The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 28 May 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TEN CENTS. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1907. NO. 5,902.
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  • 139 1 A Coiuesf sipnlnM) i> report*- I o-oiuiug to M.iKva t-> protect the Ckisew htW Leader. Portugal is nu_' through a time of stre-.-politically PflflV 5 Tlit- uuuih-r <>f strikers on the lUu-J Moroaaiag a;:*) the Eiiginaan hv dsbstisg whether or u >r tWv •S*«M j >iu i'.i<_'^
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  • 666 1 :ial lumber, (hi. "f fart v. uld I m to •1 k sriba il.e I M£- r««lt*-Uto rats d i l.i!; t J mt *«< it** li v. rt n rfct it < "t North A.M^n-.i ,i ;i,,,- wnijl-1 be I m I i< ii is iai|.. i ■■<
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 157 1 THE BEST BRANDS OF AUSTRALIAN FLOUR ARE THE ANCHOR AND STORK. PATENT GILLESPIE'S STOR^ boiler fwub SYDNEY* SYCNct Scstralia IMPORTED BY Guthrie Go., Ltd. HOTEL de la PAIX. SINGAPORE. This Old FntlhiwilH House having- been thoroughly Repaired and Renovated ii NOW REOPENED. Good Accommodation for Boarders and Passengers. A Specials
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    • 338 1 Entertainments. HARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS. AND Royal Menagerie of Wild Animals AGAIN To-Night! To-Night!! At 9.15 Sharp. GREAT SUCCESS OF Our all Star Company of London and Continental Artistes. 40 IN NUMBER 40 (HEADED BY) THE GREAT FRANTZ TROUPE. of Acrobats 7 in Number. ENCORED B TIMES NIGHTLY. AcKnowleJged to be
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    • 557 1 PROOF HEALER WANTED. Must have had experience. Apply after 6 p. m. to Manager, Singapore Free Press. May 28 REWARD A reward of $25 will be paid to anyone giving such information as will lead to the conviction of the person who broke the plate glass window of the Oriental
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    • 107 1 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. Meaan. Robinson .v 00. advertise tin-'ir i specialities iu scent ami Has de Colo s ik Paf<e Messrs. Atkinson and Korbe- for t\ j>writers and safsiaitiei l*afle 'J. The Universal Deodorizer ii mU by the Sin-aport- Dispensary I'a^o '1. Notice- re Tan j on- I'agai Dock Diviiflßjl Pa>,'e
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 341 1 THE WEEK. TrKSDAY, 2^th: High Water:— ll.7 a., 10.45 p Har;:i3ton's Circus J* p. WIDNISDAY. I9tk Hiyh Water:— li (2 h.ll Hockqr, S.C.C. v. RG A., S p Harai^t'.i! s Cireil v Thursday. 80th i High Water:— ->.3S a. j Corpus Chrisri. 3 I Mali Homeward 3 p Football— S.C.C.
