The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 30 May 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TEN CENTS. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. MAY 30, 1907. NO. 5,994.
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  • 178 1 A C«»rpa of Guides iu eotiuee'iou with the S. V. C. is to be tormel Pigd aud leolei Iu auother Wder, -in turther ieruarL'B are made "O the Crown A^'-uis. The Cotton C.« ogres* at Vienna coutituio its discusaiooK A suggestion to do awd\ wirh the mi
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  • 793 1 I BJ this Bjtsi d if of Mav, id tilts year of U.ace taW. Mr Alfred Austin attain* t» t hn emineuti v respectable age of 72 There may I** some people so ignorant that the* do uot kuow who Mr Alfred Austin is. and iu order
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 165 1 aaJßasi Myßßasaast a n^ A flr GILLINGHAM I RED HAND CEMENT, j I 111 ceWnt h) I \\s* t^**v *ov/ r» T Importations into the Straits Settlements During 1906, WERE FIVE TIMES MORE THAN ANY OTHER BRAND OF CEMENT. t j CUTHRIE Co. Ltd., f SOLE AGENTS. !3»jwtf*rssjißß^ J^e?" >j
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    • 398 1 DAVIDSON Co. TAILORS. WINCHESTER HOUSE, COLLYER QUAY. CHOICE SUITINGS Prices Moderate-Consistent -with Quality. Best Work only DAVIDSON and Co. i UNITED ASBESTOS ORIENTAL AGENCY, Ltd. Itisnot an uncommon thing: tor steam joints to give way and some time ago a fatal accident occurred owing to this Cause, which formed the
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    • 338 1 APARTMENTS. Gentleman wants to rent Small Furnished House for 6 months. Entry June lst. Apply X.Y.Z. co Free Pres9." May 3 uc BOARD AND RESIDENCE 1 Large Vacant tioooi in Private Family. Gentltrnar. preferr -id Apply en the 21, Sophia Road. May 2S* tts e POPULAR WANTS. (Wanted, T> Let;
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    • 94 1 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. Me->ir.. Powell i.t. two a Bblbs 'ii Page The Eury»lus is ou tin. nerth tor Australia aud New Zealand I'agc OSS) or two goo<t oosveyancing < it-rk'; wanted -Title pagi SaasssaMrs <iolf Cii.b bbbbbls blbssml fss* SSI (sSSSSSasJ aud Sunday BBSS I'a^e 2. Mining lease and mininc machinery
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 348 1 <s> < THE WEEK Thtjssdi.-/. IM High Water:— "3Corpvi? Christ*. B 1 Mai! Homeward bIbsBB 3 p FV-tbill— S.C.C. v Dutch CM J h:l',;ir:i..Mic OICSSBSBB BSSSta Hii: in -ton GbTCBM, 9 FRIDA.T, 31<* Higo Water a. I J- SDL Mail Outward due. Municipal Commiseic-n, -.30 r Op^ninc New Wing. St.
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  • 341 2 It is something to be thankful for that during the vidt of the Premiers the national flag was honoured by the yo .ngeat of its citi/sns. if tbe unity of which it ia the symbol was flouted by cur oldest. Snch fresh enthusiasm mb innrks the younger nations
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  • 240 2 The concordat lately arranged between France and Siam repre*w-nts a fre i; success, rsaled K• |l i gkonTs pre«ei t riait t.' Paaia Bat th* An lo French entente. It BBSSSbssJbJ" atavasi IBs tloee Powers it. to line n f->r the maintenance of Asiatic ;tCvi t*i"r:
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  • 196 2 Mr William Alfred Race Wood has been appoint-d to le Hin Maj-sty's Vice-Consul f r the M -i.-hons of Chuu'puwn. N.ikawnSritama>at. aud P.itani, and tbe Stares of Keiaur^u and Trencjganu. and Is to reside at Singora. Mr Wood. «m .1-ine Srs\ IBfi, was appointed Student
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  • 53 2 The pro-«'i ;se of salines as an adjunct to food is of prime importance as a ia. lor in pre >. ntmg certain diseases now rampant in tropi val countries. We have repeatedly pointed out that if more salt were used in India we should have
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  • 42 2 These are thres common ailments for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm ia especially valuable. If promptly applied it will save you time, money and suffering when troubled with any one of these silments. Sold by all oeaitra.
