The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 13 May 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 138 1 Mr. E. M Merewtither, former! v el the Colony, has Uen made a K. C. V. U. Tbe Marine Inquiry iut<> the Cau<liesh< t* stranding m the Gulf of Sut/ has eude«l m the captain's aud first. < fficei'b certificates being dealt with Page H A Corre»poudeut
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  • 754 1 It Lhk always been a source of pure ast(iiji>lnnt*ijt au'l admiration to me, that the knowledge <»f t b«* l.t«1 t«n* of England m regard to the royal families of Europe i* of the character it i« It would not be wonderful if they diaplaved a k«en
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 231 1 Straits Cycle and Motor Ca BATTERY ROAD. BROWN CARS TO ARRIVE SHORTLY. CHflH^fl^H^M^P This model has a doable cylindei 10V2 h.p, Electric Ignition E.I.C I^Hlbß^k Coil and Two 30 a.h. accumulators -"■^rJ2 S^^ Three speeds and reverse direel «Jg! drive on Top Speed. Steering y wheel control. Parts interchang _^frgffijßß|JPW§l|^Bß^Eßß^Bs^^^BP
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    • 284 1 HO TEL*S» GIVEN AWAY F REE ozone: ozone:: ozone hi THE KEY TO NEW LIP Ej SEA VIEW HOTEL TANJONC KATONG. OZONE is a better Tonic than any mcdi- j cine made by man. Nature gives us more than enough here. No extremes of temperature, but a restful healthful, atmosphere
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    • 10 1 ENGINEERS j GONTRA GTORS. m m > 1 < STRAITS SIAM and
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    • 111 1 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. Congo Tropical Roofing Be neo Company Page 3. Music for the Grand Hotel de I' Europe Race Dinners this week— Title Page. Silver mounted stick lost Page 4. Wanted an English Governess lor JavaPage 3. Government Houae-rds will be closed on Race Days Page 3 Notice under the
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 326 1 THE WEEK. Monday, lTth: High Water:— li. 33 h., 11.13 p XDL Hal Homeward closes 10 a. TUBSDAY, 14th High Water 0.7 a., 11.39 p Races, Ist day. Wbdnbsday, 15th: High Water:— o.4o a. H.E. the Governor At Home +.45 p Thursday, 16th i High Water 0.6 a., 1.15 p
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  • 164 2 {With pro/use apoliyie* to eerttvu Myden**.) In measured lan^u i_v lies. The trick of seeiniug wise la verse or worse I must explode. But if mv rhyme offend, )r cause for pain do lerl. Then punh it through the window. The bungles over the Dock. Have driven
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  • 117 2 Don Scipione Borghw (who has through t«>r Pakiag I •usome particulars about M for tfco tr.ii o( en m M Pins Maii* P iti-1 I'h MMtßtlf^MM will 1*» thf .n!v Ituliar I -f Tuni). w 1 inj'-l from 'flflt TTfilj iik>- thirU Motomtl wh > it
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  • 230 2 our fea ia M in.nv: ka«a l^rn'-d it MMMIJ to reorganize it ami ihotiafc ill g rher-in for tb* Interment of the inhahilMta. \V therefor? •hurian province Kirii. H~ilungkiaai( into a V'iceroji.lTj under r of the VmMfaJtj Provinces lingsansong, ami the Tar ir Q«ae»lohi^ot' i into
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  • 36 2 Professor.— -I a y, profe*ior, jou h*Te three pairs of spectacles." Yes I aae one to read with, one to see at v diotaace with, and the third to find the other two pairs with."