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  • 139 2 EMPIRE DAY IN KUALA LUMPUR. Empire Day in Kuala Lumpur was eele- j braled in great style The day opened with a parade of tbe Volunteers Cadets and police, the parade being inspected by the Sultan and Resident. Sports were held at tbe Victoii.i School and Selangor beat Roapi Sent)
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  • 326 2 The O*ta*iati*cke Lloyd publishes particulars of a very ambitious scheme conceived by the Japanese Government for the improvement and extension of harbours, and at the same time expresses grave doul-ta as to whether the funds necessary for its execution will ever be obtainable The intentions r.»pectin< the
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  • 294 2 That astute and long-minded politician, Mr. Elihn Hoot is to address the Americau Peace Congress that held it i first regular meeting On April 19. The Congress is in a sort of way affiliated to the Hague Con^res*. and its chief object is to assure the success of
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  • 536 2 J In three-te*ui rifle match betweeu tbe Malay States Guides, the 1* Punjab Vol4»--teer Rifles, and the Ist Batt. Gloueestershire Regt., (Col., Walker's old regiment) the Malay States Guides won with a total of 758, (an average of 94.7), against the P.V.R.'s 747. and the Gloucester'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 242 2 NOTIGES. THE UNIVERSAL DEODORISES The only genuine and safe disinfectant in case of Malaria etc. so commonly brought on by Mosquito and other insect bites. It is invaluable in Offices, Factories, Schools and chief Residental Quarters. Retail Agents, The Singapore Dispensary Ltd. 40, Raffles Place. May 28 mw 29.8 SHORTHAND
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    • 566 2 Btoertiaement*. NOTIGES. .i M ATKINSON FORBES, 8-2 CHANGE ALLEY. Head Agents for Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Siam and Burmah for The "Oliver" Standard Visible Typewriter and The "Cosmos" Typewriter Supplies. Several second hand typewriters of Standard makes for Sale at reasonable prices. Inspection invited. AGENTS WANTED. THE TANJONG PAGAR
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    • 482 2 Btoertteement*. FASA RUBBER BBED. Orders now being booked for new Season Crop commencing August. Special rates for large orders. Apply to Manager, Sungei Rengam Estate, Selangor. Apl 8 u.c ESHARAT ITTTATf Co. Cheapest and best Book Binder, Printer, and Account Book Ruler. All orders executed promptly. Cow's milk supplied at
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    • 529 2 Hc-vcrtieemcnts. jNQUßjmemp. Cftnmerrtal Union Assurance Co,, Ltd. FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Funds Exceed £12,000,000. W. A. SIMS, Manager, Eastern Branch. Aug 29 lioyal Insurance Company. Fire Life Total Iwvbstbd Funds £9,722,885. THE LARGEBT FIBE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. BOUSTEAD k Co.— A*wit*. The London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. Capital
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    • 641 2 Bfopcrtisemcnts. BTIMKS. Hoi%kong Shanghai Banking CorporatioiL Paid-up Capital IKOOQ** Reserve Fund: Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 SUver Reserve... $11,000,000 I( *K>.o<* Reserve Liability or Proprhtom $10,0o«j.(M, Court of Directors. G. H. Mbdhubot, Esq.— Chaibman Hon. Mr. W. J. Obmsok.— Dbpctt Chai*,,.. O. Balloch, Esq. I A. Fuchs, Eao E. Goetz, Esq. A.
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  • 1636 3 >n Our Sfciil Corr**po farf.l Lou. l ou Md 1. F«K>TBALL. The football sett* >u is orer and fu'hu ».43t» w h^ like vij»orou» aud ex.-uinj; eierciae are now turning to baseball, whicli .ertainlv bids fair to take iirm root in K norland at last. Tbe final
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 116 3 AIieTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Household Furniture &c. TO BE HELD AT ••KENILWORTH" No. 30 BARKER-Rd. Oh Tuesday, ~'*th May, Off, at 2.50 p.m. Comprising rattan fancy chairs, settee? iron s n*le bedsteads with tubuiar posts, teak almeirahs. teak washstands with marble tops, teakine ro-king chairs, bentwocd chairs by Thonet,
