocrtiscmcnte. miGTIGNS. FORTHCOMING FURNITURE SALES. April 11. At No. 9 Lloyd Road, 1.30 pm. F. d'Almeida Esq. April 18. At Chief Police Officer's Bungalow, Fort Canning Hoad, 2 pm. Captain A. ft. Chancellor. April 25. At No. 7 Chancery Lane, 1.30 pm. W. C. Xiblett Esq. April 2s. At Government
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    • 286 3 DISINFECTANT. Hfejjfr 1 Gallon $1.75, 2 $3.25, 5 $8.00. This Disinfectant is imported m a highly Concentrated form and may be dliuted up to 60 times its bulk, producing a Milk White Fluid which will not stain. This is the most economical and effective Disinfectant it possible to procure. >
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 34 4 Taylor. At Penang, on 81st March, the wife of Captain L. C. Taylor, of a son, Moulsdale. On the 6th Feb., 1908. the wife of W. E. Moulsdale. Fairiield-crcsccnt. Liverpool, of a daughter.
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    • 26 4 At Ainoy. on Saturday the 4th inst. Dr. Lim Boon Fveng. of Singapore, to Miss Grace Vix, younger sister of Dr. S. O. Yin, Singapore.
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  • 2365 4 The Singapore Free Press. Monday, April 6, 1908. Tlere 1 tV ?;e?= the People's rehf maintain, Unawi b< ii flu<*nce and nnbribed by cnin: H-re !M>'i-t 'utith h~' c'o'ious precepts draw, I'lc'i-.l Religion, Loyalty and Liw. la regard to the Military Contribution of this Colony, as mentioned iv the Army
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  • 257 4 During tbe absence from ti. Ny d the Governor, the hou'bleCap: A B is apj.ointel Depu'v Governor. Leaves gazetted are. Mr J L Thornton, eleven months; I' her twelve months Comui xnder ,X N, six months. Dr Dane acts as medhal officer x and I>r medica.l officer m the S:raits
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 223 4 [KELLY WALSH] I JUST PUBLISHED. |S//i^apore Parity Exchange Tablest A CONTAINING 5 S'NGAPORE RATES OF EXCHANGE 1 1 INDIA, CHINA, JAVA, H&MJOTRG, LYONS. I W ililes i: ifl c i-v to ascertain the direoj Exchange Rate between Singa- g Jk pore and the important business centres. ff c. g. A
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    • 158 4 Wilson Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS. THE LEADING AND ONLY HIGH-CLASS STUDIO IN THE COLONY. Our Photographs are of the highest Artistic and Technical Excellence, and are admitted to be Incomparably the Eest m the Far East. No Satisfaction, No Payment. Orchard Road and at Ho:el de l'Earope. Iff AMBSR.T IMITED H ARGEST
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  • 129 5 {By Submarine Telegraph- Renter's.) THE OPEN DOOR. American and Russian Negotiations. i -reported from Washington that Mr tad Btraa Boten hate ludaoonftracca. The subject of the col: .«renee was presurn»W] I sphere of inrlueaee m M.inchu: Iti> I thai United Stares will have little difficulty iv maintaining her at-
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  • 170 5, tie hon. sec. of tLis desei ving n, desires to make kaown the follow.; si uum] subscribers of $1 (one doi the S 3. F. A. Fund.— nera) Perroli 11.,I 1 Col and Offi:ers V Col and Officers R E, Col and dWest Kent
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  • 158 5 At meeting of the Edinburgh United Free toy, ou March 3, Mr James Steveas?n, Leith, repotted "I c aggregation at Wardie had unanimously agreed to present a to the Rev. Archil aid L unont, bd of Wembley, London. The call was sustained, and Messrs Stevenson and Dim
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  • 196 5 MARRIAGE OF DR LIM BOON KENG. Mr H. F. X ink m, Principal of the Angloi\ Anioy, wired on day evenir. M ancing th.i.t I>r Lim Boon f SiDgapor 1 ou anger niter of D. fin, of 9 sgapore. Mr .tn..l Mrs L:ni Boon -ill return tjSing c end of
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  • 107 5 (Bj Submarine Telegraph.— Router's.) Rccemd April sth, 10 45 am. Cambridge haa won tha University Boat Race. Since 1539 Oxford has won 33 and Cambridge 29 (including: this year). In 1847-8 there was no race m 1877 a dead heat. For the last ten years the race has
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  • 35 5 Indian Operators Cause. Received April 4th, 4 30 p.m. The passive rcsifctince of the telegraph operators m India to the reorganisation scheme is causing the greitest delay m the transmission of telegram 3.