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 647 2 Mttrttecmcnte. JVOTI6BS. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all roads within Government House Domain will be closed to the Public from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. on each of the following dates, namely May 14 th, 16th and 18th. H, V. TOWNER. For Acting Colonial Engineer and Surveyor (ieneral, Straits
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    • 671 2 Bbverttsemcitfs. AT&TWES. EXCHANGE BANKS NOTICE. The Exchange Banks will be closed at noon on Race Days, namely Tuesday, May 14th. Thursday. May 16th. May 14.5 D. PICTON DAVIS, CE. Qualified Land Surveyor. Expert on selection of Rubber Land, Tea, Coffee or Cinchona. smlvir Medal K.S.A.S. Full particulars of large Concessions
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    • 534 2 Bfcvcrttsemcnts. ESHARAT KHAN Co. Cheapest and best Book Binder Printer and Account Book Ruler. AH orders executed promptly. Cow's milk supplied at 2« cts. per chupak delivered at any address. 34, Brass Basah Road. Nov 13 v c Twenty-Eighth Annual Publication. THE SINGAPORE STRAITS DIRECTORY for 1907. Price $7-5O per
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    • 554 2 Hfcvcrtiscmcnts. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd, FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Funds Exceed ±12.000,000. W. A. SIMS, Manager, Extern Branch. Aug 29 Koyal Insurance Company. Fire Life Total Invmtbd Funds .£9,722,885. THE LARGEST FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. BOUSTEAD 4 Co.— A|rent«.. The London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. Capital M,\2'.,T,QQ.
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    • 294 2 Hftpati^nciu*. Hongkong Shanghai Bai^ Corporation. Paid-up Capital Resrkvk Fvvv Sterling Reserve fl Silver Re«jrr«...sll, Resekve Liability ov PROPRIETORS y Court of Dieb< O H. Medhprkt. Em.— ia. KMan Hon. Mr. W. J. Gmt»»oN._W <t. Ii^LLOCH, EbO. A. I 0 kt«, Esq. A .T Kaymok, A. HArpr, L«q. 1, C. K.
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  • 551 3 of the fir»t« tha* -trike tli« ear of the newcon^r m India is kutcha." with iti ppoeite t > icka Very s.*,n h* .-.rues ,n«>w by »4 experience tin* ii:t».<nini; < f the former, the rar« MfHeaMpi ot the Utter }.s for climatir. perhaps
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  • 88 3 mat th. Admirals wffl hemenexi taken i>la<»- m j>arlia (.-.:-jles as to apparent Mag moling the Kheme. our Lobby correspondent t) ia ha> not occurred. Tfc« A* ut tin.tkmg before commenci mi :y -i...rttuuiV 1. <bb> otrrespoudeut ha- t!iat a sum of two million caring
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 61 3 Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles and may be cored oy applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or threetimes a day and rubbinjr the parts vijforou^h at each application. If this aoes notaf^ reKef bind on a piece ot flannel shg^htij -ampened with Pain Balm,
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    • 604 3 Htoerttaemcnts. WANTED. WANTED an English governess on a teaestate near Buittnzo"g. Jnva for tr?e education of 3 children cf 7, 6 and 4 years. Must be of a^good family and gentle character. Salary 75 guilders per mensem and board. Everything included but rredical help. Apply to No. lfa»8 co Nieuws
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    • 584 3 advertisements. AUCTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF Household Furniture Piano (She. AT No. 78, TELOK BLANGAH ROAD. On Friday, l?th May, 1907, at U.SO p.m Comprising. One iron frame Pianoforte m ebonised case by Neumeyer, Upholstered suite comprisI ing 1 settee, 2 arm and 2 easy chairs. Carved Teak Almeirah enclosed mirror
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    • 533 3 Hbvcrtteemento. APARTMENTS. Gentleman wants to rent Small Furnished House for 6 months. Entry June Ist. Apply X.Y.Z. c/o Free Press." May 3 uc TO LET. TO LET Nos. 10 and 12 Mount Elizabeth. Apply to LOH LAM 503, North Bridge Road. May 8 9.7 TO BE LET Sandlands Tanjong Xatong,
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    • 227 3 "CONGO" TROPICAL ROOFING IS THE IDEAL ROOFING FOR THIS CLIMATE. Qheap Durable Sanitary Vermin uproot. THE THICKEST QUALITY (3PLY) CAN BE SUPPLIED AT $12 per roll of 216 square feet complete with caps, nails and cement for fixing. AGENTS Borneo Co., Dl Singapore. Dl Wwl/\lV.l/<d« MM* Bomb., Our new patent
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 73 4 Scott Murray de Tr afford. -On the 11th April at the Oratory, Brompton, by tLe Right Kevd. the Lord Bishop of Birmingham, assisted by the Revd. E. Pereira and the Revd. J. OTooie, Rector of Haunton, Fkanvis J. Scott Murray, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Murray, of
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    • 38 4 Gill. -On the 13th April, at Java Lodge, Beckenham, Kent. Charles Gill, aged 74. Service at Beckenham Parish Church, Tuesday, 16th, at 1 o'clock. Interment at Shirley Church, at 2 o'clock. Dutch and Java papers, please copy.
