The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 17 May 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TEN CENTS. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1907. NO. 5,98:3.
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  • 182 1 w»terdav's races weie to a, lirpe exteut spoiled ov the raiu which fell l*»fore and during the meeting. There was however a good atteudance. The major event was won after a splendid race bj Acetine. l > rivateer came down ::n>l had to be shot Page 8.
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  • 1176 1 I WtWH iias Ken kind enough, ninoe I f >nnu!..'»'<i mv intpi of a Castle m the Tropic*, to put vie m the position of buing able to acquire a domain m the Bhlibh Isle* There is no piactiiit! limit to the amount of laud I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 234 1 Straits Cycle and Motor Co. BATTERY ROAD. BROWN CARS TO ARRIVE SHORTLY. f^^Jfl H^y This model ban a doable cylinder EH rfriWyfr 10-12 h.p, Electric Ignition E.I.C. BkII Eb\l Bb^m» an^ r^ v>o 30 a.h. accumulators. W^&l HfMJfek Tlirt* speeds and reverse direct drive ou Top Speed. Steering y^^^S^BSSSeßS^m^S^SmMm^^'S^^H^ whit'l
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    • 315 1 HOTELS. GIVEN AWAY PR EE OZONE! OZONE!! OZONE!!! THE KEY TO NEW LIFE SEA VIEW HOTEL TANJONC KATONC. OZONE is a better Tonic than any medicine made by man. Nature gives us more than enough here. No extremes of temperature, but a re-tful healthful, atmosphere full of bracing, energising elements
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    • 59 1 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. Mesnrs Robinson are showing afparticularly fine line of ladies fhoes— Pagre 5 Ihe Kaflles Hotel give their last race dinner to-morrow night, the Stewards Cvp Page 4. A (..'lerk i-* required for the Government Printing Office- Page 2. The Association of Engineers meets on Tuesday night. Race dinner
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 388 1 THE WEEK Fbiday, 17th: High Wnter 0 35 a. 1 M t NDL MaU Outward due Vlunicip2l Commieaion, 2.30 p Hockey S. C. C. Sattkday, 1 8th High Water:— 1.6 a 2.35 p Races, "id day. B I Mail Outward due. Sunday, 19th High Water:— l.4o a.. 3.27 j *bit
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  • 602 2 A WkIOHTV DOiIMKST. Lori QtoMT, m his report on Eirypt and uUn m 1006, remarks that Egyptian nationalism is a plant of exotic rather than of indigenous -rowth. The idea m any form which MB at all regarded as serious is the outc >n:e of
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  • 151 2 )-i July S3 ax\'\ '27 tl:*»re *i!l I*- gitw m the 'iV.ut.«:iiA l.'!»K by the kind permission «>f *ii- I perl ■•■> s i«f ,»n original local musical fa The Ktj.iii >>i StCßguhpor*-.' The ptrforiuauce which will II:-. Kxceilency G n<>r, ll\s Hj^lidcss the Sultan of J
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 501 2 HDvcrttscmente. MOTIQES. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. i WANTED, A Clerk for the Government Printing Department, Commencing s ilary $25 a month. Applications shouli reach the Colonial Secretary's Office on or before the 22nd instant. Singapore, K>th May, ISO 7. May IT .22.5 ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS. The Monthly General Meeting of the A
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    • 406 2 Hbverttsemcnta. NOT/QES. PARA RUBBER SEED. Orders now being booked for new Season Crop commencing August. Special rates for large orders. Apply to Manager, Sungei Rengam Estate, Selangor. EXCHANGE BANKS NOTICE. The Exchange Banks will be closed on Monday 10th inst. Whit Monday. May 15 18,5 SINGAPORE TOWN BAND. 47, WATERLOO
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    • 464 2 tatoertfsements. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all roads within Government House Domain will be closed Public from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. on each following dates, namely May 14th, 18th. H, V. TOWNER. ng Colonial Engineer and Surveyor General, Straits Settlements. 19.5 ESHA&AT XX AN ft Co. Cheapest and