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  • 372 2 THE BOSTON" A danoing is in the air just now this paragraph from a borne paper raa* interest a good many of young people under fifty- tins This is to be a season of dances, it seems. Already a great many public and private balls have been announced, and the
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  • 283 2 Mr Long's article in the "Fortnightly" on Ireland wa* written an otrodti -tion to v r Iwan Muller s> pamphlet. Ireland to day and to-morrow." of whi*h Mr Long >pe;;ke iu high terms. He contends that Devolution would be fraught with greater aBHsayST than Home Rule under
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 262 2 NOTIGES. SINGAPORE GOLF CLUB. The monthly Medal for June, will be played for on Saturday and Sunday next, Ift and 2nd June. I. WADDELL, Hon. Secretary. May I 1.6 The Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1888. In the Supreme Court <•■' the Straits Settlements Settlement of Singapore IN BANKRUPTCY No. 204 of 1906.
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    • 506 2 Bovertisements. imv ***** M*prtofjS\ EXCHANGE BANKS NOTICE. The Exchange Banks will be closed on Monday 3rd June Prince of Wales' Birthday. May 29 2.6 SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING work promptly done. Absolute secrecy guaranteed. Hotels and offices attended if required. Mrs. HOWELL, Cavenagh Bridge Building, Tel. 911. (Opposite Post Office.) LESSONS IN
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    • 570 2 Htoertisements. Hptn^Eff' PAEA RUBBER SEED. Orders now being booked for new Season Crop commencing August. Special rates for large orders. Apply to Manager, Sungei Rengam Estate, Selangor. Apl 3 u.c ESHARAT* KHAN Co. Cheapest and best Book Binder, Printer, and Account Book Ruler. All orders executed promptly. Cow's milk supplied
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    • 544 2 Hfcpertioemcnts. Tmußtnn&Bs. was as> -a- as a. Caiiinenlal UaiM Assurance Co., Ltd. FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Funds Exceed a12.000.000 W. A. SIMS, Manager, Eastern Branch. Aug 29 Koyal Insurance Company. Fire Life Total iNVBSTBn FuNna .£9,722,885. THE LARGEST FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. BOUSTEAD A Co.— Agente. The London and
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    • 675 2 Btocrtlacmciitsx BAIMKS. I 4 Hongkong Shaughaißa^t^ Corporation. f BBJBA V i Paid-uf Capital «i. Rbhbbvb Fund -I|M Starling Reeerve 9 10.000.m00 M?* Silver Reserve... SI 1.000.0-.. mMW™ Rbskrvb Liability i Pkopkibtobs I I *****L. Court ok Dibbctors G. H. Mbdbukst, Eac.-< HA •> Hon. Mr. W. J. Gbbsson— Dbputt A
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  • 663 3 SK QUIKXSLI COAB4 i). \t I o'cUxt Tested y mom; iy;M G een, n-l M .gi»*r u. com '-it- need li. »-»ri. Ul i n inquiry i^ lue case in whi.ii L«du- j ijMinnell has to answer to the charge o'. ui» attempted to shoot
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 34 3 Economy in tho End. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure your cold and pemape save a ccctor's bill later on. It always enres ant. cures quickly. For sale by all dealers.
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    • 540 3 enter the room and go to the arms-rack. He went straight to the rack. Accused was in cipyas tri-'^rs and a*Cs\ au! ic". L/iL 1 Ar Tvi i k i. we "Mr. S^rouU p.J he cd on! two m v e| wttueasea to na 1 -md U»*y wet Id
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    • 1032 3 H^crti6cmcnto, AUCTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF Ate iv English Goods. (FOR ACrOI'NT OF CONCERNED) At Messrs, H. L. Coghlan Co's Mart. Monday, -rd June, at 10.30 am. 20 Doz. Assorted Felt Hats. 50 Dcz. Assorted Straw Hats. 20 Cases Confectionery. 30 Doz Galvanised iron buckets. To be sold in small lots
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    • 525 3 JEFFREY'S Edinburgh Stout IN ORDER THAT THI3 First Glass Stout may become better known in this market IT WILL BE SOLD AT $12.00 per case of 7 doz. pints until further notice. OF ALL DEALERS. WHOLESALE FROM THE BORNEO Co., LIMITED. Singapore and Kranji Railway. from 21st January, 1907 and
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  • 159 4 P. AM' <• Oar. Allow* a Nm\ K Consequent on the conclsßßßß o: Freight tA/ar iu the Ea*tern trade, the and "J. Company hare decided to nli. rebate of ten pe< tent on the n*t frei„-ti- on a' descriptions of merchandise hy itsteamers for Aden,
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  • 134 4 THE ESTATE LABOURER AS AN "ASSET." Our London correspondent üßßtlil some out-spoken remarks ou the nee-; fostudying tbe health of estate IiIIBBBBH and, inasmuch as there is room for m provunent in tbi* respect in the inauat:ment of some estate., we would emphasi what is said elsewhere We have in
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  • 26 4 Domestic Occurrences. Death MoORE. -On the 14th May. 1507, suddenly, at London, Lewis Moore, late 1.C.5., Chief Justice. Mysore, and late of the Madra* High Court.