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    • 1059 3 HfcvTtfsemente. AU<3TIOXS. TANGLIN AUCTION SALE. at No. 3 Government Bungalow Massif Road. On Saturday the Ht June 1907, at 2.50 p.m. The property of L. G. NORTHWAY Esq. Consisting of one Iron Framed Cottage Piano by F. Adam Crefold, Handsome Carved Burmese Teak Table and Chairs, Rattan Lounges, Side Board,
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    • 525 3 Concentrated Disinfectant THE I MOBT ECONOMICAL AND EFFECTIVE OF ALL. Of All Dealer*. IMPORTERS THE BORNEO Co., Ltd i Singapore and Kranji Railway, Prom 21st January, 1907 and until further Notice. TRAIN SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS ONLY. UP TRAINSPassir Panjang d 7.41a 9.47a 1.89p 4.17p 6.17p Borneo Wharf d 7.51
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 150 4 At St. Andrew3 Cathedral Singapore on Monday May 27th by the Rev. Frank G Swindell, Douglas Lennox Gray of Lang- suan, Siam. youngest son of the late Alex. C Gray, M. d of Selby, Yorksf> Isabe' la Marion Dixon, youngest daughter of Jas. Dixon, 16 Gilmour Road, Edinburgh. Crossley-Goild.—
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    • 21 4 Wei On. -At the Government Civil Hosdjtal. about midnight on the 19th May, Wei On, of Hongkong, Solicitor. Deeply regretted
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  • 1356 4 Thec Singapore Free Press. Tuesday, May 28, 1907. Her* »h\.' to* Ptm >.-.e Pe> rig! I trAivtala. Urt»»d by iariurrxf and u- ri.^i b» rain Her<; patriot Trutt c.t j'ori'j pr« e^ti draw.<»{! to Religiju, Loya 'y a;.u Law. In an article ulluJing to the discussion in the Colonial
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  • 657 4 TWmMJ friends uf Mr W C. Jfldwß. the popular and hard-working R*al M <- I tratt. will be suirv t<» bsai ba it ilill posed A b;»s bfeu tin*-. I (360 foi sinugijlin^ i'niiJv.six l»-i Ten <]<-!l<ii* kactar it dear post l>r. Travers. of Se'au-joi, lias lk>en planted twelve
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  • 38 4 PENAN 3 ASSAULT CASE. [Special Teikukam Received Mav -J 7 i The appeal of Archie Cain;, i police court conviction for assaulv eulted in the defendant \*r.\j i k«)ti^iual |x»naltv was si* w.- i«nt without the opt in.
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  • 139 4 On the afternoon of the 1 Ji 111. M.5.. "(iuide" arrived a! ttaaf ing on board Lai a Lajpol I an. in Lahore tin pr< orders of the Government ot ln<iu M-nt to Burma lor l<t<nt!on as prison, rin Mundalay Kort. Rh tive Mm vlMli
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  • 41 4 The nio--t meatißg of t>,^ ouncil wb< ..d Boopstery. I*, i ie ljcT»-'.y MSfl -«1 that I MBSJ 4 fooi hundred aa4 thirty < idvan.-.! custody of the Governmei of coPstni.t <-n of I j»av Bril ifa •eetionj durii p
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  • 350 4 An extraordinary pIM MM Mixed Court MM fMMI of the rteglMkwn ia Imj u.-.' 4th. *>. were brought tip «nd senten t m* of imprisOMMßt \;it\in_ fl twenty y~;i»« ia .i.j.iit: to tii- were thmmtj ser They ;t!l l»>g.jed It Mt I I City f 'ient. >illd
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 238 4 FRESH SHIPMENT JUST LANDED Tansan Ginger Ale A NATURAL TONIC TABLE WATER. (BOTTLED AT TAKAEADZUKA, JAPAN.) Caldbeck Macgregor Co., Sole 7lsents. UYu L'\ rt y "r* and gy^ J>pec ia I Reserve. IFr JOHN LITTLE CO. LD SINGAPORE E=_l < SLEDGE NATURAL STERILIZED MILK. A very rich and specially selected
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    • 33 4 Economy in the End. A few doses of Chamberlain's Couph edy will cure your cold and perhaps save doctor's bill later on. It always cures ar.d cures quickly. For sale by all dealer*
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  • 44 5 BY SOMETIMES WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS. Received at 7 57 pm. Keuter > correspondent .it Teberau savs me to complaints of plundering by >(Tn<>r tf Luristan'9 levies ou Ma> Minister of the Interior has in- I'irliaineu: that tn>ops are being degpatched to restore order.
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  • 14 5 M-i iament -leclare that the lV.»ri/. troubles were iustipited by (»«>v- nt.