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    • 514 2 Hfcvertiaemcnts. Commercial Unto) Assurance Co., Ltd. FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Funds Exceed d 12,000,000. W. A. SIMS, Manager, Eastern Branch. lloyal Insurance Company. Fire Lite Total Intmtbd Funds je9,72>,885. THE LARGEST FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. BOUSTEAD 4 Co.— Apent-,. The London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. Capital jE2,127,G00. Paid-up
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    • 504 2 Btwcttjscmciug. BAAKS. 1 Hongkong Shanghai Bauk^l Corporation Paid-up Capital Rksekvb Fund: Sterling Rewerve $10, d Silver Reserve... $11. !•«•<),.*... M Reserve Liaeility tB Peopbietoes |j, ))1n J COUET or DIRBCTOEa. G. H. MbDHUEBT, Esq.— i.HAIKMAX Hon. Mr. W. J. Geesson -I)r,^- T r HAI (AxiMLbf, |A. Flch, y* Als *"W
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  • 235 3 CONTRACTS THAT DWARF PANAMA. > hen r:. constriction r the ..nt.ii.i. i* much 1 il>lk ?h- v .^iiitiKl-- of the ni<ierta\i-ijj is tm the popular itmd v, 1 not inovtd lovaliy ihe iiupor- ,f ■uiproYemeata m transportation almost as great m conception and j v more difficult iv execution, which
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 342 3 AUCTIONS. TO SHIPOWNERS AND ENGINEERS. ?^haai Clark Co hive been in--fll by Auction on Friday the 17th .at thtir Sale Rooms. iailom Lu^ricatinjr Oil. rnitsa predu>poe>ed of pri ately. CUNNINGHAM CI.AKK Co.. No. 2. Malacca Street. M. 1>.5 I AUCTION SALE OF Household Furniture Piano (She. TELOK BLANGAH ROAD. .;uy.
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    • 800 3 Hfcwcrttscmcnrs. AuerioNs. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Household Furniture &c. TO BE HELD AT No. 141 PRINSEP STREET, Saturday. 25th May, 1907, at 2 p.m. (The Sale will include a Cottage Piano by Y. Yenfeld). G. A. FERNANDEZ Co., Auctioneers. May 16 26.5 AUCTION SALE OF Household Furniture &c. TO BE
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    • 508 3 Hfrvertlsements. TO LET. BOOMS TO LET From Ist June. Mra. Park, 2 St. Thomas Walk. Tel. 639. May 14 26.5 TO LET Nos. 10 and 12 Mount Elizabeth. Apply to LOH LAM 503, North Bridge Road. May 8 9.7 TO BE LET Sandlands Tanjong Katong, furnished. Apply to MEYER BROTHERS.
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    • 621 3 <4 R.ED 1 Seal JH^L A pure Whiskey of the highest quality M it is possible to produce at the price, I^^^H^F this Blend compares favourably with many higher-priced productions. r -H Guaranteed 7 years old. "RED 4 j W.HOIBEOFCOOT m IJLACK^ White A blend made up of oniy perfectly
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  • 1938 4 The Singapore Free Press Friday, May 17, 1907. So far, the most important thing that the Government has attempted to do, through the agency of the Secretary of State for War, is to endeavour to reconstruct the Army, or perhaps we might rather say to reconstruct the auxiliary bases on
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  • 475 4 At the rt-ceptiou tt Qowmmbjl H.-use on Wednesday afternoon soiru- wgirling by Chinese perform-re wm i n feature. Mr (t. B. <'ratU>n, Assistant CoL .Secretary, left for England yerterdav morning eitn P. and O. steamer. Mr Caveuli>h is acting m Mr Stratum's appointment. Mr Robert Lave of BsnsStom'f Circus has
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  • 259 4 A .Tl Ix.MENT FOR DKVKWnAvMr Juhtic Fisher, h&ppilv from his recent indif-poMti jd, an^i..,^ the Supreme Court m the morniiu' day, aDd delivered a judgment m au'jfti^ recently before the Couit, Karm^h Mario* vs. Syed Addalrahiuan \nu Adullah Alk f m which his lordship said tfct «)u-«.