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  • 2666 4 The Singapore Free Press. Thursday, May 30, 1907. Here slnll the Press m* People I right mtiiak, Unawed by utfioeace ind uc jt~ *c b-. gain Here patriot Trttn her g\r>ri<y.i- draw. Pledged to JU.ijkOO. Loyalty im! Law. The Pinonfj Gazette, dealing with tha} perennial topic the Crown Agent*, manages
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 180 4 I FRESH SHIPMENT JUST LANDED Tansan Ginger Alel I A NATURAL TONIC TABLE WATER. (BOTTLED AT TAKARADZTJKA, JAPAN.) Caldbeck Macgregor Co., Sole Agents. Scotch "^hi skies. SbF i/fr^^frtftts^- r-ss*^— r lK^£ r aV- '•Wbbbbb^Bbsl -™a* •mlrfmf* I reffflm Reserve: i I lil**^- w'OHN LITTLE CO. Ld SINGAPORE £1 I r
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  • 69 5 THE TROUBLES IN CHINA. (By Submarine Telegraph Reu'erV) THIRTY THOUSAND REBELS. Kee., May *k\ 11.30 ain. Chinese rebels to the number of thirty thousand have been organised by a secret trial ('Triad) society. Reuters correspondent at Hongkong says t hat the malcontents are attacking Cheung♦am and Tung Chung, wealthy villages
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  • 56 5 The 'Frisco Trouble. Keuter's correspondent at Tokio says that the Japanese press continues to maintain a aaki attitude regarding the treatment of •estauraut employees in San 1 Bri only iu leferenceto Pre-*id-en* Kooseveh and hi? Cabinet New "ti ork n^wspaters fear t ■*> I the tlßßsWi will
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  • 36 5 GONE TO THE BANK. -co Baaikajf India. Australia as bi>ught and is gering to demo '.in K I Third's Palace, known as pag ita iu I. >u i -n. I)n r. 888 new 'T.
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  • 274 5 :.e Londoner of the dav Crosby Hall i--* kuowu as a popular restaurant and I report for busiue^s men a sort of I'elmonico. where gexsJ things are ■"--ved under the spleudid aegis of an his- t»*. t the a ompaniment of stained ui 1 maguiticent carvings I: is
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  • 171 5 •X'Uie Ch'nese had a. dispute in Fraser-st, ysstßtrdav They used knives and one got wounds that he had to be sent Two arrests were made. Inspec--i:i«t is investigating Meu-l-ers of the Subordinate Civil Service k tiou are informed that the entries for rhcotniug Billiard Tournament close lal May F "07.
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  • 86 5 (By Submarine Telegraph Router's) ROTHSCHILD'S VIEWS. Getting What We Deserve. There is renewed weakness apparent on the Stock Exchange and a firm of stock jobbers failed yesterday. Barou de Rothschild interviewed as to the decline in Consols said that he saw no immediate improvement iu prospect takiug
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  • 905 5 iiie following Appeared iu Ihe J*tfarsa C aa Daily Jbbbb b\l the annual meeting of Mes-srs Wo-lkel .md Selno-der, Ld., the chairman of the Company stated that the greatest difficulty the*) had in connexion with their business was collecting their accounts. Three ***** retail firms held their
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  • 35 5 Received at G 26 p.m. The Cotton Congress has discussed methods of strengthening direct relations 1 between the actual growers in America aud the spinners iu Europe, to the exclusion of market manipulators.