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  • 1601 4 Monday, May 13, 1907. We must admit to an uueanv feeling over the present Conference of the Premiers of the self-governing Colonies, m consultation with His Majesty's Ministers m London. For this reason; that hitherto, m the Jubilee Conference of 1887, m the Diamond Jubilee Conference
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  • 292 4 The R^rHes Hoe! are giviag raci diSMfi tliis week "for the winners _-r.;t:. for the losers consolation. Mrs Stephen wishes to thank her friends for their kiud messages of sympathy and condolence over her recent bereavement. A elderly Jewess charged a before Mr Green on Siturday with rue. theft
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  • 391 4 There was a very large attendance <* Saturday morning to watch the final gallon. and a continual click of etop-watcbe* ooul be heard as the horses jumped off tVo* this or that post. Th« rains of the m&k had left the track m a very tvfclden HUt<
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  • 235 4 Tb< v Bottom Puti will meet at the eMrs M, Khl/ih "Tvrie' M .ifternoon at The decision m the medic-. which was to be given <»v 5* given to-day as the Firs' M occupied all Saturday v> garding the stranding of the Candl^ Cl. 7" has been provided m mates
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 480 4 KELLY WALSHYoung (Filaon). THE COMPLETE MOTORIST. With 13H Illustrations. Sixth Editon. Demy Svo. The aim of this book is to provide for the amateur of Automobihsm a complete work Xh, while it covers the whole ground of the construction mamtenance and use of motor-cars, will be appreciated by the large
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    • 253 4 I Mr. A. Mrs. J.NORMAN DICK I PP I Dr. A. G. BUTLER, L.D.S., R.C.8.8. DENTAL SURGEON. 6, Battery Soad. POPULAR WANTS. (Wanted; To Let; For Sale; Notices; etc., up to 30 words m length will be accepted for this column at One Dollar for three insertions. Cash with Advertisement.)
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  • 93 5 PREMIER ARMAMENTS (By Submarine Telegraph— Renter's.) Sir Henry Campbell Bannertnan, speak:U g at Manchester, said that though the (jovernment deeply regretted the necessity of Germany's abstention from the .iisc-ussion of limitation of armaments at the Hague Conference, they .juite appreWat-,-d the openness of Prince Von Buelow's explanation, and did not
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  • 5 5 HFGT
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  • 23 5 1 April 12th fcM am. ■'i. of Spain ami her bah| -pleudii proijres*. delitrhted with < Mieen aurse her baby her9elf.
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  • 28 5 ici>r _'iv«-!i m honour of General II i-hin^t.,n. Mr. Taft said that that the present ■••irJial relations between ti»e Americans ihl th»* Japanese vaji xi^t.
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  • 11 5 lower u\viu_r to the pending Cape r parent
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  • 58 5 (By Submarine Telegraph— Reuters). Japanese Prince Meets Cordial Welcome. Prince Fushimi drove m state to receive an address at the Guildhall, which was festooned with the British and Japanese Hags. The streets were also decorated with Japanese ttigs and were occupied by huge crowds, the bright sunshine
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  • 31 5 The company at the Guildhall included The Prince of Wales, the Dukeaul Duchess of Connaught, Sir Edward Grey, Sir Charles Hardiuge, Sir Claude Macdonald, and Lord Edmund Fiizmaurice.
