The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 21 May 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TEN CENTS. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1907. NO. 5,986.
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  • 119 1 Wire< received l'-tn list ui^ii f'alc iii.i the Sikh peoples of 1 idia m ritm yf the native uurest, l.tve isfiit«l Bttoifesio 4tt'ariuu' their !>j;iitv Ul ilie fVuisli miePa^e 9. Quoeu AU usdnt't fathi iniH liven oblig ed to take r-ni'jH iv Messiiii tiarhour owinj; to severe
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  • 854 1 Hi'a.'v/L- ;l familiar f«ding t. •tWjOM, W. L-M'W jt a* children bauibhed bKMkool. 'I'i.h „,i *he school wh* not :|j" lieu < '■>«•', lvi >n<-e titan this, the home life w;is w.idfi:.-. |;f\. oUeB we wanted home sunvuiiMJn;.'.--. tu.l oppreeoiveaoM of what is fawn b\ tbv p word a«.«taigb
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 159 1 HOTELS. GIVEH AWAY F R EE OZONE! OZONE'! OZONE!!! THE KEY TO NEW LIFE SEA VIEW HOTEL TANJONC KATONC. I OZONE L? a better Tonic than any mcdi- cine made by man. Nature gives us more than enough here. No extremes of temperature, but a re-tful healthful, atmosphere full of
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    • 370 1 Entertainments. HARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS. AND Royal Menagerie of Wild Animals. LARGER ft BETTER THAN EVER. The only Show twice Honoured. BY HIS MAJESTY THE AMIR DURING HIS TOUR OF INDIA. GRAND OPENING NIGHT. Thursday, May 23rd, 1907. Our all Star Company of London and Continental Artistes. 40 IN NUMBER 40
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    • 59 1 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. Uarmatron's CMBOM opens on Thondsj \tning with a Htrong list of performers Pa; i Ivatz brothers advertise the Beka graiuaphoue records Page 1. Fussel s cream is described m McAlihter's notice on page 3. Auction sale of larniture belonging to Mr. Bruderer— Pa^e 8. The Konirg Willem sails
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 446 1 THE WEEK Tuesday, 21th: High Water 3.33 a.. 5.44 p Legislative CounciL, 2.3 C p. Chinese Y. M. C. A., Revd. H R. Wella' Address, 7.50 p District Graiid Lodge, 9 p. Wbdnrsday, 22nd High Water:— 4 58 a., 649 f District <jr<md Chapter, 9 \> TKCE^DAY. 23rd High Water:—
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  • 676 2 Points From IIWWI Papers. It had been oommon knowledge that the number of Chinese reported to have -lied from j < cholera «d plague Mag the Iwt two months j J baa been *cry larsr. bnt few are aware that I within a period of nine day» m
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  • 209 2 RIFLE CLUBS -A MESSAGE FROM SINGAPORE. To the Editor of th Kentish Mercury). Sir, Having had The Kentith Mercury sent ont to me at Singapore f..r upward* < f foar jear->, and knowing the pwfl interest you have ttken m rifle shooting and the enoim -us amount of good >oa
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 45 2 SprmuMd Ankle, Stiff Seek, Lame ShMlder. These are three common ailments for whicl < hamberiain s Pain Balm ia especially vala able. If promptly applied it will save vot time, money and suffering when trouble c with any one of these ailments. Sold by all dealers.