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  • 51 5 The European delegates, while welcoming a closer union, made it clear that they could not afford to slacken their efforts to exteud cotton growing to other countries. There is too much risk in keeping the supply o( such a commodity, subject to climatic contlitious, to one
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  • 86 5 The Congress i!s»j discussed (he kuWsfi oi the American baling and resolved rn favour of legislation against placing extraneous matter in the bales at ginneries Mr Charles Weight Macara. .1.1'., merchant ami ,-otton snuuer, 19 tlie President of the Cotton Congress. He has spent all his life
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  • 22 5 May 19th, 4 *J." pas. King Ki.vud, a-coicpanied by Prince Fushimi of Japiu. witnessed I great *!ia'u n>bf at Aldershot.
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  • 42 5 It is reported that Sir Antony MucDonnell is desirous of retiring from his post in Ireland in view of the decision of the Nationalist Convention, bu* the *ijveruinent is endeavouring to had l *o him to reconsider his j>o-;;ion.
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  • 36 5 Uuder pressure freuu the British hierarchy the Vatican has final 'y assented to tbeesublishmeut of Roman Catholic women's colleges at Oxford and Cambridge subject to stringent supervision of the students.
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  • 15 5 Capt. C. 15. Balfour the conservative niemlier for Hornsey has resigned.
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  • 17 5 The Brunswick Diet has elected Duke doahnn Albracht of Mecklenburg to be Regent of Brunswick.
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  • 32 5 General Botha has arrived at Capetown and said that the visi* t London has contributed largely to belter understanding betweeu the peoples of le-eat Britain and South Africa.
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  • 31 5 Rec May 2J>, 12.10 pm. Pnuce Fushimi gave a dinner at the Japanese Embassy at which the Prince of Wales and the Duke ot Connaught were present.
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  • 40 5 The Egyptiau Mail Company's steamer Heliopolis has been launched at Gla>»gow for service between Marseilles aud Alexandria. It accommodates 500 first class passengers and reduces the journey to Cairo by a day and a half.
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  • 134 5 Yesterday a Chinaman appeared before Mr Michell to explain why he came to blast rocks near the Detective Station in such a manner as to render the Statiou and the houses in the vicinity dangerous to inhabit. Inspector Stenhouse said that pieces of rock up to four
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  • 279 5 A Coups Of Guides. To The Editor Dkai: Sir, The Government having sanctioned the formation of a Volunteer Corps of Guides in Singapore I am sendirg you an outline of the duties etc. which will be required of this Corps, which I hope you will be kind enough to
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  • 195 5 The result of the men's Foursome competition (Naval Cup) wa> as follows. Wrigbf aud Savi (8) beat Everitt and ("deunie (6) wo: Ellis and Campbell scr. lieat Chaucellor and Marriott 6 and Fiulayson and Keith 1 4) beat Hanbury r.ud Sal/.tnanu (7) 5 and I Kerr
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  • 94 5 The following team of riflemen has been BBIaOBSi to represent Australia at the National Kifle association Meeting at Bislev in duly next: New South Wales. Corporal S. Edwards. Australian Rifles, Sydney A. B. Clarke. Naval Brigade; W. Cutter. Bathurst. Victoria. J. Searls. South Melbrmrne: C.