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  • 52 5 When the Royal procession entered the iuildhall the choir of the military school sau»» the Japanese Anthem iv Japanese. Prince Fushimi, m reply to the address which was presented to him, expressed his gratitude for the hearty reception he had had. He afterwards took luikhejm at the
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  • 51 5 Keceived April 11th. 4 I > pn). Sir E-iw.ird Grey his entertained Pr;uoe Fushini'. of J-xpau al a baaqajH at the jn Office. There was i diatiaguuhad iT'-therirc present. Sir Edward Qnj, ifl ipaalnajtothi of the goeal of the ev»Miiii«'. Plriaoa Fushimi, iut'?'- lot \>.ii: 4MBI
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  • 65 5 He- dadavad thai tha >li.ct of 'ije ran •>f the alliiuoe. two rai sot *<< 8 others but to secure stability aud p;*i c. That this wa< >ur >">bj ha t tatod 1 l»v til who were :utere>'t"l n Ihe r-' tr X i Fu.-himi, ■pnainng; ia
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  • 30 5 iMii^r ki<iuap[>e'l a Mr Harris m .vliiL-h had en :i\ed m r-ihip rtl I I Mr H ims thoiigfal 1 pnaw *'mf I'artic: it t.. be :y
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  • 67 5 g live together m a i <>n Friday Ah -•>.• t!- 1 Ali Tosg with hav:u<f stolen the BMBOT. They 'a po!-_- whilst Ton** arm«*.i himself with a chopper. Theu IL<l Te;._ iiops is useless it close 'juarters. Then T' j > e'l I liurf with weapon
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  • 106 5 M n.'.iy April ISA, ha* Mr N lVutter*i ejnawl fnm f he .'tti-n at Post- aataJ, Straits .-vttl^ui^uts Mr R ;.o rvceutly retired, af:»*r 80 m the Paaftaaaatar-GaMnL 8 meats, before. presented by the Chum* 1 iuin»Ttv wi'l: an addrrss, m I t tt]^ manner iv which
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  • 136 5 Madrid telegram to the Temps The Government confirms the state■i that King Alfonso has received afa fth reply from the Pope to the request tUt be would act as godfather to the future »>-ir to the Throne. Qneen Christini will l«e -dnioth«*r. Renter. The
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  • 37 5 ..May 11, 11.12 aa*. BaiiiTir'i oomapoadaal L.i'i"rH mji that thr- suddeu and swiit display of force hi- dumbfounded the revolution-.n^-. and r— .t >i Lai Putr.ii has paralyzed the oraaauataaa of the aiditioug movement.
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  • 63 5 Col. Walker, C M. O, sends us scores made m one shoot on April 41 li at Tupint? by two w^l! known BBUfaBMB of the M v iy S itaa Guides nLßagh Singh •j,r> :,oo bDO :>:,:.:,:>:>:, *****55 35 *****45 88—108 Subadar Jewal* Siuu'h 4 5
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  • 133 5 Thf* Kin-,' "t Si;tiu is fxpect^d ben ai Hie en«l < I next w^k. His Majattj Bai visiting the city otliciaMy. H« will, liowe\er, b« -d at tlio Elysre Pahue, aDd M. F;iili.:res. the President of the Btyibßc, will entertain him to a laaißaaf Of «i fiaoMT.
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  • 114 5 Arrangements are being made by the Victorian Government for the starting of a regular service of fast steamers between Victoria and the Straits Settlements. The vessels will call at Australian and Java ports, and, starting from Melbourne, will make their destination, either Singapore or Penang. The
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  • 1068 5 London, April 1907. Dearest Exile. I fear that I constantly tell you how adorable London is m the spring it's unkind, as you can not see its glories for yourself. I am not enjoying them as much as I should either, as we are moving, and
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  • 42 5 When your dealer tries to palm off an imitation of Rigaud's Kananga Water or any of thing which ia not what you want, then is the time to throw a little "hot air" into him and keep away from his store. 10
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  • Correspondence.