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  • 57 5 I '.imminent has seut <i deput i'ion to the m-1 the Premier ur^ius; prompt in view of the report that Kihim irrr-^'ilars are pluuu^rr..^ the vi'- an 1 i..iv»' hilSed "J">o of them. An enquiry has been premised but l':rI -li-U with the replv au.l ;v.*^ \h^ >
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  • 8 5 monstration A^aiust th-- Fan I ur-
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  • 26 5 Rw M.iv 87, '.'.1»; am. f ne American W ■.-h:ui;ti>n al> >ut the ill.:^ut of Japanese rest»iu i -.:ut keepers Mr 1:
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  • 30 5 Numbers Increase. Bee si '<■ j.'«» uine-t-nths of 'he ■■tafl<9« white the KacJ are out on hymn Miine-* art^ tikiuj; a allot as to whether tht-v should joim the
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  • 14 5 rrt-d el Mrs MoK widow al the late President McKiul'he Unite-!
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  • 32 5 1 >a Fri.Uy, at 8 pm. there wiii be Kt-v J A B. Oaali at Prins^p ifoh ,u Horriaoa and his cou- with th- Ma and 9faajafon oaa.* 1
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  • 81 5 Sunday a Police constable iu Q M *w two Chinamen in a :il heOMH h^ held up m the vehicle. The j,|^d h\ Um ouivside and f tIM per>jus iu the mb the eaaatibk ill. Tlm PsKdmhui 'heu mm Henu up iu.l oiptur- bl pa'f. Ikt
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  • 118 5 OaiWaigkial iki i'3r«i the >lnver of i u down irom Gaylans: saw some- n_- .m the KM and pulled up his \n ■naatipatiaa showed th^t the rod ai was the body of a Chinaman .ppareutly been badly be r koocki ioffD Bad run over by some liie
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  • 81 5 (By Submarine Telegraph— Renter's). I PEERS AND DEPUTIES IN CONFERENCE. The Danger of Government by Decree. A serious political situation has arist-n in Portugal Meetings of the Peers and Deputies at Lisbon yesterday resolved on declaring that I the present Government by decree is dan- gerous
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  • 25 5 Rtft May 17 lU Jo aui. A tormdo iu Texas has killed auJ iujured seventy person* and caused gwt destruction to property.
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  • 36 5 i At the State opeuin^ of the Finnish Diet lbs AddrOM in reply co the Speaeh from the TLroue .!ec!.:red thit internal independence -'.■essarv to Iba fulfillment of Finland's uiisjiiou of civilisation.
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  • 33 5 idUMI Kill'urn wrecked di i\ uiMTtu ha> arrived at Hodaidab. A ••:»iu»rr u ■tinttiag bj the wreck an 1 the Turkish authorities -tre 'Its- 1 1 ■be >[>of.
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  • 39 5 In tbe French Cabinet M. Pichou ryad the Moorish reply to the French demands ■VOMMMf satisfaction of them all. The French Minister at Tangier has been instructed to ensure the effective >CCOI plishmeut of the prouiis-s.
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  • 35 5 BaM Hunpshire bv teu wickets, u^hatn Lrficestershire by uine wiekets. Lancashire Keut I>\ six runs, Surrey drew with Warwickshire, Oxford beat Worcestershire bv *>«'> run--, and the match between Yorkshire and Ddrby«hir« wmi aL>andoned.