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  • 238 5 I Contrast this with rhe comparative failure of the Crown Agents to get public support for the Straits Settlements loau. It i- a pitv that our antiquated system does not allow the Colony shake to itself free trom these Old Meu of the Sea. We should have
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 83 5 A Good Suggeatioii. Mr. C. B. Wainwright of Lemon Crty, r la. S A., has written the manufacturers that *r.u»-h better results are obtained froin the use of Chamberlain's CoHc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in cases of pains in the stomach, coiic and cholera morbus hyUking it n water as
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    • 68 5 Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day and rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. If this does not afford 1 relief bind on a piece of flannel slightly dampened
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  • 944 6 TH* \MKRICAN VHASE. The French excavated Uie section from Colon to Gatun to the f uU depth of "30 feet and also the Pacific submerged section. They had also made a sufficient impression on the Culebra t uttinv- to show that there need be no anxiety about
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 26 6 "Cypridoi ia the moet trustworthy and beet of all BBBBftßisl lemedies in the tr<»atment u r secondary sympoms." (Unsolicited) Lavavbttb-Bbxnbtt. md C*nt*al Ci'y, U.S. A 3
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    • 396 6 H&vertisemcnts. FOR SALE. MINING LEASE AND MINING MACHINERY. FOE SALE PRIVATELY. Valuable Minina: Lease, Machinery &c. including two 12 H.P. Portable Engines and boiU-Ts, one 10 H.P. Portable Engine and boiler, one ten-stamo Battery and a large quantity of Mining tools and aopurtenances. For full particulars, apply to POWELL Co.,
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    • 556 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. NYX JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. A regular FORTNIGHTLY Service is < maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Undbb Mail Contbacts with THB IMPBRIAL JAPANBBB GOVBENMENT. Specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for
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    • 671 6 a^vertlßementsSHIPPING. P. o. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Por China Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Doast, Persian Gulf, Continental and Ameri:an Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore oa or aboot MAIL LINES. Outward {for China) Delta June 8 Arcadia
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    • 723 6 H^•werti«emento. SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. COAST LINES. \\m\T\ F Steamers of the Coast Fleet. tons reg. ro.vs reg. Petchaburi 2191 Devawongse 1648 Borneo 21t0 Paklat 1667 Kohsichang 2040 Anghin 1657 Kajah 2028 Locksun l»» 7 Pitsanulok 9019 Choising 1657 Bangkok 192u Pongtong 1657 Rajaburi 1904 Samsen 1657 Korat 1900 Loo
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    • 565 6 H^vcrtiocmcnto. SHIPPING. KM. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LLVE. The fast and well-known mail steamers «t this Company sail fortnightly from hrwn* r Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sourr. Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection MarasiUts. Naples, Alexandria and viou versa) Port Said Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore H kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki
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  • 800 7 Tbe Rangoon Gazette has some -uite fair ciumenta on the recent Colonial Office circular which was, it is ascertained called torth by tbe association of Sir West Ridgwaj with the Ceylon Pearl Fishery Com- nav. It aaya It is a good tile that Government should .adertake
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  • 68 7 (Cobbbotbo ur to May 29 Bank 4 m/s 2/4| demand 2 4-,' ff Private credits I m/s 2/4| credits- 6 m/s 2/4$ Fbancb, demand Bank 294 Gbbmant, demand '239 India, T. T 174 Hongkong, demand %> dis Yokohama, demand 115 Java, demand 141 nom. i Bangkok, demand 63i Sovbbbigns,
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  • 134 7 May 4 2!» Tin 92 8?:. Gambier H.70 Gambier Cube No. 1 10.35 Gambier Cube No. 2 9.50 Pepper Black(ordin.S'pore) 17.85 Pepper, White (fair L.W. 5 p.c.) buy 25.50 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) 25.00 Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) 38 00 Mace (Banda) 6:*.00 Cloves (Amboina) 42.00 Liberian
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  • 544 7 MINKS. C*plul C*piUl Issue Paid Issued p*Fdn P Value ap Company. WuotAtloo. $300,00'"* 300,000 10 10 Bekt Tin M. Co. Ltd 17. $300,000 225.0MO 10 10 Bruang Limited 10.25 $600,000 60O.0C0 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd 18.75 £400,000 350,000 £1 £1 Duff Develoouient Co. Ltd 2.50