    • 535 5 Dear Mr. Editor. Since coming to the Straits I have met several, and unfortunately for me they all talked on the same subject each one seemed equally like tbe March hare mad." Morphia," said number one, whom I met at Penang (but who I learned hailed from Singapore) I
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    • 73 5 To THE EI'JWH, Sik. Than amaoaMtluiigi most ditficult to understand. OIM is wh j there should be ;u.v hesitancy to make the iao>t of Empire Day, which is not nlv VietorutDay, but the Children's Day. All khadei "f political parties surely ought to unite m making the best
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  • 124 5 The Scarlet Mysteries coucluded their all too brief stay m Singapore, at the Teutouii Club on Saturday evening, auu one found oneself sincerely rt^rettincr that the bright, t ilented company of artistes, who for three nightl have presented a pro^ra'-ume of inimitable mirth and tuelodv were uot
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  • 206 5 The Hacxt ok Thieves. Liin Eng Bee Line, which is a narrow anl dark lane off Havelcck-rd, enjoys an unenviable reputation. It is to Singapore what that part of London around Fleet-st. and then known as Alsatia. was to the criminals of London m the days
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 225 5 ML ROBINSON Co. TAILORS ffwjfek Newest Kfy^HL Tweeds P¥ f% Cheviots |Rf -^mm Homespuns I fancy Casbmcrcs !|,J eB One Suit Lengths only. II I WORKMANSHIP, s—f m H STYLE and FIT y f I S THE BEST. \Jfift ROBINSON CO. C MONARGH I TYPEWRTTERa I! 8 EVERY (3} --Tr-^^r
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  • 757 6 General Manager*-- Report for 4 weeks ending M April. 1907. The mine measurements and assay results of prospecting work shows a total of 393 ft. for the period '4 weeks) under review made up of SS ft. sinking. 86 ft. driving, and 274 ft crosscutting, as
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  • 140 6 t .•m r k: i v Steward, how long will it be before we get into the harbour r "About an bur..- and a fcalf, ma'am." "Oh, dear, I shall die before then." Very likely, ma'am. But you'll be all right again when you'.e been on shore ten minutes." Irish
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  • 100 6 Linsum Estate Rubber Seed Stumps The Manager is now prepared to book orders for the following (a) Seed for the autumn crop from trees 25 ;9; 6 years old (Over 3,000,000 seed sold m 1906. (b) Stumps from 10 to 18 months old packed m sacking with rich loam round
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 339 6 Htwertisemcnts. Suffered Terribly from Indigestion. Cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "It is with pleasure that I can testify to the i^v;ii !"-netit i iL-ri-.txl from the 'ise of Ayer's Sarsj»j'iri'!:t. 1.-utf.ivi terribly from indip-sti'.n, an 1 trie'l s.'\>-ral medicines without ay..'. I was t!.i-n perpuaded to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla and after
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    • 535 6 S&vertiacments. SHIPPING. Apcar Line The undermentioned mail steamers of the above company maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan calling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons. Commander. s.s. Japan 6,300 J.G. Olifent. s.s. Gregory Apcaz 4,603 S.H. Belson. s.s. Arratoon Apcar 4,M0 A. Stewart, s.s. Lightning
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    • 626 6 Hovertioemento. SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China Japan Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Throngh Billa of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Malta May M
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    • 798 6 Hfcpcrtteemcnts. SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. COAST LINBS. Steamers of the Coast Fleet. tons reg. tons reg. Petchaburi 2191 Devawongs* 1648 Borneo 21' v PakJat 1657 Kohsichang 2>^4" Anghin Kajah 2028 Lockson 16. r -7 Pitsanulok 2019 Choising 1667 I Bangkok 192 I Pongtong 1667 Kajaburi 19<>4 Samsen 1657 Korat 19*
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    • 638 6 Btocrttecmcnts. SHIPPING. MJ. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LDQ The fast and well-known mail cteamen of this Company sail fortnightly from lirtxatr Hamburg via Rotterdam, Ant u< rj> Southampton Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Mtf Naples, Alexandria and vice veraa) F ouez, Aden, Colombo, Penantr, Singaporkonjf Shanghai, Nagasaki k Kobe