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  • 133 5 Raa April 4 h, 11 a.m. The Washington Senate has confirm 3d the ap p ointment of Mr David Jayne Hill, hitherto American Minister at the Hague, to be Americm Minister at Bailn. A legrana from Washington of March 25th says that Germany has refused
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  • 71 5 Riotous Crowd. A Labcu* demor station took place yesterday at Rome. The crowd ignoring the -uuimons to disperse, the troops cleared the square. Three of the rioters were killed and eleven injured, and twenty- one police were wounded. The situation at Rome is disquieting. All the shop
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  • 57 5 Effect on India. At a meeting of the Bombay Mill-owners' Asscciition the Chairman sxid that they must not be lulled into a state of false security by a* temporary depression m the Japanese spinning industry, whila the competition against Indian yarns m China arising fiom the industrial awakening
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  • 178 5 The output of rubber (estimated dry) tr m :h a se Esta'es for the month of Match is 13,*****)8. His Highness the Rtjih of Sarawak is a passenger for Singapore by the Fieach m\iJ steamer Australien, due here this morning. The Sarawak yacht Z ihora has
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  • 190 5 Received April 4tb, 12 23 am. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Cjuncil has allowed the appeal of Capt Bruhn of the steamer Devaivongsee against the judgment of the Supreme Court of the Straits Sittbnients, delivered on the 19th of I)3Ctmber, concerning the importation cf <>pium. Drew
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  • 41 5 36 Lives Lost. Daring night manoeuvres ia the Channel the cruiser Barwick struck and sank the destroyer Tiger," which was crossing the cruiser's bows at the moment of collision. Thirty-six have perished, including the commander of the Tiger."
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  • 46 5 The ill-fated cles'rayer Thjer was part'eipating m a torpe<b flotilla attack upon the Portsmouth Division of the Home Fleet m the middle of the English Channel. It was a drizzling moonless night, and each destroyer was acting independently, all vessels being without lights.
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  • 585 5 The Anglo-Japanese Alliance. (March 9.> In the course of the discussion on a motion by Mr. M. Macdonald to reduce fch< Navy vote by 8,000 men, Mr. Smeaton (Stirlingshire^ expressed his surprise that his hon. friend had thought tit to raise this discussion again after the vote of the
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  • 414 5 A Better Market. Malay Consolidated Crop. Received April 5, 8.35 am. The market for rubber is firmer. The demand for shares is moderate, nothing beiEg offered m large lines for investment. The Consolidated Mai iv crop for the first quarter was 14,372 lbs. as against 7,397 m
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  • 127 5 A young Straits-born Chinese girl named KboD Lean Xjo was cba**ged before Mr. Colman, the third magistrate, on Saturday, with being m possession of a Chap Ji Xi lottery ticket. "When charged, she said she only made the ticket for fun. Mr. Gardiner,
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  • 277 5 Illtreatmext of Hylam Singkehs. Mr G l>3on of the Chinese Protectorate charged four Cantonese before Mr Colrnan, the third magistrate, on Siturday, with voluntarily causing hurt to fhe Hy lanes m a coolie depot m Pagoda Street. A Hvlam coolie with a severe scalp wound said
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 329 5 ROBJNSON&Co. A Fresh Shipment of Tobacco Cigarettes. Mire, m Ti K w^w b n v ::r .1 1^ (Hll f V\ C _^^mji^^^^^^m'' V tf' '^rfe^Wz^S^^P 7 j (t l i i "> m'* 1 'L. II I,- r j-* I*> A mixture of the highest grade of oc p*
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  • 1223 6 Mk i;. D. Holt's Evidence, I'm- Royal Co!iimi>sion on Shipping EtingßJ Tt -uii.' fa nittwjl m London on 10th ult., ilr Arthur Cohen presiding. Mr llichard nnrnflll Ho\i. partnet m the tirui of Alfred Holt aud Company, of Liverpool, was the rir>t wicne-^. and tirst in*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 401 6 A Pleasant and Safe Medicine. C oughs and colds yield easily to Chamberlaiia i ogh Remedy. It i-> pleasant to take and contains no injurious substance. It always cures and cures quickly. Sold by all dean SHIPPING. Apcar Line. The undermentioned mail steamers of the »bovc company maintain a regular
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    • 640 6 H&vertisements, SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Compacts' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, C hina aud Japau every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every forS ni^ht, and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly.