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 109 7 An American Reaaedy. There is probably no medicine manufac--*>d Jutt can be "found in more homes in the United States than Chamberlain s tone, *holera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has been •r* general use for over thirty years and eacn successive epidemic of diarrhoea and dysenrerv during thia time has
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    • 527 7 ffovcrtieements. TO LET. TO LET A large compound house No. 102 Thomson Road. Apply to A. R. P. Arunasalam Chitty, 82, Market Street. May 28 4.0 TO BE LET. The two pleasantly situated residences known as Kenilworth. Barktr Road and Brendadene, Barker Road. A low rent would be accepted. POWELL
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    • 436 7 Hbvcrtieementa. WANTED. SALESMAN. Wanted a smart Chinese salesman for the Piece Goods trade, Fancies, who is well aquainted with the Bazaar. Apply by letter to "SALESMAN" co Free Press. Mar 28 4 6 photocrapher7 WANTED an Experienced Studio Man. Salary and share proposition to right party. German prefered. Address FIG
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    • 463 7 SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nav. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from j Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and j Japan every week, and from Japan homewards j for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fort- night, and for Genoa, Marseilles, Liverpoo' j
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    • 446 7 HAMBURC-AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE. By the new stoamet- Rhesania." Haksburo," Hohknbtacfbn, and tbo "SCANDI& and Silesia. The steamers are specially built for the tropics and have luxurious Passenger accommodation. First-clae** Cabins amidahip-. lighted throughout by electricity, cabins titted with fans. Doctor and >tewardee*e« carried. Laundry on board. Return tickets issued
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  • 1474 8 ALLEGED MALICIOUS IMPRISONMENT. Dutch-can's Troubles in an Hotel. Counsel for the plaintiff having briefly opened the case on Tuesday, evidence in the action in which Peter Eiuile < i ravelin k sues Thomas Sergeant and Thomas Martin Con. nolly of the Caledonian Hotel for $5,000 damagea for false and malicious
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  • 262 8 *>i.aie ai uai e posit i t week. and it): eption >f one or two stocks, totally i po lit jr two low IXDUHTaiaLik. There .u Bttails Tradeis. sad fehs market r. > ..tins abDit tft&SO raadr. a»i i §6*3 '63] .hint Inly dsliv v. Kile- Bsfgresiea
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  • 170 8 swEas < Exm Destbotkd. -'apaue«e Hoim Department ha- re ctived tha following tslsaßaaa, which was flea-l-.itt sd troiii Sapporo. A disastrous tire aaßßßtad at taftl city it originated in the aastSßß Minaiui >anjo. and osrfcaj to Hal strong wind which prevails tbe flames are laaaaafiaaj
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  • 825 8 The < i -rmau steamer Vandalia has on board 1,500 packages of dynamite for Manila from New York. The German sailing ship Peter Rickmers has come in from Cardiff with a cargo o coal consigned to Messrs Adamson, Gilfillan and Co. The Peter Rickmers is a fourmaster. Bhe
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  • 389 8 Yesterday afternoon before Messrs. Michell and Bain, sitting as a Bench Court, European Policf} Constable Stockford waa charged with having committed robbery in respect to various sums. With E. P. C. Stockford two Chinamen were also charged. Mr. P. J. Sproule, Bi P P., conducted
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 225 8 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ UNDBB CONTBACT WITH THB N'B7HBBLAXDe LsDli GoVBBM£B»T Agent* at Singapore, Ship Agency, late J. Daendela A Co., 2-3 Collyer Qua* THr CNDBBS-ONri/ 3ATB-. ABB OM.T AP*»B.,X* J£a7 Rochussen Salvia May 27 Batavia. Juvs-coast, Samarang. Soorao. eleng. Makassar Amooina Rand*, Rmn* Batjan. Ternau- and Goruntak tran.nipment at
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 111 8 Next Mails Due. iaoa Enolant) Per N D L Roon, on Friday May 31, with Mails of May 8. Per B. f. Thongwa on Saturday Juue 1, with Mails of May 10. Fbom Chiba.— Per M M Tourane, on June 3 Mmls alkbadt dbspatchbd bob Lokdoh. Leave Singapore Due London
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    • 289 8 i PASSENGERS, ppho: Messrs Purdy, Percy. Wh ke, and Miss Jack?on. bag Am: Mr Bad Mr- Faarotol role: Mr Blake, navon i Mr Vade. etbtning Mr aad Mrs VTileoa, Mr ie*te Mr X -\iUen. lirotii MsSßffß Goddard, So r. Guterlack. OSft Brir>«k l!, Mr Mr TaaeaaOß CLEARANCES. Bnt -tr <iiei,'ir.
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    • 580 8 VESSELS IN PORT. Wen-of-Wsr Viae ard Tom Commanders ArrJ-W From For •> Bah Si*«» Z «C0 Scboning May 29 Bangkok p d McCTellan Am. tra.. 1870 Lothrop Jaa 12 Manila Oo^s Wright Am. tra. 361 Hamilton May 1 7 Maeila Sea Belle F.M.S. Yacht 48 Ahmat Feb 5 P. Swat.
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