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  • 207 7 NOTES BY THE MAIL. SiN.;«i Way (SiLAX.iOK) Rubber. The report for 1906 states that the area 1 during the year was :N9 iierea, tuakn^ the total area at December :Jl, U»Ot>, ores. The ye*r was a particularly unh^ilthy one m Selangor. During the latter 1 Month* o« the
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  • 7 7 I -nt. is !~!n mo
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  • 29 7 Sprained Ankle. Stiff Neck, Lame Shoulder. three common ailments for whic.n rfaun'a Pain Bain: -ally vmluU ly applied it will --aitfering *hen troubled tbcM ailments. Sold ly ail
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  • 67 7 Bank 4 m/s 2/4£ demand 2 4;, Private credits 3 m/s 2/4^ credits 6 m/s 2/4|£ Francs, demand Bank... 294 Gbemant, demand 239 India, T. T 173^ Hongkong, demand 8J dis Yokohama, demand Ll 5 Java, demand 140*. Bangkok, demand 63 Sovereigns, Bank Buying 8.55 Bank of England Rate...
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  • 129 7 May 10. Tin buyers 95. Gambier 6.65 Gambier Cube No. 1 10.35 Gambier Cube No. 2 9.50 PepperBlack(ordin.S'pore) 18.10 Pepper, White (fair L.W. 5 p.c.) 25.90 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) 25.50 Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) 40 00 Mace (Banda) 65.00 Cloves (Amboina)- 43.00 Liberian Coffee 22.00 Tapioca.
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  • 520 7 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued paid up Value up Company. WucUHon. $300,000 30<\000 10 10 Belat Tin M. Co. Ltd 19 $300,000 225,000 10 10 Bniang Limited lv 50 $600,000 60",0C0 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd 18 75 £+00,000 350,000 £1 £1 Duff Development Co. Ltd
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 641 7 advertisements. On the Berth. BRITISH INDIA S. N. Co., Ltd. FOR Penanp', Rangoon and Calcutta The Company's Steamer TARA 6,322 tons. A. H. Acheson, Commander will be despatched for the above ports on Thurs- day. the 16th inst. at 4.30 p.m. She has excellent accommodation for first and second class
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    • 435 7 SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAM SKI? Co, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. Ltd. The Coinp^nifc;' ataftßMn an deapatohad Liverpool outwards for tl Japan very w e V, and fro:.. Japaa hoaaai far LcndoL., ajaatavdaai and Aulwaip avery night, %n-l for Haneilles, y. Onauutwatd ataaaaar araty Mdayi extends to Vancouver, Seattle
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    • 399 7 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE. By the Dew Bteairer RMMMTt," Ha: s: ur.c." H ;.nd the SCA.NDL4 and SILFSIA. TLe sw ■atrjcr'- have l T Jsnriota P-asvjngtr |M throughout by electric: iy, cibin Laundry on board. Beton tickeii 'am y- an, 'hroiLtb tiekct,h 1-: by Lad :c Lcn.': and llatab n
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  • 611 8 The 53rd ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China was held on 1 7th ult. at the Cannon-street Hotel. E.C. Sir Montagu Cornish Turner (chairman of the company) presided. The chairman addressed the meeting, proposing
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  • 298 8 riAjn Pfeawsm'i Thki\ >n Sit unity before Mr Coluian Inspector 11 tf charged a Chiaaman from a hou«*» m Eu£ Bee L-ine. A Chinese dime gave evidence t feet that >>n Friday niijht she > v Chinamen lurk:ug near her honm suJdeuly one of them nsshed
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  • 71 8 Ah r reruarkB Tho«v>m:r ol fi i.K> or so ot 4 per cent, bonds t? *he Government will ci-rae at an opportune time lor iirvi :reii:uin irv details show that thl ike the form <-f th» for rela9hort term with a sraioa per pent stock bmmmj is I uin-l lot
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  • 943 8 R Decision of the Court, Master's and Mate's Tickets Suspended. le Marine Court of the stranding of the British collier Candleshoe m the Gulf of Suez on Feb. I*2 continued on Saturday morning. Mr Sproule, D. P. P. conducted the En- j quiry on behalf of the
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  • 75 8 A Good Suggestion C. B. Waimrrigm of Lemon City, Fla., L. S. A., lias written the manufacturers that uetter resulu are obtained from the iam's Colic, Cholera and Diar- Remedy m caaea of pairu m the atr»mach, colic an«l cholera raorbus by taking it m hot as can bt: dr^nk.