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  • 67 5 Oolooel Thomas Drane is dead. Col. Thomas Deanc. s«'. years of age, has nt in England lor Um In<ii;tn Army studs Ha was M -\treiiiely j>roticitnt u laugua^e scholar an«l had a loni; war iin India. He controlled the Supply ImMilTn— pnfft in the 1"T-' i--". Afghanistan
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  • 147 5 Ike Oomnms-ou WOHitly sitting rveomnieixl- the Wknriag *r rt ft for the Boagkoag S i:ntu v B >.ird. Seecretary... ♦>"" Assistant secretary MW Medial Officer of Health. «3" Four Medical OffiMl of Health at £s*o -\>" Inspectors ten Virtoi i.t, two Kowloon, a? C250. M*« Five plague
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  • 291 5 Last evening a meeting of the Singapore Automobile Club was held in the Exchange Room, when there were present Messrs J. A. Hamilton, E. G. Broadrick, E. C. Ellis, E. F. H. -Edlin, J. Garratt, F. Hilton, K. A. Stevens, T. C. B. Miller, K. M. Goldie,
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  • 263 5 Tbe auuini Tennis ToonMUMnt was troogai to a ooaciniion is.:-' weak when Jowell secured the cbtunpioDship for the hirteenth tim^, defeating the holder Dr. ><)ucher by two sets to <»ue. The winner sa rl i ;»i>"vt- 'he rest el Malacca utd bough handicapped at owe torty took the
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  • 329 5 Japa-L rotMMd ber chancier as a barbarian nation so long as she merely excelled in art, literature and the graces of social life. When however, she proved her capacity for killing more Russians in a single battle than England and France could destroy in a year
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  • 82 5 A Chinaman was charged before Mr Colman yesterday with having passed cakes into the Police Court lock-up to a friend, This is strictly pn»hibited. The man said he was eating cakes outside the lock-up and his friend inside begeed for some saying th< Police had starved him. A Police sergeant
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  • 835 5 Appeals Yesterday. I There were a number of appeals from magistrates' decisions down on the list before Mr Justice Fisher in the Supreme Court yesterday, but only one was proceeded with Chong Long being the appellant from a sentence for crimping. Mr F*rrer Biyues appeared for him
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  • 60 5 Tientsin, May 18. v A consignment of 8000 rifles and 3U0.000 f cartridges have been discovered concealed t amongst other cargo in the godown of a fort eign firm at Tientsin. t The whole cont-ignment was confiscated, and the matter has been referred to the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 64 5 Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused by jheumatiem of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three time7a day and rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. If this does not afford relief buicT on a piece of «stmel •*B™y dampened with Pain
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    • 48 5 Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame Shoulder. I These are three common ailments for whicl i Chamberlain's Pain Balm is especially valu y able. If promptly applied it mil save yov f time, money an{ surfenng when trouble II with any one of these ailments. Sold by al dealers.
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    • 92 5 g 1 A Good Suggestion. a Mr. C. B. Wainwright of Lemon City, Fla. U. S. A., has written the manufacturers that much better results are obtained from the e use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diart, rhoea Remedy in cases of pains in the sto)t mach, colic and cholera
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  • 427 6 Of MAbk Twain. In the North American Review Mark Twain's Autobiography cantains a very ainuaing sketch of hi« erratic brother. One of the adventures of this eccentric youth may be quoted Once, when he was twenty three or twentyfour years old, and wa« become a journeyman, he
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  • 359 6 Singapore, 27th May 1907. Beans. Lent: per catty 6 do French do 16 Beef per lb. I* do. 22 Bean Sprouts per tatty '2 Ba: do. 4 BUchun do. M Brir. do. I Cabbage. Bataria 16 do., China do. nil do.. Salted do. 5 Carrotj". Imported d
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 395 6 Htwertteements. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Four seated, rubber tyred Victoria with quiet useful horse. Everything in good order. Apply C. Free Press Office. May 23 30-5 "EMPTY HOGSHEADS" (54 galloni) For sale about 100 to 150 monthly. Apply to "B" c/o Singapore Free Press. Jan 17 o-c FOE SALE Mail