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  • 222 4 Tiih Emperor of Chin:i of tue world who dues not r»a!ly r...--completely under the t'uunl* of tl woman and skilful rtiplowftiit. lh» It Empress. He made oi»^ spasmodic for freedom and progi—>-~. fsilesl ntt*" sank into oblivion Co::nt V..;. j de who visited htm reeentlj moraily
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  • 88 4 m »rt tune ago a. M<wUy detect arrested on achar^eof having ia-tL^: a case against an Aral* wh>m he kftJ ed on a false charge of theft Mr Colmdn hearl the -onclusioi, and Cv)uvicted the Isjfsjpiasjt and Bm $100 and stii months or a ve*r v
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  • 186 4 A Chinarnau had a feroci a little girl, the iMagbttr The owner appeaed before Mr M jotterday m answer, to a suuimoumg him with k^eptntr a feroci.);. was fined 810 and His Worship ordiw* that the police shoot the dog The Police are ag:iin tak at:aiu6t the beggar? whioh infest
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 122 4 POMMERY GRENO| SOLE AGENTS ''^X TO-MORROW 5 STEWARDS CUP g S DINNER, s s I 7.30 P. M. \v SLEDGE NATURAL STERILIZED MILK A very rich and specially selected cows milk from the famous pastures of the "Swiss Alps" preserved m all its natural richnessand purity. Recommended by the highest
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    • 122 4 ROOMS VACANT. In a house neur to Town. Private verandah and bath-room. Suitable for Single Gentleman or Married Couple. Excellent Table. Apply to Y. B. co Singapore Free Press." May 16 29.5 Dr. A. G. BUTLER, L.D.S., R.C.S.B. DENTAL SURGEON. 6, Battery Road. NOTICE. All communications to the Editor should
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    • 40 4 Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck. Lame Shoulder. These are three common ailment* f< Chamberlain's Pain Balm is especial' able. If promptly applied it will say» time, money and suffering when tr with any one of these ailment*. Sold i<\ deal ere.
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  • 41 5 KNTIRE SANITARY SERVICE ROTTEN. [SKOAL TELEGRAM.] Rsft at :>35 pm. [%t Sanitary Commission reports that v and black-mailing permeate t lie ire. Sanitary Board Service. tiona ir->ui the rite- payers ,uid epers vary from ;i considerable sum -.weggs.
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  • 13 5 1 >unnissioo nv-tmmend^ .1 radical the constitution of the Board.
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  • 34 5 SOCIALISTS TRIUMPHANT. I tstrian elections, the gain* of the md defeats .-t ih. es ml th klista have aeral throughout Austria. The Social Deonocr its hire won "»7 seats LBS Ar' LVm«- —> <
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  • 54 5 TITTONI EXPLAINS. Received »t <> 40 p.m. en received from Rome -rlect that Signor Titt^ni. speakiug v tbe CLi i that the meeting of •tit Kapallo. of Kiug Edward X ig Knmi ravel's visit to h**n- wen* mutual) v complementirv and •%'pr«©ent*id a pacific. dii;ni tit* 1 aud
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  • 15 5 Arthur of Connau^ht will repivat tb* christening eere-:-ir of Spain.
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  • 14 5 K.i -peui-* Whitsuntide at I :r?W «*?Rt at X- TV.
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  • 15 5 Kec.. May \><. 10 SO .iin. --su.t "i the election at Wimbledon ImmH L) \±>:>.
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  • 350 5 Th»? South African teani -jailed far En »!.uid. Bill April and ai rived home" on May 1 the team be:ng composed as follows P. W. Sherw-U -T S. J. Snooke (Western Snooke (Western Pro.l. H. Sim-lair Transvaal), J Kotze Pi L J.
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  • 34 5 Economy m the End. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure your cold and perhaps save a doctor's bill later on. It always cures and cures quickly. For sale by all dealers.
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  • 44 5 (By Submarine Telegraph Reuter's). Mr Haldane's Warning. [Late Telegram." Mr Haldane. speaking m L >udou, said he did not disguise the fact that Indii had caused the Government great auxiety, but he warned his hearers against attaching an exaggerated importance to recent occurrences.
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  • 26 5 The Indian Government was striving its beat to hold the scales of justioe even, but that was only possible by preserving law and order.