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  • 211 8 S.C.C. v. R.G.A. On the Esplanade on Saturday, on a wet wicket the match endqd as follows. Williams for the S.CC. and Capt Stanborough (R.G.A.) batted very well, each contributing a valuable innings. Score and bowling analyses s. c. c. A. W. Bailey b Arthur 10 William* c Madden
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  • 93 8 200 YM. QVAKTKBX.I EV&.CB. Then wa:> 1 attendance ot members it Taajoag Katong fostwiisj morning to wtß thu race. Oat oi i largo number of Sntriei eleven started and lair race en> u^-d The men kn the tide and the race wm wou by a long >fur r
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  • 118 8 I.NAI IRATION OK A DIRBICI GUARD Loi»;e. There was a meeting at the Masonic Temple on Wednesday evening to inaugurate j n District Grand Lodge for Ceylon. H. E. Sir Henry Blake was present, m addition to about ti or :*»«J others representing the five Lodges m
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  • 236 8 Ten Yeaks of Plaoub. Simla, April. '22. There has been a large annual increase m the deaths from playue. these having numbered two hundred and seventy-tour thousand m 1901) five hundred and seventyseven thousand m 1002 tight hundred and fifty -one thousand iv [90S and one million
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  • 106 8 There v probably no medicine manufactured that |can be foun -.1 m more homes m the United States than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has been ir. general use for over thirty years an»i each successive epidemic of diarrhoea srjd tiysenhnriac this time ha? tested
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  • 245 8 The British steamer Fansang from Hongkong on Saturday brought 1019 coolies. There were no deaths on the voyage. The Shirley from Calcutta on Saturday brought down a consignment of Bengal coal for Singapore. The Sea Mew, with H. E. the Governor on board, returned to Singapore on Saturday
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 22 8 Economy m the End. w ioMi of Chamberlain 's Cough Remand periutpo save a doctor's bill later on. It alwavj enrea cure*
      22 words
    • 183 8 AGENTS. ■■■m —i J B— ijJL^LktJJfc wK- iihJLlf ISiJi^BMrT hBBI iß^^^^wiWi^l^sfl>Sl^9 H ■V bbbl Vbb mb Ik I wVbL yHSbI M d t.iS !Bk Ti R H 81/tI «k AVB BY 881 BI BB B b B! BBB*v 1 vQH BB B X BBc B B!Si t *«j K« B
      183 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 502 8 PASSENGERS. Per Hye Leong Messr3 Hemtin, Hankey, Keng Wliye, Ban Lim, Teok Yoh. Per Penanfj Datoh Sri Lei a. Raja Pakse, Messrs Fred Pollock, Lacons, Mudespacker and Travers. Per P O Oceania Miss Fram, Lieut. 1. H. Gott, Mr E. Braniull, Mr P. A. Church, Mr T. D. Betteridge, Mr
      502 words
    • 846 8 VESSELS IN PORT. o Wen-of- Wu Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For Wb« McClellan Am. tra.. 1870 Lothrop Jan 12 Manila Dook. Sea Belle F.M.S. Yacht 48 Ahmat Feb 5 P. Swet. for docking Sea Mew Col. Yacht 500 Mnrphy May 11 P. Swet. Uncertain" Ship Flag ft Tons
      846 words