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    • 538 6 B&verttsements. SHIPPING. KTK JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. A regular FORTNIGHTLY Service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Undib Mail Contbacts with th« Imperial Japanksb Govirnmint. Specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First
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    • 659 6 Bbvertiscments. SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore oa or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Delta June 8
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    • 791 6 Sfcpcrtiscmcnts. SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. COAST LINES. .Steamers of the Coast Fleet. tons reg. tons reg. Petchaburi 2191 DevawongM 1648 1 Borneo 21' U Paklat 1657 Kohsichang 2040 Anghin 1657 Rajah 2028 Locksun 1657 Piteannlok 2019 Choising 1667 Bangkok 1920 Pongtong 1657 j Raj&buri 1904 Samsen 1657 1 1 Korat
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    • 629 6 H^pcrtiscmcnto. SHIPPING. Ml. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Biemet IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail st>ia mera this Company sail fortnightly from hrua Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, South*mpfe Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection ilw.*.-, Naples, Alexandria and rioe yersa) I Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, H-* kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki k Kobe
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  • 1054 7 By a Colonial. Ol April 30 the Imperial Conference enter t^l upon the subject which is nearest the hearts of the Piime Ministers. The renolu nof thf Commonwealth, restating the posi the t'onferem t of 1902 with regard to ntial tratU 1 within the Empire, and re- with
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  • 63 7 (Cobkkctbd up to May 27.) Bank 4 m/s 2/4 J demand 2/4y, Private credits 3 m/s 2/4.} credits 6 m/s 2/4J Franck, demand Bank... 294 G«*mant, demand 239 India, T. T 173f Hongkong, demand 6%dis Yokohama, demand 115 Java, demand 141 Bangkok, demand 63$ Sovmkigns, Bank Buying Bank of
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  • 132 7 May 27. Tin 93. Gambier 6.60 Grambier Cube No. 1 10.20 Sambier Cube No. 2 9.50 Pepper Black(ordin. S'po™) 17.60 Pepper, White (fair L.W. 5 p.e.) buy 25.50 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) 25.00 Nutmegs (80 to the ib.) 38 00 Mace (Banda) 63.00 Cloves (Amboina) 42.00 Liberian Coffee
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  • 592 7 MINES. Capital Capital Issac Paid c >»««.-. I«oed paldvpValat op Compaq. W«ot*tt««. $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin M. Co. Ltd ls.50 $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruang Limited 10.25 $600,000 60O.0C0 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd 18.75 £400.000 350,000 £1 £1 Duff Development Co. Ltd 2.50
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 533 7 Rfcvcrtiscmcnts. TO LET. TO LET A large compound house No. 102 Thomson Road. Apply to A. R. P. Arunasalam Chitty, 82, Market Street. May 28 4.6 TO BE LET. The two pleasantly situated residences known as Kknilworth, Barker Road and Brkndadene, Barker Road. A low rent would be accepted. POWELL
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    • 388 7 B&vcrtieements. WANTED. SALESMAN. i Wanted a smart Chinese salesman for the Piece Goods trade, Fancies, who is well aquainted with the Bazaar. Apply by letter to SALESMAN c o Free Press. Mar 28 4 6 ThotocrapheS WANTED an Experienced Studio Man. Salary and share proposition to right party. German prefered.
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    • 451 7 SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nav. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight, and for Genoa, Marseilles, Liverpoo 1 monthly. One outward steamer
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    • 454 7 HAMBURC-AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE. By the new steamer Rhbnanla," Habbbcbo," Hohknbtacfem," and the Scandia and Silesia. The steamers are specially built for the tropics and have luxurious Passenger accommodation. First-class Cabins amid&hip, lighteJ throughout by electricity, cabins fitted with fans. Doctor and Stewardesses carried. Laundry on board. Return tickets issued