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  • 28 5 Should the necessity arise, the arm of the Crown m India wouM Ih» found as strong it not stronger than it was fifty year> ago.
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  • 77 5 Mr o'Grvly M.P. referring to Center's correspondent at Lahore stating that rustics. armed with blud^ons. were entering the city, suggested that it was desirable that Reuter be uiu/zled. The Rt. Hon. J. Morlev said that he had no information retarding the WHtICT, <iud deprecated the circulation
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  • 29 5 Labour Strike on the Rand Fails. Thestrikd oi white labourers.^ the X md is making litUe pr«>i. f re-- ;.j proportion of the ineu n-t Ml v.
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  • 35 5 lltrct- ived it 4- 0 pui. <>*-im; to the strike anion^ the winte miners »v the Hand, the Volunteer- of Preton.i have been ordered to be to mobilise at an hour's Mtiofc
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  • 25 5 Mr. Adney Payne, the proprietor t I number of music halls, has died as the result of a motor car accideut.
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  • 329 5 The Port Trust of the capital of Burma has ventured on a hazardous experiment. In onl.-r to meet a deficit m its budg»t to: next year, it has resolved on levying a river due of 1 annas per ton on all goods landed from or shi]>i>ed into
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  • 19 5 The usual Monthly Medal will playj for ou Saturday and Sunday aext May lsth and 19tk
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  • 17 5 Second and final subscription to above fund per the Jobore Government $520 W
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  • 27 5 "I have used Horrhuol Creosote extensively m diseases of the chest, especially Bronchial Catarrh, with splendid results." (Unsolicited) William Thomas Owkx. Hartford, U.S.A., 29 May, :yO4. 8
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  • 99 5 THE COLONIAL CONFERENCE. (By Submarine Telegraph— Reuter'B.) GENERAL SATISFACTION. The comments on the conclusion of the Colonial Conference generally express the satisfaction that has been felt that it has now been given a definite place m the working of the Empire. The Times says it is no louder an experiment,
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  • 23 5 liec. May It), 10 90 am. The result of the Xewnvtrket Stakes is as follows. Acclaim 1 Linacre Eastern i
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  • 45 5 Notts have beaten Leicestershire by an inuings and 42, Cambridge University "nave Witten Lancashire by an innings and 201 the M. C. C. has beaten Derbyshire by five wickets. Essex have beaten Sussex by ten wickets, Yorkshiie havp beaten Gloucestershire by three wickets.
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  • 62 5 A prolonged an.l excited debate took place m the French Chamber on the policy of the Government m refusing to .illow unions of Civil Servant* to federate with Labour Tnions. The Socialists accused the Miuisters of ;iban i >uin<_: their old principles but a
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  • 559 5 A rumour is current that bet' >re very long it will be oilioially announced that Prine Edward of Wales is to be known henceforward as Prince David, and if he lives he will i ascend the throne as King David, thus being the first Eug'ish monarch of that
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  • 189 5 Matters are evidently getting m train for celebrations of Friday next, May 24th, Empire Day, which has already been gazetted as a Public and Bank Holiday. The Raffles Girls Schools have issued a ueat programme, to begin at 10 o'clock, with the song "Fair Isle of Liberty", include
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  • 171 5 Yesterday Mr Grata committed three Chiuamen to stand ttair trial at the next Assizes on a sauna of gaug robbery. The allegation against them is that they went to an opium shop out on the Chaugi-rd, on the night of the U h in»tan', and robbed
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  • 702 5 Lost m an ()li» East Isi'lamav Yet another attempt is to be made to recover the treasure of the Grostfenor, an East Imlianian. which was wrecked, near the mouth of the St. John's River, on the OOMt of S. Africa, m 17H-J. The latest exprdition has been