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    • 1058 2 at>vcrtiocmcnto. PARA RUBBER SEED. Orders now being booked for new Season Crop commencing August. Special rates for large orders. Apply to Manager, Sungei Rengam Estate, Selangor. Apl 3 v.c ESHARAT KHAN A Co. Cheapest and beet Book Binder, Printer, and Account Book Ruler. All orders executed promptly. Cow's milk supplied
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    • 507 2 Bfcverttacmcnts. SINGAPORE TOWN BAND. 47, WATERLOO STREfiT. Brass and String; or String Band Only. Now open for engagements. Music Lessons 1 given, 7 a.m. -9 a.m.— s to 6-30 p.m. J. TRINIDAD, Proprietor Bandmaster. ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS. The Monthly General Meeting of the" Association will be held m the Rooms,
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    • 588 2 a^pcrtiocmcnt6. anmerM Uniu Assurance Co., Ltd. FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Funds Exceed 2.000,000. W. A. SIMS, Manager, Eastern Branch. Aug 29 Royal Insurance Company. Fire Life Total Iwttot»i> Fcnm .£9,722,886. THE LARGEST FIXE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. BOUSTEAD Co.— Acenu. The London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. Capital Paid-up Capital
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    • 602 2 Stocrttscmcnts. M QAiWCS. Hongkong Shanghai Banki^ CJorporation. Paid-up Capital *]<>*„>. Reseevb Fund: Sterling Reserve $10,000,0n<> Silver Reserve... $1 I.'XHi.OOO I .(KX>< Reseevk Liability cm PEOPEIETOEB %lVm.% COCET OF Di&BCTOIU). G. H. MiDHrwT, Em}.— CnAia»A N Hon. Mr. W. J. GnB«*OK.-r>BrTnT Oba;*** G. Balloch, Ebtt A. Fvchh L-. E. Gobtz, Eeq.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 410 3 BC^crtte.cmente. l FOR SALE. EMPTY HOGSHEADS' (54 gallons) For tale about 100 to 150 monthly. Apply to "B" co Singapore Free Press. Jan 17 v.c FOR SALE phaeton m good order, pair of Anstra- 1 m bones, double harness; handsome turn out. i m be wen at Ardmore." Stevens Road,
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    • 669 3 Htoertisernenta. AUCTIONS. MORTGAGEE S Si\LE OF Valuable Property situate at Tras Street, Singapore. Tuesday, 21st May, at i.SO p.m. All that piece of valuable freehold land situate at Tras Street, off Tanjong Pagar i Road, Singapore Town, area 1418 square feet j being lot 166 of Grant No. 13. Together
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    • 789 3 Htocrtfecmenta. Auerwivs. AUCTION SALE OF SGRAP IRON TO BE HELD AT Messrs. RILEY HARGREAVES Co's shipbuilding yard at tanjong rhu On Thursday, 23, d Man, 2- >'# />•'"• A large number of ships' plates, a quantity of scrap steel, scrap iron, steel cuttings, ships' funnels, ventilators &c. &c POWELL Co.,
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    • 153 3 EAGLE CEMENT. ■sag FOR ALL HIGH-CLASS WORK. ON THE LIST OF I THE CROWN AGENTS FOR THE COLONIES. IMPORTERS. THE BORNEO Go, Lm F 1 FUSSELL'S n:% CREAM inst Cod Liver O:i. ftfarvelkw ..Its promised; no sickness, and great increase m weight. Children thrive specially ou it. BUTTERFLY' KwS S
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  • 919 4 The Singapore Free Press. Tuesday, May 21, 1907. Her« \tal! ihe Press th: Prr-.e's rifbt cia:»t«l», V. »w»c fey influence t^ii unfcnt-«"i t.T s»in Hrrff pfct-ix Truth h«r ;!iri>ui prec^i'ti draw. Pledged to Religion, Loy«!ty aau It is the day of understandings, whether these ever get quite M far as
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  • 204 4 The Illustrated London New* to hand contain-- a portrait of Sir EiwarJ Merewether. The Hongkong Yicht Club is to spend 314,000 on a new club house, to be finished by the end of the year The Ceylon Observer issues us a supplement a very likeness of the hon'ble Hugh Clifford,
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  • 1012 4 A. Final Interview. After a residence m Ceylon extending to 22 years Mr C Henly, late Superintendent of Anibatenne estate iv the Kalutara district, left by the N. D. L. steamer Scharnhorst for the Malay States, to assume charge of
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  • 843 4 I UK Fk> MM I'l 'I'll. Awl have j>ai<l dea:ly i,, for granted tliat thosucoesH of the v assured the success of a canal betv Atlantic aud Pa< i tic canals. Th. ali/.e that not one difficult > iv had its countori»art m the nil,, i i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 155 4 FRESH SHIPMENT JUST LANDED Tansan Ginger Ale A NATURAL TONIC TABLE WATER. i BOTTLED AT TAKARADZTJKA, JAPAN Caldbeck Macgregor Co., Sole Agents. )POMMERY GRENO fl^l^Hf^H SOLE ACENTS 9 HOTEL de la PAIX, SINGAPORE. This Old Established House having been thoroughly Repaired and Renovated is NOW REOPENED. Good Accommodation for Boarders
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    • 198 4 Dr. A. G. BUTLER, L.D.S., R.C.S.B. DENTAL SURGEON. 6, Battery Boad. TO LET. 'WHITE HOUSE," Dalvey Road. Immediate entry. Apply to FRASER A CUMMING. 29, Winchester House. May 11 tths Carbide of Calcium. Straits Cycle Motor Co* BATTERY ROAD SINGAPORE. NOTICE BUREAU -VEBJTAS International Register fok the Classification of Vessels.