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  • 667 8 Appended is the concluding portion of the report of the Hongkong Sanitary Commission. We most remind your Excellency that in China the system of blackmailing is unfortunately a matter of every day occurrence amongst Government officials (yameu runner*, and others) and the civil population Any Chinaman consequently
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  • 56 8 S. K. K. l V Monthly Hau.licap •i r >i: r.\. U»th wic.l and (**iDtf unUvounible to j^ood sbcH>ting. .t A Cua EhffM BlacLstone 7* plus 20 ftf) f.^ur Thomson M pl»w 1<» M Curpl. Chater H B Class. S.ipirr Spark 7o p l U8 U> Fif/^ra!.l M plus
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  • 32 8 Apioline Chapotcaut h superior to •te«l drops or pency rojul and is a sut'e re> medfj for ladies. Rt^om mended to remove pain, ob«trnotion and the irregularities peculiar to the sex. 16
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  • 572 8 "Doin<; the Boss." Yesterday morning before Mr Colnian Ngoi Swee Tong. the Foochow interpreter at the Rikisha Department, wai charged with having obstructed Acting Inspector Fmyne in the discharge of his duty. Mr Everitt was for the defence. Acting Inspector Frajne said that on the evening
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  • 103 8 Ti.i firat i r| el i IVkiqg-Haakow railway anon Tli" I i foe the year ai at wbicb 12,300,000 w ioten st on the tao Ii an, NOO^OO u Board of Rmboi aad 52!»". lead, teaviag a be) 1% >< the apporttoaed to the 0 1 D
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  • 198 8 T!"» tol! iwiu_- ox r <\- fr m Hie Pinsnir Gi I9tt* Tl.- Pong lln. Tin M:n ,i registered w::li a capital of £100,000 iu fci share*. Xo udopt u agreement with E. A. UnaJaitilt. and to ».arry on in the Federate J Malay stat**- and Btaafta fUiUUiiiniaita
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  • 503 8 The Cra't, the new dredger for the improvement and deepening of the Port of Penang commenced work (I Swettenham Pier on Thursday afternoon, when the Hon. R. N. Bland. Resident Councillor, Mr C. G. May, Acting Deputy Colonial Engineer. Captain A Colemaß, R k., Acting Harbour Master,
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  • 396 8 Why It FmuMD h i:aud yesterday re- port tL- iii^tin^ of the Bangkok Manufacturing Cooapaaj, at which a prjpo*.ni to amalgamate with the Electricity Company wa« <1. felted. The >bserver says The offer made was not lit^ra! enough, and n the most tictiess form imagin--1 ro:-.
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  • 77 8 > < A Peking dispatch states th;it Tern-Ch'uu-hsueu, President of the Yuchuanpu. has denounced Viceroy Chow Fu to the Throne ou several counts and has also demanded the latter 's dismissal from office. K (towing that many of the charges that have been made by Tt>i"a were generally due to
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  • 321 8 H. E. the Governor got back from his flying visit to the P. M. States by the Sea Mew yesterday. The Imp. German Mail steamer Roon" Laving left Colombo ou the 2Gth instant at 10 am. may be expected to arrive here on Friday about nooc. Owing to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 19 8 Rigaud's Bocool Extract is an eitn reproduction of this sweet yet powerfa Iri'liun perfume and is very popular. 4
      19 words
    • 220 8 DE KONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPP!.; Ujjdm Contract with ths Nkihbrlan^s Islia Govt*NW«vAgenti at Singapore, Ship Agency, late J. Dacnclcls Co.. 2-x Qoi'.vti Q TH3 UNDEBHONKU DATES AKI O!1.T APPROXIMATE. Merkus Djambi May 27 Ma. Saba arc Djambi. Rochussen BaUvia May 27 Bata\ia Java-coa?t. Sarnarang. S»>erabiiii,. >-:.)e--leieng, Makassar. Amboina, Band*. Boeroe Batjti,,
      220 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 400 8 PASSENGERS. Per Deli Mies Halt. Major Bu»cii. eTaj Pravare. Khoon «'h;.i, Phr.i Vichim. Xai Phrot, Meean Puul Sena, Hoogerwerf, Vetten, lire Beigaa, Mrs and Mi&s Oibbia, M- i Jaffer, Chuavaihi. Kopti :tnd Boboojee Per Hatkat Mr Dowu. Per KapurtLiala Mr A. G. van Souinren. Misses Rodyk, Capt VVeber, Mr Mullioinand.
      400 words
    • 492 8 VESSELS IN PORT. O Wen-of-Wa.r FUe and Tons Commanders Arrived From For McClellan Am. tra.. 1870 Lothrop Jan 12 Manila Dock W Wright Am. tra 364 Hamilton May 17 Matiia Sea Belle F.M.B. Yacht 46 Ahmat Feb 5 P. Swet. Sea Gull Brit 45 Kaaaim Mav M Penang Sea Mew
      492 words