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    • 534 6 a&vcrt!scmcnto. SHIPPING P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London* Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gull, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore oa or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) 1908 Oceana Apl
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    • 624 6 HJ>vcrtiscmcnt& SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. COAST LINES. Steamen of thz Coast Fleet. tons reg. tons reg PetcLaburi BIW Chow Fa 164Borneo 2100 l>evawongs« 16-U Kohsichang 2>>V3 Faklat 165: Kajah SOU Angbin 16S< Pitsanulok IQI9 L.^ckaus 165; Bangkok 192 j Choiaing 165; Eajaburi 1904 Pongtong 165; Korat 19<>0 S&mgen 165^ Chiengmai
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    • 517 6 Bbvctttoematta SHIPPING. FIT Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen INPEEIAL GERMAN MAIL LIKE The fast and well-known ui&ii eteamerc this Company sail fortnightly from i roaMtn,, Hamburg via Eotterdam, Antwerp, Bottl bam] j Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Mar>. g Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) p.rt Ba Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang. Singa}>>rtr B j
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  • 846 7 Before Mr Justice Baro&ayi Deane.) marshall v. marshall. otherwise CORF ELD. This rh petition for a declaration that ■magi contracted m Japan was null acd ground that it had not been regism required by the law of Japan. Mr Frampton said that the petitioner, Charles William
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  • 71 7 (Corrected up to April. 4 Bank 4 m/s 2*4| demand 2/3 f Private credits 3 m/s 2/4]- credits 6 m/s 2/4/^ FaAKCi, demand Bank.«« 291$ Gsi many, demand 2S6| India, T. T, 1"3J Honokoso, demand 1S|^> Tokohama, demand M w 114 Java, demand 139^ Bangkok, demand 65| Sovkxsiqns, Bank
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  • 122 7 April 4 Tin $73.25 Ganibie? 6.90 Gambier Cube No. 1 10 37 A Gambier Cube No. 2 9.«'0 Pepper Black (ord'u. S'pore) 12.1 5 Pepper, White (fair L.W. 5 p.€.) 20.25 Nntmeee (110 to the lb.).- 2 L.00 Nutmegs (SO to tea IV.) 23 00 ilace (Banda) nom Gloyes
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  • 778 7 MINES. Capful C.pfUl lisot Paid Company. Q» .Utteni Isstsed paid up Value up $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co. Ltd 7. $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruaug Limited 7. $600,000 600,000 10 10 BrUMB Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd 13 75 £400,000 350,000 1 1 Duff Development Co.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 483 7 Htwerttecmcnts. WANTED. WANTED. A Bottle Booking Clerk for Fraser Neave's Aerated Water Factory, Anson Head. Apl 3 7.4 SAKAI WEAPONS and Sakai Curios Wanted to purchase. Apply W. A. S. Commercial Union Ass. Co. Apl 2 WANTED A Surgeon for a ship. Apply to 31, Boat Quay. Apl -I 10.4
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    • 535 7 advertisements. TO LET. TO LET FROM Ist MAY. Lyndhurst, 12 Lloyd Road. Apply HAMMER Co., Flint Street. \pl 4 v.c TO BE LET. No. 55, Japan-st, Ground Floor, from May 1908. Apply MEYER BROS. k\A 4 uc TO BE LET. "DALYDENE 11 30, Killiney Road. Gas and water laid on.