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  • 32 5 LOYALTY OF THE SIKHS. A Notable Manifesto. (By Submarine Telegraph ReuterV) I uative unrabl In India the -;ikh* have Hsu*) a nunt^ti proclaiming yaity tj the Kij au«i their contempt
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  • 537 5 I'OSSH.LE CALM onient wrivs to th« Piouttr" a > One hear-, a great de«J about the n< ral unrest m India, but there are very HJUI pMpmli tor allaying Uh >aine. iiis-.ones o* tht religions of the •Airll t: aii invariable rul«> that uo religion r uikeu |K>rmaiieni
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  • 204 5 Ejo< h MAkino Fabric. haw>J a copy of the Spring Number of The Outfitter, m which we n ram if described as one of the fin* st. if not the finest, textile fabru- known. When •i* m told t at it took over rifty
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  • 98 5 IN BERLIN AND AMERICA. (By Submarine Telegraph Reuter's). Received May *2Ot.h, 3 •"> p.m. The demand for an eight hours day has culminated m a lock-out of 50,000 men engaged m the building trade m Berliu, beginning to-day. Fifty thousand more men will probably be thrown
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  • 34 5 Rto May 20, ii.4-> pm. The yacht with i^ueen Alexandra on b«jcird whilst returinn-; t'roir. Cofffv was overtaken by stormy weither and had to ukf» ref ige ia Me^s:ua.
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  • 59 5 British Municipal Visit to Lyons. President Fallierea and hi* Ministers are at Lyons on the ooeMMM o: the visit of English and .Sottish municipalities to France. Speiking it a ban ;uet attended by si\ hundred persons, the President said that auch visits oonsoliditel re>.:proca! on ddence ia^\
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  • 115 5 ihe leath of Sir l^njimio Biker, the euiinent engineer, is announce!. Renter announces the death of that eminent civil engineer Sir Ben amix Baker at tLu ij" 4, 67. His claim to fame will re-«t cLittly vip<jn his share iv the design of that work, the
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  • 134 5 heceiveJ at 10 10 am. ]>: E. H Conger, formerly American Miuister to China is de.i 1. Mr. Conger was born at Knox Co. Illinois;, on Match 7, 1843. He graduated :it Lombard U iversity, Galenburg, m l^»i.', an<l served m the Civil War from \s&2 to
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  • 161 5 A Tknnes.sek BfOST. New York, April liO. Tn^ American t"-day annountrs a wedding whic'i is to tali** place between .1 i^entl man lit m ;it Tat*Bville, Tnunessee. *nd lady of Pi^ston, En^luui, both of whom ran cliim to he centenaiiuns The bridegroom n Mr John
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  • 61 5 RESULTS. Dr. Jameson Disappointed. (By Sabmirino Telegraph— Router's.) Received at 11 10 am, Dr Jameson has sailed for the Cap*. He has expressed himself disappointed at the result of the Colonial Conference, but he is confident that the future attitude of the Imperial Government will be less unbending.
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  • 39 5 Mr Deakiu is sailing ou Monday. He says that while the actual resolutions passed at the Conference are uo cause for congratulation, every Conference undoubted' ly contributes to the closer relationship between the Colonies and Home.