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 259 5 ROBINSON Co. j LADIES PROMENADE, DRESS AND DANCING SHOES. STOUT WALKING SHOE, Finest Qua- WALKING SHOE. Brown and Black hty Black and Brown Glace Kid lacing r;i ace Kid, one strap shoe, extra stout walking shoe extra strong soles leather leather medium tow. abheels, straight toe cap, perfect fitting. M>lute
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  • 954 6 View o> Lobd Milker. Lord Milner has eontributKl an interesting article to the National Review" on the subject Some Reflection* on the Coming Conference." We take a few extracts from the article. I have spoken of organic unity as the object to be arrived at." says the ex-High Commisn
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  • 113 6 An American Remedy. There is probably no mcdi me manufactured that can be found m more homes m the United States than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has been m general use for over thirty years and each successive epidemic of diarrhoea and dysentery during this tirre has
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 388 6 Hfrvcrtiecmcnts. "Grateful Results w A life of suffering and misery, without sleep, without appetite. Restored to health by Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I was (;iic\i>;i^ly aSMM with biliousness and li\< r -otiiplauit. My mouth was m a terrible «A«iuliti««n every morning, my tongue thickly cuuteil, my breath was oiTeusive, food Ui3tre«sed me,
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    • 532 6 H&vcrtiscmcnts. SHIPPING. Apcar Line The undermentioned mall steamers of the above company maintain regular service between Calcutta and Japan calling: at Penang-, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai en route. FLEET. c Tons. Commander. bs. Japan 6,300 J.G. Olifent. s.s. Gregory Apcar 4,606 S.H. Belson. s.s. Arratoon Apcar 4,5 1(» A. Stewart. s.s.
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    • 627 6 Hfcwertiecments. SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China 'oast, Persian Gulf, Continental and Ameri- j an Ports, iteamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Malta
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    • 797 6 Hbperttocmcnto. SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. COAST LINES. Steamers of the Coast Fleet. tons reg. tomb reg. Petchaburi 2191 Devawongs* 1613 Borneo 21U) Paklat 1657 Kohsichang 2040 Anghin Kajah 2028 Locksun T Pitsanulok 2019 Choising 1657 Bangkok 1920 Pongtong 1657 Rajaburi 1904 S&maen 1657 Korat 19"0 Loo Sok 1604 Manila 1789
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    • 605 6 Htocrttecmcnts. SHIPPING. WEI. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail steamea o> this Company sail fortnightly from Bn«|. Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soathamptot Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Mar* 2 Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port j,^ Suez, Aden, Colombo. Penang, Singapore. Hoqj kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki
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  • 968 7 I.AVD m BtERXAL SIMMKK. Mr A. P. Hall, a member of the well,oowt milling rirm of Messrs VV. C. Harrison k nJ Co. has just returned, saya the Adelaide H*yi*fer, from an interesting and instructive trip through the Malay States and Ja\.i, wb«re the firm has
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  • 152 7 (Established m Cclombo 1834) Circulates throughout tiae i»';uid of Ceylon jlL'l m Sovthern India. Its Overland Edition ites extensively m <jreat Britain and I well as &rr.on-/-,t persons i::t--•?'l :n Ceylon resident m otlter puts of the Ceylon Observer ?>."}■ buna! labscription, icclv. 1 bo the Si
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  • 70 7 (Cobxbctcd rp to Miy 16.) Bank4m/s IMf demand 4,', Private credits 3 m/a 2/4 T 7 T credit* 6 m/s 2/4^ Fp.ance. demand Bank... 294 Germany, demand 239 India, T. T, 178f Hong kong, demand T}%dis Yokohama, demand 116 Java, demand 141 I?ANaKOK, demand 63£ Sovbrkions, Bank Buying 2A\
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  • 136 7 May 1«;. Tin 12.75 Gambier (3.70 j Gambier Cube No. 1 10.35 Gambler Cube No. 2 9.50 Pepper Black(ordin.S'po r 15.12| Pepper, White (fair L.W. L p.c.) buy 25.75 Nutmeg (110 to the lb.) 25.00 Nutmegs (SO to the lb.) 38 00 Mace (Bands) 8&M Cloves (Amboina) 42.00 Liberian