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    • 379 7 TO LET. To be let Ist floor office, Raffles Place apply to Meyer Bros. Sept 26 v.c BUNGALOW TO BE LET. Bungalow m Tanglin to be let furnisbec from the Ist of June. Five or six bedrooms dining room, drawing foom, large verandahs tennis court and well kept compound. Gas
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    • 171 7 HAMBURC-AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE. By the new stesreerg RBHIIU," Habsbchg." Hobknv.- tks." ;-:.<j tl:o "Scasdia' and Silesia." Tuc— t.-anacr- are specially built for I i Iropiai iind have lustirioas Passenger accoraraodaticn. Fir-t •KM Cabins an, tted thrcughor.l by electricity, cabins fitted with fass. Doctor ani Steward'.^^cLanndry en board. Return tfcfcall
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  • 434 8 A match m som 9ense preparatory to the Coatest against S/lmjora fortnight hence was play el on the E^planale on Siturdav CantreTs tarn v Carver's team. The fjrm r took tirst knock and started indifferent! v. two wickets down for 4 rues and four lot -•>. Tumi and Miv
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  • 117 8 The 888 >-port of Mr L. H. C'avton ■BJi '-i-t the total nu "nber of imm _v in farrivei m Penu: Souther This is the higlnst recorded Beda the previous record (1. v i The number of l udi ins g the Colony for Southein India was
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  • 252 8 v I 1 of *'ie coiameo emeut ie ?a^ Z.kka Khel campa^ x a Home p. per bti3 the fc"Gwln<j lomarks on the cr ous problem of news tracsmis3 on 'lue hop? that the movement o f trcops ■8 "lImZ li K lie's will p
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  • 1689 8 Negotiations Proceeding at Bangkok. Negotiations for a new treaty are now pending between Great Britain and Siain, the preliminaries having been m progress at Bangkok for some time between M* Paget, the British Minister, and the Siamese Government. They were initiated (states Keuter's Agency) by Siain, who
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  • 364 8 A Wabsikg. In connection with the alluring baits that are sometimes held out to Anglo-Indians to se f .tle m certain colonies, it is as well to remember ays tie "Times of India") that there is another side to the question. The prospect of becoming a
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  • 155 8 The Saa Mew returned from the Oie Fa-thorn Bxnk lighthouse on Saturday. The Dutch ciuiser Hertog Hendnk left westward on S iturday evening. A Chinese d^ck passenger on board the Tasman died upon the way up from Binjermassin. The man was apparently insane. The cxoi-iil yacht Seamew left
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  • 79 8 Wharves an*! Docks at which differerd vessels were berthed on Saturday. East Wharf Basin Giang Ann. E. Wharf Sec. I— Gregory Apcar, Tara. Section I— Sheers Wharf— Perak. Section 2 Vladivia, Vennachar. 3— Nil. 4 Nil. 5 Miuilya. 6-NiL 7— Nil. 8 Chiengmai.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 13 8 PIANOS Bought, Sold or Exchanged Pianos at $150 and Upwards, by HiflPpr<anf M«l«»—
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    • 174 8 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. I hdbb I CN7KACT wriH thk v h h k k a n bnu i' rmnmc. Agents at Singapore, Ship Agency, late J. Daendeis Co.. 2-3. Collyer ftuay THE UNDERMENTIONED DATES OF DEPARTURE ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE ss. "Bbouweb" Ifoeara iimpang and Djambi: •ritii tnasta^oMal PalembftOg, Sekajoe.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 359 8 CLEARANCES. April 4. KeDnebec, Brit, str., Beynon, for Boston and New York via Sabang and Suez. Boribat, Siam. str., Engelsted, for Bangkok via ports. Den of Airlie, Brit, str., Cummings, for Yokohama via ports. Resident Schiff, Dut. str., Unus, for Rhio. Cheang Chew, Brit, str., Shepherd, for Penang. Maetsuycker, Dut.
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    • 525 8 VESSELS IN POUT. Men-of-war Flag and Ton 3 Commanders Arrived Krom When Zahora Sar. Yacbt 95 NaLdak Mar 2S Kuching wa k G'atik Dut 56 S Nix Apl o Satang K. Ship Flag Tons Master Arrived From Consignee For Ban Poh Guan Brit 576 Smith Apl 2 Macassar Wee Bin
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