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  • 71 5 Mr. Wiuston Churchill, speaking at Edinburg, aud referring to the speeches of the Colonial guests at party meetings, said that the laws of hospitality imposed obligations on the quests as well as on the hosts. The Government had not banged the door on imperial unity, but on
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  • 69 5 WOOLWICH ARSENAL UNEMPLOYED. King's Sympathy. 1 WO uiioi'.sand iri'-n employed at Woolwich Arsenal have dm!-' demonstration m Trafalgar Oq—lH i/tiust the discharges from the Arsen i A letter from me Ivin«: was real, m reply to the fK'titi n. He was grieved lo hear of the distress aiid v?as coufideut
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  • 23 5 Surrey has beaten Derbyshire by seven wickets. Worcester his beiten Yorkshire by 54 ruus. The match Hampshire v Middlesex was drawn.
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  • 35 5 Christened m State. The Spanish Royal infant has been baptised with elaborate pomp. A long procession was formed to proceed to the chapel, of the sponsors, Princes, foreign representatives, and Grand^s of Spain.
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  • 18 5 King Alfonso has decorated the Prince with the Order of the Golden Fleece and other orders. > <
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  • 36 5 Want the Constitution. It is wired from St Petersburg that a telegram from Teheran, reports serious disturbances at Tabriz, Resht, Kerman, and Shiraz. The people are caliini; upon the Shah to confirm the constitution. > <
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  • 149 5 This is from tbe Shanghai correspondent of the China Mail The Central Hotel has climbed down. In i company with the other leading hotels m the Setth nient they announced that chits were to be abolished and we h ped much for the reformation of this
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  • 279 5 SELANGOR vs. PERAK. (From our ffWM Correspoadmt.) This interstate match commenced on Friday at Kuala Lumpor m good weather but with a soft pitch. Selangor made a good start with "243, Birch and Bannou securing each three" wickets, but the Resident's cost 84 ruus. Klin interfered with play
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  • 29 5 The Association footbftll match wu \j^yed subsf quently and wat a very <lose all through. Each scored two gOtll an-3 the result was I draw at Uui score.
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  • 22 5 i v the hockey match PeraK received their second beitiu^ Selangor playing a cleverer game and winning by iwj to one.
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  • 314 5 S. C. 0. v. S. R. 1 his Whit Monday match Yesterday oil the S. C. C. side of the Esplanade ended m a win for the S. K. C. on the. tirs f .unin^s There was no v^ry >»reat batting feat on either side, but for the S.
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  • 149 5 We b»ve received by the courtesy of Mr. RonalJ W. Gibliu a copy (it Euglisb) of the report of the Royal Survey D- pin m. ut 1904 5 The part alluding to the survey between PatauiaiidthtF M.S. we refer to m de--1 tail. The remainder is also
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 65 5 I take pleasure m adding my testimony to tbe great value of glyoogen m typhoid fever. During the Butier epidemic, I used it and the result* certainly surpassed my expectations. A marked iniuenos was exerted upon the pulse and temperature, while tbe whole course and type of the disease was
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    • 280 5 ROBINSON&Co. LADIES PROMENADE, DRESS AND DANCING SHOES. walking shoe, extra strong aoles.« jt p f' k r i" T> f hcete, straight toe cap. pe?fect fitt.V Sort No. 83T9. .^^^ffl No. f379. DRESS SHOE, Black Glace Kid. crossover straps, wr,, CC n C r Mo. boobl e^ent value No
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  • 1684 6 By the ma. 1 come the comments of a large number of ths borne papers on the Straits I Loan. It is impossible to give them all m fall but «c ex:ract the following references from I each. M*ny of the papers publish the details without c
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 15 6 >^l* STANT R£Ll£f^w /powelijs\ [Balsam Afiiaeedj \r CP COLDS ASTHMA N^BROHCHITIS/ ANISE* 0 IV, r»«« ;<■'•••
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    • 545 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. A regular FORTNIGHTLY Service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Under Mail Coxtkacts with thh Imperial Japanese Government. Specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First Second
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    • 670 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Malta May 25
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    • 765 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. COAST LINES. .Steamers of the Coast Fleet. tons rog. tons rog. Petchaburi 2191 Devawongs* 1643 Borneo 21U) Paklat 1657 Kohsichang 2040 Anghin Rajah 2028 Lock.nm MW Pitsanulok 2019 Choising 1667 Bangkok 1920 Pongtong 1657 Kajaburi 1904 Sameen 1657 Korat 1900 Loo Sok 1604 Manila 1789