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  • 556 7 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued paid up Valae ap <-omp*ny. Wuoutioa. $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin M. Co. Ltd 15.50 $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bruang Limited I<>2s $600,000 600.0C0 10 10 Brcseh Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd J8 75 £400,00 0 350,000 £1 £1 Duff Development Co. Ltd
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 527 7 HSvertlacments. WANTED. Chinese Storekeeper wanted immediately for Engineering Company. State salary required and enclose testimonials. "RELIABLE," c/o Free Press. May 16 18.5 WANTED at once a competent Eurasian Clerk with a knowledge of accounts. Apply to A.B.C. c o "Free Press." May 14 22.5 WANTED a night Watchman for Tin
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    • 475 7 SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamora are despatched from Liverpool outv.ards fcr the Straits, China and J&pan every vreek, and from Japan homewards 1 for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fort- j night, and for <jreno&, Marseilles, Liverp<>o' monthly. One
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    • 458 7 HAMBURC-AMSRIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE. By the nsw steamer Rhenania," 4 llabkbubg," Hohenstaufen, and the "SCAiiDiA 1 and Silesia. The hCcamcrs art specially built for the tropics and have luxurious Passenger acconiiiio<l^io'j. First-cla«s Cabins amidship, lighted throughout by electricity, cabins MM with fans. Doctor and Stewardesses carried. Laundry od board. Iletuv
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  • 1821 8 Even worse weather than that which prevailed on the first day of this fixture was experiencad on the second, for not only did the rain threaten, but it came down m sheets during the racing. It is therefore a matter for remark that the winners were
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  • 531 8 Cctpt Lutt of the Braeinar reports the death of a Chinese sailor on April 11, the result of au accident which was reported at rort Said. The Cheang Chew from Sourabaya has a cargo of sugar for Hongkong. The burned-out oil steamer Netberton has been shifted from Taujong
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  • 259 8 Frasu I OouTI CincrLAu Quotations m a'l shares have moved but little and the market stiil remains rather itpvmed. The chief improvement is m Highlands and Lowlands Kubber share*, fur which there is stiil a enquiry. More attention ha lately bttii paid to industrials. Minino. fabug (.'unsolidattd.*
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  • 194 8 Mr C. I. Cirver -tpp-ureJ f»>r the p« f if ionium credi'ors, m the vi ttter of A. G Hus -aiu uu«l Cutnpniv, wh > were tI)H Nether liudi Trading flocitfj and asked for a uceiviug «'rder ■flaJMt the firm. wh<> were indf-l'ted to petitioners iv the
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  • 164 8 The death of Mr. H. A. Peppin an old and respected Eurasian resident of Rangoon brings from a correspondent of a Bangoon paper, these details Mr. Peppin, who came from the Madras presidency, served for many years m the office of the Commissioner of Pegu before
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 23 8 Matico Capsules and Injection still maintain their reputation for the cure of tboeo in-onvenient diseases, abon*: --wbinh the least Mid the letter 13
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    • 301 8 DE KONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPHIJ Undkk Contract wrm zh* Nkthesi an; > India Goteenmiv: Ageuts ai Singapore, Ship Agency, late J. Dacndel* Co., 2-3 Colljet Qua? the Rnnmoi msm .".ke oni APPRoniiATi. Hiae! Bat&viu May IS Bat^via. JmMbui, Samarang. Soeraltaia, Bo«>ittent» Makassar. Bocton. Amboma. Saparoca, Psnda. Toeal, Woeloer. Ilwaki. Kiswr. Scrwaroe,
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 540 8 > < PASSENGERS. Per Kuching Mr and Mrs Hodgson, Mr Douglas., Mr Baring Goold, Mrs Levitt. Per Pin Seng Mr and Mrs Struy, Mrs Yzelman. Per Porak i Mr Cuscaden, Mr C. Bruderer, Mr GH Borck. Mr and Mrs W.W. Richardson. Per Jaran Mr and Mrs Panaghalides, H«mn Jackson, Meyer,
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    • 608 8 VESSELS IN PORT. O Men~of-War Flae and Tons Commanders Arrived From For Wk. McClellan Am. tra.. 1870 Lothrop Jan 12 Manila Dook Sea Belle F.M.S. Yacht 48 Alimat Feb 5 P. Swot. for dock in* Sea Mew Col. Yacht 500 Murphy May 1 1 P. Swet. Uncertain Meran Fed. yet.,
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