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    • 529 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. KM. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail 9tatmur« this Company sail fortnightly trom Htvunj. Hamburg via Rotterdam, A n twerp, feout bunpton Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Mar^. J Naples, Alexandria and vu- v-r-.. Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penan*?, Sintf*j> kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki k
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  • 520 7 The Modern Mcskai. Pieck. The recent production of Tom Jones it the Apollo marks a development m the progress of the modern musical play. It is not »nlj novel development because of the [.ui -ifu! character of its setting, but because t introduce* to London playgoers a
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  • 270 7 A P -A otik-er of standing a.nd exp- .;kong has be»»n giving h s views as to Jl m which crime could be decreased a that Colony. It 19 his opinion, as reported wng paper, that a large percentiije of th-? urimes which are committed
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  • 85 7 Tbe fourth annual dinner of the Sergeants' V«*ociation of this regiment wan held at the M-idstone Barracks on Satnrday evening April J<»th. Major General B. A H. Alderon, C.B who was at one time Adjutant of tha '2nd Battalion, presided at the dinner, and at
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  • 67 7 (CoimiCTKD rp to May IS.) Bank4m/8 2/4| demand 2/4^ Private credit* 3 m/s 2 '4 credits 6 m/s 24; France, demand Bank 294 > Qreman y demand 239 India, T. T 173a Hong koko, demand %dis Yokohama, demand H5 Java, demand 141 Bangkok, demand 63£ Soybrbions, Bank Buying 24]
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  • 130 7 May 80. Tin buyers 93. Gambier 8.63} Gambier Cube No. 1 10.35 Gambier Cube No. 2 9.50 Pepper Black(ordin.S'pcre) 17.80 Pepper, White (fair L.W. 5 p.c. I 25.50 Nntme^sdlOtothelb.)... 25.00 Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) 38 00 Mace (Banda) 63.00! Cloves (Ambeina) 42.00 Liberian Coffee 21.50 Tapioca, small peaxi
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  • 598 7 MINES. Capital Capital Iwne Paid Issued paid up Valoe up Company. Wuctatlon. $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin M. Co. Ltd 1* 50 $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruang Limited 10.25 $600,000 60<»,0C0 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd 18 75 £400.000 350.000 £1 £1 Dnff Development Co.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 34 7 Economy m the End. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will core your cold and perhaps Bare a doctor's bill later on. It always cures and cmc quickly. For sale by all dealers.
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    • 545 7 a^rtiscments. TO LET. ROOMS TO LET From Ist June. Mrs. Park, 2 St. Thomaa Walk. TeJ. 639. May 14 26.5 TO LET Nos. 10 and 12 Mount Elizabeth. Apply to LOH LAM 503, North Bridge Road. May 8 9.7 TO BE LET Sandlands Tanjoog Katon^, furnished. Apply to MEYER BROTHERS.
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    • 501 7 Btocrtiocmcnto. WANTED. WANTED < Yonu^ European for Produce Go<lown. A knowledge of Malay indispensable. Apply by letter only to BOU STEAD A Co. May 20 WJ GOVERNMENT NOTICE. WANTED, A Clerk for the Government Printing Department, Commencing salary $25 a month. Applications should reach the Colo- j nial Secretary's Office
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    • 458 7 SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAM SKIP Co., Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fort- i night, and for Genoa, Marseilles, Liverpoo l monthly. One
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    • 464 7 HAMBURC-AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE. By the new steamer Uhenania," Habblubg," Hohenbtaufeh," and the "Scandia" and Silksia. The steamers are specially built for the tropics an<l have luxurious Passenger accommodation. First-class Cabins amidship, hghteJ throughout by electricity, cabin* fitted with fans. Doctor and Stewardesses carried. Laundry on board. Return tickets issued
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  • 441 8 N»w Roai> Tra«-kd. The following notes are from Mr. Hedgeland's report on the survey m the province cf Nakawn m 1904-05. contained m the annual report of the Royal Survey Department just issued The most iui port art traverse of the season is from Kota Bbani
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  • 369 8 A Dvv.n: T-. :hk IBMHBY. Reports ha^ i us to thef-ffect tna ::'\*e tct- BPB dt-irj considerable damage ci MM of the local robber estate-, l rej the of the i C. »:./f, tailed on the Hob Turner to obtain seme nformation oi important subject. Afte-
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  • 399 8 Thbee Intebbstino Ships. The Japanese training squadron consists of three ships, which though perhaps now unfit to take a prominent position m the line of battle are still interesting for they have fought iv two wars the China-Japan War and the more recent struggle with Russia.
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  • 230 8 DEATH OF MR. BATTENBERG'S FATHER. An Indian piper has the following rv •c d^ith of Mr Cha*;. A. Battenberg father of Mr W. A. N. Bittenberjr. tie well known local lawyer The sadden deatl f*K>k plate at Setuiidt-rabad. on April 85th oi Mr Charles A Rittenbery, a well-known anc lt
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  • 65 8 w of the n -j haradaj tin- portion oi thm tmUbntiau iv Siagapi re of Eaptre Dai will boyi ol t!te thrw kading asbool», Bafflei, 8t Joeeptis, an<l BobooL Tfaei m- ajing field an a of the Cadet Corps", tbico awnpaaiea, •M faeb of the at^ve-meutioned D
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  • 94 8 Pi SOU! Km.lkd an;j Twknty-Six In.'l REJ>. A vioifut explosion occurred on a thirdctiss passenger car of a train on the Nippon Railway. The tiuiu v.hich left Kovama was proceeding between Tabasaki and L v veda Btatiuu> when the disaster occurred, it is supposed through
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  • 1360 8 At 11 am. yesterday a British steamer passed through from west to east, evidently having bunkered at Sabang. The outward and the homeward French mail steamers Australien and Salazie came m yesterday morning and they left the same afternoon, tho Australien at 3 o'clock for Yokohama and the
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  • 101 8 (Compiled for the Singapore Free Press. Date of passing Anjer Nationality and description of veesei Captain's name. Where ana *vhen sailed Destination May 7. Brit, str., Meneiaub RiepenL Batiiria, May 7 Amsterdam May 8. Dut. s>tr., Tantalus Kond^burg Batavia. May S Amst;'rdau.. May 10 Brit. str. Islander
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 85 8 A Good Suggettion. Mr. C. B. Wain wright of Lemon City, Fla., I S. A., has written the manufacturers that mucn better results are obtained from the use of Chamberlam's Cohc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy m cases of pains m the stomach, cohc and cholera morbua by takir.e it m
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    • 66 8 A Lame Back. This aliment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day and rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. If this does not afford relief bind on a piece of flannel slightly dampened
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    • 120 8 An American Remedy. L There is probably no medi< me manufactured that can be found m more homes m the United States than Chamberlain's Colic F Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has been r m general use for over thirty years and each successive epidemic of diarrhoea and dysen- tery
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 298 8 PASSENGEES. Per a Hock Kean Mr OH Yun_- V .c. Per Tain be. Mara Lt. Co!. Whittall and Mr v:,n Leer. Pei G G Meyer Mr Zerncr. Per i?gapore Mami A. and J. H«g Per Kaparthah Messrs PLeJps. Myram, Mastertr»c, Km Cameron. Mr und Mrs de Basag'.iti, Col J. Johnston
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    • 521 8 VESSELS IN PORT. O nan^of-War Fl*g and Too. Commander. Arrived Prom For Hashidate Jap era. 4227 May *<' Honolulu i Matsushima Jap cru. 4227 May 20 Honolulu 1 Ikutsushim J.ip cru. 4227 May 20 HonoMilu I McOellan Am. tra.. 1870 Lothrop Jan 12 Manila Dock Wright Am. tra, 364 Hamilton
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